HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-12, Page 1ereeee. , Aigig With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, WINGHAIVI POST CANADIAN LEGION PRESENT "THE TIDE", A THREE ACT PLAY, IN THE TOWN HALL,TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th and 1 8 tl) 'Single Copies Five. Cents , .ALPS Annual IVI Ferecas • 'rhe ann Golf Club ing last w •••ers. There •members a iasm show 'is looking •cessful sea The folio President lst Vice 2nd Vice 'Teesevater. Secretar Treasure Executiv Lucknow; "W, Howso Bishop. Finance -Chairman; Brackenbui Match a Chairman, Ross, Geo. • Greens -Chairman; Val. House Chairman; A. W,Jrwi Kee, Lucki Members 1-lowson, 13 er, Dr. Jo Currie. Captain— Vice Cap Fees for • Men $20 Students, le fly Tickets, -$5 for each a member People w may pay d 4 games th plied on an Non Res 50c per da two WCeks, two month The gree i\To Further Owing to dents in H cars with o .ficer Lever er warning driving slid ey spare b appearance recent fatal . Lemon at "one -eyed" are taking ish fromtl defective li BASES THU The loca soaked up er of the p ing dormari the fans s numbers for ficers, The the Council requested e all business detail bcfor It is exp annual repo the right sic will be buil all the club ever even than none nearby tow fifteen doll them, the I to afford s even a new It is not year's office election, bet them ad offer their least one s As for tl squad is int blood has b doubtful if operate thie sail and p Could be gn be discuss° urge all bal sto bring al office. Adrnis ion 25c. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THUM DAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 Subseripfians $2.00 Per Yeee OLE CLUB E LECT OFFICERS STUDENT GROUP SPOKE IN THE . LOCAL CHURCHES AUTO AND MILK , , WAGON CRASH YOUNG CONSERVATIVE CLUB WILL BE OR- GAN1ZED'HERE DRIVERLESS TRUCK BACKS DOWN HILL DR. M.. C. CALDER PASSED AWAY ON TUESDAY MISSION BAND ' HOLD CC -- Happy Gleaners Miegen setned Splendid Enten 'eeting Very Enthusiastic ting Succeesful Season. ---- No Person. Was Injerecl Little Damage Resulted • Meeting Held in the United Church After the Evening Service. . ----7-- Seven members from London ofIt • . ' , • . ' the Inter-Varsi•ty Christian Fellow- ship and Inter -School Christian Fel- of Canada were present in . ' - • Win ham on Sunda • and spoke to the . g Y ' congregations of the Baptist, United, Anglican and 'P esb terian coneregae r Y • - - tions. The members preseet here were Dr. Arthur C Hill of :London, a recent graduate.of Western 'University, Field Secretary cif the movement in West ern Ontario, Wm. Kliricke Medical Student. Marshall Bier B A Student ' ' ' • ' both of 'Western University; HarrY Jennings, a student of Huron Coll- ege, Miss Vail, Medical Student Wes- tern 'University.' Miss Perkins South • ' . ' London. College Inetitute, and Miss B•ebensee, second year 'Western stu- dent ' • The ,Sunday morning- service in the John Street Baptist Church, five of this group .were in charge Dr. Ar- . , thur C. Hill told of the history of the organization which has becoMe world- wide, a small group of which was or ganized several months ago. He also spoke briefly, but very helpfully of the sevenfold assurance which the .. 'Christian possesses A very pleasing duet was given by t‘470 young ladies. In the evening Mr. Harry Jennings brought an earnest message based on Hebrews 12: 1, 2 ``Running the Chris- 'flan Race." At the morning service in St Paul's Anglican Church he also . spoke impressively. At the evening service in St. An thews Church Mr, Klinck, and Mr. Bier addressed the congregation. Dr. Hill spoke at the eve.ning ser- vice in the United Church and was assisted by Miss Perkins and Miss 13ebensee, who sang a duet. . .Following the evening .services a meeting was held in ehe United Church with Dr. Hill in charge at ' Chris- which the.gratip told .of their tian experiences Their eeem le was -. - - P followed by some of • the local people who were present. • The Inter -Varsity Christian Fel- . ' lowshin of 'Canada is an association -- - - ' ' of groups of Chriatian students in the. universities of our land whose purpose it is toi witness to tile saving power ' ' livesvhi e at of fesue Christ in their 1 1 college. Closely affiliated with the • Inter -Varsity Christian FellowshiP ' f . .h and, mact , growing out of it is t . , Inter -School Christian Fellowshie e branches in many of the Normal s Schools, Nurees' Training Schools e an Collegiate Institute High Schools from Montreal across to Vancouver. these centres of 'education the ll h position of the Fellowship is stragetic, F In nearly every case the character of the student is eaten final form and • . the course of his life is fairly defin- le yeats spen a itely set during. tl • t t school and college; it is at this mostologue important period that the ChristianPost, Fellowship seeks to bring before him the claims of Christ His power to . • . • • • save from ein and His ability to give the more abundant life to all those 1 '11 i t tl ' • I completely w to wi rue . lei' Ives comp to Him. Lives transformed and made • . • radiant in the joy of the Lord have been the Spirit's seal upon the work, an t le i e 0 e genera y d. I l'f f the Church11 • . . has been .erinched by those who have - given t eir marts o o t iroug 1 t ie h. 1 t GdI 1 1 F 11 h' e pws ip, — . Infeeting of Young ConservatiVes to be Held April 23rd. ----- Had Practiced Medicine Here for 25 - Yeare. _ The corner of Josephine and Vic- toria streets was the scene of an ac- cident an Thtu-sday evening, about' 7,45, when Robert Beattie's milk rig driven by Mich -tel Robertson, son of ' Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Robertson, Pat- „ e tick atreet, was struck by an auto 'driven by George Muldoon of Brus- • sels In the auto were R Bowman and ' • ' Cleve Ba.ker, also of Brussels. The fact that the car was travelling at it slow speed prevented. what might have been a serious accident, The car - had come in the Belgrave road and . when crossing Victoria Street struck the buggy, partially imsetting it. The wheels on the right side Of the buggy were badly bent and several bottles . milk broken on the pavement.' One headlight On the car was broken,' . Luckily no person was injured. On Tuesday morning about 11 o'- clock, Mr. Peterson of the Imperial 011 Co. 'drove the Imperial Oil truck up John St and parked it in front of his house on the corner of John and Centre Streets, After applying the brakes he went immediately into the house but the emergency brake fail- ' ' ed to hold and the truck backed down John Street. Fortunately it had a clear road and made its way down . e the hill, across the road, over the sidewalk coining to rest after it hit ' ' . ' the sill of the win.dow of Meehan • . Meehan Bros.' work shop Very little damage was done to the truck and. outside of a "No Parking" sign being bent and the grass plow- ed up no damage resulted, . ual meeting of the Alps vas held Wednesdayeven ele. in the Council Chamb- a iarge attendance of ad judging by the enthus- 1 a.t the meeting the club forward to a highly stic- • • on, wing officers were elected: --Herbert Cempbell. Pres.—Dr. G.. H. Ross. Pres.—Roy Thompson, of . •.j. R, M. Spittal. .---Geo. Smith. : Conimittee—Dr. Connell, W. Irwin, Dr. G. 1, Walter VatiWyck, A. M. "....'ommittee-A. M. Bishop, Crawford; G: L. Y. . id Handicap Committee— C. 1-i. 111cAvoy, Dr. G. H. Smith - eommittee—H. Cain bell Archie Peebles, Dr. Du-• , ommittee—W. VanWyck, ' R. S. Hetherington, Dr. n, A. J. Walker Dr Mc- , • .0w. ' hip Committee—Dr. G. W. 3bert Thompson, Teeswat; hnston Lucknow, T. A, , .C. H. MacAvoy. tain—Geo. Smith, 1934: •Ladies $10, Minors and Lan $10, Ladies $5. Fain- $30 for man and wife and minor or student who is of the family, . ho have not played before aily green fees and after i amount of $2 will be ap- meal membership tickets. dent Fees: Lady or Gene , $2.00 aer week, $3.50 for $5.00 a month, $8.00 for $10 per year. 1 fees will be 50c .per day' — Ori Friday evening the the Happy Gleaners Miss St. Andrew's Church,' hel in the Sunday School. ri elnirch, There wee a sple. ance of adults as well as ren, who tborouglily C1 • Presentation. Rev. Kenneth MacLean man and ietroduced the Prc'gram: Duet by Charles ICroh Fraser, piano duet, f um and and "Marion Mitchell; ch group of girls. A pag•eant "Easter G; , ., . . t ien given, comprising ni ' members: It opened with i tory recitation by Marion ch. or.0 " nb " s Su cam by eigl • citation by Eleanor Dunne "The Flowers at Play", a :Ishree Fairies, Mary Drell, mg; Butterfly drill by Betty ' Gannett, Margaret 'Viola Drumbolis; duet i Louise Lloy-d "Song by ti , and a closing thorus.• Date . - . oe Conservative Convention Will Be Announced Soon was with .saddened hearts that the the people ' of this corairiunity learn- • ed of the death of Dr. Margaret Cow- an Calder, late Tueeday evening at at her home, Josephine Street, On Sep - tember 25th last year Dr. Calder uri- . derwent a serious operation in the General Hospital Toronto. Follow - . . - ' • . ing a brtef period of convaleseence in Toronto and Sarnia, she returned to wingham, ccmtinuing her practice un - til five 'Weeks ago, when ill health her to give em her work. Dr. Calder was born in the Town - o Grey, near Creel , ship f G . breok the seventh daughter of the late Thomas and Ann Calder, where she received her public school education, After . graduating from Seaforth Collegiate Institute she taught school for a short • time. et Ethel. She then entered the University of Toronto Medical C Col- • lege from which she graduated in July, 1908. Following her graduation she spent a year as interne in the New England . Hospital for women and children, at Boston. She then came to Wingliam, where she commenced . . practice with the late Dr. j. P. Kene 0.A , n -e-3- , During her twenty five years here . . ' Dr. Calder as a physician as well as a private citizen, endeared herself to all who carne to know her. Her love of flowers was well known and she took. an active interest in the Horti- cultural Society. Surviving are three brothers and three sisters, James of Edmonton, Alta., John and George of Innisfail, Alta. Mrs. John Dodds, Redvers, , Sask., Mrs. William Fc•rrest of Dray- ton, and Cecelia, of Winnipeg. She is also survived by her neice, Cather- fee sh • npson, who lived w•ith her and her aunt, Mrs. '.ate Fowler, who re- cently moved from 'Vancouver to make. her h ome here. The funeral wi 11 be held from St. . kndrew's Presbyterian Church, Win t- 6 hain, of evhich she was a member, at 2 • . in n Frid p. oay, April 13th. The .- - service will be conducted by the Rev. Kenneth MacLean. Interment will take place in Brussels Cemetery-. . f .1‘ - here was a large representation o Conservatives of this district present at a meeting in the Brunswick' Hotel on Thursday eyening when plans were made to organize a branch of the Fed- eration of Young Canada Conserve- tive Clubs' here. It Was decided that the organization meeting -will be held. . . . in the Town Hall on Monday April ' 28rd, when officers of the club will be elected and. cercnnittees appointed. Ross Philpott, organizer of these Clubs for On.tario will Young Canada C , be present at this meeting , to assist in the organization. People of all ages may belong to the Young- Canada 'Conservative Club but the officers and conimittees will comprise young men and ladies not over 35 years of age. The idea hack of these organizations is to study con- ditiens in Canada and receive instruc- tion on such rnatters that are foi. the good of the eountry. There is also a social side to these clubs and the young people and their friends will be entertained from tiine to time. Mr. Moorehouse Mitchell, President of the Huron -Bruce Conservative As- sedation, was chairman and announc- ed that the nominating convention will be held on April- 20th, but due to the condition of the roads this date has been cancelled and an announce- ment is expected shortly giving the exact date on Whidi this convention mill be held. ATTENDED GOLD- EN. WEDDING • '. 'ACCEPTS CALL TO LONDON Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fox inotored to Athens, Mich., on Saturday where the attended the golden edding an y - W - niversary .of Mr. and Mrs.. A. A. Fox, parents of Dr. Fox, returning. on eeeneay. . They were a.ccompanied by Bruce, who continued from there to Chicago where he resumes his studies in the National Chiropractic College after the Easter holidays. . Rev, L. H. Currie, pastor of , the . . . United Church, who has been invited to Wellington Street United Church, London, announced to his congrega-, tion on Sunday monfing that lee had decided to accept this invitation. On Wednesday of last week a con- . gregational meeting was held at which a - a vote of appreciation was extend.ed to Mr. Currie by the congregation and it was with regret that the congrega-. tion received his decision, On Sunday morning., to leave Wingliam. REMANDED ON IVIURDER C _ Earl Leffler handsome ' Carrick Township youth, I; ed until April 14th, when ' in Walkerton police cour day charged Withe the ax( his wealthy grandfather. I effler wag arrested A. - ' the body of his grandfai Stroh, middle-aged fertile] found in a pool of frozet the family farm. A blow later found in the barn and the cutter was found . ed with blood, indicatin - body had been eemoved fie to the cross-roads in the With head erect and apt concerned with the throne ed the Walkerton caurtrc faced 111agistrate F. W. 1 did not speak The crow N. W. Freeborn said he v ' * pared to proceed and th adjourned. The youth was represer Campbell Grant of 'Welke e, — LOCAL AND PERSONA]. - ' ' Mrs. John McCool is spending the week in Goderich. . vi Mrs. I -I. Hinscliffe, of Toronto, is siting friends in town. Mrs. W. A. Miller "was a Moorefield visitor one day last week. Miss Helen Miller spent last week visiting friends in Toronto. •Heal Hugger Week, April 16th to April 24th Read Greer's Ad. Dance, Thursday, April 12th, in the Armouries'. Tony Farr and his Band. No tui es so good or so popular as Goodyears, sold at Royal Service Sta- tion. Miss Janet Murray, Stratford, spent a few days with Mrs. A. lel. Bishop , last week, • - Misses Frances Currie and Muriel Ross spent the Easter vacaticni in Listowel, Mrs. (Rev.) G. I. Campbell, of Ot- tawa, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas. 13arber. Miss 13. Reynolds retureed on Sat urday evening from Toronto and 'Hamilton where she spent a week g 1 eis Mrs. W. Bayliffe and two dau 1 t • es uorothy and Jean, of London, were . , the guests of Mrs. JAMacLean last week Mrs. Margaret McLean, Catherine Mrs St., spent Easter week with her son, Dr. 'W. J. McLean, 'Westminster Hos-' • pital,London. • 1 l f N P Potatoes, lot o o. 1 otatoes, this week $1.69 bag. Fresh fruit and Vegetables. Pure Maple Syrup, 25c • pint. Red Front Grocery. . • ea an I3e sure and attend tl T d • Sale of I3aking on Saturday afternoon John Galbraith Store under aus- • • ptcee of United Church W.M.S. w Mrs. . F. Bergman, Billie and y avine, yes- Ruth returned on Moeda h ' a ' ited with Mrs, llurgman's mother, Mrs. Fenn, Parkhill, for ten days. Free—One pair of Silk: Hose, 'Full WI 1 . Fashioned, Chiffon or Service, 't1 each • pair of Heel Hugger Shoes sold during next week at Greer's Shoe Store. 1 d'd •t• I- 1 T b• C' sp en. i s lee, 0 o accos, ig- ars, Cigatettes, Bars, Suckers, Soft Drinks, Etc., at the hale in the wall. Royal Service Station, Homuth - & 13ennett. Mr. George Spottee, M.P., was in town tor tIte week -end. He left on afternoon for Ottaeva to be present in the House of Commons af- • ter the Easter recess, Headquarters for Coleman's Sweet , ' Pickle Sugar Cured Back 0 •••••• Bacon' Slic-20111 ecl Breakfast Beaten, rim Butts and a e.ottage 'Rolls.; Whole Meat Sausage, . o ognas, at verySpec- Weiners and 13 1 V • The Ped ial Prices. The R.ed Front Grocery, ' NOTICE DUST LAYER — Residents of the town are hereby notified that no dust layer (calcium chloride) will. be placed upon the streets of the Town of 'Wingham this year unless a properly -signed petition is 'presented to the Clerk on or before April 25th, 1934. Forms of petition may be secured on application at the Clerk's office. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. 1 WESTMINSTER GUILD The regular weekly meeting of the Westminster Guild was held in the Sunday School room of St Andrew's Presbyterian Chtu•ch on Monday ev- ening. Following the devotional ex- • Anna Chittick gave re di 1 • erelses e a a 1 g 2.nd Misses Marion Mitchell and June Buchanan rendered a piano duet, The President announced to the society that on Monday evening next instead ular rneeting ' Rev. T c-1 of the reg , J• — InksterB , B.A., .D., of Knox Church, Toronto, wottld give an illustrated lecture on the Holy Land and Its In- habitants ThiS Will be an o en meet- habitan .,.. p ing and it is hoped that many. will be present to hear Dr. Inkster's ad- dress. .Mr. Posliff gave a most interesting account of the life of Sir Adam Beck: Beck's boyhood days were spent, en his German pents' 'farm, near :Bad- en, Ont. He received his. education in London end Galt Beck settled fin t . , ally in London where he started a box factory which developed into a thriving concern. Seen Beck enter- ed London's enunicipal politics where he did great things for that city and • continued to de so throughout his whole life. Later on enterin prey' .1- g ", crt1 po- •cs Si• Adam Beck began do -le ing great things tor the people f 0' • 0-'° 1.1" tario, namely the creation of the On terio Hydro Commission. Thus, to Adam' Beck, the speaker concluded ' we, the people of Ontario, owe a great debt of gratitude for the hydro serv- ice we now enjoy. Following the singing of "All The • w m , . . aY y aavicatti Leads Me" Rev. K. MacLean closed the meeting by pro- nouticing the Benediction, Received with Thanks gham eneral Hospital The Win G ' gratefully aclenowledges a donation of $10.00 from T. Field & Co. . Sale of Baking and Tea - he W.M.S. of the United Church will hold a Tea and Sale of Baking in Mr, John Galbraith's store, on Sat- urday afternoon, April 14th. Tea 15c, served from 3.00 on: ' Keep Off the Grass Keep is . Ththe time of year thatar is is most important to avoid tramping on ' le areleesnes now the grass A het c ,s th l t de f h r wio e grass a greaaof will d so avoid the short-cuts and stay on the sidewalks for the present. o The Tide • . an • Aplayinapr. and acts presented by Wingham Ca nad- ian Legion, 'rn the Towii Hall Wing- ham, Tuesday and Wednesday even -Clinton in s April 17th and 18th Admission g •. 25c. Seats reserved free of charge et McKibbon's Drug Store, A • etended 0.E.A. Convention Mr •A L 'P l'ff, P ' ' 1 f thio es t , nticipa o• . ' . ' ' ' Public School, was it delegate to On- . . tano c um ional Associetion conven- E 1 t' - ' ' . h Id 1 t ' T . It • • bon e as week 10 monto. nes . . . his privilege to hear among many out- standing aildresses that of "Eductition or Catastrophe" delivered by Rablai . Eiseridrath, which was in itself a Inas- terpiece of eloquence and inspiration. Poor Rim of Sap It was expected that there would be a very large atnount of maple syrup this year but reports fiemi those who have been collecting see ere ratter - '" '' ' disappointing. 'rhe run of sap this year - is comparatively small, but of epleddiel quality As a result maple ' ' syrup will be scarce this year. lhose • • who wish to purchaee syrup will be well advised not to delay, , • Warning the large number of acci- ton county last 'year from lily one light, Traffic bf•-' announces that no furth- will be issued to persons'I t cars. Drivers should car - ulbs rather than risk an before the magistrate. The accident to Traffic Officer Kitchener was due to a car, and the authorities special measures to ban- e highwa 11 s 'th ys a car W1 elets.—The Goderich Sig- • '; NOTICE I am instructed by the Town Coun- cil to notify all o-11.ei el.9 0 • r harbourers of dotes that the license fee for all dogs dogs inuet be paid on or before May 1st, All who have not procured their doe license by the above date will be e. ; prosecuted without further notice. I Geo. Allen, Chief Constable. 1 Shoe Repairing — Try C . . - net pair — It 11111] NORTHERN EIRE HEROINE . 'Was Well Known 1 . Me Tra Cerl) an Alderman of Fort William , spent a few days last week with his eister, M --rs. W. H. inedy, Willie. ' ' [es, I t1 e e d len death la: n 1 11 t at Thessalon of Miss Jose inspector of mother: Northern Ontario has : inc of the Haileybury fire 1922. . Amid the terror and Cox prevailed during the 11010 Kennedy delie-ered a baby ty house which the flames to devour. ' She had. spent a whol T ake Temiskaming when i ''. 4 - smolce she heard a voice c the shore, "My God, *ill something for my evife?" nedy, a nurse with a war 1. to the woman's side, as crackled fiercely; and gate crackled sistance possible. Half wee, through the c - Kennedy glanced througl. and hope replaced the de: heart. for the flames 'of pole just ou bloWing away from the 1 wind had changed am 1 te baby its mother and the 1 - , • tvere safeSo grateful we er that she called her bah Edwad-eon • , The courage With which nedy carried cm in her ch • i • ., ii wail tnee mothers' boatd fol. the Sedbury, T and Sturgeon Falls distr hardships.' which she c were; perhaps less well -k the nurse evae prone to IT arduous features of her vy Miss Kennedy was a sii Doctor Crinnell of Lucki life-long friend of Mra. T. arid had visited in Whigh eral occasions AS recentlY i ten/her when she e it s' here, IL MEETING ISDAY EVENING w • • Won Pnze at Clinton At the Spring Stock Show held in on Thursday, Currie & Terve, • I of town W011 third prize in the light horse class, Roadster in Harness. You Will Enj.oy • • e "Ille. Tide , a three -act play, in the Town Hall, April lith and 18t1 k - true t l't - 1 - • ft 11 f o i e wee a 1..11 3,, 1 " ecmiedY and pathos, Admission 25c, Seats re- served free. ' Good or Bad? An acquaintance across the line 10 e ti • had a doctor give him a thor- c n e ough examMation. -rile doctor pro- nounced him "sound as a dollar". Now the man is wondering what he meant by that. The Play A. Wild Oats Boy" The Young People of S. S. No. eg, East Wawanosh, will present their play "A Wild Oats Boy" he the For- esters' Hall, Belgrave, 'Friday, April Adm••ssi•on 26c nd 15cComened3 and ell'o an evenin of lau liter i Y g g ' p n Ba k Repcirt en Y n , ' he report of the Peony Bank for January. and February was most en- cotireging from a Wingliam point of ' view, rhe deposits at tile 'end of Feb- ruary were $2249.08 ,as• compared with $1939.96 at the seine time la,st Year: The motto .of the Penny Bank is "Thriftis a Habie",,and we must all admit it le a splendid one. Child- roe who deposit in the Peeny Bank, rio matter how small the timeline an watelt their savings grow and it is . ,. an important part of their education. • d Attend Annual Confab. ball club has apparently ;erne of the warm weath- .in .st few days and, after 1y- t for the last five months, . loved turn out in large ' the annual election of of- meeting will be held in1. ' Chambers mid fees are i be there- by 8.15 so that may be dealt with in full e midnight rolls around. acted that the treasurer's rt will show a balance ori le, though Ito new stdium . or divid.ends declared on took he last year, How- t small 'balance is -better . , t all. In fact, if a certain n came .across with the it return expenses due, ocals might even to able me new chewing gem oren bat. known how many of last rs intend standing for re- t it is hoped that all of e many inore again will et viees aud help leeep 'at ,ort going this summer. le team itself, the whole tct, though as yet no`new een uncovered. It is very • the Lakeside League will Year, but leticknow,,Hen-' aliensseine other dubs euPed together, This will I Thuteclay night, so eve 1 fans to be et hand and )ng a •fvv „candidates for . Stan ar orma c e iy. e guaran- d d "F II 1 d " teed, for 25c a. pound at McKibbon's Drttg Store. Tea and Sale of Homemade Baking . in• Mr. John , Galbraith's Store Satur- day aftereoon. WEDDINGS An Invitationtelegraph I e t cell o i d t I: t. with th Is ex en -e o , mep wi e Westminster Guild in Si Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Moeda.. Monday 027." • . ing, Aptul 16th ,et 8 o'clock when Rev, jeG Inkster, B.A., 13.D., of.K•nox ron will give an i u - Church, To to 11 ' 11 s trated lettere on. tl e Holy Land and 1 • • its inhabit its S'IvCollection at . I 'et' • ' - Hospital Euchre and 'Dance ,The Woman's Auxiliary to the Gene era] Hospital held a Euchre . tied Dance hi the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Fifteen' ta,bles enjoyed the play.. Ladies Prize for penile was WW1 by Mrs• Sell and the 'men's- Prize for points by Mr. Ho Dianuand• The Prize for lone heeds was woe by, ladies', 11,Irs, Ii, Browne, jr., and. inee',e, Clay- ton FrY.' Folleviing the play at cards lunch evae served and dancing WAS en;• joeed. ' Scott - Inglis A cluict eved.ding Was solemnized •at 'Monday the Belmore personage an Wearies- .. ' ' - day, April 4th, at four pane when • Ella Mae„ eldest daughter of Mrs. Harri t Tti lis and the I te Mr Tolle ' e - eg 4 ' - Inglis of eetrrick was united in mar- • , ' ' ' riage . to. Mr. Cbarles Elliot Scott, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew' Scott, also of Carrick. Rev, L. Thompson, pastor of the United Chttrch cifficiated. • Following the ceremony a wedding reception of the near' relatives was. heldi at the home of the bride's me- ther. The happy couple 'evill reside at the groom's farm near Clifford,, , On Thursday evening their Belt/tore and 'McIntosh friends surprised them with a lovely hiteheu shower, They end their friends omit the everting in dincnig HYDRO RECEIVES ' CREDIT OF $299.95 . MAILING LIST , IS CORRECTED • Word has been. received here by the Utilities Commission that the cre- dit received by the local Hydro sys- tem under the 1.3th Poever Bill is p90.96. Although this amount is less tli,art last ,Year it iS considered verY 'good as many municipalities failed te receive any credit on this account for 1938; .---- Our Malang List has been correct- ed up to and includime Saturday, Ap- ill 7th. Kindly examine your label and notify this office at once if there are any errors., If you are in arrears art early eettleteent would be very a666ptabtC. e 1 L:n NCEI1T Band Pre - element, members of on fIand of d a concert orn of the did attend - many child- joyed this was chair - following n and Jack Buchanan orus by a rclen" was ne separate n introduc- Mitchell, a 11 boys, re - ,g, dialogue citation by bolis recit- hree gir/s, MacLean, eorge and e Flowers" HARGE 1'7 -year-old, ras remand - le appeared on Satter - murder oe 1111 1 after her, Philip , had been bloodnea.r Y aX-C, WaS police said,. Lo be mark - that the m the barn sleigh arently 110 - which fill- om, Leffler 'aiker. He n attorney, -as, not pre - o case was ted by Mr, rton. reer's with ay You• ASSES ere. t Saturday phine Ken- ' allowanc- ost a hero - of October, fusion that aliSt, 11135e in an (imp - threatened e night in hreugh the tying from no one. do Miss Ken- ecord, went the flames all the as - rani, Miss a window pair• in her- e burning tside were ouse„ The e new-born eroic nurse 9 the trtoth- y boy Ken - Miss Ken- ffietilt posi- 'allowance builder Pay et and the ncountered, notelet eince inimize the ork, ter of Mrs. low, and a J. McLean m 011 80v - g last veral days !i