HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-06-28, Page 4YOU, GRAY HAIR Gang be reetoeed to its NATURAL COLOUR without the use of a clye or tint. A.NGELJQUE GREY HAIR RESTORER is made from roots and barks and restores the ORIGINAL COL, OUR in the NATURAL way, .at the same time giving the hair its natural, healthy, lustre. 'Price $1,00 per bottle, Sold under a Money Baek Guarantee, To keep the hair and scalp cleanuse ANGELIQU;E SPECIAL SHAMPOO, - Price 25c per bottle. For Sale by McKIBBO 'S DRUG STORE 0 f' 0 1 cents a word per•. insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. APARTMENT TO LET -Over Mc- ;hundred and ninety links in an east Avoy's Drug Store. All convenient -1 erly direction as shown on plan mad es. Possession at once. Apply W. by A. Bay, Esq., P.L.S., and contain H. Gurney. ing one-fifth of an acre more or less. UPON the said premises there i situate a double frame house. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur ,chase money to be paid down at th time of sale and thebalance withi thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to the undersigned DATED at Wingham, Ontario, thi llth day of June, A.D. 1934, T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 0 0 WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES KINCARDINE ERRORS. WIN FOR HURONS Ten its. and Nine Errors by Foes Give Hurons 8 - 2 Win. The Wingham ball team got son revenge for the beating the Renee cline Salt -Munchers gave themin ti play-off game at Teeswater last fa by combing two of the Lakesider pitchers for ten hits while their nate were kicking in with nine errors an the Hurons won a much-needed vi tory 9-2. Hal, Peterson drew the no from Manager Geddes and pitched a good ball as the occasion demande letting up a little in the last coupl of innings after the locals had a coin mending lead, Fred Watson, youth ful Kincardine leader, and incidental ly the best fielding first -baseman i the league, nominated Carrot Cox, th elongated curve -ball artist, who usu ally turns in a good game against th Winghamites. Wednesday was no ex ® ception but poor support proved th undoing of the young right-hander Not one run of the eleven scored en tered the earned run category., Some powerful slugging by the ro tund Bob. Groves featured the locals assault on Cox. While Bob. only go credit for one hit, the rolly-polly on was hitting 'em hard, far and often and with a bit of luck might have bee credited with two more hits on whicl errors were chalked up on hard chanc es. About the only redeeming displa by the Salt -Munchers, outside of Cox' pitching was the fine fielding of Tom my Pollard, youthful steel -armed Iain cardine shortstop, This lad turned i a fine game for a lost cause, lais dead ly throwing being nice to watch, eve for local fans. The locals got their first run in th second inning, Bob. Groves startin proceedings with a terrific wallop tha travelled about half way to the Foun dry, the big boy making third with a desperate sprint. Bob scored on the first pitch, Anderson being guilty o a passed ball. Bill Lediet and Al Fin layson drew successive walks but were unable to score. A six -run splurge in the third inning won the game for the Indians. Peter- son and W. Tiffin struck out to start the inning but Somers got a life on Watson's error. Joe Tiffin singled to right and Somers went right to third and scored when Munro threw wild trying to head him off, Tiffin stop- ping at second. Joe scored on Groves' long fly to centre which Thompson got hold of but dropped for a two - base error. Lediet then drove one over the creamery, scoring Groves. Finlayson drew his second walk and Gray came through with a single to score Lediet. Rae then drove a Long double to Ieft field scoring Finlayson and Gray with the final runs, Peter- son grounding out to end the rally. The Braves added their eighth tally in the fifth, with two out as before. Finlayson struck out but Gray and Rae both lifes on errors, with Gray being thrown out by the right fielder at second. Peterson singled scoring Rae and going to second when Mc- Donald messed up W. Tiffin's roller. Somers scratched a hit to the same position but Joe Tiffin rolled out to end the inning. The Salt -Munchers' two runs came in the seventh, Watson singling to open the session and going to second as Pollock got to first on J. Tiffin's error,. Thompson walked and McDon- ald singled to left, with Watson and PolIock scoring when the ball rolled through Moore, who redeemed him- self with a nice throw to catch Thomspon at third, Pollard struck out to end all scoring for the day, * * * The Indians had only one error up until the seventh but kicked away four more after that to help keep the field- ing averages below normal. Gray,. Finlayson and Joe Tiffin 'were the on- ly ones who benefitted by their day's work at the plate. * * :t Local fans are still staying away in too large numbers, If it hadn't been for the large number of fans present from Kincardine, Blyth, Teeswater and other out-of-town points, the gate receipts_ would have been pretty small. The boys deserve 'better pat-, zona ge 11 e BELL PIANO FOR SALE At at- tractive price, also White. Sewing. Machine, at a sacrifice. Apply to T. Fells. COLLIE PUP FOR SALE -Apply to Mrs. Miles Cameron, :Wingham. FOR SALE -Cabbage, Tomatoes and Pepper PIants, :one cent each. 'Car- rick's Greenhouse, Whitechurch. FOR SALE -170 feet woven wire fence with posts, 60 feet of garden hose, in good condition; 15 window sash with glass, size 35 x 35; inch. A. C. Adams. d s. a LEARN WATCHMAKING - Join our Watchmakers class and be in - .dependent with a good trade. Wat- chmakers always in demand. Sum- mer class of select pupils now form- ing.. Rush inquiry for full particu- lars .to DOMWA SYSTEM, 325i- Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. MAN. WANTED with car to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Co- coa, . Spices, Extracts, Toilet Pre - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frederick Hardie of the Township of Culross, in the County of Bruce, Farmer, Deceas- ed. All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick Hardie, de- ceased, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day of April, 1934, are notified to send to the undersigned Executor, The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the undersigned, J. H. Crawford its sol- icitor, on or before the thirtieth day vexations direct to established users of June 1934, their .names and ad - in `Huron County. Write T. H. dresses and fall particulars of their Ward Company, John South, Ham- claims, and the nature of the secur- slton, ities (if any) heldnby them duly veri- fied by statutory declaration.' Immediately after the said thirtieth 'MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout- day of June, 1934, the assets of the es in Huron, Bruce Counties. Write said deceased will be distributed am immediately; Rawleigh Co., Dept. ong the parties entitled thereto having CN -125 -SB, Montreal, Can. regard only to the .claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated June 12th, 1934. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LTD., 302 Bay St., Toronto. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executor, PROTECT YOUR FURS -Now is the time to arrange storage for your Fur Coat, have it re -lined and ne- cessary repairs made. Many years' experience enables us to give, the best advice,, King Bros. REFRIGERATOR . FOR SALE -Is .��11 i'n' good condition, Apply Advance- •:.Y.Tirrtee. SPECIAL 10 DAY SALE Of CHINA -Everything a bargain. Don't fail to call. M, A. Duff, Bluevale. TEACHER WANTED - For Lower Wingham School, S. S. No. 11, Turn berry. Lowest tender not neces- sarily accepted. Wm. Geo. Doyle, Secretary. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town o Winghamin the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage which will be produced at th time of sale there will be offered fo sale ley public auction at the offic of J H. Crawford, Wingham, on Tuesday,. the 3rd day of July, A.D. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared 1934, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by to do first-class painting at 20c an Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the follow - 1 s e r e 'hour. Paper hanging 15c single roll. Chas. Potter, Lower Wingham. TOP NOTCH CHICKS were bred by R.O.P. Government approved males, they are well started and quick - growing. July prices: White Leg- horns 6c; Barred , Rocks, White Rocks, Wyandottes 7 314c; 1 week 2c more; 10 day 3c more; 2 week 4c; Pullets. Top Notch Chick Hat- chery, Box 61, Phone 1257, Strat- ford (formerly Fergus). g property namely: ALL AND ,SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and prem- ' ises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of that part . of Lot No. 6 on the east side of Centre Street and the north side of John Street, Government Additional Survey in the said Town of Wingham, particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly angle of the portion l of said lot conveyed to Temple Stan - nage Boyle and Charles P. Smith, be- ing a point on the northerly limit of John Street aforesaid distant 92' feet more or less easterly from the south- west angle of said lot; thence easter- ly along said northerly limit 72i,feet more or less to the southeasterly an- gle of said lot; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said lot to the northeasterly angle thereof; thence westerly along the northerly limit of said lot 721: feet more or less to the northeasterly angle of the said portion of said lot conveyed to the said Boyle and Smith; thence south- erly along the eastern boundary of said last mentioned portion of Lot 6 to the place of beginning. subject however to the right of way granted to the eaid Boyle • and Snaith over the westerly 9 feet of the lands hereby conveyed as more particularly men- tioned in the creed of conveyance made by Thonioc FT. ' Taylor to the said Boyle and Smith bearing date the 4th day of November, 1907, On the property ie said to be a me and a half storey six -room frame hotise iia good repair, and contains all modern conveniences. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. c r 1 p money of of re la theon .he t clay n sale and the balance within 30 da�ve thereafter, The property will be off- ereri enbicct to a reserved bid. Further narticulars and conditions of eel' will he made known on the ilav rrf sale or may be had on: appii- ret;ne en the rrndereianerl, DATED et Wingham, Ontatiio, tide ygtb Tnna, AD. 19114. THOS FELLS. Wingham, Octants, TtTAuctlooe sr.. E '. A t712. r,Tr W D. W'ingliarn en -del -lee ' 'ettdOes Solicitor, WANTED A gallon or gallon and a half ice cream freezer, in good .con- dition. Apply Advance -Times. 1 I Our very best lity, , Guaranteed free froni disease. Line bred from our very best hens, We will deliver them to your home. Barred Rocks $8.00 per 100. Leghorns $1,00 per hundred. 3n lots of 500, $1,00 per hundred less. .Batches off every Monday and Thurs- elay. WALTER ROSE, BRUSSELS, Ont, BABY CHICKS MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained t i a certain mort- gage which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale b, public auction on Saturday, June 3iltla., A.D. 1934, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Office of 3. W. Bushfield, Solicitor, Wing - ham, Ontario, subject to a reserved bid, the following "ALL that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying arid being in the Town Prot of Wing- • 'luno in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and Province of ' Ontario and being composed of Lots numbers Five and Six on the east side of Helena Street (South of Macin- tosh Street) in the Town Plot of Wingham aforesaid, in Peter Fisher's Survey, and being a sub -division of Me ptoperty known as the Mill Re- serve, each of said Lets being seven- ty-six links on Helena Street by one The team got a week's lay-off till Wedne dda Y (today) when they take, the long trail to Owen Sound, where they will battle Teddy Graham's Mil- lionaires, With a few breaks the boys couldwin this game, if the pitching is as good as it has been. CARD OF THANKS The fancily of the late Mrs. Jeanne Baird take this wayof expressing their appreciation to their neighbors and friends for all kindnesses shown to- ward them in their recent sad be- reavement, the loss of e dear mother, CARD OF THANK The fainily of the late John Morr- ison with to express their apprecia- tion for the kindness and sympathy extended' during their recent ,sad be- reaventent, Tlae Lucknow Sepoys make their appearance here Friday and local fans know that this means a' good game of ball. The Hurons absolutely have to get back the game they threw away in Lucknow, so come 'out and give them your support. * * Kincardine A,B. R, H. Po A, E. G. Anderson, If 4 0 1 0 0 0 R. Anderson, c .:4 0 0 7 2 2 H: Thompson, cf :4 0 0 1 0 Watson, ib . ,...,»4 1 -1 11 0 Munro, rf ..:. 2 0 1 0 1 Pollock, rf 3 1 0 0 0 B, Thompson, 2b 3 0 1 1 0 McDonald, 3b .:4 0 1 2 2 Pollard, ss 4 0 1 2 5 Cox,p 1 0 0 0 1 Hall, p 2 0 0 0 0 riab, Elijah, Micaiah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah. The kings we study are Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Asa, Ahab, Johoshaphat, It will: matte a profitable three months" 'study if both teacher and class make their own notebook mem- oranda of the different characteristics, and successes or failures, of these pro- phets and kings, God favored Israel above all the 1 nations of the earth. He planned that 1 through Israel' all the nations should 1 be blessed -and He will carry His 0 plan and purpose through triumphant - 1 ly yet, although Israel has sorely fail - 1 ed Hind. 'Our lessons, and the entire 1 Ohl Testament and New, tell us of 1 Israel's repeated failures. 0 God loved and loves Israel above all other nations, because of His on perfect and sovereign purpose (Deli 7:6-8). Israel has grieved God heart from the beginning, and sti does so, by her strange rejection God's love. Three kings come into this fir lesson: Solomon, Rehoboam, Jer boam. They were all given amazing wonderful opportunities; they all flun their opportunities from them. Solomon, the wisest man that eve lived (L" Kings 3:12), under whos reign Israel became one of the rich 5 est and most successful nations history, was turned away from Go 9 and lost his opportunity because h "loved many strange women," espe Tally the women of heathen natio against whom God had warned him and who turned him away from Go to the false worship of pagan deitie After the historical record of Solo mon's wisdom, greatness, and wealth our lesson chapter begins with th word "but". This word may stand fo anything that comes between God an ourselves, Solomon's spiritual epos tasy was tragic: the kindom passe from hisfamily am y because of it. Yet Solomon's 'son, Rehoboam when he succeeded to the throne, ha his opportunity. His people asked hi not to burden them with oppressio as his father had done-doiibties heavy taxation, forced labor, and th like. Young King Rehoboam's answe was' that of a scornful dictator. . H would add to their burdens, he said "My father hath chastised you wit whips, but I will chastise you wit scorpions." His people revolted, as people ar revolting today against governmenta despotism, and he lost ten of th twelve tribes of the nation, A man named Jeroboam, popula leader, was told by God's prophe Ahijah that God would give him' th kingdom that Rehoboam was to lose It came to him. Did he gratefully accept the opportunity granted by di- vine favor, and lead his people in the worship of God? No; from the beginning of his reign over the north- ern ten tribes he defied .God's law, set up two calves of gold for the peo- ple to worship, appointed unauthor- ized and unworthy men as priests and encouraged the people to worship the heathen deities of the land. The religion in which Jeroboam led his people, was that "which" he had devised of his own heart." False religions are always of that sort-- man-made. ort- man-made. Christianity, which is the full fruition of true Judaism, is not man-made, but God -revealed. There is no other way to worship' God. The two southern tribes, Judah and Benjamin, under the reign of Reho- boam, followed the same way of false worship into which. God's people Is- rael habitually fell. "For they also built them high places and images, and groves, on every high hill, and, under every green tree. And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abom- inations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel," False worship, then as now, is always accompanied sooner or later by' the. most degrading forms of immorality -one need only to visit the temples of India to know:this.' Finally,n under Rehoboam, God's.. own temple, at Jerusalem, was dese- crated as a' king of Egypt came up against the holy city and "took away the treasures of the hoose of tlae Lord, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all." The shields. of gold that Solomon had made were confiscated, "and King Rehoboam made in their stead brasen shields." Brass instead of gold in the house of Godl What a tragic anti -climax to the. glorious reign of David and Sol- omon! But counterfeit religion means counterfeits all along the line, ending in counterfeit character and eternal failure. God commands nien to "have no other gods before or M e because b case %I e knows that only as men worship Hina and give Him first place in their lives can they have true blessing and hap - Totals 35 2 6 24 11 9 Wingham-= A.B. W, Tiffin, 2b ..».. 5 Somers, cf 5 3. Tiffin, 1b 5 Groves, c 5 Lediet, 3b 3 Finlayson, rf 2 Gray, 11 4 Moore, if 0 Rae, ss 4 Peterson, ii 4 Totals 37 Kincardine Wingham R. H. Po A. 0 0 3 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 11 0 2 '1 8 1 1 1 2 3 '0 1 0 0, 1 2 0 0 0001 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 8 10 27 11 R. H. 000 000 200-2 6 016 010 00x-8 10 5 Two -base hits, Leditt, Rae. Three - base hit, Groves. Stolen base, Finlay- son. Left on bases, Wingham 8, Kin- cardine 5. Bases on balls, off Cox 3, Peterson 1. Struck out, by Peterson 11, Cox 7. Hits, off Cox, 7 in 5 in- nings, off Hall, 1 in 3 innings; off Peterson 6. Winning pitcher, Peter- son, losing pitcher, Cox. Time 2.00. Umpires -McCartney and Agnew. E 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 E 0 rn t, ,s 11 of. st o- ly g r e i clr c - ns a s. e r d. d d m' n s e r, e h' h e' e r t e BASEBALL RECORDS G. W. Southampton '7 '7 Port Elgin ' 7 6 Walkerton .»». »» 7 Chesley..........._.»....... _....... _8 Lucknow ..... 9 Wingham 7 Owen Sound 5 Kincardine 7 Paisley 7 Last Week's Scores Wingham 8 Kincardine 2 Chesley 7 Paisley ... ......... _...».».4 10 Lucknow 6 15 Paisley 7 5 Kincardine 1 7 Chesley ..... _ 3 L. 0 1 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 3 5 7 2 2 0 P.C. 1000 ,857 .571 :500 .444 .428 .400 .285 .000 Port Elgin Owen Sound Port Elgin Southampton Chesley ...»..»........-....:2 Lucknow .....:...........1 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON AHIJAH AND THE .DIVIDED KINGDOM. Sunday, July 1: 1 Kinks 11:26 to 14:31. Golden Text: Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall. (Prov. 16:18). God's unrequited favor. God's unrequited love. Men of great opportunity wrecked by sin, False worship the deadliest of all sins. 'Great knowledge and wisdom may not mean true character. Why God says: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." Here are seven leading themes is our first less of three months' study of Prophets and Kings of Israel, We view about three centuries of Israel's history, from Ahijah to Isaiah. The prophets we study are Ahijah, Aza- Insure and MakeSur All the best old established Companies. FIRE! AUTOMOBILE! ACCIDENT Thirty -Five Years in the Busi- ness. Abnerri5 o G � Insurance and Real Estate, Harry Fry Furniture and Funeral' Service L. N. Hunkin Licensed Embalmer and Ftieral Director Ambulance Service, Day Fhone 11 !. Night ht Phone y iC c l09. p ST, HELENS Little Miss Helen Blue • f , o Detroit, is ,spending the vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. And- erson. Thursday, June 28th, 1934 At .. Isard's Stores For Three Days Thursday, Friday and n S b'r:ay`.�'Y��G WONDERFUL MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES 10 Pieces Print, yard wide, all are new patterns and colorfast, reg. 20c, Bargain 16c Factory Cotton, 38 inches wide, cheap at 12y2c, sale •.lOc Cretonnes, yard wide ,reg. value 25c, Bargain Day 19c 8 Pieces Fine Quality Ginghams, stripes and checks, go at 19c Curtain Nets, yard wide, plain and figured, reg up to 40c, now 25c Voiles, Organdy and Rayon Dress Goods, value up to 75c, Bargain Days price .39c Silk Crepes, best colors, pure silk, yard wide, sale 89c 5 Pieces Figured Rayon, 36 in. wide, good colors cheap at 35c, Bargain 25c Towels, large size Turkish Bath Towels, fancy stripe, sale 22c A range of Frilled Curtains 49c Children's Print Dresses, pretty styles, colorfast sale • • House Dresses, in good style and choice pat- terns, at - terns, sale 79c 98c Hose, clearing line of Silk Hose, value to 75c, Bargain ......... . . . . . 49c Supersilk. Hose in new shades, all :reduced in price for 3 Days, $1.75 line for $1.50; $1.50 for $1.25; $1.25 for $1.00 and Special Line. 69c Ankle Socks, a large range, sale 25c Boys' and Girls' Canvass Shoes, go at ..49c. Mickey Mouse Sweaters, Bargain . 69c Hose in Rayon and Lisle, good colors, sale 29c A lot of Children's Socks, value to 3Sc, now 15c Slips, Women's Broadcloth Slips, sale 59c Lace Trimmed Silk Crepe. Slips, reg. value L95, Bargain 1 59. Ladies' R We Bargain Days in Women's and Misses' Frocks and; Suits. A large and choice stock to choose from. RACK NO. 1-A range of Voile Dresses, es, Misses and Women's s sizes, your pick for , , 1.95. RACK NO. 2 -Your choice ofm S art Models in Voile and Celenese Dresses, "sale . , .. , . 2..95.. RACK NO. 3--A collection of Pretty Dresses in plain and fancy nc y patte rns , Bargain . .3 95 RACK NO. 4 -Your choice of a selected range > of Wornen's and Misses' nae Plain and Fancy Printed Crepe Dresses,Bargain9 ��.. 5..95 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL SPRING COATS. All other lines of Dresses, Voiles, Cklf f Chiffons, Satins, Plain and Printed Silk Crepes, on Sale BargainDays at Greatly Reduced Prices.. BUY AND SAVE FOR 3 BARGAIN DAYS AT H. E. Isard O. Co. Mn. . Callum Cameron of Detroit vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cameron when her mother, Mrs. Cain- eron, of Mitchell and his sister, Mrs, McAree of McAuley, Man.' .are also guests. The annual Garden Partyof the United Chttreli will be held in Miller's Orchard on Friday,. July 6th. The Bel- grave Dramatic Societwill l �'" .. ,,: y present their play Adventures of Grandpa." Messrs. Hugh Rutherford - Miller and Andrew Gaunt made a bus- ineee trip to Guelph on Monday;