HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-26, Page 6PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840, Risks taken on all class of insur- &lice at reasonable rates. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. ABNER COSMO, Agent, Wingham J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -Meyer Block, Wiatgham Successor to Dudley Holmes R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER And SOLICITOR Office; .Mortar' Block. Telephone No. 66. J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to R. Vanstone Wingham Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS DENTIST Office Over Isard's Store. DR. A. W. IRWIN DENTIST -- X-RAY Dice, McDonald Block, Winghatn. DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST Office over Bondi's Fruit Store. SYNOPSIS Nancy Gordon trades herself in marriage with Dr. Richard Morgan for fifteen thoustlnd dollars—to save her fancily the disgrace .of her broth- er Roddy's theft of that amount for a woman. Nancy loves penniless young Page Roemer, and Richard is loved by Helena Haddon a sophisti- Thursday, A!rpil 166, 1934 1 And this .man was her husband! It seemed to her. that she stopped beetle thing; then the child's gasps grew sod; denly audible. She ran to the door and tore it open. "Oh, Richard, I'm afraid lie's dy- ing! ' she whispered, holding the door open. He carte in and shut the door with ` his shtulder. "Where's the patient?"' he asked cared y,ung married hcontan. Ding - don Haddon,. Helena's husband, sees briefly. the elopers, but holds his counsel. Af- "In there!" she pointed to the inner ter the ceremony, Nancy returns to room, a catch in her thoat. her parents' home, and continues to He did not notice it. His eyes went see Page. who urges her to divorce to the other room, His glance swept her husband. Mr. Gordon, to release over the preparations with something his daughter from what he considers like a flash of surprise but be said her shameful marriage, sells his house nothing. She saw hint put the frantic to his friend Major Lomax, who rents .mother gently aside and bend over the. it to the original owner. Helena is ,child. Deftly, silently, swiftly, he Jealous of Richard's interest in Nan -'made his examination, raised up, and cy, although she knows nothing ee ,:turned to face them. Nancy was trying to -coax the the marria��e, and tries to make trou- fran- ble. Once Page comes to Nancy's tic woman away, but she broke out !rouse and makes love to her. Nancy iin a hoarse whisper: "Be he dyin', is frantic—she loves Page but refuses ,doctor?" to go back on her bargain with Rich -i `No! I3e quiet, please. Leave the and by divorcing him. roorn. I must be alone, I've got work to do." NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY S Nancy drew the woman gently Mr. Gordon, 'pretending to read his newspaper, grunted. "I've, thought for some time that my children didn't leave sense enough to come in when it rained!" he growled, liut all' the time he: sat up himself. Long after be had driven his worried Wife upstairs,' he tramped up and down the old room;, He went to the windows end threw. open the .shutters. Itwas morning now and the rain -swept earth smelled sweet. A mackerel sky showed its golden scales all over the rosy east. Mr. Gordon stared down into his own garden. Tha Japanese quince was sag- ging in the career, He started vio- lently. He had heard bis old gate creak on its hinges. IL W. COLBORNE. M.D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly Phone 54 Wingham "The child's cone home!" he. thought with sharp relief. But he opened the door to Page Roemer; The young man's clothing. was wet and muddy, but Mr. Gordon did not see it: "Is Nancy here, Mr. Gordon?" he asked anxiously. "I believe I've forbidden you the !rouse," replied Nancy's father. Page leaned against 'the doorpost. "Mr. Gordon, your daughter was down at the inn when the storm DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND U.R C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON `away. Mrs. Kinney dropped into a Nancy lifted the child gently on his land Nancy ran back. pillow. "Nobs—quickly, don't be "Here are towels, and I've got frightened, take off the old sheet and'plenty of hot water. I can help you?" put on the clean one." Together they i He turned from his open surgical - slipped the child into clean things, and t case and there was not response in his Nancy sponged his hot little face with face at all. cold water.. .,No! You ought to be at !tome. "Tony's more quiet see, the spong- This is diphtheria, I'm going to put ing did him good," she said gently, a pipe in his throat — leave me, but her heart beat in her throat- The e child seemed to be slowly choking to death. Richard, Richard! Her heart cried tagain desperately. It seemed impos- All Diseases Treated. ff 5ible that she could need hint so, but residence next to 9 she did. Office adjoining At last she stopped and looked Anglican Church oIl Centre Street,. I c- about her. It was better. The atmos eat+ Sunday by appointment. I d th floor wa- bare Osteopathy ElectrccitY Phone 272. Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. chair F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH lease t" "Oh, poor child; Richard, she can't help, you need help. Let me help you.' N.o!" he motioned to the door, im- patience in his gesture. "Leave the room, please!" He did not want her. He would not let her help! She turned and walked e_e had cleared, re e h , -door. p the - - a slowly and dean, the bed ahold oe3y white Then she heard the woman's voice, and fresh. She took hold of the sob- ,broken and husky. bing woman and led her to the chair oke doctor's Savin' him,: she said. beside the bed."He's like God, ain't he? \l'orkin Nancy ran into the outer room and 'ter save life an' gettin' no pay for �t." els with feverish en- _ iron towels answer. The w'O began to 3 n-wer. Nancy made '_�anc- man had begun mechanically to feed #the fire to keep hot water ready, and A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CEfIROPRA.CT0RS CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTRO THERAPY North Street • Wingham Telephone 340. J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. Wingham. THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A thorough knowledge of Farm Stock Phone 251, Wingham. Pr.. Will Pay You to Have An EXPERT AUCTIONEER to conduct your sale. See T. R. BENNETT At The Royal Service Station. Phone 174W. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- able me to give you satisfaction. Ar- rangements made with W. J. Brown,' Wingham; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 45r2-2. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years' Experience in Farm Stock and Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone 381, "Where's the patient?" he asked briefly. 'the girl helped her. "Have you anything to eat'" "Me eat? Fer th' love o' Mike, however kin the likes of me git time. ter eat—an' him so sick!" "Oh !" Nancy found a little tea, half a loaf of dry bread, some sugar, and she managed to spread an old clean nap- kin on the end of the table. Then she sliced and toasted bread and out of it to shake him off. Don't wor- made tea. ry, Mama; I'm going to see about the In spite of herself, Nancy .watched telephone, our wire's down on top of Richard covertly. In the stern con -the Japanese quince." f]ict that he waged, she had no place Mr. Gordon, scorning to admit xiety, sat up late waiting for Nancy. dressed herself. She calm downstairs before Amanda inade the eoffe, and tried to set the breakfast table, when Amanda came out from the kitchen. "I'se nialein" biscuits, Mis' Gordon, an' Nis' Haddon's autermobill's at de gate -i reckon yo' all. gots ter go ter de doah yo'self." • Helena came UP the path 'alone, Mrs.`' Gordon was agitated when site opened the door. "Oh, Mrs.' Haddon, where's Nan- cy?" she cried, "I came Here -I hoped she's come home," Helena replied gently. "I've been nearly crazy: all night," she said weakly. "Mr. Gordon's sure she's stopped somewhere—because of the •store. Page came here a while ago," Helena laid her hand on her shoul- der. "Don't worry," she said with a sweetness that went to Mrs. Gordon's heart. "I'm sure she's safe—isn't there anybody you can think of—she might know?" The poor woman forgot herself en- tirely. "If our phone wasn't out of order -I'd call up Richard Morgan,- she organ—she might be there, she--" she stp- ped short, catching herself. Helena's long eyes glimmered un- der their heavy sills. So, she thought, there is something in it! She thoufltt ' she knew it all now. The mystery of Polestar's condition — discovered late the night before -had been explained just before she left the house. Henry had confessed to Kingdon Haddone He had also told where Morgan went. Amanda came to the door, `Mist' Page Roomer's outside, m'm. He'd like ter see Mis' Haddon." Helena leaned over and deliberately kissed iIrs. Gordon. "He's going with me. We'll find her. Don't be fright- ened," she, said. "I know where she is, dear boy; „ she said softly to Page. "I've just found out—we'll go and get her. She can't walk home through this mire." Page knew nothing and divined no- thing beyond his own mad anxiety. He knew that the niad infatuation of his own passion, his • blind belief in Nancy's love for hint, had led to this. Nancy had gone out into the storm to escape him. He hated Morgain again, hated him with all his soul, because Morgan had done what he could not do. But he followed Helena into her car. If she knew where Nancy was, he would find her and—if he found her—he would make her forgive him. Nancy was drying her shoes by the fire when the big car—failing to cross the stream—stopped nearly a quarter lena and He Page ie awayg of a m and Pa an - broke yesterday afternoon. She went out ---at its height—no one knows where. We can't find a trace of her!" "When was it?" he asked, "and why did she leave?" Page's answers were vague, but he said that Helena Haddon and her bus- took to the path over the hill, band were both there. Helena hadRichard was still with the child, been with him, lending her car to but the crisis had passed in the night, help in the search. and his poor mother, in the collapse "Go on, make what inquiries you of relief, was lying asleep on the floor. can," he said sharply to Page. "Try Nancy, shut out of the sick -room, was the Lomaxes, I've got to speak to my trying to get ready to walk home. wife—then I'll look myself." She was putting on the wrecks of "I've been there!" Page's face set her shoes when there came a knock itself, then he looked at Mr. Gordon. at the door. Richard himself came "I went to Morgan's, but he's out, to answer it. He was still in his shirt' been out all night." sleeves. He had stripped off his collar Mr. Gordon said nothing. He shutd the strong cords in his throat the door in the young man's face and went upstairs. "Nancy was at the inn when the storm broke. The Haddons were out there; that Roemer boy's just come here to tell me. Of course, Nancy got ReIiefNowQ�rack From Neurilg a .TACK, IM TO SEE CLARK ABOUT THAT 016 ORDER IN 40 MINUTES AND I NAVE TERRIFIC NEURITIS... WHAT CAN IDO? DON'T WORRY! GET some.' ASPIRI N .TWO, TABLETS WiLL, STOP THAT PAIN IN A FEW MINUTES. 2 LATER WELL, JACK, I GOT THS ORDER! YES, FeLT•FIT 6S A FIDDLE ...• YOU BET, I'LL ALWAYS GET ASPIRIN WHEN I WANT QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. Real ASPIRIN Starts Taking Hold in Few Minutes Now comes amazingly quick. relief from headaches, rheumatism, neuri- tis; neuralgia .. the fastest safe relief, U is said, yet discovered. Those results are due to a scien- tific discovery by which an Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or dis- integ'iate, in the amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold of pain a few minutes after taking. The illustration of the glass, here, tells the story. An Aspirin Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instant- ly you swallow it. And thus is ready to go to work almost instant! . When you bny,, though, be on guard against substitutes. To be sure you get ASPIRIN'S quick relief, be sure the name Bayer in the form of a cross is on every tablet of Aspirin. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water. Note that BE- FORE it touches bot - torn, it has started to disintegrate. What it does in this glass it does in' your stomach. Hence its fast action. DE mama; CANADA Does Not Harm the .Heart {e HEALTH. SERVICE OF THE. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA NEEDLES AND. PINS ing feet around the house displays a, confidence in the needle -using mem- bers of the family, which will be dis- pelled when his foot comes down on what was a lost needle, but which he has found. The needle which is stuck in the arm of a chair or 'in the wall -paper, - or which is left in the mending, does not always stay where it is put until it is wanted again. Hunting for the lost needle seems to be a favourite pastime with some women and an oc- "The known is not always pleasing, . casional diversion for most. This but is less terrifying than the un- known." A, needle broken off in the body causes fear that is almost terror in some cases because of the remark- able stories concerning the supposed wanderings of broken needles in the body. • The needle will move a little be- cause it is usually partially or wholly embedded in muscle, andwhenthe .muscle contracts, the needle will move, There are only a very few au- thentic cases in which the broken needle has wondered for any consid- erable distance in the'body. Most of the stories that are told about broken at all! She felt suddenly insignificant. Her very rage at his domination dwindled. She was spellbound; she had never noticed before how strong he was, how powerful and deft his hands in their dangerous office. Nancy put the° kettle back and dropped down on the floor beside the old stove, furious. She had gone to this man and off- ered to marry him. After she had refused him, she had given herself to ergy. Would Richard never corns? him legally. And tonight she had seen Perhaps Henry had been thrown by how great he could be—and he had Polestar, perhaps the roads were im- not even looked at her. passible—but, no, no! She would not Nancy could not stand it. She got believe it, he would come, he mutt up and went to the door and opened come'! it. It was pitch black outside. She Nancy laid rhe clean towel; , in a could not go; she wanted to go home row beside the clean basin, ready for ,..-..she was willing to wade through the hot water that was steaming iii the night and the water, anything, to the kettle. Then she went to the bed- get away! But she could not; there side. The boy was very `ill, his was no light anywhere, She shut the, glassy eyes stared and his parched door silently and turned back; she did lips were open. Was he breathing Fie not want to see him again, hut she gasped and she drew a long sigh P'i ' could not help it. relief. ` He had hie watch in his hand and "Don't cry e'e!" She checked the was counting the child's pulse..- It did:, poor mother pitifully. "Don't! -rfc not matter to him whether site went hears you. The duet' r artist feet There or stayed ---so long as she did not ob. soon now, he rautr---" she ran to the street him in his work. The strain on window. her mind gave way suddenly; she felt Would Richard never cr,ine> as if she had fallen through space; Then, suddenly, he sac' him, com- site raid not matter at alit She sat ing over the met of the hill' on foot, down, huddled, on the window sill and Of course! She ought w have known stared out at the night, it; he couldn't .t..:'.'. his car past that ;r. telephone pole. Mr, Gordon, ,scorning to admit an - Mrs Gordon crept out of bed and could be avoided if needles were al- ways placed where they belong. A needle will sometimes be left in a garment which is undergoing repairs and in that event it may be broken off in the body of the person who puts on the garment. No matter how it happens, there is no cause for alarm because there is little or no danger associated with t he accident. There are a few things not to do, and these include all efforts at squeez- ing and such procedures with the vain hope of getting the piece of needle out. This' only makes matters worse. It is well to keep the finger or what - needles belong to the fairy tale book. ever part is injured at rest; the less This type of accident results, usual -movement the better because all move ly, from the carelessness of the injur-merit means. muscular action which ed person; but sometimes it is anoth- will, more than likely, drive the brok- er person who is careless. Needles en needle or pin deeper into the tissue should not be left lying around; there making it more difficult to reach later. sh t e should be a definite place for them, showed like the scrolled muscles of an athlete. The next moment the door opened and the broad sunshine showed her Helena and Page Roemer. Helena caught at Richard's arm. "Richard!" she cried anxiously, "you're killing yourself! •It's not right —we can't let you do it—you're too valuable!" (Continued Next Week) and they should all be in that place excepting the needle that is in use. The needle which is out of its case should be kept threaded, as this mak- es it less likely to be lost. It is surprising what parts of the body may receive the jab from a lost or misplaced needle, and tate needle off. or in his stock- letter. sometimes breaks who walks barefooted There are several ingenious ways of removing such fragments ,from' the body, but none of them is as satisfac- tory as keeping the fragments out in the first lilace through reasonable care. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian &Ledical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- The Berson to, will be answered personally by I How strong he looked, how cool. xiety, sat up late, waiting for Nancy. Before the storm reached its height, Ivlrs. Gordon had phoned to Angie Fuller to know if Nancy had been .orn there, Angie's reply that site had left before the 'rain began, worried the poor woman, . R. LOCIK.I-HAIT er CENTRE and PATRICK Stteets. 'T1rL:8141C»fl 150. CAPT. ROY BROWN'S VICTORY OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED Above are shown (1), l'3aron Man- fred von Richthofen, greatest of Ger- man fighting pilots in the great wax, who accounted for 8G allied aeroplan- es during the fighting on the western front. (2) The seat of R!chthofen's aeroplane, now in the War Museum of Toronto's Military Institute, to whom it was loaned by (2) Capt. A. Roy Brown, rp.S.C,, who brought the. German to earthin the Somme Val- ley, April 21, 1918. Credit for bring- ing him down was clalinerl_ by matt- ing gunners in the trenches„ but con- troversy onthis-points is now :ended by publication in the official war his- tory that after exhaustive examina- tion of all. records Captain Brown, above, is entitled to credit,