HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-07-19, Page 7e
Thursday, July 19th, 1934'
.Ladies Told Why They Belong to
the Institute
The Agricultural meeting of the
'Gorrie Women's Institute, was held
at the home of Mrs. John Hyndman
-on Wednesday last, which was in
•charge of Mrs, D. Cathers of Group
•One. The meeting opened with the
Ode and Lord's Prayer in unison; fol-
lowed by two demonstrations on
"Simple Summer Desserts" Mrs. Bol-
ton demonstrating lemon pudding and
Ibbs, Charles Black showing rice
dainty, both of which were enjoyed
'by the ladies with their lunch.
The President, Mrs. L. Ashton,
then gave an interesting paper on
'The Value of a Garden." taking as
"iter subject "Garden Vitamins and
their value to health, Mrs. D. Cath-
ers gavetwo short readings on
'"Needles and Pins" and "Spring" af-
ter which a very interesting talk by
Mrs. H. Ashton on the motto "In the
Love of Home, the Country Has its
Rise," in which she stressed the point
that the main thing in a hone is love,
and unselfishness, and ' which helps
children to grow up good citizens of
the country.
The roll call was answered by
"Why I Belong to the Institute" and
minutes were read and adopted.
Arrangements were made for the
Sewing Course to •be held in the
Township Hall here, July 30 to Aug.
10th inclusivefi when Miss Rolston of
Hamilton will take charge of same,
each student having the privilege of
making one dress during that time;
provided she attends the first classes,
but does not have to bring material
for same the first days, Anyone wish-
ing further information on the course
call Mrs. Carroll Gregg or Mrs. V.
Shera also note ad. in this paper.
A very daintly luncheon was served
by the hostess and Mrs. V. Shera.
Mr. Jack Squires of Mitchell, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Squires of Willow Grove,
also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gummow of
Monkton, were Sunday visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Cathers, and visited
with their mother, Mrs. Gummow,
• who is ill at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Cathers.
Mrs. R. S. Clegg accompanied Mr.
Delbert Clegg to Owen Sound Sun
day, where they spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Roseborough.
Mrs. Delbet Clegg and son, Bruce,
returned home with them after spend-
ing two weeks with her sister.
Master Billy Dane has returned to
his home in Owen Sound after visit-
ing relatives in this vicinity.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
McCallum were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McCallum and family of Mitchell;
Miss Clara McCallum of Stratford,
and Mrs. Jas. Forsides of Minnota,
Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Wright, Elora,
were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beese in
Kitchener on Thursday last.
Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Wylie, Lorna
and Donnie, havereturned to their
home at Leaside after spending the
past two weeks with the farmer's mo-
ther, Mrs. J. Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera visited
with the latter's mother, Mrs. Eliis,
in Guelph .on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Grainger, Mr,
Nicholls spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hockridge in Guelph. Miss M.
Hockridge returned home with them
after spending two weeks here.
Mrs, Alvin Moffat of Wroxeter,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cathers.
. Mrs. Wenzell of the 2nd Con. of
Howick, spent the 'past week with her
daughter, Mrs. Aaron Hienmiller,
Miss Beryl Ashton of Seaforth, is
. spending her vacation at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood and
son, Jack, visited friends in Milver-
ton, and also tools ;in the celebration
there on the 12th.
Miss can King, of Mount Forest
Eye eS
F F. �
Phone 118, ` Harriston
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Steve !Zing;'
Miss Margaret Graham, of Toronto,
spent,' the past ,week at the home of
her father, Mr, Robt, Graham.
Miss Olive Layvrence of Toronto is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr.
ar-ents,'Mr. and Mrs,• Chas. Lawrence,
Mrs. Frank King and .daughter,
Marion, Mrs. F. Cole, also Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Schaefer, of Fordwich,
spent the 12th with Mr. and Mrs, ' W.
Tivamley at Lucknow.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack King and daugh-
ter, Jean of London, spent a few days;
last week with relatives here, •
Mrs. H. Woodcock and daughters,
Marion and Marjorie, of Winnipeg;
are spending a week with friends in
Palmerston. •
Miss Elsie Steuernol • of Kitchener
spent a few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Steeurnoi.
Mr, and Mrs. Raine of Toronto
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. R. H, Stephens.
Mr. Raine, •Mr. R. H. Stephens also
Mr. Dave Hicks, of Harriston, spent
Friday last at Lions Head.
Little Miss Eleanor Everick, of
Wingham, spent the last two weeks
with her grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs.
Jack Steuernol
On Thursday last a nurnber of
guests from Wingham, Bluevale and
Harriston were entertained.' at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Steuernol,
it being the occasion of their thirty-
fourth wedding anniversary. A very
enjoyable time was spent by all.
Mrs. Richards of Toronto spent the.
past week with Mrs. Phair.
Master Edward King of Detroit,
spent a few days during the past week
with his cousin, Earle King. Ross
Oliver of Toronto, also spent a day
at the same home.
Miss Helen Balers of Millbank,
spent a couple of weeks with her sis-
ter, Miss Velma Balers.
Mr. James Douglas was a Kitch-
ener visitor last Wednesday.
Mrs. Lincoln of Delmore, was the
guest of her daughter, a few days last
Rev. R S. and Mrs. Jones and son,
Dick, left on Monday for three weeks'
vacation at Presque 111 Point.
Miss Arlene Galbraith is visiting
friends in Toronto for two weeks. •
A union picnic of Gorrie United
Church and St. Stephen's Anglican
Church will be held in Victoria Pail:
Gorrie, on Thursday of next week,
July 26th. Everyone come and bring
their basket, also cups and forks or
spoons also enough lemonade for
themselves, A full program of races
and sports is being prepared.
Miss Margaret Newton, R. N. left
on Saturday for Whitly, where she
has secured a position for a month
in the mental Hospital there. .
Mr. Reg. Newton, Robert Dargue
and John Lapole spent Sunday with
friends in Owen Sound,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Jefferson and dau-
ghters returned to Owen Sound on
Friday to prepare for their cottage at
the lake this week.
Miss Evelyn Stephens is visiting
friends in Windsor and Detroit.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Douglas' Entrance Class, Dor-
othy Heinmiller, Kenneth Gallaway
and. Dick Jones, Hon., who all pass-
ed, also Miss Hicks' entrance class,
Bernice Day, Arlene Galbraith and
Walter Taylor.
Mrs. MacMillan and sons, Johnnie
and Blake, of. Listowel, are visiting
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs. E. N. Stol and daughter, Miss
Phyllis of Kitchener, visited last week
with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Keil, re-
turned home on Sunday with Mr. E.
N. Stol, who accompanied Rev. and
Mrs. Albert Stol of Guelph, to the
Keil home for the day.
Mr, Greil Wanel, Misses Lillian and
Irene Wanel, of Seaforth, were Sun-
day yiistors of Mrs. Ida Ashton.
The Township Library Board met
in Fordwich one evening last week
and appointed Mrs, Zinn, Behnore,
Miss Margaret Davey, Wroxeter,
Miss McLaughlin, Gorrie, and Miss
E. Graham, Fordwich, to be a com-
mittee to make final selection of $1.00'.
purchase of `new books now under
consideration . for the Township Lib-
rary Board,
A public pay Wroxeter Telephone
hasbeen installed in Gorrie Hotel for
non -subscribers.
Remember the Senior ball game 'be-
ing played hi the Agricultural park
here on Thursday night, when the lo -
•cal team meets Mt. Forest. The locals
playing a losing game here on Fri-
day night last with Palmerston, the
score being 7-2 for Palrnerston.
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Gallaher were
Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs.J
Kirton of Turnberry.
• The e W. A, of the United Church
will hold their regular monthly meet -
Mg at the home of Mrs, Harvey Spat-
ting on Thursday of this week.
Miss Janet Ruttan is attending
Summer School at .Goderich this week.
Mrs. W. Gamble and children and
Mrs. Harvey Gamble of Waldemar,
were guests on Sunday last of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O.
Miss Jean. Durbin of Walkerville,
was a recent guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Stafford.
Miss Margaret Graham of Toronto
visited with her friend, Miss E. Dane
a couple of days this week.
Took Weak Spell While Milking
, The many friends of Mrs. William
Hayes will be sorry to learn that
while milking on Saturday evening
last, she suffered what might be a
broken hip. It is thought she took
a weak spell while milking and fell
over and either was kicked or stepped
oh by the cow. Her friends wish her
a speedy recovery.
The shield donated at the St. Thom-
as Summer School was won by the
young people who went from Gorrie
and Orangehill who numbered ten in
all. The shield was given for the larg-
est number from the farther distance.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman of Burling-
ton called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Baers on Sunday.
Mr.' and Mrs. Chas. Lord, of Tor-
onto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Hyndman.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Steuernol at-
tended the wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. John Steuernol Thurs-
Harry Steuernol spent the week-
end with friends in Wingham.
There will be no services on Sun-
day School in St. Stephen's Anglican
Church here nett Sunday, July 22nd.
Mrs. Everick and family of Wing-
ham spent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Steuernol.
Mrs. Wilf. King and Earle spent
a few days' with week with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. Agnes Earls, near
Mrs. Henry of Wingham was the
guest of Mrs. John Steuernol on Sun-
The Gorrie Central Telephone has
been taken out, and those who form-
erly were connected at Gorrie, are
now on the Wroxeter telephone line.
Since removing the central apparatus
here, the drug store is undergoing
some repairs, which are being done by
Mr. John Steuernol.
Mrs. Musgrove and son, Jack, also
Harold King, were Kitchener visitors
on Monday.
Sponsored by the Women's Insti-
tute, to be held in the Township Hall,
Gorrie, under the direction of Miss
Rolston of Hamilton. Beginning' July
30th, afternoons • except Saturday,
from 2 to 5 o'clock. Anyone wishing
to take this course, will, for special
reasons, attend the 'first lessons. 50c
for Non -.member's of the Institute, 25c
for Members.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Evening Auxiliary met on Mon-
day 'evening at the home of Miss M.
Baker with an average attendance.
The program was in, charge of Miss
Drue Leyton (1) shows an interest-
ing steel -blue, summer suit, with white
pique blouse, and tricorne hat in the
steel -blue fabric; (2) Evelyn Venable
wears natural linen with brown strip-
es; (3) a two-piece crepe sports dress,
l ideal for summer wear, with matching
I hat and gloves. It's in navy and white
(4) a polka dotted cheer dress in
brown and white, or blue and white;
(5) Jean Muir chooses a chic after-
noon hat of gold braid.
Bessie Wylie, who opened the meet-
ing with the familiar hymn "What a
Friend we have in Jesus" after which
Mrs. K. Hueston lead in prayer. Fol-
lowing the singing of "I gave My life
for Thee" Miss Wylie read a very
interesting article entitled "The God
of Fire", Miss Evelyn Dane led in
responsive reading when the "I Arms"
of Christ were read. "Take Time` to
be holy" was then sung, after which
Miss Marjorie Baker read a poem en-
titled "The Little Things."
At this point in the program, the
vice -President, Miss Evelyn Dane,
took charge of the business period,
whne Roll Call was answered and the
Minutes adopted as read.
An invitation is being extended to
the local 'VV. M. S. to be the guests
of the Evening Auxiliary at their Sep-
tember meeting. Other items of busi-
ness were discussed before the meet-
ing was closed with "Take my life and
let it be" and prayer by Mrs. Taylor
and the Mizpah Benediction in uni-
son. •
During a social hour the hostess
served a dainty ittnch.
Muriel Lane Wins Gold Medal
Successful Candidates at the High
School Entrance, for the exainination
held in Wroxeter and. Fordwich early
in July.. .
Bricker . Marjorie; 'Gordon Debus;
Denny Clifford, (hon.); Harkness
Jean; Johnston Hazel; Reid Jean,
(hon); Scott !Mabel; Watters Dorothy
Weiler Charlotte; Gibson Clarence;
no failures.
Brown Alma; Brown Dorothy; Day
Bernice; Durst Kathleen; Dustow
Woodrow; Elliott Lois Evelyn;; Elliott
Margaret Jean (hon.); Galbraith Mar-
garet Arlene; Gallaway Orval Ken-
neth; Harris Erma, (hon.); Harris
Margaret; Hastie Evelyn; Heinntiller
Dorothy; Jones Richard (hon.); Lane
Muriel (hon.) Gold Medal; McLau-
ghlin Joseph Muir (hon.); Montgom-
ery Fred; Nicholson !Mary; Sangster
Lila; Sharpin Evelyn; Snell Vernon;
Taylor Edmond Walter; Thornton
Alice Loreen; White Margaret Jean;
White Margaret Lucelle; Willits Mar-
ion Helen; Wood Robert Orville;
27 passed — 5 with Honours —3
Muriel Lane took highest standing
among the candidates from ungraded
(one roomed) schools. This includes
all the schools of the inspectorate.
Mrs. John Louttit
There passed away on Wednesday,
July llth, at her home, Lot 4, Con-
cession 10, Grey Township, one of the
well-known residents of this district,
in the person of Annie Howard, be-
loved wife of Jno. Louttit, in her 64th
The late Mrs. Louttit suffered a
stroke several months ago and was in
a serious condition for some time,
She leaves to mourn their loss, iter
husband and one son, Jno. William-
son, of Hamilton.
The funeral was held on Friday,
July 13th, from her late residence,
Rev. W. A. Williams, of Cranbrook
Presbyterian Chucrh, conducted the
;services. Interment was made in the
•Brussels cemetery.
Mrs. Wm. Williamson, of town, is
a sister-in-law, and Mr. A. E. Louttit
of town, a brother. -in-law.
Mission Band Picnic
A very enjoyable picnic was held
by the members of the Mission Hand
011 the hatiks of the Maitland Tues-
day afternoon of last week, Gaines
were played while bathing at the "Oi'
• �
kS w-iminrn
to the
children's enjoyment, Refreshments
were served by Mrs. J. J. Allen, Mrs,
,Stocks, Mrs. Wendt, Mrs. Thorisas
Gibson anti Miss.Marion Gibson,4110.
chaperoned the party,
Some thirty-five members and
friends of the W. 1V1. S. assembled'
in the school -room of the United
Church, Thursday afternoon, for the
regular monthly meeting when the
program was in charge of the Assoc-
iate Helpers,
The president, Mrs, R. Stocks, was
in the chair and opened the meeting
with the hymn "Resctie the Perish-
ing." Mrs. G. Allan, Associate Help-
ers' Secretary, read the Scripture les-
son from the 12th . chapter of John,
following with an article on Offerings
which thought amongst other was ex-
pressed that it is the cost''to the giv-
er, which measures the value of an
offering. After a prayer, the hymn,
"Shine Thou upon us, Lord," was
There was a short business session
in which Mrs. Stocks and Mrs. Wendt
were appointed to purchase some kit-
chen equipment for the Summer
School at Goderich.
The roll call was responded to by
verses in which the word "Offering"
occurred. The thence of offerings, was
continued in the readings by Mrs, W.
Gibson "Shut in but not Shut Out"
and "What is in thy hand?" by Mrs.
A. Munro.
A vocal solo "Spirit of Power" was
contributed by Mrs. W. Finlay, and
a reading "Mrs. Cantafford's Mite -
Box" by Mrs. A. McLeod. The hymn
"0 Master let me walk with Thee"
was sung, after which Mrs. J. Gowdy
of Salem, Presbyterial Secretary of
Associate Helpers, very concisely des-
cribed what is being done in this de-
partment and urged the effort to 'en-
list the interest, support and sympa-
thy of every woman in the church.
Mr, and Mrs, Waterer and son, of
1 Saskatoon, Sask., were recent ,guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes ,Douglas :and.
also Miss MoDale, It is thirty-seven
years since Mr. Waterer left here and
this is his first trip back: Miss Hardy
of Listowel, was also a recent : guest
of Miss McDole.,
Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin, Orton,:
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs, Hart of Windsor, is a guest at
the hone 'of :her sister, Mrs, Robert
Miss Dell Rutherford Toronto, is
visiting friends in town,`
Miss Jessie Gibson, Toronto, is a
guest of Mrs. Thomas Gibson,
Miss Dorothy Stewart, Toronto, is
spending her vacation at the !Lorne of
Mr, A .A. Sanderson.
Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Edgar, of
the Peace River District, are visiting
• the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Ed-
gar, and other friends in the district.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, John and
Colin Wearring were Sunday guests
of. Fordwich friends.
Messrs: Philip and . Harold 'Durst
were recent Toronto visitors.
Rev. W. A. ,and Mrs. Finlay com-
mence their vacation this week, ` The.
service in 'United Church on Sunday
morning next will be in charge' of Mr;.
J. H. Laverty, Toronto, who, will
speak on the Temperance question.
IThe evening service will be with-
I Mr. Jack Edgar, Fort Frances, is:
spending the holiday with his mother,
Mrs. Hugh Edgar. Mrs. Robert
Black, Toronto, is also a guest at the
Edgar home.
Mr. and Mrs. Loran Phyle, Mt. Cle-
mens, also Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin,
Fordwich, were Thursday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and
Norma Jean, of London, were wdek-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. VVm. CIouse, Ethel, has spent
the past two weeks at thehome of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brecken-
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. T. MacLean and
Jack also Mrs. Patterson, spent
Thursday at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson and
son, Bobbie, are holidaying in De-
Miss Cassie Harris of Toronto is
spending her vacation with her sister,
Miss. Mary Harris.
Miss Isobel Wilkon, of Grand Val-
ley, is a guest of her friend, Miss M.
Mrs. Whitman, Glenn and Beryl,
Miss Dorothy Hupher, Miss Marian
Hupher, all of Clifford, also Miss
Billie Milligan, of Ottawa, were
guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Mrs. A. Moffatt and children, Lon-
on'don, spent a day last week at the
'home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin.
Miss Olive Dungey, Mitchell, is a
guest of her friend, Miss Edythe Mar-
IMiss Marjorie Waller, Miss Mar-
garet Wright and Miss Winnie Rae
left for Goderich on Monday where
they will attend Summer School.
Miss Jean Sangster is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
The meeting was closed with prayer I Mrs. Woolsley and children, Cecil'
by Mrs. Stocks, after which a lunch
was served and a social half hour en- Mr. Woolsley at Waldemar.
;gaged in. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule spent
Wroxeter Mission Circle the week -end with Burlington friends.
They were accompanied bonne by Mrs.
Sproule Sr,, who has spent some time
The July meeting of the Mission
Circle was held on Tuesday evening, with her daughter, in Burlington.
July 10th, at the home of Miss Len-1Miss Jean Walker, dwich,
ora Higgins, with twelve members and guest at the home of For1VIr. alai Misrsa,
six visitors present. Miss Mary Pope Wm. Wade.
presided and opened by singing "Faith 1 Miss Marjorie Paulin and Miss Iso.
of Our Mothers" .followed with the i bel Milligan visited at the hone of
Lord's Prayer in unison. During the Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Brown, Gorrie,
business, it was decided to discontinue last week.
the August meeting. The roll call was I Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mr.
answered by a verse of Scripture per- and Mrs, J, J. Allen, Miss Mary Har -
taming to Temperance. Mable Tatter- ris ,all of town, Miss Cassie Harris,
son read the Scripture lesson from lof Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook,
Romans' 12, and Marjorie Waller, Hawaii, spent the week -end at Lions
Marjorie Paulin and Elva Stocks•led Head,'
in prayer, The president, who r•epre- IMiss Mae Davidson is a guest of
sented the Circle at the Presbyterial, ,Brussels friends.
meeting-, gave an interesting report. A i Jac
Barrie Rann, London, are
very impressive talk on Temperance holidaying at the home of Mr. and
t as given by Mrs. Finlay. The meet- Mrs. Clarence White.
ing closed by'repeating the Mizpah i Miss Maxine White is a guest of
Benediction. During a social half hour Mr. and Mrs. Pleasance, Port Elgin,
dainty refreshments were served by Miss Edythe, Martin is a guest of
the hostess byassisted her friend,
Mitchell friends.
Miss Mary Robertson, Mrs. M. Sellers is a guest of Mr,
and Mrs, .Leslie Hetherington at Tori
The July rnecting of the W. I, will onto.
take the form of a picnic, and will be' t Master Reg, Robinson is holiday -
held on the lawn of. Miss Mae Dav- ing m Toronto.
idson, July 26th. •Each member is ask- Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Maclean, also.
ed to bring a visitor, Mts. J. ,'. Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Arch, McMichael tat
Mrs, B, Martin, Mrs. J, R. Wendt, tended the funeral ort Monday of the
are the entertainment committee, and late Mr. Cha.tics Campbell, Morris,
Mrs. and Mrs, in 'wile a'sse Saturday morning.
White arc 9 Stocks are pF ., d away
charge of refreshments, Additional Wroxeter onPage Ponta'
'and Dolores, spent the week -end with