HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-05-24, Page 2firms ; . MUM MU EMI EMS BIBlllIESIMI E111
Maitland Crew
Wiuglhalu Advance -lames
Published at
Every Thursday Morning by
The Advance -Times Eirblishing Co,
Subscription Rate — One Year 82.00
Six months, $1.00 in advance
Pct U. 8. A. $2.50 per year.
'Foreign rate, $3.00 ' per year.
Advertising rates on application.
A couple of weeks ago the Clinton
News -Record made a suggestion ad-
vocating taxing the owner who lets
his propertygo to wreck rather than
the man who keeps his property in
good condition or improves : it.
Many papers have commented on
this idea and some see a great deal of
merit in the suggestion. It is a fact.
that property which is allowed to get
into bad shape is not only an eyesore
but does not add to the wealth of a
In these days of depression many
owners are struggling to retain their
homes and many landlords have not
sufficient income from the properties
they rent to meet 'overhead expenses.
In view of this situation it would ap-
pear to us that any penalty placed
on such properties might create a
very greathardship and most careful
consideration. would be necessary be-
fore any such scheme could be put in
force, .,
A property is supposed to be as-
sessed on a definite percentage of its
actual value and assessments should
be made so that the ratio of assess-
ment on any property is in . proper
proportion with the assessment value
of, any other property in the commun-
ity. Tokeep tap . this principle under
the above-mentioned scheme would be
* .. * ,*
One source off worry that many
who vacation at a summer cottage
community but there is more than one have is whether the water available
side to the question. is fit to drink or not.
Call us f r
rticuI . s
WIlncgIualn, . - Ontario.
IF'.I1ione 27
The Department of Health has pro-
vided. facilities for the protection af.
the vacationist, Water supplies are
examined free of charge and measures
made available for the disinfection of
drinking waters. The services of the
central and branch laboratories of the
Department are always available. It
is advisable for the cottager, as a first
measure, to snake stare that the water
supply is safe from contamination, He
may do this by sending samples to the
laboratories. Sterile bottles for this
purpose may .be obtained upon re-
quest. Samples should be taken be-
fore the cottage is occupied and con-
tinued until the quality is assured. At
least five samples, taken at 3 -day in-
tervals; are suggested. If . the water
shows contamination it may be dis-
infected, either by boiling or by the
use of chlorine, Information is also
available on the proper construction
of wells to protect against surface
Ontario motorists should remember
that the law which makes them liable
for damages to people who may be
injured while driving with them still
stands. A proposal was made that the
governing regulation or statute should
be amended, but the broposed amend-
ment was not enacted.
* * s;;
One witness at the Stevens Com-
mittee Investigation made the state-
ment that some jams contained less
than 10 per cent. of the fruit from
which they were represented to. be
made, ' This reminds us of a story we
heard in the war days. A man appear-
ed before the Tribunal in London
Eng., asking that he be excused from
conscription as his occupation was
such that it was impossible to replace
him. He was asked what his occupa-
tion was and his reply shocked the
Tribunal as he made wooden pits for
raspberry jam.
* * *The Toronto papers made quite a
stir about bookies • operating in the
parks in Toronto. Nothing was said,
however, about the big business the
mutuals were doing at the race track.
* * *
Every week headlines tell us of a
A4, lb, 4+.v.+tt
Reports Increased Business
April Sales Higher
The number of new policies paid -for in April 1934 exceeded by 30% the
number for April 1933.
Policyholders Add to Insurance
Approximately 5,000 Canadians applied for and received Mutual Life insur-
ance policies in amounts ranging from 000 to t$120,000 and aggregating
many millions, between January 1st and April 30th, 1934.
One-half of this business was taken by present policyholders—
a splendid endorsement of the results of their original policies.
Payments to Living Policyholders Three Times
Greater Than Death Claims
Death Claim payments in 1934 already total $1,128,954
Payments to LIVING POLICYHOLDERS in Dividends,
Matured Policies, etc., in the same period amount to $3,745,438
The following simple statement
shows the result of one man's policy
with The Mutual Life of Canada.
(,$5,000 Endowment in 30 Years
—Issued itt 1904 at age 25)
30 Annual Premiums of
$159.75; ,$4,792.50
race Value of
Policy ..............$5,000.00
Dividends 3,223.20
Special Extra
1928 Dividend 23.00
**".4 8,2462 0
HE GAINED ,$3,455.70
This is a return of $172.66 for every ..
$i66 of premiuins paid, If the assured
had died at, any time while the polity
tests in force $5,600 phis the accumu-
AAted dividends to date at death, would
have been paid to his beneficiary.
It is to YOUR advantage to insure in
The Mutual Life of Canada—the only
Canadian life insurance company that
since its organization (1869) has operated
on a mutual basis—there is no capital
stock --- ALL profits from all sources
belong to policyholders, who own the
company in its entirety.
Assurance Company
Waterloo - Ontario
Please send the your book,
and Particulars of an Endowment
Policy for hie.
W. T. Booth, O.L.U,, District Agent, Wingh:alrnt, ,Ontario
Wn . Webster, Agent, tt. ft. No, 2, Lucknow, Ont.
R. 1-I. Martyn, Agent, Ripley, Ont.
new war threat. People are now be -
coining used to these announcements
but that is fust the time that some-
thing is liable to happen.
alt * * *
Two fliers crossed the ocean last
week in a plane that landed in Ire-
land instead of at Rome, as they had
planned. They report that they did
not see water all the way across due
to fog and storms. Providence was
surely kind to these daring aviators.
* *
On Thursday, the 24th of May, on
the Highways of this Province a con-
tinual.stream of traffic will be passing
to and fro. Last year on the 24th the
number of accidents were many. If
you are on the road this year DRIVE
* * * *
The eminent statesmen of several
countries have now conte to the con-
clusion that if the nations are not
supplied with ammunition they cannot
war. The man on the street has
known this for a long time.
sk * *
The election pot is now bubbling
but it should take on the boiling stage
very shortly with June 19th as the
election date.
FIIIIHHOD.Off.0 41=••060.00400.
Sunday, May 27 -Matt. 25:31-46.
Golden Text:
We must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ. (II, Cor. 5:
That the Bible is a book of proph-
ecy cannot be denied. The Old Testa-
ment was filled with prophecies of
the coming of Israel's Messiah and
Saviour of the world. He came, and
the detailed prophecies of centuries
earlier were fulfilled to the letter —
indeed, it has been noted that twen-
ty-five Old Testament prophecies con-
cerning Christ's death were fulfilled
within a single twenty-four hours at
the time of His crucifixion. Try to
delete the prophecies from the 13ible
and only a mutilated, unrecognizable
book would be left.
If the hundred of prohpecies of,the
first coining of Christ were fulfilled
literally .and in unmistakable detail at
His first advent, what about the pro-
phecies of His second coming? If the
one, why not the other? -It is a reas-
onable question, and the evangelical
Christian Church through the centur-
ies has held unquestionably to belief
in the second advent of Christ. The
apostle Paul, in his inspired Epistle
to Titus, calls it a blessed hope as he
writes: "Looking for that blessed
hope, and the glorious appearing of
the great God and our Saviour Jesus
Last week we began studying the
great Olivet discourse of the Lord,
which stands . out in His detailed tea-
chings like the Sermon on the Mount.
They were both mountain -top mess-
ages: the one at the beginning of His
ninistry, the other toward the close,
n His message on the Mount of 01-
ves He answered a question of His
disciples as to His return and the end
of the age. This week's lesson gives
he closing part of this great proph-
cy uttered by the Son. of God.
It begins with the words: "When
he Son of Man shall come in His
tory." So Christ is coming again.
Over and over again He declared that
He would thus come, In that great
message of comfort (John 14) begin-
ing with the words, "Let not your
teart be ;troubled; ye believe in God,
elieve also in' Me," He said: "I go
o prepare a place for you. And if I
o and prepare a place for you, I will
ome again." -
A very striking fulfilment of pro-
hecy in connection with the Lord's
eturn is occurring' constantly today,
ith entire unconsciousness on the
art of ,those who fulfil it. Some do
of hesitate, to say that they do not
elieve at all in any promise that
hrist is corning again. Things have.
•one on unchanged: through the cen-
uries, and will continue to go' on, they.
ay. Why should we believe that
hrist is coming back again? This
enial of His return begat in the first
entury, and so Peter wrote: "Know -
ng this first, that there shall come
n the last days scoffers, walking af-
er their own lusts, and saying: where
the promise of His coming, for sin-
e the fathers fell asleep all ,things
ontinue as they were from the be
inning of the creation. •(II, -Pet. 3:
-4.) Then Peter goes on to explain
atiently: "But, beloved, be not ig•
orant of this one thing, that one day
with the Lord as a thousand years,
nd a thousand years as one day. The
ord is not slack concerning His pro-
ise, as some Yuen count slackness,
ut is long-suffering toward us, not
tiling that any should perish, but
tat all should come to repentance,"
1)8 you believe in angels? The Lord
id! He tells us, in thislesson, that
lien 'He comes again there shall be
T hui sdaY, May 24011, 1934
Flying St xnes, Mud, Oil
air Water can't harm the
Sturdy Mechanism
Housing cut away
to show enclosed
Knee -Action con-
CHEVROLET'S Knee -Action is' of a
very special type. In this construction,
the coil spring, which is the heart of
the mechanism, is safely and solidly
enclosed in a heavy steel housing.
This keeps out dirt and flying stones,
protects the spring from wear, tear and exposure. The
result: a smooth, restful Floating Ride ... a
bounceless back seat ... and completely shock-
proof steering with no annoying shake, shudder or
shimmy when the front wheels meet a bump. Choose
a Chevrolet and make sure you get the safety type of
Knee -Action in your next car. '
7o4(Ca ulama i 71,ia4i4dtWi t toia
C -104C
See the car—
check these features!
Chevrolet Master Six x/�/g�
Priced as Low as ►'. TiC-ai
Chevrolet Standard Six $7 10
Priced as Low as
Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa,
Ont. Freight and government license, only, extra.
Easy GMAC Terms
"all the holy angels with Him." It is
a striking fact that angels appeared
on earth at the time of His birth in
Bethlehem, at the time of His resur-
rection in the garden, at the time of
His -ascension from .the Mount of
Olives; and now we learn here and
from II. Thessalonians 1:7, that an-
gels will accompany Him upon His
return. It was two angels who said
to the disciples who "looked stedfast-
ly toward Heaven" as the Lord as-
cended: "Yes risen of Galilee, why
stand ye ,gazing up into Heaven? This
same Jesus, which is taken up from
you into Heaven, shall so come in like
manner as ye have seen Him go into
The Lord tells us that when He
comes again He will "sit upon the
throne of His glory; and before Him
shall be gathered all nations" His
glory was voluntarily laid aside when
He was on earth "ill the days of His
flesh." It was the glory of God His
Heavenly Father, for the night before'
He was crucified Ile prayed: "And
now, 0 Father, glorify Thou Me with
Thine own self with the glory which
I had with thee before the world was"
(John 17:5.) And Christ is to take
the throne indeed v'hen Ile comes
again, for "Godalso hath highly ex-
alted Him, and given Him a name'
which is above every name: that at
the name of Jesus every knee should
The lesson theme is the judgment
of the nations, which occurs at the
time of the. Lord's return. This ' is
not the last judgment, described in
Revelation 21. In the present judg-
ment, "He shall separate them one
from another, as a shepherd dividcth.
his sheep from the goats: and He
shall set the sheep on His right hand,
but the goats on the left." We hear
the words "sheep and goats" used jok-
ingly oftentimes, and forget the bless-
ed and dread significance of the figure
as our Lord .rises it. The one class
of persons is to have eternal fellow-
ship with God and Christ; the other
class is to, be eternally separated from
God and Christ, for "these shall go
away into everlasting punishment: but
the righteous into life eternal."
The basis of judgment here describ-
ed is the treatment given by the nat
ions to those in need—hungry, thirsty,
strangers, naked, sick, imprisoned.
The Judge declares: "Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, ye have done it
unto Me."
There are differing interpretations
of the meaning of this, but one out-
standing lesson is plain. Those who
have received Christ as Saviour have
the love of God in their hearts, and
show it by their treatment of others.
On the other hand, "He that loveth
not knoweth not God; for God is
Gold Hoarding Gobbler
Has North All Excited
Up around .Prince Rupert, which is
the end of steel on the northern route
of the Canadian National Railways to
the Pacific Coast, they are all excited.
And a turkey, just an ordinary com-
mon -garden variety of turkey meant
to placate the palate caused all the
hullabalo. In the crop of this bird
was discovered three gold nuggets.
The poultry vender isn't saying where
the bird came from. But he knows.,
Some day soon he intends to shut yup
shop and start an the trail of the mo-
ther lode. A lot of people intend to
shut tap shop and follow him.
A celebrated foreign Visitor, who
had not been in the United States for
ten years, was asked: "What change in
America impresses you most?"
"Well," the visitor replied instantly
"if I had walked down Broadway in
1924 with a bottle of whiskey and: a
ten -dollar gold piece, I'd have been
arrested for having the whiskey. Now
I'd be arrested for • having the ten -
dollar gold piece."
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