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The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-10-04, Page 7
Gorrie and Wr.cxeter News Thursday, October 4th, 1934 .1-10WICK COUPLE'S GORRIE S I LV_ER WED D1N,G -young People Held Open Air 1VIeeting A very interesting event took place I A very interesting evening was ,at the home of Mr. Harvey Sparling spent last Wednesday evening •by the 1 Concession5, Howick Township on young people of Gorrie United Church Wednesda3r evening. to celebrate the when about thirty-five young people twenty-fifth anniversary of the mar- gathered at the park for their open- ria.ge of Harvey Sparling to Christens ing meeting, Johnston, which took place in Ford- I The first part of the evening was -wich, September 29, 1909 when Rev. spent in games under supervision of Miss Velma Lenox, recreation con - Wallace Johnston brother of the bride 1 -officiated. •1,vener. Thewas beautifully I diniung - loom After the games the group gather- -decorated in pink and white, when around a camp -fire and participat- sixty-six sat down to a six o'clock led in a hearty sing -song with a wor- inner and were served by Misses, ship service following. Miss 'Evelyn -d i Jean Sparling, Marjorie Baker, Annie Stephens gave a short talk on thou - Douglas, Norman Rayson, Ruby Mil- ghts from Summer School. ler, Mesdames C. Black and W." Bal- 1 A lunch in the form of a weiner four. roast brought a very pleasant even - The bride's table was centred with ing to a close. a four story wedding cake. A unigue feature of this event was that the Mrs. Jas Bell and Marion Clark guest who sat at the first tables, were spent the week -end with friends in guests at the wedding twenty-five Harriston. years ago. Rev. Johnston proposeMr .and Mrs. W. C. King and son. d the toast to the bride and. groom, stet- Earle spent Friday last with Mr. and ing in his address 'that fourteen who Mrs. I. McLean of Brussels. Mr. R. H. Stephens, M. D. Hicks had attended, twenty-five years ago, of Harriston, and Mr. Raine of Tor - bad passed away. Rev. Butt of Gorrie, onto spent a day last week at Lion's present pastor, seconded. the toast in -which he paid high esteem to the hon- Head, where they caught a number ored couple, remarking that the bride of nice fish. Born—In Walton, on Thursday, was President of the Woman's As- September 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ern- s nt of the Sunday School. The groom ociation and the groom, Superintend- est Radford (nee Lorna Ashton), a e very ably responded, this was followed s°n' Thomas Hall of Plattesville was by addresse's from Earle Johnston, i Mr. nephew of the bride, George Baker, a guest of Mr. and Mrs, George Fos - and Robt. Spotton, cousins of the ter on Sunday. / A number of the congregation ga.th- After supper, Mr. A. E. Toner tool bride. ered at the home of Rev. R. S. Jo -nes on Friday night, when they organized the chair and after calling the bride a St. Stephen's Church Club, officers and groom of twenty-five years ago, forward, Mr. A. Keil read the follow- of which are as follows: Hon. Presi- dent, Rev, R S. Jones; President, Miss ing address. To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling. Ivy Lawrence; Vive Pres., Miss J. P. Stinson;' Secretary, Harold King, and Dear Friends:— Treasurer, Miss Blythe Underwood. We have gathered here this even - The first meeting which will be a ing to celebrate with you the twenty- fifth anniversary of your wedding. musical evening will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor There is no doubt that as you have journeyed throughout the years to- gether, many changing scenes and events have been met in the varied pathway of life. Yet, we know you have been favored with the greatest 'blessings of good health,. and a mea- sure of prosperity. We cannot let this very important event pass, without conveying to you the high esteem in which you are held in this community in advancing ideals of living, always worthy of the best citizenship and for the ever willing help you have both rendered at all times. We hope these gifts will serve as a . constant reminder of many happy days spent among us. Signecl on behalf of your neighbors. Mrs. Thomas Earl and Mrs. John on Friday, October, 12th, with Mrs. N. Wade as convenor. Fell Ito Well Dislocated Collar Bone What might have been a more ser- ious accident happened at the home of Mr. Alius Plauntz on the 8th. Con. of Howick. Mr. Plauntz was digging a well and while Mr. Musgrove and Mr. Chas. Day of Gorrie were taking the earth away as it was brought out the latter took a dizzy spell and fell into the well, falling about twenty feet. While Mr. Plauntz, who was in the.well, helped to break the fall, Mr. Day's collar bone was dislocated, and other bruises and cuts necessitated a number of stitches in his head. How- ever, we are glad to report that Mr. How- 'Cathers presented them with a pyrix Day is getting along fine and hope pie plate and casserole, both set in silver and silver candle sticks. soon to see him around town again. The bride and groom both replied thanking them for their kindness. All Rally Day Service joined in singing, "For they are jolly A very interesting Rally Day Serv- good fellows," after which the couple ice was conducted in 'the United 'were well confettied. Many beautiful Church on Sunday morning, the serv- ice being in. charge of the Superin- gifts were received by the bride and tendent, Mr. Harvey Sparling, with groom. Miss Evelyn Stephens presiding at ed, the first item being a request from minister, Rev. Gordon Butt, who spoke the bride and groom who sang a duett, • Miss Jean and Mr. Clarence Sparling, on "150 years of Sunday School Work", paying tribute to the found - daughter and son, also took various ' er, Robert Raikes, Mr, W. H. Gregg parts. Also Miss Evelyn Holt sang a spoke upon "Our Sunday School of solo, Mr. Barr playing the accomp- yesterday"? pointing out the heroic paniment, Mr. Gordon Holt favored with a solo, his brother Mr. Aldine work of our fathers and Sunday School Leaders of the oldest church, Holt, playing the accompaniment. Vio- building for greater accommodation of lin selections by Mr. J. Holland and an address by Mr. John Winter. the,Sunday School. Mr, Stephens spoke upon the Sunday School of to - Rev. McNeeland of Listowel gave several solos playing his own accomp- day, paying tribute to the officers and animent on the Spanish guitar. /teachers of our present school, and Mr. Sam Johnston and. Mr; Barr pointing out the extent of the Sunday School work in Ontario.and the Dom - gave a duett on the saxophone and inion. Master Leo Ruttan spoke upon piano. All !ambers were enjoyed, also the Sunday School of to -morrow. He the HaWiian Orchestra of Listowel, with their generous ntunbers., all were stated how the boys and girls of to- day will build firrnly upon the fotmd- enjoyed. ation already laid, and will bring Guests were present from GOrrie, truth, honor and service in building Blyth, Fordwich, Bluevale, Winghatn, Palmerston, Listowel, Allinford, Owen the Kingdom of God. A musical numb- . Sound and New York. er was given by five junior girls, ,sing - Everybody went:home -wishing the 1 ing the Booksiof the Bble. Eleanor Carson also gave a piano solo. The host and . hostess many happy returns of the day, and feeling that they had Sunday School room was packed to capacity with parents and children. Spent a sociable and enjoyable itirrie together. •1/4. POPULAR. FOR FALL WEAR (1) A three-piece sweater suit is tweed with matching camel hair shown by Kitty Carlisle, consisting of sweater; and in (2) the lovely Kitty skirt and raglan coat of green -blue again demonstrates a small fall outfit of beige alpaca. Note the short sleev- es of the frock. (3) Rosine of Paris shows this very swagger black wool- len suit trimmed with white fur. vitation was given by the Gorrie Young People to hold their Convent- ion next fall in Gorrie United Church. This invitation was referred to the ex- ecutive committee for action. The regular Huron Presbytery meeting was held on Thursday, in Holmesville. The Gorrie United Chur- ch was represented by the minister Rev. G. W. Butt and Mr. John War- rell. At this meeting an appeal for the needy areas of the West was made. It is expected that a carload of fruit and vegetables will be shipped again this year from Gorrie, through the co-op- eration •of all the churches of Ford- wich, Wroxeter and Gorrie. The annual convention of the Young People's Union of Huron Presbytery '"""'"'"'"'—'.******"•,was held at Dungannon on Friday last the young people who attended 1 from here being, Miss Evelyn Dane, Miss Marjorie Baker, Mr. Hector Hamilton, Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Rev, G. W. Butt and Mr. Eliner Butt, Miss Evelyn Dane had charge of the discussion group of Presidents and Vice Presi- dents of the Society, and Mr. 'Butt led a discussion group on Recreation, Rev, F. W. Craik of Goderich gave an address at the afternoon Session. Miss Evelyn Dane was again elected Vice President of the Union. An itt- Ultra Modern Eye Service F. F. HOMUTH Phone 118. Harriston Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock on Saturday. Mr. S. Adolph of Bridgeport and Mr. A. Dunn of Kitchener were guests of Mr. Victor Shera on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner were in Harriston on Thursday where they as- sisted with the judging at the fall fair. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the United, Church will meet on Thursday October 4 at the home of Mrs. \'V 5. Gamble, Mr .Roy Strong was seriously scalded on Saturday when he remov- ed the cap of the radiator from his tractor, when it was boiling, throwing a spray over him. His many friends will hope he wilti soon be around as usual. The regular Institute meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 9th, owing to Wingham fair being on Wed- nesday, and will be at the home of Mrs. Carrol Gregg. Group 4 will be in charge of the programme, with Ro)1,1 Call, "What I do for cuts or burns." Mrs. Kaine taking the topic " The Foundation for Good Health." Mrs, Barton, daughter Miss Mar- lene and. Miss j, Pearl Stinson were Wingharn visitors one day last week, Mr. William Tyke spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. R. S. Clegg. Miss Margaret Newton R. N, of Lis- towel spent the week -end with her brother Mr. arid Mrs. R. G. Newton. Mr. and Mrs, John Cathers, daught- er Kathleen Mrs. Robt, Cathers, all attended Brussels fair on Friday. On Sports Day, the junior baseball pitcher lost his "Reach" glove, for his left hand, and has been unable so far to find it. If anyone knows any- thing about this, would they please get in touch with phone 23r5 Wroxe- ter or by mail, Box 179 Gorrie, Quite a number from: here attend.- , ed Harriston Fair held. Friday . Mr. David. Dane of Toronto visited Gorrie friends over the week -end. Sacrament Sunday will be held in all three Gorrie Churches on Sunday next, Thanksgiving Sunday. The Pres- byterian Church plan on holding a harvest home service in connection with their Sacrament Service. Mrs. Phoebe Phair is spending a few days this week in Teeswater. Mr. Dave Dane of Toronto is visit- ing friends in the coinmunity week. Mr. Aathur Stephens spent a few days in. Toronto the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie of Middleton, N.S., were guests of their uncle, Mr. James Douglas, Thursday last. Gorrie Presbyterian Anniversary will be held on Oct. 14th, when Rev. W. Moore of 13russels, willl be the special pseaker, also a quartette from Brussels will assist the local choir 'With the musical numbers, also rendering numbers themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Stafford, daugh- ter, Telma, and son, Billy, spent the week -end with Hensel' friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera were Sun- day guests of Mrs. P, Brown of Clif- ford. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston and Miss l3lythe McLaughlin are spending a few days this week in Toronto. WROXETER Miss Mary Harris is spending a few weeks at Seaforth. Miss Mary Howe visited. with Sea - forth friends on Monday evening. Mr. Robt. Wenger of Mitchell, was a visitor in town on Monday. Miss Jessie Johnston, Brussels, for- merly principal of C. S. here, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Miss Margaret McTavish, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish. Miss Aileen Schwab Spent the week- end with Wingham friends, Mr. Thos. Mason, of Edinburgh, Scotland, was an interesting visitor tinting the past two weeks at the home of his cousin, grs. John 'MacLeod. Mrs. D, S. MacNatighton and John were Harriston visitors on Saturday last. Mr. Frank Graham of Fordwich, was a 'Sunday visitorin town. Miss Doris Elliott is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr, Wooisley who has been em- ployed at Waldemar for the summer months moved. his family' to that place our village, but our best wishes go with them to their new home. Mrs. Ross and Miss Ross, Gorrie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 5. J. Allen. Mrs. H. B. Allen was a Thursday visitor at the 'home of Mrs. J. N. Allen. Miss Getrude Sangster, of Detroit, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. Women's Institute Mrs; J. N. Allen opened her home for the September meeting of the W. I., at which there was a large attend- ance of members and visitors. Mrs. J. R. Wendt presided and during the business period Mrs. W. T. McLean and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton were appointed delegates to the convention which takes place in Stratford this month. The roll call, Sandwich Fill- ings, brought an interesting response. Mrs. W. Sharpin was in charge of an exhibit of Quilts and Rugs, of her own making, and they were beautiful indeed. The topic for the occasion was "Making the most of what we have" and was taken by Mrs. Moore - house, of Brussels, who brought out many worthy points to be considered. Mrs. J. Stutt was in charge of Current Events and made interesting comment on many important news items. Dur- ing the tea hour, the hostess was as- sisted by Mrs. J. J. Allen and Mrs. T. Brown, a chapter from Nina Moore Jamieson's book "The Cattle in the Stall" was read by Mrs. D. S. Mac - Naughton. and evening services, when Rev. j. Carmichael was the special spealez, Offerings of autumn flowers fittingly decorated the church, Mr. Carmichael chose as his text at the morning service "Are Churches necessary?" based on Hebrews 11),:25. "Not forsaking the assembling of our. selves together." And at the eyeing services the text was Gen. 5-.24. "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." j Special music including the anthem, I" A Song of Thanlesgiving", We are the Reapers," and "0 Great is the Lord," was rendered by the ehoir. Mrs. Hugh Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. Murdie Edgar of Brussels, spent Sun- day at Woodstock visiting Miss Marg- aret Edgar who is a nurse -in -training there. Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, of Tor- onto has been the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers for the past week, Mrs. Thos. Gibson intends leaving' on Thursday f or Winnipeg, where she will spend the winter with her daughters, Misses Elsie and Marion. Gibson. • Mr. J. L. McEwen made a business trip to Fergus one day last week. Miss Breita Peterson of Rothsay has been spending a few days as the guest of old friends here. Mrs. John Adams is spending a few weeks with friends at Ayre and Galt. • Members of the Continual -ion School were Brussels visitors on Thursday afternoon attending the Brussels C. S. Field day and enjoyed a friendly game of soft -ball with the, Brussels teams. The local girls were successful in winning with a large score, but the boys were defeated 12-9. Mr. Wm. Davidson of near Listowel was the guest of Mrs. John Douglas one day last week • Mr. Sam Burke is spending a .;,veck. at Sault Ste. Marie, on a business trip. Mr. Robert Westlake, of Moose Jaw, Saskis at present visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. llitchell, and other friends here. Mrs. Moorehouse and Mrs. Harry Allen of Brussels were visitors on. Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. N. Allen, who entertained the Wonmen's Institute at which, Mrs. goorehouse, " was a guest speaker. Miss Janet Carter, who has been spending the past few weeks with rel- atives here, left on Monday for her home in Saskatchewan. Mitchell - Stewart At Dale Presbyterian Church, Sat- urday, September 22nd. the marriage took place of Eleanor MacLean Stuart to Glen S. Mitchell, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Rev. John Dav- ey officiating. The Church was dec- orated with palms, roses and gladioli, and the wedding music was played by Grattan Riggs, and during the signing of the register Mr. E. Sullivan sang 'Until." The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. D. D. Sanderson, and she wore a gown of honey dew velvet, with cap -shaped headdress, and - a shoulder veil. She carried a boquet of talisman roses, and was attended. by her sister, Miss Ruth Stuart, and Miss Betty Jean Mitchell. The best man was Mr. Harvey Smith, and the ushers were: Mr. Alex and Mr. Athol Stuart, and Mr. Jack and Mr. Roy Mitchell. After the wedding reception, which was held at the home of the bride's mother, the bride and groom left for Altantic City and New York. The bride travelled in a dress of rust with matching coat, and hat of brown. They will take up residence on Del- oraine Ave., Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. 3. R. Wendt attended, the funeral of the former's cousin, Mr. Newton Pletch, at Alsfeldt, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Alex Porterfield of Belgrave, called on friends in the village on Fri- day. Messrs. Jack and George Town of Detroit spent a few days, the guests of their father, Mr. George Town. Mr, Town accompanied his sons back to Detroit for a short holiday. Among those from here who attend- ed Brussels Fall Fair on Friday were: Messrs Thos. Jacklin, Harry Dane, Stewart Higgins, Kenneth Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Sproul and Miss Jean Milligan. Mrs. Shaw of near Brussels and Mr. Wm. MacDonald of Howick called on their mother, Mrs. Robertson one day last week. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson who has been a guest of Toronto and Hamilton friends for the past two weeks, return- ed home on Friday. Mrs. Wni. Lynn of Howick was the guest of Mrs. Mary Edgar fur a few days quite recently, Miss Margaret Durst of Listowel spent Sunday at her home here. The semi-annual meeting of the Deanery of Huron is being held on Wednesday of this week in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall. Mrs. Robt. Black of Owen is spending a few days with in town. A rally of Girls' Mission Circles and C.G.I.T. Groupes is being held on Friday evening of this week (Octob- er 5th.) at Exeter. The programme begins at 6.30 with the serving of sup- per, and following this the girls will be entertained by a talk by the well- known and much beloved authoress, Marion Keith, and also by a Korean girl, who will be a source of great interest to the girls. The travelling Belgians entertained quite a number of spectators in the village on Friday evening, when the Irian who was seven foot tall amused his audience by placing himself in a box two feet square, and other such amazing tricks, Miss Dorothy MacTavish who has spent the summer in Muskoka is vis- iting her mother here at present. Mrs. R. C Berkinshaw and son Bob- by of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Kitchen. and ,lfrs. Kitchen returned to Tor- onto with them to spend a short holi- Wedding Anniversary "Lorksley Hall" the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Sangster, was the scene of a happy gathering on Satur- day afternoon and evening when their 34th wedding anniversary was cele- brated. Mr. and Mrs. Sangster have five daughters: Mrs. Stewart, Moles- worth, Miss Gertrude, Detroit, Mrs. Archie MacDonald, Molesworth, Miss Eva and Miss Jean at home, and all were present at the family dinner as were also Mr. and, Mrs. John Sangs- ter, Listowel, the former being a bro- ther of Mr. James Sangster, and who were also celebrating their 22nd anni- versary. In the evening there was a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster and Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Sangster, when Many called to express'. their good wishes. The tea table at which the eldest daughter, Mrs. Stew- art, poured tea, was centred ;by a iature rock garden, and the daughters assisted in looking after their guests. Toth these worthy couples have the good wishes of all the community kr Sound, friends on Saturday. We regret thcir loss to many years of married life. day. Teachers Convention is being ob- served here on Thursday and Friday of this week, when the local teachers will attend Convention at Tara. Saturday, also was the occasion of another wedding anniversary, when Mr. and Mrs, I. S. Durst celebrated their Silver Wedding anniversary be- ing married twenty-five years. Miss M. Gibson and Mr. Jack Barn- ard, also Mr. and l‘ilts. Joseph Barn- erd of London were Week -end visitors at Mr. John Gibson'a. Anniversary services were observed loariSu rgettvvy disn pttbees atte(lb OCthhtimrcolinviintall "Baby's Own Tablets have been the only medicine myfour children have ever bad, In no single instance has it been necessary to consult orrr doetor." So writes Mrs. Harty Pittner, Cumberland ay, X.13.. When the baby or young child loses appetite; is sleepless or rest* less, has coated tongue, code* indigestion, cold or diarrhoea oris ' teething . , give Baby's Own Tablets for Safe, quick relict* 1'.rib© 25e at all drag stolen. 200, Dr.Williarns' BABY'S OWN TABL.1TS