HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-08-02, Page 2.,PAG g TWO
you're buying
Tires look alike on the outside. Don't
let this deceive you into buying un-
• known value, at tempting prices. If
• you buy low-priced tires — PLAY
is tough, honestly -built, and gives de-
pendable service at an amazingly low
price. A 65 -year Goodrich reputation
stands in back of it.
aeways DOendart9C2
C. N. Merkley
Phone 84. %wham
• Bi/1--"What is • the hardest. thing
l'rott ever did?"
Will—"Make ten easy payments,"
Wingham Adsiance-Times
Published at
Every Thursday Morning by
rhe Advance -Times Publishing Co.
Inbscription Rae n-•-• Chle Year $Z.90
Six months, SIM in advance
To U. S, A., V.50 per year.
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
The announcement by Premier Hep-
burn that the Ontario Government
will not exhibit at any fairs this years
will 'be received with regret by many
of the people of this province,
The Ontario Government building
at the Canadian National Exhibition
has been since its exception, one of
the most iliteresting buildings at this
great fair. ••
• The Canadian National Exhibition
has long since passed the stage where
it was considered a Toronto fair. It
is truly international in character and
Canadian in particular, Located as it
is in the capitol of Ontario, it does
seem a shame that the Ontario Gov-
ernment have found •it necessary in
its policy of economy to cease r.` x-
The vast thousands of people from
the 'United States and other countries
who will visit the Canadian National
Exhibition this year will, miss a rare
treat by this decision of the Premier.
The advertising value that Ontario
has received from this yearly exhibit
at the C. N. E. is difficult to estimate
but we are certain that it was u• -ell
worth the cost. •
We have always, on our yearly visit
to the "Ex.", fcaand great enjoyment
and much education in the Ontario
Government Building. We will miss
it greatly this year, along with thous-
andds of others.
* * *
• The long list of drowning accidents
that have been recorded this year
should be a reminder to all parents
that all chidlren sholud learn to swim
as early as possible. The fact that a
person can swim is no excuse for be-
ing careless on or in the water But
people who can swim are more secure.
Many of the children here are cap-
able swimmers while there are many
who cannot swim a stroke. The rea-
son that many cannot swim bete is,
despite the fact that a river runs
through the town, bathing facilities
are practically nil,
If we could have a safe, clean place
for our children to learn the way of
the "water bug" and also teach them
how to best treat a drowning victim
t would bea wonderful thing.
* * * *
•The Chamber of Commerce sub-
scription list for the X -Ray Fund has
not grown as rapidly as was expEtted.
The fund was to close on August lst.
No doubt there are many who wish
to donate who have neglected •to do
so. The lists will remain open for
a longer period.
If you have not yet placed your
subscription, you may do so at either
bank. Your kind oc-operation would
be greatly appreciated.
* * * *
A Whitechurch man, because he
could not pay his fine •for a breach
of the traffic regulations, thumbed his
way to Goderich that he might spend
the necessary ten days in jail. His
action stamps hint as an honest man
and the ten days he serves as guest
of Governor Reynolds is not a blot
on his character.
* * *
The action of the Attorney -General
in cancelling the contract for the
Dionne family to appear at the Chi-
cago Exposition, will receive hearty
approval throughout the Province.
* * *
Due to the strike, the people of
Minneapolis are on a diet of bread
and tnilk. If the strikers are on the
L. Maitland Creamery .1
• 111
Wittighain, Onailo;
Phone 211
• Buyers Of •
• :and Eggs
For Pries
•1,, , „,-....
sante diet •maybe they Will cut their
first teeth of common sense,
• * * * *
• There are two industries in Austria
that are doing well due to the war-
like disturbances in that country—the
armament• manufacturers and the cas-
ket makers,
•* * * *
• The St. Thomas group. of hunger
marchers quft their chums at Brant-
ford. The Red element was too much
for them, IVIost people who get up
against the Communistic element
ichange their minds, and not toward
* * * *
The parade of • job -seekers at
Queen's Park has become: a source
of annoyance to Premier Hepburn.
The parade will likely increase as
time goes on, much to his further an-
noyance. •
* * *
It is said that with the appointment
of D. J. Taylor, M.P.P. for North
Grey, as. Deputy Minister of Garne.
and Fisheries, that deer hunting with
dogs will again be allowed. Thus an-
other serious question of the day is
* * *
All the district Health Officers have
been dismissed. This will save the
province $40,000 a year. It is to be
hoped that municipal Health Officers
will step into •this breach and give
greater consideration to health prob-
lems. The health of any nation or
community is of paramount import-
Class I—Mat Coulter, D. McLean
M. Mathers, L. Ellacott.
Class II—J. McDonald; W. Small,
J. Currie, W. Davidson, D. Phippen,
L. Campbell, W. McNevin, Z. Camer-
on, Mgt. Coulter, W. Edgar, It, Has-
• Class III—R. Coultes, E. Thornton,
• G. Edmonds, V. Johnston, J. Lamb,
R. Dennis, A. Gillespie, A. McDowell,
L. Hamilton, M. Higgins, I. Mellor,
L. Carter, P. Biggs.
Credit—M. Frisby, J. Kerr, M. Bos-
man, E. Collar, H. Orvis J. Tervit
F. Edgar, J. McBurney, E. Weir, D.
Rich, 5. Lane, E. Webb, G. Carr, R.
Failure --A. Sproal,
• English Grammar
Class I—D. Reid, E. Field, B. Ham-
ilton, G, Brackenbury, R. Mitchell.
• Class II—I. McKinnon, F. Coulter,
R. Howson, H. Miller, 0. Shiell, B.
Brown, J. Gear.
Class III—I. Habkirk, W. Tiffin,
M. Ross, M. Fry, J. Sproal, J. Ella-
cott, A. Mowbray, K. Rintoul.
Credit—B. Mundy, M. Wright, L.
Proctor, M. Kelly, W. Pickell, C.
Wellwood, R. Baird, C. Reid, C.
Simpson, M. Cruikshank.
Failed—Z. Cook, J. Jenkins, G.'Car-
ter, J. McBurney, C. Chittick, S. Jeff -
ray, H. Burgess, C. Stewart, M. Tur-
vey, M. Mason.
• Arithmetic
Class Reid, B. Hamilton, R
• Class II—J. Ellacott, I. Habkirk, S
Class III—W. Tiffin, J. Gear.
Credit—R. Mitchell, K. Rintoul, M
Ross, C. Wellwood, V. Johnston, E
Field, F. Coulter, A. Mowbray, I. Mc
Kinnon, R. Baird, G. Brackenbury, G
Carter, C. Simpson, J. Jenkins, R
Barnard, B. Brown, J. MeBurney,
Failed—M. Kelly, E. Elliott, 13
Mundy, 0. S1iieil,1 C. Chittick, M
Cruikshank, E. Dickson, M. Fry, H
Burgess, C. Reid, M. Turvey, Z. Cook
M, Mason, C, Stewart.
Class I—M. A/fathers,
Class II—Mae Coulter, D. McLean
L. Hamilton, L. Ellacott, J. Tervit
G. Edmonds. •i
Class Weir, Mgt. Coulter,
Coultes, 5, Kerr, P. Biggs, M. Hig-
Credit—N, Blatchford, E. Webb, J.
Lamb, J. Fitzpatrick, IC. Hastings, A.
McDowell, Z. Cameron, R. Dennis,
L. Campbell, G. Carr, I. Mellor, W.
Small, M. Frisby, H. Orvis, ID, Phip-
Failed—D. Rich, J. Currie, J. Lane,
W. Edgar, 13, Collar, W. Breen, W.
Davidson, R. Murray, L. Carter, W.
McNevin, A. Gillespie, 5. McBurney,
F. Edgar, A. Sproal M. 13osman,
British History
Class Waters, Mae Coulter,
G. Edmonds, D, McLean, I. Mellor.
Class II—Mgt. Coulter, E. Weir,
L. Ellacott, A. Gillespie, L. Campbell.
Class Blatchford, L, Ham-
ilton, Z. Cameron, 15, Biggs, R.. Den-
nis, I-Tastings, M. Kelly, J. Kerr,
Credit—G, Carr, 5. Lane M. Hig-
gins, D. Rich, E. Thornton, R. Coul-
tes, J. Lamb, 13. Collar, J. Fitzpatrick,
A. McI)wefl ID. Phippen,
Failed—W, Small, H. Devi, J.
13urhey E. Webb, W. McNevin, R.
Murray; M. Frisby, A. SPtoal, W.
Davidson, W, Breen, L. Carter, W.
Edgar, F., Edgar, M, Bosman, J. Mc-
Class I—D, Reid, 13. Hamilton, E.
Class II—I, Habkirk, I. McKinnon.
Class Coulter, R. Howson.
Credit—K. Riritoul, M. Ross, G.
13rackenbury, R. Baird, R, Mitchell,
C, Wellwood, R. Barnard, G. Carter,
J. Gear, H. 'Miller, C. Simpson, M.
Cruikshank, E. .Elliott.
Failed --B, Brown, C. Reid, M, Fry,
W. 'riffin, M. Mason, Z. Cook, C.
Stewart, M. Kelly, M. 'rttrvey, S.
Jeffray, 13, Mundy, H. Burgess, • C.
Chittick, A. Bryce.
• Geography
Class I—M. Mathers,
Class II --Mae Coulter, G. Edmonds,
Mgt. Coulter, R. Coultes.
Class III—L. Ellacott, F. Weir, 1?.
Biggs, D. McLean, L. Campbell, L.
Hamilton, J. Kerr.
• Credit—M. Higgins, J. Tervit, 5.
Currie, I. Mellor, j. Laznb, B. Cal-
ler, R. Dennis, A. Gillespie, G. Carr,
K. Hastings, W. Breen, Z. Cameron,
J. Lane, A. McDowell, D. Phippen,
W. Small, E. Thornton.
Failed—E. Webb, R. Murray, H.
Orvis, W. Davidson, J. McBurney, A.
Sproal, W. Edgar, M. Frisby, F. Ed-
gar, J. McDonald, W. McNevin, L.
Carter, M. Bosmoaoni
• zogy
Class I --I. Habkirk, B. Hamilton,
D. Reid, F. Coulter, M. Brown, I. Mc
Kinnon, R. Howson, E. Field.
Class II—V. Johnston, R. Barnard,
G. Brackenbury, Rintoul, C. Simp-
son, R, Mitchell, 13.. Brown, R. Baird,
C. Stewart.
Class III—C. Reid, C. Wellwood,
W. Tiffin, Z. Cook, H. Miller, M.
Cruikshank, S. Jeffray, G. Carter, B.
Mundy, J. Gear, W. Breen.
Chittick, M. Kelly.
The following wrote the Depart-
mental Examinations and were suc-
cessful in obtaining standing in the
subjects following their names: '
Edith Arbuckle—B. I -list., Physiog-
raphy, Arith, Zool.
Marg. Armstrong—Geog, Art, Ag-
riculture I.
Beryl Brown—Physiography.
Zella Cook—Eng. Gram.
J. Coultes—E, Gram, 13. Hist, Geog,
Edna Elliott—Arithmetic.
Jack Jenkins—E. Gram.
D. Johnston—E, Grain, Physiog.,
Arith, Art, Zoo'.
Luella Kerr—Art, Zool.
Lavina McBurney—B. Hist, Geog.,
Arith, Agric. I.
• Creighton Reid--Physiog.
Kenneth AVheele'r--Geog., Botany.
Certificates will be mailed to all
candidates by the secretary of the Ex-
amining Board.
Class I.7 --Mae Coulter, M. Mathers
D. McLean, I. Mellor, C. Reid, R
Baird, L: Campbell, C. Wellwood, Z.
Cook, J. Kerr, Margaret Coulter.
Class II—E. Weir, S. Jeffray, G.
Edmonds, 3. Fitzpatrick.
Class ,III—P. Biggs, J. Lamb, K.
Pass—M. Frisby, M. Cruikshank,
W. Edgar, L. Hamilton, J. Tervit, M.
Higgins, R. Dennis, A. 13ryce, W,
Failed—A. McDowell, A. Gillespie,
j. Lane, F. Edgar, H. Burgess, R.
Murray, M. Turvey, L. Carter; J. Cur-
rie, B. Collar, E. Thornton„ L. Ella-
cott, •G. Carr.
Class I—Mae Coulter, D. McLean,
M. Mathers, Margaret Coulter.
• Class II—L. Ellacott, M. Turvey, I.
Mellor, E. Weir, Z. Cameron, L.
Campbell, N. Blatchford, G. Edinonds.
Class III—A. McDowell, J. Fitz-
patrick, T. Kerr, W. Edgar, R. Den-
nis, J. Tervit, K. Hastings.
Pass—L. Hamilton, M. Frisby, 5,
Lamb, D. Rich, H. Orvis, P. Biggs.
Failed—L. Carter, 13. Collar, F. Ed-
gar, A. Bryce, R, Coultes, W. Breen,
J. Lane, R. Murray, A. Gillespie, G.
Carr, M. Higgins, E, Thornton, W.
Small, J. Currie, W. bavidson, J. Mc-
Burney, J. McDonald, A. Sproal, M.
Class I—Mae Coulter, E. Weir, M.
Mathers, D. McLean, .
Class II—C. Reid, L Mellor, Mar-
garet Coulter, •G., Edmonds, M. Tut-
Class III—G. Carr, R. Baird, Z.
Cameron, L. Ellacott, J. Kerr, R,
Coultes, M. Cruikshank, P. 13iggs, 13,
Pass—A, Bryce, J. Fitzpatrick, J.
Lamb, L. Carters It Dennis, J. Me -
Burney, E. Webb, E.. Thornton, L.
Hamilton, S. Jeffrey, 3. Tervit, W.
Breen, A. Gillespie, C. Wellwood, W.
Davidson, D. Rich, L. Campbell, I
Cook, M. Kelly, H. Orvis.
Failed --N. Illatehford, K. Ha.stings,
H. Burgess, I, Currie, W. McNevin,
ID. Phippen, M. Frisby, A. SPrOal, R.
iMtirray; A, McDowell, 7. mcnonald,
M. niggles, 5, Lane, U. Bosmaft, W,
,Small, F. Edgar, W. Edgar.
• 13ORI1/41 IT.
• Latin
• Class I --D. Reid, 1. McKinnon, M.
C -174C
Thursday, August 2nd, 1934
e ' •
• '1.
• "41171 • • . ;
fe."e'r .,•:" • • mew r • „„
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VEAR after year, it has been the same story:
. Chevrolet first . . . with the newest and
. best. Chevrolet leading, 'others following!,
And 1934 is no exception. Again, the big-
gest engineering achievements in the low -price
field are Chevrolet achievements: Fully En-
closed Knee -Action . changing your tide to
a glide! Blue Flame Cylinder Head ... giving
more power and "snap", yet using less gaso-
line than ever! Fisher Streamlined Design,
• . . . the most popular motor car styling in
Canada! 'Cable -Controlled Brakes . . . self-
eqdalizing, bigger, sealed against dirt and
moisture! Fisher No -Draft Ventilation
refined and improved! "YK" Frame . . .
stronger than any other in its class.
Make sure you get a modern, 1934 auto-
mobile for your money. a new CHEVRO-
LET, Canada's Great Sales Leader!
Master Six from • Standard Six from
844 '710
Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont.
• Freight and Government license only extra. New low
timelorkes on the G MAC plan, -
Crawford's Garage :-: • Wingham
Class II—R, Mitchell, I. Habkirk,
E. Field, J. Gear, W. Craig, 13. Ram-
Class III—F. Coulter.
Pass—M. Fry, H. Miller, Grace
Brackenbury, R. Howson, M. Wright,
V. Johnston, It. Rintoul, G, Bracken -
Failed—W. Pickell, J. Jenkins,
W. Tiffin, J. Sproal, J. Preston, 13.
Mundy, G. Carter:
Class I—I. McKinnon, D. Reid, J.
Ellacott, B. Hamilton, R. Mitchell, E.
Field, 0. Shiell. •
Class II—R. Howson, M. Brown, I.
Habkirk, M. Fry, K. Rintoul, F. Coul-
ter. •
Class III—j. Gear, A. Mowbray, J.
McBurney, G. Brackenbury, H. Mill-
Pass—B. 13rown, M. Ross, J. Jen-
kins, V. Johnston, W. Tiffin, M. Kel-
ly, C. Wellwood.
Failed—Z. Cook, G. Carter, W. Pic-
kell, R. Baird, 13. Mundy, 3, Sproal,
M. Crulkshank, S. Jeffray, C. Reid, C.
Chittick, '
• English
Class 1-13. Hamilton, D. Reid, J.
Gear, H. Miller, t. Field, 1. Habkirk,
I. McKinnon.
Class II—V. Johnston, R. Mitchell,
R. Howson, j, jenkins, j, Ellacott,
G. Brackenbury, F, Coulter, 13.
Class Ross, M. Fry, C.
Pass—G. Carter, 13. Mundy, It. Rin-
tottl, 0. Shic11, 5, Sproal.
• Failed—J. Mellurney, M. Meson,
M. Brown, W. Tiffin, C. Chittick, C.
Class I -1D, Reid, J. Ellacott, • V.
Johnston, ID, Buchartat, E. Vield, 13,
Class /I—P, Currie„, I, lcItineon,
13. Howsoe, I. Habkirk, C. Simpson,
M. Fry',
Class TT Hamilton, 0.
F. Coulter, J. McBurney, C. Nortrop,
G. Brackenbury, W. Craig.
Credit—V. Johnston, R. Barnard, J.
Gear, M. Ross, W. Tiffin, A. Mow-
bray, K. Rintoul, C. Wellwood.
• Failed.M, Kelly, B. Mundy, J.
Sproal, H. Preston, M. Pow-
ell, M. Mason, J. Jenkins, G. Carter,
M. Wright, M. Brown, S. Jeffray, C.
• Algebra
Class I—D. McLean, M. Mathers,
G. Edmonds, Margaret Coultee, N.
Blatchford, E. Weir.
• Class II—M, Turvey, J. Fitzpat-
rick, L. Campbell, • M. Coulter, • Z.
Cook, L Mellor, Z. Cameron, H, 13ur-
gess, J. Kerr,. 13. Brown.
Class III—M. Cruikshank, E. Col-
lar, C. Reid, H. Orvis,
Credi—J. Lamb, J. Tervit, R. Den-
nis, R. Baird, R. Coultes, D. Rich,
M. Frisby, A. McDowell, A. Bryce,
L. Hamilton, W. Small, W. Edgar, D.
Phippen, P. Biggs, •M. Bosman.
Failed—M, Higgins, F. Edgar, L.
Carter, K. Hastings, McBurney, A.
Gillespie, G. Carr, J. Currie., A. Sproal,
5. McDonald, R. Murray, L. Ellacott,
E. Webb, J. Lane, W. McleTevin, W.
Davidson E Thornton,
In a recent issue of the Quarterly
distributed by the Depart-
ment of Health of New York City,
there is an interesting article which
is written as an answer to the ques-
tion: "Is cancer becoming more prey-
I13 pointed out, first of all, that
it Is to be, expected that there will
be an increase in the total number of
deaths from causes such as cancer,
which occur in the older age groups.
As in generally know', the average
expectaney of life has increased con-
siderably, so that today, a larger per.
centa.ge of the population are in the
age groups attacked by cancer.
No one has qeustiorted this fact,
• but many have said that after making
due allowance for this aging of the
population, there hasbeen an actual
•increase in cancer. The New York
figures do not support this view, and
the conclusion is reached "that can-
cer is probably no more prevalent
now, in any given age group, than it
was a generation ago."
We do not think that this ends the
controversy, but we do believe that
this note of comparative optimism
should be heard. The cancer problem
is serious enough that it does.not re-
quire the slightest exaggeration to fo-
cus attention upon it. But it is equal-
ly desirable that we should not be-
come unduly 9ptinnistie.
• These New York 'figures would in-
dicate that, iti so far as the popula-
tion of that city is concerned, there
is no new force or condition which
has arisen iri recent years, to cause
an increase in cancer. There is no-
thing to indicate that the foods used '
or the methods of cooking employed
by civilized people today are leading
to an increase in cancer., II
Whether or not cancer is on the'
increase in the population is of little
interest to the person who develops
the disease. To him, the one and only
questidn of importance is — Can any.,
thing be done for me in the way o
treatment? The answer to this ques-
tion remains the same as it al,waYS,
was. The chance of cure depends very
largely tion early recognition of the
presence of the disease, followed by
proper treatment. No one can say just
how many lives would be Saved by
early diagnosis and proper treatment,
but we do know that in no Ott. way „
can these lives be preserved.
Questions concerning Health, ad.
dressed to the Canadian Medical As.
sociation, 184 College St, Toronto,
will be answered personally by letter.
"To wish 18 f little account; .tO
succeed yob must earneatl,
y neSire,