HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-02, Page 3tl
Thursday, August 2nd, 1934
Thrifty Housewives Buy Quality
"Fresh From the Gardens's
World Wide News In Brief
Hornet Stings Prove Fatal
Winona -Stung on the face and
neck by Hornets, Adam Mi1etich, Win=
one, died within a few minutes of be-
ing attacked by the insects, Miletick
and his wife wei:e working on the side
of the 'naountain, near here when he
was atacked by. the. swarm of hornets
as he was cutting up a fallen tree for
firewood,: Mileach evidently Led an
extreme :susceptibility to wasps'
c„ as a year agcy he wee stung •on .Elie"
firer and lay between life and death
in hospital for several weeks.
Tilde Improves in Great Britain
London—"There has ` been an •un-
mistakableimprovement," declared
Walter' 'Runcinaan," President of the
Board of Trade, as he reviewed the.
position of British trade in the douse
of Commons. But his'oP timism was
tempered wi.th a note of caution. The
first,ca.-re of the theNati opal'Gov ernnreut
had been to de-velop the home mar -
feet heointed, out, but no he
p w ques-
tioned whether the
aturation ' point
had not .been reached. He darib'ted the
home market coailrl be •undtitye,;pand
ped further wit'hou't,endan ering the ex-
port trade.
Slot Machines Returned 'to Owners
London, Ont.—Mayor 'G. A. Wen-
ige issued anorder en, Chief of Police
Harry Down to return to their own-
efs the thirty -odd slot -machines seiz-
ed on the order of -the Mayor. Thus.
apparently ends the conflict between
the Mayor and the ,Chief ' over slot -
machines in
lot-machinesin London. The Chief claim-
ed that the machines„which had been
operating here e,ecenfly, were all of
the type that had been aedlared legal
by test cases in 'local 'courts, but the
Mayor contended that the , Chief
should act tinder 'Section 641 of the
(Criminal :Code.,
Octet Birth Reported In 'China
Canton, China—The now 'walla -
famous Canadian Dionne gtiintuplets,
sof Corbiel, Ont.; promise to be
eclipsed, if a report, Circulating 'here
that a Chinese woman, the wife of a
native boatman, gave birth to seven'
boys and one.., girl, proves true. •A;1 -
though reports of this octetb'irth were
only recently given prominence, the
babies weer said to 1•iave been born
in May, aboard a Chinese fishing Junk
somewhere within the delta of 1'ear1
River, a tortuous waterway connect-
ing with the Canton Sea.
Ontario Borrows on New Low Rate
$15,000,000 of short-t9rm Treasury
notes at 3.5$ per ecnt., it was an,
pounced by the Premier, who liodls
also the portfoljo of Provincial Treas-
trrer, The rate compared with one of
4 per cent. obtained by the late Henry
Government for a similar transaction
last March.
Three Favorite Orchestras.
To Be at C. N. E.
Three world-famous dance orches-
tras, whose appearence will be punc-
tuated by music from augmented local
groups, are to be heard at this year's
Canadian National Exhibition, Genet --
al Manager Elwood A. Hughes an-
nounced. Of most interest to Canad-
ians is the fact that one sof the three
is: the dance combination, now inter-
nationally known for its radio work
as well and through appearances in
notion pictures, which 'originated in
this country—Guy Lombardo and his
Royal Canadians. The other two are,
Duke bis ton and
g Band,. and
Abe Lyman and his Californians.
Ontario Government
Not to Exhibit at C.N.E.
There will be no Ontario Govern-
ment exhibit at the Canadian Nation-
al Exhibition nor at any fall fair this
year, according to announcement by
Premier Mitchell Hepburn. "These
exhibits have been costing too much,”
said Mr. Hepburn, '"and, in view of
the current depression, we have de-
cided against continuance of the prac-
tice." He was asked wether this would
entail stripping of the 'Ontario'' Gov
ernment Building at the 'C.N.E., . but
he said this detail had nor'been con-
sidered yet.
Gunmen Rob Bank of '$24;000
Three United States desperadoes' are
being sought by the polite for the
robbery of the Bank of 'Montreal
branch at St, Clair Avemre and Keele
Street, Toronto, where -they forced
four members of the bank 'staff into
the vault and escaped with approxi-
mately $24,000 , in cash. All of th'e.
gunmen .were masked, and in addition
to having haedlcerch!eFs tied over
their' faces, two wore colored glasses
to prevent identification. In 'less than
seven minute's from tine time the rob=
fibers trapped the bank staff and piled
the money, into a white canvas bag,
they had fled from the bank in a stol-
en <automobile.
Dionne Babies Will Not
A new low rate for Provincial fin- Be Exhibited.
ancing was established b5= the Hep- An . exploitation scheme which
burn Government when it renewed `meant certain death to one or nrcrre
" The' Long Life Lamps"
mold guaranteed
"400 Ciba d df LdatpJi
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Block. Phone 156.
of the quintuplets" was circumvented
by the Ontario Attorney -General's De
partrn.ent'when it broke the :contract
for exhibiting the Dionne babies at
the Chicago Century of Progress Ex-
position, it was amiouneed by Hon.
Arthur W. Roebuck,
Acting in his function as "perms,
patriae"—father of the people—Mr,
Roebuck has obtained, througlt a
North Bay solicitor, a judicial order
appointingguardians for the quintup-
lets, ;and so has defeated the "perfid-
ious contract which the father, Ovila
Dionne, of Corbiel, was induced to
sign when the babies were, three days
McCaughrin Case to be Re -Opened
The reopened inquiry in the Me
Cattghrin case will be conducted by
Mr, Justice Robert Grant Fisher, it
was announced by Premier Mitchell
Hepburn. He has been commission-
ed by the Government to investigate
all ;matters growing out of and inci-
dental to the appointment and resig-
nation of ex -Magistrate Daniel Mc-
Caughrin, of Orillia.
"This is one of the investigations
into investigations which we promised
during the campaign," said Mr. Hep-
burn. "The Commissioner: will report
to the Attorney -General, and it will
be up to Mr. Roebuck to decide whe-
ther further action shall, be taken."
Heavier, Fines for Inebriates
Under the new L, C. A., just recent-
ly coining into force, the penalties for
inebriates are somewhat heavier, es-
pecially in the second offence class.
The first offenders were, under the
old dispensation, fined from $10 to
$100 with theminiinum being the rule.
The jail option was "not less than ten
days." The option now is, "not less
than 30 days."
Under the new Act the first of-
fenders have a minimum of $10, but
the maximum has been raised to $500.
In the sesond offence it used to be
$50, or one month. Now it is not less
than $200 or more than $1,000, with
the option of two to four months. In
the third offence the act is the same,
not less than three months and not
leshs an six months with no option
of a fine. There is no change there.
Von Papen Appointed
pP d
Minster to Austria
Berlin -Chancellor Hitler named
the Conservative vice chancellor,
Franz Von Papen, ambassador to.
Austria in what was regarded as an
astute move to assure the world Ger-
many's attitude toward Austria is ev-
erything that can be desired. Froin
London comes the word that the ap-
pointment of Franz von Papen as
Minister to Austria does not mean.
the relaxation of Nazi efforts to dom-
inate Austria, in the opinion of the
British Government, a hig'hnffic"rail
close to the Ministry stated.
of -the
Rescued from Kincardine Harbour
Going down into the waters of Kin-
cardine Harbor the second time, Mal-
colm Mackenzie, young son of Kin-
cardine's Chief of Police, owes his life
to Carl Struke of. Palmerston, who,
hearing the cries of children wlio saw
the lad go down, juinped info twelve
feet of water to rescue the drowning
boy. The mishap occurred while the
lad was throwing stones in the har-
'bor. He slipped and fell into the writ-
ten After he had disappeared from
sight children nearby gave an alarm.
One of the crew of the dredge P. J.
Carey, working on the harbor, jump-
ed in, but was hampered ,by heavy
rubber boots.
Horse Steps on Bees But
There Are No Ill Effects
To have you"' horse step on a swarm
of bees clustered in the grass and then
get away without a punctured chin,
you have to be lucky. This happened
to James Johnson in Hullett Town-
ship who was plowing when the in-
cident occurred.' A beekeeper was
called but before his arrival the bees
had left for parts unknown. .. „
17 Kincardine Merchants
Accused a Violating Closing Law
Failure to close at 11 pea. Saturday
as required by a town by-law, resulted
in seventeen rnerchapts appearing be -
a •
foie J. L.Armitage, J.P,, and Mayor
H. R. Magwood. The cases were con
ducted by the Town Solicitor, J. L.
Lamont, with five cases being dismiss-
ed, Judgment reserved in three, and
the remainder paying fines of $1 and.
costs. It is expected the by-law will
cause some discussion at the August
meeting of the Town Council.
While Seeking Lost Child,.
Discover Bear
While searching Tuesday evening of
last week for little Lillian Doyle, who,
litres at the hoi'ne of 12odge Corrigan,
r • M Of fUN
Although primarily and basically an'„
industrial, cultural and agricultural
Exhibition, the "Show Winslow of
the Nations" is a .rendezvous of
merrymakers after sundown.
The colossal pageant,with a cast of
1500 costumed actors depicting the
evolution of our Dominion from the
wilderness Cartier discovered until
tp-day, is an arresting array of brilli-
ance and colour, a vivid portrayal:
of the development of this great
The merry utile -long midway of
thrills, of strange eights and weird
sounds, is a funefai>s for young and
old; and as a grand finale, glittering
domes, towers and flagstaffs of the
Exhibition's magnificent display
palaces pierce a multicolored sky
afire with brilliant illuminations and
crashing, booming, sparkling pyro-
technics. Education, recreation: and
fun for everyone, that's your Exhibi-
tion. This is the big year.
Colonel F. H. Deacon, , Elwood A, Haglms,
President General Manages
six miles north of Lucknow, a party
of = searchers accidentally found a
young` black bear which they later
disposed of with a `high-powered rifle.
'Early in the evening the little girl was
missed and by ten o'clock had not
returned so Mr, Corrigan, assisted dby
'neighbors, commenced looking for her
'and came upon the bear about thirty
Ifrods from the house. The Corrigan
mil " fearedin
1 a y at once something- had
happened the little. girl. Mr. Corrigan
'succeeded in getting the dog to tree
the bear and Mrs. Corrigan went for
.help and it was Ernie Ackert of Holy-
rood who brought down the bear with
.one shot, which struck him full in the
The little girl was Paterfound, near
the house the shot and calls having
awakened her where she . had fallen
asleep quite naware of the alarm ov-
er her- Mr. Arckert on Wednesday
'brought the beat to the village where
it was Viewed: by several people and
judged to be sine or two years old.
It weighed 130 Tbs. A bear in this lo-
cality 'is an unusual thing, although
there have been reports of a bear be-
ing 'sighted in `the locality, and over-
turned bee 'hives near Teeswater re-
cently were attributed to such .a ma-
rauder. One has also been reported
near Goderich lately and one was seen
on Rola Vine=s farm near Wingham.
Carrier 'Pigeon Visits Bowlers
During the 'bowling tournament on
'Thursday afternoon aftern on about 1.30 a -
ca r
Tier pigeon alighted on the green ap-
parently exhausted. It worea tag and.
a message was ;written and attacked
to one leg. The 'bird was fed and did
not leave until about six o'clock. -
Mannt Forest Confederate.
To Open Teeswater :Fair
Word has been received recently
from Hon. Duncan :Marshall that he
will be ac the Teeswater Fair to give
the opening address. The Agricultural
Societe, is to be congratulated on be-
ing fort:aaia:ate enough to y 'secure an oars -
standing man in the •aviculture] in -
chanty, to .open their Pain—Teeswater
Many Dead Fish are
Removed from Pond
Due to recent intense heat, a large
number of minnows and slackers died
in the pond at Weiler's saw mill,. For-
mosa, and in the interests' ,of ' the
health , of the village, twelve large
washtubfuls were removed on the or-
der of Dr. O'Toole,. M.O,H, of, the
municipality. The water in the pond
has been lowe rbefore, and Mr. Weil-
er, speaking to the Telescope, could
not account for the destnuctiori of the
fish in any other way. -- Walkerton
Attempted to Defraud
Listowel Merchant
What 'looked like a deliberate at-
tempt to defraud a local merchant was
perpetrated last Saturday night on one
of the local menccan'ts` Shortly after
nine o'clock Saturday night a lady en-
tered John 'MacDonald's store and,
the clerks being busy, she examined
the godds in the men's wear depart-
ment, When approached by Mr. Mac-
Donald a few minutes later, she stated
she was returning two smocks; of dif-
ferent sizes as .unsatisfactory and ask-
ed for the cash to be returned. She
Stated that her ' brother had bought
combinations and did not' want the
Mr. MacDonald was suspicions front
the start when he noticed that the
goods were not wrapped, being just an all the reshit av the ould toinne
loose on top of a paper hat bag. On Grits roweled into wan.
being told that the smocks were P ur- Whin me ould brother Matt. wus
chased last week, he was certain there thravellin all over the wurruld, befoor
was something wrong, as he rernem- he married the war widdy an sittled body trois to blame us Tories,'' whin:
bered marking the clerks and find- down in Alberta, he met a lot av quare. Ipayple git kilt on the hoighways, we
ing that none had sold smocks Fri- payple wid quare oideas' av tings. He kin say that the fault is not wid the
day or Saturday, he told the woman used to tell me about fellates in India law itsilf, but wid the way thine Grits
who believe in transmogrificashun, do be rennin it. Now that us Tories
plaizes me, an that is that the Grits
kin be blamed fer all the accidints
that happens be rayson av £he beer
an woine, free fer all, law. If army -
that' he could not refund the money
and that her brother, who was sup- arr someting loike that, anainin that are in opposition all we hev to do is
posed to have purchased the goods, whin a man doies, some child is barn to foind fault wid the Hipburn crowd
would have to come to the store, — into the wurruld, that has to take up fer ruinin all the byes an girruls its
Listowel Banner.
A Strange Dahlia
the burthen that the' dead man dhrop- the crounthry, be rayson av thim not
ped. Thim Grits musht hev that oidea makin the law more shtrict, an av
about the bye Hipburn, but, shure, if not infoorcin the rules an regulay-
On Monday Mr. Donald McLeod, he has to carry all the shortcomings 'shuns betther.' Whin the nixt elick
who is deeply interested in matters !that we poiled on thin ould Grits
horticultural, brought into our office !(whin they wus aloive), I shudden't
a very unusual dahlia, which he had 'loike to her to carry his load, Ay
picked in Mr. W. G. Gorvett's gar- coorse, I don't want to belave in anny
den. In fact, there are two dahlias, I sich shtuff mesilf, not loikin to take
growing together on the one stem. chances av bein barn a Grit the nixt
The flowers are of different shades. itoime.
Mr. McLeod states this is the first I Av ' I coorse don't d n t nioind the sal -
specimen of the kind he has ever seen iaries av thim Loire tousand a year
in this country. In Scotland, he saw ; birruds who have been runnia the
one or two, but they were not nearly !Hydro av late, fer, shure, thine lads in investigating the possibilities of es-
so perfect as the one which now orna- airn tt a i n tinD o fr dollars a mont as tablishing this industry`in.tihe D man-
ments our office desk.—Arthur Enter- hoired min on the farrums, an wud ion. Experimental results for the past
prise News. i
shun is hild we kin come out on a
droy platfoorm an win.
Yours as befoor,
Timothy Hay.
Blueberry Culture
While commercial blueberry culture
is a new and thriving industry in the
United States, Canada is not behind
No Immediate Action
by Dungannon Ratepayers
At a meeting of some sixty rate -
likely lame more harses, arr break
more masheenery in wan summer than
the farrumer cud afford to pay fer in
two years, wid proices the way they
are at prisint. Yis, I tink mebby it
payers of Dungannon school .section wus all ;roight to thrini the wings av
the proposed'establishment of 'a Grade thins byesto some ixtint, aven if they
C. Continuation School was again are all Tories, but I arae tould that a
discussed and plans and estimates for lot av hungry Grits do be lookin fer
various types of buildings considered. Cheer jawbs.
Due to the fact that the holiday sea- 'Tis the fursht av August, an the
l,son is too far advanced to commence ind av the summer will soon be here,
operations, the matter isbeing left tin- an, Shure, it hasn't been a good year,
decided until early next year.—Luck- at all, at all, so it hasn't. What wid
now Sentinel, ' the apple trees bein nearly all kilt wid +plant apparently requires a good sup -
the cowld weather lasht winther, an jPly of moisture but not a water-logged
TIMOTHY HAS AN the late shpring, an the fall tvhate ,soil. At Kentville the bushes. are
IDEA FOR SURE 'not half a crop, an the cows goin f thriving on an upland soil that origin -
dray fer want av grass an washer; an i el1y grew wild blueberries, and one
To the Editur av all thim ,the Grits winnin the elickshtuns all planting at Yarmouth is on the edge
Wingham paypers. ,the
the "counthry an fella'-. playirr 'of a well -drained bog 'Very deep beds
Deer 'Sur:—
few years at the Dominion Experi-
mental Station at Kentville have creat-
ed considerable interest in Nova: Sco--n'
tia, and attention. has also been lraw
to the planting of cultivated varieties;
of the blueberry at the Central Ex-
perimental Farm at Ottawa, In Novae
Scotia there are' three experfennialtali
plantings where most of the variefles
arehardy, h a dy, co m
paratively free from
any disease or pests, and properly
handled may be depended on to give
a good yield of large fruits. The soil
for blueberries is important. The
golf on Sundays inshtid av goin to 1 of peat do not seen" to be very sat-
Thim Grits do be holierin thim- 'Church, an shpindin theer money fer {isfactory. According to the experience
!gasoline gained, the cultivation of the t to -
ibt ber
silves sick about the wondherful ting. tga.olnie inshtid av puttin it on the
that bye Hipburn an his crowd are ' collickshun plates, an all Europe in ry should be similar to that for goose-
afther doin. Shure, you wud. tink be Ian uproar, his a tough owld wurrttld berries and currants.
the noise av thim that he is George lintoirely we do be livin in at the
Brown an Alexander MacKenzie, an 1prisint toime. ; "A good conscience is a continual
Sir Wilfrid Laurier an Oliver Mowat, ! But, shure theer is . wan ting that -Christmas."—Pranklin,
Over $56„000,000 has been paid
to Mutual Life policyholders in
DIVIDENDS since 1,869.
W. T. Booth, C.L.U, District Agent, Winghant,
Wm. Webster, Agent, R. R. Nor 2, Lucknows,'Otit.
R. H. Martyrs, Agent, Ripley, Ont.