HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-10-11, Page 4'PAGE FOUR. THE WING1-1A1V1ADVANCE-TIMES: EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED R. A. REID, Leading Eyesight Specialist of Stratford fol. 16, years, comes to Williams'. Jewelry Store, Optical Department, EACH WEDNESDAY MORNING from 9.00 until 12.00. HaveYour eyes examined by an expert and be sure of satisfaction. y Glasses adjusted without charge. Quick service on all repairs. Williams' jewellery Store OPTICAL DEPT., R. A. REID, REG. OPTOMETRIST. ARE YOU THE MAN? Reliable man between 25 and 50 years, with car, needed immediately to hand out Soap, free, in established local rural ' route and supply everyday Necess- ities including Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Medicines and Stock Tonics. R. Cooper's sales ex- ceed $150.00 single day. Beginner must be satisfied with $27.50 week- ly at start. Credit furnished. Write, Norman Edmonds, 3. R. Watkins Company, Montreal, Que. BIG FLOUR SALE, OCT. 12, 13 Car of Maple Leaf Flour put up in Pink and Blue Gingham bags $2.75 cwt, cash off car. Put in winter sup- ply, Flour worth $3.15. W. J. Free- man, Superior Store, Teeswater, Ont FOR RENT -A frame house with all convenience, double garage. Apply to Mrs. H. J. Thompson. FOR SALE -7 roomed House, and barn, electric wired, hen house, also 5 acres pasture. Apply Edwin Lewis Wingham. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the amount of the purchase price of the farm lands and premises, at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days. The farm lands and premises will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Purchasers of the other assets which are being sold without reserve, shall pay cash at the time of sale,. Further particulars and conditions of sale with respect to all assets will be made known at the time of sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED Executor .302 Bay St., Toronto. T. R. Bennett, J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ont. Wingham, Ont. Auctioneer. Solicitor for the Executors. combo, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. . Potatoes, Irish Cobbler, A, Schmidt M. McMillan; Potatoes, early, ,any other,;,. Sclinihltii F..'Jacques; .Pota` toes,eeitliMrn ntai•rii.,W' J I Weher, N. Se idt;` Potatoes, late variety; any. other, L. Dem'erling, H. Sparling; Swede Turnips, for feeding purposes, J: A. Bryans, A. Schmidt; Swede Tur- nips, for table use, M. McMillan, N, Durrer; Mangolds, red, Jas, Walkout, A. Schmidt; Mangolds, yellow, N. Cowan, C, E. Gregg; Mangolds, white, N. Schmidt, A. Schmidt; Carrots, gar- den, E. A, Fallis, N. Schmidt; Carrots field, W. E. Freeborn, A. Schmidt; Fodder Corn, N. Schmidt, J. R. Ster- ling; Celery, W. E. Freeborn, C. Bride Potato Onions, Jos. Thomson, E, Jac- ques; Seed Onions, Jas. Carnochan, W E, Freeborn; Onions from Dutch Sets Mrs. R. Brimblecombe, W. E. Free- born; Collection of Onions, Mrs. N. McDermitt, Dr. J. Grieves; Parsnips, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe, W. J. Weber; Pumpkins, N. Wade, W. Hainstock; Citrons, Mrs. R. Briinbleocmbe, C. Clark; Long Blood Beets, A. Schmidt, .Jas Carnohcan; Turnip Beets, Mrs. HOWICK FALL FAIR PRIZE -WINNERS (Continued from Page Two) kom; Pickles, sweet mustard, E. A. FOR SALE-17 17 aces with Brill: Fallis, C. McLaughlin; box Candy, W. C. Hill, W. E. Freeborn; Tomat- oes, large, Mrs. R, Brimblecombe, W. E. Freeborn; Tomatoes, small, N. Schmidt, Mrs. C. McGillvray; Cabbage white, Jas. Walkom,. Jas. Carnochan;. Cabbage .red, W. E. Freeborn, A. Schmidt; Red Peppers, E. A. Fallis, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe; Cauliflower, Mrs., Brimblecombe; Collection of E. G. Rickert, Mrs. N. McDermitt; Fancy Work,, Miss Livingston 1 and 3, Watermelons, D. Borho, Mrs. John Mrs. Somers 2; Collection of Crochet, W. Strong; Squash, Jas. Carnochan, Mrs. Brimblecombe, Mrs. Savage, Dr. Grieves: Cucumber, W. E. Free - Livingston Pyjama Bag, Mrs, Peeb- les,i:Miss Cameron. • Ladies' Personal Wear Night Robe; embroidered, Mrs, Sav- age, Mrs. McGillivray; Night Robe, other hand trim, Mrs. Savage, Mrs, Hone; Ladies' Smock, Miss Livings- ton, Mrs, Musgrove; Handkerchiefs, 3 styles hand trimmed, Mrs, Savage, Mrs. 'Somers; Shopping Bag, Mrs. Hone, Miss Livingston; Fancy Plirse,, new style, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Bri ible- comber House Dress, hand made, Mrs: Ramage, .Mrs. McLean; Kimona, fancy, Mrs, McNicholl, Mrs, Hone; Bed Jacket, silk or wools, Mrs. Mc - Nicholl, Mrs. Hone. Infants' Wear Jacket, wool, knit or crochet, Mrs. Hone, W. E. Patterson; Bonnet, silk or wool, knit or crochet,. Mrs, Ram - age, Mrs. Davey; Booties and Mitts, Mrs. ` Hone, Miss Livingston; Child's Knitted Suit, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. El- liott; Child's Short Dress, dainty, Mrs., Savage, C. McLaughlin; Smock suit or pantie dress, Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. Savage, IVtiscellaneons Needle Craft Tatting, fine, Mrs. Musgrove, Miss Livingston; Filet Crochet, fine, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Brimblecombe; mod- ern Cross Stitch, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Thursday, Octobolr 11, 1934 Bay'lnr, , Francis ,Durrer, Grant Dan- brookriBantams, Wm, :Jackson, Billie Newtr tfi� faienn' Austin; :Pigeons, Fan- tail,: Francis• ,Durrer, Grant Danbrook' 2 and 3; Pigeons, A,O.V;, Francis Durrer, Wm, JackSoa,Rab'rnond Bayr. lor; •Bird House, W J. Weber: SALEM Holiday Visitors: Miss Eve. McMichael, of "fort Bur- well with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMichael; Miss Edythe Weir, Miss Annie McBride and Mr. Percy Bridgman of Muskoka Falls, with IVIr.. and Mrs, W, E. Weir; Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir, of Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir, Diamond Jubilee services will be held here next Sunday, Oct. 14th, at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. when Rev. Mr, Monteith of Teeswater, will preach. The Wroxeter Uniter Church Choir will furnish the music at the evening service. The following Sunday, Oct. 21st, services will be held at 2.30 p.m,. and' 7.30 p.m. when Rev, C. W. Mc- Kenzie of Southampton will occupy the pulpit. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 23rd, a fowl supper will be given in the church basement followed by a Brant; modern Cut Work, Mrs. Sav- programme. This needs no introduc- age, Mrs. Brant; Wool Work, Needle- •tion as the Salem ladies are noted for point, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Brimble-their fine display of eatables of every combe; Bed Room Set, Mrs. Savage, description and we will assure you that you need not go away dissatisfied with what you have received at the table. So come along and boost this 60th anniversary occasion and bring your friends too. Admission to supper 35c and 20c. House and bank barn, adjoining the cream, maple or fudge, Mrs. R. Brim -- town. Apply Advance -Times. blecombe, Jos. Thomson; Maple Syrup Jos. Thomson, A. E. Toner; Strained Honey, A. E. Toner, Jas. R. Sterling;; Collection of Jelly, E. G. Dickert, Mrs. FOR SALE -Wall case, Electric fix- tures, Show Cases, Awning, Tables, Stoves, Chairs, Shelving, Cash Reg- ister, Safe, Linoleum, Window Fix- tures, ixtures, and all the usual Fixtures us- ed in a store, Cheap for Cash. Ap- ply George Williams, Jeweller. PROPERTY FOR SALE -In Bel - grave -A large 1pt with brick house and stable, to close estate of late Mrs. John McGee. Must be sold in 30 days. J. J. McGee, R. R. 3, Wing - ham; Harry F. McGee, Box 37, Wingham. WANTED TO BUY Bedroom Toil- et Set, Blue, Yellow or White, Ap- ,� ply Advance -Times. WOOD -Kindling stripes and cut- tings for ut-tings.for light burning. Rerduced price while present supply lasts. C. -Lloyd & Son, Limited, Phone 45. IN MEMORIAM • BAIRD-In ever loving memory of our ". beloved Brothers and Sister, who died, Ena Ann Baird, Sept, 13, 1931, aged 2 years, 11 months, 3 weeks; Robert John Baird, Sept. 2, 1922, aged 20; William George Baird, Oct. 18, 1933, age 19. Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that is still. Ever remembered by their Brothers and Sisters. born, Jas. Carnochan; Table Corn, N. Schmidt, A. Schmidt; Field Corn, A. Schmidt, N. Schmidt; White Beans, N. Cowan, Mrs, N. McDermitt; But- ter Beans, E. Jacques, N. Cowan; Far- portrait or figure, Miss L. Grant, Miss mer's Basket of Vegetables, A Livingston; Oil Painting, still life, Schmidt, W. J. Weber; Eight Varlet- i Miss L. Grant, Dr. Grieves; Oil Paint- ies of Vegetables, Mrs. Ramage, Mrs. ;ing, flowers or vegetables, Miss Liv - R. Brimblecombe; Six Swede Turnips ingston, Miss Grant; Single piece of' for Feeding, one bag of C.I.L. Fertil- I work, not otherwise listed, Miss Liv- izer, donated by C.I.L. Industries (G. P Baker, local agent)-Robt. Baker. LADIES' WORK Domestic Needle Craft Quilt, pieced cotton, Dr. Grieves, Mrs. McNicholl. ARTS AND CRAFTS Oils Oil Painting, landscape, Miss L. Grant, Miss Livingston; Oil Painting, ingston. Water Colors Landscape, Miss Livingston, W. E. Patterson; Marine,,lvIiss Grant, W. E. Patterson; Portraits^or" Figure, Miss Nellie Greensides; Quilt, applique, Grant, Miss Livingston; Flowers, -Miss M. Livingston, Miss M. Camer- grouped, Miss Grant, Mrs. Savage; on;. Quilt, tufted, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Any other subject, Miss Grant, W. E. Ramage; Collection canned fruit, Miss, Brimblecombe; Quilt, fancy quilted, Patterson; Best single work not oth- L. Fischer, E. G. Richert;"collection new style, Miss Cameron, N. Cowan; .erwise listed, Miss Grant, Mrs. Sav- of pickles, C. McLaughlin, Mrs. R. Bed Spread, fancy, G. Brown, Mrs. age. Brimblecombe; Crock of Butter, Mrs. savage; Comforter, hand -made, down Miscellaneous S. H. Nicholson; Loaf of home-made White Bread, Jas. Carnochan, W.. C. Patterson; workingman's Dinner, Mrs... J. H. Williamson; Collection of home,- made Baking, W E. Patterson, W. Weber, Mrs. W. Somers; Pair of filling, W. E. Patterson; Comforter, Pastel, colored, Miss Livingston, C. hand -made, wool filling, Mrs. H. M. Bride; Crayon, _scene, Miss Grant, Nichol, Mrs. C. G. McPhail; hand knit Miss Livingston; Crayon, figure sub - men's woollen socks, coarse, Mrs. Jno. ject, Miss Grant, 1VI,rf.; Peebles; Pen Elliott, D'r.. Gfieves; hand 'knit -men's and Ink Sketch, W ,E. Patterson, Mrs. woollen socks, fine, Miss Livingston, Peebles; Sepia, a 1y 'Subject, Miss' Dressed Ducks, $3.00 cash, donated 1Virs. J. A. Hone; hand knit men's Grant, Dr. Grieves; Best single work by Roy Gadke: James Carnochan; 5 mitts, Mrs. J, Musgrove, Mrs, C. Mc- it c- I not otherwise listed, Miss Grant,''W. One Pound Prints of Dairy Butter, Gillivray; work apron, home-made,5E. Patterson. ' Silver-plated Old English R.eproduc- Mrs. Brant, Dr. Grieves; unbleached Crafts tion Casse role, value $9,50, donated by Icotton apron, embroidered, home- Basketry, Dr. Grieves, Mrs. McGil- the Robt. Simpson Co. -C.. Bride. made, Miss Cameron,_ Mrs. McPhail; livray; Wood Carving, Miss Grant, PLANTS AND FLOWERS man's best fine shirt, home made, Mrs. Brimblecombe; • Best Piece of Asters, Mrs.. V. Shera, W. E. Free- Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. Musgrove; Sealing Wax Art, • Miss Livingston, born; Dahlias, Mrs. 'A. 'Stinson, D. working mans shirt, home-made, Mrs, Mrs. Savage, Best assorted bunch of Borho; Sweet Peas, Mrs. W. Peebles, McGillivray, Mrs. Somers; Six useful Painted Weeds and Flowers, Mrs. N. Jischer., articles made from_sugar sacks or McDermitt, xrr John Baylor, Stocks,Miss L. F ,, John Baylor Gladiolas ' Spikes, D. Borho, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe; Bou- quet for living room table, Marjorie Baker, Dr. Grieves; Basket of Annuals Mrs. Brimblecombe; Mrs. C.'(Mitchell; Pansies, W. E. Freeborn, A. E. Ton- er; Petunias, Mrs. C. G. McPhail, C. Bride; Phlox, John, ay or, r . . ' G. McPhail; Zinnias, J. A. 'Bryans, EXECUTOR'S SALE Miss L. Fischer; Marigolds, French, Of Miss L. Fischer, Mrs. Ramage; Snap- "FARM LANDS, STOCK, IMPLE- 'dragons, Mrs. McPhail C Bride; Sal- • MENTS, Etc. piglossis, D. Borho, E. Jacques; Col To close the estate of of FREDER lection of House Plants, Mrs. Mc, ICK HARDIE, Deceased. THE TRUSTS AND GUARAN- Phail, Mrs. C. Mitchell; Begonia, Rex TEE COMPANY, LIMITED as Ex- variety, Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. John W. ecutors of the said estate will offer Strong; Begonia, other fancy, Mar - the following for sale by Public Auc- jorie Baker, Mrs. Ramage; Geran- tion by T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer, on the farm premises Tums, E. Jacques; Fern, Mrs. John W. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1934 Strong, Mrs. C. Mitchell; Fo liagg e f at 1.30 p.m. Farm Lands: The West half of Lot Plant, Mrs. John W. Strong, Dr, 24 d the North half of Lot 25 both Grieves; Hangi and Basket for veran E. in the First Concession of the Town- dab, J• A. Bryans; .Window bol, flour bags, Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. Musgrove; Braided mat, Mrs. -McNi- chol, Mrs. Hone; Hooked rag mat, Mrs. Hone, Miss Livingston; Mat, any other kind, Mrs. Brimblecombe 2nd; Knitted or Crochet Afghan Wool, Miss Livingston, Mrs. D. A. Fowler; best darned sock or stocking, Mrs. Musgrove, Dr. Grieves. Living Room Furnishings Table Centre, colored linen, em- broidered, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Savage; Table Centre, colored linen, any oth- er hand trim, Mrs.- John Elliott, Mrs. McPhail; Table Runner; colored linen, any hand trim, Mrs. Brant, Mrs. Fowler,; Fancy Pillow, any new style or idea, Mrs. Hone, Miss Cameron; Sofa Pillow, embroidered, Mrs. Brim- blecombe, Mrs. Fowler; Card Table Cover, Mrs. Savage, W. E. Patterson; Pair Cushions, hand made, Mrs. Mc- Gillivray, Mrs. Fowler; Lamp Shade, ship of Cuirass, in the County of A. Fallis, Mrs. Ramage;verandah Miss Liginston, Mrs. Ramage. • Bruce, containing 121 acres more or box, Mrs. Ramage; coll. Potted Plants Dining Room Furnishings less, situate on a good road 4 miles J A. Bryans; Basket of Cut Flowers, Luncheon Set, 7 pieces, .embroidered r - from the Town of Wingham and is watered by a drilled well, On the C. Bride; Bouquet of Flowers for Liv Mrs. Brant, Miss. Livingston; luncheon property is said to be a good frame ing Room, Mrs. Ramage barn 66 ft. x 56 f t. and Straw Shed FRTJIT 42 ft. x 55 ft, on stone foundation, I Winter Apples -Ontario, Jas. ; R. small driving and implement shed and Sterling,N. Cowan Northern Spy, ton Mrs. Savage; Centre Piece col - eightframe dwelling house containing ig , rooms and woodshed in good Jas. R. Sterling, D. Borho;° Rhode Is- gored linen, embroidered, Mrs. Savage, repair. land Greening, N. Cowan, ;IS.' Borho 1 Mrs.: Somers; Centre Piece, colored SSTOCIK-Horses: 1 Bay Gelding, Wagner, J. R. Sterling, N. Cowan; linen, any other trim, Mrs. McGilli- about 6 years; 1 Bay Mare, 10 years. King of Tomkin's County, Jas. R. !vray, Miss Livingston; Buffet Set,. Cattle: 1 Red Durham Cow, milking; 1 Grey Durham, due to calve in Sterling; Russet, J. R. Sterling, D. 'white, any hand trirn, Mrs. Fowler, March; 1 Red Durham; due to calve Borho; Baldwin, D. Borho,N. Cowan; Mrs, Brant; Buffet Set, colofed linen, in March; 3 Yearling Heifers; 3 Peewankee, Jas, R. Sterling, D. Bor- any hand trim, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Spring Calves. Implements; 1 Mas -ho. Tolman 'Sweet N. Cowan, J. R. McGillivray; Pair tray cloths, Mrs, Set, '7 pieces, other hand trim, Mrs. Brant, Miss Livingston; Centre Piece, white, any hand trim, Miss Livings - soy -Harris No. 7 Cream Separator, ' practically new; 1 Massey -Harris Hay Sterling; collection of Winter Apples, Loader; 1 Massey -Harris Manure Jas. R. Sterling, D. Borho. Spreader; 1 Wagon; 1 hiding Plow; Fall Apples 1 Steel Land holler; 1 Massey Harris Ribson Pippin, J. R. Sterling, D. Seed Drill; 1 Massey -Harris Horse 'Borho; Colverts, J. R. Sterling, Rake; 1 Massey -Harris Cultivator; 1 ng', I7. Icor Massey -Harris Mower; 1 Massey -Hat- ho; Alexander, Mrs. A. Stinson, Jas. ris 6 ft. Cut Binder; 1 Panning Mill; S,tropg; Snow Apples, N. Schmidt, J, 1 Gurney 8r Ware 1 -ton Scales; 1 Rolland; St. Lawrence, N. Cowan, W, Gasoline langine usedfor driving wa- J. Weber; Wealthy, I. R. Sterling, J. ter hump; 1 Walking Plow; 1 Turnip Pinter; 1 Cutter 0. Buggy; 1 set of Holland; McIntosh', Red, N. Cowan, boiible Harness, Produce. About 8 , D, Botha; Gravenstein, N. Cowan; tons of Hay, Timothy Clover and Alf- ',collection, D 7'orho�J��qq,}r�%lland Wheat; �Cythct����tiCt uantity : >: les N Peeb a�. . A, t cs 'hf r's', W � i , I,rs, A. : ° •A s of e' , e it t°I'bars . �.. ?sterling, li trio nu au • o tyliyy iy a nal 14, ,. i t, 1921 Chotole : ;,Ira mi�r,Mt About 280 jtus, , •, ilk Oats; A About 3' �5 bus. of tl • Cr pp , ltr ru 5 til x b� t ra"n i� � of irate , �' ] Hens Bar . car Inolu nrC� j G r J Br i able 'r s t t'tien ion lnc it in tah Brant, Mrs. McNicholl; Three Tea Towels, embroidered, Mrs. Hone, Mrs. McGillivray. Sleeping Room Furnishings Pair Pillow Cases, embroidered, Mrs, Fowler, Mrs, Brant; Pair Pillow Cases, any other hand trim, Mrs. Sav- age, Mrs, Davey; Pair Hand Towels, embroidered, Mrs, Brant, Mrs. Sav- age; 'Pair hand `Towels, any other handl int, Mrs. Brant, Miss Livings- ton; :I t1S,gioWel's,•iiafid'trit imed, Mrs. Rorie; Mils dMc lieho11; Dresser. Tun - nor, white, rs.,Savage, Mrs Towler; Paris milliners had aninspiration. ion i st� a Vanity Sot, 3`pieces, Mrs. 3rant,'Ms, The fall bats wouid be classtca1, for Med Savage; Boudoir Lump Shade, Mi'ss'y reign, ii ed.c ' tr soA li'49.3 $i e.; =Toi '„" Ifs, China , Realistic Design, Miss Grant, Miss Livingston; Conventional design, Miss Grant, Miss Livingston; Ornament or Vase, Miss Grant, Miss Livingston; Lustre or Matt Work, Miss Livings- ton, 11'lliss Grant; Best. collection, Miss Grant, Miss Livingston. ° CHILDREN'S' WORK Miscellaneous Water color drawing, Dorothy Heinmiller, Isobel Watson, Mrs, Mus- grove; Pencil drawing, Dorothy Hein- miller; Isobel Watson; coll. of leaves, Mrs. Musgrove; Collection of Wild Flowers, Mrs. Musgrove, J. Weber; Best specimen of penmanship, Dor- othy Heinmiller, Isobel Watson; Bird house, David Grieve, J. R. Sterling; Guinea Pigs, Francis Durrer, Mac Smith, Jim Smith ;,,Rabbits, Raymond MORRIS puf .ui YOUR FURNACE iS CALLING FOR ELAIRS Attend to it NOW before it becomes necessary to keep the fires going, and have it ready for the win- ter's use. Phone 58 for prompt service. • , Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman, of Dut- ton, spent Thanksgiving with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosman and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosnian. Miss Clara Mathers of Saskatoon, visited with uncles and aunts on the 1st line and in Bluevale and with her cousin, Mrs. Robt. Warwick, 2nd line. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson. and son, of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock visited with friends at Dungannon and the Nile over the week -end. The Misses McCurdy of Wingham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bosman, 2nd line. Miss Ethel Johnston, Byron, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston. Mrs. Gray -You're looking very happy this morning. Have you'had good news? Mrs. Jay -Wonderful! My husband has broken down and we're going to the seaside for a holiday. Chartered Banks Will Assist New Investors in Refunding Loan For the particular convenience of new investors who wish to subscribe in modest amounts: for the bonds of the 1934 Refunding Loan, the charter- ed banks have agreed with the Dom- inion Government to loan up to 75% o the par value of bonds purchased by new investors. For example, a $100 bond may be purchased with a deposit of $25;: a $500 bond with a deposit of $125, and a $1,000 bond with a deposit of $250. In each case the balance of payments may be spread over periods up to six months, and the banks will carry the.bonds at 4% interest. ruf/iMdrka" • INTfRfOR'� EXTERI JF ELMER. WILKINSON J TIMOTHY',S CROSS WORD PUZZLE Across 1. Wan av Hipburiusroight hand min. 5. A clothes .av a fish. 9. To lower the value. 11. No up to the mark. 12. Scorches. 13. The fellah who gives us the beer. 16. A moild Irish shwear wurrud, 17. Found in'schools and awfices. 18. An imitator. 20. Onto his;jawb 22. A bye's name. 24. Wan av Hipburn's min. 25. Fellahs who always vote wan way. 27. D'er. 28. A'S, 30. A ,girrul's name.•, 32. Part of the leg 36. A. Tory convinshun. 37. Not fursht: 38. Wan av Mishter Hinry's min. 40. Shlapes, out loud. h 41. A ,great foighter in the ould days. • 42. To shtroike out. 43. Whose polishy is the besht fer the counthry. Down 1. An. alligator. 2, Floated. 3. A suit in cards. 4. Some pollytishans tell thim. 6. A critic. 7. The " Pairty av Purity". 8. Mishter Binnitt's big shot. 10. Part of a flower. 11. To hustle. 14. Rips. 15. Equal - slang. 19. Ting to hang coats on. 21. To talk too much. 22. The top shtorey. 23. Agreed. 24. The hid av a drain. 26. A Scotch name: 29. A tree. 30. Tb say over again. 31. Makes mishtakes. 33. Another av Hipburn's min. 34. Two wurruds main ye wud loike to do someting but can't. 35. Payple ould enough to vote. 39. A soft shnap. Answers next week. SOMETHING NOVEL IN THE MILLINERY WORLD t' ....1n :�- i wo rtlg Teetln$i-s.'and black cockad. e by fall sport's s wear,ar , modelled lled along An- o f Mercury's cur s chapeau. lrlackfelt hat, trim- 1ifs ori ih, 2#'�d�isli felthat for modelled after the G reek�x�its i r�•atinz� alois is named "Mongol"after e ican d er' iatY�.0pf•w y. i . RRTM��yy 5.MM1yy..; yA 'Am Ilei '1 %.. ' % I f �. q I 110 III I 1 m 12 1 1 "M 1 13 1 14 1 115 • IN 1 �fl16 1 17 1 . W118 119 1 'Am " .. .. t; yk .TFC Tm . 1 ,� 7i�i.0 21 - �� Tic •20 y, 'N, 22 23 2 i 1,1 1 fi 25 26 1 27 1 1 iT. 28 29 1 I 7AM �w 1?R INA 1 '��� 30 31 yyw 32 33 134 ,y� "Aw, 35 36 I' I' :37 I 1 3B 39 111 40 I` I41 I ?a,� 1. i m. I "zi lir Tm 'gym m >^ 42 1 1.4 1 1 TIMOTHY',S CROSS WORD PUZZLE Across 1. Wan av Hipburiusroight hand min. 5. A clothes .av a fish. 9. To lower the value. 11. No up to the mark. 12. Scorches. 13. The fellah who gives us the beer. 16. A moild Irish shwear wurrud, 17. Found in'schools and awfices. 18. An imitator. 20. Onto his;jawb 22. A bye's name. 24. Wan av Hipburn's min. 25. Fellahs who always vote wan way. 27. D'er. 28. A'S, 30. A ,girrul's name.•, 32. Part of the leg 36. A. Tory convinshun. 37. Not fursht: 38. Wan av Mishter Hinry's min. 40. Shlapes, out loud. h 41. A ,great foighter in the ould days. • 42. To shtroike out. 43. Whose polishy is the besht fer the counthry. Down 1. An. alligator. 2, Floated. 3. A suit in cards. 4. Some pollytishans tell thim. 6. A critic. 7. The " Pairty av Purity". 8. Mishter Binnitt's big shot. 10. Part of a flower. 11. To hustle. 14. Rips. 15. Equal - slang. 19. Ting to hang coats on. 21. To talk too much. 22. The top shtorey. 23. Agreed. 24. The hid av a drain. 26. A Scotch name: 29. A tree. 30. Tb say over again. 31. Makes mishtakes. 33. Another av Hipburn's min. 34. Two wurruds main ye wud loike to do someting but can't. 35. Payple ould enough to vote. 39. A soft shnap. Answers next week. SOMETHING NOVEL IN THE MILLINERY WORLD t' ....1n :�- i wo rtlg Teetln$i-s.'and black cockad. e by fall sport's s wear,ar , modelled lled along An- o f Mercury's cur s chapeau. lrlackfelt hat, trim- 1ifs ori ih, 2#'�d�isli felthat for modelled after the G reek�x�its i r�•atinz� alois is named "Mongol"after e ican d er' iatY�.0pf•w y. i . RRTM��yy 5.MM1yy..; yA