HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-06-21, Page 7(iorrie
Thai day, June 21st, 1934
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
Robt. linker . were.' Mr. and Mrs. J,
Halliday and Miss Bessie Scott, of
Wingbam, and 1\4r. and Mis, A, Hal-
, liday, Mr. Robt, Leathorn of Brant
ford,' spent the week -end at „the same
Rev. Mr. Butt' was in Teeswater on
Friday night when he preached Pre-
paratory services in the United church
there. Mrs. Butt accompanied him;•:
They were entertained at the Parson- ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins spent a few days at their
cottage at Bruce` Beach last week;
Mrs; Bell and Miss Violet Hughes
spent the week -end at the home of
the form.er's son, Mr. William Bell, at
Mrs. William Graham is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Mayberry and
JVIr. Mayberry in Woodstock.
Miss Laura Hicks spent the week-
end with her mother in Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Stirton Ashton and
baby have returned to town after
spending a couple of weeks in Niag-
ara Falls.
Mrs, R. S. Clegg spent Friday in
Fordwich the guest of her sister Mrs.
Lynn. •
Mrs. Rallis of Fordwich spent the
week -end withMr. and Mrs, S. W.
Ferguson. Mrs. Gewin of Goderich is
also. a 'guest at the same hone.
Miss Monte Earngey has returned
to Wingham afer spending the past
week at her home here:
Mrs. Arthur Stephens spent Wed-
nesday last week with the Dr's. broth-
er, Dr. Armstrong . and Mrs. Arm-
strong in Mitchell.
Rev. and Mrs. Neil of Glenallen
-Were guests of the former's Aunt, Mrs.
Neil on Thursday .
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlson Hneston
and son spent the week -end at their
cottage at Bruce Beach.
Miss Alexandria. Hamilton visited
with friends in Teeswater on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son
Ronald of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pyke, Ron-.
ald remained with his aunt and uncle
and will stay a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and
Miss Margaret R. N. motored to Lon-
-don on Thursday last, Miss Margaret
remaining in that city for a time.
Born — on Sunday June 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Zimmerman,
f a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger and
Mr. Nicholls spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Hockridge in Guelph.
Mr, and ' Mrs. R. N. Carson were Sarnia Hospital was one of the Grad -
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- ' nate Nurses, and we extend to her
vey Sperling. our heartiest congratulations. Mrs. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Deyell of Wingham, Ashton who has been visiting her dau-
s ent last week with their daughter, ghter in Sarnia for some time return -
Mrs, Thos. Earl and Mr. EYarl. ed home on Sunday evening with
Mrs. Thos. Short visited with Erie- them.
nds in Toronto, and her daughter Mrs. W. Clark and daughter Aline
Miss Myrtle in Weston over the week- of Fordwich, visited on Sunday at the
end. home of Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell
Miss Alma Hastie of Kitchener Strong.
spent the week -end with her father Mr. and Ivfrs. Sydney Holmes of
Mr.. J. Hastie and other relatives. Toronto, spent the week -end with
Mr. Walter Woods and sister, also friends near Gorrie.
Miss Mary Inglis of Belmore were Mr. and Mrs. Ramage, son and dau-
Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ghter, of Durham were guests of the
T. Shera, former's son, Dr. C. C. and Mrs. Ram-
Mr. Cecil Day was a Toronto vis- age on Saturday.
• itor recently. • Mr, and Mrs. R. Gedcke and deli -
Miss J. R. Stinson, Mrs. Gordon ghter of Fordwich, also Miss Jean
Barton and little daughter Marlene Black of Kitchener were guests of
spent the week-nd with their aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black on Satin
-uncle, Mr, and Mrs. J. Hamilton at day
Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and son of Blyth
• Miss Marjorie' Baker visited with were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs.
friends in London recently.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitley spent Sun-
day with friends in Londsboro, Mrs.
W. Ferguson of Edmonton who has
'been a guest at the Dr's,, returned to
rounds Max Baer
had Primo Carnera on the canvas with
shattering blows to the body and head
before referee Arthur Donovan step-
ped in and stopped the savage battle
in the 11th round. The fight was a
terrific surprise to the 52,000 fans as
Baer stepped in in the first round and
hurled shattering punches at the giant
Italian and hanimered him all over the
ring and for round after round until
!the referee stopped the fight and Baer
was heavyweight 'champion of the
world. The above layout shows (1)
Carnera with his face contorted with
pain as Baer lands one of his slash -
itor at the home of Mr. john Finlay
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin FinlaY paid a
flying visit to Mr; G. Vittie's.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Bennett visit-
ed with Mr. John Reidt,
Mr, James ` Underwood viisted in
i this burg last week.
ing punches. (2) Carnera and Baer
on the canvas in the second round
where they crashed after Max landed
a right to the head.
Lonusboro 1V
tain of Lonclesboro was also a guest � when the neighbours and friends gath- :Evelyn Dane, who opened the meet -
at the same home last week.erect to honor and present Mr. and ' ing by soft music played by Miss
Miss Verna Osborne of Monkton :Mrs. Norman Baiers who have been •Hicks, with the Honorary President
spent a few days last week at the (married recently, with two handsome •giving the opening prayer. After the
ith ahem. Miss Vloun- M
•s in Gorrie in charge of Misses Laura Hicks and ed to teach on C. S. staff at Thames- ey on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs
- and Mrs. lack Baiet ,
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Cathers.' leather upholstered chairs. Mr. R. H.
Mrs. German of Mitchell is spend- Stephens read the address and pr'e-
ing some time with her sister, Mrs.
Robt. Cathers.
Miss Margaret Newton R. N. and
Miss McNaught R. N. of Listowel
left on Saturday for the Coast via the
Great Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and
baby Edith visited friends in Wing -
ham on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Newton spent
a few days last week with friends in
Port Huron, Pontiac, Sarnia and Wal-
ton, and also attended the Graduation
exercises in th Sarnia Hospital on
Friday night last when thirteen nurses
graduated: They were also accompan-
ied by Lealand Ashton, Miss Beryl
Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Sterton
Ashton. Miss Pauline Ashton, who
has been training for a nurse in the
Wake up your Liver Bile
—Without Calomel
'Yon are "feeling punk" simply becpUse
liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds
bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination
are both hampered, and your entire system is
being poison Soma
What you need is a liverstimulant.
thing that goes farther than mineral roughage
oil, laxative candy or chewing gum
which only move the bowels—ignoring g
cause of trouble, your liver. -e X,hiwly vege
Take Carter's Little Liver
table, No harsh calomel (merourYa. }t1Ts..
Auk for them by name. Rotuma
25o. et sit drugWta.
ye Ser
y �
Phone 118, ,I1aririston
The Garden Party held in the Gor- suffered a severe heart attack, but
rie Arena on Thursday evening last, trust he will soon be on the mend.
ander the auspices of the United Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, also
Church was well attended. A good y'iss Margaret Graham, of Toronto,
supper was enjoyed, as also the play were week -end guests of their father,
"Eyes of Love" which was sponsor-
ed by Moncrief talent,
A good baseball game was played
in. the park here on Wednesday even-
ing last, when Gorrie Redwings play-
ed the Clifford Juniors, the score be-
ing 17 to 9 in fovor of tle home boys.
The umpire was George Gallaway and
the line ups, as follows,—
Gorrie - Archie Irwin, Ken Un-
derwood Harold King, Tom Ritchie,
opening hymn "He Liveth Long who
Livetli Well" Mrs. A. Taylor lead in
sentation was made by Reg. Newton prayer. Miss . Alexandria Hamilton
and Bill Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Norman read an interesting article on Christ -
Balers who have the best wishes of ian Stewardship and Financing. Fol-
the community, have Purchased • a lowing the hymn "Jesus Saves" Miss
store at Belmore and will reside there, Annie Douglas lead in responsive
Mr. and Mrs. Schade and Miss
Myrtle also Mr. and Mrs. Smith and
baby son of West Monkton, were vis-
itors of itilr. and Mrs. John Baiers on Works -of Dr. Scott in Wakaw, Sask.,
Sunday. which painted a vivid picture of the
Miss Velma Baiers accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Baiers of Belmore,
to Mitchell on Sunday.
Miss Norma Hockridge, of Guelph,
is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke accompanied
by Mr. Turley and Mrs. Horsitigton
of Winnipeg, spent the week -end with
friends in and around Barrie: Mr.
Turley and Mrs. Horsington remain-
ing and will visit friends for a time.
The baseball game scheduled here
with Harriston team as the visitors
will be played on Thursday night in-
stead of Wednesday night. Kindly
note the change of date
reading of 1 Cor. 13.
Miss Laura Hicks then gave a very
interesting article on the Life and
great good accomplished by the Hoene
Missionaries in Western Canada, and
especially in this LTkranian district,
in which Dr. Scott is doing such
splendid work.
Owing to the Pastor not being pre-
sent the study book was not given.
A guest at the meeting was Miss
King, of Wingham, who gave a piano
instrumental which was very much
appreciated by the society.
The president then took charge of
the meeting when minutes of the last
meeting were adopted as read and the
roll call was answered by a verse of
Scripture containing the word Faith.
The meeting closed with hymn "Lord
Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher, ac- Speak to me that I Might Speak" and
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Higgins, of Turnberry, and Mrs. Len-
nox of Wingham, motored to London
on June 11th of attend the funeral of
their cousin, the late James Fleming,
aged 34 years, of Eveston, IIL, which
took place from the home of his fa-
ther, 471 Dorinda St., London..
Mr. and 1VIrs. Gallaher took a busi-
ness trip to Kitchener on Thursday.
The District Annual Convention of
Women's Institutes for East Huron is
being held in Gorrie Township Hall
on Friday, June 29th. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to the ladies of
the community to attend this meeting
—further particluars next week.
We are sorry to learn of the seri-
ous illness of Mr. T. Nash, who has
Mr. Robert Graham.
Mr. Keith Watson of Wingham,
spent the week -end at his home here.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary of St, Stephen's An-
glican Church, will be at the home of
Mrs. Ernest King on Thursday next,
June 28th.
Mr, and Mrs, George Foster took
Miss Margaret Foster, 2,N., to Lon-
don on Wednesday last, where she Is
Dere Gallaway,Bill e Ritchie, Jack ill present engaged on'a case in Vic
Newton, Dick Jones and Harold toric hospital as private nurse.
Hyndinan, the two spares being Lea -
land Ashton and Lennie King,
Clifford Clark Dewar, C. Dodd,
Yendt,'Darling, W. Dodd, Daultwite,
Klemmer and Seip; The return game
will be field in Clifford this Friday
An interesting Garden Party will
be held in the Gorrie Arena this Fri-
day evening June 22nd., sponsored by
St, Stephens Anglican Church, They
havesecured th play "Step Lively"
put ,on by ,Palmerston talent. this
2 actplay
comes well recommended,
large crowd is expec
A very pleasant tune was spent on
Mr. 'and Mrs, George McCall, Brus-
sels, viisted at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Ernest King on Wednesday last,
1vb.. and Mrs. George baker, near
Orange Hill, 'spent Sunday at the
horne of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Foster.
the Lord's Prayer in unison:
During a social half hour, a contest
was enjoyed, being conducted by Miss
Hicks, and several musical selections
by Miss King. Dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess at the
close of the evening. The July meet-
ing will be held at the home of Miss
Marjorie Baker, with Mrs. E. W. Bol-
ton and Miss Bessie Wylie in charge
of the program..
ford for 'ti'
Mr. and Mrs. John MacNaughton,
London, also Mr. and Mrs. James
Brechin, of Green River, Wyoming,
spent the past week at the home of
D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. Mr.
and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead and Lil-
illian, Mr .and Mrs. A. B. Wearring and
family, all of London, were Sunday
guests at the MacNaughton home.
Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Allen are in
Windsor this .week attending the
Druggists' Convention. Mr. and Mrs.
T. G. Hemphill accompanied them.
Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week-
end with friends in Wingham.
Miss M. Bondy of Galt is spend-
ing some time with Mrs. Ben Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell and
son, Jack, and Mrs. T. Powell, all of
Woodstock, also Mrs. Rutherford of
Simcoe, were week -end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paulin,
Mr. Kuglin, who has successfully
carried on a harness and repair shop
here for the past year, left with his
family on Monday for Williamsburg.
We regret losing the Iiuglin family
from the village and our best wishes splay was presented by Belgrave tai-
ga with them to their new home. est.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cooper, of Co- Mr. and Mrs. S. 5. Burke and fam-
bourg, also Mr. and Mrs. George ily, and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Pope and
Barkley, Toronto, were week -end
daughter, Mary, spent Sunday in Sim
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. coe.
Henry Merkley.
Our sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Ozier (need Marybelle
Bolt) of Listowel, in the loss of their
baby daughter who passed away on
Saturday at the age of four months.
Interment was made in Wroxeter
Cemetery on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley of the 4th line
of Turnberry, opened their home to
their neighbors and friends on Friday
evening. Cards and dancing were en-
Miss Mae Davidson was a Wing -
ham visitor on Friday last.
Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and friend of
Hamilton were guests of Mrs. Thos.
Gibson on Saturday, who returned
with them and will visit friends in
Hamilton, Toronto and Chicago.
Mrs. Sandy McDougall and Mrs.
Parks were guests of Listowel friends
a few days last week.
Mrs. Chapman, of Winnipeg, who
spent the winter in Toronto arrived in
town on Friday and spent the week-
end with her uncle, Mr. Geo. Muir.
She left for her home in Winnipeg on
Miss Alice Meahen, of Wingham,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ,T.
Miss Ada Gallaher and Mr. Thorn- I "Spirit of God descend upon .my
ton, 1
of Binevale, called on friends in heart," were sting.
town one day last week, i Mrs. W. Finlay gave a splendid
{ thetwo o concludin-
Mrs, Grimsila�v, of Detroit,: spent a !summary of w g
chap -
few days last week visiting her sis- tern of the Study Book "Living Issues
ter, Mrs, A. J. Sanderson, in China" ,and the meeting was cios-
Qtrrte a number attended the Pres- ed with a prayer by Mrs. Stocks.
b tterian prayer Meeting held at the
home of Miss Janet Ritchie last Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of Brus-
sels, spent Thursday afternoon of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen.
Mr. John iutledge of Brampton,
called On friends in town one day lastt
Mr, and Mrs: A, J. Edgar and dau-
ghters, Loreen and Frances, of Lan -
son called on friends in town on Sat,
&day evening, -
Giiests at the home of Mrs, F. Davy
Mr. Robert Leathorn, of Brantford,
spent the past two weeks in this vic-
inity visiting old friends. Many years
ago Mr. Leathorn lived on the farm
now owned by Mr. Herb. Shiell, al-
though past eighty years of age, Mr.
Leathorn enjoys the best of health,
Mrs. Ward, daughter, Jean, and
sons, Jim and John, Gorrie, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Ni-
Mr. L, F. Mcli.aughlie, of Oshawa,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. Robert McLaughlin.
Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Miss Bit-
chic, also Miss Mae Davidson attend-
ed a W,M S, meeting at Molesworth
on Wednesday last when `they were
privileged to. 'hear alt address from
Miss K. Campbell, who has spent
many years as a missionary, in India.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Hutchison and
daughters, Bernice and Margaret, and
Frances, of Detroit, spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, N.
T. McLaughlin.
Mrs, Chapman and Miss Cassie
Harris, Toronto, were guests of
friends lit, town over the week -end,
Mrs, Genlmill, who has spent the
past 3 weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
:Eli Bolt, left on Tuesdayto return to
her home in the West. She" was ac-
companied by Mrs. Cltapinan of To-
ronto, who with het mother,: Mrs.
Nikes, will return shortly to spend
11 '11 here.
Sttlnteiet` inb t S
Miss Evelyn' Gamble, formerly of
the C. S. staff here, has •been engag-'
ing year. Robt. Philip, Mr. Harvey Philip and 1,
Miss Ivy Bundy, of Milton.
Miss Velma Higgins who has been
-working near Orangehill, is spending
a few days with her mother, ivirs. A.
Mr. Jas. Huffman spent the week-
end at his home here.
Messsr. Norman Hall and Dick
Bennett who have been attending the
Stratford Normal, are home for the
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor have
been visiting friends at Vienna.
Dr. A. McLeod has been at Tilbury
bringing home a new Terraplane for
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen left on
Tuesday on their vacation, during
which they will visit at Kingston with
Miss Janet Allen, assistant Dean at
Queen's University, and going from
there to Boston and to London.
Mr. I. Durst shade a business trip
to Midland on Monday.
A number, from 'here attended the
Garden Party at Salem last Friday
evening which was very well patron-
ized and at which a very enjoyable
The Evening Auxiliary of Gorrie
U Church were. entertained at
..sited C1a
home of the President, Miss Velma
Lennox, in Wirlt;'1raY11 on.Mondayev-
Le r
erring, when they heldtheir regular
t11 •heel• lg. The program was
Wednesday night last at the home of :non y
Sweeping statements are dangerous
because they are usually to emphatic,
and also because, as they are general,
they, ignore what is unusual but im-
portant. Nevertheless, we find it ne-
cessary to make a sweeping state-
ment to the effect that most stomach
trouble, usually described as "indiges-
tion", does not come from the stom-
ach itself but is but is due to the per-
son who owns the stomach.
First of all, let us qualify our re-
marks by stating that appendicitis,
gall -bladder infections, and ulcers of
the stomach and duodenum, unfortun-
ately exist only too often. They cause,
i trouble, -and the onlywayo.
stomach t
cure such forms of stomach trouble
is to treat the appendix, gall -bladder
or ulcers.
Leaving these, and returning to the
statement that it is the person who
owns the stomach, rather than the
stomach itself, who is to blame, we
say that, by far, the most common
causes of stomach trouble are emo-
tional upsets, fatigue, and lack of .
moderation in eating.
Everyone knows that fear may
make the throat dry, and also, that
the mouth actually waters at the smell
or sight of attractive foods. The sto-
mach too waters at the same time as
the mouth. This watering of mouth
and stomach is their proper prepara-
tion for the reception and digestion
of food. It does not occur when we
are angry, tired, or disgusted. .
The stomach and - the intestines
have strong muscular walls which
contract, forcing the food contents of
these organs along. It has been shown.
by X-ray examinations that excite-
worry, tenseness, or other
strong emotional influences will stop
the muscular activity of the digestive
tract, and so bring digestion to an
end; thus, the upset which follows the
hurried lunch or a rush for the train
may be accounted for.
During the period of digestion, the
stomach receives an extra supply of
blood as does any organ at a time
when it is most active. If this requir-
ed extra blood is diverted away from
the stomach by too much activity,
such as games, et cetera, shortly after
meals, it follows that trouble may be
A great number of people believe
that they are unable to eat some par-
ticular food. Most of these beliefs
have grown out of an unhappy assoc-
iation with the food in question. Di-
gestion may have been faulty for any
one of a number of reasons, but ever
after, the particular food which is
blamed for the upset is regarded with
fear and suspicion, which in turn, may
cause trouble if that food is taken.
The fussy, apprehensive person is
sure to have digestive trouble.
Some foods are more readily digest-
ed than others, but unless the stom-
ach is overloaded, at one time, with
food that are difficult to digest, in
the sense that it takes time for the
gastric juices to penetrate or that the
foods are fibrous, rough or irritating,
we can say that foods do not, as a
rule, cause stomach trouble.
Questions conecrtiing Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College Street, Toron-
to, will be answered personally by
Mr. Sam Sterling spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chamb-
The June meeting of the W. M. S.
was held in the Wroxeter United
Church Thursday afternoon with a
good attendance.
Power was the predominating
thought throughout the devotional
period which was in charge of Mrs.
H. Timm, who opened the meeting
with the hymn "All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name."
The Scripture reading was taken
from Rom. 13, in which are given les-
sons on subjetcion to lawful author-
ity, and justice and love to our breth-
ren. She continued with an article on
Tower and Love, followed by prayer.
The -''resident, Mrs. Stocks, con-
ducted the business session which in-
cluded a report of the recently pack-
ed bale.
The roll call was responded to by.
verses of Scripture
word Power, and the hymns "Come
let us singof a Wonderful Love," and
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Underwood
spent Sunday with Mr. James 'Under-
Mr. Robert :C,eathorti spent a few
days with Mr, Robert Maker.'
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Woods were
Sunday visitors at Mr, Robert Hayes:
Dave Anger r .vis
Ura, I7av A
r. and M:. g
at the home of Mr. Thomas Ellis cite
Mt John Hayes was it &rinday
Wood Ashes for Muck Soils
Wood ashes have been found es-
pecially suitable for fertilizing peat
and much. soil. Good quality ashes,.
i.e,, unleashed and free from excess
sand and clay and other foreign mat-
ter, will contain in an air-dried con-
dition from 1 to 2 per cent of phos-
phoric acid and from. 4 to G per cent
of potash. in addition, they contain
from 40 to 60 per cent carbonate of
lithe. Thus, an application of 1 ton of
wood ashes of average quality will
furnish approximately the same atil-
mint of phosphoric acid, potash, and
lime as would be contained in 200 lbs,
ueer hoc
hate,200 pounds min-
of potash, and 1,000 potitlds a$
ground limestone. ---Dominick Depart•
l it.
�e bulletin, t
' 1t
t .r c
peen af A