HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-05-24, Page 4PAGE TWO ^,�,;; ., u,,,'.;.'. 7.,s..M,v.cw G¢�au'y�fi:•;aw,a,�.,+,..-.. ... .. E.� AND FARMERS • Prices Are Advancing We can .protect you against . the coming rise in the prices. " of Separators and Tractors while our present materials hold out,,'but early action is necessary; Why :not plan now to own a New 24 Roller Bearing Doubie Crank, All Steel WHITE SEPARA TOR The new modelshave exceptional special features, They are fast, clean, light, durable and made in a wide range of sizes. We also handle the famous line of JOHN DEERE Model "D" and General Purpose TRACTORS These operate on straight fuel oil and are high-powered, low in operating cost. We allow fair prices on trade-ins. New catalogues now ready, N.B.--A 'good stock of rebuilt threshers; and tractors on'hand;.at low prices -each one fully guaranteed by this Company, Fill in the Coupon and mail it to us. GEO. WHITE & SONS CO., LIMITED LONDON though Established 1860 ONTARIO -COUPON._.._ ._ Geo. White & Sons. Co:, Limited, London, Ontario. Gentlemen: (Please Write Plainly) I am interested in a Separator, size Tractor, size I have to trade in NAME ADDRESS ... _... _._._ . „_.m.._M.. 610=0===a0=0====i0=0=ro O Ol of THESE BRING .WANT AID'S '.. RESULTS f 1.4 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. J1=0) -0=0=0=011====0 DOOLEY SEED, POTATOES For Sale -Two grades, No. 1 and a quantity of small ones. Joe E..Dun- bar, Belgrave, 623r5, FOR SALE -A Car of B.C. Red Ce- dar Shingles. Expected to arrive the end of this .week: Apply, Belgrave Farriers' Club; C. R. Coultes, Sec'y. LOST -Brown Leather Key Contain- er. Reward.. Leave at Advance - Times. LOST -Collapsible Go -Cart, on High- way No. 4, between Wingham and Hanover. Leave at Advance -Times. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Also Scissors, knives, axes, saws gummed and filed; Umbrellas Re- paired. Work called for and deliv- ered if you wish. Work Guaranteed. Repair van at Lepard's Lodge, Di- agonal Road, Wingham. MISS R. LEWIS Edward` Street would like a. lady roomer for coma i pony, TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the' undersigned up to May 31st, 1934, for the placing of a new roof on the Town Hall, Wingham, Ont. The roof must be guaranteed for twenty years and the successful tend- erer must furnish a suitable bond to cover this. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham, Ontario, IN MEMORIAM HTTING--In loving memory of our dear Mother, Mrs. E. Utting, who passed away, May 26th, 1932, As we gaze on your picture that hangs on the wail, Your smiles andyour welcome we often recall; RVe miss you and moron you in silence unsecn, :And dwell on the menlories of days that have been. Bear is the grave where Mother is Iaict, Street is the memory that never will fade, Flowers may wither, leaves -fade and die , df some do forget you, never will we. --Hilda and Will.. NOTICE A Meeting of the Court of Revision will be held oft Friday May 25th, 1934 at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ont., at i3 o'clock in the< evening, to deal with complaints ag st the Assessment :Roll of the Tori h of Wingltane4 for the year 1934, 1. 'raith ingir; 1, O 11 <0=0► TENDERS FOR COAL AND. COKE Sealed Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received until 12 o'clock. noon (daylight saving,) Thursday, June 14, 1934, for the supply of coal and coke for the DominionBuildings' throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtain- ed from the Purchasing Agent, Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Su- pervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont, Tenders will not be considered un- less made onthe forms supplied by the Department and in •-accordance with departmental specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- ing 10 per cent. of the ainount of The tender to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserved, By order, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary;, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 8, 1934. TOWNSHIP OF EAST. WAWANOSH COURT OF REVISION Take notice 3that a Court of Revis- ion will be held in the .Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Monday, the 4th day of Juane, 1934,, at one o'clock in the af- ternoon on the Assessment Roll of 1934. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUN- CIL The meeting of Huron County Council will he held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock,on the, fternoon of Tuesday, June 5tlh, 1984, All aceounts,; notices of deputations or applications' and other important business requiring attention at this meeting of theE. Council should, be :,m the hands of the Clerk,npt.?l .tdi than the Mondayr-evi.9us to the meeting ,,pp of the Ccrunei1.l atedat Goderich, this 15th day of ,1:3 obeis count e k, u �;C Ir r an THE WINGHAM ADVV*NQE-TIMES WHITECHURCH Married -On` Monday, May 14, at South Kinloss manse, by Roy, Mr, Burgess, Norma Katlile n, ,youngest daughter of Mr, .and Iw"f4'ei'iI',' B. Mor- rison, of Kinloss, to Mr. Albert Tay- lor, of Kinloss, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Taylor of Lucknow. The many friends of the bride in thiscom- munity extend to them best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Mor- ris; Mr, and Mrs, John Kilpatrick and son, Keith, of Crewe; Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and daughter, Walk- erton; and Dr, Wifred Robinson, .of Toronto, spent last Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Miss Dorothy King of Guelph Hos- pital is spending her holidays with her mother, Mrs. George King, of Culross, Mrs. A. Clow has been under the doctor's care during the past week. Mr. Ab, Donovan, who is employ- ed with Mr. Thos. Gaunt, left Thurs- day to attend the funeral of his bro- ther-in-law, in Detroit. The United Church is holding anni- versary services on Sunday, June 10, Miss Marjorie Little and Mrs. Craig of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Mr. Harris Purdon, of Sudbury, has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon, of St. Helens and other relatives here. On Sunday he motored to Windsor to visit with his brother,,Mr. 'Elmer Purdon. 11r, Angps Mackay, who returned from Gwalior, India, last Thursday, is speaking,,in Chalmer's Church next Sunday morning. Many of his old ac- quaintances will be pleased to see him and hear his message. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Cameron, of Ash- field, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Many friends of Mr. Milan Moore will be pleased •to hear that he took AUCTION SALE There will be offered for sale at the Peacock Cafe in the Town of Wing - ham in the County of Huron on Tues- day, the 29th day of May, 1934, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon by public auction, the goods, chattels and effects comprising the equipment of the Peacock Cafe which includes 12 booths complete with marble top tables, 4 other marble top tables, soda fountain, cash register, 3 glass show cases, a number of stationary stools and chairs, 2 set scales, 1 large res- taurant range, Spartan Radio, marble top work table, steel safe; elecric mo- tor, and, other small effects. The above will be offered en bloc and failing a satisfactory sale, the ar- ticles will be offered for sale separ- ateiy. For further particulars apply to R. S. HETHERINGTON, Solicitor, Wingham, Ontario HOUSE TO RENT - East half of double house on John Street. All conveniences. Apply Mrs. A. E. Dore, Shuter St. TOWNSHIiP OF TURNBERRY COURT OF REVISION Take notice that a Court of Revis- ion will be held in Bluevale on Mon- day, the 28th day of May 1934, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the as- sessment roll of 1934. a tele, s r ay even ng w le Wright, W. R.Cruikshank, the I. J.g young folks from here'are pre - Reeve. Clerk, senting their play at Holyrood on Waiker Stores Limited Ne* S tminer Styl0s Our stock is filling in rapid- ly with new styles for Sunnier wear. pastel colors lead the way with Summer Prints as se- cond choice. Dainty Cotton Voiles in an entirely new range, are •out- standing in patterns and styling, New Millinery in Crepes, Lin- ens and Straws. New Version Undies These new breezies are finding a favour for Summer wear, they show not a ripple beneath any frock. Fine quality rayon in mesh .weave, flat elastic bands. at waist, color white andOC tea rose, priced Gloves -for Summer wear Shown in a wide variety in mesh and fabric. Fabric Gloves are a chamo suede material and show delightful new flared! cuffs, in net lace and organadiic, price 39c to 85c. Pair Cottons to the Front Voiles galore, piques with most delightful printed designs. Our showing of these new Summery materials is a large one. See them early for choice. TRPOSINinfilk T A ipLE ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily June 10 to 30 Return Limit: 45 Days • TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES On payment of a slight additional pas- sage fare charge for each person tour- ist sleeping car accommodation may be secured at regular rates. Stopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont and all stations west thereof, I Full particulars from• G. L Balzer, Phone 4'7, or any agent Canadian Pacific over ?5% on the examinations he tried this spring. He has studied at home, taking first year work with Kingston University and also taking mathema- tics. We congratulate him on his suc- cess. Born -On Tuesday, May. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson (nee Ger- trude Gaunt, formerly of Kinloss), of Auburn, a son. The young people of Con. 6, East Wawanosh, are presenting their play "The Wild Oats Boy" in the Institute NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF MARY JANE ANS LEY, Late of the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron, Wid- ow Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Mary Jane Ansley, who died on or about the 12th day of April, A. D., 1934, at the City of Toronto/in the County of York, are required on or before the 26th day of May, A,D., 1934, to send notice thereof to the undersigned solicitor, with their full names and addresses and full particu- lars in writing of their claiins, and of the security, if any, held by them; AND TAKE NOTICE that after such mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the 'estate among the parties entit- led thereto, and will not be liable for. the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of distribution. Tuesday evenin g• Mrs. IvlcIllwain of Fordwich, and daughters, Annie of Galt and Marg- aret of Stratford .Norman School, spent Friday at the home of the for- ner's sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson. Miss Sarah Garbutt who is suffer- ing from heart trouble is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Sutherland. Word was received last week con- cerning the death of Mr. Wm. Crow- ston of Pasadena, Calif., a nephew of Mr. Andrew Ferrie, He will be re- membered by older folks in this lo - ONTARIO ELECTION Women of foreign birth who have become British subjects by marriage or by the naturalization of their par- ents while they were minors, require a certificate of the Judge to enable then, to vote, and they shall not be entitled to be entered on the Voters' DATED AT Oshawa, this lst day of List or to vote without such certifi- May, A.D., 1984. tate, Apply for such certificate at any JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Court of Revision where Judge is Re- 143King St. E., Oshawa, Ont., vising Officer. Solicitor for Geo. E. Ansley and T. M, COSTELLO, John Wesley Ansley, Executors. Chairman of Election Board. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES TOWN OF W INGHAM ToWitr 133Y VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Mayor and Seal of the. Corporation of the Town of Wingham, dated the Seventeenth day of May, A.D. 1934, commanding ine to levy upon the lands mentioned. in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein set forth, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and costs are sooner paid,' 1 snail, in compliance with The Assessment Act, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or as much thereof as may be necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes ,and costs,, in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on Saturday, September 15th,, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, Number of. Lot ' Tastes Costs ,1 tal 11, Bristol Terrace, John Gregory Sixrvey $ 68.09 $ 9.20 $.::7'7.29 15 & 20, Josephine East, Jane Sadlers Second Survey 76.94 9 ;65 136.55 4 ,5& 6, Charles t.�Soutar.;„A.ndersort, Bider and '`'e, i; Stiiivt y g 4, Patrick reel` North' John Corr, n Survey ,�( , y 204.66 16.00 220.66 84.32 10,00 94.32 Part I , lcp}iine St, West; boley's Second .ot ti os Survey160,86 14,80 176,'66 182, 138, 184, 185 & 186, Carling "Terrace, Leet & Davies Second Survey 52,25 8,41 CO 96 W. A. rAL131E AI TlI, "1`reasttrer' owtt,of Win'ghan, Thursday, May '24>C�1, 1934 cality, as 14 was barn on the Chap- man farm on the 2nd of Kinloss, He went to has bed on Thursday, May 3rcl, his wife noticed he was breath• ing heaviiy{, but 'rib :ph,sed.asva1y.be fore medical aid could be summoned. His mother was Agnes Ferrie, a sister of Mr. Andrew Ferrie, .Mr. Robt, Mowbray, Mrs, Donald- son, 'Mrs, Johnston Conn and Ruby, Mr, Price Scott and Velma, motored to London on Friday to visit with Mrs. Murray in Victoria Hospital. She is much improved and is returning to her home here on Friday, The following were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lott on Sunday: her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Mackay and granddaughter, Shirley; Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Lott, of Brus- sels; Mrs. Victoria Wendorf, Mr. and Mrs. F. Group, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey and son, of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyd and dau- ghter, Dorothy, of Listowel, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Kennet Weaver, Mr. Duncan Kenndy is unloading a car -load of wheat and oats at the sta- tion this week. The Young People of the United Church are planning to attend . the Young People's Rally at St. Helens on Sunday, May 20th, when Mr. Old- ham, of Windsor, President of the Young People's work will be present and address them. Ivir, and Mrs. Henry Godkin visited on Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs, David Holmes, of Turnberry. Mr, Wm.'Egleson and his daughter and son-in-law, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, Elge- son, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Reed. The W.M.S. of Chahner's Church. met on Thursday afternoon with the President, Mrs. Frank Coulter in charge of the meeting. After the op- ening exercises, Mrs, R. J. Ross read the Scripture reading. Mrs. Duncan Kennedy sang a solo. Mrs. William- son, of Wingham, was the guest speaker and addressed the ladies giv- ing the report of the Provincial Pres- byterial held in Hamilton. Sentence prayers were given by Mrs. W. J. Coulter, Annie Laidlaw and Miss Hughes. Misses Janet Craig and Ca- tharine Patterson sang a duet. The r �Zscount alp OF LADIES' SPRING COATS, SWAGGER SUITS, KNIT SUITS and PULOVERS See our large range of the newest and smartest models in Women's and Misses'. Featuring the newest Fabrics and colors. It will pay you well to take advantage of this 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT SALE Martha Washington Dresses, in new patterns, colorfast, all are guaranteed, sale $1.49 5 Doz. House Dresses, made in good style of pretty prints, Bargain . . 98c Slips, 'a range of Silk Crepe Slips, lace trimmed, colors white, peach or black, reg, 1.95, sale $1.59 Supersilk Hose, in best colors, Crepe or Chiffon, special price 98c A Bargain in Rayon and Lisle Hose, all sizes29c Children's Socks and Anklets, in fancy colors . 25c New Pattern Wabasso Prints, yard wide, tub fast, 15c and 19c Isard Co. meeting was closed with the singing of hymn 270, "Breathe on me, Breath of God" and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer inunison. Lunch was then served and a social half-hour en- joyed. Miss Katherine Ross, who has been in Wingham Hospital, for the past two months, had a 'splinter of bone removed from her knee last week and. is now improving quite satisfactorily, Mr. Wesley Tiffin has been under the doctor's care. Mr. Charles Robinson had the little finger on his left hand amputated in Wingham Hospital on Saturday. He got it jammed while dehorning cattle several weeks ago. is ONTARIO ELECTION ACT 1927, R.S.O. CHAP 8 AND ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, 1927, CHAP. 7 The Ontario Election, June 19th, 1934 TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the Revising Officers Officers for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the pending election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for each of the Electoral Districts of Huron -Bruce, and Huron, will be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer for each Municipality,and the last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk. Municipality HURON BRUCE By His Honour Judge Costello Date of Sitting Places of Sitting Time of Sitting Clerk of Revising , Last Day for Officer Complaints Grey Township May 28th Howick Township " 29th Wingham Town June 4th Brussels Village .. ._ ....-,w.„._.May 31st Mildmay Village " 30th Carrick Township June 2nd Huron Township " 1st Ripley Village " 6th Culross Township .................•...," 7th. Teeswater Village " 5th Ashfield Township • June 2nd Colborne Township May 29th Morris Township " 30th Turnberry Township June 6th East Wawanosh Twp.... , lst West Wawanosh Twp. May 31st Blyth Village June 7th Lucknow Village " 4th Kinloss Township " 5th Township Hall, Ethel 10.00 a.m. Township Hall, Gorrie 10,00 a.m. Town Hall, Wingham 10.00 a.m. Town Hall, Brussels 2,00 p m J. A. Johnston's Off., Mildmay 10. a.m. J. A. Johnston's Off,', Mildmay 10. a.m. Township Hall, Ripley 2.00 p.m. Council Chambers, Ripley 2,00 pan. Town Hall, Teeswater 2.00 p.m. Town Hall, Teeswater 2,00 p.m. By D. E. Holmes, Esq. Township Hall, Ashfield 2.00 p.m. Township Hall, Carlow 2.00 p.m. p Town hi Hall, Morris orri s 2:00 p.m. Township Hall, Bluevale 2.00 p.m. Foresters' Hall, Belgrave 2.00 p.m. Twp, Hall, West Wawanosh 2.00 p.m. Community Hall, . Blyth 2,00 p.m. Town Hall, Lucknow 2.00 p.m. Township Hall, Holyrood 2.00 p.m. J. H. Fear, Ethel May 24th Isaac Gamble, Fordwich May 25th W. A. Galbraith, Wingham May 3lst. A H Macdonald, Brussels May 28th. J. A. Johnston, Mildmay May 26th J. A. Johnston, Mildmay May 30th Donald McKay, R.R. 3, Ripley May 29 E. F. Martin, Ripley June 2nd:'. J. S. McDonald, Teeswater ......June 4th W H. Logan, Teeswater June lst- C. E, McDonagh, Lucknow R3 May 30 Wm. Saliows, Goderich No, 6 May 25 Alex. MacEwan, Bluevale May 26th W. R. Cruikshank, Wingham June 2nd A. Porterfield, Belgrave No.,1 May 29., Durnin Phillips, Lucknow .:,May 28th J. H. R. Elliott, Blyth June 4th J. E. Agnew, Lucknow May 31st 5. R. Lane, R. 2, Holyrood June 1st Municipality Date of Sitting Hay Township May 31st Hullett Township, ,May 80th McKillop Township June 2nd Stanley Township May 28th Stephen Township June 4th Tuekersinith Township May 29th Usborne Township June lst Seaforth Town June 5th Exeter Village June 6th Hensall Village ..... ,. ,.,,.:June 7th Clinton Town May 31st: 'May 28th June 1st June 2nd• June 4th: June 5th. Goderich. Township • Goderieli Town Goderich Town Goderich Town Goderich Town HURON By His Honour Judge Costello Places of Sitting Timeof Sitting Township Hall, Zurich 10.00 a.in, Community Hall, Londesboro ...2 Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth 2 p.m, Township Hall, Varna 2.00 p.m. Township Hall, Crediton 2.00, p.m. Walkers Hall, Brucefield 2.00 p.m, Township Hall, Elimville 10.00 a.m. Town Hall, Seaforth 10.00 a.m Village Hall, Exeter 10.00 a.m Town Hall, Hensall 10 00 a m By D. E. Holmes, Esq: Town Hall,Clinton 10.30 a.m. 8p.m. Holmes' Hall,Hohnesville '2.00`pan, Court House, Goderich 10.30 a.m. Court House, Goderich 8 p,tn. Court House, Goderich 10.30 a.m, Court House, Goderich 8 p,nt. Clerk of Revising Last Day for • Officer Complaints A F. Hess, Zurich May 28th James W. McCool, Londesboro " 26:' John McNay, Seaforth No. 2 May 30, C. C. Pilgrim, Varna May 24th H. K. Silber, Crediton May 31st D, F. McGregor, Seaforth No. 4 " 25, Henry Strang, Hensall No, 1 May 29, J. A. Wilson, Seaforth June 1st Joseph Senior,; Exeter June 2nd: Jas A Patterson, Hensall June 4th R. E. Manning, Clinton May 28th R, G, Thompson, Clinton May 24th L. L. Knox, Goderich . ..,..,,,May 29th L. L. Knox, Goderich ' May 30th L. Knox, Goclerich May 31st - L. L. IC.nox, Goderich June lst All persons are called upon to examine the Voters' Lists to ascertain that their names are correctly entered therein. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that < any voter in any of the said inuncipalities who desires to complain, that his name or the name of anyt. p person entitled to be entered on the said list for that municipality' has been omitted from the same, or that the names of an persons y p ns wlio are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may as above set out apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other such person entered on or removed from the list.' AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such farm. (in duplicate) signed by the complainant, and; given his address as stated above, The lists of voters !nay be seen at;the office' ity as above . ",.. ' ' ,e ,en e,c• ,;,� •I*or .further..information write to Mrs, Board, o the County of Huron, appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed" to the Clerk of the Revising Officer, or left for hien at f the Clerks of the Revising Officer in each inunicipat- ynolds, Box. 444, Goderich, Clerk for the Elections Dated at Goderich the 17th Day of May, A,D, 1984.' ';r. fit. ccorgI,,,L,p, :Chltirtrlar3 for' the Election Boa, o the Ctttnty•of'1tti'on.