HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-02, Page 7rieriestr,
Anglican and United Churches Enjoy
?Picnic Together.
Despite the threatening skies of
'Thursday, a record crowd turned out
• to enjoy the union picnic of the An-
glican and United Churches held ;n
Victoria Park, Gorrie. Each and ev-
ery one, whose good fortune it was
to be present, enjoyed the various
.amuseenents provided for their pleas-
ure. A real old time pillow--fig'ht prov-
ed a real, source of fun and many of
the younger folic made excellent use
.of the swings until it was necessary
to proceed to the Arena, where the
races wore held, owing to the inuch-
needed shower of rain. During the af-
ternoon the adults enjoyed a snappy
• game of ball played by Orangehill and
Gorrie, resulting in a 12-3 score.
Prize Winners:.
5 years and under, girls, Mary Rit-
chie, Joyce Thornton; boys, Jack
Montgomery, Billy Hiebein; girls, 7
years and under, Doris Galbraith, Lois
• Montgomery; Boys, Earle King, Mack
Newton; Girls 10 years and under,
Dorothy Jardine, Madeline Ritchie;
boys, Billy Elwards, Bill Ford; girls
• 12 years, and under, Wilma Watson,
Margaret Butt; Boys, •Allan Hynd-
rnan, Billy Bennett; girls' 3 -legged
race, Misses Edith and Ida Ritchie,
Misses Marjorie and iMildred Baker;
• biys' 3 -legged race, Jack Irwin and
Walter Taylor, Jack Newton and W.
• Gallaway; novelty race, Marjorie Bak-
er and Everett Sparling, Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Hastie; elopement race, Mild-
• red Baker and Clarence Sparling, Dor-
othy Jardine and Harry Hastie; slip-
per race, Miss Minnie McElwain and
Mrs. John Cathers; throwing softball,
IVIinnie McElwain, Mrs. Edwin Day.
Softball games beteyeen Gorrie and
the mixed team from Gorrie South
played a very interesting game, fol-
lowing a bounteous lunch. The score
was 17-4 for the Gorrie South team,
but it was a better game than the
• score .would indicate. Another game
was played between the married men
and the single men, this resulting in
• a score of 15-5 for the married men.
;The games were 'umpired by Rev. Mr.
Butt and T. Montgomery for the first,
and Rev. Butt and A. E. Toner for
the second. It was the opinion -of all
• who attended that these annual events
could satisfactorily be semi-annual and
• still be enjoyed.
Miss Kate Earngey entertained Mr.
•and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss E.
Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Earn-
• gey Jr. and son, Dean, and others at
• lier home on Thursday evening last.
• Miss J. P. Stinson visited with her
friend, Miss McCracken, in Brussels,
on Sunday.
• Miss Olive Stevenson of London is
a guest of Miss Evelyn Stephens this
Mr. and „Mrs. W. J. Gallaher accom-
panied by Mrs. Lennox and Miss V.
Lennox of Wingham, spent the week-
end at Bruce Beach.
• Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Plante accom-
panied their son, Alan, to Hanover
on Thursday last and attended the
funeral of the former's brother, the
late John Plante.
• Miss Janet Murray, Mrs. Hamilton
•and Miss Alexandria Hamilton were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brad -
nock at their cottage at Bruce Beach
over the week -end.
• Master, Jack Willits of Turnberry,
visited east week with his aunt, Mrs.
Jas. Shera and Mr. Sher&
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Brussels
'were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
• L. F. Ashton.
Mr.• and Mrs. R. H. Carson left on
'Monday morning for a motor trip to
Manitoba and Saskatchewan. They
expect to be away six weeks to two
• The regular monthly meeting of
the W. M. S. will be held on Thers-
day of this week at the home of Mrs.
J. Wylie.
Mrs. Leckie, of Ltscan, is spending
some time with her mother, Mrs. Neil,
who is seriously ill.
• Guests of Mr., and Mrs, A. E. Ton-
• er last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
B English, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mrs.
Thursday, August 2nd, 1934
Refusing Premier Hepburn's offer
for a ride to Toronto, the Ontario
hunger marchers marched into Oak-
ville, Ont., 20 miles from Toronto, on
July 27, footsore and weary after their
Ultra Modern
Eye Service
Phone 118. liairiston
long tramp. The premier termed his pher, or, something, while in (2) the
action as a "friendly gesture," but it king and queen of the marchers are
was turned down by the leaders. In seen. They are Marjory Graham, 9
(1) is seen a section of the parade, years old, of Hamilton, Ont., perched
who visibly didn't like the photogra- on the shoulder of F. Collins, one of
• will be 'withdrawn,
Mrs, T. 0, Ilemphill, Mrs, J. N,
len and Mrs. B, Martin were Toronto
• visitorS last Thursday,
Inspector F..G, Jennings of Toron-
to, visited the Wroxeter Public Lib-
rary on Thursday afternoon,
On, Tuesday of last week Miss A.
Munro underwent a tonsil operation.
' at General 'Hospital, Hamilton. Her
brother, Dr, John Munro of the Sick
Children's Hospital, Toronto, and her
• friend, Miss Vera Plercy, R,N., att-
eended her,
Miss Margaret Durst left this week
for Listowel, where she has secured,
a position,
Miss Ada Gallaher, and Mr, Thorn-
ton of Bluevale, were recent guests of
Mr, and Mrs, F. Kitchen,
Mr. 13. F. Carr, of Ethel, called oo.
friends in town last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs.' John Rutledge, of
Brampton, were guests of Mrs. John
Wray, on Wednesday of last week..
Master George Dobbs, of Becton,,
is holidaying with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Sanderson.
Miss Elva Stocks is a London visit-
• or at present,
Mrs. Robertson, who has been
spending the past couple of weeks
•with her son, Mr. Win. McDonald, of
Howick, returned on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hoperoft and
family of Dashwood, called on friends
in the village on Sunday.
Master Bill Martin is holidaying
with London friends at presenf.
Mr. Glen Pleasance of Port Elgin,
is spending a few days with his grand-
mother, Mrs. N. White.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam-
ily were London visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring and
family spent Sunday in Listowel.
A Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family of
Listowel, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ir-
win Durst on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Anger and
family spent Sunday at Southampton.
Messrs. Wesley 'Paulin and Elgin
Hoffman spent the week -end at Lions
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McLaren had as
their guests on Sunday, the latter's
the organizei s from Windsor. On ar- there they are in (4) sleeping on tb
rival at Oakville, food was necessary,
and some .of the men are shown do-
ing a bit of "consuming" by the curb,
while after meat comes sleep, and
floor of the Boy Scout building at
Thomas English, Miss Nettie English Mrs. Richard McGrath. iliarn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. acting the trek to light fiction instead also had charge of Sunday evening
and Mrs. Clarence Holmes, all of Service in the Anglican Church next V. Holrnes on Sunday. 'of good class books in adventure, his- .services in St. James' Church. It is
' tory and biography, as are published. twenty-one years since Mr. Kinder
Sunday will be held at 9.30 a.m. and Lloyd Harrison had his tonsils re -
Sunday School immediately following moved by Dr. Bryaris of Toronto, on
These will be conducted by the rec- Saturday.
tor, Rev. R. S. Jones, Dr'. and Mrs. L. N. Whitley spent
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and Sunday in Goderich.
daughter; Edith, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bingham and Mr. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean at Bilis- spent Sunday with friends in 13rus-
sels. sels.
Mrs. Wilford King spent Wednes- Recent guests of Mrs. Bingham
day last et the home of her uncle, Mr. were: Mr. Clark of Toronto and Miss
J. J. Moffatt near Wingharn. She was Watson of Winnipeg.
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. A. Mrs. R. Ashton is spending some
her daughter, Mrs. Radford
Earls of Wroxeter and Mrs. Alex, thne with
Donaldson of Appleby. in Walton.
Miss Margaret Fosterreturned MA Geo. Walker spent a few days
home from the cottage at Inverhuron last week with friends in Owen Sound.
on Sunday. Miss Pauline Ashton of Sarnia, vis -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson and ited at her home here on Sunday.
children, of Winnipeg, Man.. spent a Rev. Mr. Kinder of Leamington,
few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. H. V.
Foster. Holmes for the week -end.
Rev. Mr. Kinder of Leamingten Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor accom-
ook the services in St. Stephen's An- panied Rev. Mr. Kinder to Palmers-
glican Church on Sunday. Nix.. Kind- ton where they'visited friends Mon-
er was rector here for four years over day.
twenty-one years ago. He took as his Mrs. Wm. Hastie and sister, Mrs.
text, St. John, 1st chap., 21, 22 and Turner of Edmonton, spent the past
24th verses. week with Miss Margaret Vickers at
• • • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodleigh, was rector of this parish, and his old
of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. D, S. friends were delighted to have him
Hicks of Harriston, were Sunday vis- back again.
itors of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. David Walker, Ni -
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willis of Lon- agars Falls, spent a few days last
don, were Sunday guests of Mr. and week with Mrs. Thomas Gibson.
Mrs, Charles King. kir. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen and
Friends of Charles Hubbard will re- daughter, Jean, London, spent the
gret to learn of his passing away at week -end with the forraer's mother
his home in Lakelet on Sunday. Mr. here.
Hubbard has boon seriously ill for Miss Edythe Martin returned from
some months and his death was not her vacation last week and has for
(unexpected. her guest, her cousin, Miss Jessie
today. In this regard the Inspector
stated Howick Township readers were
sinful and he thought the local boards
should educate the public to a higher
class of reading. He advocated the
purchase of juvenile books to encour-
age children to grow up with improv-
ed ideas of good reading. This, he
believed, could be done by careful
'selection of books by school teachers
Ind Library Boards.
Owing to the Sewing Class, the Moffat, London.
regular Institute meeting will net be Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin and Glenn
held on Wednesday, Aug. 8th. Fur- were Sunday guests of Mrs. Rasm,us-
ther announcement next week.• sem
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and
and granddaughter, Mary Ellen Kerr, daughter, Norma, London, are guests
of Brussels, and Miss Ferguson, of of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks.
Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Smyth and children
Mrs. R. G, Dane on Sunday. of Detroit, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Max Abram and Vern
of Listowel visited with Mr. and Miss
Douglas and other Gorrie friends on
• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald of
Molesworth and Mr. Woodhouse, of
Hamilton, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. King on Wednesday.
• Mr. Robert Wade spent last week
with relatives in Toronto. -
Miss Bernice Day had her tonsils
removed on Saturday.
Miss 13. Rolston of Hamilton is the
guest of Mrs. William Earngey while
in town.
Mrs. James Bell spent the past week
at the home of her SOTI, Win. Bell, at
'Mr. and Mrs. Luton and three
children from Toronto, spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Tlidnias Earl.
Herbert and Bob. Wodehouse, of
Hamilton, spent a couple of days Iasi
week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs, 1 Robt. Brown is spending a
week in 'Mildmity with her parents and
Mr. Gales Peffner was the victim
of what may prove a serious accident.
He was employed in Turnbbery in
cutting a tree when his axe was struck
by the axe of a fellow -worked, caus-
ing a splinter of it to enter Mr. Peff-
ner's head jut above the eye. He was
taken to Victoria Hospital, London,
for treatment. The splinter was re- Mr. Geo. Town.
moved and he returned to his •home Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Finlay and
on Monday. Wendell spent the week -end with To -
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott, of ronto friends.
Guelph, spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Hooper.
Mrs. J. H. Williamson, Fordwich,
was a visitor on Thursday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
Mrs. J. Lovell, Miss A. 13. Fraser
and Miss Jessie Fraser, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Greenlaw at Palinerston.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann were Sat-
urday visitors at the home of their
son, Allan, at Brussels.
Miss Nellie McLaughlin and Miss
Mr. Wilf. Xing was in Torento on Owen Sound and Mrs. Chas. Spart at
efonday. Paris.
The Gorrie Sports Committee are Quite a ntunber of the young peo-
eolding a meeting in Williarn Edgar's ple of the senior classes of the Unit -
:Tub Rooms on Wednesday evening ed Church Sunday School attended the
for the purpose of discussing the pos- iicnic held at Port Elgin on Tuesday.
sibility of holding the Annual Sports
Day on Labor Day. Montgomery - Fielde
Civic Holiday is being observed in Many former friends will be inter-
Gorrie on Monday next when all plac- ested to read of the marriage of a'
es of business will be closed.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ieibine and
.amily were Listowel visitors on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willen and Miss
Evelyn English, of Blackstock visited
with Mr, and NIrs. S. W. Ferguson
last week, Miss English remained and
is spending some time at the same
Among those registered for the
Sewing Course being held in the Twp,
Hall here are: Mesdamee, L. Ashton,
sister, who underwent an operation S. Ashton, C. Gregg, E. Bolton,. A.
for appendicitis two weeks ago, Heibine and R. Newton; also Misses
NI. el Woodcock and daughters, Margaret Dane, Nellie Dinsmore,
Marjorie and Marion, who have spent Monto Earngey, Alberta Fergeson,
the last three weeks with the former's. Arlene Galbraith, Nellie Inglis, Mary
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, left Miller, Marie McMillan, Audrine
on Saturday ior Toronto where they Pyke, Jean Sparling, Jean Steternol,
Will spend o, couple of daye before re. Loreen Thornton, Blyth Underwood
terning to their home in Winnipeg. and Miss Miller. ,
Harry.Stettertml left last week for Gorrie Tennis Club was pleased to
Toronto where he has secured a po-, have visit from G. Pearce and W.
Garbutt of the Pordwich Club. In a
Mrs. Dickson, son and daughter, game of men's doubles, Dr. Ramage
Mr. ElWood and Miss Eleanor, of and H. Hamilton, playing for Gorrie,
Grand Valley, also Mrs. Ernest King defeated' the visitnrs in a hard-fought
and Marilyn of Detroit, were guests battle, 6-3, 6-Z 6-3. Games with oth-
of Mr. and Mrs. tritest King on Sun- er outside clubs are being planned.
day fast Edward Xing reterned to • Mr. Geo. Stinson of Saskatobit,
Grand Valley with them, Sask., was the guest of Mrs, John
Mies Marie MatelVfillan, of Listowel, Hyndmaei and other friends last week.
eeeameeeeeemaaeteemetemiemeemeekeemeeete is vieiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Greer of Wing-
former Orangehill boy in the person
of Mr. W. G. Montgomery, who, with
his wife, is now visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Bingham and other relatives in and
around Goreie. The following was ta-
ken from "The Edmonton Journal":
'At high noon, Tuesday, July 17th,
Anone, only daughter of Mrs. W. S.
Fickle and the late 1'Ir. Fielde became
the/ bride of Mr. William George
Montgomery, eldest son of Mrs; 3, J.
Montgomery and the late Mr. Mont-
gomery, at a pretty ceremony in
Christ Church, Rev. J. M. Cornyn
Ching officiating.
F. C. Jennings, Inspector of Public
Libraries for Ontario, paid an official
visit to Gorda on Thursday last. The
Inspector was pleased to see many
new books added to the shelves, but
pointed out that a general "weeding
out" of old volumes should be under-
taken. Be also was gratified at the
formation of a Township Library and
believed this a forward step to solve
library difficulties in rural districts.
• He was not so complitneetarY, how-
ever, in his remarks on the present-
day taste in readieg material, &pre -
Eliza McLaughlin, both of Oshawa,
motored up on Saturday and are
spending a week with Mrs. Robert
McLaughlin and other friends.
Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen received
word early Sunday morning of the
sudden death of her brother-in-law,
the late Andrew Lamont, Brussels,
Mr. Lamont while shopping in 13rtis-
sels Saturday afternoon, fell and died
from his injuries early Sunday morn-
ing. We extend sympathy, .
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. MacT,eaii were Mr.
and Mrs. Morris and Miss Margaret
spence, Palmerston; also Mrs. Os-
borne, Toronto.
Mr. E. VanVelsor and Miss Rona,
returned on Saturday from an enjoy-
able motor trip to Brockville and Ot-
tawa. •
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Morrison and
daughter, of Swift Current, Sask., are
visiting the former's mother, in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Depew, son
and daughter, motored from Toronto
and visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Stocks. Mr. Depevv re-
turned to the city, his wife and child-
ren remaining. for a short vacation.
Rev, B. A. Kinder, Leamington, for-
merly rector of this parish, tailed on
old friends, over the week -end, arid
„,„„„.„, • aa
mother, Mrs. Leech, of Brussels, Mr.
George Leech and daughter. Bessie,,
of Norwich, Mr, Ivan Leech of Ot-
terville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zieg-
ler, and sort, Billie, of Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill at-
tended the funeral of a friend at Hen -
sal on Monday afternoon.
• Mr. T. G. Heenphill has begun work
on a new addition to the Marchmont
Mills, in the form of a new stock
room. ,
McCoy—In Wroxeter, on July 30th,
1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCoy
(nee Lorene Chernberlin), a son.
The July meeting of the, Wroxeter
Women's Institute was held on the
lawn at Miss Mae Davidson's home
and was in the form of a picnic. There
was a good attendance of members
and visitors. The usual business meet -
Mr. Fred Woolsley, of Waldemar, ing was dispensed with and an enjoy -
spent the week -end at his home here. lable afternoon was spent in games and
Mr. and Mrs. Jardine, of Brussels, contests. For' the two contests, fume
were Sunday guests of Mies Margaret bled Canadian Cities and Articles our
eadfiUe-n grandmothers never had, the company
13 :
d Mrs. H. . Allen, Brussels, was divided into four groups, number
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Allen.
Mrs. Montrose and daughter, eir.
Albert Paulin Sr., Mr. Albert Paulin drop into a bottle. This was won by
Jr., and son, Jim, all of Pontiac, Mich. Mrs. M. McLaughlin; gracefttl walk -
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. ing, Mrs. G. Gibson, Miss M. David -
Geo. Paulin. son and Miss Lily Waller; ,paper bag
Miss Evelyn Gamble, of Fordevich, race, Mrs. S. McNaughton and Mrs.
called on old friends in town one day Jas. Sangster; stepping stones, Mrs.
last week. • A, Weaning and Miss Lily Waller;
Mrs. Mary Edgar spent a few days delicious refreshments were served
last week with Fordwich friends. • later.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Senderson
and family, Detroit, spent the week- Package Bees
end with D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson. There are aproximately 5,000 bees
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackman, Tor- in a pound and they may be obtained
onto, spent the week -end at the home in packages holding one or more
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown. '• but the two -pound size appears to be
Mrs. Earle Sproule spent part of the most popular for all purposes
last week with her parents at Brut- »There are, however, many beekeepers,
three group winning both. A bean
contest was next, each person seeing
how many beans out of 10 they could
eels( •especially le eastern Canada, who pre-
ifer a three -pound package, thinking
A Good Hobby that the extra pound of bees will ene
A hobby which has proved renenne able the colony to build up more rape
erative as well as interesting, hae idly. But, says, Mr„ C. B. Goddere
been taken up this summer by one of ham, the Dominion Apiarist, experi-
our C. S. boys. Stewart Higgins pur- Iments with the two sizes of packages
chased a few hives of bees in the do not seent 'to warrant this a.seurnp-
spring and after an interesting sea- ilon, for the two -pound packages will
son's work, has a considerable amount 'usually build up as rapidly and
of fine honey on band. Stewart is to jus/ as notch honey as do •the tiii»ai-
be on his achievement. pound paekeges If the bees are
Lord's Day Alliance Speaker !young and the loss during transpr-
Oil Sunday morning next, August tation not ,,ixcessive, them aro enough
5th, Mr. Fred Bryant of Stratford, re- ;of them in a two-pottnd package to
preeenting the Lord'sI)ay Alliance, care for all the brood that can be pro
will have charge of service in 'Milted • duced by the queen, and the eolotiy
Church. He will also speak at Solent i will build tip just as Wa. -without the
in the afternoon. The evening service exeess workers.