HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-02, Page 4•
Thursday, August'" Znd,. 10.4.
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112010=01:20=03=0/====01= r 'ZOIi.Oa
FOR SALE — Child's white enamel banks of the Maitland river, was the
Cot, also baby cart and baby swing. scene of a pleasant social function
Apply Mrs. Arthur Field, Victoria
.FOR SALE—Cook Stove in good con
clition. Apply to D. S. McNaugh-
ton, Bluevale.
FOR SALE—Cosy six roomed house,
all conveniences, centrally located.
To be sold at a sacrifice. Apply to
T. Fells.
FOR SALE—One good Bell Piano,
good as new, apply T. Fells.
on Wednesday evening;~ when the
choir members ;of Knox;,P.resbyter
ian Church together with their friends
gathered for a wiener roast.
A huge fire was lighted on the
river flats, which along with the mar-
velous light of the moon made an
ideal setting for the occasion. While
the younger set played games, the
older guests enjoyed social chat, Vio-
lin and guitar music throughout the
LOST—Sventy-One dollars, 3 twen- evening was a pleasing addition to, the
ties, one ten and a one dollar bill. evening's entertainment.
Reward. H. Diamond,
The guests formed ormed a circle on the
lawn, where they enjoyed the hot dogs
and other refreshments, after which
all, joined in community singing with
guitar accompaniment.
Voters' List, 1934, "Township of
'Turnberry, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of • THE
have posted up at my office in Turn -
berry, on the 23rd day of July, 1934
the list of all persons entitled to vote
in the said municipal elections and
that such list remains there for in-
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to Taw, the last day for
appeal being the 14th day of August,
Dated. Clerk's Office, the 23rd day
.of July, 1934.
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk,
Wingham, Ontario,
Institute Picnic August 9th.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held on
Thursday afternoon, August 9th. at
2.30 o'clock on . Jas. Kerney's river
flats, and will be in the form of a
picnic. Mrs. S. N. Gallaher will speak
on the Motto for the month, "Come
1et us make Merry Together;"
Roll Call will be answered by "A
humorous story."
A talk on the value of Physcial
Culture will be given by Mrs. Aitken.
Games and contests are in the hands
of Va special committee, and a cordial The Mission Band of the United
invitation is extended to the children. Church enjoyed their annual picnic
A picnic lunch will be served. during the past week on the church
lawn. The day was fine and the child -
Knox Choir Enjoys Outing ren were present in good numbers.
The home of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Miss Dorothy Aitkin had charge of
Higgins, beautifully situated on the! the Sports after which refreshments
Y. P. S. Condttct Service
The Sunday evening service in the
United Church was conducted by the
Young People's Society', with Mt. W
Peacock, President of the Society, as
leader, assisted br' Mr. Chas Johns-
ton. The choir, composed of.members
of 'he society, led the s'ngidg. I'leas-
ing•musical ;limbers, we'e offered by
the choir, a solo by Ross Smith, a
suet by Misses Donna Smith alai Dor_
ori y Aitken, and a solo by Misa Bea-
trice Thornton.
Tile speakers flax the, evening were:
Miss Alberta Shiell, and Messrs. Car-
man Hetherington and George Johns-
ton. Miss Shiell's address` 'dealt with
religion in our individual lines, and
she gave some splendid, practical
views on Christian living: Mi-. Heth-
erington gave four interesting "Stor-
ies in the Life of Jesus" giving each
in a descriptive manner, ` and adding
details" which were new 'to' his listen-
ers. 'Mr. Johnsten's address centred
on "Books" their selection, and our
care in the choice of recommended au=
Old favorite .:
hymns 'iia'ere' sung
throughout the service,
To Wit:
')y VIRTTJE OP A WARRANT 'tinder the hand, of the Mayor and
Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, dated the. Seventeenth
day of May, A.D; 1934, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned
in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein set
I hereby give noticethat uinl ss such h arr
ears and costs s are sooner
shall; in compliance with The Assessment Act,:,prot=eed to sell by
public auction the said lands or as much thereof as May be ,necessary to
discharge such arrears of taxes and costs,, in the Connell Chambers, Town
Hall, on Saturday, September 15th., at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore-
Nutnber of Lot axs
11, Bristol Terrace, John Gregory Survey $ 66'e.b9
15 & 20, Josephine Last, Jane Sadler'S Second
Survey..: ., . 76;94
4 ,5& 6 Charles 5t, South; Andcrson, .Cider
and Clegg Survey
4Patrick Street North; John Cornyn 204,66
Part Lct6, Josephine St. est' 1 ]e s Second
Snavey ... 160.86
122, 1' 3 134 ,.18,0 8s 136 Carlin ` .aces , r
Leet 4 :.::[�lavies ec'ort.cr Afit6y 52.25
L LBRAITI1 `Ire s ." e -r•• 'o
W, A. Cai:lbi. , aur wn of
Costs Total
$ 9.20 $ 77.29
9.65 86.59
10,00 94.82
16,00 '220:66
14,80 175.66
8.41 60.66
ere served and all enjoyed a good
Donald Taylor returned to his home
Hamilton on Sunday after spend -
Vivo weeks with his cousins, Miss
y and Marian Kaufmann
Little Miss Jean Stewart spent last
week with her cousins, Kenneth and
Glenn Bone in Morris,
Mr. and. Mrs, R, H. McKinnon and
family spent Sunday with -relatives at
Dr, Buehanan of Delleraine, Maxi,,
accompanied by two sisters, Miss Flo.
Buehari:an and Mrs. Robert Strachan,
Brussels, were recent visitors with
Mrs. Mary Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Robb and Orville
of Stratford, visited with friends in
this vicinity during the week,
Fred Enright and little sister, of
Toronto, are with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes.
Mrs. W. Duff, having disposed of
her hardware and grocery, business
here, has moved her household effects
to Brussels.
Jim Dobie is spending the holidays
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
Dobie, at Acton.
Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Coultes, Lis-
towel, are visiting with their mothers,
Mrs. Snell and. Mrs. Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake Duff and
two daughters, Elizabeth and Patricia
of Welland, were week -end visitors
with Miss Duff and Mrs. Aitkin.
R. F. Garniss, J. M. Scott and Gor-
don Enebury made a business trip to
Milverton and Waterloo on Thursday.
Mrs. H. F. Berry and Miss Elsie
Smith, of Brucefield, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith.,
Masters Floyd and Harold. Hallen-
beck are holidaying with their cousin,
Miss Worothy Walker, in Turnberry.
Mrs, Alex. Mowbray and Miss Hel-
en spent a couple of clays with rela-
tives at Teeswater.
Mrs. Sarah McKinney and family of
Toronto, have rented Mr. Thos. Stew-
art's cottage and will spend the month
of Angus here.
Miss Alba Mowbray and Miss Bet-
ty Kaufmann are spending this week
with Mr. and Mrs, Rome Taylor at
Jack Mowbray is visiting with his
aunt, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, in Wawa -
Miss Florence Fowler spent Mon-
day in Seaforth.
The people of the community were
shocked to hear of the death of Mof-
fatt Miller, who will be remembered
by the young people of Bluevale, he
was the third son of the late D. M.
and Mrs. Miller. He leaves to mourn.
their loss, bis wife, formerly •Miss G.
Jones, of St. Thomas, also two sis-
ters, . (Bessie) Mrs. Dalton, (Margar-
et) Mrs. MacPherson, and four bro-
thers, Vernon and Kane of Toronto,
John of Collingwood and Cameron of
Montreal. The sympathy of the peo-
ple of Blnevale goes to them in the
Loss of a loving husband and brother.
Miss Anna Forgie is spending a va-
cation in Toronto.
Miss Luella Hoper is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Ronald Rae of Toronto, is vis-
iting at his home here.
Miss Edna Henderson returned last
week from a month's visit in Smiths
A real chance -Cameras at aa less
than regular prices. McKibbon's Drug
Miss Grace Bryce is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Geo. Casemore of Turn'
Miss Margaret Bryce is' visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. Marshall Haines
at Guelph.
Mrs. Ellen. McPherson and daught-
er, Yvonne, visited in Fergus and Galt
last week.
Mrs. Alex. Scott spent the last week
with her daughter, Mrs. John Fairser-
vice at, Blyth.
Mrs. A. J. Tiffin spent a few days
this week in London, with her daugh-
ter, Mrs,' A. Reeves,
Mrs, Wm. Welch of Harriston,
spent the week -end at the home:. of.
Mrs. E. McLaughlin.
Mrs. Russell Tervit of Toronto, vis-
ited at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Arde, Edward Street.
Pads, plasters, only increase the
pain, Use Cress Corn Salve. At Mc-
Kibbon's Drug Store.
Mrs. C. E. Smith and daughter, Flo-
rence, returned home after spending a
month at Bruce Beach.
IKipp's• Laxative Tablets, good for
adults, safe for children. McAvoy's i
Drug Store, telephone 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shane of Loll-
c on, visited last week at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Nash.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Haller and dau-
ghter, Loraine, are spending a week's
vacation at Inverhuron Beach*
Mr, and Mrs, A. McKinney and fa-
mily of Sarnia, are spending the sum-
mer holidays with relatives here.
and Mrs. W, A. Mansfield of
Iyiildsa` ., were week -end visitors at
the ho c of :a E. Is ..
I a d, John St.
and`Mrs. A, Bei
man and family
and Mrs. E. Criss of London, Visited
relatives in town over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs, A, L, Ptrsiiff and son,
Q Iity Milk
Foxton Dairy
Phone 9.
Is Unique
Cars Greased and Oil
Harry, were guests at the Lloyd Cot-
tage, Bruce Beach over 'the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hudson and
fancily of Palmerston, visited last
week at the home of Mrs. Robt. Lock -
Miss Mary Johnston, B.A., of Tor-
onto, is spending her vacation at the
home of her mother, Mrs, Adam Rob-
Mr. George A. Elliott and daughter
Mary, of Ottawa, spent the week -end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, D.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hopper and fam-
ily of Brussels, are visiting at the
home of his parenp, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hopper.
Messrs. Ken. Somers, W. Tiffin and
George Allen returned on Monday
from Kincardine Beach, where they
spent a week.
Miss Lela Bready and Miss. Lillian
Bready of North, Battleford, Sask., are
visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Galbraith:
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mundy and
children, also Mrs. C. S. Blackhall are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brackley
of Gravenhurst.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lanning and son
John, also 'Miss, Annie Wilson have
returned to Toronto after visiting Mrs
John Wilson for two weeks.
Mrs. C. C. McIntyre and daughter
of Peterborough, are visiting with the
former's sister; Mrs. G. L. Baker and
her brother, Mr. A. J. Walker..
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forgie and
two children of Toronto, are spending.
their vacation an the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forgie, Frances
Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Ford were in
Toronto last week ,attending the
Wake up your Liver Bile
—No Calomel necessary
For you to feel healthy and happy your
liver roust pour two pounds of liquid bile into
your bowers every day, 'without that bile,
trouble starts, Poor digestion. Slow elimination.
Poisons in the body, General wretchedness,
Row can you expect to clear up a situation
like thio completely with mere bowel -moving
state, ell, mineral Water, laxative candy or
chewing gun, or roughage? They don't wake
up your hver.
You need Carter's Little liver Pills. Purely
vegetable. Safe, Quick and acre results. Ask
for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25e. at
w druggists.
Insure ,
e and
Make Sure.
All the best old established
Thirty -Five Yearsin the Busi-
A r Cosens
lnatitaince and Real;' Estate:
,rand Circuit Races.
11' tl; ay of Toronto, returned with
there; for a visit.
Ml! and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, 2nd
line '�of Morris, and sons, Harvey,;
thur and Maitland, and Mr, and
Alvin Orvis of town, visited in Wash,
ington, Ont., on Sunday.
Mrs. W. F. 13urgman, Billie and
Ruth, left an Wednesday for a holi-
day at Bruce 13each, They were ac-
companied by Mrs. Burgrnan's sister,
Mrs, J. C. Grant of Windsor and her
children. '
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. RobtD
eyel1 on Sunday day were
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and. Jessie
Alice of Langside; Mr. and Mrs. An-
drews of Goderich; Miss Rae and Fre-
da ,also Mr. Alex. MoNevin, of God-
Mrs, Beith and Miss Jean Cameron
of Scotland, were visitors one day last
week with their cousins, Miss M. Mc-
Kee and Mrs, T. H. Gibson, Guests
with thein the same day were: Fraser
and Miss Jean MacDonald,; also Mrs.
Toin. MacDonald, of Molesworth.
Mr. John D. Murdoch of Toronto,
motored up and ,spent the week -end
with,Mr. and: Mrs. George Edgar, Mrs.
Murdoch and little daughter, Phyllis,
returned to Toronto with him after
spending three weeks holidaying_ at
her parental home and visiting friends
Miss Frances Edgar returned with
them for a short holiday in the city.
Miss Allena McLean of Fargo,.
North' Dakota, a cousin of T. J. Mc-
Lean, also Mrs. Ethel Eddy, Mrs. May
Smith and Mrs. Ruth Hazeltine visit-
ed for a few days with T. J. McLean
and family. The party are on a mo-
tor trip from Fargo- via Detroit to
Wingham, and on to Halifax by Bos
ton and New York and return to Far-
go. Just a seven thousand mile trip.
Miss Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parrish and
family, 1VIr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson
and family, Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs.
John Mullin, spent Sunday afternoon
with • the Misses Jennie and Mary
Farrish and Miss Emma Richardson,
at Langside.
Mrs. David Little and daughter,
Vera, spent a few days with their un-
cle, Mr. Joe Alton, near Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lane, and son.
Clifford, motored to Riverview Satur-
day returning on Sunday, visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Layburn.
Mrs. James Cook, of Lucknow,is
spending a few days with Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier, White-;
church, spent a few days with their
nephews, Messrs. Elmer, Will and
IWalter Alton.
We are glad to see Miss Jean Cam-
eron able to be up and around again
after her serious illness a week ago,.
from blood poisoning in her face,
Mrs. George Spackman of London
who was visiting for a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs. • W. M. Champion, . -left
for is week's visit with her sister in
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Champion left
on Friday for Niagara Falls where
Harry has secured a position on a fruit
Mrs. Wm. McNall is very ill : at
present with stomach flu. We hope
to see her early recovery.
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Nixon
spent Wednesday last in Wingham,
Mr, George Graham and Mrs. John
Coutts, of Mt. Forest, visited on Sun-
day with her neices, Mrs. Havens and
Mrs. Gardener.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter and Mrs.
C. Thompson visited w.ith Miss Mc-
Gregor on Sunday who is a patient
in Wingham General Hospital
Mrs. .a . Cook, of Luckno
J s w, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr.. and Mrs. John Emerson, :Kin -
lough, spent Sunday at Mr. Ralph Nix-
Misses Dorothy Alton and Hilda
Lane spent the week -end in Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Hackett, of
Detroit, and Miss Etta Lane, of Rip-
ley, were visitors during the week at
Mr, James Hackett's.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt .Spent
Sunday with the Tatter's mother, Mrs.
Sam, Sherwood,
Women's Missionary. Society held a
fine meeting at Miss Hakney's Wed-
nesday afternoon, 13 attended. With
Mrs. Alex, Corrigan as ol-ganist the
meeting opened with singing "Zion's
Church -shall reign"; prayer by Mrs,
Thomas Abraham. Minutes by Sec. -
Trees, Mrs. Roy Retherford, also
reading from the Study Book, Hynin
"Take, Time to be :Eloy".'n reading,
Canbelled' Prayer, ,M,.- J'efkt•sy: Col-:•
/eat .4.40. , fdyme, "Lord speak to me
that t may speak." Prayer in con-
eliisidn, Mrs. Peter Etakney,
Rev. Mahoney and his group of
young people put on a play in the
c.onimil nity hall VJednesdaaa
The Presbyterian Sunday School
field, their picnic in Adam Nichtil's
nd rs, Herdnreturn'ed from
their visit Saturday bringing hotne a
15 -Ib. salmon which they caught.
Visitors in the village the past week
were; Lawson and Audrey Nichol of
Toronto; Mies Flap clay, Teeswater;
Jack Herd, Wingham, at George
Herd's; Mr, Walters of Revenna call-
ing on friends; Mr. Neale of Richest-
er, at Mrs. Casemore's Mr. Beecroft
afamily na nd Mary
withal•In ha
Mr. and Mrs, Balers motored to
Millbank Thursday evening,
M. Jeffreyspent the afternoon in
Gorrie with Mrs, John Wylie,
There will be no service in the Un-
ited Church next. Sunday.
The marriage of Miss Helen Mul-
vey to Mr. David Eeadie of Glenann-
an, took place at the Manse Saturday
afternoon, ' After luncheon at the
home of the bride, they left for a
honey -moon trip to Niagara Falls and
other points. After their return they
will be at 'home to their friends on
the groom's farm at Glenannan.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellings spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr ,and Mrs,
Flemming Bervie.
Mr. Fred Deacon visited at the
home of his brother, Mr. Henry Dea-
Mr. Joseph Kerr and family spent
Sunday at the Lake, also Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson and children,
Mr. John Currie is sporting a De;
Sota Car.
Miss Edith Arbuckle spent the
week -end at the home of Mrs. George
Miss Alba Carter spent the week-
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Carter.
Mr. George Taylor visited a friend
in Brussels.
Congratulations to Mr. Stanely. El-
liott of St. Catherines, having 42
pupils pass out of 42 for • the High.
School term commencing September.
Andrew William Lamont
Following an accident, Andrew Wil-
liam Lamont, Lot 6, Con, 10, Grey
Township, passed away at hishome
on Sunday morning, in his 60th year.
His health had not been of the best
for some time but he was able to be
around. Saturday afternoon he went
to Brussels with Mrs. Lamont, and
when' going tip 'some steps in D. A.
Rann's furniture store, he fell back-
wards, '
ack-wards,' 'striking, his head on the floor.
He was taken home but never regain-
ed consciousness., He was well and
favorably known, having'lived on the
farm on whiche died for thirty-five
years, ;was an elder in Melville 'Pres-
byterian Church, Brussels, and took
a great interest in 'all church affairs.
He leaves to 'mourn their loss his wife
formerly Miss Elsie Strachan; an ad-
opted daughter, Elizabeth Brewer; one
sister, Mary,: and four brothers, Sam-
uel, Regina; Alex., Carleton Place;
Leslie, Kincardine; Andrew in Brus-
sels. He was a son of the late Hugh
and Mrs. Lamont. The funeral was
held from his late residence on Tues-
day afternoon and burial took place
in'Bru'ssels cemetery, Rev. W. Moore
of 1VIelville Presbyterian ` Church, of-
Mrs:, Mary Ballagh of Guelph spent
a few,': days, at the home of her ne-
phew, :Mr. Chester Higgins last week.
Master Wray Henning is spending
a few days at the home of his uncle,
Mr. Lloyd `Hen nbig.
Mrs Aild'n Fralick has returned af-
ter visitingaiin• 1Iarriston._;
We are glad to known that Jimmie ,
Wylie, infant son of Howard Wylie,
is improving after• his serious illness.
Sale Values
Buy and Save at these
Reduced Prices in Men's,
Wear and the Women's,
Wear Stores. . .
English Prints, colorfast 2 yds.
for 25c.
A range of Cretonnes, yard.
wide, sale 20c
Factory Cotton, yardwide,
reg. 15c for 13c
Children's Fancy Colored Sox.
now 10c
Women's Bloomers, bargain 25c
Odd lines of Corsets to clear 50c
Silk Hose, best colors, reg up
to $1.00, for ....... ..,.49c
5 doz. Cotton Hose, reg. 25c
sale 19c
Supersilk Hose, full fashioned
now 69c
Supersilk Hose, reg. to. $•1.75,
sale $1.25
Sort Blouses in new styles,
bargain 69c
•Girls' Rayon" Knit Tams ... .,25c
House Dresses, made in good
style and colorfast, reg. to
1.75, for 98c
A range of Broadcloth Slips,
'sale 59c
Ladies' Silk Bloomers to clear
at .:........ ,.. -.,., 39c
Girls' Bathing Suits, 89c
Girls' Broadcloth Bloomers 25c
Children's Suntan Rompers 39c
Ladies' Silk Crepe Slips, reg.
$1.95, bargain. : ......................$1.59,
Pure Silk Crepes, all colors,
reg. $1.00, sale 79e
Satins, yard wide, reg. .$1.00,
sale 5c
.Dress Voiles and Organdies;:
reg. to 75c at 39c
Turkish Towelling, reg. 25c20c
A rage of Curtain Nets, reg.
to 39c, for 25c
Plain Sparva Cloth, yard wide
sale 35c
Figured Sparva Cloth, reg. 59c
sale 450
Children's Print Dresses, reg.
$1.00, now • 75c
Ladies' Colored Rubber Capes
reg. $1.25, now 89c
Verandah Cushions, made of
Chintz . ........19c
Big Reductions on Lad-
ies' Dresses, Suits, Coats
Blouses and Skirts
Range No.• 1— New models in
Voile and Celanese Dresses,
an sale at.µ:,.....,..... $1:95:..
Range No, 2 4- Clearance of
Better Dresses, smart styles
your pick for $2.95
Range No. 3 -- Choice tot of
1Plain and Fancy Print Cre-
pes, Bargain $3.95
Range No. 4 One rack of
Dresses in Navy and Black
Crepes and Fancy Prints,
smart models on sale at
$4.95 and' $5.95•
All other lines of Ready -
to -Wear Reduced from
20 to 40 Per Cent.
. Isard
Mr. Jaynes Wylie visited his daugh-
ter in Toronto recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higgins from
near Brussels spent last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins.„
Mr. and Mrs. John Weir returned
to their home in Pittsburg after holi-
daying in this locality.
Mr. Stocks of Wroxeter occupied
the pulpit here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMichael
spent last Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cathers
of the, B. Line.
and,:Mi;s. A. E. Gallaherand,'
family spent one night last week with
lttr, and Mrs. Win. Jacques near Lake
let. 1
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk . 18c
Maple Leaf Salmon i/ 'stP er pun , ..
Loose Soap Chips, 3 lbs:. , , .
Brunswick Sardines, 5 tins for
Hillcrest Shortneing• 1's, 2 pounds for
Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins for
2 tins for 35c
....... 17c
.... '1
.....,,. 23c
.... 21c
Superior Stores
Phone 193.
C. -1,0 t 'ADE
Phone 622r5