HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-06-28, Page 7Borrie Vidette a�
Thursday, June 28th,
Wroxeter; June 20, 1934
Councilmet in Town Hall, Wrox-
•rater, according to adjournment, mem-
bers all present, the Reeve presiding.
Minutes of last regular meeting, al-
so minutes of Court of Revision were
read on motion of Weir and Bryans
'were adopted.
Moved by Weir and Bryans that bill
of $5.45 for repairs to Lighting Sys-
tem in Wroxeter rink be paid. and that
Thos. Lovell be appointed to make
necessary arrangements to have said
Rink locked. Carried.
Moved by Bryans and Lovell that
a grant of $25.00 be given Lutheran
'Cemetery Board, 14 con, Howick, as
Cemetery has been renovated. Car
Moved by Weir and. Bryans that
the tender of Gordon Gibson to con-
struct culvert between Lots 30 and 31
'Con. B., Howick, for the stun of $992.
be accepted. Carried
Moved by Lovell and Demerling
that the following 'bills be paid. Car-
Mrs.. M. C Knight, Pt. Salary as
'S.A.O. $18.00; J. H. Wade, relief for
1VIrs. J. King $7.33; E. A, Corbett, bal.
salary in full as Assessor in 1934 $30.-
90; E. A. Corbett, equalizing U.S.S.
No. 1; 2, 13 and 16 $16.00; Howick
Library Board, grant $85,00; Isaac
Gamble, pt. salary as clerk $35.00; R.
J. Sanderson, sheep injured by dogs
$3.00; John. Dinsmore, sheep injured
by dogs $5.00,; Delbert Clegg, sheep
killed and injured by dogs $26.00;
Treas. Co. Huron Hospital services
for Freda Haberlee $9.65; Treas. Co.
Huron Hospital services for Mrs. J.
lCing $78.75; Gibson & Edgar, refund
on lighting rink, Wroxeter .61; M.
Finlay sheep killed or injured by dogs
$5.00; Archie Edgar, lighting supplies
for Wroxeter Rink $5.45; Clark H.
Renwick, sheep killed or injured by
:Howick Council Two
dogs $39.00; John Sanderson, sheep
killed or injured by dogs $6.00; Lu-
theran Cemetery Board 14 Con. How-
ick grant $25.00; W. E. VanVelsor,
relief for Jean Graham $5.08; Robert
• Brown, milk for Gordon Simmons'
family $6.30; Geo. S. Dawson, casket
and funeral expenses re Hobbs child
418.00; B. L. R. Kelly, M.D., services
for Mrs. J. King $21.25; J. H. Wade
relief for Mrs. J. King $10.50; E. A.
Demerling, care of Mrs. J. King, dur-
ing May $15.00; J. H. Rogers, post-
age and excise $6.00; R. H. Carse.n,
hardware account $2.79; W. Simson,
bol. due for collecting taxes 1932 $26.-
90; Mtin. World, supplies for Clerk's
Office $4.23; R. Milligan, board and
shelter for A. E. Weir $15.00; Mun.
World Collector's Rolls for 1934 $10.-
10:'95; T. J. Nicholls, digging grave for
Hobbs child $3.00; Mrs. E. Haberlee,
relief to July meeting $20.00.
Road Expenditures
Chas. Koch trucking gravel H.
'W. Bdy. $84.65; Roy Vogan, trucking
gravel 14 Con. $36,80; Smith Inglis,
=dragging $10.35; Geo. Townsend,
dragging $8.10; Tom Wright, snow
:road and dragging $7.05; Gordon
Brown, Comp. wire fence $8.00; Shel-
don Bricker, levelling roadside con.
10, $16.00 Sheldon I3ricker, levelling
roadside $10.00; E. Dinsmore clean-
ing pit $6.85; Harold Foster cleaning
pit. $15.05; Victor Foster, setting
crusher $6.90; Percy Ashton, Comp.
'wire fence $6.00; Wm. Brown, levell-
ing roadside $16.00 W. E. Pat-
terson, oil, wire, spikes, driving
belt, $10.70; Wrn. Garbutt & Son, re-
pair for crusher $5.00; Geo. Townsend
repair to cluvert and stones $3.15; Ev-
-limyr boyswere-restless
colt -wes e. Toronto mother,
a them Baby's Own Tablets ie 'wonderful results."
ofythcauseof colic is somesr
Ag trouble or Csto4
ConTablets gently n
Paine ste dtstuubnnthe
tabof top at once. Mothers sd
nothing hese f etli
tablets for kePing, infants and
echildren well 0,0 oot
thmwenthigo overtired.
Absolutely s tco25a Y
ms' IS
or.Wllli WN
Ultra 1 �,
Eye Service
F. F.
B. R.O.
Phone 118. Harriston
For the garden party or lawn gathering, what better than a
few of the new summer styles? For instance, a cape sleeve coat,
seen in (1), in black and white or blue and white spotted foulard;
or (2), a soft yellow felt chapleatt, with loose white wool braid,
outlining the ideal for summer travel or street wear, with kick
pleat skirt.
eret Sperling, with grader, .35; Geo.. Among those from this community
Ashton, repair to culvert $1.75; Fred that attended the Edgar Re -union
held' in Ayr on .Saturday were, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Edgar Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Edgar, and Andrew.: Mr. and
Mrs. Cameron Edgar, Mrs, Alex Ed-
gar Jr., Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar, and
son, Mr .and Mrs. Gladstone Edgar
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Edgar
and family.
Mrs. George Elliott of Harriston,
was a guest last week of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brown.
Miss Jackson of Harriston is visit-
ing her. cousin Mrs. H. E. Ashton.
Mr. L. N. Ashton received word on
Friday, of the death of his brother in.-
law, Mr. Clark of Clarksboro, Sask.
The funeral taking place on Monday.
The deceased has been in failing heal-
th for over a year. The family have
the sympathy of a large circle of
friends. .
Mrs. Ernest King, and son Harvey,
Mrs. W. C. King, and son Earle, spent.
the week -end in Toronto. Miss Clara
King returned with them and will
spend a week's vacation at her home
Mr. and Mrs. John Neil and two
children, of Kelwood, Man., and Miss
Lackie, of Lucan,are visiting their
mother, Mrs. Neil and son, Herbert.
Mrs, S. G. Kaine received word on
Saturday morning of the sudden death
of her brother-in-law, • George H.
Wright, of Chatham, the funeral was
held on Monday. Mrs. Laine has the
sympathy of a large number of
The 32nd District Annual of East
Huron Women's Institutes• will meet
Hyndman, tractor on grader $210.75;
John Montgomery, big grader $31.83;
E. G. Denny, spreading gravel $3.05;
Wm. McElwain, dragging, draining,
$6.90; Frank Coles, spreading gravel
$16.60; Richard Clegg, with grader
$1.75; John Hyndman, 171 yards gra-
vel $17.10; John Hynclrnan, culvert
tile and cement $6.75; Robert Baker,
dragging, stones, gravelling $16.80;
Wesley Underwood, shoveling gravel
$5.25; Cleve Stafford, shoveling grav-
el $5.25; John Reidt, drawing stone
$1.40;. Robert Brown, drawing gravel
$11.90; Cleve Vittie, drawing gravel,
$10.50; Ted Newton, drawing gravel
$10.50; Kenneth Bennett, drawing gra-
vel $10.50; Harvey Simmons, drawing
gravel $7.00; Albert Gallagher, draw-
ing gravel $3.50; Lot Viney, work at
crusher $35.00; Oscar Weiler, work at
crusher $27.00; Fred Demerling, pow-
er for crusher $54.57; Cecil Wilson,
loading truck $16.65; Elmer Downey,
1250 yds. gravel $75.00; Roy Vogan,
trucking 3605 miles $324.45; C. W.
Simmons, dragging $12.05; Geo. Paul-
in, dragging and stones $17.20; Oliver
Stewart, fining" hole in road $1.75;
Bert King, levelling roadside $10.00;
Jos. Bennett, levelling roadside $10.-
00; Chester Higgins, 122i yds. gravel
$18.35; Thomas Earl, repair to culvert
$1.00; John Holt, levelling roadside
$12.00; R. F. Edgar, Road Supt. salary
$59.70; Eldon Demerling, levelling
roadside $4.00; Eldon Demerling,
Comp. wire fence $8.00; W. E. Austin
hauling gravel $51.30; Bert Martin,
repair to grader and sharpening blade
$4:50; R. H. Carson, belt,' laces and in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Fri-
grease $8.13; W. A. Cook, checker day, June 29th, at 1.30. sharp, when
board, rep, to bridge and pipe $12.40 the activities of the various branches
Thos. Day, dragging and repair to will be discussed. The ladies of the
grader $7.60. community are cordially invited to at-
Moved by Demerling and Lovell tend.
that this Council do now adjourn to
meet in the Township Hall; Gorrie,
on the third Wednesday in July. Car-
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and sora
also Mrs. Harvey Sparling, spent
Thursday of last week in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walker and
son spent the week -end at the form-
er's brother's home in Cold Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood and family,
of Clifford spent Sunday with . Mr,
and Mrs. Thos Earl.
Mrs. John Hyndman is visiting her
daughter in Toronto .
Rev. Butt, and son Billy also Miss-
es Marjorie. Baker and Evelyn Dane
attended the picnic for the Young
People of London Conference held
near Goderich on Saturday;
Mrs. Thos. Nash, spent the Toronto.
end with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson also
Mr. and. Mrs. F, C. Taylor, spent the
week -end with friends in Sudbury.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Hyndman and
family visited' with friends in Toronto
over the week�end. former's's mother, Mrs. J. stiles direction of Mrs.:Flarrrrtgton was well
Mr.' and Mrs. Chester Cook of Clif- Mr. 'Thos. Bradnock spent the week- received by an appreciative audience.
Mrs Jacob Kock and end in Toronto.
ford, Mr, and
Ladies' Aid Did Quilting
A very successful meeting of the they again defeated them 18-13. This
Ladies' Aid of the United Church was is the second game played and won
by these lads in their flashing new
suits of green and red, The line-ups:
Gorrie: A. Irwin, K. Gallaway, Har-
old King, D. Jones, L. Ashton, J.
Newton, B. Ritchie, T. Ritchie, K.
Underwood and L. King as spare;
Clifford: W. Dodd, C. Dodd, H. Clark,
A. Wewar, L. Yenclt, J. Smith, O.
Reis, W. Litt, M. Seip and Darling,
Schaus, spares. Umpires: Stroh and
Musgrove. Those who have not yet
had an opportunity to see the local
juniors do some of their fine playing
will do well to be on hand at the
game which will be played here on
Thursday evening with Harriston Jun-
iors. The game is called' for 5.80
Held Successful Garden Party
St. Stephen's Church held a most
successful Garden Party in Victoria
Park on Friday afternoon, June 22nd.
A large attendance, a splendid sapper
and the ostial good program, including
"Step l
a two -act MysteryPlay Step Live y
ably presented by the A.Y.P. A. of,St.
Paul's Church, Palmerston, under the
services in the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Thomas Brown was in Toron-
to last week attending Oddfellows'
Convention, He was accompanied by
Dr. Fowler, Teeswater,
Mrs. P, S. MacEwen spent a day
last week with her mother, Mrs. Jas,
Strachan, Brussels..
Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin and Mrs,
D. S. MacNaughton visited Fordwich
friends on Thursday.
Miss Jean Sangster spent the week-
end with her friend, Miss Dorothy
Edwards at Gorrie.
Miss Mary Harris was a guest of
Wingham friends last week.
Miss Anne Munroe, St. Catharines,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. Munroe.
Mr. and Mrs. Hembly spent the
week -end at Palmerston.
Miss Sellers, Walkerton, is presid-
resid-ing.over C. S. exams. this week. Mr.
West, of Fordwich, will be in charge
of Entrance Classes next week.
Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Weston,
spent the week -end at her home here.
Miss Jessie Johnston, Brussels, was
a Sunday guest of G. A. and Mrs.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs: James Sangster on. Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, also Mr. and
Mrs. Arch. MacDonald, Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. , Tom Metcalf and
family, Wingham, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White were
Listowel visitors on Saturday.
Mr. John Muir, Stratford, spent the
week -end with his brother,, Mr. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell also
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galbraith, of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham, and Mr. shop where he will conduct his shoe Wingham, were Sunday ,guests at the
J. McComb, of Palmerston, were
guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Irwin.
The Presbyterian congregation will
hold their annual picnic in Magauire's
Grove on Saturday afternoon.
Miss Beryl Ashton of Seaforth, and
friend, Mr. B. Avery, of Mitchell,
spent Sunday with the former's mo-
ther, Mrs. R. A. Ashton.
Mr. George Walker spent Sunday
with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Walker, in Brussels.
Among those who attended the
camp meeting at 'Demmerton on Sun-
day were: Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. Daw-
son and Mr. A. Sippel.
Had Narrow Escape
The many friends of 'Mr. R. G. was served at the new dining hall, an
Newton will be sorry to ,learn he nar- impressive sunset service was held, ov-
rowly escaped serious injury Thurs erlooking the lake. This service was
day last, when skidding timbers in the led in song by Rev. C. C. Cosens of
bush, one sprang back and caught Mr. Clinton, and Rev. G. Butt gave the
Newton; catching him on the leg and address entitled "The Road of Ro-
throwing him a number of feet. Mr. mance" in whicli a challenge was giv-
Newton will be practically laid up for en to the young people.
some time:
Helped Build Camp
repairing business now. t home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Meahen.
Mr. A. Jacques and friend visited Mrs. Pflance and daughter, of Strat-
friends in Toronto on Sunday. ford, were Saturday guests at the.
same home.
Attended Young People's Picnic Mrs, Wm. Lynn, Gorrie, was a vis
On. Saturday the Young People of icor at the home of Mrs. Mary Edgar
Huron Presbytery of the United last week.
Church field their annual picnic:at the Mr. and Mrs. H. Towne and family
new camp site on Lake Huron, near of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr.
Goderich. There were about 400 in Geo. Towne.
attendance. A number of young peo- Miss Elsie Davidson left 'for her
ple from the Young People's League home at Newton on Sunday.
here were in attendance, among them i The service of Holy Communion
being, the President, Miss Evelyn was celebrated in the United Church
Dane, Miss Marjorie Baker, Miss Mil-
dred Baker of Orange Hill, George members were received by certificate.e
Dane and 'William Butt. The after -
young people of the re United
Presby -
noon was enjoyed with organized Church, attended the annual Presby
group games. After the supper which tery picnic held at the summer school
site, near Goderich, on Saturday 'af-
ternoon. A pleasant afternoon is re-
ported. Those who attended were:
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Finlay and son
Wendell, Misses Mary Pope, Mary
Gibson, Margaret Wright, Dorothy
Green, Vera Wright and Messrs. Les-
lie Douglas and Bill Doherty.
Woman's Association
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks, of Har-
riston, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Pratt of Teeswater,
were guests at the home of Thomas
Bradnoek on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lent and daughter,
also Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Magrath, of
Toronto, were week -end visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Magrath. Mrs.
Krtunplt mp, of Kitchener, has return-
ed to her home after spending ten
days with her sister, Mrs. Magrath.
Junior Baseball Team Win Again
The Gorrie Junior baseball team
motored to. Clifford on Saturday af-
ternoon and played a return game
with the juniors of Clifford, when
held on Thursday last at the home of
Mrs. Pearl Koine. The ladies busied
themselves at making the top for a
quilt. The business period was con-
dttcted by Mrs. W. G. Strong, Vice
President, when items ' of interest to
the society were discussed. Lunch was
served by Airs, D. Cathers and Mrs.
Rev. Butt, assisted by the hostess.
Mr. and. Mrs. F. A. Wessman and
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Bornholm
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,
H. V. Holmes.
Mr: and Mrs.. W. Edgar of Wemb-
ley, Alta., are visiting with the'' tat-
ter's sister and brother, Miss Maty
and Mr. B, J. Maguire. They were
accompanied by Mr. Kranz, also of_
Webley, who'' after spending a short
time here, went to'Pennsylvania.
where he will visit relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Carter McKee and
children, of Galt, spent the week -end
here,' the guests of Mr, George Mc-
Kee: Mrs. McKee and children re-
mained married for a vacation.
Mr. and Mr's. James 13. Wylie and
children, of Leaside, are guests of the
o r• ,
o anstown were Mr.-atid Mrs. D, W. Dane of Tor- Mr, Chas. Lawrence has moved his
son Clarence of G vv Me.. , . ,
m his house
• fro i a . o
.fmachinery _ of Mr. and Mrs. Rob onto, were StindaY guests o£ olid repairing mach t y ,
Sunda' guests
ert ,Brown. [Mrs, Isaac Wade. to the back of Mr, Win.'Bremner's
Volunteer labor is being given by The Woman's Association suet on
young people in the erecting of build- Thursday afternoon of last week in
ings on the new camp site of the Un- the schoolroom of the church. The
resident, Mrs. Kitchen, presided and
ited Church, north of Goderich. A P
carload from Gorrie rendered assist- after the business items were dispens-
ance on Monday, the young men who ed, a quilt was quilted. Tea was serv-
went being: Arthur Ruttan, Lloyd ed at the close.
Ashton, Clifford Pylae, Wm. Butt and
George Dane. They were taken up The June meeting of the W. I., will
by their .Minister, Rev. G. W. Butt. be held on Thursday afternoon, June
28th, at the home of the Secretary,
The Communion Service in connec- Mrs. M. Sellers. The roll call, "Why
tion with the Lord's Supper will be Belong to the Institute?" The topic
observed on Sunday morning next at "My Choice of Companions" will be
11 o'clock in the United Church. taken by Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen.
The regular June Presbytery meet- Current Events will be reviewed by
ing of Huron County was held at Mrs. Munroe and the social committee
Roy's Church near Exeter on Thurs- are: Mrs. Stutt, Mrs. Sellers and Mrs.
day of last week; the Gorrie pastoral Munroe.
charge being represented by the new-
appointed delegate, Mr. John War- School Staff Changes
rell, along with the Minister, Rev. G.1 It is with regret we learned of the
W. Butt. 'resignation of Miss 1'. Peterson of
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Foster motored the C. S. staff, also Miss Annie Little
to London on Wednesday and were of the Public School staff, Miss Pet -
accompanied home by their daughter, erson, while only hero one year, gave
Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., who has• splendid service, both in the school
been on a case in Victoria Hospital and in the church and community, and
there. •'made many friends who regret her
On Tuesday evening last, June 19, leaving. Miss Little has been on the
a few of the neighbors spent a very P. S. staff for the past four years and
happy evening at the home of Mrs. has been very successful in her work,
James Bell on the occasion of her also giving her pupils a course in mu
eightieth birthday, and presented her sic with splendid results. Both teach
'with a pretty cup and saucer and em- ers were active in the Y. 1?. work its
broidered linen handkerchief. Mrs, United Church and will be missed
Bell who is exceedingly .smart and very mach. Best wishes go with them
well for her age, enjoys all her fac-;wherever their future work may be,
tildes and we trust will be spared for Mr. Knight, of Ethel, has been en -
many more years of happiness. !gaged to teach on the C. S. staff as
Miss Mary Hill and friend, of Tor-, assistant to Miss Davidson, while Mr..
onto, spent the week -end with the Finlayson, Wingham, is engaged to
former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Owen `teach senior classes in P. S. 'Miss,
p , ,
Hill. !Wright remaining at assistant.
Mr.tid Mrs. Melar and sons,
Ken -
Marjorie de Haven Lockwood,.
screen actress and daughter of Carter
de Haven, widely knovrn in vaudeville
and the films, is shown as she appear-
ed in Court when her marital difficul-
ties with Paul A. Lockwood were air-
Brussels, at present.
Mr. W. Sawtell has purchased. a.
new Plymouth sedan.
Mr. John Snaith had the misfortune
to injure his back when he and Mr.
R.obt. ' Gibson fell while at work one
a driving shed at Mr. Ira Neil's.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey` Timm, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry ;Timm and son, Bill,.
of Turnberry, attended a family re-
union near Kirtsville last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane, Miss
Margaret Proctor and Mr. and Mrs;
John Earner " enjoyed a trip to Ni-
agara. and places in the U.S.A. last
Mr. and Mrs. John McEwen . and
family were in Guelph on. Thursda.y
attending the Farm and Home week
which was held at the O.A.C.
Miss June Felker of Listowel spent
a few days last week as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm.
Rev. Canon E. Appleyard of Sea-
forth and his sister, Miss Amy Apple
yard, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs.
F. Davey on Thursday.
Mr. Geo. Anger is the newly -ap-
pointed caretaker of the United.
Church and has begun his duties as
Misses B. Peterson, A. Little, A.
Schaab and E. Davidson, and Messrs:
Ted Plucks, Sam Jefferson and Archie.
Edgar, spent Sunday at Wasaga '..
Another consignment of trout from
the Brantford hatcheries was placed
in the Maitland river near here last
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley -Elliott, of,
Guelph, were week -end visitors at the
latter's home, with Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Hooper, of Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott and:
daughter, Clara of Guelph, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Allen of Brussels,.
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Allen on Sunday.
Mr. Bob. Cunningham of Gorrie,:
was in town on Monday.
Mrs. Mary Edgar and sons, Archie
and Ken., and Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynn
and daughter, Doreen, of Howick, at-
tended the Edgar re -union at Ayr on
VVROXETER neth and George, London, spent the
weep -end at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Palm-
Mrs. Robert Gibson, of Calgary, is er's. Mr, and Mrs. John Neil and •Cam-
visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. scarring ily of Kelwood, Man., also Mrs. Lacic-
arid other friends in town. ie, Lucan, were Mondayvisitors at. the
Mr, Alfred Agar was it recent visit- saint hone,
or with :Brantford friends. Miss Rome who has been staying
Sunday Mac Davidson p spent S aY with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn 13ttsli. stent
with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Davidson the week -end with Teeswater friends.
at Bluevale, also attending anniversary Miss Bush is visiting Miss Lott of R. ti,'
Wroxeter Girl Does Well
The annual live stock and domestic
science judging competition for Huy-.
on County, under the direction of the
Ontario Dept. of Agriculture was field
at Seaforth on Friday.' :Highest points
were won by Miss Violet Tyndall, of
Seaforth. The judging was in two.
classes, senior and junior. Prize -win-
ners were: Senior, nutrition, Miss M.
Baker, Wroxeter; clothing, Miss Lor-
etta McClure, Dungannon; house fur-
nishings, Miss Eleanor Wilson, An-
tburn. Junior, nutrition Kathleen
Strang, Ilensall; clothings, Eileen
Treleaven, Dun gar non; household.
furnishing, Ila Maize, Dungannon.
The three girls who will represent the
county of Huron in the intercount3r
household science judging at the C.
N. E. are: Loretta. McClure, Dungan-
non; Marjorie Baker, Wroxeter, and
Mildred 13aker, Gorrie. A 26 -piece sil-
verware set was 'presented to the girl
winning highest points and to each of
the others a silver trophy.
In the live stock contest there were
S `int w
8contestant.. The judging as
3 boyc g
J .
done on farms in the vicinity of Sea..
The silver clip to high boy was won,
by Frank Archibald, Seaford:, R, lvw
4; silver medal :for 2nd high, 'William
Pepper, Seafortlt, R. R. 8; shield fox
high novice, John Shea, Seaford', R.