HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-12, Page 8AGLt JIG �T THE E WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, April 12th, 1934 SHOW STARTS AT 8 F.M. .Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 12th, 13th, 114th, GLENDA FARRELL BEN LYON AND GUY KIBBEE — In — 66 a ®0 n`.1si 9' A Mystery Drama, Also Two -Reel Comedy "The Way of All Freshme Ripley's "Believe It or Not" and Fox News. NEXT WEEK e Last Trail" A Zane Grey Western. WHITECHURCH Mrs. Jas. Barbour, of Fordyce, has been visiting for the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben. Mc- Clenaghan. Miss Jean Welwood spent, a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burchill. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt spent a few days in Toronto: last week. IVIr, Gaunt attended the Convention for Public School Trustees. Farmers in this district who have tapped trees, are being kept busy this week; the sap is exceptionally sweet this year. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt are moving this week to the farm of Mr. Jas. Jamieson of Marnoch, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gaunt are moving from her school at Ripley on Saturday and Miss Olive Farrier returned to Strat- ford Normal School on Monday. Miss Jean Logan of. Teeswater, teacher of S. S. No, 14, is laidup with an at- tack of tonsilitis and 'that school did not reopen on Monday. Mr. Donald Finlayson and son, Malcolm, of Lochalsh, visited on Sun- day with ther aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mac- Gregor. Mrs. W. J, McClenaghan returned to her home in Brampton last week after spending some time with her sister, Miss Sarah Garbutt. Miss Annie Simpson of Jasper, Al- berta, spent the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Frank Henry, she in- tends leaving for her home in the West soon. The W. M. S. of the United Church the village to the farm. held successful Teas at the homes of Miss`Winnifred Farrier returned to Mrs. Frank Henry and .Mrs. Gibson Gillespie last Wednesday. . The Kinloss ladies quilted their dresden plate quilt and have now got it up for sale. Miss ss RobinsonRobm,returned to Wingham an Saturday after spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. J. D. Beecroft. Master Joe Falconer of Wingham spent a few days at the home of his uncle, Mr. Ezra. Welwood, Mr. Earle Goyeau and Mr. B. Brown of Leamington, spent a few clays last week with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Aldin Purdon. A number of Wawanosh families held a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott on Fri- day last. They all reported having a good time. Mrs. Murray, accompanied by Miss Isabel Fox, made a trip to London ''n Thursday last, returning home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Newby and little son, Donald, of London, spent the week -end •at the hone of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, 1g" 'd?: _4 1 HAS ARRIVED Perhaps you are needing re- placements in your home. That old Clock or Watch should be Fixed. Maybeyou need Silver- ware or a nice piece of China to brighten up your home. Any- thing you need in our line, we can supply. BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS And MONTROSE WATCHES Speak for Themselves. LIA a: I'S THE JEWELER U; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS We do all kinds of "TOP WORK" and our than is an expert workman in this class of work— in fact we guarantee "just asnice as the factory" and our prices are most reasonable. We also keep for sale at all times: AUTO TOPPING GOODS, Celluloid, Auto Tip Fasten.ers,' Loops,- Etc., in fact, we have practically "Ev- er thing>' pertaining to THE TOPS. StOr THE EES' SHOE STORE ! i i Bin rani nt. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday in the Hall, The roll call is to be answered by the exchange of bulbs; and Mrs. \V, R. Farrier has the topic for the meeting, to: co-op- erate in con munity activitie,s which are for the benefit of the family life. The xustitute:bave'been practising for a play, and they are planing to pre - ,sent "Closed Lipson Tuesday, April 24th. • The :Easter Thank -Offering meet. - mg of the W. M. S, •of the United Church Will be, held on Wednesday, April 18th. Mrs. T. C. Viilkinson of St. Helens is to be the special speak- er for the occasion, The Mission Baud of Chalmer's Church held a very successful social evening iri the church basement on Wednesday last. All enjoyed the splendid program. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Falconer of Cuirass, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry and son, Ross, of Belfast, spent Sunday at the home. of her sister, Mrs, Robt. Pur - don. 'Mrs, Wm. Robinson received word on Friday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Gibson, formerly Fanny Camp- bell, of Paris. Besides her sorrowing husband, she leaves to mourn her, one daughter. Mrs. Robinson and her son Ernest left on Sunday to attend the funeral which took place from her home on Monday. Three sisters,. Mrs. Robinson; Mrs. Knowles and Mrs. Co - hill, and one brother, Mr. John Camp- bell of Whitechurch, also survive. This community extends sympathy to the bereaved families. Mrs. John Kilpatrick and son, Keith, of Crewe, are visiting at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of the 9th con. of E. Wawanosh. Standard "Formaldehyde" guaran- teed, for 25c a pound' at McKibbon's Driig Store, f3ELGRAVE Jean and Harold Elliott of Blue - vale, spent the Easter vacation at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. J. Wightrnan, Miss Louise McKenzie left on Fri- day to resume her teaching duties at Sturgeon Falls, Mrs. Alex. Manning and boys visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson, Auburn, who recently cele- brated their golden wedding anniver- sary. Jno. Mason returned home Friday from Toronto where he attended the annual meeting of the O,E.A. C. R. Coultes shipped a car -load of cattle to Toronto on Saturday and spent Monday in the city. Goldie Wheeler was home from Ethel for the holidays. Mr. Ton. Wilkinson has returned to his home in Escanaba, Mich., af- ter spending the last few months with friends and relatives in Belgrave, Ex- eter and Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Kilpatrick, of Crewe, spent the week -end with Mrs. .Kilpat- rick's sister, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. Mrs, Julia Scandrett and Corinne have' returned to their home after spending severalweeks in Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young attended the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Auburn. ELUEVALE Box Social Wedd Attended The Box Social of the' Y. 1'. Soe iety of Bluevale United Church held on Friday evening had a good attend- ance and was a bright and happy oc- casion. A short programme was giv- en, Mr, Jack Wickstead was in the chair. Instrumental selections were given by Grace Fairbairn, Dorothy Aitkin and Melville Mathers, Alberta Shield gave a reading and Ethel jJohnston read 'a journal containing accounts of neighborhood activities and lively stories, Some games fol- lowed and an interesting photograph contest. The boxes beautifttfly dec- orated were auctioned off by Mr. C. Johnston. The proceeds made a sub- stantial increase in the funds' of the Y.l'.5. Knox W.M.S. Held Meeting The April meeting of the W.M.S. of Kno:ti Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon With the Pres- ident,-,Mrs, P. S. McEwen, in charge, The society has accepted the alloca- tion to supply clothing: for a l oy, ;the required articles being already prom- ised. The chapter from the study book was taken by Mrs. R. Elliott and , dealt with "Our Task Aboard" mak- ing special mention of India ,and also pointed out the contrast between. Ov- erseas and National Missionary activ- ities, The Bluevale auxiliary has re- Cently received abequest of $IOO from the estate of the Late Miss Isabel Fowler, R.N. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Mrs. D. 3. Falconer. The president closed the meeting with prayer°. The hostess served a cup of coffee at the close of the Meeting, STY E at Ki (Paris .and New York are all keyed up over Suits this Spring and Ring's have The New Ones You'll be charmed with their swank and variety, Tweeds - Monotones and' French .Twills. in Swagger, Dress and Reefer styles. "Fashion says they're Millinery Another hundred new styles this week. Stockings Kayser Chiffon, and the new Orient Crepes - the best dollar stockings in town. Foundation Garments The 'famous Nemo -Flex and Gossard lines. Dresses Always King's. Spring Underwear something new at Now is the season for change of weights. Our Vests, Bloom- ers, Panties in Lisle, Silk and Mixture Fabrics are really fine values. It is really a fine time to choose Curtains, Draperies, Hangings and Floor Cover- ings. You are always welcome to inspect our big stock and make comparisons, rfi s .H15nLWM'" "'s'_t-6'k�s"f."i'lH6ditaTv t:%1nt':>;:in)r<r,!•:+N3hu17�. . er.e Woman's Assoc. to Make Quilts The Wonzans' Association of the United Church enjoyed a pleasant and profitable afternoon Thursday when 34 members and one visitor suet at the home of Mrs, Arthur Shaw. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Edward Johnston and was opciied by' a devotional' periocl, Mrs. (Rev.) A. V. Robb leading in prayer. A special feature of business was the arrange- ments for making quilts for the mis- sionary bale. Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture. At the close Of the business meeting all enjoyed a social hour when the hostess assist- . 0 Ig D NCE At THE PAVILION GODERICH C7: Every SATURDAY NIGHT 1 Tony Farr's Orchestra 0 CUT - RATE PRICES Not Unwanted Lines Usually Seen in Advertisements, but Everyday Needs for the Home. Granulated Sugar, Special 10 lbs, for 70c Fresh Sair Dates, 2 lbs, ......;,17c Cooking Figs, fresh, lb, ....,:.:9c Fresh. Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c Gold Medal Quick Tapioca; Special for, 9c pkg. Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 2 lh. tin 18c, 5 ib, tin 38c, 10 lb, 72c Bird Seed, pkg. for 15e Mello -Rich Tea lb. 22c Breakfast Cocoa for 10c ib. Hemphill's Wheat terries, 2 lb for 9c McCormick's Soda Biscuits, fresh, Special •11c lb. Magic Coffee, Special 29c lb. Gold Medal Jelly Powders, reg. 7c, 5 pkgs. for 23c McLaren's Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs for only 17c Rolled Oats 6 lb for 24c Shelled Walnuts, Special Vic ib. Gold Medal Coffee 38c lb. Eddy Matches, 3 .boxes 23c lPatterson's Short Bread Cook- ies, 2 lb. for.. .,..,29c Apple Blossom Cakes, Toast- ed' pink and white, 2 lbs: 29c Big 5 Cleanser for ,,,..,,... 4c tint Aylmer and Clark's Pork & Beans, 21• tri. for •., iOc tin PuraMapl a ru . 25c pint Cy p , "We Keep Dbwn The Upkeep" Phone 17. We Deliver Any Size Order, ed by Miss Hazel Stamper served re- freshments. Ladies' Aid Meeting Entertaining The Ladies' Aid of Knox l'resby- terian Church held . a good meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Ifrs, Mowbray. The Vice l'resi- dent, Mrs. P, D. King, presided and. several items of business were trans- acted, An interesting' feature of the: meeting was "A Grab Bag" each laity had donated an 'article, these Were placed in a bag and each lady paid ten cents for a draw. Viewing the ar- titles- was a source of entertahnment and was a ;means of swelling the treasury. Visitors in and out of the village during Easter week:. Mrs, Wilbur Mathers and two dau- ghters of Hepworth with Nir. and Mrs. George; Mathers. Mrs, Harold Buchanan, Wingham, spent Sunday with Mrs. Joseph Un- derwood, - Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Snaith and daughter, "'Muriel, with friends in Brttssel's, Mrs. F. S. Edmunds and sons, Ger- ald and Bobbie, with Mr. Edmunds'. mother at Thedford, who returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Edward Johnston with her daughter, Mrs.. Harold Harris at Fer- gus. Miss Rata Smith, of Brussels spent the week -end with her parents, Mn andMrs. Milton Smith in Morris. Miss Grace Fairbairn who has spent the last. month at Gorrie with Mrs, Nellie Scott. • Miss Freda Mustard, Morris, spent Sunday with Miss Alba Mowbray. Mrs. Stevenson of Brussels With Mrs. P. S. McEwen; Mr. and Mrs: Raymond Elliott and daughter, Lois, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Elliott, Wawanosh. Bunco Party Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Edmunds enter- tained their friends on Tuesday even- ing to a progressiire bunco party. Seven tables enjoyed the play. Lad- ies high score prize was won by Mrs. J. C. Higgins and the men's by Mr. R. McLellan. The consolation Prizes went to Mrs. R. Elliott and Alex. Moffatt. The lucky chair prize went to Mrs. R. McLellan. Following the play lunch was served and dancing enjoyed. Mr. Edmunds went to Stratford on Wednesday to relieve on the C.N.R. despatcher there, MORRIS Mrs, Edmunds of Thedford, is visit- ing her son, Mr. Sam Edmunds. Mrs. Ed. Johnston spent the week- end with . her daughter, Mrs. Harold Harris of Fergus. Miss Ethel Johnston returned to school on Monday at Byron. Dorothy Aitken went back to her school near Blyth. Charles Draper moved. his house- hold effects to the farm he leased from John Miller on 6th Con., Morris. On Friday evening a large number of Young People gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, 2nd line, the occasion being in honor of Miss Helen Edgar whose birthday they were celebrating. Cards and dancing were indulged in until an ear- ly hour when all returned home, re- porting an Al time being enjoyed. Friends were present from Wingliann and other points. Mr, W. J. Scott has engaged the services of Mr, M. Fraser of Bluevale for the summer months. Mr. Richard Johnston has been on the sick list but is able to be around again. Clendon Yeo is very busy these days cutting •wood on the 1st con. A car load of the Bluevale Orange- men attended the funeral of the de parted brother, Fred Davey of Wrox- eter. Mr. George Peacock of, the teach ing staff at Ottawa: spent the Easter` holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Peacock, Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and two children of Hepworth, spent Faster at the hoine of the former's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mathers. Black Bros. have :bought the farm known. as the late George Macdonald farm, 'close to the corporation of EAST WAWNOSH The Young People of Brick Unit- ed Church are planning' a crokinole drive, the date of which has been set for April 17th, although no definite place has been located, Fttrther an- nouncement will be made on Sunday, April 15th. It is the intention of the society to hold a five weeks' training course study on "The Life of Christ and its Meaning," Meetings will be held, ev- ery Tuesday beginning the second week in May, The Minister, Rev, A. M. Grant, has offered to lead the class in study. Any person wishing to at- tend this course will kindly get in touch with the secretary, Mr. Roy;; Pattison, Mr, Robert Coultes attended the E. A, convention in Toronto last W ;spin, 500 NEW SAMPLES FO YOUR CHOICE WHEN .BUYING AN UP-TO-DATE s ING SUIT, Our Hand Tailor Suits made by Shiffer- .Hillman & Co. 22 50, 27»50, 35M0 Hand Work. Silk Lined. ,r ry week. Miss Grace Ireland of Stratford Normal, visited with her brother,: Mr. Elmer Ireland, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Murray : Johnson of Wingham visited at Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Perdue's on Sunday. Mr. Daniel Arbuckle who has been spending the holiday at home, return- ed to Western University.' Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Elliott and fam- ily of St. Catharines, spent a few days at the home of the fornner's another,. Mrs. John Elliott, 12th con. Spring appears to have again come around'and is very welcome after the rather severe -Winter. 'The roads are crying up quite nicely, but the run of sap has been rather disappointing so far; also the fall wheat does not look any too promising. Miss Eileen Snell had her tonsils removed in Wingham Hospital Wed- nesday. Mrs. Vipond, of Donegal, is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Wightman. Mr.John Rintoul,Toronto, J To to,isit visited with his mother, Mrs. Alex. Rintoul. Mr. Frank Thompson was at a bus- iness meeting at Ailsa' Craig on Fri- day. Mr, Adam McBurney returned to Kingston on Friday after spending the, holiday with his father, Mr. Jo- seph McBurney. Mr. John Shiell spent a few days in Listowel at Dr. A. G. Shiell's. BELMORE The convention of the 'United Church Sunday School will be held Wednesday, April. 25th. Supper: will beserved to the visiting delegates in the Community Hall. Two beautiful quilts were quilte;d Tuesday afternoon by the W.M.S. at Miss Elizabeth Hakney's, after which lunch was served. Those on the sick list are: Mrs. E. Walters, dangerously ill in Walk- erton Hospital, and Mr. Wm. Abram who underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in Wingham Hospital; Mr, Henry. Johann is not as well as usual. Miss Mary Baird, Blyth, spent the holiday day week with Mrs. Lawrence Sr. Mr. Elijah Higgins of Morris, is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Arthur•. Fitch. Miss Helen Mulvey with her friend Miss Annie Douglas of Gorrie,, viisted. friends. in Toronto the. holiday week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abram, Mr, and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh, Mrs. Austin, Mrs, .Newans, Mr. and Mrs. George' Herd, spent Thursday evening with Eleanor and Minnie Jeffray. A shower was held Thursday, even- ing itt honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott,'A pari -cake social was held the same evening at,MacIntosh Church. Wedding bells still keep ringing; will last till the maple syrup season is over. "Daughter," said the father, "is that .young roan serious in his intentions?" "Guess he must be dad," she re- plied. "He asked me how much I'rn making, what kind of meals we have, and how you and mother are to live with,". NOW EATS ANY MIND OF FOOD, AND NO CONSTIPATION Mr. :urigan Finds Relief in Kellogg's ALL -BRAN Here is his enthusiastic letter: "Am 70 years of age, and for 46 of these years there never was a week but what I had to take a pill or some kind of cathartic. "I took everything, but gained, only temporary relief. Until last spring my daughter, who is a nurse in a hospital, brought me some Kellogg's Am -BRAN. "At the end of the week, I knew I had something that was it, and I kept on taking it. I haven't taken a cathartic since. I can eat meat any time, as often as I like, or any other kind of food, and no consti- pation."—Mr. L. M. Durigan (ad dress furnished upon request). Laboratory tests show Kellogg's Am. -BRAN provides "bulk" to •ex- ereise the intestines, and vitamin B to help muscle tone. Also iron for the blood. The "bulk" in A1.1.,-BaAx is much like that of lettuce. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, it clears out the intestinal wastes. How much safer than patent med- icines. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. With each meal in serious cases.If not re- lieved this way, see your doctor. Sold in the red -and -green pack- age. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, ECO' O Y Plus QUALITY Remember our byeword is Quality plus Service and Courte- ous Treatment. Why not give us a share of yourl patronage, we would appreciate it and we know that you will appreciate our service and Qaunty Goods. This Week we offer you a Choice Selection of Specials: Crown Brand "Syrup 5 lbs. 390 Crown Brand Syrup ° 10 lbs. 72c Choice Dates 2 lbs. for 19c Extra SAUER' KRAUT, Reg. 15c SPECIAL 2 for 19e i Extra LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS Large 21, Size for 10c Gold Medal Plum Jam 32 oz. Size 25c Lynn Valley Tomatoes, No. 2 Size 2 for 15c Red Rose Tea lb. 25c EXTRA CORN EXTRA 3 FOR. .:.... 25c Menem Quality Tomatoes, Large Tins 10c Leaf Lettuce, Fresh Carrots, Head Lettuce, Large California Cel- ery, Green Onions, Grapefruit, Oranges, Lemons, BI PHONE 76 pieltemeemstel QUICE DELIVERY 4442.1.