HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-06-14, Page 9Gorrie V et� :e ani 7 1797 Wroxeter Dews Thursday, June 19th, 1934 W. M. S, Hr'AR. TEMPERANCE TALK The June meeting of the 'W. M. S. Of, the Gorrie United Church, was held at Mrs.Cook's home on Thursday af- ternoon, Mrs, H. Ashton, Temperance Sec'y, presiding. The meeting open- ed by singing 'Take Time to be Holy' and prayer by Mrs. R. Dane, Mrs. A. Ruttan read the Scripture lesson, Mrs, Butt gave a paper telling the awful ;effects of beer and wine drinking. In Vancouver, B.C., the arrests for drun kenness were increased to over 400% since pre -beer and wine parlor days. Miss Alice Edgar gave the experi- .ence of one who had suffered from their friends using strong drink. Mrs. J. Hyndman then told how the Directors of the Brewers' Society are anxious to instill the beer drinking habit into our young men and women. Whose boys and girls are these? Fol- lowing the singing of "Yield Not to 'Temptation" Mrs. Hamilton told of "when prohibition was in force in the 'United States.. how much more milk was consumed. Shall Ontario con- sume beer or milk? Mrs. E. Edgar told how alcohol poisons both vegetables and animal life. • Mrs. Whitfield .explained how 'our liquor bill in 1932 was about $38,000,- 4000, and what that arnount would have done for manufacturing, trade and hu- man comfort. Mrs. Cook told "How if the Money invested in Breweries in Canada were invested in making something useful, our purchasing power, our trade, the greaest good to the greatest number would be increased. Mrs. Ramage gave a short talk in which she stated "Temperance ap- plies to other things as well as drink, as eating, our judgement of others, our .atcions in all things.' Are we in Hur- on in danger, of growing smug and -complacent. Women of the United Church can do a great deal. Force of evil never grow weary, our condition is as bad as fifty years ago, we only stoned the snake for a few years. Let us be temperate in prayer. Should we squander our votes, let us ask "what would Jesus do?" Mrs. Jas. Anger gave a poem "Is It Nothing to You?". Following the singing of "Rescue the Perishing" the pastor, Rev. Butt, gave a short ad- dress, explaining "Political leaders give' what the people want. If every other family in Ontario has a liquor permit, are all the United Church members innocent?" He then spoke on the 6th chapter of the Study Book. "China Fitting into the World's Situ- ation" We look upon China as infer- ior to us. The youth of China is cry- ing to abolish unequal treatise. The •Christian gospels preached by our missionaries are helping to bring this -about." The President then took charge of .the business part. Minutes were ad- opted as read, and roll call was an- swered by "How can we best help ''Temperance?" At the request of Miss Boilie of Goderich two members don- ated a `platter each for the Summer :School Camp at Goderich. Arrangements were made for the next meeting, July 5th, to be held at Mrs, Rarnage's home, inviting every • lady of the congregations and their -children. Meeting to be in charge of • the Associate Members' Sec'y., and • with Mrs. J. Gowdy of Salem, as the •guest speaker. The meeting closed with the Benediction. GORRIE •Coldest in Winter, Hottest in Summer Gorrie, we believe, holds the record -'Ior being the coldest place in this dis- IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL S0 WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile —No Caloiuel necessary For you to feel healthy and happy, your, liver must pour two ppo0unds of liquid bile into your bowele, every day. Without that bile,. • trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness, How can you expect to clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowel -moving salts,, oil, mineral water, laxative sandy or chewing frim, or roughage? They don't wake up your liver. You need Carter's Little Liver Mills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Aek • for theta :by name. Rehm substitutes. 250 at till druggists. 64 Ultra Modern Eye Service HOMUTH B. 1.Or �'hml. , Phone 118. Harriston trict last winter. But, then, it can be just as hot, On Tuesday last, not on- ly oiie thermometer but seven regist- ered 125 degrees in the sum; Then, too, on the came day; not a mile from town, was found ,some snOw and ice.. Mrs. Wm. Spotton, of Toronto, is spending some time at her home near Orange Hill, Among those who attended the Huron Clergy and Layman's Banquet which was held in Goderich last Thursday evening, were the following —Rev. R. S. Jones, Messrs. H. V. Holmes, George King, Robert Gra- ham, Chas. Lawrence, Wm. Earngey Jr., and Norman Wade. Dr. Jack Bennett who has been vis- iting relatives and renewing acquaint- ances in this locality, returned to his home in Nelson, B.C,, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and dau- ghter, Miss Jean, of London, spent the week -end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dane, Toronto, were week -end guests with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Wade re- turned home with then from spending some time in the city. Messrs, Bill Edgar, Milford Nash, George Galloway and; Jack Musgrove attended the baseball gauze in Har- riston on Friday evening last, be- tween Palmerston and Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Holmes, of Toronto, spent the week -end with re- latives and friends in the district. Mrs. W. H. Day and son, Dr. Ed- win Day, of Vancouver, P.C., called on friends in Gorrie on Saturday last. Miss Louise Woods of Underwood, is visiting at the home of Mr, Bert King. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Newton and children, Billie, Tommy and Shirley, visited with 'Clifford friends on Sun- day. Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, also Mrs. F. C. Taylor, attended the fun- eral of a relative, the late Mrs. Patti- son, of Wingham ,last Thursday. Sunday School Anniversary Services Sunday School Anniversary was held in Gorrie United Church Sunday morning. The church was artictically decorated by members of the Evening Auxiliary, with spring flowers. The front seats were filled with the mem- bers of the Sunday School, also the choir which rendered special music under the direction of Mr. H. Cook, and the organist, IVliss E. Stephens, at both morning and evening services. . The Superintendent,' Mr, Harvey Sparling assisted the pastor, who gave a splendid address on "Building", il- lustrating by blocks each bearing the names, "Truth, Honesty, Purity, Un- selfishness, and Love," and if used in the manner given, not letting deceit creep in, and which allways goes to the bottom, the building would be se- cure. Arranged for Garden. Party Mrs. Joe Sanderson entertained the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Thursday •afternoon last, when the ladies also made arrangements 'for their annual Garden Party to be held On Friday, June 22nd iti the Gorrie Arena. They have secured the 2 -act play ,"Step Lively" which is put on by Palmerston talent and comes well recommended. A social half-hour was spent while the hostess served a very dainty luncheon. The first rain in four weeks visited I Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong, Mr. Thos. here over the week -end and was much McCall, Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs, appreciated, after the fierce heat. Clark of Toronto, were Sunday guests The Women's Institute regular of Dr ,and Mrs. Ramage. meeting has been withdrawn for the A number of new geranittm plants month of June owing to the Gorrie 'have been placed in the cemetery by branch holding the district' annual. Mrs. Russel Adams and daughter have returned home from Wingham where they visited friends for the past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg and son, Bruce, also Mrs. R. S. Clegg, were Brussels viistors on Thursday last. Messrs. J. Cathers, G. Walker, R. G. Newton, W. Austin, M. Nash, R. Ca- thers and V. Shera were among those 'who attended the Listowel Races last Wednesday. Mrs. Finlay Lynn, of Fordwich, was the west of her sister, Mrs. • R. S.ladiesof both g Clegg, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaefer and fam- ily, of Fordwich, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. J. Querin and Miss ary Parker, of Toronto, were week -end guests' of the 'former's aunt, Mrs: Munro, who returned to the city with them Sunday morning. S r. Mr. ;and Mrs. A. E. Toner, also M and Mrs. H. Sparling, were in Mon- crief on Saturday, Miss Velma Lennox, teacher of the 'school here ex- changed in public, ed the music period with Miss string Little of the Wroxeter School on Monday. Both these teachers have their musk certificates and ere qual- ified to teach music in the schools along with their other duties, which was recommended by Inspector Gane PRINCE OF WALES LISTENS AND THEN INSPECTS His royal highness lends both ears when Lloyd. George, British Liberal leader, starts in to tell him all about it, both by word of mouth and with the aid of his hands and arms. The picture was snapped by the photogra- pher when the Prince of Wales re- cently visited Rhosgadfan, a small quarrying village, to inspect the vill- age hall built by the unemployed, and later Carnarvon, where he spent some time in the famous castle. Lloyd George is constable of Carnarvon, in- vested in 1911. in his address to the School Trustees and those interested, which was re- corded here last week. Both schools are to be congratulated on having se- cured such. talented Musical teachers on their teaching staff. Miss Marjorie Baker has returned home from Galt after visiting friends for the past few weeks. Mrs. Ritchie, David A. Ritchie, of Teeswater, and Miss Doris Sample of Pangman, Sask., were recent guests at the Armstrong home. Mrs, (Dr.) Wm. Ferguson of Ed- monton, is visiting her brother, Dr. Whitley and renewing old acquaint- ances in Gorris this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H.' Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hyndman visited with friends in Harriston on Sunday. Junior Ball Team Encouraged At a meeting of the Sports Commit- tee -here on Saturday night, they gave, a donation of $10.00 towards the Jun- ior baseball team for suits. The com- mittee realize the necessity of train- ing the boys for a future ball team, 'and. trust the citizens here will back them in their efforts in this sporting cause. The first game this season will be played here on Wednesday even- ing with Clifford Juniors. We trust this game will have the co-operation of the' people. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield and son, ,Ewart, of Blyth, spent Sunday with friends in Brussels. 1 the L:O.B.A. and add greatly to the beauty of the driveway. A Stray Pigeon There came to Arthur Lincoln's home in Turnberry a hoinittg pigeon bearing the numbers, right foot CHU —32, and on the same aluminum band were 10019, while the left foot bears a rubber band with the numbers 232 —Q. This bird came to Mr. Lincoln's 'home on Wednesday of last week and is still about the farm. Missionary to Speak. Miss Campbell, returned mission- ary, fro.ni Neemuch, India, will ad- Gorrie the dress a meeting Gorrie and Molesworth Presbyterian churches in St. Andrew's Church, Molesworth, on Thursday afternoon. Miss Campbell has been a rnission- for the past 40 years, and her ad- dress will, no doubt, be very interest- ing. Mrs. Agnes: Earls, of Wroxeter:, spent a couple of days last week with astie: her daughter, KennethH e g , Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Jacques spent Sunday with friends in Listowel. We are sorry to learn that Lloyd Hrrison i s at present laid up with, a a bad heart and has to stayin'bed for r. some time. pi'. Whitley is attendaing hate. What Books Do You Want ' The Township Library Board met in Wroxeter last Friday :evening and filled in the necessary forms to be sent to the Government in connection with same. They would be pleased if anyone wishing special books in the library would notify their local board of same so they might procure the books which the public want. The local baseball team will play their next game in Mount Forest this Thursday evening, June 14th, the next game at Gorrie being scheduled for next Wednesday evening, June 20th, when Harriston boys will play here. WROXETER Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen were: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Teeswater, Mrs, G. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawson, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Brusels. Mr. and Mrs. Kinley MacNaughton and baby, Mary, also Mrs. Duncan MacNaughton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Campbell, Morris. Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Spence, Tor- onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann, Mrs. Rann who spent the past week in Toronto, as their guest, returned, home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks had for their week -end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and daughter, Norma Jean, Mr. and Mrs. North, Miss Elva Stocks and Mr. Harold Peters, all of London. Mrs. Percy Copeland was in Wiar- ton on Monday attending the funeral of the late Miss Struthers of Wing - ham. Miss Deitz of Midland is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor. Mrs. Strachan, of Highgate, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Robertson, also her sister, Mrs. D. W. Rae. Mrs. Mac- Donald and son, Leonard and daugh- ter, Margaret of Lucknow, also Air. and Mrs. Clarence Harris, Dungannon were Sunday guests at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hunter of Kin- cardine, who were recently married, called on their friend, Miss Florence Hooper, enroute to Toronto and Ni- agara on their wedding trip. tile, and Mrs. R. J. Rann accompan- ied 'by Dr .and Mrs. W. A. Spence, of Toronto, attended the funeral of the late James Fleming in London on "When hen I could nosleep at night. with baby's Cries, it was Baby's Own Tablets that cleared the little system of offending substance and gave sweet sleep and rest." That is what Mrs. Robert Greenhorn, Philipsville, Ontario, ,writes. Baby's Own Tablets are mild and soothing in action, yet most e'ffec- tive and always . safe for colic, teething'tr0ublos, constipation, i ation t summer complaint, upset stomach, restlessness and simple fever. Price 25e everywhere, ti Wile D, a r r TS OW T LT S Monday last. A number from this locality attend- ed the horse races in Listowel on Wednesday last. 4,1r. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and daughters, Elda and Alberta, Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Thomas Shearer. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gamble at Fordwich. Bride and Groom Honored Quite a number of relatives and friends from Fordwich gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Timm on Friday evening last in honor of their son, Mr. Harvey Timm and his bride (nee Daisy Stocks) and express- ed their good wishes by a shower of beautiful and useful gifts. The even- ing was spent in music and games fol- lowed by refreshments. Mr, and Mrs. A. Wearring and fanc- ily spent the week -end at Pt. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann were in London attending the funeral of the only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming of London, former residents of this vicinity. Mrs. J. K. Rae and Miss Margaret Linton called on Listowel friends one daythis week. • Miss Jean Graham returned home on Wednesday of last week after spending a few weeks with her sister in Brussels. Miss Eleanor Douglas of Lebanon spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. J. Douglas. Mr. James Ballantyne of Brussels, called on friends in town on Wednes- day. The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Earls in Howick on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Mr. Austin Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davey, and son, Harold, of Shelbourne, called on Mrs. F. Dav- ey on' Thursday 'afternoon and Mr, Davey remained for a few days. Mission Band met in the basement of the United Church on Saturday af- ternoon, for their regular monthly meeting. An unfortunate thing occurred on Friday when a post in the dam broke letting the water away. DISTRICT L. O. L. CHURCH PARADE St. James Church, Wroxeter, frag- rant with flowers, was the scene of a fine service on Sunday afternoon when the District Orange Lodge in- cluding from iti ham eluding members #my W > , Blucvale, Gorrie, Fordwich and the local society, *net for their annual church service. Led by the Listowel S. A. Band the brethren marched in a body to the church. The service was itt charge of the rerttir, Rev. R. S. Jones, and the, special preacher was Rev. 5. G. Riekart of Brussels, who chose for his text, 1 Judges 2:7. The choir were assisted by memb- ers of St. Stephen's Church, Gorrie. The hymns chosen were "Onward Christian Soldiers" "Blest be the Tie that Binds" "Stand up for Jesus" and "Abide with Me". During the offer- tory Mr. Wm. Earngey Jr. of Gorrie sang and the service was concluded by the National Anthem played by the Band. TOWNSHIP LI RARY BOAR+I MEET In Wroxeter, June Sth, the Howick Township Library Board reached a near final stage of formation, the ne- cessary papers being signed and wit- nessed, preparatory to being forward- ed to the Department of Education, Toronto, for ratification by Library authorities there. The new society is a necessary wheel in the Book Vehicle in How - ick and a supplementary unit to the four village libraries of Wroxeter, Gorrie, Belmore and Fordwich. Its main purpose is the pooling of finances for the purpose of new books and its officers for the current year are drawn from the four village boards as follows: Dr. C. C. Ramage, Chairman; H. V. Holmes, Sec'y-Treas.; J. R. Wendt, J. A. Bryans, Mrs. J. J. Allen, Fred Doubledee, Mrs. E. Zinn and Mrs. Jos. Wade. Reeve Gamble is also a mem- ber by Library Statute, The Chairman in addressing the meeting spoke in appreciative terms of the increased grant of $85.00 from the Township Council, also the spec- ial grant of $40.00 from the Depart- ment of Education, the latter not com- ing due until 1935. This is in addi- tion to the regular grant on book purchases. The Board plans in the near future to make the purchase of a large •con- signment of new books and Dr, Ram - age explained that they would look forward to the various Libraries' members for suggestions in books they wish to read. This method he said would be of great advantage to olcl and new mem- bers of the four libraries. Any long- ed -for book they wished to react can be procured by the Board merely by mentioning it to any Village Board member. The Village Board selects the books, the Society does the pur- chasing and alternates the books be- tween the individual libraries as de- sired. The next meeting of the Township Board is set for Friday, July 13th, in Fordwich. WEIDPINGS Baler Miller A. pretty wedding took place in First Lutheran Church, 'Logan, on Friday.. afternoon, May 25th, at 8 o'clock, Mari when Irene- Gladys Marie, dau- ghter au- ghter. of Mr. and Mrs, John L. Mill- et,. 6th concession Logan ,becalms the bride of llorinan C. 3, Ilaier, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Baler, Gorrie. ARM IN SLING WITH NEURITIS A "token of gratification" this wo- man says she is giving when she writes of her relief from neuritis:— "For twelve months I have had neuritis in my arm, and up till the last two weeks have had to carry it in a sling, Sines then I have aban- doned my sling, am able to sleep un- disturbed, and can perform household. duties that previously I would not have done. These benefits I have re- ceived from Kruschen Salts. This has all happened in two weeks, and I am optimistic enough to think that in an- other fortnight I shall have, good-bye to neuritis once and for all. Call' this a testimonial if you choose —to me it is a token of gratification." —(Mrs.), N. E. L, Neuritis is a result of impurities in, the blood. And it is impure blood, circulating all over the system and setting up inflammation in the tissues that causes those excruciating pains. Kruschen Salts can be safely trusted to set the matter right. Because Kru- schen contains just what Nature needs:. to persuade your internal organs back into a healthy, normal. condition. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. 5, F. Schutt. The bride who was given in marriage by her father,. looked lovely in a gown of white 'ros- ette crepe with graceful veil of silk net, caught with wreath of orange blossoms. Her slippers were of bro- caded satin. She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses, lily of the valley and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Luella Miller, sister of the bride, wore a becoming frock of Nile green silk organdy and carried narcissi, lily of the valley and maid- enhair fern. The bridegroom was at- tended by John Bach of Logan, and the wedding music was played by Lorne Miller. Following the ceremony, the wed- ding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, attractively de- corated with pink and white streamers and a profusion of spring flowers. The bride's mother was gowned in blue silk georgette and the bridegroom's mother in black silk crepe, About 70 guests sat down to the breakfast. The assistants were: Misses Emily Eisler, Martha Bach, Ordelia Bach and Clara Muegge. In the evening dancing was enjoy ed, the music being supplied by Mr, and Mrs. Willis, Kitchener, David Campbell, Galt, Francis Mullin, St, Marys, Mrs. Wilfred Hillebrecht and Miss Emily Eisler, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Bair spent a honeymoon in Kit- chener, Galt and other cities, the bride travelled in a poudre blue dress with coat and accessories to match. On their return they are making their home in Belmore. This community ex- tend congratulations to the happy couple. Mary—You mustn't tell a lie. Jane—Why not? Mary—Because it's like smoking; it .. isn't right to do until you are grown up. ALL -BRAN MADE HIM REGULAR AS CLOCK Delicious Cereal. Corrected His Constipation We quote from his voluntary and. enthusiastic letter: "After reading your advertisement, I decided toe use ALL -BRAN. I had been taking pills right along. But now T don't have to take pills. "I take ALz-BRAN every morn- big, orning, and am as regular as the clock. It has done me a lot of good." --- Stephen Higgins (address fur- nished upon request). Common constipation frequently causes headaches, loss of appetite and energy. 'Yet this condition tan be overcome, usually, by eating I ellogg's ALL -BRAN. Tests show this delicious cereal provides "bulk" and vitamin B to. aid elimination. ALL -BRAN is also rich in iron for the blood. The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is much like that in leafy! vegetables, In- side the body, it fortes a soft mass: Gently this clears out the intestinal wastes. Isn't this safer than taking liarrn- ful patent medicines? Two table- spoonfuls able-s loonfuls daily are usually suit. eient. Chronic cases, with each. meal. If seriously ill, see your doe. tor. Aiz-BRotmakes no claim tet be a "cure-all." with, alloy ALz�CA1'3' as a eet'eal w h Title ar c�13ream.: the it also in make in finfry muffins, and breads, etc'. Get the t ed -and -green package At aur graces' s, Made by Kellogg on :•a. tour this �� ,.,