The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-07-05, Page 7Thursday, July 5th, 1934 GORRIE The regular meeting of the Wo, ,mien's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Anglican ,Church Gorrie, was :held on Thursday last 'at the home of Mrs. Ernest King., Meeting opened with prayer, eaunsd a few arfticles o clotbiu.g were finished for -the, Ind- ian, (girl whiel' the society are oaring tor. After minutes and roll, call had been answered by .a suitable Scrip- ture verse, Mrs. Geroge King ,finish- ed reading Rev. A. P. Shatford's ad ' dress on "The Four Marys" which was very interesting. Mrs, Norman Wade read the Scripture lesson, I. John 3: 1-17, and prayers were led by president. A dainty luncheon was nerved by hostess during a social half hour, It was decided to discon- tinue the meetings during July and August. A very interesting and instruct- ive meeting of the East Huron-Dis- trict uronDistrict of the Women's Institute was field in the 'ITownehip Hall, Gorrie, on Friday Last, June 29th, with a good representation from the vari- ous branches of Brussels, Biuevale, Ethel, Wroxeter, Forclwich, Rut_. scam Girls and Gorrie, Mrs, Robert I ay of Fordwich, Presient, con- ducted the meeting, -and gave a very interesting talk, as the guest speak- er, Mrs. McDowell, , of Mliverton. wee unable to be present. Many and varied were the reports. of the different standing commit - - tees. Roll call of the branches Brought forth some outstanding ac- tivity in each branch during the year end was .given by each secre- tary. The following officers were elected for 1934-35: President, Mrs. R. Nay, Fordwich; lst vice, Miss B. Thornton, Biuevale; 2nd vice, Mrs. S. MacNaughton, Wroxeter; Sec- Treas,, Mrs. Pearl Koine, Gorrie; Auditors, Mrs. R. G. Dane and Mrs. V. Shera, Gorrie. A lovely luncheon was served by the ladies of Gorrie Women's Insti- tute after the meeting had closed with the National Anthem. Service in the Anglican Church here will be held next Sunday at 3.30 a.ni. when Rev. F. G. Rickard of Brussels, Rural Dean• of Huron Deanery, will conduct the service. Sunday School will follow immedi- ately after at 10.30. Mr. and Mrs. G. Foster who were in Owen Sound last week were ac- companied home by their granddau- ghter, Helen Jefferson, who will spend some time here. Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie and children were Listowel visitors one day last week. Mr. Percy ,Colmer, also Mrs. T. Cliver and son, Ross, of Toronto, .spent the week -end •at the home of Mr, and Mrs, . Ernest King, Miss Clara King returned to the city with them on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newtons, Tor- onto, were week -end guests of R. G. end Mrs. Newton; also other rela- tives. Their son, Ronald, who had spent a couple of weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Pyke, returned home with thein. John Nelson of London, is visiting. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burns Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins, are spending this week at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Mr.. and Mrs, R. K. Collins, Mrs. F. S. Collins end Miss Mamie Col- lins, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home fo Mr. and•Mrs. H. V. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay : Clegg. and ,daughter, Phyllis, of Harriston spent. Sundey with Mrs, Jas, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and dau- ghter, Lucille, .of Long Branch, also Mrs. H. Woodcock anddaughters, of Winnipeg, are spending some time with Mr. and . Mrs. Wm, Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins attended the funeral of e friend at Lucknow on, Thursday last. Mrs. Owen Hill is spending this wek with her daughter In Toronto.. Mr. Walter King, Mrs, Joe Sand- erson, 1VIrs. Delbert Clegg and son, Bruce, were Sunday guests of rela- Ultra Modern EeService F •i HOMUTH hmR.O..B., P �►hrrlr -. g an Phone � 18. H BELOVED ACTRESS IN TUE SFIADOWS tives at Owen. Sound. The latter re- mained for two weeks with her sis- ter there. The school picnic held in Mauire's bush on Friday last was an . enjoy- able' one for pupils, parents and friends and was well attended, also the picnic at No. 4 school on Satur- day afternoon, which was thorough- ly, enjoyed by the older as well as the younger members of the school section. Mr. and Mrs. A, Miles, Miss Aud- rey and Master Ronald of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Wade and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McLaughlin of Toronto were week -end guests of _ Mr. end Mrs, Jack Hutchison. Mrs. R. Hastie and son Sandy of Reports indicate that the shadows As she appears away from Hollywood Tarantospent the week -end at the are closing inon Marie Dressler, Can but with the ever-present senile, (3) home of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Has-adian-born screen actress, lying in a Marie as "The Scrub Woman" one of coma as a result of her illness at her earlier triumphs. (4) Again as tie. Santa Barbara, Calif. The pictures "Tugboat Annie" and holding the Mr, and Mrs, Earl Flower and son show the versatility and revealing hu- medal presented to, her as winner of itr Colin of Kintail, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carson on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bradnoek spent a couple of days last week at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Miss Norma Whittaker of Toron- to, is visiting this week with Miss J. P, Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Else: and two child- ren, also Mrs. Lord of Toronto, were holiday guests of Reeve and Mrs. Gamble. Mrs. George McCracken of Ed- monton, Alta., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McCracken over the week -end. Misses Lutton• of Toronto, were holiday guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Earl, Mr. Jack Toner and friend, Miss Davie of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner. Miss Gowdie of Wingham spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hyndenan. this week. Mr. and Mrs, Herzog of West Lorne were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, also renewed acquaintances of Gorrie friends. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Brus- sels were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton. Mrs. Pratt, Miss Alma Sheir, and Mr. Sniilie of Teeswater, were . Sun - lay guests of Mr, and Mrs, Brad - nock. Mrs. Bleck of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Geake and daughter Jean of Fordwich, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Black., Mr. Douglas and Miss. Annie Douglas, visited on Sunday with the former's son, Clarkson, in Hamilton. Mrs, Carroll Gregg and children; in Gorrie United Church on Sunday, spent the week -end at Bruce Beach, July 8th, at 7,30 p.m. Everyone is Mrs, Dowdell and slaughter of To- cordially invited, ionto, is spending this week with Mi. and Mrs, Alex, :Edgar have her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John returned home after visiting with IIyndman friends in Ayr and Paris bast week. Mr. Spencer Ashton of Hamilton, Mr. Walter Ring, accompanied by and friend, Miss Mabel Bell of To- his father, Mr, Jas,, King and sister ionto, also Miss. Beryl Ashton, Sea- Mrs: Delbert Clegg and son Bruce, forth, and Mr. H. A.very of Mitchell, motored to Owen Sound on Sunday, also Mr, and: Mrs, E. Radford of Mr. J', King. and Mrs. Clegg and son Walton, were Sunday visitors of will visit Mrs. Roseborough for; a their mother, M's, R. A. Ashton. couple of weeks, _. Miss Bessie. Wylie of Toronto. is We take pleasure in extending spending her vacation with her congratulations to. Mr, Harry Mc - mother, Mrs; J, Wylie. Mr. 'end Mrs. R. .7. Htieston spent the week -end at their cottage at Bruce Beach, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.' McLaughlin were Weston, ehzl dreit of W and three holiday guests of Mr;. and Mrs. John HutaliiSor , Mr. John Keine of Windeiimer, is spending his summer vaoation with his iitother-, Mrs. S, G. Koine. man traits of the actress. .(1) Marie Dressler as "Tugboat Annie", in which she starred with Wallace Beery. (2) a popularity contest in England. (5) As the eccentric dowager in "Let Us Be Gay." The regular meeting of the W. M. various kinds was provided by the S. will be held on. Thursday, July pastor and his •wife, for young and 5th, at 3 p.m, This meeting which old. Following the program a boun- is being held at the home of Mrs., tiful picnic lunch was served by the ladies of the congregation. It is expected that Miss Campbell returned Missionary from India, now residing at Molesworth,' will take charge of the pulpit in the Presby- terian Church here during the month of August. • children, Farland and George, spent Misses Annie Douglas and Velma Sunday at Bruce Beach. Mrs, Gregg rand the children remained for a Lennox,- local school teachers, have week's holiday. been re• -engaged for another year at Guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. G. the .same salary as last year, Mrs. Ritchie, David A. Ritchie Dane on Sunday were Mr. and ' nd Dora Sample of Teeswater, also Mss, James Pollock and children, Miss Gladys M. Ritchie of Howick, Doris and Evelyn, all of Kincardine. Que., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong last week. Mrs.- Riley of Toronto was a week -end guest of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley, and who acconep.anied the tor, Rev. R. S. Jones, who took as Dr. and Mrs. Whitley to Londeaboro his text Dent. 11: 11-12. Mr, Jones on Dominion Day, where they all at- gave en excellent history of our tended a family picnic. land but pointed out in the course Mlle regular monthly meeting of fo his sermon' the lack of interest in. the Gorrie Women's Institute will the Church and Sunday School es meet at the hoarse of Mrs. John shown by a number of people of to Hyndnian on Wednesday, July llth, day, and where will this lead to in when Group 1 will be in charge of another 25 years? Mr. Wm. Earn - the program, and will ,consist of a gey Jr. sang a lovely solo which was paper, "The Value of a Garden" . by also very much enjoyed. Mrs, L. Ashton; Demonstration, Mr. W. Sf•inson underwent a min- ' Simple Summer Desert," by Mrs. or operation on his foot on Friday Bolton and Mrs. Black, and Roll last, which, we trust, will restore Call will be responded to by "Why I hien to his usual good helaht, Belong to the Institute." Mrs. D. Delegates are being rappointed to Cather having charge of the music represent. the Gdderich Summer or a reading. School whioh will be held July 16- Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daugh- 23rd. ter of Toronto, and Mr. John Ma- The Alma College Summer School guire of :Clifford were Sunday guests of which Rev. G. W. Butt is pres- af Mr, and Miss Maguire, ident, is being held in St. Thomas, Dr, and 'Mrs, C. Ramage and son July 9th -16th, Already there have Jim, spent the weekend with been a dosen or more young people friends e o Beach.' of this community presented for at s at Waseagb Mr. Harry Ardell of London was tenclance, a week-enid�uest of his Cousin, Mrs. Guests of Mrs, J,. T. Strong ever g S. Munro. the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. The services in Gorrie 'United C. V, Besserer, Detroit; Mr, and 'United Church during the month of Mrs, J. T. Reid end Mr. Emerson, July will be in charge of Rev, G. Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Spotton Gregor, brother of Mrs, R. Walkert W. Butt, pastor, and will be held in M1`8. Win, Bremner, who won l the evening at 7,30 o'clock. Gorrie also' M s. I third prize for a picture he painted � and Fordwich are as usual.00-operet. sand exhibited at the "Century ofI Ing, for the months of Ray and Progress" new in Chicago. •The August.. prize amounted to some $2,500.. No Dr. Ramage, will be in charge of the Associate Helpers' Convenor, and the ladies and children of the con- gregation are cordially invited to attend this meeting. The guest speaker will be Mrs. John Gowdy of Salem. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hardy of Weston were week -end visitors of Ir. and Mrs, Alex. Edgar, Jr. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Warbuoys, also Mr. and Mrs. David Hardy of Wes- ton, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short. Mr. and Mrs, John King and daughter, Miss Jean of London, spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, King and other relatives. Miss Norma Hockridsge has -re- turned to her home in Guelph, after spending a couple of weeks the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grainger. Mr, Garfield VIa'aistone left an Tuesday of last week for Port Mc- Nichol, where he will join his boat for the summer. , Mr. George McKee, Mr. Carter. McKee, Mrs. John Wylie, Miss Bes- sie Wylie, and M. J. Wylie all at- tended the Ballentyne Re -union held en Saturday near Stratford. The Annual Orange Service of Howick District L, 0. L. will be held is. visiting her aunt and uncle Mr. •und Mrs, Russel Grainger. Guests of Mr. land Mrs. J. Balers over the holiday were; Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wilson of Galt, Mr, and Mrs. Wolfs, also Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe Jr., and child, of Mitchell; Rev. and Mrs, Schutt of Logan, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Beiers of Bei;. more, WROXETER Miss Margaret M'eTavish, Toronto, spent the holiday with her ,mohter, Mrs, D. McTavish in ,town. Mrs. Garnet Murray and daughter, Jean, Haileybury, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woolsiey. Mrs, Ross, Gorrie, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs: J. J. Allen, last week, Mrs, John Darroch, Clifford, spent a few days last week' as the guest of Miss Ritchie and Mr.. Thomas Ritchie. - Miss Ann Munroe, St, 'Catharines, is spending the summer holidays at her hone here; De. John Munroe, of Toronto, also spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. A. Stewart, her .daughters Nellie and Ruth, and sons, Alex, and Rev, G. W. Butt took as hs subject Athol, all of Toronto, spent the holi- Develospnents in the Christian: Life, days with the .Sanderson families. stressing the need of regular church. Mr, and Mrs: Stewart ,,Sanderson attedtnance, study of the Bible rev and Catharine spent the week -end erently, and the use of the morning with Mr. ad Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, bear for prayer. About 200 partook Mr. Winger, Mitchell who has had of the sacrament. A suitable anth•• charge of the Davey store for some em was given by the choir. A splen_ months, lfet for his home on Satur- did patrioticservice was held in the evening, the church' being decorated day' Drand Mrs, W. A. Spence, Tor - with large branches of maple leav- onto, Mr. and . Mrs. Ed. Rann, Jack. es serving as a background to a big, and Barrie, London, also Mr, ad Mrs. Lnian Jack which had been donated Alkin Rann, Blilie and Bobbie, Brus- ta the church a short time ago. cels, were holiday visitors with Mr. Rev. Butt took as his theme, True end Mrs. R. J. Rann. Patriotism, wicerein he called for Master Colin Wearring of London individuals to live out the high prin is % at holidaying; the home of D. 5. ciples that they would have in their and Mrs, inat ghton. own country. The soul of the net - Mr. and Mrs, J, T, Allen, also Mr, ion is filled up by the messages of H.B. Allen, Brussels, enjoyed the the Christian •Church, calling far holiday at Dyer's Bay. faith, love and brotherhood. A pat - Mr. and Mrs, Bert Martin, Edyhte castle anthem was very acceptably and Billie, spent the week -end with. rendered by the choir. friends at Hamilton. Increased interest is being shown s Verda Newton, of Hamilton, ni connection with the Gorrie Ten- spent the holiday wiht her parents cis Club. Already there are over a in town. dozen members with the list in- Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Rasmussen and creasing. Since school has closed •ac daughter Donna Jean, London, spent trvity is seen on the court early in the holiday with the former's moth - the morning as well as in the even- ing until darkness falls. A number en Andy Inglis, Woodstock, ,for- of spectators also enjoy the game. merly of the bank staff here, called Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and dau on friends during the week -end. gaiter, Georgia, of Toronto, spent the Missfri Mends Edgar spent a few week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Arth- days with her friend, Miss Hazel Ur Stephens. Craig, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gregg and Held Patriotic Service An interesting patriotic service in St. Stephen's Anglican. Church on Sunday, •was conducted by the Pas- ervic mbine Service Chtt�'o11e Co s more has been learned by the sister. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup - The Presbyterian Picnic held In per was administered on Sunday Maguires .G e , Grove On Saturday after 'Morning when a number of the or. noon, was its every woy a decided ange Hill congregation met with the mother, Mrs. T. Phalle success. A. full•prograin o sports of Gorrie congregation for the service. Miss Marjorie Hoekr:idge, Guelph, of Winghazn; Miss Taylor, Toronto; Mrs. A, ,Strong and Miss Tone; of Iles herd' ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ben - p , nzington and boys, Teeswater; Mr, and Mrs, ,Arthur Spotton and fam- ily, Toronto, rid Mrs. Mt, e. Wet.. Phan° and family of Toronto are spending a ,. weelr."s vacation with the foiiiner s Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackman, Tor- onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Fleming who will remain with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Toni Burke, Toron- to, Miss Margaret Gibson and Mr. J. Barnard, London, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson. Mrs. Westlake and family, .Goder- ich, are epenclinsg, a week with Mrs. Been Wade. Mr, and Mrs. Ashton Morrison, and son of St. Catharines, are holi- daying with Mrs, Morrison, Sr., in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, Miss Joy Gedcke and Arthur Mc- Laughlin, all of Fordwich, also Miss Nell Hutchison of Toronto, were. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin. Mr, and Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton end John spent the week -end with friends at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harney Timm, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Timm and Bill, also Mr. end Mrs. Robert Stocks attend- ed a •picnic at Elora Rocks on Mon. clay. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman and child- ren, Glen and Beryl, 'Clifford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Ms. P. Milli gen, Quite a number of . W. Z. mem- bers attended the District Annual in Gorrrie on Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt and sons John ,and Tames, of Bownzanville spent the week -end with Mrs., A. Stutt and Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Mac- Ewen, Mr. nad Mrs. Fred Bowker, al. - so Miss Gladys Hutton, all fe Tor- onto, spent the week -end: .with Mr, and Mrs, Howard Wylie, Mr, and Mrs, Leslie .Pletherington of Toronto, aro holidaying at the home fo Mr, and Mrs, M. Sellers. Mr. and. Welter Mrs .i 1 ,nts W1ia and sons, Edgar and Bob., Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, MacLean, On Monday Mr. Jim Rao'and Mr, Rurteville oil Monday. Mussel Rae, both teachers of Sean* ans, Saskatchewan, arrived at the hone pf their paxeiits. Mr. and Mrs,' D. W. Rae to spend a moth's vaoa- tion, D,ir, and Mrs. Wm, lase anti; children Waterloo, and Miss Winnie Rae, of Belgrave, are also hotne fon the vacation, It is ten years since: the Rae family were' all together, and their many friends wish them a happy holiday, MIS. W. F. MacLean and Misr !liable Patterson spent Tuesday in Lis towel Women's ,Institute The June meeting of the W, I. was held on. Thursday afternoon at the hone of Mrs, M. Sellers with shoot :20 ,members present.. Mrs. Adams presided and opened by sing- ing of the Institute Ode, following with the Creed in unison. After the business was gone over which in- cluded plans for a picnic in July. The roll call was responded to, by reasons for ':being an Institute member and many amusing and splendid reasons were given, show- ir,g the part the. Institute plays am- ong the women of our community, Mrs. Peter S, MacEwen gave a pap- er which had been prepared by Mrs. Moore, Brussels, "My Choice, of Comipatneictns," and expressed ins a very interesting way the making of friends and the value of friendship. Mrs. Munroe gave' a very fine sunt nary of current events. At the close, dainty efreshments, were served by the hostess essisted by Mrs. Munroe and Mrs. Stutt. BORN—On Friday, June 29th, 1934 to Mi°. and Mrs, I. Durst, a daugh- ter. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith and family, ,Strathroy, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith end other friends. Mrs. J. J. Allen and Mrs. J. N. Allen wrelre Toronto visitors last week. Mrs. Hestia, Gorrie was a Friday of Miss Mae Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMichael at- tended the Strong re -union at 'Walk- erton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Foley and little _daughter : of Toronto, called on friends in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray and fam- ily, spent the week -end at the cot- tage at Point Clark, Messrs. Barrie and Bobbie Wenger of Mitchell, called on friends in the village on. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Allen of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley El- liott and Miss Agnes Elliott of Gue- lph, also Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Smith of Strathroy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. ,Hemphill on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Edgar of former's mother, Mrs. Mary Edgar. Mr. West of Fordwich, is et present presiding over the Entrance Examinations here. Miss A. Little of the Wroxeter staff is presiding in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin and faro;- ily were visiting friends n Hamil- ton over the holiday. , Miss Mabel Patterson is 'spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westlake in Howick, Rev. Rural Dean F. G. Rickard, of Brussels, will be in charge of the service in St. Janies Anglican Church here next Sunday evening., Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and Mrs. T. J. Allen, were Toronto visitors last W odnesday. Rev. Stanley and Mrs. Johnson and family of Luean, called on friends in the village an Monday of last week. Some of the teachers who are at hoarse for vacation -are:, Miss Eva McMichael, Port Bur- well, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. McMichael, Howick, Miss Eleanor Douglas, Lebanon, with her mother, Mrs. .1. Dougias of town. Miss Rona VanVelsor of Weston, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Van Velsor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stocks and Miss Elva, and Mr. and Mips. 'Harvey Timm spent Monday et Southamp- ton. Mrs, Robt. Black, a former resi- dent of the village, is visiting Mende in and around town, Mr. Mel, Price and Miss Vivian Morrison of Toronto, called on Mrs. F. Davey on Monday. Mr, and i',lrs, Alvin :Wray, and Miss Joy Wray of Toronto, and Mrs. John Wray of town, attended a re-, widen In sGnalph one day recently, Mr. of To' Wilfrid Weft, and Mrs. Wi d "te ionto, visited friends :]sere this weep Mr. 1. S. Durst ..arid family at-' tended' the Zubrigg' re -union et