HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-19, Page 4FAGS FOUR
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w4earr AD'S
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1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
I Mr. A. L. Smith, of Bluevale, has
purchased a new Ford V-8 panel de-
livery' truck. Mr, Smith has been ap-
pointed travelling salesman for Hemp -
hill's 'of Wroxeter to 'sell their Flak -
0 I ed Wheat Berries. We understand his
territory extends from Ilai•riston to
Niagara Falls. We congratulate Mr.
Smith on shouldering this new enter-
prise and wish him the bestof luck.
Miss Janet Robertson, of Brussels
spent the week -end at her home on
the first line.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter and
family attended the funeral of a friend
in Wroxeter Sunday.
Mr, R. S. Edmonds is in Stratford
at present as despatcher. Mr. 'Wilkie
of Tavistock is relieving. at Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and Carl:
Johnston spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Berry, of Brucefield.
Mr. John Walmsley is hodling a
clearing auction sale Wednesday, Mr.
Walmsley is not enjoying the best of•
health at present and thus found it
necessary to have a sale.
The many friends of Mr. Howard
Stewart will be sorry to hear he is
so critically ill.
lV, 0===x0=0===x0===0=02
COOK WANTED—Apply Wingham ed, a large fraine barn with st
General Hospital, shed, frame garage and about ten
res of brush The farm is situate
CASH IN on your ideas. Learn how a good:,;.Yoad, one-quarter mile f
to write for the Press. Write for school and 33/. miles from Church
free information. London Editorial market.
Service, 172 John Street, London, TERMS: Ten per cent,of the
Canada. chase money to be paid down a
d on
FOR SALE -50 acre farm in the
township of Turnberry, good house,
good barn, 1}miles from. Wingham.
$500 takes this farm, balance on
easy terms. Apply T. Fells.
FOR SALE—Two young Durham
cows, due to freshen this month.
John Richardson, R. R. 5, Lucknow,
phone 607r42.
FOR SALE -Will sell or exchange
on fresh cows, one cow due May 1,
and two in. June; also 3 horses, suit-
able for third horse on farm. Apply
R. Beattie,
FARM WANTED -I have a client
•who will pay three to four thous-
and dollars for an: improved 100
acre farm within radius of six mil-
es, of Wingham. J. H. Crawford.
FOR SALE -Seed Oats, Swedish sel-
ect, price .65c per bushel cash. Ph.
612r2. Wm. J. Henry, R.R. 5, Luck -
FOR SALE -33 acres more or less,
20 acres workable, good brick house
and barns close to town. Ill health
reason for selling this fine proper-
ty. Apply to T. Fells.
time of sale and the .balance to be
paid within thirty days thereafter.
For :'further particulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
fourthday of April, A.D., 1934,
George Walker, Gorrie, Ontario,
Wrngliam, Ontario,
S'ancitor for the Mortgagee,
Of Valuable Farm Property
UNDER and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain Mortgage which
will beproduced.autirne of sale, there
will be offered for sale by public auc-
uction on Saturday, May 5th, A.D. 1934,
at the hour of 3 o'clock in the after-
noon, -,at the 'OffIr of: J, W. Bushfield,
Solicitor, Wingham, Ont,, subject to
a reserved bid, the following proper-
ty, namely:
"ALL and singular that certain par-
cel or tract -if land and premises sit-
uate, lying and being in the Township
of Kinloss in the County of 13ruce and
Province of Ontario and being com
posed of the South halves of Lots
MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout- t numbers Seven and Eight in the First
leigh Routes of 800 families in Concession of the said Township of
Huron, - Bruce Counties, Reliable heretofore Bolsave andaexcept ct that portion
do e
Bustler should start earning $25.00,toil dey and nve e Rai way
weekly and increase 'rapidly. Write
Company faa right of way."
immediately. Rawleigh Co,, Dept. p
CN -125-S, Montreal, Canada. Upon the said property, there is
said to be situate: a large frame bank
TENDERS WANTED—Tenders for barn, a two-storey cement house, an
the crushing of gravel in the Town- implement shed, good well, quantity
ship of West Wawanosh, will be of bush and well watered. The farm
received by the undersigned up to is situated .on the County. Road ad -
12 o'clock noon, April 30th, 1934, joining • Chruch, School and Railway.
Tenders must state price per cubic TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pm --
yard in the bin, both for drag -line chase money to be paid down at time
equipment as supplied by the Town- of sale and the balance to be paid
ship and without. All tenders must within thirty days.
be accompanied by marked cheque For further particulars and condi-
for $75 The lowest or any tender tions of sale, apply to the undersign-
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this.
16th. day of April, A.D. 1934.
Wingham, Ontario,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
not necessarily accepted. Jas C
Purdon, Road Supt., Lucknow, R.
R. 2.
TENDERS . WANTED—Tenders for
the hauling of gravel in the Town-
ship of West Wawanosh will be re-
ceived by the undersigned up to 12
o'clock noon, April 30th, 1934. Ten-
ders must state price per cubic yard
per mile (speedometer mileage) and
must be accompanied by marked
cheque for $75. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. Jas.
C. Purdon, Road Supt., Lucknow
R. R. 2.
makes of plows are sold at Royal
Service Station, North End.
TO RENT—Several Good Houses.—
Apply to T. Fells.
GROVES -In loving memory of our
dear Mother, Annie C. Groves, who
passed away, April 16th, 1933.
Deep in our hearts you are fondly
Sweet, happy memories cling 'round
your name;
True hearts that loved you with deep-
est affection,
Always will love you in death the
Ever remembered by Family.
Of Valuable Town Property
UNDER.and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort-
gage which will be produced at the
time' df sale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction on Saturday.
May 5th, A.D. 1934, at the hour of
3.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
offiec of J. W. Bushfield, Solicitor,
Wingham, Ontario, •subject to a re-
servedbid, the fallowing property:
"ALL and singular that certain par-
cel or' tract of land and premises sit-
uate, lying and: being in the Town of
Wingham in the County of Huron and
Province of .Ontario, and being com-
posed of Lots numbers Four (4) and
Five (5) in George McKay's Survey
in the said Town of Wingham, con-
taining two-thirds of an acre of land
more .or less."
UPON the 'said premises, there is
said to be situate, a two-storey white
brick house 'with all modern conven
OTICE TO CREDITORS iences, together with barn in good
Allersons having claims against TERMS: -10 per cent. ofrthe purch-
the p ase mone to be'paid down at•the
ine estate of Mararet J. Bennett late 3'•:
of the Village of Gorrie in the Coon- time of 'sale and the balance in thirty
days thereafter.-
hereafter. •.
ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who Forsfurther particulars and.condi-
Med on or about the second dosed tions of sale apply to the undersigned.
March, H.
or are notified to send DATED at Wingham. Ontario,. this
to J. Cbefore d, the Wingham,ehOnt a of 16th. day of April, A.D. 1934.
io, on or before seventh day of
May, A.D., 1934, full particulars of Thos. Fells, Auctioneer.
their claims in writing. Immediately , J. W,; 33;1:ISHF'IELD,
after the said seventh day of May, I Wingham, Ontario,
1934, the assets of the said testatrix,Solleitor for the', Mortgagee.
will be distributed amongst the part- '
res entitled thereto, having regard on-
ly to claims of which the executors
shall then have notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario this
fourteenth day of April, A.D. 1934.
Wingham, Ontario,
' Solicitor for the Executors.
The monthly meeting of Council
was held on April 10th with all the
members present, the Reeve presid-
ing. Minutes of last meeting were
read and approved on motion of Reid:
and. Robertson.
Communications were received from
the Ont. Good Roads Assoc., regard-
ing membership in that body; the de-
partment of Agriculture relative to the
supplying of seed grain to destitute
farmers; the Dept. of Lands and For-
ests, relating to Relief Land Settle-
ment in Northern Ontario, also the
reforesting of any waste land in the
These communications were order-
ed filed.
The rate of payments on roads this
season was placed at 20 cents an hour
for man and 40 cents an hour for
man and team, being a slight increase.
over payment for same as given a year
Application was made for a grant
in aid of the Be1grave School Fair,
$10,00 being voted for that purpose.
The Clerk was instructed to write
the Highways Dept. -relative to the
proceeding to be taken regarding par-
ticipating in the relief measures spon-
sored by the local legislature on an
estimated expenditure of $3000.00.
Approximately $3500.00 of 1933
taxes being still outstanding another
month of grace was given the Collec-
tor for the collection of this amount.
The following accounts were paid:
Abner Cosens, premium on Collector's
bond $15:00; County Treas., share of
percentage on uncollected taxes, .43;.
John Vincent, fence and snow road,
$3.80; Chas. Carter, road supt. salary
and expenses $18.00. - •
Council, will hold their next meet-
ing on Tuesday, May 8th. '
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Mr. Dick McMichael is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Weir,
A .number from this locality'. attend-
ed the'funeral service of the late Mrs.
Thomas Higgins which was held in
the Wroxeter United Church last Sun -
clay afternoon. The deceased died in
London and formerly lived in this'nei-
ghborhood. The friends have the sym
Under and 'by virtue of the powers pathy the' neighborhood,
Miss Mildred Cathers, who attends
Wingham' High School, and Miss' M.
Mines, who teaches east of Belmore,
contained in a certain Mortgage which
will be produced at time of sale, there
for sale b
will be offered for public auc-
tion, ou Saturday, May 5th, A,D, 1934,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- spent the week -end at their respective
noon, at the Gorrie Hotel in the, Vit- Inomes.
la e of Gorrie, subject to a reserved,
the following property, namely: Mrs. W. A. Cahners who has been
bid,t g
sin alar that certain par- confined to her bed for some time
"'ALL and
cel of tract of land and premises sit- with her heart and also an attack of
to 1 in and being nn tine Toy+nslnrp inn improving, although
pia ' y r tl e County of Duron quinsy, is slowly p g, k
androvi rn n
Province of Ontario and being,. not able to be up yet.. We hope she
Mr. John Webb of Duluth, is a vis-
itor with his brother, 111r. Walter
Mr. John Miller was in Toronto last
week attending a convention of the
Orange Lodge.
Messrs. Wilson Woods, Lorne
Webb and George McQuillan are
home for the vacation after cornplet-
ing the tern at the O.A,C., Guelph.
Ween -End Specials
Children's strong wearing Hose
in Sand shades, Sale 21c
Women's Rayon and Lisle 29c
Supersilk Hose, best colors 69c
Girls' Broadcloth Bloomers 29c
Bargain in Women's Slips 79c
Girls' Print Dresses, New
Models 75c
5 doz. Women's Print House
Dresses 98c
New Prints, colorfast 15c & 19c
Ladies' New Rubber Capes, in
colors 98c
Ladies' Waterproof Coats, a
Bargain $4.75
Tailored Skirts, Brown, Black
or Navy $1.75
Smart Models in Angle -Skin
Waists $1.00.
Misses' and Women's Silk Slips,
reg. $2.00 ' $1.59
Large Turkish Bath Towels,
now 25c
Special in Curtain Net, now 35c
Large size Bunch Batting
2 lbs. 49c
Pillow Slips, good size, sale 19c
Cretonne and Chintz, yard,
wide 20c
Pure Silk Dress Crepe, yard
wide , 89c
I and & Co.
H. E.
The following address was read by
Mrs, H. Farrell.
To 'Mr,, and Mrs, and Mrs; 1„awrence
and family;
"We, the members of St. Nun
Church learning of your decision to
return to your former home in Gorrie
take this opportunity of expressing
our appreciation of your church ac-
tivities in this Parish. Since coming
to' Ripley seven years ago your inter-
est in church services, Guild and A,Y,
P.A. work, particularly the latter,,has
been an incentive for others to help
the "Stranger within our Gates". We
ask you therefore to accept this purse
as a' slight acknowledgement of op-
preciation of your combined efforts.
along these lines. Our best wishes
for your future both spiritual and ma-
terial accompany you to•your former
Signed on behalf of the members of
St, Paul's Church, Ripley.
Mr. James Morton of the Royal
Bank staff also expressed his regret
of their leaving and spoke very high-
ly of their church activities and A.Y.
P.A. work.
A brief reply was made by Mr. Law
rence, thanking everyone for the kind-
ness shown and spoke of the many
happy evenings spent together. A
banquet opened the evening, followed
by a musical program and games. A
very pleasant evening was enjoyed by
fer the jawbs, arr not enoguh jawbs
fer the inin, vhichivirnway ye loike to
look at it, an nobody knows what to
do about the matther. We don't nade
anny more miinbers av Parleymint,
arr Sinnaters, arr shtore kaypers, arr
dochtors, lawyers, arr Insurance Ag-
ints, arr carpenters, arr brick layers,
arr blacksmiths, arr bond min, arr
transhents, arr town councillors, so
what the byes intind to do wid thim-
silves is a mishtery to me," I sez,
"Ay, mon," see Sandy, "but there
is ae thing ye didna mention, yell nae
Thurstday ,Apk U 19th, 1934
Large Assortment at Moderate Prices.
Class I-13. Blake. u
Class II—J. Pattison,
Passed—T. Wilson, L. Hogan,
Failed—K. Watson', C. McLean, B.
Culbert, J. Weir, J. Herd; M. Robert-
son, J. Thompson.
'Zook gy
Class I -J. Normp, R; Thompson,
A. Adams:
Class II -3. Pattison,
Class I1I—P. Jones.
Pass -J, Pollock,,. F;; .Hodgins, -
Hogan. .
Class II—J. Norman,J. Pattison.
Class III—A. Adams, R. Thomp-
Fail—F. Hodgins, L. Hogan.
Class II—B. Blake.
Class III—J. Norman, T. Wilson.
Fail—KK. Watson, R. Thompson, 13.
Culbert, J. Weir.
Class' I—J. Norman, B
Class II—J. Pattison.
Pass—J. Weir.
Fail—J. Ballagh, L. Hogan, W.
FORM IV Class III—F. Currie, E. Dickson.
French Authors Pass—L. Proctor, V. Fry, C. Nor -
Class I—J. Buchanan, G. King, C. (trop, E. Bibby, E. Elliott, F. Hig-
gins, A. Underwood,
G. Fail—G. Johnston, D. Buchanan, M
Dow, T. Reid, M. Powell.
Class I—J. Campbell.
Class II—A. McMichael, , F. Hig-
Class III—C, Hetherington, (D.
Fortune, E. Coutts).
Credit—M. Wright, (M. Field, G.
Robertson), (H. Armstrong, C. Nor -
trop, T. Reid), E. Elliott, L. Proc-
tor, A. Underwood, M. Dow.
Failed—M. Powell,,. D. Buchanan,
F. Currie, G. Brackenbury, J. Pres-
ton, E. Bibby.
Canadian History
Class I—(J. Campbell, C. Hether-
ington), A. McMichael.
Class II—M. Field, E. Elliott, (G..
Brackenbury, D. Fortune).
Class III—(E. Coutts, F. Higgins),.
G. Robertson, H. Armstrong.
Credit—A. Underwood, G. Johns-
ton, L. Felly, D. Buchanan, C. Nor -
Re -organization of the C.C.F., On-
tario section, was effected in a fiery
15 -hour sesion in Toronto on Satur-
day, when: the new, simplified consti-
tution was adopted, providing for,.dis-
cipline centralized in the- provincial
council and membership only through
"Political groups, all of whose mem-
bers are willing to adhere strictly to
the C.C.F. program and constitution.
The elections resulted in Alderman
John Mitchell of Hamilton being cho-
sen president. Graham Spry • of Ot-
tawa was elected vice-president.
The executive council will consist
of: Dr. Lorna Cotton, Toronto; Toin
Cruden, Toronto; Ben Levert, Sand-
wich Twp.; Jack O'Hanley, Hamilton;
Arthur Williams, East York; J. F.
llcKevitt, Schreiber; (Rev.) J. Suth-
bae only main retired `farmers turnip
intae toon sae long as we hae the Tor-
L r,r- erland, Petereboro; Harold Crane,
iesin pooer" he sez. "The - Toon
Council dinna need to fash theer,als
fixin up tre new park wi' rose bushes,
an flooer beds an aisy sates, fer a
wee whilie yit'' hp sez.
Sandy is a purty good fellah in a
lot av ways, but he has the bad habit
av inthroducin pollyticks befoor ye
kin be talkin wid ,him fer tin minnits.
I hew throid harrud to show him the
error av his ways, but ye moight as
well throy to git him to shtop shmok-
in, arr' dhri.nkin.tay, as to attimpt to
git hurt to kape pollyticks out av his
ould tread fer half an hour at a toime;
but,. av coorse ye musn't ixpickt to
foind anny man widout faults, ispish-
ally if he ispa Grit. Mebby he has
more good pints than bad wans, af-
ther all. As good a harse fer wurruk
as I ivir owned had shplints on .his
Yours till .ni.t toime,
Tomthy Hay,
To the Editur av all thim
Wingham paypers.
Deer Sur:—
Wan day lasht wake I went down
town an who shod I mate but pie ould
Grit frind, Sandy Banks, lookin purty
well afther the harrud winther.
Whoile the wus shtandin talkin in
front av Rae & Tamson's departtnint-
al shtore the Hoigh School byes came
marchin arround the earner tootin
theer harps, an baitin theer drums
widout a care in the wurruld.
"Lush mon says Sandy, "What's
gone wrong noo, is't the twelfth of
July, or another w,varr? ;A't'n noun toon
vat -1.y often an dinna ken muckle
aboot a' thae happenings," -
I tou'ld hire it wus jist Mishter Big-
elow his oun • shpalpanes down
el � young ov
to the armories to wurrek aff theer
stirpltish inirgy.
"An are all thae Caddies gangin tae
the High Skule?" asked Sandy, ".T
dinna think I ever cast me ee on a
mair brave' lot in my life, but it wor-
rits me tae ken what they intend tae
rake a' thimselL"
"Shure," " 'tisnot an aisy
{ .Shure, sez I, o y
piobhrn `'ye lieu been afflict throyin
t The vv
oisest min
�a rt'"'idn ,
to solve, s
� r
urriilzri on. it
an heven't found the roight answer
e to het e.
IVCon be
restored ., bei Fwill so lhir
Number ,
sect o
Farm Lot
GC�rni iq.
in the Secand Concession of the said health and stretrgth, agaitit t
Township less acres "k
- X�Caround
Ilon `n "rn
� of lire rr n
'lownslnt , Weddirng��be11s g g
said: aff elle, taint. -east corner ed said lin the wurruld do be w
f'titiin once hundred and hierd, '
T 1
coir g
t ,r
• o a a bad
has two acres. be�the same Mote orless St Finlay 1 a
UI7ON` the said thicOer'E y..t'll tet{*$ attsck of ctat,c4.
The members bf Ripley St. Paul's
Anglican Church and A. Y. P. A. met
in the basement of the church and pre-
sented Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence and
family with' a pursb as a token of ap-
preciation of their interest in the work
of the church and A.Y,P.A., before
their departure to their former home
wish hien a -{t." 1:sei "The'thrubble sannes to he
We w y r
said to be situate: 'a t' speecynecovery"
(kfsfor.e g7ted l• that theer are always too tnanny enirn
brick house with frame .kitchen attach- • . . �.,.,
av€troU his
Do Your E �
Need AWtentton..
When it comes to replac-
ing leaky Gutters and
Troughs there's no job
too difficult for us.
use the best''of materials
• !"s1'N
TaXilr h
'Windsor; John Walter, Kitchener; D.
M. LeBourdais, Mimico; Dr. Luke
Teskey, Forest Hill; W. C. Hill, N.
Cobalt; Sam Innis, Otterville.
MISENER—In Stratford, April 12th,
to NIr .and Mrs. Jas. R. Miseiner,
(nee Myrtle Shackleton), a daugh-
ter—Nora Claire.
Class I-75% or over; Class II -
66 to 74%; Class II1-60 to 65%; Pass
—50 to 59%.
French Authors
Class i—E. Weir, L. Waller.
Class II—T. Wilson.
Class III—B. Blake.
Credit—B. Culbert, A. Adams, A.
McLean, J. Norman, R. Thompson.
Failed --V. Fry, M. Robertson, J.
Pollock, J. Thompson, C. McLean, J.
Weir, J. Herd,
French Composition
Clas I—E. Weir.
Crass III—L. Waller, 13. Blake.
Credit—A. McLean, T. Wilson, 13.
Culbert, J. Norman.
Failed—V. Fry, C. McLean, J. Pol-
lock, M. Robertson, A. Adams, J,
Weir, J. Herd, 5. Thompson.
Modern History
Class II—E. Weir.•
Credit -A. McLean, (R. Thompson,
A. Adams).
Failed -J. Pollock, J, Thompson, L.
Robertson, L. Hogan, F. Hodgins, 13,
Culbert, J. 'Weir, W. Cruikshank,. T.
Wilson, E. Jenkins, J. Pattison.
Latin Authors
Class I -E. Weir.
Class IE—T. Wilson, L. Robertson,
J. Pollock
Class III—L. Waller,
Pass—J. Herd,
Failed—J, Norman, L. Higgins, 13,
Culbert, L. Hogan, J. Weir, J.
Thompson, A. McLean,
Latin Composition
Class I—L. Waller.
Class II -T. Wilson,
Class Ill -L. Robertson, E, Weir.
Pass J, Pollock, 7W
Weir, L. Hog-
o -an,
J.' Norman.
Failed—J. Herd, B. Culbert, L.
Higgins, J. 'Thompson, A. McLean.
Class 1-1:3, Blake, 1". Wilson.
Passed—J, Pattison, R. Thompson.
Failed ---J, Herd, L. Hogan, 13. Cul-
bert. 1 t 1
1 1" i
'PY rgt)ndtlietty
I—.13. Blak.
b,ra , Waller..
ILI�c, c
Failed—L. Robertson, t, Jenkins,
1. Thompson, 1 Higgins, M. Robert-
son, J. Pollock, A. McLean, F. Hod,
Lane, D. Fixter.
Failed M. Currie, J. McGill, V:
Fry, M. Mitchell, C, McLean, B. Cul-
M. Stewart, B. Scott,,R. Hutton„
M. Robertson, K. Watson.
Class I—G. King, J. McGill., G.
Wheeler, H. Skelding.
Class II—C. McKay, L. Henderson,.
3, Lane, A Chittick.
Class III -M. Currie, B. Scott, F.
Pass—J. Buchanan, M. Mitchell_
Fail -R. Hutton, L. Kelly,,
Class I-5. Campbell, C. Hethering-
ton. '
Class II—F. Higgins.
Class III—H. Armstrong, D. For-
tune, L. Proctor.
Pass—E. Dickson, M. Field, G
Fail—E. Coutts, A. Underwood, F.
Currie, C. Nortrop, E. Bibby, T. Reid,
M. Powell, M. Dow.
Blake, T. Physics
Class I—J. Campbell, H. Arm-- '
strong, M. Field, D. Fortune, L. Rob-
ertson, G. Robertson.
Class II—C. Hetherington, E.
Class II—J. Lane, W. Craig,
Wheeler, A. Chittick.
Class III—M. Dobie.
Credit—H. Skelding, M. Currie, M.
Mitchell, J. McGill.
Failed—L. Henderson, D. Fixter,
P. Jones, M. Stewart, 13. Scott.
French Composition
Class I—J. Lane, G. Ding, J. Bu-
Class II—G. Wheeler, A. Chittick,
M. Dobie.
Class III—C. McKay.
Credit—J. McGill, W. Craig, M.
Mitchell, H. Skelding,
Failed—M. Currie, (L. Henderson,
M. Stewart), P. Jones, B. Scott.
Class I—J. Lane, G. King.
Class II—G. Wheeler.
Class III—J. Pollock, L. Kelly.
Pass—J. Buchanan, NI. Mitchell, F.
Hodgins, W. Craig, A. Chittick.
Failed L. Henderson, M, Dobie, C.
McKay, M. Currie, M. Stewart, V.
Fry, R. Hutton. •
Class II—G. Wheeler,'
Class III—J. Buchanan.
Pass—G. King, J. Lane, L, helly.
Failed—(J. McGill, M, 1Vlitchell), 'L.
Henderson, C. McKay, A. Chittick,
B. Scott, P. Jones.
English Composition
Class I -C. McKay, J. -Buchanan.
Class II—R, Htitton,3, Blake, G.
King. ,
Class III—M. 'Mitchell, E. Weir, G.
Wheeler, A. Chittick: '
Credit—H, Skelding, J', ' Mebill , J.
Lane, L. Henderson, P. Jones,
Failed—B,, Scott, L. Kelly, 'L, Hig-
gins, K. Watson, 3• Lallagh,
English Literature
Class I—J. Buchanan, E. Weir.
Class II—J. Pollock, 13. Blake.
Class III—A. Chittick, L..Heniler-
son,; M. Mitchell,( J. McGill, 3,
Thompson): '
Credit—G. King, J. Lane, C. Mc-
Kay, G. Wheeler, R. Hutton.
Failed—P,' Jones; H. Skelding, J.
Weir, L, Higgins, F. Hodgins, C. Mc-
Lean, 11 Scott, V. Fry', M. Robert-
son, W. Cruikshank, D. Fixter, E.
Jenkins, L. Kelly, J. Ballagh,
Greek Accident
Class I—J, Lane,
Class II—J. Buchanan, G. Wheeler,
Greek Authors
Class T—J. >:,ucha pan Wheeler,
J n G . W ,
Latin Authors
Class II -5, Buchanan,
Pass—J. Lane, G. Wheeler, M. Do-
bie, A. Chittick,
Failed—M: Mitchell, G. ling, H,
,Skelding, L. Henderson,M. Currier,
. McKay, D. Pix.ter, L Felly, 13,
o��.tt r ,
e t
Class s I'C--• J. B,uciik�iayls y
Class III—G, Witeelc"t`^, Kinp, .A
Chittick, 14, Skelding:"'r ;P °rarltt„<
Pass• -1',, Ilendersorn1 C. 1fcl ay,"'J'
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