HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-07-05, Page 2parr; en.
Winghalt k Advance Times
Published at
i very Thursday Morning by
The Advance -Times Publishing Co.
ltiabscription Rate One Year $2.00
Six tmnths, $1;00 in advance
To U. S. A., $2,50 per year,
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Advertising rates on application, , '
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kitchen paid a
visit to friends in Ethel on Monday.
Mies Irene Casemore of Turn?[ierry
was th,e 'guest of her aunt, Mrs. S.
McDougal on Sundae;
Mrs. Parks spent last Thursday
visiting in .her old neighborhood on
tbe. 2nd of Carey Twp.
Wroxeter Public School'
Promotion Examinations.
Teachers A. LittIe, M. Wright.
Numbers represent per cent. of
Jr. IV to Sr. IV: Crawford Gib-
son 76, William Martin 74, Reginald
Robinson 70,
Sr.. III to Jr. IV -- Olive Newton
21,, Maxine 'White 72, Gordon Lou
ttit 70; Charles Patterson 64, John
Milligan. 62,
Jr. III to Sr. III -Garfield Gibson
S6, Minza Dodds 85, Yvonne White ,
74, Sack Durst 65, Bruce Burke (re-
Sr. II to Jr. III -Honors, Margar-
et McLeod, Jack Meehan.
Jr. II to Sr. II Honors, Alma
Durst, Pauline 'tnrhite.
Pass, Muriel Hennings.
Jr. T to Sr. 'I Mary Meehan.,
Margaret Moffat, •Frances Wylie,
Donald Milligan, Bonnie Gibson,
John Harrison, Cecil Wolsey, Lula
Miss Edythe Weir is home from
her school at Muskoka Falls and
will spend her b. olidays here.•
Mies Marie Mines has gone to Ni-
agara Falls to take a course in art.
We wish her :success.
Miss Eve McMichael who teaches
at Port Burwell is spending her
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Toni McMichael.
The picnic was well attended and
was enjoyed by all who were there.
Mr. Dick Bennett has engaged to
work for Mr. Chad. Hennings for
the h . olidays.
Mr. Wilfred Weir is working for. a
Mr. Mitchell for the holidays,
Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weir and
son, Malcolm, of Toronto, ` spent a
few days with the former's mother,
Mrs.. Wm. Weir and other friends.
Haying is the order of the day
Krohn 409, B. Sturdy 488, K. John -
seta 420, D. Adams 424, J. Fraser 404,k
J. Ross 404, M. Habirle 403, C. Ross
399, B. Groves 396, A. Sell 390, E.
Campbell 888, B. Saint 884, B; Case -
more 877, U, Henderson 864, V. Mor-
ris 360, B. Lloyd 360:
Jr. Third to Sr. Third
i'asscd with Honors on year's work.
Donald Smith, Betty Gannett, Nor -
than lefunday, Frances Robinson,
Louise Reid, John Lee, Helen Ham-
mond, Ann VanWyck, Louise Lloyd,
Clarence Hamilton.
Total 600, Honors 450, Pass 360,
Margaret Glousher 493, Velma
Ohms 488, Joe Wilson 444, Norman
Pry 441, Charlotte Hawkins 437, Joe
Falconer 485, Dorothy Mellor 424,
Chester Campbell 424, Bill Harris 422,
Raphael Morris 417, George Johnson
413, Hem Lee 411, 'Bi11 Seddon 410
Fenton Barnes 405,' Laura Collar 403
Eisner Deyell 401, Louise Thompso
397, Mabel 'Campbell 396, Bill For
syth 391, Jack Hopper 389, Jean Le
Sr. Second to Jr. Third
Passed with Honors on year's work
Grace Hingston, George Lloyd
Ethel Vanner, Alan Williams.
Total 550, Honors 412, Pass 330,
Eric Schatte 446, Eileen Dark 435
Clarence Ohms 433, Kenneth Jone
432, J. Van, Norman 430, Frances Dur
nin` 422, Jack Rich'421, Jack Garbutt
404, Carroll Casemore 402, Jim Ken-
nedy 401, James Cameron 395, Junior
Nivins 395, Isabel' Ross 893, Betty
Fitzpatrick 390, Ellen Bailey 379, Isa-
belle MacLean 378, Eva Lediet 377,
Grace Hutchison 375, Iris `Temple-
man 374, Dorothy •French 370, Jack
Carter 363, John Wilson 359, Reggie
Collar 363, Pat Fitzpatrick 339, Ken-
neth Crawford 838, Harold Hutton
336. •
Jr. Second to Sr. Second
Passed with honors on year's work.
Jack Day,'Donna Buchanan, Donald
Hastie, Jack Ludwig.
Total 550, Honors 412, Pass '330.
Grace Parker 472, Mildred Fitzpat-
rick 466, Douglas Fry 460, Frances
Brophy 460, Doris Finlay 442, Viola
Drurnbolis 437, Robert Chittick 436,
Margaret McLean 436, Carl Clark 431,
Jiro Fraser 427, Ruth Harris 424,
Buddy Cruickshank 423, Margaret:
Finlay 419, Wallace Hutton 406, Al-
vin Seli 405, Frank Zettler 404, Flor-
ence Finlay 404, Donald Campbell
404, Craig Armstrong 404, Lloyd
Mundy 400, Lois Adarns'399, Marjorie
Falconer 396, Norma Brown 392,'
Grace Small 389, Ambrose Zettler
383, Doreen Garlick 330.
First Book to Jr. Second
Passed with Honors on year's work.
Billy Galbraith, Ileen Morris, Don-
ld Robinson, Harold:Seli, Marie
Lockridge, Lillian Angus, Freddie.
Templeman, Jean. MacLeod.
Total 200, Honors 150, Pass 1.20.
Lorraine Brown 194, Elizabeth Hare
184, Joyce Walker 183, Laurette Ev-
rick 178, Jack Glousher 173, Eddie
itzpatrick 168, Helen Carr 167, Shir-
ley Edgar 166, Jimmy Sanderson 161,
Jack Mellor 149, Hugh Bell 147, Per-
cy Vanner 138, Isabel Brown 137, Ar-
thur Brown 135.
`Primary to First Book
Passed with Honors on year's work.
Wilfred Gannett, George Copeland,
Donald Lloyd, Marjorie French, Grace
Bailey, Jack Walker, Pauline Clark.
Mary Forsythe, Irene Glousher, Billie
Lee, Raymond Bell,
Total 200, Honors 150, Pass 120.
Annie Shiell 191, Margaret Angus
180, Gilbert Robinson 178, Eddie Car
ter 170, John Ernest 164, Walter Bur-
gesss 149, Freddie Ohms 148, Cecil
Yeo 137, Donald MacLeod 122, Jack
Lockridge 121, Gladys Glousher 120.
Helen Jones -Recommended.
here now.
' Jr, to Sr. Fourth
Passed an year's work:
P. Parker, S. Reid, L. Hutton, B.
ilZae, M. Brophy, R. Zurbrigg, M. Fo-
thergill, A. Dore, I. Lamb, M. E.Mc-
.Itibbon, B. _ epard.
Hon. 560, Pass 450. D. Biggs, 594,
:M. Marsh 571, C. Wellwood 560, M.
Drumbolis .5541, G. Boyle 530, E. Cart-
er 504, J. Durnin 486, E. Edgar 485,
L Chittick 484, E. Campbell 474, L.
Howard 460, H. Lediet 455, J. Mellor
454, C. Bondi 451, C. Fitzpatrick 450,
R. Casemore 450.
Sr, Third to Junior Fourth
Passed on year's work:
F. Lockridge, IC, Jackson, M. Ho
-math, N. Benedict, B. Burgman, 13,
Scott, A. Small.
Maximum 600, Honors 450, Pass
J'. Lockhart 480, 5. VanNortnan 473,
V. Currie 470, H. Brown 457, M. Tem-
p1eman 443, M. Fothergill 441, C.
•• z......iramoreirowroviameni*eionmoo
Those here for the .holiday were:
Mrs. Soseph Hall and Blanche Ir-
win, of Toronto, Alma Abram and
girt friend of, London; R, J. Barton
of Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. Spanton.
and Betty of Toronto at Will Curie.
Mr. Fred Doubiedee, Harry Mut.-
Wil ham„
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vey, Carl Fitch, Mrs, Willits, left on
Saturday morning on a trip to Mus-
koka, Lyle Pitch will return with
Mrs, Mulvey visited thepast
week in Lucan and attended a re-
union there,
A splendid meeting of the W. M.
S. was held Wednesday afternoon at
tr.ecin n e.
M s M tush ladies put- on
the program, Delmore ladies served
lunch, Almost 30 were in attend-,
Wednesday evening a, shower was.
given to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mun-
dell, A.11 rpeort a splendid time.
The marriage ' of Miss Berths
Marshall took place In London on
Minnie Affray was a Teeswato
visitor Thursday, the guest of Mrs.
W. S. Ballagh.
We regret to learn of the resig-
nation of Miss Jean 'Keith, teacher
here, ,her three years here having.
been most successful also Moe 14e1
on Mulvey of Glefiaraai school.
Mr. Wlaters of Revetena spent a
few days in the burg last week.
Mr. Herd had the misfortune to
have a plank fall on him while as-
sisting to pull down the house on
the farm of ;Peter Hakney.
Miss Yvonne Douglas and Doro-
thy, Tack are visiting the former's
grandniohter, Mee. R. J. Douglas, •
Mr. Will Curie and friends froth
Toronto spurt Sunday afternoon at
The Istitute'nteeting will be held
hi the Community Ball Wednesday
%l ehuoi a!School. ,Report
Sr. 4th -Alba $tokee, Margaret
Jr. 4th ---Isabel Zinn (Hon), Wile
fried Johann, Robert Curie, John
Sr, 3rd -Allan Haskins, Madeline
Casemore, Edith `Zdask1ns, �GVilliartl
Abram (Spell),
Jr. 3rd -Tach. ling, William
Fittliatrick, Van., Abrarri,
Sr, 2nd -Mary 'Kelly, Wes. Ab-'
ram, Mattie Kennedy. .
lit -Jean Haskins, Jean Kelly,
Reta Kennedy, Ruth Johann, Bob
Abram, Fred Teniush, Lloyd Mc-
Pripnler-(Betty Zii4t and Irene
Curie, equal), Melvin McNeil..
J. S, Keith.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Manning and
family motored up from London
and spent the week -end with the
lady's sister, Mrs, Eznor Aton, and
Mr. Alton, 10th con.
Mr, and Mrs. Smellie 'and eliiild-
ren, of Toronto, spent the week -end
with their uncle, Mr, Charlie. MO -
Donaghy add Mrs, McDonagh, 12th
Mrs. Henn Parrish, 12th con., Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Nelson and Mra,
,Pane Nelson, 10th con., visited 'with
Mr, and Mrs, Rory Mc lonald of
ituftggannon ori Prlday,
Miss. Meda Lane, teacher •In Hedy together.
School, near Coldwater, is spending
her holidays at her home here.
Mrs. Qeorgs Lane and daughter,
Winnie, motored up to Coldwater
on Thursday.
Mr.: and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and
little daughter, Shirley, of near
Crewe, spent Sunday with: Mrs, .S,
Sherwood, 10th con,
.Mr, and Mrs. Erving Zinn, War-
ren and Clarke, motored to Owen
Sound Sunday evening to visit with
141r. Zinn's sister. On Monday they
visited with his father and mother
at Bellmore,
Bev. Mr, David Lane of Goder-
ich, preached in Lanes Presbyterian
Church on Sunday,
The W. M. S. nremhers of ;Hac-'
kett's Church Circuit presented
Mrs, (Rev.) Taverner with a small
gift and an address read by Miss
Maitre ,Iittckett,
M s, 'Isaverner made a very fit-
ting reply, saying She would never
forget the very happy times we had
Report of Promotion Examina-Yr
tions for S. S. No, 10, Morris,
Sr. III t Jr, IV -Gordon Staples,
Dean Riley,
Jr III to Sr, III --Fleming Johns-
ton, Kenneth Bray, Helen Riley,
Erns Elsley, Kathleen Blaley,
Sr.' II to Sr. IIT --.Isobel MIlier,
:Ethel Johnston, Wiling Staples,
Jr, II to Sr, II -,Stanley Bray.
,Clase I to Jr. II -Charlie Shaw>
M.evin Jermyn, Wilda Brecken-
Anna M, Dolle,
Two Chicago girls Were doing Italy.
They were standing in front of St.
Marks, "Elizabeth," said one, Is this
Venice or Flereticec'» "CoeStilt your
timetable" a .'s
was the answer, "If rt
Monday, it's Florence; if it's Tuesday'
it's Venice,"