HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-23, Page 8AGE TtIGI T
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 23, 24th, 25th
A Murder Mystery.
A Story of the British Secret Service.
Also Two Reel Comedy "SUPPER AT SIX"
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanely, of Ches.-
ley and her niece from Toledo visited
,on Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Dun-
can Kennedy.
Mrs. Cringle and little daughter
from Detroit are visiting for two
weeks with her mother, Mrs. D. 'Gil-
Mr. Chas Wightman and Miss May
spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Brigham
of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, Garton left on Sunday
for their home in Leamington after
spending the past two weeks with his
-parents here.
Mrs. Ogilvie and children of Tor-
onto her uncle and
nt accompanied by
0 0 � p
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dow of Bruce-
field, spent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clubb.
Mrs. Robt Dobie of Wingham vis-
ited one day last week at the home
of her brother, Mr. Robt McClenag-
Mr.. and Mrs. Victor Trimble and
Pensive luxury.
Mrs. Russel Tti.elce and son Bob, of
Kansas. City have joined her mother,
Mrs Ed. St John and are visiting
with the latter's brothers, Messrs 'SVni.
and Thos Robins of East Wawanosh,
and her sister, Mrs, Wm. Beecroft,
Miss Jean. Pardon of St" Helens
has been spending the last two weeks
with her brother, Mr, Elmer Pardon
of Windsor.
Mr. Harry McClenaghan and child-
ren, Belgrave, spent Sunday with his
brother, Mr. Ben McClenaghan.
Mr, and Mrs. Dan MacDonald of
Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs, : George
Harkness of Langside, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ritchie and Mrs.
Wes Twarnley of Lucknow visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor
The W. M. S. of the United Church
are holding their monthly Tea at the
home of Mrs. Ben McClenaghan .on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mont-
real, and Miss Earnsdliffe Musgrove,
of Buffalo, spent last week with their.
aunt, Mrs, Frank Henry.
Master Rellison Falconer who has
been in Orangeville Hospital for'the
past two weeks is improving now. The
wound in his arm has ceased to hem-
orrhage and the infection is beginning
to clear up.
daughter of Orillia visited for a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Miss : Luella Laidlaw is holidaying
at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Sain
Miss Muriel Purdon spent last week
with her cousin, Miss Isabel Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore and
Milan and Mrs, Jas. MacGregor spent
Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Jack
Henderson of Paramount.
Born—on Saturday, August 18, to
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston,(nee)
Laura Conn, of Lucknow; a daughter.
Rev. and Mrs. Watt and family who
have spent their holidays with relat-
ives here returned to their home in
Long Branch on Friday
Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox of Eng-
lehart are spending their holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
A great number of telep'hdnes have
been disconnected in this community
recently. At the present rate it looks
as though the telephones were an ex-
PerFect Fitting
for boys and girls
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
AUGUST 23rd, 24th, 25th
Fine Styles @ WonderFul Wear
Sizes 2 to 6 $1.15
Boots $1.25
Sizes 5 to 7% $1.59
Sizes 8 to 101
Sizes 11 to 2%
Jack and Jill Shoes are
the popular children's
shoes today. At these
prices they are won-
derful value.
Visible Fitting patented 1929
Jack and Jill shoes are
the only shoes fitted
by the Visible Fitting
System. It convinces
you of perfect fitting.
Willis' Shoe Store
Sole Agents for Jack and Jill Shoes for Children
Church News
The regular church services in the
United Church were cancelled on Sun-
day owing to the absence of the pas,-
tor, Rev. A. V. Robb. The services' in
Knox Presbyterian Church were held
as usual on Sunday, but will be with-
drawn next Sunday, Aug. 26th, as
Rev. J. R. Greig and Mrs. Greig are
enjoying a holiday.
Choir Entertained
Following the regular ar choi
t practice
at the United. Church on Wednesday
evening the choir members were in-
vited to the home of Miss Donna
Smith where they enjoyed sandwich,
pie an. dice cream and coffee, and a
social hour.
We invite you to listen to
outstanding entertainer on the
J .3, C, Coast, to -Coast Radio Broadcast
every Wednesday evening beginning Ang,, 22
« Y, r ^rvA
Sole Agents for Enna Jetttck Shoes fos Woinen
You have tried the
Now try the Best
One Grade — One Price
Diagonal Road
Service Station
Miss Mable Coultes of Toronto is
spending a few weeks with her moth-
other, Mrs. Thomas Coulees.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston and
daughter, Lois, Toronto, and Mrs.
Will Clark, Palmerston, are visitors
yt=ith Messrs, Robert and Arthur
Mr. and Mrs, H. A. McCall, of
Wingham, Mrs. McCall's sister, Mrs.
Smith and son, Hamilton, spent a day
this week with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ward Farrow, of Detroit, a former
Bluevale boy, was calling on old
friends here this week.
Mr. S. Rolph and Miss Lydia Mann
of Detroit, spent the week -end with
Miss Mann's parents, Mr. and.Mrs.
Wellington Mann,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ansley, Tor-
onto, and Miss Mary Aitkin, Public
Health Nurse, Hamilton, were visitors
this week with their cousins, Mrs.
Alice Aitkin and Dorothy.
George Peacock, who has been tak-
in ga summer course at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, is home with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pea-
Miss Elsie Smith, of Brucefield, is
visiting with relatives 'here.
Mr, and Mrs. George Mathers spent
the past week with their son, Wilbur
and Mrs. Mathers, at Hepworth.
Miss Florence 'Fowler visited with
friends in Seaforth during the week.
Miss Gertrude Agnew accompanied
by Miss Betty Ann Falconer, spent a
day recently with friends at Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mac
and Miss Olive Scott, spent Wednes-
day with relatives at Seaforth.
Mr.and Mrs. Carl Whittlaufer and
little son of Maplewood, Mr, and Mrs.
S. P. Hearth their two sons and dau-
,ghter and Miss Israel of Kitchener
were Sunday• visitors with Mr. and
!Mrs. W. J. Whettlaufer,
Mr. Alex Webster, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil McEachern Sr. and Mr. and Mrs.
Neil B. McEachern and baby Louise
of Mount Forest visited "with' Mr. and
Mrs, It, F. Garniss.
Lawrence Smilley of Teeswater vis-
ited with Mr .and Mrs. Alex Mowbray.
Mr, and Mrs. Weir 'Elliott and dau-
ghter, also Mrs. Dr. Lockhart and son
John of Wingham were Sunday visit-
ors with their cousins•the Misses Duff
and Mrs, Aitkin.
Mrs, Nellie Scott is spending a few
clays with relatives at Palmerston.
Charles Messer of Toronto' is spend-
ing his holidays with his father, Mr.
John Messer.
Mrs. Fred IJollenbeck and two sons
Clarence and Russel are visitors at
Detroit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Nicholson and
family spent Sunday' with their clan-
gltter, Mr, and Mrs. Percy King of
Mr.. and Mrs, W. L. Speir visited
with Mr. and Mrs, P. D. King,
Mr. Charles Messer of Toronto
spent the week -end with his father and
Gold -Plated Gillette
Razor in Handsome
Travelling Case; also
5 Gillette Blue Blades
Omar Haselgrove's
Cigar Store
But Kellogg's ALL -BRAN
Brought Welcome Relief
Read this splendid letter from
Mrs. Haynes:
"For 50 years I have been a
martyr to constipation. Have tried
every remedy under the sun.
"One day I read an account of
some one who had been relieved by
ALL -BRAN, but `I thought 'What
was the use of me trying anything
more when all else had failed?'
"A while after, I read it again.
That time I thought I would try it,
it would do no harm anyway.
"I began with a small dish of
your ALL -BRAN for breakfast, and
wonderful to say, I never need to
take any physic at all now. How I
wish other poor sufferers from con-
stipation could be persuaded to try
it."—Mrs. Sarah Haynes (address
furnished upon request).
Tests show Kellogg's ALL -BRAN
provides "bulk" and vitamin B to
aid regular Habits: Also iron for
the blood.
This `,`bulk" in ALL -BRAN is much
like that. in leafy vegetables. It's
so much .safer, than taking patent
ntedicines1 Two tablespoonfuls of
ALL -BRAN daily are usually suffi-
cient. Severe cases, with each meal.
If not relieved this way, see your
Get this delicious ready -to -eat
cereal from your grocer: In the
red -and -green package. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario.
Thursday, August 23rd, 1934
took part in the, service and the ad-
dress was given by Gordon Martin.
Next Sunday the services will be
taken by members of the Young
P'eople's Society of Brick Church,
'ivriss "Willa Reid spent a few days
with her:aunt, Mrs, Brandon.
Mr, and: Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson, spent
Sunday with Rev, and Mrs. Wilkinson
of St, Helens.
Mr. and Mrs, Jeffery spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Brandon,
Mr, and Mrs. J, Stewartvisited with
friends at. Walton on Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs, Yule and Berns spent
Sunday with friends in Atwood,
Mr. Robb, of Guelph, was a caller
at J. A. Brandon's on Sunday,
Miss Ruth Cole holidayed last week
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huggins of
Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jer-
myn and Melvin, spent Sunday. with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall.
A number of people from this com-
munity attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. Thomas Aitken in Wingham
on Tuesday. The deceased was a for-
mer resident of this locality until
eight years ago when she left to re-
side with her daughter, Mary, in Ham-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam-
ily, also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie
and family of Wroxeter, visited Sun-
day with Mr.' and Mrs. John Metcalfe.
Miss A. Fraser of La Riviere, Man.,
and Miss Jessie Fraser, Pilot Mound,
Man., is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Wallace,
Mrs. T. R. Bennett, Elda and Stella
of Wingham visited recently with Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Metcalfe.
We are sorry to records the death
of Mr, Jno. McCreery, who passed
• away at his home near Molesworth
on Saturday at midnight,
after a
gering illness. He was a former resi-
dent of Salem, and father of Mrs. Ira
Neill, 'who has our sincere sympathy.
Mr. Donald Fortune is expected
home from the Hospital in London
this week, where he underwent an .op-
eration for hernia.
Mr. Harold Weir and family, of
Owen Sound, spent the week -end at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1VIc-
Michael, Mrs. Joynt andMiss Beatrice
of Wingham, also spent Sunday at the
same home.
Mrs. Jno. Fortune who has been
visiting the past month with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Will. Mines, Turnberry, re.
turned on Saturday to her home in
Grand Rapids.
• Mr. and Mrs. John -Gowdy spent
one day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
James Doig, who live near Drayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and
Master Lloyd Weir, spent Sunday
with friends at Kincardine.
Misses Sangster from near Lakelet
are holidaying with Mrs, Edwin Ben-
Mr. and Mrs. James Longley, Tor-
onto, spent a few days with Mr. Bert
Longley and the Misses Longley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallaher of
Wroxeter, spent last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Merkley, of Kitchener.
his sister, Mrs. Raymond Elliott.
Mr. Harvey Messer of Toronto and
Mrs. Wni. R. Davidson of Hensall,
spent Saturday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Elliott.
A Family Gathering
A family gathering was enjoyed on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. McKinnon, Bluevale Road. The
following guests were present: Mrs.
Hugh McKinnon and son, Dune., of
Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Arm-
strong, Grey Township; Dr. Robert-
son, Mrs. Robertson and son, Erskin,
Collingwood; Mrs. Graham, Water-
town, South Dakota; Mrs. W. Fry-
fogle and Mrs. Alex. Smith, Detroit.
Miss Isobel McKinnon and brother,
Spence, returned to Collingwood with
Dr. Robertson and family for a short
Case of Infantile Paralysis
Many in this locality were grieved
on 14tonday to learn that Bert, second
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Hastings,
2nd con. Morris, has been stricken
with infantile paralysis. A consulta-
tion of doctors was held on Sunday.
Serum was administered and every
precaution is being taken to prevent
the spread of the disease.,
her bereaved husband, one daughter,
Mrs. Salm, Alton (Lottie); and four
sons, Messrs. Erving, James, near
borne, George, on the homestead, and
Thomas, who works an the Montreal
Bank; also two brothers, John Fer-
guson of Winnipeg, and Thomas, 10th
con., a sister, Mrs, Jathes Ritchie,
predeceased her just on year ago, also
a brother, James Ferguson predeceas-
ed her a number of years ago. The
funeral was held on Sunday afternoon,
to Greenhill Cemetery. Rev, Mr. Pat-
ton of the Ashfield United Church,'.
conducted the services. Thepall-bear-
ers were six nephews; Messrs. Alex,
Hackett, Roy Irwin, Borden and Fred
Ritchie, Harold Ferguson and John
Gardner. We extend our depest sym-
pathy to the bereaved relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bray, of Wind-
sor, called on their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. John Mullin, on Saturday morn-
ing, on their trip up north.
• Mr, and Mrs. John Blake, of Wing -
ham, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Alton.
Mrs. Stewart Alton, Elsie and son;:
Jim Alan, of Toronto, spent the week
with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, 'John Mullin, and their cousins,
Messrs. Elmer, Will and Walter Al-
ton. •
Mr. and Mrs, James Drennan, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Nelson, near Kintail,
spent Sunday afternoon with Miss
Mary Farrish, near Langside. We are
sorr yto hear she is not improving
very quickly.
Won 2nd Place at Lucknow
Mr., and Mrs. Ed. Harrison and Mr.
and Mrs. Art Wilson attended the
Twilight of Mixed Rinks in Lucknow
on Tuesday night and captured 2nd
Miss May Young had her tonsils'.
removed in Wingham General Hos-
pital last. week and is improving
Mr, Fred Scandrett of Toronto was
a week -end visitor with relatives here.
Mrs, W. Cole is also improving a-
fter having her tonsils removed in
London Hospital,
Jim and babel 'Coultas spent last
week with their grand parents,' Mr.
and Mrs, R. C. McGowan.
Services in Knox United Church
and Brick Church were conducted on
Triple `C7' Bible Class
Sunday by the p
when the members occupied the choir
loft and sang an anthem number at7,d
a solo by 'Norman Keating was also
enjoyed. Several niethbers of the clads
We were very sorry to hear of the
death of a very highly respected cit-
izen in the person of Mrs. Robert.
Henry, near Belfast, on Friday morn-
ing. She Ieaves to mourn her, besides
We are very sorry to hear that Mr.
P. Hastings, of the
sick, and hope he will soon be better
Mr. George Peacock returned from
Ottawa last week and is spending his
holidays with his parents, 114r. and
Mrs. Jas. Peacock and his brother,
Some of the farmers have got their
grain threshed and some are through
harvesting, while others will finish
this week.
Miss Ethel Johnston visited in Fer-
gus last week with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers visit-
ed with their son, Mr. Wilbert Math -
Early Fall Coat
SaleatKhig's p
Rather 'unusual is a Sale of
Ladies' Coats at this season but
here you have it.
Just Look!
A choice of 34 high quality 0.
coats in the past season's best p
fashions — Styles for the Miss, 0
Matron and those who require a
Half Size — Navys, Grays,
Green, and smart Tweeds, some
untrimmed, others beautifully
trimmed with silky furs such as
Natural or Platinum Wolf, Gray, A
Squirrel, Lapan or Galyak the n
regular prices range from $24,50 1111
to $36.75, and from Thursday,
August 23rd to Saturday, Aug-
ust 25th, they are on sale for
exactly Half Price—
$12.25, $13.75, $16.00, $18,38
You can't make a better buy for
Early Fall Wear.
12 only Suits in sizes 16 to
40, principally Navy Blue —
Skirt with Three-quarter Length
or Jacket Coat, of - fine French
Twills — Bargain Each $5.00.
Look Again
12 Only Coats for the shorter
figures, various fine cloths from
O which to choose. Bargain Each 0
u $5:00. 0
Attention! Mean!!H'.
Shipments of New Fall Suits
are just to hand; smart styles
for the Young Man starting to
High School and a fine show -
o ing of nifty Tweed Suits for 0
0 Boys going to Public School. O
O Where' quality counts you'll like 0
11 our values.
O Sale of TopCoats 11
O Just right the boys going
m to school - of sufficient weight
O to be comfortable, right into 0
cold weather - choice of 20 good fi
coats ata
Price - yoursrs
and. $14.85.
at° I G ROS•11
1.95 an
Outfitters for all Students. DI
ers of Hepworth. They returner on
Friday night, after a week's enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Goll and fam-
ily, and Miss Lila McCracken visited
friends at Guelph on Sunday.
R. A. REID, Leading Eyesight Specialist of Stratford for 16 years,
comes to Williams' Jewelry Store, Optical Department,
EACH WEDNESDAY MORNING from 9.00 until 12.00.
Have your eyes examined) by an expert and be sure of satisfaction.
Glasses adjusted without charge. Quick service on all repairs.
Williams' Jewellery Store
Spend Your
Where You
Can Save.
Wedgwood ,8E Co. CHINA MILK (01. Water) JUGS FREE
Weight and
Best of
Friday and Saturday we are giving away Free with every $4.00 order of Groceries (not sugar), a
limited number of China Jugs. If you can't buy a $4.00 order this Friday or Saturday, buy a $2.00 or-
der and another $2.00 order next week, and we shall .reserve one of these beautiful pieces of China-
ware for you:
Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg. 10c
Catsup, Quart size bottle 15c
Icing Sugar, 2 lb. for 17c
Livingstone Oatmeal 6 lb, 23c
Peas, Choice or Standard, best
13e and 15c brands in No 2
tins, Special for .... ,..,,.; 10c
Tomatoes, No, 2f size tin 9c
Sweet Corn, No, 2 tits 10c
Golden Bantam Corn, tin llc
Ginger Snaps for 10o 1b.
25c Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle 15c
Bluebell Coffee, 1 ib. 24c
Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb45c
Apricot Jam, 25c for 16c lb.
Arrowroot Btscuita 18e lb,
Windsor Mixed Cakes for 16c lb
Whiz Fly Spray, 8 oz, tin or
bottle, cut price 29c
16 oz. Bottle 75c for ..... 49c
Grapenut Flakes llc 2 for 20c
Fresh Dates, 2 lbs, for 17c
Coleman's Sausages ,16c 1b.
Lily or Bake -Rite Baking
Powder, 1 lb. tins -for 15c
Palmolive Soap, 3 for 14e
Castile Soap, large bars ....,... 9e
Unwrapped Soap, 5 cakes ..... 12c
P. & G. Naptha Soap, cake ., 3c
Parawax, pkg. for .,... 12c
Zinc Rings, dozen for 23c
Blue Rose Rine, 2 lbs. for 15c
Fancy Choice ltice 2 lbs. 13c
McLaren's Jelly Powders for 4c
Hawe's Floor Wax 23c and 43e
1Oc Toilet Paper 3 rolls for 21c
1'eko-Buds Tea, Black or Mix-
ed, 1/2 lb. pkg 21c; 1 lb. 40c
Japan Green Tea 65c for 49e Ib.
Best Walnuts 49c 117: for 38c
We penvet,