The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-23, Page 7Thursday, August nrd, 1934
Council met in 'United Church Hall
Fordwich, as per adjourning, mem-
bers were all present, the Reeve in the
Minutes of last regular meeting
'were read and on motion of Bryans
and Weir were adopted,
Moved by Bryans and Demerling
that a grant of $10,00 be given Clif-
ford Horticultural Society, Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Weir that a
grant of. $100.00 be given Howick Ag-
ricultural Society. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Lovell that the
time for the return of Collectors'
Rolls be extended to the September
meeting of Council. Carried.
Moved. by Demerling and Weir that
the following bills be paid: S. A. Max-
well, Burroughs Adding Machine $45.-
00; Gordon Topharn, Award by Com-
pensation Board Pt. Payment $13.33;
Dr. J. T. H, Robinson, Operation on
Ella Haberlee $60.00; Geo. Heipel,
Cutting weeds in cemetery, lot 13,
•con. 9 .$1.60; Gordon Topham, Award
of Compensation Board (in full) $3'7.-
42; David Anger, Refund of dog tax,
12.00; Geo. S. Dawson, Casket and
funeral Mrs. J. King $60.00; John
Winter, Sheep killed and injured by
,dogs $5.00; Isaac Gamble, Pt. Salary
.as Clerk $35.00; United Church Ford-
wich, Rent of Hall, $1.50; A. C. Hut-
chison, Pt. Salary as Weed Inspector
0.60; Treas. Co. Huron, Twp. share
Hospital Bill, Bernice 'Weiler $12.25;
Mrs. Haberlee, Relief to September
meeting $15.00; T. A. Roberts, Print-
ing forms for Medical Relief $4.50; J.
IL Wade, Relief for Mrs. j. King to
July 28, 1934, $11.41; W. A. Irwin,
legal expenses on garnishee for taxes,
.81; Dr. J. R. Riddell, medical ser-
vices for Bernice Weiler $16.00; B.
L. R. Kelly, M.D., Medical services,
for Mrs. J. King and Bernice Weiler
Road Expenditures:
John Runge, cement and nails $24.-
25; Ed. Henry, cement gravel $2.50;
Norman McLeod, gravel $23.85; Wm.
Reis Sr., gravelling and bridge $13.30;
J. W. Kreller, gravelling and bridge
.30.00; Wm. Jacques, gravelling and
bridge $21.00; Ira Krueger, gravelling
$7.85; Ed. Killinger, gravelling $15.-
75; Wm. Reis Jr., gravelling and
bridge $20.10; Fred Locking, work at
bridge $8.75; Norman McLeod, grav-
elling $7.90; Wm. McElwain, guard-
rail and weeds $3.50; John McElwain,
guard-rail $1.75; Lloyd Griffith, guard
rail $1.75; John Craig, weeds, .75;
Wilmot Craig, weeds $1.75; C. J. Mc-
Elevain, posts, poles and gravel $7.40;
Reuben Harding, gravel $2.50; Fred
Demerling, power for crusher $47.50;
Lot Viney, work at crusher $27.50;
C. Wilson, work at crusher $10,50;
Stan. McKnight, work at crusher $16.-
70; Cliff. Johnston, work at •crusher,
*7.75; Arnold Doig, loading trucks,
114.35; Wni. Reidt, moving crusher,
•412,25; Wm, Reidt, scraping gravel to
crusher $74.40; Roy Vogan, trucking
gravel $250.10; Thomas Lovell, 1200
yards gravel $60.00; Cliff, Johnston,
cleaning pit $40.25; Geo. Townsend,
cleaning pit, $9.65; Clarence Sparling
cleaning pit, $14.00; R. F. Edgar,
Supt. salary, $55.00; Oscar Weiler,
moving crusher $13.25; Thos. 'Day,
Weeds and dragging $13,10; Ernest
King, gravelling $11.90; Bert King,
gravelling $12.25; Win. Young, grav-
elling $11.90; Jos..Bennett, gravelling
411.90; Owen Hill, gravelling $10.15;
• Gordon Vittie, gravelling $5.95; James
• Vittie, shovelling $5.95; Manford Ir-
-win, shovelling $5.95; Oliver Stewart,
shovelling and weeds $12,25; R. T.
Bennett, gravel $18.30; Dan. Walkom,
wire fence $3,60; Ben Hyslop, weeds
45.25; Vernon Hupher, weeds $2.60;
Richard Aldrich, gravel $22.20; Har-
vey Williamson, gravelling $12.25;
Clarence Gibson, gravelling $14.00;
Norman McDowell, gravelling $12.60;
Wilmot Wallace, gravelling $12.25;
Dick Aldrich ,gravelling $12.25; Har-
vey Gibson, shovelling $7.00; Archie
Albrecht, gravelling $6.10; •Carl Et-
tinger, gravelling $6.15; Geo. Aldrich,
gravelling $2,60; Leslie Knight, grav-
elling $2,65; P. F. Doig, dragging,
12.00; John Hyrtelman, culvert tile and
drain, tile $16.15,
Knight, gravelling $2,65; P. F. Doig,
dragging $2,00; John Hyndman, cul-
vert tile arid drain tile $16.15.
....... .........
Kidnappers did not release John S.
Labatt until nearly $50,000 in cash had
been paid over to them, and only then
upon the condition that he would not
report immediately to police. He was
released about 1 o'clock Friday morn-
ing on the outskirts of Toronto, after
being kept blindfolded for 60 hours
by his abductors. The lay -out above
shows: (1) The palatial Labatt home
in London, Ont. (2) John S. Labatt,
52, President of John Labatt Ltd.,
held for ransom. He is suffering from
heart trouble and was under doctor's
care at the time he was spirited away.
(3) The point at which the car, con- '
taining the ransom note, was found.
(4) Mary, four-year-old daughter of
John Labatt; (5) Hugh Labatt, bro-
ther of the kidnapped man and vice-
president of the brewery, who was in
Toronto with $150,000 in cash, seek-
ing to contact the kidnappers; (6) the
$5 000 000 brewery plant of John La-
batt, Ltd. (7) John Labatt, Jr., six-
year-old son of the kidnapped man.
Moved by Lovell and Weir that
Council do now adjourn to meet in
the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on the third
Wednesday in September. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
• The regular monthly meeting of
the Gorrie Women's Institute was
held on Wednesday afternoon at Mrs.
H. E. Ashton's home, with twenty-
five members and. visitors present. The
program which was held'on the beau-
tiful lawn at the home of the hostess,
was in charge of Group 2, with the
president of the Institute presiding..
Roll call was responded to by "A
law I am Thankful For." Mrs. Car-
roll Gregg read Sandy Fraser's "Jean
and The Institute" which proved a
very appropriate reading for the meet-
ing and. was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jno.
Cathers demonstrated how a man's
fine shirt should be ironed.
Following items of business which
the Institute dealt with, the meeting
was closed bythe National Anthem.
During a social period a picnic lunch
was enjoyed.
Ultra Modern
Eye Service
Phm.B., R.O.
Phone 118. Harridan
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Walker and
daughter of Coldwater, were recent
guests at the former's home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and
daughter, Edith, spent Sunday with
Mr, asd Mrs. Thomas MacDonald at
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Abram, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Pym
of Listowel, were guests of Mr, and
Mrs. H. C. Sparling and Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Ashton, on Sunday.
Master Duncan Sangster, of Lake -
let, has been the' guest of his cousin,
Leonard Sanderson.
Mrs. Robt. Hastie returned to Tor-
onto on Saturday after spending the
past two weeks with her son, Kenneth
and Mrs. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hamilton and
daughters, Joy, Dorothy, Margaret
and Truth, of Sawyerville, Que., are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, David Ca-
thers and other relatives in the com-
. The United Church Anniversary
will be held on Sept. 2, with Rev.
C. N. McKenzie, of Ripley, in charge
of the services.
'Miss Patter, Mrs. Ritchie, also
On Thursday last the Women's As-
sociation of the United Church held a
profitable meeting, at the home of
Miss Kate Earngey, Gorrie, with a
large attendance. The president, Mrs.
Sparling, presided, and the meeting
opened. with the hymn "Jesus, Lover
of My Soul" with the Lord's Prayer
in unison. Mrs. John Cathers read
the Scripture lesson, Psalm 145. The
ladies listened with interest to the 5th
chapter • of their stduy book, Helen
Kingsbury Wallace's "Stewardship of
the Life of Women" which was read
by Miss Jean Sperling. A well-con-
ducted discussion was lead by the
president on "Criticism" under the
headings of "Should we criticize",
"Should we criticize our children"
"Should our children criticize us",
with the results of the discussion be-
ing that "we should criticize, if done
in a kindly way." The program clos-
ed with "Showers of Blessing." Sev-
eral items of business were dealt with
by the society. The meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. W. Ge Strong.
During a social half hour Mesdames
Pyke and Whitfield, assisted by the
hostess, served refeeslimentS.
their cottage at Dyer's ,Bay.
Miss Eva Marritt, of Clarksburg, is
visiting this week with her uncle, Mr.
Albert Heibine.
Mr. Jack Maguire of Clifford, visit-
ed on Sunday with his brother, B. J.
Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of
Toronto, were also recent guests at
the same home,
Master Bruce McMillan, of Listow-
el, is visiting his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Magrath.
Mrs. W. B. Joyce and daughter,
Miss Shirley, of Scolland, Alta., were
•recent viistors of the former's neice,
Mrs. Ramage.
Messrs, Charles Cathers, of Toron-
to, and Clifford Cathers of Hamilton,
are visitors this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cathers.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ritchie of Metz, Mr;
and Mrs. Harry Ritchie, of Harriston,
were guests on Sunday at the home
of Mr. Thos. Nash.
We are pleased to learn Mrs. Oliv-
er Gallaway, who has been ill at the
home of her parents in Turnberry,
has recovered sufficiently to return to
her home here,
Mrs. Hersey, Misses McCracken
and Mrs. Crich, of Brussels, were re-
cent visitors of Mrs. Julia Day.
Messrs. Jim Musgrove and son, Jack, 1 The many friends of Miss Bernice
spent Thursday in Stratford.
Miss Katherine Hooey returned to
Toronto on Monday after spending a
two -weeks' vacation with her sister,
Mrs. R. G. Dane and other friends,
Mrs. Ellis returned to Guelph on
Saturday,after spending the past two
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Victor
Several from here were in Listowel
to the ball game played between Lis-
towel and Palmerston on Wednesday.
Sports Day to be Best Yet Had
The members of 'the Sports Com-
mittee areendeavoring to excel all
previous sports days held in Gorrie,
or for that matter, in the surround-
ing community. Sonic sixty dollars
arebeing spent or prizes for the par-
ade alone, besides the various prizes
the business men are donating for the
different races. As this takes place
here on Labor Day, why not make ar-
rangementsto be on hand and have
a share in the sports. A concert and
open air dance will ,be held in the
evening. '
Mrs. Rice, of Whitechurch, was' a,
week -end gticst at the home of Vile
and Mrs. H. V. Holmes. •
Mrs. and Miss Ross spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, j. J. Allen at
Day will be glad to see her able to
be around again following her recent
Misses Ruth and Doris Neeland of
Chesley, are guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
Witigham visitors on Monday.
Misses McCready and Mrs. Wilson
of Wingham, Mrs. H. J. Wylie arid
children, also Mrs. 13, 11.1artin and dau-
ghter, Miss Edythe, of Wroxeter,
were recent visitors at the home of
Mrs. J. WYlie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vincent, Both -
Well, were guests this week Of the
former's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong
and Dr. Armstrong.
Dr. Ramage addressed the .Vord-
wich Women's Institute on Tuesday
of this week, his address being on
"Dental Health' Topics."
Mrs. James Mtisgrove and son ,Jack,
Mrs. G. S. King, Mr, Albert Heibine.
and neice Miss Marritt, were 'London
visitors on Wednesday last,
Mr, William. Whitfield attended the
-circus held in London on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. BroNVnrigg, of Edmon-
ton, Alta:, visited with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Magrath, for a
couple of days lag. week,
Mrs, Wilbur Gamble and sons, 1311-'
ly, Arnold and Ralph, also Mrs. Gam-
ble, all of Waldemar, visited last week
at the home of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston.
Miss Marjorie and Mr. Bill Bleak-
ney, of Toronto, also Miss Mary and
Mr. Jim Elliott, son and daughter of
gr. and Mrs. Knowlson Elliott, form-
er residents of Gorrie, now of St.
Johns, N.B., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Hueston:
Mr. T. 0. Johnston left on Tuesday
morning for London Hospital, where
he is to have an X-ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall,' of Tor-
onto, were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hyndman. Gwendolyn
and Keith Hall, who have spent the
past two weeks at the same home,
returned home with their parents, ac-
companied by Harold and Allen.
Hyndman, who are spending this week
in the city.
Master Chester Earl of Ethel, is
spending this week with his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R S. Clegg.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg, son,
Bruce, accompanied by Mrs. R. S.
Clegg, visited with friends at Dungan-
non on Sunday.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. T.
Shera were: IVIr. and Mrs. Woolner,
Mr, and Mrs. Willits, Mrs. Stephens,
and Mr. Willits, all of Kitchener; Mr.
Henry Irwin and Miss Irwin of
Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson of
Northport, Mrs. Gervin of Goderich,
visited with the former's brother, Mr.
S. W. Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson.
The following is the report of the
Middle School Examinations of the
Fordwich Continuation School,
Standing -1, 75-100; 2, 66-74; 3, 60-
65; c, 50-59.
Arnold Leonard - Anc. Hist. 1,
Geom. 1, Phys, 2, Chein. 1.
Jean Bryans-A. Hist. 1, Alg. 3,
Geom. c, Chem. 2, Lat, Auth. 1.
Mabel Eastman-Lat, Atith. 2, Lat.
Comp. 2, Fr. Atith. 1, Pr. Comp. 8.
Wilma Wilson -A, Hist. 26, Phys.
c, Chem. 3, Fr, Auth. 2,
lilakc Witmer -A. Hist. 2.
Arthur McLaughlin -Eng. Lit. 2, A.
Hist. 42, Geom. c.
Jennie Perce-Can, Hist, 2, Phys.
38, Fr. Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. c.
Helen Peel-tng... Comp. 2, Eng.
Lit. 2, A. Hist. 1, Phys. c, Lat. Auth.
2, Lat. Comp. c, Pr, Atith. 2, Vie
Comp, c,
Janet Ruttan-A. Hist. 2, Geoni. c,
Phys. c, •Chem. c.
Marguerite Sanderson -A. Hist. 2,
Alg. 1, Geom. c, Chem. 2, Eng. Comp,
Fulton Watters - Can. Hist. 2, her subject; after which Mrs. Nay re -
Eng. Comp. c, Anc. Hist. 2, Phys. 1, ported on the Presbyterial Convention
Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. c, Fr. Auth. c, held at Woodstock in May, at which
she was a delegate. After the closing
exercises the geusts were invited to
the schoolroom where tea was srved
from a long table centred with roses
and baby's breath. Mrs. Thos. Gibson
of Wroxeter, and Mrs. Leslie Knight
of Newbridge, expressed the apprecia-
tion of the visitors.
ori the work in their society. Miss
Winnifred Rae, .Wroxeter, gave a,
splendid description of the Suinmer
School activities; Miss Jean Fa.11is, of.
Newbridge, had "Francis Nickana" as
Fr. Comp. c.
Lealand Ashton-Geom. c, Phys. c,
Chem. 2.
Elmer Butt -Eng. Conip. 2, Eng.
Lit. c, A. Hist. 3, Alg. 3, Geom. 2,
Phys. 2,. Chem. 2, Fr. A. c, Fr. C. c.
Margaret Edgar-Alg. 2, Geom. 2,
Phys. 2, Chem. 2.
Dorothy Edwards -Eng. Comp. c,
Alg. 2, Geom. 2.
Robert Ferguson-Geom. 1, Phys.
1, Fr. A. 2.
Wendell Finlay -Chem, 2.
Arthur Gibson -Eng, Comp. 2, A.
Hist. 2.
Dean Gibson -Eng. Comp. 3, Eng,
Lit. 2, Alg. 1, Chem. 3, Latin Comp.
2, Fr. A. 2. •
Joe Higgins -Eng. Comp. c, Eng.
Lit. c, C. Hist, 2, Geom. c, Fr. A. 1,
Fr. Comp. 3, Latin A, 1, Latin Comp,
John McLean -C. Hist. 2, A. Hist,
c, mg. 2, Phys. c, Chem. 2, Fr, Comp.
Isabel Milligan-Alg. 2.
Stewart Musgrove -Eng. Comp. c,
Eng. Lit. 2, C. Hist 1, A. Hist. 2, Alg.
1, Geom. 2, Phys. 1, Chem. 1.
Marjory Paulin -Latin A. 2, Fr. A.
Jack Weir -Eng. Comp. c, C. Hist.
2, Alg. 2, Geom. c, Latin Comp. c.
Wilfred Weir -C, Hist. 2, A. Hist
2, Geoin. 2, Physics 2, Chem, c.
Miss Ilecn Schaab spent the week-
end at her home in Elmwood.
Mr. Jack Moffat, Regina, is a guest
of his father, Mr. C. Moffat and oth-
er friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Ashton Morrison and
son, of St. Catharines, also Mr, and
Mrs. George Lackie, London, are the
guests ef Mrs. Morrison Sr.
Mrs. Frank McClellan, of Oshawa,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. VariVelsor.
Mrs. J. Stutt and Miss Ann Munroe
are visiting friends in Cleveland.
Mr, Frank Sanderson, of Toronto,
came up to the home of Miss Ritchie
for the week -end, Mrs. Sanderson and
Miss Eleanor Sanderson returned to
the city after a short holiday here.
Mrs, Selby Dobbs and children, of
Becton, also Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Sanderson and daughter, Katherine, of
London, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. Sanderson.
Mrs. G. A. Wearring and daughters,
Agnes and Margaret, also Mrs. T. A.
Gibson, Fordwich, spent the past week
at Point Clarke, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Wells.
Mr. and lfrs. Arthur Hutchison and
family, of Detroit, spent the week -end
at the home of Mr, and Mrs, N. T.
McLat gh lin.
Master John MacNaughton spent
the week -end with Mr. and' Mrs, 3. H,.
Wade, Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Nichol and
children, Jack and Dorothy, have been
holidaying at the home of Mr. arid
Mrs. Eldred Nichol, returned to their
home in Montreal on Thersday.
Miss Irene Wright returned frotn
Guelph, where she took a am-tner
course at MacDonald Hall.
We are sorry to know Mr. Robert
Stocks is indisposed these days, and:
trust his health will Soon improve,
Additional Wroxter on page font',
A very enjoyable afternoon was
spent by the members of the Wrox-
eter W. M. S. when they as well as
members of Newbridge W.M.S. were
entertained by the members of W. M.
S. United Church, Fordwich,
Mrs. Nay, President, presided over
an interesting programme contributed
by the three societies. Musical num-
bers were given by Mrs. Finlay, of
Wroxeter, Misses Elva and Ethna
Foster, Newbridge, Misses Demi Gib-
son and Miss King, Bettssels,
1VIrs. W. Gibson, Toronto, was
present and gave an interesting talk
I , I