HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-23, Page 6PAGE SIX IE ,GIu6ES lk. rile •-.: �•,7 �. . sauna ' .: -ol. SYNOPSIS that. out. And a nice ride for Jimmy judiced," said Barry grimly, "and that Three weeks after a cream colored -only it's just too bad. that I came is just the reason I've got to win him saodster had been found wrecked in back." over. Gage is more than just money "Hush!" She looked around ner- in this scheme. He's the man who vously. Your own part was nothing owns the other side of the spur that to be proud of, What are you doing I must tunnel through. It's part of here? In Granleigh?" what he took over in payment of my "Any reason why I shouldn't be uncle's debts, I don't know why," WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES the sea at the 'foot of : a cliff, a girl (calling herself Anne Cushing appears .at the desert town Marston. She has bought, sight ainseee, a ranch located thirty miles away. BarryDuane, her nearest neighbor and his man Boone here?" He grinned at her mocking- ly, "You've done pretty well for your- self, after all. Picked a rich man and landed soft. Does he happen to know ,desert..In Marston her reticence has, -=' :aroused suspicion. Barry and Anne "Please, Jim? become more than neighbors, and "No, he doesn't know! How could when Anne is lost in the hills and I tell 'him? I left all of the old life rescued by Barry, each realizes that behind me, on that night last May, something' more than friendship exists I never meant to come East, either, between them. After a hasty wedding but I had to risk it—or lose every- utes." they go East to Barry"s home. thing- :' Anne huddled down in a chair, her of someone and It's just come to me Her voice broke. Kennedy looked hands clenching into tight little fists. as I caught sight of you in that yellow Cleo seemed to have a great deal 'at her curiously. John Gage again. Everywhere she dress. The star or leading lady was to show Anne. A. dress, Then a jewel "You're a queer kid, Nancy. What turned. She must either face him or -sick, and they rushed this girl in. You case. After that there must be a brief did you do it for? , . Oh, you know run away. 'could double for:her, Nancy." :call on Cleti's mother. There was still ; what I mean. I knew there was some- ' "He's building here!" she thought. 1 She saw Anne's finger tips whiten something else, a rare vase of the ; thing phoney about that accident. I "That's why Jim is here! I must iiagainst the arm of her chair. They Ming dynasty. went to a library and hunted up the see him again—somehow." i slowly relaxed again. "I suppose lots "Dad will want to show it to you, Papers—afterward. I believed you'd She jumped up from her chair, list- I{{ fa people have doubles somewhere." so you might as well be forewarned. ,taken the jump, until I came here and •Fan's longeyes drifted from one He's crazy about it, but I think it's k San..' you through a window one night " roam, tothe went lid htly s from over to nextl,faintly satirical. "You're to the other, f y awful," said Cleo frankly. "Now, lar- f "Why did you come?"she cried. "If desk.... Her pen aced. When Barry knot very lucid, Cleo, If the girl made such an impression on you I should think you'd have remembered more about her." "Darling, I'm not a card index. I suppose the star got well or some- thing, Maybe she got the Hollwood car around now, Kennedy. Andgo h brief tight mile m fever." lmpress>_ve man i wouldn t want any to the Chinese room and tell Mrs. She talked to Fan, but her eyes Duane that I've been detained and should get any notions about horning were on Anne. Anne swung her hat e utat on but he came to us without will be down in ten minutes." m an idly by the brim and smiled slightly. Out in front of the garage build- 1 didn't t Anne strolled away with Gwenda, ing, which in itself was a smaller Sus Jim" wondering whether she had really stone castle, Kennedy scowled and He bowed stiffly from the door, and talked or just babbled insanely. sauntered back to his car.strolled ,. Fan looked at Clea Petry procure a reliable woman for her and in Barry's car loaded down -with supplies, they start across the Be was silent for a moment, "He has held out now for four years —Says it's damn nonsense. So you see, unless I can persuade him to sell pretty soon, I'd better give up my large schemes." She laughed shakily. "Oh, well, there's time yet. Hurry into your flannels, and we'll be off," "Right! I'll be ready in ten min - Cleo pinched' her lips' and took a brief census of Grandliegh, Gwenda adored. Anne , , , nothing doing there. The Atwoods had taken her up; and so had the Westbrooltes and Chisolms. But Fan Whittemore, six years older than her husband and looking it, hat- ed every pretty girl that Ted looked at, and Ted never missed a. chance to talk to Anne. Eddie Carver babbled everything she heard. There were plenty of others to catch a bright ball of rumor and toss it along. Late that afternoon Cleo parked the blue roadster in front of the Fair- fax house, Gwenda was serving tea in the garden. Ann was lovely in a yellow frock, Ted Whittemore was dawdling. near her chair. His wife sat a few feet apart, discontented, as usual. Bar- ry was talking to Gwenda, some dis- tance away. Anne looked up quickly. Cleo waved carelessly to'Gwenda and Barry and dropped into. a chair near Anne. "Hello, everybody. That's an aw- fully clever frock, Nancy. Do you know you're the image of somebody iI saw in a play once? I knew as soon far I saw you that you reminded me ling, I'll take you home Wait here it's money you want, theres little en came back, a few moments later, the for me'.just <a minute ... I forget to ough that 1 can do. My husband isn't Envelope addressed to Jim Kennedy put those sapphires away" rich at all. Can't you have a little was safely hidden in her bag. * * * * She whisked out of sight, and pass- hnercy and go away? a house telephone. "You let me alone, Nancy, and I "Is Kennedy there? ... Bring the won't bother you. Get that?" Kennedy „Z, raised appealing eyes toward the large gave eras ,< , any - after money, big money. And if you b h thing to come ofit to hurt the man's the game, don't overlook the r p i , fact that I hold some high cards." any references. I just wanted to be „ sure that he i d n' have a criminal record. I was sure you could find that jauntily out to his car. Anne out for me without any publicity." If he has one, we'll find it. What name does he give?" " James Kennedy. And I have a snapshot of him. I took it when he wasn't looking." The man at the desk looked at the small picture with interest. "Yes, that's Jim Kennedy," he said briefly. "Ohl You do know him?" " I've seen him. He may be going straight enough, but he's no chauf- f volumes. "I thought you were so in- feur. He's a gambler. He had a gam - "He doesn't, although he will some tiling house and speakeasy up in the day, within a dozen miles. He's liv- Forties at one time, and it was raided ing at the Ritz, now, just back from once too often. Dropped out of sight for a while, but he was mixed up in some shooting business last spring and had a close call. "No, he isn't a gunman. ,Not his type. Oh, Willard!" This to the young man who had entered. "Find out when the Kennedy shooting happened. And anything else we may have." In less than five minutes the young man called Willard back. "All right, Willard. M'm. Kennedy was shot on the night of May second, last. He was found lying beside a road in the outskirts of Ventura, Cali- fornia.Police inclined to credit it to a bootleggers' war. He pulled through but refused to name his assailant. Dis- charged from hospital i nthree weeks. That's all. "There's no actual police record, outside of the raid on the Forty- Nin- th Street house. I'd advise you to let me send an operative down to watch him." "I don't think I want to go as far as that." A brief omevement of his head said that it was her business.• He arose and opened the door for her. "Please send the bill direct to me, in a plain envelope. I shouldn't want anyone to know that I've been inquir- ing, Thank you." The man went back to his desk with a dry grin on his face. "So that's old Amnbrose's daughter. I'll bet she's a handful." * * Cleo was already on her way to the public library, "I suppose this is very silly." Cteo 'Wonder why she didn't give her stood for a moment staring blankly message to one of the flunkeys? Too at the empty doorway. damn lazy to ring twice, maybe . . Back of her a curtain moved, and. Olr, well; it's O.K. by me." a pair of childlike blue eyes peeped "Miss _Pendleton wishes me to say otu before it dropped. again. A mo - that she will join Mrs. Duane in ten ment later she heard. Cleo's voice call - minutes,' ing her from the hall. * 10.;nrie whirled about to see Ken- nedy. "I tried to see Gage this morning, "So we meet again! You're Iooking but he'd just hopped a plane for like a million, Nancy. S suppose you Washington " 'were the last time, but I didn't get "Oh . . . I didn't know he lived much of a look before I passed out. beret' Nice little party, wasn't it?" "It was ghastly! Jim, how can you talk like that?" "1 could :talk a lot, if I got started." Europe. Probably buying up the in - 'You .could tails yourself into pris- sides of a few old manor houses to on!" she flashed angrily. "There's a put in his new place, and another rope ,penalty for blackmail." of pearls for his wife." "It would never get that far, baby." "He's married, then?" He twisted a scornful under lip. "It. "Yes. Married a Follies girl." Bar- -would take too much explaining. ry's tone was slightly disparaging. There's that pleasant little scene at "I'm not looking forward to that in - the beach bungalow, and a sweet mix- terview. I nearly told him to go to up afterward -Oh, yes, I've figured ;blazes last time. But I'm going to f keep at him. I ought to take you with me and see if you can hypno- tize the old pachyderm." Anne said "Ohl" in a rather small (voice. "Then it's Mr. Gage that you are trying to interest in the Junip- ero?" "That's the idea." l"But Barry"—she was desperately in earnest—"why do you have to deal with him at all? There must be plen- ty of other men. Why, the only rea- 1 son that he owns the Duane Mills is because the first plan failed. He'd Ibe prejudiced from the start!" "You can bet you're hat he's pre - "We seem to have been tactless. Do you suppose there's anything in ht?„ "No, of course not." Cleo shrugged back. Fan looked disappointed. "But she's awfully secretive about herself, any- way. Who were her people?" "I don't know. She's never mention- ed them to me." "Really—" The inflection spoke OFF COLOUR? OW 1S YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile -rWithout Calomel Year liver's a very smell organ, but it c - Wray can put your digestive and ou n'oativa tout of kilter by refusing to pour out ita wo pounds of liquid bile into your bowels You won't completely correct such a condition by taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy Or chewing gum, or roughage. When they've sieved your bowels they're trough --and you ;need a fiver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will eabn bring bank the sunshine into your life. They're purely vege- -table. Safe. Sure. Ask for them byname. Refuse adetitutes. 25a at all druggists. 48 ,y ,ls tMI;�116.1.J- 0CE ms-�It, GOING WIEST? itu'ti THE LIMITED To WINNIPEG s EDMONTON JASPER 0.. THE ROCKIES PACIFIC COAST s ALASKA Make your 'Western trip in style! It costs no *note to travel by the "Conti- nental Limited"; Canadian National's train de luxe. 1r.AS"I',..leave Toronto 10.50 P.M. (E.S.T.), reach Vancouver on the fourth day at 9,10 A.M. Tl-1RI1IING r tth"` theJas idRockies! Andthrough t dim:t, ;' low cost Table d'hote meals ....ars added economy. Go "CONTINENTAL"/ Any Canadian National agent will arrange it. • JASPER • GOLP WEEK Ayu9utt 26.y S�.Yeypfetwlbea 1 .I bA'W S OPAyyERF 'US Pel PARK . 61 h,OOG Spacial with rant She tidies Prepaid (tate timate." "Oh we are, but Nancy never talks. about herself or her family, or any of her old friends. Maybe she was un- happy, and hates to talk about it." Fan's lip curled. "She . must have been, to have run off to some wild desert ranch. , , . " The little hints that Cleo dropped spread like widening ripples in a quiet pool. Two days later a tiny wave splashed at Mrs. Schuyler Duane's. feet, in the form of carless voices on the other side of the garden hedge. "This is the Duane place, isn't it? That girl Barry Duane married is a peach. Who was she?" "Oh don't ask me! The high tit- ter belonged to Eddie Carver, "Some- body said she was a Hollywood extra, but nobody seems to know." Mrs. Duane stood there, rigid with indignation. Mrs. Duane heard the car drive in, and Anne's voice saying that she had. a horrible headache and was going up to her room, That was Mrs. Duane's opportunity, but another car came. It was Cleo, "1 hope I'm not disturbing you, but I wanted to bring this book around. It's a lovely night for . driving. It's, Kennedy's night off, but .I brought the roadster.. Couldn't we have the lights out and sit here by the windows?" Continued Next Week. CAKE IN YOUR PANTRY It is always well to h the a good cake in the pantry when friends drop }, Sometimes they stay a little long - "It : probably wouldn't be in the er than planned and they will apprec- New York papers," she reflected "but date a cool fruit drink and a slice' of 111 look here first. "M'in, May second one of your own cakes. Try these: —say the third," Quick Coffee Cake A sheet crackled as she bent sue-:. 2 cups flour denly forward. On the page in front 3 tspns. baking powder of her was a picture of Anne Duane, lie teaspoon salt "I knew it! I was sure I had seen 2 tablespoons sugar her somewhere! 'Nancy' Curtis, as 3 tbspns, shortening she appeared in Gypsy Love." Her 1 egg eyes flicked on the news account, 2 to 3 cups milk "John Gage! Now I wonder , . Butter, sugar, cinnamon She frowned and went back to read- Sift together the dry ingredients ing, and work in the shortening. Beat egg, "She wasn't drowned at all. She add milk and add to the first mixture. joist disappeared, . And her car Spread in a shallow pan, cover with went over the cliff the same night softened butter and sprinkle genet - that Kennedy was shot, and 'she's ously with sugar arid: cinnamon (one fraid of him, Those twostories ought teaspoon cite -merlon to one-half cup to connect soinwhere, , , Maybe I'd sugar), Bake in a moderately hot ov- better get the California papers," est. Anne Duane had taken the man Molasses Pound Cake Cleo had meant to marry, and there s/s cup butter were no rules in the fight to get hhti 2 eggs back cup molasses F4, teaspoon soda Ya teaspoon all spice 1�4 cup raisins, seeded and cut pieces 4 cup sugar a/s cup milk 21/4 cups flour 1 tspn, cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon each cloves and !pace, % cup finely sliced citron Cream the butter, add sugar gradu- ally, eggs well -beaten and rliilk and molasses. • Mix and sift flour with soda and spices, and add to first mix- ture then add fruit. Bake in small but- tered tins from 25-30 minutes in a moderate oven. Or bake in loaf pan about 50 minutes, moderate oven (375 degrees F.). Shortcake 1 tablespoon 'shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup boiling water 1/ teaspoon cinnamon, Si teaspoon salt " 1 tspn. baking powder 1/a cup brown sugar 1/2 cup molasses- 13/4 cup flour % teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon soda Mix as for cake, bake in moderate oven for 25 to 30 minutes and while slightly warm, cover each layer with bananas and whipped cream. ' Date Cake 114 cups oatmeal 34 cup butter 1 teaspoon soda 11/2 cups flour 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt Mix into a crumbly mass and boil together. Then mix a pound of dates, a little vanilla and a cup and a half of water. Spread the first mixture on a well -greased and floured pan, spread the dates over it 'evenly and add a thin layer of the first mixture over the top. Bake in a quick oven. When cold, cut in squares and take from the pan. Banana Cake Ye cup butter 2 eggs 1 tspn. baking powder 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped nuts 1/ cups sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sour 1 cup banana pulp 1% cups flour Cream butter and sugar and add well -beaten eggs. Add banana pulp. in Thursday, August 231d, 1934 DISTILLERY HEAD GETS KIDNAP THREAT Harry C. Hatch, who has received a note threatening to kidnap him, is shown here with his wife. Mr. Hatch is. not taking the note seriously, his: friends declare. Mr. Hatch is at Wal- kerville, according to a statement from his son. Sift flour, baking powder and salt, add baking soda to sour milk and add al- ternately with dry ingredients. Serve with whipped or plain cream. milk Young Man (in library)—Have you a book called "Man, the World's Rul- er?" Lady Librarian -You might find it in the fiction department, sir. Plausible Tramp (in suburbs): "Lady, I ain't beggin', but can I hang- around angaround till yer dawg's done with that 'er bone?" "What is the secret of your reputa- tion as a great leader?" "Cy skill in guessing what was sure to occur, and then loudly advocating- it." dvocatingit." Professional Directory J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan. Office --. Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes, H. W. COLBORNE. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54, Wingham DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST Office -- Over Bondi's Fruit Store A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTRO THERAPY North Street - Wingham .Telephone 300. R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Office -- Morton Block. Telephone, No. 66 Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND M.R.C.S. (England) L.R.C.P. (London) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. G. H. ROSS DENTIST Office -- Over Isard's Store, F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated, ` Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre St. Sunday by appointment. Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272. Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Business A. J. WALKER Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Wingham, Ont.. A THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD Thorough knowledge of Fartn Stock. Phone 281, Winghani. J. H,CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to R. Vanstone. Wingham Ontario DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19. DR. A. W. IRWIN DENTIST --- X-RAY Office, McDonald Block, Wingham J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT. Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. • Wingham Directory. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance. Co. Established 1840. Risks taken on all. classes of insures ance at reasonable rates. Head Office:, Guelph, Ont. ABNER COSENS, Agent. Wingharn. It Will, Pay You to Have Ati EXPERT AUCTIONEER to condtct your sale. See T, R. BENNETT At The Royal 'Service Station. Phone '174W. HARRY FRY Furniture and Funeral Service L. N. HUNKIM Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance Service, Phones: Day 117. Night 109. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years'' Experience in. Fartn Stock and Implements. 1Vloderate (Prices. Phone 33L