The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-05, Page 401:10====0=0====l0=0120
cents a word per insertion, with a minima= charge of 25c.
Iteet01=0=01==t0=01=0. 0=02
BABY CHICKS and Custom HAT- eld, Roosevelt, Ghandi RIld others
CHING--Hi Quality Chicks- Five iwould come in for their share of
Strains. April Prices: Barred'Rocks. ,
to the nationality and
10c, White Rocks 10c, Black Giants es; according
12c, Black "atintareas U White ideals of the individual answering.
Leghorns 8c. All chicks giaaranteed The disciples came to the Lord je-
Ting 2c an egg. Eggs shipped Tees- sus and asked Hint a similar question
etrong and healthy. Custom Hatch -
"Who is the greatest in the king-
dom of heaven?" Pethaps they
thougbt He might name Abraham, or
Moses, or David, or John the Baptist;
day and Saturday on afternoon train
are set at once. Express on lull
case 'taringham to Mitchell 55c, re-
turn case 6c- express on chicks
back 78c. This is less than 21c per
egAll chickfumigatedsataaface perhaps they tvere hoping He would
g. s ,
tion guaranteed. Nornran Coheney, name one of taemselves. But as of-
MtcltelL Onteritt, Phone 180.
ply stating age, previeus experience,
to the Advance -Times,
CANADIAN, married mau, experi-
enced in all lines i farming and
aairing,,.. would like a place een a
f-arna by the year. with separate
house. Two of family <4 school
age. Apply ti Wra. J. Hackett, R.
R. Ne. 3, Blyth, Ont.
FOR SALE -50 are farm in the
township of Turnberry, goad house,
good barn, 1,1 miles from Winaghant.
ta500 takes this farce balance on
easy terms. Apply T. Fella
'goad hornet mid barn, close to
Wingham. Apply at Advarice-Titn-
n, He had a surprise for them.
He called a little child, set him in
their midst, and then told His amazed
disciples that unless they became like
iat little child they should not even
Thur. WO, Alir4l:';', 1934
o ladi fire, of e'verlaeting punish -
tent come, not from Moses or isaiab
o Paul, but from the lips of the Lord
esus Christ. And eerely the One who
gave His life that men might be ear-
ed has the right to warn men con-
cerning that from which He would
'enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Then He gave a direct answer to their
question: 'Whosoever therefore shall
humble himself as this little child, the
same is greatest in the kingdom o
Was it merely a clever epigram?
No; the Creator -and Saviour of' men
did not waste 'Ms. -time in epigrams.
It ww as eternal truth. We knot that
He who was sataking, the Son of
God, the only Redeemer of lost sin-
ners, the Lord of lords and King of
-kings, whose is the -name which is
es. above every name," and who "must
save them.
reign, till He hath put all enemies un-
, s
FOR SALE--5-room Cottane. :rood der bis feet,- is Himself "ereatest in Miss Ida Lemon is spendine the estern Universityare pending the
Carling the kingdom of heaven." And He had
holidays with her father, Mr. Toiler- Eater vacation with their parents,
garden, fine fruit trees, on '
Terrace. Apply T. Fells.
miss 3.,fal?ei Johnson spent the week
end in Teronto.
Miss Phyllis johns is
week in. Toronto.
Mr. Ronald Rae of Toronto, was
home for the week -end.
Miss, Jean Ramsay of Paris, is home
for the -Easter vexation.
.ft•s. Mary Ansley is visiting her
son, Wesley, in Toronto.
Mr. Harry Dore is visiting with his
mother, Mrs. \Nina Dore.
Mr, Alan Finlayson is spending the
Easter holidays in Detroit.
?Jr. and Mrs. Howard Pocock, of
Ottawa, spent the holiday here.
Miss Beatrice Joynt is visiting her
brother, Dr. George Joynt, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lloyd spent
the week -end with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. G. H. Ross, Barbara and Mary
spent a few days this week in Brus-
Mr. Durward Preston, of Kitchen-
er, spent the week -end at his home
Miss Mary Johnston of Toronto is
visiting her mother, Mrs. edam
Miss Alice Willie, neon, or Ktt h
ener spent he Easster vacation at her e
n Ma and Mrs. 'Vic. Wilson, Toron-
home here. t
to, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mr. Jim MeGeoch, of London, is "7k--"" G. T. Robertson.
a visitor this week -with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Stewart, of Los ,.An -
j. E. Fels. gees, Calif., who has been a resident
Mate Ena Currie of Toronto
of Wingham for the past year, left
spending the Easter holidays at her home on Monday.
Misses Mary and Kate King, c;
spending a
Rev. Prof. King Gordon, son of
"Ralph Connor," noted Canadian nov-
elist and preacher, and holder of the
chair of Christian Ethics at the Unit-
ed. Theological College, Montreal,
whose department has been abolish-
ed and his retirement from the staff
announced, it is alleged on account of
his radical political and economic
Robe Henderson.
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin and baby
daughter, Marion, spent the week -end
the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs.
J. Little, Oakville..
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hopper, of Exet-
av late, but av coarse that ould birrud
nivir laves us at nfl, at afl,so' he
Whin shpring eomes we can't hill:
wondherin what ltoind av a summer
we will be afthei havin, but av wan
ting we kin be Aunt, an that is that
us ould fellahs will not hey much
toime to shpind on the shtrate earn-
ers, arr in the shade av the Town
Hall. What wid mowin the lawn, an
wurrukin in the • garden, an 'Debby
hilpin the missus to clane house, eye
will be tinkin ay the foine toimes we
had sittin furninsht the shtove in the
whither sayson.
Yis, ids wondherin we do be, all
the toime, what koind av a whate
crop theer will be in the Weslat, an
what the proice will be, arr if the
grasshoppers and droy weather will
shpoil tines agin. Thin we wondher
whether we will hey a wet sayson wid
the Tories runnin dugs in Ontario,
arr a droy wan wid thim Grits in aw-
lice. It isn't besht to iXpickt too much
an thin ye will not be dishappointed,
Aven if we hey another droy summer,
wid the pertaties a poor crap, an the
Grits shud win the elickshuns, an the
tax. rate go hoigher, an more Com-
panies shud shtop payin intrust on
shtocks an bonds, an the banks won't
and us army mroe moneee we shud
be glad tings are no a -arse.
Tink what it wud mane if we had
the dochtor callin on us iyiry day be
rayson ay our haviri dishordered
shtummicknearr wake backs, arr if
our wait -es shud go on shtroike an
we had to go home, afther bein busy
all forenoon talkin polls -ticks, an foind
no dinner ready fer us. Yis, tings
her been pnrty good wid the mosht
av us all our loives, an we hey had
more than we desarye.
Yours till nixt toime,
Timothy Hay.
'indeed huniblett Himself as the little ton Lefton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. King.
pring Footwear—The very new-
PoR 7'? Clean Seed child He set in midst of the disciples. Szandard "Fonaaldehe-de" eruarara
teed, for 25e a pound at hicKibbonee est st-rles and shades in shoe e for
Oats... Apply Robert Tohnsteen, Ple 'Fetr He etepped dott-n from His eter-
"ae Sh .
.,taking -the form of a servant" and Miss Grace Tucker •-""t- her: 1'1 me *--
;"made in the likeness oi men „ He ;leaden • • r. • e
, Spring; s yeaeea
Mel& Inal glory teed equality with God and. Druz &Orerd
- .
beeideu l quality
100 FIRST IfORTG A.GE F. -,r Sale—
On enc.:A farm lfie acres. goed
buntlines, dee in 5 years, without
interest, tier quiek sale $525.0. Ap-
ply Bee D. Adsanee-Tintes.
Millions Saved on use of Electrical
Energy in Ontario
:alr and Mrs Frank Galbraith and In 1932, the last year for which
te M and Mrs Hush Tucker •
herebled Hitneelf, and become obedi-
for the holidays.
ent unto death. even the death of the :41-• Wilfred McFadaean. of Wes- 'were Easter visitors at the
crese" t Pidays at his home. hil. 2: 6-$1. Item University, is epending the heli-
home ef Mr. and Mrs. 3,2:n Galbraith.
children, Elizabeth and Jack. of Ter -
Mrs. W. A. Brack/ley and stan. Jam -
we eyeatild he reenabere of the
es have returned to Geaveraturst after
E rn
tem at nem en, we must reme- I Missuispendine tie. past tiget- weeks. wita
coettage, eessesseen ence. Ateetela - epeet Lo -
to Wee, Stateetbeetteen. reeer tete exitertanon with which that le- " 1"‘"her
Mrs. Geo. I-lanna
MEN WANTED fee Ran -lei -eh Rent-
Reentes et" SOO families in
Hureri. Brace Cetantles. Reliable
hustler sheurei state earning 325.00
"dl • W -it
. her pai-ente. Mr. and Mre. C. S. Black-
tetestage desegibing e self -humbling bar,
Miss leo:ea Stertey. Reg. X., Toron- "
in al* D r - ‘d Torento
et teeret: rettems: -et ent, ram e i itt
.. I et" enent -"le Ay -eh -era' etath ' -; -"-- te - l'c'. "' ""- --.‘" • ' •
yen. Vt"..liCh NVE.S alz.,i? ir. Christ Jesuit. ' " " - " "' !`" '" 1 atIr '''''''''''':ene ter friend, Miens Grant,. are spelt&
Lairs W T Bootate
Hninitatte is a natural characteristic 1 - ' " int: the aolidays -with the fermer's
Miss Letitia Fox, Whitechareh, is hh
of nerntal liztle staildren—that is. they!
this week with a...,...andetearents, Mr. and Ms. W. H.
spending. a few days
AV ili
Rawleigh Co., Dept. a'rd c•cr•-""c''c''W"Ilr he•P;eet- In mane
CX -125-S„ afemeea.l, Canada- ;ways; ti:ey are needy and dependent
upon ethers; they are ready to trust
SEED OATS' FOR SALE -20th Cen- ,and believe in others. ,And this is the
fttr-h"" Seed €.1.k. per bushel- 'attitude that Ged yearns us to take e.oe
Seed Barley 7/5r 'Bushel. Fred ,
;ward Him: censuousnees ei our own
Miss Sara MacLean.
Only Cress Saiye — removes corns,' Miss Betty Walker of Bancroft and ; It is a simple matter to compute
caltuses, ingrown toenails:, warts. Mc- Miss. Dell Walker ef Stratford Nor- that, if Ontario Hydro domestic con -
mat, are spending the holidays with Rimers had had to pay, for the 740,
000,000 kilowatt-hours they used in
1932, as much per kilowatt-bour as
United States cons-amers paid, their
bilis would have aggregated the vast
sum of $41,490,000 or nearly $30;000,-
1.000 more than the amount their elec-
tricity actually cost them under Hy-
dro service.
A similar computation for the years
914 to 1932 inclusiye, based on ac-
tual Hydro records, as contrasted with
costs per kilowatt-hour in the United
States as set forth in the Congres-
sional Record and in the American
Year Book, indicates a difference be -
weer: the result of applying United
States costs per kilowatt-hour to the
'quantities of electricel energy used by
Ontario Hydro, 'demesne consumers,
land the actual Hydro charges paid by
the Hydra consuraers of more than
' $250400,000.
comparative figures are available, all
the domestic consumers served by
Hydro municipalities used an aggrea
;ate at ;40.000,000 kilowatt-hours,
fee which they paid the aggregate
leen: ai 511,676.000, or an average. in
ktusive of all charges, of only 1.57
ieenes per taLIWE,J.-,,,311x. According to
;United States census figures for 1932,
Ipthrievadterestic consumers served by
--ewned utilities in that coun-
try kilowat h age ci 5.60 cents per
t- our.
paid an aver
their parente Mr end lire T
Mrs. Leslie Jones of Torair ene t " s" ' "
the week -end with her parent's,
eFREE—One Cut Glass Tumbler and
• leal
pezeneet. and need endire depend -
; and rs. J. Gilmour.
WHY BUY et-onr S -age Datteries eelntie. nnn 1131.11utter trate or tan mt. Arritstron:g at,d ceraig, TOTIt-- ne cerepon given ree,
g with a Dollar purchase on Saturday
ont of teern wi-tee yen tan get bet- ;iin Hhat He can do exam things for la_re spend_ilig a Lyeek with their aunt, t
ter 'cake Ge'etal •TePaire 'land ire stecia a one, and tam raake zee
F- ev.-od Toronto. next at Greer's Shoe Store. Only one
ing. cite, Super-aastic tires and tub- n
^needy husnble. denendenz, trastinet '
Splitdorf Sp-aele Plugs and oth- * Miss Elsie Blackball of Exeter, is it° a familT"
s , ,
er accessories also reasenable. Hanes gereat in the kingdom t heaven..
spending the Enzeter holidays at her Mn CharleMcKiblionToronto
Campbell's Garage, Victoria Ste The Lord went tee to teach the di- - " home on Diaspent the week -end with hiparents,
gonal Road.
"Mr. and Mrs. J. W. hIcKibbon;
-pies m. ore about tbe right atttude Miss Barbara Holm of Gederich,,i
AehlTED--A Cenal Oil Hanging, ,ton oi Western University is home for
a:award little children and toward its speeding the holidays with her nu -
Lamp in geend conditien. -apply „ ithe
Advance -Times. '4Htroself- "-Aud with's° shall receive ,cle. Mr H. C. MacLean. holidays.
s .
'one uch little child in my name re- Miss GladMr and MrsAh-in Edgar and fain-
ys Robertson, R.N., is n.
WILL WORK FOR WOOD—Any Ineiveth Me."' We are so prone to • spending a tt-eek with her parents, nil of Landon, spent the
Mr. t AY' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Edgar and
fanner nailinc. to exchange weed ,ereet• at be deee to the great and
for labor, apply at Advanze-Times. • -
-mtgiaty ones at earth; we should 'ailed-
-WANTED TO PURCHASE -6 ,......A. ly do taaings for them, render serriees
heavy car eneine and eila$SiS tHIld- 'to theca. The Lord wants de to think
son or Studebaker peeferred.) Ap- ranee ef rendering ttervitte tea little
ply Advanet-Tieres.
children in His -name and for Hie
;sake. When. we "receive" them with
'that motree,„ we are receiving Hun.
'See the -e ie a eoecial bleesine itt
The famile ot tee late Mee : " -" ` •
lebister wis-h to taw:1k their friends at-itude teiNrard eim•drell-
tuld neighbers far their inalay land- there is tt special eondereination or
nesse s and expreseions of et:empathy care for the opposite animate.
tiurthg tka re -zeal sad bertavetaental, 4.. Dut wboso shall effend fican-e t zits, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Contte. ner the radio that the Goeernaint in- ,
;stutatblet one at these little ones Mr. Oliver Fells, tei London, is'llinds to shed that Irish gienta hack . elsewhere, and show that very large
1311/47 :MEMORIAM eeeteh belaeve in Me, it were better for spending the holidays with hie par- .;:to the ,ottitd sad. 1 mane Mies Cere, -o -i of money eentuit -Leant applying
BuRGILeda-___/n 1014:mg trienzo,Th., of hire that a initlsiene were haltered entese Mr. and Mre- J. E Fella Iierhe came over as a elateteneay, an take difference in costs per kilowatt -
Jaen Bergman, letea pa -.ed away abent hie neek, and that he WeT2 Mn Cha.rles Bat:ken-Me of Londe:m.40mb' had Iwo l'eae'et.- at l',.7: -rail :C. ate'..1'''..117 to the tremendous quantities of
five VC.R.T.S. ago. April 6tie 1a29. drewned an the ,deptia ot tne sea, ie visit:ate with his neandfather, Mr. iita tin an't ellivia dates. "Tie harmel le T i.e.*-:triiczal enerees 'used he" Ontario's
Itotted in life, tteaseired in detathe 'These are the wards of the Lord Je- C. R. Wilkinsen, kr t,he holidats. eine tee be the yarn. ,s,, 5: EA-. fe 7 . rle-dra demesne C't4zra surnerz.
Beautifed memories are all we leave • te-- k a -II
sus nreste These who think ot Mrs. W. IL Fry and terataddangener, ;it VraNi 4i0 the Trt", paTighl.: =tee arate • Even if it be restegnie.ed that the
left.4 .... - 4.4- • ,
__Ever ttenetatea remembered be ens .1 the meek and hatable Jesus" need to of Km
incardine, e visitine with the ,raten deem tae Reeette, Cerentienl
lent te ' earobabe leeent ;et attentptine to
Father, 'Mather, Brother and eh:Is-tea ;remember :die t,ereible„ unsparing sev., former's daughter. MTS. H. Hitobings. jtiLitfr-F, tameable an the deprivnuzt all 1 rlitarge in Ontario at the rates Preva -
'elide zed His cer:derenatients. Miss Marjorie Gibs -nn, of Stratford .ettt leg:ether. I, lent elsewhere wreald have been to
an GT
rs. . Robertson.
Miss Margaret Mitchell, Reg. X., of.1t • ,
jatA. --nanar„ Victetrin Sz., also with
Taranto, is visiting with he- parents1 ,
and Mrs. j. J. Moffatt, B. Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MitclaelL
Miss Elizabeth Johns, of Port Cel -1
borne, is spending. the holiday with THINGS MIGHT
mother, Mrs. W. A. Jobras.
Mies T. Zalewski, of Kitchener,
was a week -end geest at the home Tel the Edliten av all thim
ef Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Preston. Wingham pans:ere.
Mist: Xenna Coutts, of Auburn, ,;Deer Sur:—
Stach figures scree to emphasize the
real achievement that the Hydro un-,
deiea-king hes accomplished in reduc-
endina the holidays with her part- " This tatarroin I ,,i. either ltearin ling COSts Per kilowatt-hour to the
consumer as compared to costs paid
410.0,116111.11001.* Teachers at e children need a
take hese werde .of stlenin warning
heart. There is no .ntore daseard-
„l'i a.t titan thatt tbe teacherer at
any adulate wase teaeltei anti -thine- a
..tesalet weaken.; 41" '11%, en break
faith of .a Eitele
eril S.—Mantle-
dela Text: „ollassroArns tr.N7 HP370 sates Yeareld have bentn
he r.1 the eeetla af a, large peop,er-
er in the Wee f Ged.
,Yet vas.t ntnatber
,seheels and et:did-tee tday
Ins: that in
ehileltent f'arbia -.:t4 'i-. arld zee:tonal
X.ennal, is spending the hedielays with La the fuesrat, te-aae Miss Caar IN-eveal ermstraleTs fm
her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11:5511, fee= Re:dadle al se wad ;,later,as Mach electrieity as they enetn-
Miss L geese Teel:ins:en, ce
erer i-.- speratine the iheatitieittr tee
arente. Mr. and M-. 0 Thernp-
Dr.and- Mas. Bretrn,'
s- "elt. were the gnenete et their den -
pis Mete 1 H Cratriord, ean GY,": L4 the will lee:: a lite att „ge....rea leash. dterr-
" 1.anee, Tenet dettee, se he win.
te a Teat'. an .iin the mixt place I any clid ettelea- the low Ilydeo rates in
e did. to eat:heti', weed mak. :at "Ate Tee has. paphebledeayed in ac-
adian . an ., eand 'he ant,,,,id t at ,cash to Ontarie conestrates teeny
rely ' eaten needareenre; the taect neeerthelees ren:ains
y ;hese. In ineiree ten vide:ate Ilargen, ens tf muiiiis ed. dallars, arid t has,
..ette.ahent the enatther, eel uhe atade poSeible.«he en3):).1*-
rdeseettaehten heetinette 712"..,apt , and lebuer-
e'lasec,ee an a scale 'flat but
1114 'M:111'.1 2224 l'•' '-'4 , The Lard stenalatues itt warningc of
- Heaver'''. iiMatt- hthe etental teresetniences o "enses."
'ting stattlingt fitentent ot ch
,asked37; eurgett that, if one's heed, ar i
; '0 '2 1,:'2,i eye effhntle one—that is, causes kne
eaa-ito stumble or fai in any way spirit.
- zr.fass-,utogy.-.,c,ne 'had better cut it off or
aiitt, MaoD."'n4".1plaick it oat and east it Mt/MY: -h "
lb•siter for thee to enter into life /tit
.!or trainted, rathier than having tw tt
A .
T .
4, etr i N. be east into et-- Mr. ,
tCiC erktgtittg , r
, Mrt att
* itottot 1 ys rententber that Detraitt
tattd ing
reatest persa
" ottriel
r. and Mrs. HarAd Mins et-
EaS,Ur usts with the foe-
ier's paretate, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
issee Ann arJ F rent..e
Toronto, are *Tending the
hallidaye with their =ether,
Misses Jean and Mary Hee
'baettr t Goderich, are spetdinz hztther„ make a ...Tr...TA nsife 'Mary, has -int b6n k
with their etrandineeelter„larenybely tbeee hared tetiMets. te Li e been r
Ced. t The nteathet &atites tie Veda. s esirt bet I could n
s. Everett Henderstot ci LiLe tbe"nd ava tqmg, adethee, fer 1 nt lte-ante. Tet.t be on the
hoiiday chirpItt En the =a • "rn
rd ltrs hrr".:11.5 been putty 174..S 4
rs. C.
tannyway it rens whet eta
deeered a ereage cat?, aterathenniteete
;".tagaigietzteat, an the et.a.n. err the (5:Titers'
:a•t- th:e h1p. 1,-'12114:5'21 tillat they taus
researeler Name, fer, cheere they ilvzt
been itedeteicteln.ntttr,rAfe
;t3 see if they lane azII retiztett
Satire a giread Whet cad kr'1,clate-s en tree leaeaee aet bread, wide:et
,f Ontario center:tees.
I Mee Menteny: -Peat isn't your .s.,•J
T ereting jean the ateoye"
Men. Mtiligan: "Weil, he is yeast.
Aeit, Iteet see, he is only going
I n the- fiefantetr.:"
GREET the new season looking your best. Keep
in step with nature and done new apparel . . then
see how much better you feel. Nothing steps up
the morale more than new .clothes in, the Spring-
time . . . and the new Browlee suits for Spring
are inspiring
Brownlee . • $18.50 and $22.50
BROWNLEE Suits needs no introduction to the well-dressed men
of Wingham. They have always stood for style, workmanship, and
Bt. The new suits of tweed and worsted for Spring are tnade from
the newest weaves and patterns and you will be correctly attired
if you are fitted with new Brownlee. See our vvirtdows. Step in-
side and inspect the tailoring. Some with two pair of trousers.
All at the same price of $18.50 and $22.50.
r s
en's Store
-4; 41: ..?41 • )`....".:! •
The human family can be divided
into those who are sick and those
who are well, but such a sweeping di-
vision ignores the various grades of
health. Obviously, those who are suf-
fering from actual disease, are not
healthy, but among those who are
free from disease, there are a vdst
number who do not enjoy health.
Health has been described as the
harmonious working of all parts of
the body. Lose of hat -trimly meana
loss of health, and when discord . oc-
-curs we have disease. A certain level,
of health is par. This level is not the,
same for any two individuals betause
no hvo individuals are born with the
same physical and mental capacities.
aaiben we say that a man is physi-
cally below pan we mean tlaat he has
fallen below the health level which
he can and should maintain. This loss
of health usually occurs gradualy,
There are certain diseases which
strike suddenly, but most diseases are
insidious in their onset and, for that
reason. the term "below par" should
be accepted az, a warning of the pos-
sible onset of disease.
One of the most common symptoms
.of declinieg, health is fatigue. The in-
dividual may say that he has lost his
pep, or that he is alwaye tired, or that
. he feels" *all in". Everyone experient-
es fatigue, but can overcome it by
rest, It is the chronic fatigue or the
=tenet fatigue which should be look -
1 ed into.
, The no mat healthy person keeps
sibility for his own .health of notic-
ing any condition which suggests that
his health is slipping Emmy from him,
and of securing treatment before ser-
ious hai•ne results. Unfortunately, we
are apt to find some ready excuse for
the below par feeling, and so go on
in a false sense of secnrity, thus los-
in gthe precious time when trea.tment
might be most helpful.
Early adequate treatment is always
best because it is the most effective,
and it is always the least expensive
in the long run.
Questions concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,
will be answered personally by letter.
his weight at about the Same level. He
may and a few ,pounds or take off a
few, depending upon his physical ac-
tivity, bu itt., Weight is fairly tnd
form A steady loss of weight, for
no apparent reason, should never be
disregarded. Repeated tolds, a tier -
sista eat cough, or faint ing spells,
should all be viewed in the same way.
'The person who has his physical
andition ;checked through a periodic
alth examination will not drift into
ltbe below par state. The periodic
tealth examination will reveal any ab -
mai condition or faulty habits of
nd these tan lie torrected be-
Ith suffers.
The person who has not had hi
physical tnthtioji checked, in this
te 'home o the serious respon.
. Revisions to the Canadian Standard
egg grades which simplify the grade
names and place grading on a more
scientifically accurate basis, are an-
nounced by the Department of Agri-
culture. There visions have been pass-
ed by both the Dominion and Provinc-
ial Governments and are now fully ef-
fective in Ontario.
In the future eggs will be classified
into Grade A, Grade B and Grade C,.
these replacing the old and less ex-
plicit terms, Extras, Firsts and Sec-
onds. The new grade names will in:
future be used in egg market quota-
tions in this paper.
The definition of Grade A conforms
in general to that of Extras, Grade E
to Firsts and Grade C to Seconds, al-
though some changes have been made
in keeping with recent research find-
ings and whith will react to the pro-
ducers' benefit.
Provision has been utade in the new -
standards for two optional sub-gradea
in Grade A, Grade A Medium, weigh-
ing 22 to 24 ounces to the dozen, and
Grade A Pullet, weighing 18 to 22
ounces to the dozen.
Teacher ---"Johnnie, what is your -
greatest ambition?'
Johnnie; "To \Milt my mother's
Binks--"Ilas your son any prefer-
ence as to a business eareer?"
5inke--"Yes; he stays if 111 back
him up he'd like to hunt for sunken
Wife: "Darling, Fee just found the
re- costume I've been -wanting."
The Brute: "SplendidI 1 tertainly-
ouldn't have afforded to, huy one."
rolicemAn: "A matt ;lethal' ettaPia-
ntsin in the bank? What's he doilig?
edhot two cashiers and test
the ntanagcrtied up when1 lett"
InL. • g+.4.