HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-07-12, Page 7F•WItlM kk t,Yp{.a w
Senior Room
Honors 75%, Pass 60%,
Jr,IV-Ida Ritchie 78, Billie New-
ton 78, Isabel Watson 71, Reita Gal
3away 60,
Sr. III -Velma Baiers 77, Harold'
Hyndman 74, Audrien Zimmerman 73,
Mary Miller 70, Margaret Butt 69,
Gladys Miller 58, Violet. Hughes 55,'
Jr. III Eleanore Carson 87, George
TIeinmiller 72, Betty Edwards 67, Earl
Harrison 66, Madeline Ritchie 62, An-
nie Anger 61.
Annie Douglas, Teacher,
Junior Room
Honors 75%, Pass 60%,
Ilnd Class -Glenn Austin 88, Ken-
neth Underwood 79, Billy Edwards 77,
Helen Anger 71, Dean Earngey 65,
Catherine Butt 63, Allan Hyndman
'62.2, Glenn King 62, Reggie_ Taylor
X60.1, Jack Underwood.
Ist Class -Jean Heibein 93, George
;Gallaway 91, Elgin King 80, Emily
Heinmiller 73, Charles Miller. 69, Lor-
.raine Nickel 69; Harry Zimmerman
'63, Iiabel King 62.
Primer -Wilma Heibein 90,6, Dor-
•een Harrison 90.3, Earle King 85,
Dick Carson 84, Hugh Hutchison 71,
Marion Dobbe'rthien (absent).
Velma M. Lennox, Teacher..
The annual. Orange Service was
field in Gorrie United Church on Sun-
day evening, when the lodges from
Fordwich and Gorrie paraded from
the Orange Hall to the church in a
body.' The Church was nicely decor-
ated with flowers and maple leaves.
'Two beautiful standards of white lil-
ies were placed with the floral dec-
orations by Mrs. J. Gingham in mem-
eory of her father, the late Wm. Mont-
gomery, a staunch Orangeman.
The Pastor of the church, Rev. G.
W. Batt, assisted by Rev. Button, of
Fordwich, took charge of the service,
Rev. Butt taking his text from Mark
10: 17 "Good Master, what shall I
do that I might inherit eternal life?"
,on which subject the Pastor gave an
impressive sermon. The choir also
rendered special music.
Guest Speaker Was Mrs. Gowdy
of Salem.
Thursday, July 12th, 1934
Time was sent rolling backward in
its flight last week, when, with a blaze
of pageantry, the history of Toronto
and of its early settlers was portrayed
with faithful authenticity on a spec -
The July meeting of the W. M. S.
of Gorrie United Chunce was a spec-
ial meeting under the leadership of
the Associate Helpers' Secretaries.
The children and their mothers were
invited to the home of the President,
Mrs. (Dr.) Ramage, on Thursday,
July 5th. Mrs. Gallaher, presiding, the
meeting opened by singing "Work for
the night is coming" and the Lord's
Prayer • repeated in unison. Mrs. W.
Gamble read the Scripture lesson,
Gal. 6: 1-10, after which Mrs. James
Anger read a poem "Two Little Girls"
one in Canada and one in Cathay,
showing how, irrespective of color,
they are both precious in God's sight.
Prayer by Rev. Butt.
Mrs. J. Gowdy, of Salem, Associate
Helpers' Sec'y, for Huron Presbyter-
ial, was guest speaker .and gave a very
interesting address on her work. On-
ly one-third of the women of the Un-
ited Church, belong to some Mission-
ary organization, so we all ought to
try to ` interest those who cannot be
active members to be Associate Mem-
bers, All Christians should be inter-
ested in the church finanaces, Christ
commended the widow for giving her
mite: Our influence, and our gifts
should be used for the glory of his
kingdom, said the speaker. Froin
Greenland's Icy Mountain" was sung,
after which Mrs. Whitfield gave a
reading '` entitled "The Training of
Missionary Mary" telling howa wo-
man who. wanted her daughter to go
to the foreign fields, but objected to
her associating with Italian neighbors
untilshe Ite was led to see things in a
different light.;
The President then took the chair,
welcoming: the guests, and a hearty
applause was given Mrs. Gowdy. The
Tally constructed stage. More than 150
years ago the United Empire Loyal-
ists made their exodus from the Un-
ited States to remain under the Brit-
ish flag. Jessica Jarvis (1) wears a
costume typical of those worn by
those courageous woman. who set out
to. hew a new • home. in Canada away
back in 1786. Shortly after the turn
of the last century, a lady of fashion's
ensemble was like that worn by Ruth
Reed (2). This, was the Battle of the
Nile period. Dora Reed (3) wears
another costume of that era.
minutes of the' last meeting were read
and adopted. The Corresponding Sec-
retary read a request, asking for child-
ren to be taken to the country from
the city for fresh air. Treasurer's re-
port showed an increase in finances
over the first half of 1933. Roll call
was answered by a verse on "Oppor-
tunity." "Stand up,. stand up for Je-
sus," was sung and all repeated the
Mizpah Benediction. A social hour
was spent when the members of the
auxiliary treated their friends to a
bountiful lunch, and left for home
feeling they had a successful afternoon
and hoping to see good results from
the seine.
• Ultra Modern
Eye Service
Phm.B., R.O.
Phone 118, Harriston
spending her vacation at her home Mrs. Wm. Earngey Jr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. Stanley Dane returned to Tor-
onto on Saturday after visiting a short
time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wessman and
daughter, Helen, of Toronto, were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Staf-
Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin and family
of Weston, returned home on Sunday
after spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hutchison. Mr. McLaughlin
of Weston, was a guest at the same
home over the week -enol,
Miss Evelyn Stephens visited on
Thursday last with Dr. and Mrs. Mut-
ton in Mitchell.
King, was also appreciated. Rev, R.
S. Jones conducted the services in the
Brussels Anglican Church. Alta., spent a day last week' with her music was mach enjoyed, followed by
present conditions with any degree of
appreciation, and that understanding
will come through a learning of the
period through which Mr. Clark liv-
The foregoing editorial . will give a
vivid idea of the place of honor the
late Mr. j, Clark held in: the com-
Deceased was born in Northumber-
land, County Bruce, Ontario, 79 years
ago and has been a resident of Clarks-
boro far ,53 years. At the tirne of his
death he was the postmaster of that
place, the oldest postmaster in the
Province, and which office be held
since 1906, and, which he opened one
day before the post office at Saska-
toon. Mr. Clark studied civil engin-
eering and went West with •a survey-
ing party.
Mr. Clark is survived by his wid-
ow, formerly Miss Ashton of Gorrie,
they observed their golden wedding !,
last 'February 27th.
During, the Riel Rebellion Mr. and
Mrs. Clark had as their guest, General
E. Middleton, while soldiers also
slept at their home, with Mrs. Clark
and neighbors baking for them.
The funeral was held at the Sas-
katoon Funeral Horne on Monday af-
ternoon, June 18. Rev. Jas. Strachan
of the First Baptist Church; conduct-
ed the service, andtook for his text,
St. John 3:6.
The body was . conveyed to Wood
lawn Cemetery, Saskatoon.
Mrs, Clark will have the sympathy
of a large number of her Gorrie
Some two hundred guests registered
. at the Switzer Re -Union held at the
beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Ren-
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. ben Harding at Orangeliill on Satur-
Shortt and other relatives.
Mrs. William Fraser of Nanton,
day last.
A full program of addresses and
neice, Mrs. Knowlson Hueston, a two -minute silence in memory of
Winsor - Beck Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanley of St. ten of the clan who have died since
A wedding which will be of inter- Marys, called on their cousins, 111", the re -union held in 1932.
est to many people of the viciting and Mrs. W. Whitfield, on Saturday 1 The next Re -Union of this clan will
took place in St. John's Cathedral, on their way to the Switzer Re -Union be held the third Wednesday in July,
Winnipeg, on Thursday, June 28th, held at Mr, R. Hardings, at Orange- 1936.
when Miss Doris Myrtle Beck, elder hill. I The election of officers resulted as
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young of Kitch-
daugliter, of Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur follows:
Beck, was united in marriage to Mr. ever, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wil -,I President -Harry Armstrong, Mit-
lis, of Detroit, were guests of their
Roland Blandford Winsor, of Shaw- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Icing chell RCL, Blanchard.
inigan Falls, Quebec. Miss Beck1st Vice Pres. -Clarkson Switzer,
on Tuesday of last week.
(whose mother was Miss LucilleScience Hill.
Blow before her marriage, and whoMr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks of Har- Secretary -Miss Mildred Donne,
Sunda wttlt Mr and
riston, spenty
lived in Gorrie some years ago), hasKirton.
as her bridesmaids, her sister, Miss Mrs. J. Hyndman. Assist. Sec. -Mrs. Rueben Switzer,
Dr. and Mrs, Whitley are visiting
Muriel Beck and Miss Joyce Fielder,
friends in Toronto this week. and Mrs. Ragnor Johnston as matron
Those who are attending Sumner Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross and dau- of honor. Following the ceremony. a
School in St. Thomas this week, are: ghter of Kitchener, were Sunday reception was held at the Vice -Regal
suite at the Royal Alexandria Hotel,
which was also suitably decorated
with palms, ferns, Briercliffe roses and
peonies. Later, Mr. and Mrs, Winsor
left for a motor trip through Virginia
to New Yo.rlc, before taking up their
residence at Shawinigan Falls, Que-
Rev, G. W. Butt, President of the guests of the forrner's mother, Mrs.
School; Elmer and William Butt, Hec- M. Ross.
tor Hamilton, Mervin Stephens, Miss- Mr. Win. Pyke suffered an acute
es Evelyn Stephens, Bessie Wylie, attack of appendicitis and was rushed
Catherine Warreli, Georgina Gal- to the Listowel Hospital on Sunday
braith, Marjorie Schaefer (Fordwich), where he was operated on. He is do -
Agnes Edgar. ing as well as can be expected.
Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong accompan- Miss Violet Hughes of Harriston,
ied by Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor at- who has been staying for some time
tended the golden wedding of Mr. and with Mrs. James Bell, returned to
Mrs. Jas. Jackson in Clinton on Fri- Harriston on Sunday.
day. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Newton, Tommy_
Dr. and. Mrs. W. J. M. Armstrong and Shirley, were guests of Mr. and
of Mitchell, were week -end guests of Mrs. George MacDonald at Moles-
Dr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong. worth on Tuesday last.
Mr. J. Wassman, of Toronto, is Master Billie Newton is holidaying
spending some time at the home of with friends in Guelph.
his daughter, Mrs. Cleve Stafford. Mrs. W. C. King` spent a couple of
Miss Jean MacDonald, of Moles- clays last week with her sister, Mrs.
worth, was a recent guest of Mr. and Thos. MacDonald, near Molesworth.
Mrs. R. G. Newton. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jefferson and
Mr. Hugh Pritchard of Montreal is G'h,en, of Owen Sound, are visiting
spending his vacation period with his at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George
wife and son, south of Gorrie, Foster,
Master Billy Dane of Owen Sound Miss Mary Hill of Toronto, spent
visitingat the home of Mr. and the week -enol with her parents, Mr..
and Mrs. Owen Hill. She was accom-
panied home by her n'tother, who
spent the past week in the city.
Mr, Ernest King ,and son, Edward,
of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Ring. Edward retrained
foss a month's vacation.
Mrs. Leppington, of Harriston, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
A. Stephens, for a week, returned
home on Sunday; Mrs. Stephens and
Bobbie accompanied :her, to stay for a
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wade and
son, Robert, took Mrs, A. Miles and
son, Ronald, as far as Riverdale Pane
'in :Guelph on Sunday, where they
were Y
e • met b. Mr, and Mrs.' Dave Dane
and Mr. A; Miles, of ',,Toronto, and
all enjoyed a day's picnic there.
Mrs, Isaac Wade was the geust of
Sunday. friends in ;Clara on S
Mrs. G. A. Dane.
Mr. Norman. Hamilton of Galt will
speak in the United Church here on
Sunday, July 15th, at 11 a.m. Mr.
Hamilton will speak in connection
with the liquor question.
Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Butt and daugh-
ters are spending this week with Mr,
and Mrs.• Bradnock, at Bruce Peach.
Mrs. G. 5. King and Mrs. V. Shera
spent a day in Kitchener recently.
Mr.. Russel Wassman, _of Walker-
vine, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Stafford.
Mi. and Mrs. George Ring, son
Harold, also Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Ring, spent the week -end with 'friends
in London.
Mr, Walker Hastie, of Toronto vis-
ited a couple of days this week with
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie,
oBlack Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd B
of Kincardine, were week -end guests
oof Mr, and Mrs, R, F, Edgar.
Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Weston,
spent the week -end with her friend,
Mt, s
i' Dorothy Doig, south of Gorrie,
Mks Alma Hast%e,of Kitchener,
spent the week -end at her home here,
Miss Jeatt Black of I<.itchetter, spent
the week -end with her brother,Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Black.
Miss Edna 1:.atvretrce of Toronto is
Impressive Communion Service
The Communion Service in the An-
glican Church on Sunday morning
was conducted by Rev, F. G Rickard
of Brussels, Rural .'Dean of Huron,
who gave, a -very helpful and inspiring
sermon, taking as his text, Amos 8:3
Mr..and Mrs. H, Irwin and daught-
er Lucille, returned to their home in
Long Branch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willetts of Lon-
don were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Musgrove on Sunday.
Mrs. Garnet Armstrong and son,
Ronald, also Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Price of Toronto, visited Dr. and Mrs.
Armstrong on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins are spending this week
at their cottage at Bruce Beach.
Mr. Marrott of Toronto, spent a
few days last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence,
Mrs. Wilfred Phair and two child-
ren of Toronto, spent a few days with
Mrs. T. Phair last week.
Master Blake and Miss M. McMill-
an, of Listowel, are spending some
time with their grandparents, Mr. and.
Mrs. R. McGrath.
Mrs. 5. Day, Mr. Cecil Day and
Bernice, were Wingham visitors on
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Campbell, of
Listowel and Mrs. Kemp of Winni-
peg,'called on "Mr, and Mrs. R. New-
ton on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gallaher of
Brussels,' were recent guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Milton Watson."
Miss Grace Spence of. Molesworth,
spent a few clays last welt with her
aunt and• uncle, Mr, and Mrs. R.
TiilI Ford, of Barrie, is the guest.
of his' aunt, Mrs. H, Cooke.
Hon. Robt. Weir, of Ottawa, call-
ed on Mr, and Mrs. Knowlson Hues -
tot on Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Wendt and son, Bruce,
of Welland,was a week -end guest of
her brother, Dr. and Mrs,
Mrs. Cecil Hardy and child return-
ed to theig home in Weston' on Stun
"Cin two w g alk together except they day
Mr. J. Hyndman and grandson, Kirton,
Harold Hyndman, spenti Saturday in The oldest member present was
Millbank. Mrs. Raynard of Ethel, aged 86. The
Mr. and Mrs. W, Whitfield and son youngest was Master George Alvin
Ewart, of Blyth, visited with friends Furtney ,ten months old, son of Mr.
at Bluevale on Sunday. and Mrs. Alvin Furtney, of London.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Those who came the furthest to at -
Whitfield were: Mrs. T. S. Graham of tend the re -union were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ingersol, Mrs. H. Speiran of Atwood James Wright and Mr. Percy Switzer
and Mrs. Joe Whitfield and son, Or of Lacombe, Alta.
val of Brussels...,1 Guests were 'present from Windsor,
We are sorry to report that r. Toronto, Barrie, Highland Grove,
A. E. Toner is not enjoying the best Wainfleet, St. Marys, Belmont, For -
of health, however, we trust he will mosa, Hanover, Kirton and Lacombe,
soon be O.K. again. Alta.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hueston and
three children, of Toronto, spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Hueston's grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Magrath.
Master: Bobbie Wendt of Mildmay
is a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs,
J. R, Wendt,
Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Wearring and
daughters were Sunday guests of Mr
and Mrs. T. A. Gibson.
Miss Vivian Doan of Biggar, Sask.,
is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. Berkinshaw and son, John, of
Toronto, are guests of Mr, and Mrs,
Fred Kitchen,
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Wade, of Ford-
wich, were Sunday guests, of Mr. and
Mrs. D. $ MacNaughton:
Mr, Keith McLaughlin. and Mr.
Malcolm. Hague visited the latter's
home in Woodstock last week,
Miss Annabell, Fraser, LaRiviere„
Man., also Miss Jessie Fraser, Pilot
Mound, Man,, are spending the holi-
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Lovell. Mr. Will. Fraser of Ridge -
town, was also a week -end visitor at
the, Lovell home.
Mrs. Alex. Higgins .and daughters,
Lenore and Velma, are leaving this
week for a two weeks' vacation with
friends at Geulph.
Mr. Norman Hall has been engaged.
to teach in Lakelet School for the
coming year,
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
N. T. McLaughlin, during the past
week were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bail-
ey, Detroit, also Mr. and Mrs. Loran
Phyle, of Mount Clemrnens.
Mrs. Stewart, Toronto; is spending
some time holidaying with her bro
thers, D.D. and A. Sanderson.
with her husband who spent the
be agreed? Al lovelyduet sung by week -end here, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogers, of De -
Miss Mina
e -
Me sMina and Master Jim McMillan trait, also Mrs. Ed. Ring of Simcoe,
of Listowel are. spending some time visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paulin.
R. Magrath. ( Miss Beatrice Howe, of Learning-
ton, is spending the holidays with her
Joseph Clark 'sister, Miss Mary Howe.
The following item appeared in the l • Miss Audrey Wallow of Fort Erie, 1
Editorial page of the Saskatoon Star- is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hemb-
Phoenix, June 22: ley.
"The death of Joseph Clark, aged Mrs. , W. J, Henderson, Wingham,
postmaster of Clarksboro, not only spent a few days last week with Mr.
marks the passing of another pioneer, and Mrs. Bert Martin.
but recalls to the younger and newer Master Glenn Austin spent the past
residents of the West the stirring ad- week with his grandmother, Mrs. M.
ventures and romantic epoch during Rasmussen.
which Mr. Clark made his contribu- , Miss Vera Durst, of Ingersoll, is
tion and which preceded the present spending her vacation with her par-
age of extensive development on the ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. 5. Durst.
western plains, It is a reminder that Miss Vera Piercy, Toronto, is a
the West is not without its traditions. guest of her friend, Miss Anne Mun-
As a young man, Mr. Clark was roe.
drawn to a new and enchanted coon- I Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Kaake, and
try. In company with other adven- sons, Kenneth and Ronald, spent Sun-
turous souls he sought to make his day with friends at Palmerston.
livelihood where elle earnings of one's,'. Mrs; N. T. McLaughlin, Meta and
daily bread would be only incident in Jack are spending a short holiday in
the wider occupation of opening up Detroit
a new country. He and his genera- I Mr, lien Ringler, of Preston, cali-
tion sought the noble adventure of ed on old friends in the village last
progress in the face of danger and week.
uncertainty, and they were not dts- i Little Miss Frances Wylie visited
appointed. They livedthr•ottgh the friends. in Kincardine last week.
perilous tinesof Rebellion, They
MissRona VanVelsor, Weston,o, is
saw the influx of settlers, They wat- spending the simmer months with her
died the railway lines making their parents Mr, and Mrs:' W. E. VanVel-
steady advance across the prairie land sor.
until a network covered the country. l Miss Thelma Kayser, of Toronto,
They saw the rise of the villages and is a guest at the home of Dr. and
Mrs, MacLeod.
s nd cities.
An outstandi
ng lessors of the early Mr. John T upher and daughter,
history of the West, with its initial Margaret, Sault Ste. Marie, also Mrs:
strifes and its later development, is Wm. Greer, Pontiac, Mich,, are visite
i. i i •Mrs. George Paulin, Additional Wroxeter news on page 4,
the; need,; of those Who ;would study ,ing with Ur. and 8
Miss Bertha Smith Honored
The annual picnic at S.S. No. 2;.
Lakelet,'was largely attended on Fri-
day afternoon last. Just before re-
freshments were served Miss. Bertha
Smith, who has resigned after six
years' service, was called to the plat-
form and; presented with a set "of
Stainless Steel knives and forks, and.
a silver casserole as a token of the
esteem of pupils and ratepayers.
Mission Band Picnic
The members of the Mission Band
are planning a picnic on the banks of
the Maitland on Thursday afternoon
and are asked to meet behind the old
null at 1.30 pan. Members are asked,
to bring sandwiches.
Rev. Mr. Richert of Brussels, had
charge of the Sunday evening service
in St. James' Anglican Church.
Miss Aileen Schaab accompanied a
party of girls from Wingham on a
motor trip through Northern Ontario
this week.
Miss Breta Peterson returned to her
home in Rothsay last week.
Many happy returns of the day to
Mrs. D. Fraser, who on Tuesday, July
10th, celebrated her 85th birthday.
Master Hugh Campbell, of Morris,
spent a short vacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Meahen, Mary and
Jack, spent Sunday with Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto, are guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers.
Mrs. (Dr,) McLeod, daughter Mar-
garet, and son, Jack, visited 'Toronto
friends one day last week and Miss
Keller ' and neice, little Miss Zelma
Keiler, returned to spend a few days.
with them.
Miss Irene Wright of Bracebridge,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright, prior to
her departure on Monday of this week
for Guelph where she will take a
summer course in Agriculture at .O;
A, C.
Miss A. Little left on Saturday for
her home in Teeswatei•, after com-
pleting her school duties here, and at
Fordwiah, where she bas been pre-
siding at Entratie examinations.
Messrs. Philip and . Harold Durst
were Toronto visitors this week-end,;--
eek-end,Miss Beatrice Howe of the Leam-
ington Public School staff, returned
home on Thursday of last week to
spend the summer with her sister,
Miss Mary Howe,
Mrs, Win. Westlake and children,
Pearl, Harry, Jack and George, of
Saltford, are visiting the forener's mo-
ther, Mrs, B. Wade.
Miss Jean Milligan and Mr, Jack'
Gibson and Miss Margaret Gibson
and Mr,acic Barnard of London, are
J days s at Dyer's a few y Bay.
Mr. and Mrs, Wn1. Rae and two
children, Joyce and Jack, of Water-
loo who have been visiting the for -
D. W,
s r.
parents, M
t er's �<
r1 ,
Rae, returned to their home this week,
They were accompanied by Messrs,
James and Russell Rae, of Seamans,
Sask., who are home for vacation, and
who will visit friends in Waterson and
at Ga
lt before returning
x -
Mr. Archie Edgar spent Sunday in