HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-07-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 12th, 13th, 14th
The screen's two outstanding
personalities give you the
entertainment thrill,
,of a lifetime.)
FOX, FILM Present]
N 0 II
,:;fns 'Oil t`.', °'`
visas, es sa
Directed by Henry Kin
Screen Play by Reesiroaid Berkeley'
From "The House of Connelly" by Saul Green
Also Two -Reel Musical Revue in Color
And Fox News.
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Will Hold Olde Tyme Concert
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Association of the United
Church, was held on Thursday after-
noon on the lawn at the home of Mrs.
Robert Musgrove, with an attendance
of 29. The. Vive Pres., Mrs. Arthur
Shaw, presided and opened the meet-
ing with a devotional period and roll
ca11. The meeting was visited by
Rev. W. A. Monteith, pastor of the
Teeswater United Church and Mr.
Weir Elliott, choir leader, in the in-
terests of the church choir, who intend
presenting an Olde Tyme Concert in
song and costume in the United
Church here on the evening of Jtily
17th. At the close of the business,
refreshments were served by Mrs. M.
Smith, Miss Donna Smith and Mrs.
Nellie Scott.
W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid Meet
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Presby-
terian Church enjoyed a pleasant
meeting on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Miss Florence Fowler, 4th
con. Turnberry, A good number of
ladies were present. The Vice Pres-
ident, Mrs. P. D. King presided, The
business consisted of plans and sug-
gestions for raising money. Follow-
ing this meeting the W. M. S. met in
regular session with the President,
The above illustration is an exact replica of our
line of WHITE SHOES for SMALL GIRLS start-
ing at about 2 or 3 years of age up to approximately
Sizes start at small 5 up to size 2 for much lar -
The material used in the tippers is WI -(ITE
ELK, an excxellent wearing material al and the soles
are made of a COMPOSITION that is absolutely
And note the very low price, namely
In all sizes for Grls small 5 to large 2
F .
129. "The .,lest Sb.oe Store.
Airs, P. S. MacEwen, in the chair,
Mrs, P. D. King, on behalfof the
society,expressed a word. of greeting
to Mrs, (Revs/ J,'. R. Greig, and her
mother, Mrs, Sutton, to which Mrs,
Greig made fitting reply. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Mrs, James
McTavish and prayer was offered by
Ivtrs. Laura Kirton, following some
items of business Mrs. Eldrid Nichol
read a very splendid paper on "The'
Women of the East" their religion,
customs and habits, and the life of
the Eastern woman before becoming
a Christian. At the close of the meet -
ng the ladies were invited to the ver -
andel' where the hostess served de
licious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Whit. Stewart and
daughter, Jean, and Miss Isobel Wat-
son motored to Petrolia on Sunday.
Mrs. Stewart and Jean will remain
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cooper,
former residents of this village,
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hetherington
and Mr, and Mrs. S. N. Gallaher and
so; Billy, visited at Goderich this
Mr, and Mrs. George Donaldson
motored to Toronto to attend the
funeral of a friend,
Miss Donna Smith is spending a
few days with her friend, Miss Mc-
Donald at Kincardine,
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto are spending the vacation.
with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hethering-
Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Dickson and
son, Charles, and Robert Hogg, of
Seaforth, spent Sttnday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Garniss.
Miss Jean Black, Kitchener, was a
Sunday visitor with her aunt, Miss
Mary Black.
Dr. Will Elliott, Mrs. Elliott with
their son and daughter ,of Brandon;
Man., visited during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Turnber-
James Scott, Miss Jean Scott and
James Watson, of Seaforth, spent
Sunday with Elmer and Florence.
Carman Hetherington, accompanied
by John Campbell of Glenannan, vis-
ited Brampton and Toronto this week.
They rode their bicycles as far as
Brampton, a distance of 107 miles.
Mr. •and Mrs. A. D. Smith spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ber-
ry at Brucefield.
Mrs. Leon Kaufmann and Miss
Marion are holidaying with friends at
We are sorry to report that IVirs.
Fred. Chruchill is not improving after
her serious accident as quickly as he
many friends would like to see.
The regular meeting of Belgrave
Branch of the Women's Institute will
be held at the home of Mrs. J. M.
Coultes, Morris, on Tuesday, July 17,
when the community activities com-
mittee has charge of the' program.
Mrs. Norman Keating will have
charge of the motto. Roll call, "A
Canadian Beauty Spot. Current Ev-
ents, Mrs. Walter Pocock. Address,
Leadership, Miss Lille Taylor. Music,
Miss Sara Cole. Travelogue, Miss Ol-
ive Currie, Lunch Coin., Mrs. Robert
Higgins, Mrs. Norman Keating, Mrs.
F. McCallum. A hearty invitation is
given to all ladies to attend these
meetings. A report of the District
Annual held at Dungannon will also,
be given.
Rev. Jas. Scobie and Mrs. Scobie
and family were visitors in Belgrave
on Saturday. Rev, Scobie took anni-
verysary services at Brick Church on
Ross Anderson was the only pupil
in the Entrance Class from Belgrave,
Jim Coultes and Kenneth Wheeler
wrote Lower School papers in Wing -
ham. We wish them all success.
This district received a real rain
Friday evening and late afternoon
which will do a great deal of good.
It was accompanied by a strong wind
and rather severe lightning. Hydro
was put out of order also Mr. N. Bolt
had a cow struck by lightning and:
killed, .
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating re-
tttrned on Friday evening from their
honeymoon and a reecption was field
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M.
Coulter in their Honor, when relatives
gathered and spent a social time with
Mr, Allan Scott' was rather badly
shaken up when lie fell from a load
of hay and will be confined to the
house for a time. •
Mr, and Airs. C. R, Coultes, Jim and
Mabel, spent the week -end in Tor-
Geo. Cook
spent the week -end in
Mr, and Mrs, Ingiia from Alberta,
is visiting with, his sister, Mr, John
Cobb and vc'itli Iir`a brother, Mr, Thos,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Arnh-
erstburg end Miss Amelia Leaver of
London spent the week -end at their
respective homes here.
Marry will be interested to know
that Miss Catherine Ross returned to
the home of her brother, Mr, R, J.
Ross, after spending the past five
months in Winghatn Hospital.
Mrs. Mitchell, who resides with her
daughter, Ars, Scobie of Wilton
Grave, spent the week -end at the
home of Mrs. A Fox,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Paterson and
son; of Detroit spent the week -end
here with his father, Mr. F, Paterson,
Miss Olive Garton is visiting with
relatives in Leamington.
Mrs. Norman Stewart of Lucknow,
has been in Toronto Hospital having'
a goitre removed,
Mn and Mrs, Arthur Moore and
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Moore were in
A'Ieaford on Friday visiting with Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Sperling.
Mr. and Andrew Kirk and Francis
Creighton of Seaforth and Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Kirk of Fort Wayne,
/Indiana, .visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft on Friday,
Mrs, Jas. Brigham and' sons of
Blyth, spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Wight-
Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and children
are spending a week with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Hoggins of Holyrood.
Miss Chrissie Inglis of Toronto and
Mrs. Jack Flannigan of Kingston are
visiting at the home their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis.
Miss Lettie Fox is leaving this week
for Hamilton.
Dr, and Mrs, Gordon Shiell form-
erly of Listowel arrived home from
Philadelphia on Sunday, where the
Doctor has been studying after being
two years in England taking surgical
Mr. aiid Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and
Mary of Morris and Mrs. J. Cumber-
land and Miss Agnes, from Manitou,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Rob-
Miss Alice Thompson of Tilson-
burg is visiting at the home of her
grandparents, Mr .and Airs. Thos.
Robinson. -
Mr. and. Mrs. White of Thedford,
spent the week -end with her brothers
Mr. James and Mr. Wellington Dow.
Many frozn here attended the An-
niversary Services in Brick United
Church on Sunday. Rev. James Scobie
of Wilton Grove preached morning
and evening to capacity congregations
and Whitechurch choir supplied the
special music for the services, and en-
joyed the hospitality of the Brick
Brick Church people for the day.
Miss Doreen Pardon spent last
week with her Aunt, Mrs. Irvin Henry
of Belfast
Miss MacGregor, Mrs. Robt..Shiei
and Andrew of Wingham spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, Gregg Shie!.
Mr. Jack Pollock had his tonsil;
removed on Saturday in Wingham
The severe electrical storm of Fri-
day ,put several telephone lines out of
business, but everyone' rejoiced over
the steady downpour.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held a very successful tea at the home
of Mrs. Jas. Falconer, on Wednesday
Permanent '
Specials for the rest of the Sum-
mer. Prices from $2.50 to $7.00.
All the best solutions used and
always the best price.
Enquire about permanent before
going elsewhere.
Marcels and Finger Waves 35c
Hot Oil Ttreatments for dry
hair 35c
For appointment call 133.
Helen's Beauty Shop
Registered Optometrist
will be in our store every Thurs-
day afternoon.
Glasses pitted Only When Neces-
sary, Special attention given to
Children. '
Thursday, July 12th, 1934
Nz t v; 5 N7.0 ::+ i 'i Yrs`, r
' R;�j x3��.'�'}kx',1�:�1,+.f6aK�€ k
.•a ''`ir'+,..3.�: ti :
The Grocery
Store That
Saves You
Wii gham's Up -to -Date,. Clean, Cool Busy Grocery.
Not a list of unwanted specials usually seen in advertisements
day wanted needs for the Home,,
Better Quality
At Lower
but every
—,_ .�
Gold Medal P. 8r G. Sea
zero !$acts)
1 ib. pkg......, 40c; ib....... 21c
Muffets, 2 pkgs. for 19c
Salads Tea,' lb.•pkg. 27c
Red Rose Tea, lb. pkg. 24c
Ginger Snaps
15c Special 10c ib.,
Catsup, Special, quart size ... 13c.
Catsup, medium bottle 11c
Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c
Washing Soda, 2 lbs7c
Baking 'Soda Special 6c lb.
Magic Coffee Special
1 lb. pkg 26c; i lb. pkg 14c
Certo for 29c bottle
Zinc Jar Rings for 25c >doz.
White Beans, 2 lb's. for 8c.
Flaked Rolled Oatmeal Chocolate "
Wheat Berries Breakfast Cocoa
Special ... 22c bag 6' lbs. for ...,.... 22c Ruffle Cakes
25c for 17c. 9c 3 lb. for ... 25c
Sair Dates, 2 lbs. for 17c 10c Toilet Paper, 3 rolls ...... 21c Jelly Powder
Pitted Dates, Special ,..... 12c Ib. Toilet Paper Special 5c roll Fruit Jam Cakes for 4 for 17c6
Sweet Corn, the best ... 10c tin Tomatoes, ige. tin 10c, 2 for 19c Best ' Clover Leaf Salmon16c
Golden Bantam Corn ... llc tin Seedless Raisins,
ns, 2 lbs. for 24c I. Special p 1 1 lb. tin for
BM, (Pepper Soda Biscuits lOc and Ile
Pure Soda Biscuits Choice Rice Pure Lard
Special lb.... 15c 1 lb. pkg. 10c All makes
forSpecial for 6c lb. 1 lb. pkg. 10c
9c pkg.
Phone 17.
We Deliver
"We Keep Down the Upkeep" } Honest Weight
Best of Service
ss:- t.sa
Health -'s 1-' iy:
A Special 10 '' ay Event to Save You " ' One
Do you want a vigorous body—Beauty—Charm—and the joyous good tim-
es that follow? You'll find -the things you need during this sale at Real Savings.
For the Manufacturer and Rexall Drug Stores offer you these unusually low prices
in order to make new friends for all Rexall Stores.
These low prices are possible because there is no middleman in the Rexall
Plan. Keep young and beautiful. Make your start to -day. See the Bargain
Goods at our store. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 21st.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held an
Friday at the home of Mrs, Wesly
Leggatt, an interesting program is be-
ing prepared, and all the ladies of the
Community are cordially invited to
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
Eileen and Ivan of Paramount spent
Sunday with her another, Mrs. Mac-
Mr, and Mrs. John McKinnon of
Holyrood spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Miss Cunning-
ham, Port Albert.
Mrs. Sherwood and Earl had as
their guests during the week -end Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sherwood, Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood and
daughter of Crewe, Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Ritchie and son, Zion, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt, West Wawa-
nosh, Mrs. Barbour, Goclerich.
Miss Lena Hackett is visiting with
relatives ,in Detroit this week.
Mr, Will Alton spent Sunday in
Wingham, `
Mrs, Blake is visiting with her dau-
ghter, Mrs, Albert Alton, at present,
Mrs. Hackett of Lucknow is spend-
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mrs.` Thos. Hackett,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Robertson,
Auburn, visited at Mr. Spence'Irwin's
on Saturday.
Mr. R, J, Barton of. Fergus' visited
for a couple of clays last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Corrigan visit-
ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Pideon Connell, of Fordwich.
IVir, and Mrs. William Weir and.
MissJennie Tucker of Howick, spent
Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs,
Reuben Stokes.
Miss Helen McLean of Twanawan-
da, N,Y,, visited with her cousin, Mrs,
Richard Jeffray,
Mt, and Mrs, Wm, Elliott Jr., and
familymoved into v .f thelrview itarne on
t ;.
Siituy last, art. :�
sMr. and Mrs, Leslie Bolt 'of the 6t14''
con,, visited Sundaywit1i Mr, and Mrs,
IsaeeSt okes.
Miss Cora Gilkinson, of Detroit,
Mich., is spending her holidays with
i r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Haines and
family of Howick, visited recently
with friends on the tenth.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes attend-
ed the Harron family re -union at
Guelph one day recently.
Miss Isabel Watson of Gladstone,
Man., is visiting wth friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston and
Jim and Rhea visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Souch on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris ' of
Fergus, visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston.
Mr, Carman Hetherington visited
his brother, Bert, at Brampton, and
friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Robt, McLean and two sons
are visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Sellers.
Rev. Mr. Patton preached the Or-
ange sermon to a large number of
the L.O.L. and L.O.B,A. on Sunday
Miss Emma McDonagh of London,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonagh, of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and family
spent Sunday with Miss Mary Cun-
ningham, Port Albert.
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Cameron and
daughter, Jean, spent Sunday with
their cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Pur -
don, 9th, con. West Wawanosh.
Mrs. Jim Webster, Boundary, spent
a few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Johnson of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Gardner and
two sons, north of Lucknow; spent
Sunday with Messrs. Will and Ernest
Gardner, near Zion,
Mr. and Mrs. Darling from near
Treherne, Man., are visiting at Mr.
Bert Longley's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers and
fancily attended a family re -union of
the Earls at Goderich last Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Crancli of Rochester,
spent a few day srecently with Mr.
and IVIis. Edwin Palmer, and other
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir attended a
family re -union of the Edgers in
Wingham last Saturday. There were
folks present from various points in
Ontario. All report a pleasant gath-
Mrs. Win, Weir spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. George
Dane, near Gorrie.
R. A. REID, Leading Eyesight Specialist of Stratford for 16 years,
comes to Williams' Jewelry Store, Optical Department,
EACH WEDNESDAY MORNING from 9.00 until 12.00.
Have your eyes examined) by an expertarid be sure of satisfaction.
s adruste
d without charge.
Quick ;serviae orall repair
ttfa !jeweller:tole
Speesal :.:.:, 18c 1b.
1 lb. tin 36e
lb,' tin 20e
8 bars for 24e
Golden heesBar.m.
2. '-lb. ___ ...25c
soap Chips
3 lbs, for .....-.. 21c
zero !$acts)
1 ib. pkg......, 40c; ib....... 21c
Muffets, 2 pkgs. for 19c
Salads Tea,' lb.•pkg. 27c
Red Rose Tea, lb. pkg. 24c
Ginger Snaps
15c Special 10c ib.,
Catsup, Special, quart size ... 13c.
Catsup, medium bottle 11c
Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c
Washing Soda, 2 lbs7c
Baking 'Soda Special 6c lb.
Magic Coffee Special
1 lb. pkg 26c; i lb. pkg 14c
Certo for 29c bottle
Zinc Jar Rings for 25c >doz.
White Beans, 2 lb's. for 8c.
Flaked Rolled Oatmeal Chocolate "
Wheat Berries Breakfast Cocoa
Special ... 22c bag 6' lbs. for ...,.... 22c Ruffle Cakes
25c for 17c. 9c 3 lb. for ... 25c
Sair Dates, 2 lbs. for 17c 10c Toilet Paper, 3 rolls ...... 21c Jelly Powder
Pitted Dates, Special ,..... 12c Ib. Toilet Paper Special 5c roll Fruit Jam Cakes for 4 for 17c6
Sweet Corn, the best ... 10c tin Tomatoes, ige. tin 10c, 2 for 19c Best ' Clover Leaf Salmon16c
Golden Bantam Corn ... llc tin Seedless Raisins,
ns, 2 lbs. for 24c I. Special p 1 1 lb. tin for
BM, (Pepper Soda Biscuits lOc and Ile
Pure Soda Biscuits Choice Rice Pure Lard
Special lb.... 15c 1 lb. pkg. 10c All makes
forSpecial for 6c lb. 1 lb. pkg. 10c
9c pkg.
Phone 17.
We Deliver
"We Keep Down the Upkeep" } Honest Weight
Best of Service
ss:- t.sa
Health -'s 1-' iy:
A Special 10 '' ay Event to Save You " ' One
Do you want a vigorous body—Beauty—Charm—and the joyous good tim-
es that follow? You'll find -the things you need during this sale at Real Savings.
For the Manufacturer and Rexall Drug Stores offer you these unusually low prices
in order to make new friends for all Rexall Stores.
These low prices are possible because there is no middleman in the Rexall
Plan. Keep young and beautiful. Make your start to -day. See the Bargain
Goods at our store. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 21st.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held an
Friday at the home of Mrs, Wesly
Leggatt, an interesting program is be-
ing prepared, and all the ladies of the
Community are cordially invited to
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
Eileen and Ivan of Paramount spent
Sunday with her another, Mrs. Mac-
Mr, and Mrs. John McKinnon of
Holyrood spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Miss Cunning-
ham, Port Albert.
Mrs. Sherwood and Earl had as
their guests during the week -end Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sherwood, Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood and
daughter of Crewe, Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Ritchie and son, Zion, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt, West Wawa-
nosh, Mrs. Barbour, Goclerich.
Miss Lena Hackett is visiting with
relatives ,in Detroit this week.
Mr, Will Alton spent Sunday in
Wingham, `
Mrs, Blake is visiting with her dau-
ghter, Mrs, Albert Alton, at present,
Mrs. Hackett of Lucknow is spend-
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mrs.` Thos. Hackett,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Robertson,
Auburn, visited at Mr. Spence'Irwin's
on Saturday.
Mr. R, J, Barton of. Fergus' visited
for a couple of clays last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Corrigan visit-
ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Pideon Connell, of Fordwich.
IVir, and Mrs. William Weir and.
MissJennie Tucker of Howick, spent
Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs,
Reuben Stokes.
Miss Helen McLean of Twanawan-
da, N,Y,, visited with her cousin, Mrs,
Richard Jeffray,
Mt, and Mrs, Wm, Elliott Jr., and
familymoved into v .f thelrview itarne on
t ;.
Siituy last, art. :�
sMr. and Mrs, Leslie Bolt 'of the 6t14''
con,, visited Sundaywit1i Mr, and Mrs,
IsaeeSt okes.
Miss Cora Gilkinson, of Detroit,
Mich., is spending her holidays with
i r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Haines and
family of Howick, visited recently
with friends on the tenth.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes attend-
ed the Harron family re -union at
Guelph one day recently.
Miss Isabel Watson of Gladstone,
Man., is visiting wth friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston and
Jim and Rhea visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Souch on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris ' of
Fergus, visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston.
Mr, Carman Hetherington visited
his brother, Bert, at Brampton, and
friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Robt, McLean and two sons
are visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Sellers.
Rev. Mr. Patton preached the Or-
ange sermon to a large number of
the L.O.L. and L.O.B,A. on Sunday
Miss Emma McDonagh of London,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonagh, of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and family
spent Sunday with Miss Mary Cun-
ningham, Port Albert.
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Cameron and
daughter, Jean, spent Sunday with
their cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Pur -
don, 9th, con. West Wawanosh.
Mrs. Jim Webster, Boundary, spent
a few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Johnson of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Gardner and
two sons, north of Lucknow; spent
Sunday with Messrs. Will and Ernest
Gardner, near Zion,
Mr. and Mrs. Darling from near
Treherne, Man., are visiting at Mr.
Bert Longley's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers and
fancily attended a family re -union of
the Earls at Goderich last Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Crancli of Rochester,
spent a few day srecently with Mr.
and IVIis. Edwin Palmer, and other
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir attended a
family re -union of the Edgers in
Wingham last Saturday. There were
folks present from various points in
Ontario. All report a pleasant gath-
Mrs. Win, Weir spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. George
Dane, near Gorrie.
R. A. REID, Leading Eyesight Specialist of Stratford for 16 years,
comes to Williams' Jewelry Store, Optical Department,
EACH WEDNESDAY MORNING from 9.00 until 12.00.
Have your eyes examined) by an expertarid be sure of satisfaction.
s adruste
d without charge.
Quick ;serviae orall repair
ttfa !jeweller:tole