HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-10-04, Page 4PAGE 41Om 1V1,10.7:11.710 4ila I: • •, mot -in the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard'only to the claims of which it shall then have notice, EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED. R. A. REID, Leading Eyesight SPecialist of Stratford for 16 years, comes to Williams' Jewelry Store, Optical Department, EACH WEDNESDAY MORNING from 9.00 until 12.00 Have your eyes examined: by an expert and be sure of satisfaction. Glasses adjusted without charge. Quick service on. all repairs. Williamsg jewellery Store OPTICAL DEPT., R. A. REID, REG. OPTOMETRIST. malluesinsamiaranuomMr. NMI= THE WINGliA:M. ADVANC4-TIMES ie Haekett, Mrs. Wilfred.' Dre- Miet. Wm. Crozise,' *Sieeerniti„04,' AM, 4:: 11.:.•NA.Mo ary, Mitis Susie Kilpatriek, Mr, Jini McKenzie and Mrs. Lednor attended the:011We S. Sexional convention held in Nile Church on Thursday, Mrs, David Little and daughter, Vers, spent a couple o fdays with Mrs. Isaac Cranston, Gravel Road, Rev: Mr. Paton, Mr. and Mrs. ,Erv- ing, Zinn, Mrs. George Lane and Mr. Elmer Alton attended the Temperance meeting held in Clinton on Wednes- day afternoon. GLENANNAN Miss Mildred Stewart of Howick, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Richard Jeffray, for •a few days last week. - Mrs. Fred Tuck of West Monkton visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Richard Culliton. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent the week -end with Mr .and Mrs. John Rutledge of Brampton. Mr. Harold Gilkinson had a very successful barn raising last Thursday. Mrs. John Metcalfe visitel recently with her daughter, Elva, in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Shoebottom and Dorothy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Marshall. -ARE YOU THE MAN? Reliable man 1THE BANKRUPTCY ACT between 25 and 50 years, with car, needed. immediately to hand out IIIeT THE MATTER OF THE BANK - Soap, free, in established local rural • RUPTCY V JOHN H. BECK0ER, route and supply everyday Necess- DEBTOR. ities including Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Medicines and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Stock Tonics, R. Cooper's sales ex- THAT JOHN H. BECKER, of the ceed $150.00 single day. Beginner Township of Howick in the county of must be satisfied with $27.50 week- Huron, in the Province of Ontario, ly at start. Credit furnished. Write, made an authorized assignment on the Norman Edmonds, J. R. Watkins 29th.day of Septeniber, 1934, and. that Company, Montreal, Que, the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 12th day of October, 1934, EXTRA SPECIAL - "Johnston's at 2.00 p.m. at the office of J. W. Floor Wax"n2 lb. cans, rep. value 13ushfield, Wingham, Ontario. $1.50, for 99c. Johnston'i "Gl- To vote thereat proofs of claims Coat" the new floor finish, pts. 69c; and proxies must be filed with me quarts 99c. Limited quantity, so ior thereto. early. Buchanan Hardware be pr FROM NOW ON MY CHOPPING • Mill will be open every day. Rus- sell Walker, Wingharn. Ti3ose having claims against the es- tate must file the same with the Cus- todian or the Trustee when appointed before disrtibution is made, other- wise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, without regard to such FOR SALE -7 roomed House, and claims. barn, electric wired, hen house, also DATED at Stratford this 2nd day of • Winghain. October, 1934. JOHN STEVENSON, 6 acres pasture. Apply Edwin Lewis Custodian, • Box 43, STRATFORD, Ontario. FOR SALE -17 acres with Brick House and bank barn, adjoining the town. Apply Advance -Times. LOCAL AND PERSONAL FOR SALE --Quebec Heater and Sil- ent Glow Oil Burner. large size. Ap- Just received at Isard's a shipment ply T. A. Currie. of Baby's Coats in Pink, Blue and -- White, sizes 1, 2 and 3 years. Bargain FOR SALE -1 Buffet, dining room at $1.89. Table, 3 rocking chairs, 1 wicker Rev. J. F. Anderson and Mr. Sam. chair, 1 wash stand, 2 bookcase sec- e, rocking nennett attended the meeting of the tions, 1 couch, 1 child's • chair, 1 piano stool, 3 small tables. Huron Presbytery in Holrnesville last Thursday. Apply Advance -Times. -------, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gray of Niag- FOR SALE - Four -burner electric ara Falls, N.Y., were guests last week stove, high oven, splendid condition, • , , kderanne_ Or the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. a real sacrifice. Apply Times. a W. G. Gray. 1 Friends of Mrs. Larry Benninger AN WANTED for Rawleigh Route twill be pleased to know that she is Rawleigh, Dept. CNJ-125-SA, i Total 570, Honors 427, Pass 342. pleman 288, Francis Durnin 286, Jack g recovery from her. Montreal, Canada. 1 S. Reid 481, P. Parker 478, D. Biggs Carter 283, Pat Fitzpatrick 282, Ken - recent operation. PROPERTY FOR SALE -In Bel- ).[.SS Agnes MacLean are attendine 169, I. Harrison 467, M. Droumbolis neth Crawford 281, James Cameron Harold Hutton 265, Clarence 1 Mr. and Mrs. j. I.j. Crawfcrd and grave -A large lot with brick. house !the. World sern!s in Detroit wedne:: 441, I. Chittick 432, L. Hutton 429, 269, and stable, to clnse estate of late d BIRTHS TAYLOR -In the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, September 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tay- lor, Whitechurch, a daughter. 13UCKMAN-In Wingharn. • General Hospital, on Saturday, September 29th, -to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buck- man, Wingham, a daughter. BELMORE Belmore Anniversary, Oct. 7th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Martin of •St. Thomas will have charge of both services. Fowl supper Monday even- ing. Taking advantage of the beautiful September day, the members of the Women's Missionary Society, motored to Wingham Tuesday afternoon and held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mundell. With Mrs. Mc- Lean as leader, meeting opened with singing. followed bY prayer. Topic. by Mrs. Metcalf; reading. Mrs. P. Hak- nev; piano music by Margaret Mun- dell and Tena Reid was greatly en- joyed. Collection, a cent for each day of the month wherein you were born. After prayer by Mrs. Thompson. re- freshments were served by the 1st- 1 ess. a'aio'groommosurnmergonwiNserro. Men's Wear Store For, Outstanding Values, in Men's and Boys' Suits Overcoats, Pants, Rain coats, Sweaters, Under- wear, Work Shirts, Ov- eralls and Smocks,, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furn- ishings. . . . . . • STUDENTS SUITS Extra good value in Students' Suits, fine quality English Wor- sted, choice patterens, Buy and Save at this price 14.75 MEN'S SUITS Fine quality English Worsteds, new models, Bargain at....$18.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS High class tailored Coats, made in good style and quality cloth. at .... . ...... . ....... $16.50 and $18.50 • UNDERWEAR Men's Shirts and Drawers hea- vy wool ribbed, Special Value at $1.00 Men's Wool Cornbinations, all sizes, our Cut Price $1.89 Men's Heavy Wool Socks ... 35c 3 pairs for $1.00. Men's Work Shirts, strong wear ing, large and roomy, our sale price 69c, 75c, 98c OVERALLS Snag Proof Brand, guaranteed, $1.75 value for $1.59 Men's Overall Pants, made of strong Denim, double seat and fronts, a Bargain at $1.59 A Range of Boys' All Wool Pull overs, fancy patterns, sale 98c Men's Sweaters, heavy and all wool, plain or fancy patterns, sale $1,95 and $2.95 ROPMM Big Stock and Best Val- ues in All Departments. PM.C.11•11. H. E. hard & Co. Patrick 2T4i-Jac1 Glousher 268, Ileen Morris 266, Perey'Vanner 243, Jimmie Stoakley 228, Jean ?'entice 223, Shirley Edgar 201; Isabel -RI-ON-YU Hugh Bell 164, Arthur Brown 57, "1 B. Joynt, Teacher. First, Book Total 390, Honors 292, Pass 254. Jean Baker 382 Annie Shiell 371, Wilfred Gannett 368, jack Walker 360, Donald Lloyd 848, Jean Stewart 348, Evelyn Evans 346, Grace Bailey 344, George Copeland 335) Margaret Angus 334, Pauline Clark 331, Jack Ernest 327, Donald MacDonald 327, •Eddie Carter 320, Marjorie French 34.7, Mary Forsythe 317, Irene Glou- sher 317, Gilbert Robinson 312, Cecil Yeo, 308, Helen Jones 300, Billie Lee 299, Fred.die Ohm 298, Walter Burg- ess 296, Raymond Bell 293, Jack Lock - ridge 248, Doris Strachan 232, Mary Prentice 169, Gladys Glousher 110. P. • Johns, Teacher. 'Primary Total 100, Honors 75, Pass 60. Billy McNivin 99, Donald Acteson 98, Wanda Cowan 98, Jack Lloyd 92, Helen Forbes 91, Margaret VanNor- man 89, Betty Thompson 86, Kathleen Droumbolis 85, Billy Fields 85, Teddy Bailey 84, Margaret Robinson 83, Bil- ly Templeman 82, Patricia Wild 80, Jimmy Colborne 79, Alma Thompson 79, Helen Lockridge 79, Lillian Jones 75, Jack Musgrove 72, Jean Willough- by 71, June Everick 70, Mary Vanner 68, Shirley Lloyd 67, Gerald Brophy 63, Milton Brown 37, Robert Morris 25. A. G. Williamson, Teacher. Jack Rich 326, Isabel Ross 326, Jose - Guests of Mrs. Alex. Casemore the phine VanNorman 326, Kenneth Jon - Vena past week. Mrs. Edna 'Molee. es 323, Carroll Casepi,are 316, Jack Verna and Laura. Seaforth, and Mr. J. Garbutt 316, Junior Nivins 313 Georg- ina Evans 310, Betty Fitzpatrick 308, WINGHAIVI PUBLIC Dorothy French 304, Eva Lediet 303, SCHOOL REPORT Alan Williams 300, Charlie Ross 298, Harry Howard 294, James Kennedy of 800 families. Write immediately. imakin a splendid Senior Fourth 293, Isabel :MacLean 292, Iris Tem - B. Rae 417, M. Fothergill 416, A. Ohms 262, John Wilson 258, Wm. av and Thursday this week Mr. W. H. French was in Ottawa Dore 413, R. atrbrigg 413, M. Marsh 30 days,. J. J. McGee, R. R. 3, Wing , Mrs. John McGee. Must be sold - hani; Harry F. ls,IcGee, Box 37, Oast week attending a meeting of the Wingharn. Tariff Board who are gathering in- formation on the door business. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. J. Goodrich and son, of 412, L Clark 396, I. Lamb 391, M. Brophy .390, L. 'MacLean 379, G. Boyle 377, L, Howard 374, E. Camp- bell 362, J. Durnin 360, M. McKibbon Fitzpatrick 252, Reggie Collar 250. M. J. MacDonald, Teacher. Senior Second Total 330, Honors 248, Pass 198. • Donald Hastie 293, Ruth Harris Mea- ford, visited for a few days last week 353, L.. Bullas 349, C. Fitzpatrick 329, 290, Doris Finlay 284, Frances Brophy IN THE MATTERof the bankruptcy with Mrs. G. Droumbolis. Mrs. Good- ' E Carter 323, C. Wellwood 318, B. 281, Grace Parker 281, Jack Day 279, of OWEN HILL of the Township i rich and her son will leave shortly for Lepard 313, J. Mellor 312, E. Edgar Carl Clark 277, Joyce Carter 277, Rob- ' H wi k ithProvince of On- ' 96, R. s -------------------------------------------------75,2 C. Bondi 254, eat Chittick 273, Norma Brown 273, Mildred Fitzpatrick 270, Margaret Finley 267, Donna Buchanan 264, Mary Lepard 264, Grace Small i.,)59, Margaret .MacLean 256, Buddy Cruik- assignment on the 2oth dae ot . ep K. Jackson 394, M. Homuth 393, N. shank 255, Wallace Hutton 253, Jim tember, 1934, and the first meeting of meeting on Friday evening. Fraser 251, Douglas Fry 250, Marjorie creditors will be held on Friday the There will be no service in Donny- Benedict 392, F. Lockridge 382, IL fifth day of October, 1934, at the hour' brook church for the next two Sun- Fothergill 381, G. Roberts 377, J. Van- Falconer 249, Craig Armstrong 243, Fra.nk Zettler 242, Jack Ludwig 236, OZ tario, Farer, Autizi HLediet 225. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN DONNYBROOK A. L. Posliff, Principal. that Owen Hill made an authorized Junior Fourth The Y. P. S. will hold their regular Total 460, Honors 345. of two -thirty o'clock in. tbe afternoon, at Wingham, in the offices of R. S. Hetherington. To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies inust be filed with ,me prior thereto. Those having claims against the es- tate must file the same with the Cris- . WROXETER P. S. FIELD DAY 100 yards -Sr. boys, Bill Martin, Charlie Patterson, Jack Meahan. Int. boys, 75 yd., Jack Durst, Garry Gib- son, Jack Milligan. Sr. Girls, 75 yd., Margaret McLeod, Mime Dodds, Yvonne White. Jr. Girls, 50 yards, Muriel Hennings, Mary Meahan, Paul- ine White. Hop, Step and Jump -Sr. boys, Bill Martin, Reg. Robinson, Jack Meahan. Int. boys, Garry Gibson, Weldon Hambly, Jack Durst. Jr. boys, Allan Harrison. Sr. Girls, Margaret Mc- Leod, Maxine White, Mima Dodds. Jr. Girls, Pauline White, Muriel Hen- nings, Alma Durst. Running High Jump -Sr. boys, .Bill Martin, Gordon Louttit, Jack Meahan. Int. boys, Weldon Hambly, Jack Durst, Garry Gibson. Jr. boys, Allan Harrison, Donald Milligan, John Har- rison. Sr. Girls, Maxine White, Mima Dodds, Margaret McLeod and Yvonne White tied. Jr. girls, Pauline White, Alma Durst, Muriel Hennings. Running Broad Jump -Sr. boys, Bill Martin, Gordon Louttit, Jack Meahan. Int. boys, Jack Durst, Jack Milligan, Bruce Bruke. Jr. boys, Allan Harri- son, Donald 'Milligan, John Harrison. Sr. Girls, Margaret McLeod, Maxine White, Mima Dodds. Jr. girls, Paul- ine White, Bonnie Gibson, Frances Wylie. Standing Broad Jump -Sr. boys, Bill Martin, Reg. Robinson, Gordon Louttit. Int. boys, Jack Durst, Garry Gibson, Weldon Harnbly. Jr. boys, Al- lan Harrison, Verne Hambly, John Harrison. Sr. Girls, Margaret Mc- Leod, Maxine White, Mima Dodds. Jr. girls, Muriel Hennings, Mary Mea- han, Pauline White. Sack Race -Se. boys, Bill Martin, Gordon Louttit, Crawford Gibson. Int. boys, Jack Durst, Garry Gibson, Jack Milligan. Jr. boys, Donald "Mil- ligan, Cecil Wosley, John Harrison. Sr. girls, Margaret McLeod, Olive, Newton, Yvonne White. Throwing Ball -Sr, boys, Bill Mar- tin, Reg. Robinson, G. Louttit, Int. boys, Weldon Hambly, Jack Milligan, Bruce Burke. Jr, boys, Donald Milli- gan, John Harrison, Allan Harrison. Int. girls, Maxine White, Yvonne White, Olive Newton. Jr. girls, Mur- iel Henning, Pauline White, Frances. Wylie. • Chesnut Race -Sr. boys, Bill Mar- tin, Crawford Gibson, Gordon Louttit. Int. boys, Weldon Hambly, Jack Mil- ligan, Jack Durst. Jr, boys, Donald Milligan, Allan Harrison, John Harr- ison. Int, girls, Maxine White, Mima Dodds, Yvonne White, Jr. girl, Mar- Dgatirrestt. Moffatt, Frances Wylie, Alma Biscuit Race -Sr. boys, Bill Martin, Gordon Louttit, Reg, Robinson. Int, boys, Weldon Hambly, Garry Gibson, Jack Milligan, Jr. boys, Cecil Weds - ley, Verne Hambly, Allan Harrison. Int. girls, Margaret McLeod,' Mima Dodds, Yvonne White. Jr, girls, Mur- iel Henning, Frances Wylie, Bonnie Gibsort. Wheel Barrow Race -Sr. boys, Bill Martin and Givdon Louttit; Crawford Gibson and Reg. Robinson. Int, boys, Jack Durst and Jack Milligan; Garry Gibson and Bruce Burke, Jr, boys, Verne Hambly and John Harrison; Al - Ian Harrison and Donald Milligan. Int, girls, ,Margaret iMeteotlii anell Yvonne White;, Minia Dodds antl'OP' Neleitae,, ye, Girls, Frances Wylie 'and' Margaret Moffat; Pauline White and Muriel Henning; Mae Durst and Bonnie Gibson. Three -Legged Race ---Sr, boys, Bill days owing to anniversary services at Norman W16, R. ami, on , . Lois Adams 231, Florence Finley 217, Auburn and Westfiedl. .• patrick 372, E. Curtis 368, H. Brown Doreen Garlick 216, Ambrose Zettler Mrs. Win. Crozier of Crewe, spent 363, .13. Scott 361, B. Saint 357, 13. 216, Viola Droumbolis 212, Alvin Seli a:few days lase week with her parents, Iluegman 356, M. Templeman 356, V. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Campbell. Currie 846, L, Evans 339, A. Small 211, Lloyd Mindy 199, Donald Camp- bell 184. Mrs. Lloyd Hinton, Toronto, is vis- 339, A. Seli 338, V. MacLean 338, 13. • 'ing with her mother, Mrs. J. M. C:un- todian or the Trustee when armoietc cl before distribution is made, otherwise ningham. the proceeds of the estate will be dis- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish and ann y of Hanovei, were recent visit- Campbell 295, J. Ross 289, 13. Groves tributed among the parties entitle.d .1 . • • • Lloyd 332, B. Sturdy 332, C. Krohn 326, H. Ross 324, D. Adams 315, K. Johnson 314, B. Casemore 311, E, threto. withatit regard to such claims. M., Gibson, Teacher. Junior Second Total 370, Honors 277, Pass 222. Billie Galbraith 330, Lillian Angus 329, Joyce Walker 322, Lorraine ors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wight_ 283 J. Fraser 276, 'V. Morris 275, M. Dated at Goderich this tee-erity-fifth day of September, 1984, man and other friends in this neigh- Connell 256, D. Henderson 237. Brown 818, Elizabeth Hare 316, Helen Carr 314, Donald Robinson 309, Har- '... G 'MIDDLETON, Custodian, borhood. B. H. Reynolds, Teacher. • Court House, Godench. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1M the Estate of John Alexander Mac Lean, of the Town of Wingham in spent Sunday afternoon at the home the County of Huron, Manufacturer, of his mother, Mrs. C. Jefferson, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson and daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Naylor, visited with relatives at Brownville and Wallaceburg. Mr. Geo. H. Jefferson of Clinton, All persons having claims against the estate of John Alexander MacLean deceased, who died on or about the twelfth day of September, A.D. 1988, Are notified to send to the undersign- ed Executor, The Toronto General 'Trusts Corporation, Toronto, or to the undersigned J. H. Crawford, its ,,Solicitor, on or before the sixth day of October, A.D. 1984, their names arid Married -On Thursday, Sept. 27th, MisS Della Plowman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Plowman, to Mr. Isaac Nixon, of Belfast. • • ASHFIELD We are pleased to hear that Mrs, D. K. Alton, who was so unfortunate as to slip on the door -step a couple of addresses and full particulais o Lich claims, and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veri- weeks ago and break a bone in her fled by statutory declaration,,, thigh, is improving nicely. Immediately after the saidsixtIr day Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham, near of October, 1934, the ass of the seeppaedton, and Mr. Roy were Alt over to Wirigham Hospital on Sunday said deceased Wilt be distributed a - afternoon to see theneenothet. Mr. Sam Kilpatrick, near Mafeking, Dated September 17th, 1984. atterided, gm :Presbytery which , was THTERT jens0Tres0.c.Npvr. .j. CRAWFORI), "'Toronto, ea, Lane, Mrs. Albert Alton, Ontatio, 'Mrs. -PliOrnaS Blake, Mrs, (Rev.) Pat - Senior Third• old Seli 308, Jean McLeod 307, Made - Total 400, Honors 390, Pass 240. line Mellor 304, Freddie Templeman . Norman Anderson'299, Robert Betty Gannett 351, Nora Finlay 293, 340, Louise Reid 333, Norman Mundy Prentice 299, Jimmie Sanderson 288, Marie Lockridge 285, Laurette Ever - 324, Frances.Robinson 318, Harold ick 284, Jack Mellor 281, Edward Fitz- Cantleon 802, David Murray 304 L , . Dore'302, Kathleen Saint 801, Fenton Barnes 300, Jean Lee 300, John Lee 300, Donald Smith 300, Arnold Stoakley 300, Hem Lee 288, Bill Harris 288, 'Margaret Glousher 288, Chester Campbell 286, Velma Ohm 284, Helen "Hammond 284, Norman Fry 277, Louise Lloyd 271, Joe Wil- son 264, Joe Falconer 262, Louise Thompson 260, Elmer Deyell 251, George Johnson 246, 13111 Seddon 248, Jack Hopper 235, 13i11 Forsyth 226, Ann VanWyck 226, Laura Collar 212, Mabel Campbell 210, Dorothy Mellor 210, Raphael Morris 154. • C. J. 'Farquharson, Teacher. Junior Third Total 400, Honors 800, Pass 240. Ethel Vanner 849, Grace Hingston 845, Eric Schatte 342, Grace Hutchi- son 340, Carl Vanner 836, Eileen Dark. 882, Roy Dark 881, George Lloyd 331, Solicitor for tile said Excent. ton, Mrs, John Mullin and Miss Mai- Ellen Bailey 828, Betty Groves 826, THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL SATURDAY, OCT. 6th To Virindsor Detroit flikA00 torni-Return From WINGHAM Going - October Btli, ' Returning - All trains leaving De- troit •up to 2.80 a„m„,,Tuesday, Oct 9, Full details /rant nearest agent, or 6. L. Baker, qfio.tie 4y, witAghatn, Candin,Pacidu • Thursday, October 4th, 1934 -14 414 141.44• 4 411 444 .441 4114 44 - v.} Arow:Ilifte Entertained at the al air Concert 1 • 1 In the Town Hall, at 8.15 p.m., on Wednesday, October 10th By Teeswater Choir c=e In Old Tyrne Costumes 30 Voices c=3 Admission 25c Reserved Seats 10c Extra A MUSICAL TREAT YOU'LL SURE ENJOY Old Tyme Songs, Solos, Duets, Quartettes and Choruses. Under the direction of Weir Elliott. Accompanists - Miss T. Reid, Mr. C. 'Ireland. mommimosaimEmismonL limmi •11.1111111•111.1•1 • ,,, • • • . TRACTOR AND THRESHER OM's' ATORS! Save money on your tractor distillates. We distribue the products of Burlington Refineries Ltd. of Hamilton in this district. With our new tank truck we can give quick service and satisfaction. Let us take care of your requirements. FAIRBAIRN MARKETING SYSTEM Phone 37 ORANGEVILLE Night Phone 47 NA:71,..A4.7"14,45r.14,1:117.1.1. ' • Martin and Gordon Louttit; Crawford Frances Wylie. Gibson and Charles Patterson. Int. boys, Jack Durst *and Jack Milligan; Garry Gibson and Weldon Hambly. Jr. boys, Cecil Wolsley and John Har- rison; Allan Harrison and Donald Milligan. Int. girls, Mima Dodds and Olive Ne-wton; Margaret McLeod and Yvonne White. Jr. girls, Bonnie Gib- son and Mae Durst; Lulu Gibson and Alma Durst; Pauline White and Mur- iel Henning. Relay Race -Boys, lst, Bill Martin, Crawford Gibson, Bruce Burk, Allan Harrison. 2nd, Gordon Louttit, Jack Meehan, Weldon Hambly, John Har- rison. Girls, 1st, Maxine White, Paul- ine White, Margaret Moffat. 2nd, i Margaret McLeod, Yvonne White,. wisusansmatiessteramosommenn *WILLIAM E. THOMAS who owns a fruit' farm found his truck out of com- mission. It needed a pinion gear replacement. A telephone call at 10 a.m. brought the required part by bus at 3 p.m. and the truck was back in service the following morning, saving hours when time meant money. *This is an actual incident. 4 • /44 r-71=7,37iTr Vilhat your TELEPHONE do• es 0 Gefor• you ts quick 44 service on re- pair parts for machinery. e Summons help when fire breaks out. • Calls the octin d- den illness.dor su Calls the v or injuredeterinary for sick stock. keeps you it! Wtouch with markets and prices. Enables cial you to arrongeso- affairs ond meetings. Keeps you in touch with your neighbours end friends. Afr (#1