HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-06-07, Page 3Thursday, June 7th, 1934
Thrifty Housewives Buy Quality.
"Fresh From the Gardens"
World Wide News Iii Brief Form
Detective Battles Gunman
Detective William Greaves of Clare-
mont Street (No. 3) Police Station,
Toronto, and George Hamilton, a,
transient from the West, both were
wounded Friday morning in a spec-
tacular revolver battle between three
police and two suspects surprised by
the police carrying alleged burglars'
tools, near Queen Street and Euclid
Avenue. Greaves received two wounds
from a .45 pistol, one in the shoulder
and one in the hand.
Wanted to Blow Himself Up
Almeda, Calif.—After waiting 24
hours for sleep to cause his fingers
to slip from a switch and cause an
explosion that would blow him to bits
Frank Bennett, unemployed mechanic,
suddenly, abandoned his suicide
scheme Friday afternoon. "I surrend-
ered because the policemen convinced
me there is a chance for life and a
job," he said. "I've been in the bread
line for a year and I could not stand
it any longer." Bennett sat in a car
loaded with dynamite to which a
switch was attached.
Was It a Sea Serpent?
Meaford—Five Meaford men have
seen 'something in Georgian Bay that
they have not been able to get off
their minds. They do not know whe-
ther it is a fresh -water sea serpent,
an otter, or a monster sturgeon.
The five men were walking along
the shore about two miles from this
harbor when their attention was at-
tracted by a what's -his -name jumping
and splashing in the water about 200
yards offshore.
Irish Senate Refuses
to Abolish Itself
Dublin—Over the heated protests of
a member of President Eamon de Val -
era's Ministry, the Senate of the Irish
Free State rejected the Government's
bill for abolition of the Upper Cham-
ber by 33 votes to 15. This means the
Senate has chosen execution, rather
than suicide. Under the Constitution,
it cannot baulk the measure for more
than a year.
Says Price of Beef and
Hog Cannot be Fixed
Ottawa -Fixing of a minimum price
Don't Suffer
I Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago
for beef or hog products isnot prac-
tical, J. Stanley McLean, President of
the Canada Packers Limited, toldthe
Stevens Committee. Mr. McLean said
itc "cannot be (lane" either by the
Government or by a committee of the
meat industry itself.
Interest on Farmers' Loans Lowered
Parry Sound -Reduction of interest
on loans to farmers under the Ontario
Agricultural Act became effective Fri-
day, Premier G. S. Henry announced'
at a meeting of electors in Parry
Sound riding.
The Premier made the announce-
ment during a review of his Govern-
ment and said the interest rate, as
provided for in the Conservative man-
ifesto, would be reduced from 5i1 to
5 per cent.
Member Threatened With Expulsion
Ottawa—Cameron Ross McIntosh,
tall gray-haired Liberal member for
North Battleford, was threatened with
expulsion from the House of Com-
mons by Premier R: B. Bennett for
making "insulting remarks" to the
Chairman. The storm passed over.
when the Saskatchewan member with-
drew the offending words but not be-
fore there were wild scenes in the
To Plan Empire Air Force
London—The calling of an Imperial
conference for the creation of an Em-
pire Air Force will shortly be sug-
gested by Lord Elibank in the House
of Lords. The air force will be built
around the Royal Air Force, with sec-
tions furnished by the various Do-
Mary Pickford Begins Divorce Suit
Los Angeles—Although frequent
reports have been circulated that they
would become reconciled, the actress
went ahead with the next step in her
suit for divorce. Through her attorn-
eys Miss Pickford obtained a Supreme
Court order permitting her to obtain
service on her actor -husband by pub-
lication, since he is in England.
Babies to go to Chicago Fair
Corbeil, Ont.—If they live and gain
enough strength to travel to Chicago,
the Dionne quintuplets will be exhib-
ited at the World's Fair this Summer.
While the girl infants continued their
record-breaking hold on life, it was
announced that their father,had sign-
ed a contract for their appearance.
Ovila Dionne, their 31 -year-old
French- Canadian farmer parents, will
receive $100 weekly, starting at once,
Wingham Utilities Commission
and $250 a week and 30 per cent, of
all receipts if the tiny girls survive
to go on view at the big fair,
These quintuplets were born on
Tuesday' of last week,
Faraguyan Troops Charge
League to investigate War
La Paz, Bolivia --Charges that "de-
feated Paraguyan troops" scalped,
quartered and otherwise mutilated the
bodies of slain Bolivian soldiers in the
Chaco were made in an official com-
munique. Examination of the Chaco
warfare between Bolivia and Para-
guay will be made by the League of
Nations, it was decided, followed by
recommendations for a settlement of
the .dispute.
To Canoe Across the Atlantic
Peterborough—A 24 -year-old sailor
who believes a 16 -foot canoe will sail
ocean swells better than an ocean lin-
er expected to start.in two weeks on
a trip from Peterborough, Ont., to
Peterborough, Eng.
John Smith, .an able Seaman on
United States coastal vessels in At-
lantic and Pacific waters for the past
eight years, said he will attempt the
trip in a frail canoe loaded with 500
pounds of fresh water and hardtack.
He plans to paddle his way down the
St. Lawrence, shooting the rapids, and
through the Gulf to St. John's, New-
foundland. From there he will strike
out across the Atlantic to Ireland.
Lew Cody, Film Actor, Dead
Hollywood—Lew Cody, film actor
and husband of the late Mabel Nor-
mand, was found dead in his home,
apparently of a heart attack.
The body was found in a bedroom
of the palatial residence by the but-
ler and Lee Westermann, Cody's. mas-
seur. Cody was clad in pyjamas and
was lying. apparently peacefully as-
Canada Will Remain
Member of the League
Ottawa—Canada will remain a
member of the League of Nations, as
far as the Senate is concerned, with-
out a recorded vote, the Upper House
voted solidly against the motion of
Senator G. McRrae of Vancouver to.
withdraw from the League of Nations.
Squirrel Adopted by Cat
Kitchener—Miss Lillian Schanow-
ski owns a pet squirrel that has de-
veloped into a pal of the family cat.
She found the half-starved squirrel
three weeks ago, when it was only a
few days old.
Plenty of milk put strength into the
little animal, which drank the liquid
from a doll's bottle with a nipple. The
squirrel sits on its haunches, and
drains the bottle. The tiny tree climb-
er enjoys his frolics with' the cat,
Miss Schanowski says, and when the
feline gets a little rough he hops on
the back of a chair.
France Blocks Disarmament
Geneva—France just about admin-
istered the finishing stroke to a dying
world disarmament conference. In
caustic phrase, the French Foreign
Secretary made it plain that France
pill not consent to any rearmament
of Germany—regarded as a keystone
of a disarmament agreement—on any
Child Crushed to Death by Car
Toronto -Two-year-old Jona Kurt-
inis was killed when an automobile
jumped the curb and struck her car-
riage. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Kurtinis, saw their child crushed to
The father was pushing the carriage
and his wife was walking beside him.
The auto jumped the curb, knocked
the carriage from the father's grasp
and Joan died almost instantly as the
carriage was crushed against a build-
of the
Fractured His Wrist
Clements Goetz had the misfortune
to fracture his wrist while cranking
the car. The motor back -fired, giving
the cranking arm a bad wrench, and
causing the fracture,—Mildmay Gaz'-
ture.—Mildmay Gazette,
To Start Paving This Week
The Towland Construction Co. has
yet seen any of them carrying clay
or doing any tither work in connec-
tion with building their nests, on a
Sunday, Whether they have some
way of telling when the Sabbath ar-
rives he Gould not explain but the fact
remained that those around the farm
confined their efforts to feeding their
young on Sundays.—Milverton Sun.
Wolves Seen in Carrick
Two wolves have made their ap-
pearance in Carrick, according to re-
ports coming in 'from the 12th and
14th concessions. Chas. Pleckneier
was the first to see the pair, He re-
ported the matter to Jac. Huber, in
whose swamp he saw them, and their
tracks were plainly discernable. The
wolves were later seen on the 14th
concession by Chas. Russwurm.—
Miliray Gazette.
Ethel Doctor Moves to Seaforth
After having practiced in Ethel for
the past ten years, Dr. E. A. McMas-
ter is removing to Seaforth, the trans-
fer taking place almost immediately.
One of the chief reasons for making
the change is that he desires to prac-
tice in closer proximity to a hopital.
The business of Dr. McMaster in Eth-
el will now be taken by Dr. J. Col-
quhoun, Montreal, a graduate of Mc-
Gill:Brussels Post.
Secures Trout in Maitland
. Mac Miller got the surprise of his
life while fishing at the bridge in this
village, when he pulled out a speckled
trout which measured eleven inches.
It is most unusual to secure the
speckled beauties in the Maitland, es-
pecially at this point.—Fordwich Re-
Leg Fractured Playing Ball
It was an unfortunate accident by
which Rex. McInnes, son of Dr. Mc-
Innes, had his leg fractured while
playing ball at the Collegiate. He
collided with another player while
running to base.—Clinton News -Re-
May Have Regiment at
Goderich, July 4th
There is more than a probability
that Goderich will have a visit over
the Dominion Day week -end from the
Elgin Regiment, and that the Domin-
ion Day celebration will centre largely
on the exercises to be given by the
soldiers. The Elgin Regiment was
here for Dominion Day two pears ago
and gave a program which delighted
a large crowd at Exhibition Park.—
Goderich Signal.
Large Hen' Egg
Mr. Thos. Garbutt, of Amaranth,
left at the Star and Vidette office on
Monday morning a large double -yolk-
ed hen's egg which measured 6zx9
inches and weighed 4 114 ounces. The
hen fruit was the product of a Ply-
mouth Rock hen, the property of Mrs.
W. L. Kelly, of R. No. 1, Waldemar.
—Grand Valley Star & Vidette.
Hand in Wringer
Miss Jane Ann Rowand met with a
painful accident when in operating the
electric wringer her left hand was
drawn in between the rollers, result-
ing in the second finger being so bad-
ly crushed and lacerated that five.
stitches were required to close the
wound.—Walkerton Herald -Times.
To Pave Walkerton -Hanover Road
Word has been received in town
that the Provincial Highway Depart-
ment contemplates commencing soon
the construction of a paved road on
No, 4 Highway between Hanover and
Walkerton, Work will commence at
the Hanover end of the road.—Wal-
kerton Herald -Times.
Colborne Man of 82 Has. Hip Broken
When his 21 -year-old horse took
fright at a passing truck and bolted,
throwing him from the vehicle in
which he was riding, Alexander
Young, 82, Colborne Township, suff-
ered a broken hip and other injuries
which necessitated his removal to hos-
pital in Goderich.
360 Apply for 2 Positions
Fergus—After several nights of
careful consideration of the 360 ap-
plications to fill the two vacancies on
the Public School staff, the Manage-
ment Committee of the Board of Edu-
cation stibrnitted a selected list to the
board for further consideration and,
after a lengthy session, six names
were finally decided upon
Hens After Record
Mr. Fred Hall is the proud owner
already commenced drainage work on of three hens which are doing their
the six -mile section of the Orange- best to establish an egg taping record.
ville road for which it has the paving For several weeks now Mr. Hall has
been collecting three eggs eaeii day
from each of the three hens, Mr. Hall
has challenged local poultry fanciers
and experts to better or equal this
record but so far no one has come
forward. So far the three hens have
held their own private contest and
Mr. Hall is hopeftil that the record
egg laying will tbi e. —] incardine
contract. The pit machinery has pret-
ty well been put in place and it is
probable pouring the cement will
Commence some day this week—Ar-
thur Enterprise -News.
Can S'wallo'ws, Tell lay of Week?
An Ellna man, who is a close oh.
server of barn swallows and their
habits, informs tis that he has never Review -Reporter.
-15 ft, 10 in. from Bumper to Bumper . , . the
BIGGEST car inthe low price Seldl
Try to beat a Terraplane ... for
... 85 11. P.—The most
powerful 6 in the low.
price field! Outperforms
even the Terraplane that
broke record after reC.
ord last yearl'
Try to beat .a Terraplane . . for
..Amazing economy—rugged
cess thar can take any punishment
—proved by owners' sworn
Try to beat a Terraplane for
The Hudson•Built Terraplane has the highest
resale value of any car in the low price field.
Try to beat a Terraplane ... for
Completely equipped !octad•
ing spare tire. All taxes paid,
freight only to be added.
The THRILL of the Low Price Field
The Terraplane offers you many features seldom
found in cars in the low price field—fully advanced
streamlined, beauty—baggage compartment or
luggage vestibule in the sweeping streamline of
the rear, yet accessible from the outside without
disturbing passengers .. advanced year -'round ven-
tilation .. eaxleflex" that gives you independent
front wheel springing with front axle strength and
safety .. scores of other features .. 14 models,
112 and 116 inch wheelbases . . 80 and 85
horsepower engines. Try performance that's
really a thrill ... that's Terraplaning!.
Tilbury, Ontario
Wingha n Phone 84
Listen to the •Terraplane-Hudson
rograln, Saturdays,
10.00 1P.M. (E.S.T.
Goderich Council
Refuses to Pay Teachers
Goderich—The impasse which has
existed for weeks between the Town
Council and Collegiate Institute
Board on the matter of 1934 estimates
came to a showdown at a regular
meeting of the Council. When the
town fathers, by a vote of six to two,
refused to pass the estimates of $13,-
000 to endorse a requisition request-
ing an advance of $2,000 to meet sal-
ary cheques and to advance funds to
cover up a $1,600 overdraft already
existing at the bank.
Bucket Brigade Saves House
The large frame residence on the
farm two miles south of Dungannon.
occupied by R. L. Reed and his son,
William Reed, came near to being a
prey to flames. Sparks from the
chimney ignited the roof on the north
wing, the fire being discovered first
by Mr. Reed as he went out of doors
after dinner. The telephone was put
to use and soon a volunteer brigade
composed of young men of the nei-
ghborhood worked heroically and
succeeded in gaining control of the
fire, but not before some of the sheet-
ing and rafters had been damaged.
33 -Pound Trout
Norman and Jack MacKap, com-
mercial fishermen, Thursday landed a
33 -pound trout in their nets off God-
erich, This is by no means a record-
sized trout to be caught in Lake Hur-
on waters at this point, but it is the
largest caught in a decade. Twenty-
two years ago Captain Robert Mac-
Kay, brother of Norman and Jack,
caught a 57 -pound trout.
Former Fordwich Boy
Receives Appointment
Rev, Milton G. Cook, son of Mr,
and Mrs, H. W. Cook of Fordwich,.
who has been stationed at Moravian -
town, near Thamesville, for the past
year has received and accepted a call
from the United Church congregations
of lakeside and Harrington circ5it,
Lakeside, the residential charge, is 12
miles from Stratford and a most de-
sirable location.
"Have you and your wife ever had
any difference of opinion?"
"Yes, but she didn't know it."
$8.45 RETURN -J_tNE 15
To QUEBEC CITY $3 25 Return}
Tickets and information from
Phone 50, or H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Phone 4.
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Private wires connect our Ilead Office at Toronto
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