HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-05-10, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The. Gor'rie Vedette and Wroxeter News.
Angle Copies Five Cents
-Had a Wo
After a
'vacation D
.Dr. and
New Yorl
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On this
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-day night.
Dr. and
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Mrs. R. Hi
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The fungi
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• .Hospital B
The We
General He
_-ternoon tea
Council Ch
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ted and do
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.Reports o
7:'lie Her
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The Scho
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retary, A.
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Yeas
98th .BIB
nderful Three Months' Trip
Principal G. L. Brackenbury Extends
Court of Revision: Will Be Held on
ON MAY 27th
Two Games Victoria Day'.
"Constant Bloom in the Garden Was
Mrs. MaryMorrison a
Cordial Invitation to All in This
May 25th.
Subject of.
District to be Present,
ReV E.. L Roberts Port Rowan,
Her 94th Year, a
most delightful 3 -months'
a and Mrs. R. L :Redmond
on Monday evening
Mrs, Redmond sailed ,frons
on the S. S, Empress of'
two months were spent
drterranean. Cruise,
cruise they visited all the
ports' on this sea; including
ere theyo
j urneyed `to the
They then sailed to South-
the coast of England, a
g and,
two weeks :in London,
weeks motor trip,;travell-
as Stratford on Avon.
e they motored, south, call-
ny important places until
ed Torquay"on 'the south
,• They then motored
south coastof 'England to
g d
on where they again board-
Empress of Australia for
ived at Quebec last Satur-,
g and boarded a C. P. R.
ended them in Toronto 12
r leavingQuebec. The
alance of Sunday and Mon-
arriving home Mon-
Mrs. Redmond had a most
and interesting trip and
enjoyed every minute of
Town 'now
Is New Rector,
Aces",London CityChamps,
Population is2024, In-
To Oppose Local Squad.
• Bloom in the Garden"
Mrs. Catherine Young,
The Cadets-ofPp
the High -School who,
crease of 101 over last year.
was the timely illustrat-
have been training faithfully tinder
Rev.: Ernest Hayes, who lies been
.subject of an
Street, celebrated her 98
Lieut. Bigelow,; will be inspected -'on'
Monday, May 14th, at 1,30 'p.m,, by
• .years
Major Jeffrey,•,- M,C,, of London, at
the High School grounds.
The cadets will give- a demonstra�
tion of Ceremonial and platoon drill,
s g alling, first aid and physical exer-;
sixes: The girls of the school will al-
soput o a seriesfield,
n of physical exer-
\This inspection is open to• the pub-
sic and all are cordially invited: to at-
The regular monthly meeting, of
the Town Cotincil was held on Mon=
day' evening. All members were ire-
sent •except Court. H. B. Elliott.
His Worship Mayor Hanna was•in
the chair.
The minutes of the _last regular
meeting, held April 2nd, were read
and approved:
Mr. Herbert Campbell, Man i
P age of
the Utilities, explained that due to'
faulty construction the water was .un-
dermining the piers at the waterworl<s
the popular Rector of St. Pout's A -'
P P n
gllean luirch Here for the past two
and two months, will leave
Wingharn on May 23rd, and will earl
from Montreal on, "Sunday, 11/lay 27th
on the S; S. Montcalm for England.
During his leave of absence Mr
Hayes will be at his home, Mackeles
Cheshire County.
Prior to coming. to Wingham, Mr.
Ha es was for five years Rector: at
r .,•
Durham, and previous to that, five
years at Dungannon,
. H itrin hishtions
Mrayes, daring short stay in
Local baseball bugs will get their
first taste of their favorite testi e
1 ??}delightful
for thisyearwhen the' o `rful Ide 1
.c to a
Bakery o
team of London will engage
in a double-header with the local
Bruce League team. The Bakery team
last year won the city league title in
London under the .name of . Hotel
London and this year ravel under the
Y „ 5
fancy moniker of Harlem, Aces , a
good name for the colored gents. The
local management were forced to out-
bid four "for thisr -
fo other towns art ac
so it is to be hoped the fans
e c address which: was both entertain-.
ing and instructive to flower lovers
and ardeners, • The Horticultural =
g or icultural So
was fortunate in having as
speaker on this occasion Mr, John F.
Clarke, Official. Lecturer in., Hort cul=
bore, •
The problem of'having an unbroken
succession of blooms in the aides
from early spring until the first frost
in the fall is one which presents itself
to every gardener, In his introductory
remarks Mr ' '
• Clarke pointed out that
his: subject might be resolved into
cn Thursday, May 3rd,' a
and over sevent
latives, neighbors and frtc
ed at her home to ,:song:
on attainingsuc h a r t
h g eat
Mrs. Young was 'born
nese Orkney Islands c
Y nd•,
1836and came to Canac
parents, brothers and sist
In 1862 she was married
William Young, who f<
years was reeve of Colla
ship, Huron County, Mr.'.
ed away in 1896 and s.h
and that repairs were necessary.
If was decided that Couneili would in-
specs the dam with Mr. Campbell to
decide an the `necessary repair work,
Win ham has made a host of friends
and the news of his .departure from
this parish was : received with regret..1
turn out. in large numbers. r
Practise Wednesday.
aspiring ball -tossers in town'
and the surrounding district are re-
several divisions, each' of which would
in itself contain material for atom-
plete address. In case any of his hear-
ers should desire more detailed ad-
wards Mrs. Young move
ham, where she has lived
Guests were present fro
vicinity, 'Auburn,
Enthusiastic MeetingHeld TuesdayThe
Salvation Army asked permis-
sion to hold a tag day on May 26th in
connection with their Self• Denial
not only by his church members but
by the many in this district who were
privileged to •know him.
quested to put in an appearance at
the park Wednesday evening at 6,30.
All new players will be made wel-
vice, they were instructed to write for
the various leaflets which may be had
upon application to the' Department
Teeswater, as well as Wi
She had her
The annual meeting of the Wing-
ham Bowling Club was held in the
`Council Chamber on Tuesdayevenin
and by the enthusiasm shownr at this.
campaign. Permission was granted to
hold this tag day on motion of Coutes:
Bishop and Baker.
Mr, W. H. Gurney, on behalf of the
Rev. E. L. Roberts, of Port Rowan,*
• i
has been appointed Rector by Bishop
C. A. Seager and will take over his
duties at the church here on June 1st.
come. If the locals are to get any-
where in fast company this year it is
necessary that the players turn out
for every practise the club can squeeze'
of Agriculture at Toronto.
The first topic to be discussed.was
that of bulb -growing: First, good
drainage; secondly, care must be ex-
as one of t
Mary Morrison a neighs:
in her 94th year, and these
old ladies had a fine dial
tures taken and a cup of t
meeting the club is headed for a most
successful season: Despite ea`-
treme frost during the winter the
baseball club, asked Council to assist
111 uttin the ball rounds m she e
•the p' g g P
at the park. He explained that the
in at the park:
The diamond is being put into
shape and it is expected new wiring
ercised in,order that the manure used
as fertilizer does not come in direct
contact with the bulb; third, depth
`Both are enjoying good
have lost none of their fat
Mrs. Young received m
greens are in splendid shape for this
time of the year. It was decided that
the join the Ontario Bowling As-
diamond was very awl would need
considerable earth as fill. It was de- The `"members of Maitland Lodge
cided by Council to co-operate with No. 119 LO.O.F.,. will attend the ev-
and bleachers will erected for the
spectators' comfort. The local team
wishes to thank the Town Council for
of planting. Each variety of bulb
should be planted at a certain depth
-about twice the diameter of the bulb
ful flowers, cards and oth
sociation again this year.
The following officers were elected:'
;Hon. Pres. -W, A. Miller.
President -A. M. Crawford.
the baseball club in putting the ening service in St, Paul's Anglican
grounds in shape. Church next Sunday.
The Clerk presented a number of All members are urged to. attend
petitions requesting that calcium this service as it will be the last time
Chloride be on certain. streets, the' brethren, as a lodge, will have the
their generous assistance in fixing
the grounds and also wish to thank
Mr.. Vic. Haines, who also rendered
much valuable assistance,
being a good rule to follow, The
speaker suggested that the best 'effects
woi±Id be obtained by planting bulbs
in clusters,and when planted in beds,
by one color only in a bed. In
Shaving Cream Special
For this week -end, Vine
Cream, reg. 35c for 25c a
Avoy s Drug Store,
eremiah Brydges ••
11 of Jeremiah Brydges in
gr occurred on Monday at
idence, Lot 1, Con. 3, Mor-
was a life-long res-
orris and was born on the
he passed away. He eves
of a family of eleven, the
late Thomas and Sarah
s to mourn •their loss, be-
•idow, formerly Eliza Mc-,
daughters and one son;
gg ns (Lila), Morris; Mrs.
(Annie), Morris; Mrs. S.
ssther), Tiitchener;Mrs. F.
de), Detroit; and William
:e is also survived by three
two brothers Mrs. Cath-
ion, Bayfield; IVIrs. Mary
orris; Mrs, Esther Shoe-
glove; Archibald Brydges,
1 Thos. Brydges, Morris.
ral will be held' from his
ice; Loi: 1, Con. 3, Mor-
n,, on ,Wednesday, May 9,,
gill take place in Brandon
Vice Pres, A. Taylor.
Sec'y-Treas•-W. B. McCool.
Membership Committee Wil-
On motion of 'Reeve Davidson and opportunity of hearing Rev. Bro.
Coun. Geddes it was carried that 10 Hayes address them, as he will leave
order to get succession of bloom in
flowers from bulbs, the fol-
Robin Attracts Attention
A robin that makes its 1
-A. J.
son, W. W. Armstrong, ..,
Grounds Coarunittee-W, A. Miller,
D. Rae, E. R. Harrison, D. B. Porter,
tons of calcium chloride be purchase shortly for England.
ed• Members and visiting brethren will
The Finance committee presented a meet at the lodge ZOOMS at 6.30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Hare spent a
few days in Toronto, ' •
Miss Agnes. Williamson spent Sat-
lowing list should be helpful: Early
crocuses, daffodils, narcissi, hyacinths,
tulips, irises, gladioli, tuberous 'began-
las, iiilies, dahlias,
vicinity of the Public Se
tracting considerable atter
school children and the ]
H. L. Sh•erbondy
Tournament Committee -W, A.
Miller, J. Mason, ` 0. T}Tompson, H.
C. MacLean, H. L. Sherbgndy.
Jitney,Comnlittee-J, A. Wilson, G.
L Baker, J. Mason, C. B. Armitage,
W. H. French, G. Williams.
Executive Committee J. 0, Hob-
number of accounts properly certified
and recommended payment. These Anniversary Services
accounts were ordered paid on mo- Will be held in Calvin Presbyterian
tion of Couns. Crawford and Bishop. Church, East Wawanoslt, on Sunday,
Coun, Baker reporting 1`for the June 3rd. Rev. Mr, Lane,of Goder-
Street committee, stated that 2700 ft, ich, will take charge of the services
of tile had been 'purchased and that at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pen.
19 catch basins had been installed. A
urday last in London.
Mrs. John McCool and William
spent the week -end in Hamilton.
Mrs. C. Kingan is visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Veit, at Kitchener,
Mrs. Belyea, of Toronto, is visiting
this week with Mrs, (Dr.) J. R. Lock-
autumn crocuses.
In planting a border ,the speaker,
advised making the front irregular,
and, especially in a small garden, a}-
lowing. the bed to taper off -both in
width, and in the height of the flaev-
ers planted -to give the effect of dis-
tante, The plants should be graduat-
in this neighborhood
watching it on account of
markings. It has white
its back and wings and t}
spotted with white,
Herb. Cam bell to Stay 1
P y
?l It will be good news to
kink, G. H. Ross, Rev, 5, Pollock.
Entertainment Committee -May
man -hole was being installed on Min-•
nie Street acid that some storm sew- BRUCE LEAGUE.
Miss Mary Phipps of Grimsby is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. 11i,
ed also with respect to highest -the
taller ones at the back, then those of
of Wingham and district t<
lir. Herbert Campbell,
Wtt•1•g11•aiu-a°r1 d st'ri'et tge
J• W. Hanna, W. H. Willis, A, J. Wal-
ers had been cleaned out. He said
medium and- nearer the edge,
Mr.�„Hezbext zarjrbe i;a 11,
leer, J, H, .Crawford, Capt. W. J. Ad-
ams, C. P. Smith, Geo. Williams;a
Auditors -0, Thompson, G Smith,
that Mr. Falconer wished to. install •
gasoline pump on Victoria Street in Opening Game Here May 30th With
. front of the. old Baptist Mission build- Paisley.
'Aeries Reta Hastie, who is attending
Queen's University, is home for the
the low -growing plants such as petun-
ias or alyssum+ Mr. Clarke mention-
ed; among other flowers effective for
the local Hydro system, i
ing town. Herb., as he is
known hgre, has been mo:
The financial 'statement for 1933,
was as follows:
ing which he is renting for a garage.
This matter was left to the Street New Play -Off System Devised
Mr. John F. and Mrs. Pringle have
left for the West to visit with their
border planting, delphiniums, holly-
hocks, lupins, peonies, Oriental pop
most all local activities all•
greatly missed had he left
• Receipts •
Cash on hand May 1, 1933,$ 158.89
Membership (39) 190.00
Ladies' Club 300.00
Committee to investigate and report
back to Council, Owen` Sound Millionaires, denied
Reeve Davidson reported that little any chance of importing ball players
work outside of the usual cleaning up by the 0.B.A.A, at its last executive
into intermediate
Corns, calluses and ingrown toe-
nails do hurt, Use Cress Salve: At
Mcls.ibbon's Drug Store, 1
pies, columbine, primula, gaillardia,
bergamot, and Shasta daisies.
The rock garden is a nen arrange-
meet of flowers \Which is becoming
Campbell had an offer to 1
of the Galt Utilities Conn
decided i-ot to accept this
Jitneys 910
(Continued on Page Four) meeting, was moved
A. company along with Southampton
Miss Florence Barber of Toronto
popular, This is designed to imitate
the unusual and rugged impression of
Tournaments 458,75.
Note in Bank ' ` 450:00
A Real Bargain • r. ,. Fishermen at a meeting of the Bruce
Baseball League in last
visited over the week -end with
mother, Mrs, Chas, Barber,
Mr, Mrs. J. Arnott and family
Alpine scenery. The rock should be
arranged on a gentle slope or to form
iking. Sale
•men's Auxiliary to the
rspital are holding an af-
and sale of baking in the
amber on Saturday, May
'clock. Everyone is invit-
nations of.:baking will be
Armand's Cold Cream Powder, re.g, .Walkerton
$1,00 fo•r 50c, •McAvoy s Drug, Store. Thursday evening. Told by O•B•A.A,
Ed. train of Owen
of London spent Sunday afternoon
(Continued on Page Four)
On Friday evening a ;
Materials New.Green $ 721.37.
Labor, New Green 68,05
Light and Water • 98.15
Telephone •.,..-,. 11,85
Roller 56.82
Miscellaneous 106,76
Prizes, Tournaments 297,36
Wages, summer 199.90'
executive' member
New Clerk at the Red Front Sound that the 0.B•A.A. would not
Ma Bert McLean has accepted a allow then to import three college
position with the Red Front Grocery, players this summer in order to bol-
He started to work on Monday. ster the club for the purpose of ent-
g P
erin the A series with Southampton, Notice to Farmers
Millionaires asked to be allowed
R Walkers Chopping Mill will on- to. remain m the B. series and were
ly operate on Tuesday and Friday un- promptly told No. As matters stand
further notice, after this week. now the Millionaires are not as good
with Mrs. Wrn. Williamson. -
Mr, and Mrs; A. Williamson and
family, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with the fornter's mother.
Mr, and Mrs. Ward Shafer and son
Stewart of Fordwich,. also Mr. -and
Mrs. Frank Coles of Corrie, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
George Day,, Dairy Farre,
Messrs. Morris •Rae, Jack Cart-
For Easy Shaving
Prep, prevents skin irritation, a real
special, regular 50e for 25c. Mcievoy's
Drug Store, ' .
Headquarters. for Coleman s
Weiners; wholemeat Sausages, Back
and.Breakfast Bacons, Cottage Ro11s,
Bolognas, Etc., at very reasonable
Softball enthusiasts was 1
Council Chamber. As ust
tendance wasn't very large
present all took part in the
It had been previously si
have six teams, in two slat
league this, and after
cession, this idea was en
A class there will be: Supt
dential and Merkle y's• wh
Q.A.C. Results as they were a year ago, having lost
City Grey
weight, Fred Single and Oliver Fells,
Prices, Red Front Grocery.
11 -ill be made gip of three. to
Cash in batik, May 1, 1984 $ 6.49
The following Ontario Agricultural two of their stars to the
Coliege in. League entry, the Crescents,
all of London, spent the week -end
with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
unnamed, composed of the
ers and several younger c
Provincial Convention
Special Steep Sale
.p p
students were successful
their examinations: Carman G. Coutts, It is understood that Ted Graham
and W. P, Telford: Jr., sponsors of
John Fells, Diagonal Road...
inexperienced. Each A cies
on. County Branch of thet
High School Boards .held
I annual, meeting in the
amber, Clinton, Wednes-
May end, Col: II, T.
g' y d
Chairman of the Organi
an address of welcome,
d the year's activities and
the co-operation with the
nd County Councils.
aper, of 'Clinton, who }lad'
Provincial Convention of
which was held in To-
in March gave a stool,
e proceedings and. a gen-
o n the sub-
ion followed o e
used. Vocattonai training
'programme for
, attending
1 contemplating atte d g
it. were topics �of special
• h Agri-
the teaching of Agta
mesttc Science and Basi-
Were considered execs-
ecoridar ec Idols.
Y l
el Boards have been mak-
effort to reduce . the
i1 •
O dart edLLCation, Wrtliottt
and lowering
nd their teeth's have been
o the Council. The offr-
. CO • ,
for the coitring year are
Coi, �l'-i. T, Rance; Vice. .
)r. W, Shaw, andSec-
'. Cooper; all of Clititon,
10 cake Vfnolia Castile re 8 for
s g
25c this week -end only 10: for 25c•
' y'
McAvoys :Dreg Store.
Work Starts on Hi hwa: No. 4
s Highway
Work commenced .Monday morn-
ing preparatory to paving Highway
No, 4 from Clinton to-•
third year; Allison Currie and Robert
Weil:, second year. the Millionaires, ert11 appeal to the
O.B.A.A. to be allowed to use the
>la ers; in question as soon as' they
Accepted Position Here •j y q
Mr, Dan. Gillies, of St, Thomas, has are through at school; This would
accepted ' a position withgive them an even chance against
1, Po - o w t Mr: A. J.
Walker. Mr, Gillies has had consul- Southampton, although none of the
erable experience in the furniture and players, is a pitcher.
Attended Oddfellows' Service
In Brussels •
A carload of members of Maitland
Lodge i.O,O.F, attended the Oddfel-
lows service in St. Johns Anglican
Church, Brussels ail Sunday eves'
At the regular meeting of the Altar
Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church
held at the home of Mrs, Charles
l3oevden on Tuesdayafternoon Mrs.
(Rev.) Hayes was the recipient of a
beautiful hand -bar. Airs, :Uayes has
taken very active interest in the work
have the privilege of •excha
ers with one of •the B c
up to a certain date, as yet
The residence rule ca
much discussion and it is
(in A,. Class) to allow p'
who are residents of the
(with the e of "'I
eight miles
ward. Blyth. The pavement will be a
strip 1b feet wide with the other lrlalf
of the road gravel.
undertaking business and is a licensed The schedale for the Bruce League
embalmer. He ,commenced his duties' was drafted at the meeting and a new
stere on Monday, play-off system devised. The League,
teams, is compos-
of the Guild and as she will be lean.
ing Wingharu shortly, the Guild took
this opportunity of expressing •their
Oxvil Welsh and Fred El
dents of the schools here
as well as those from W
Prolific Sow Has Litter of 18
which includes nine
GOFORTH AUXILIARY ed of Qvven. Sound and Southampton
in the A•series, and Port Elgin, Ches-
Will Appear in Supreme Court in the
appreciation of her services.
The following address accompanied
g P d
tenting outside institution
' • '
It was decided to order .
Mr: W. Joseph Henderson was
The Walkerton, Paisley, Kincardine,
the presentation: ;:
books and play will be ae
much surprised on Friday morning to
find. that one of hissows }lasgiven
birth to a litter of 18 little pigs, In
the course :of a dayor two three of
�. - ' ,..._ -
them died hitt the xemalnitig 15 .are
free and healthy. Eighteen pigs 'in
one ulrtterwould appear to be a •te-
BuyGroceries at King's
Bordeaux Walnuts 49c, September
+ w
Cheese eec, Srugapore ( Pineapple 2
Pink 2- ,
tins 25c, Cho>ce I rust Salmon for
23C, Choice %Iallowar Dates 2 117. for
, Tomato Juice, 4 for 29e, -Baker's
Cocoa 15c, Five String brooms 390,
4 lbs,. 25e McLaren s ell-
1vCaeatont, , J
. New 1 c Bluediction
Me 4 for 23C, lU1,OlaSSOS 0 ,
Click Coffee 89c, Blue Rose Rice �
lbs. 250 Choice Clover . Honey 40c,
ling• Bros. •
regular monthly meeting 'of ley,
i , the 13 ser-
the Goforth Auxiliary of St+ Andrews I.ucknove,and Wntgham in tIEarl
h cl lea
C1 -wish was held on. Piida evc>iiin les. All will lay the one sc e u ,
, Y g, P
72 enies,
May 4th at the home of Mrs, A.. L'single, which calls for g,:
Posllff,. Vote teams will compete: 111 the
Scripture ture readin was taken byla -offs• Should �e en Sound and
P g .P y
B . the first four
Miss McBurney and ori e;`cellent ;Lis, Southalllptgtl be among
ble study on "Giving" " way read the will play off for the right to en-
tg s by Y 1 Y
Mrs. Cooper, after which Miss Agnes tel the A playclneetls, while the other"
Williamson 1 • to
Wtlhaltll3otl led. in prayer. 1w0 clubs will play for the 'right
r s., r
Mrs. T. A. Currie gave a splendid enter the B playdowns+ The winner a G
- .. ,...
paper dealing with Deaconess, Library of each series will play again for the
- lm Tro 7h ern -
and supply work, m�,c1e this group bet Hou. James Malcolm 1 Y,
,, - , ie ,, .eft a .
tet' acquainted With.. eaClt of the Dee- blematr4 of Bruce I,Cac,ee 5etpt i cY
ConesseS. and Miesionaties arid with If, 'however, either of the two i1 teams
the work they do, fails to make: the play-offs they will
After the closing hymn -Land bene• a until the other chubs have
Aft o gdraw a by
ii . 11 engage the w"tn-_
the members of rite auxiliary .played off and t11e � g
spent a• pleasant hour sewing on the ner ril the 1�?falcolrla'l"-•o}�liy series.
quilts, folloevrng which refreshments any event they Will go into then
were served, ptaydowns.
a Leffler, 17 -year-old Carrick
'1ownshi resident was committed fest
p ,glican
trial Saturday at Walkerton, on a
charge of murdering 111s grandfather,
wt'' o
Philip 7 Stroh with an arc, last Easter,
1 r
Counsel- for the accused told Mag-
istrate F. W, Walker in comity Court
the boy did not wish to Plead to the
charge. 1`It, will remain in custody
until the next sitting of the Supreme
Court in the autumn.
On Thursday the Coroner's jury at
1�fllClllta under Dr. II, G. Joyce of
Yr r
Walkerton, brought in the decision.
, . W •
That Philip Stroll, 67 -year-old fonts-
, Carrick Township, a Mur er-
ei c # Car ee s d
ed on the afternoon of April her a per
son of persons at present Iinlcnown,
who inflicted fatal blows on the }lead
with blunt and sharp instruments.
Dear Mrs. I ayes:
, We the members of 5t. Pauls An-
Church Altar Guild, deeply re-
gtet our leavingtis. We feel that we
are much 111debted to y'Oe for. the in-
•: c
tete t •you have taken to our Society
and the various organizations of the
We thank you for. the material het P
have given and also for the in-
sot ratiail sue de of c} r '
v e sC vice 'rives
those around oil,
We ask you to accept .this sruall. to-
,r.Cn of our gratitude and affection and
at God. will richly bless You
and reward ort ;for vont faithfulness
and industry in the futlterallGe of His
work, •
Mil, E. Lewie Pr.•esideet,
Miss M. I3eekctt, Secretary
Time schedule e not d
this meeting., but is left to
true cc.,r- rnittere° Who will
, ee r C e\
this Zeck. It 14 lrope<1 the
begin operations within an
The fi class promises r
teresting adElition to the
, .
year `as:rues old timer• s
inners" will la ill this.
> play
•t0 it •evil} •give 'an: opportumt}
cally everyone who wants
3 Y
get into the ante and no
is'' g , r
eras Stars will be utteartlit
teams before the season.
very #ar,
The park %s not yet lig.
much work being ,SCllcdtr
dont on it before play bei
is hoped wilt be in esti
next week.
Neighbor, eizt
of Minnie
th .birthday;
he day was'
y of her re-
nds gather-
ratulate her
mear Strom-
rcotland, in
i.a with ;her
ers in 1855..
to the late
r : over 301
erne Town-
i'oung pass-,
ortly after-
ever since..
1 Goderich
nghanl and.
uests, Mrs.
or, who is
two bright'
their pic-
a together.
health and.
any beauti
er r. ememb-
iia Shaving
tube. Mc
erne in the
hool is at-
2tioil. The
people who
have been
its peculiar
Feathers on
re breast is
the citizens
know that
r --of
anager of
S not leav-
�t active in
d would be
town. Mr
re manager
tiission but
meeting of
reld in the
ial the at
but those
iggested to
sses, in the
much die-
clorsed. In
rtest, Pru
ile B class
Gins, as yet
older :play -
nes as yet
s team will
aging play -
lass teams,
ne in for
as decided
layers only
town now
ed" Elliott,
Nott). Stu -
are eligible
inghairm at-
several rube
cording to
yawn up at
the exectl-
<lraw it tip
league can
a�tiler eveck.
be :alt in -
league this
' and "be -
class, and
to pract'-
to play, to
doubt, Age-
d by these
progroes es
ted to he
ins; but it
De before