HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-05, Page 3Thursday, April 5th, 1934
World Wide News In Brief Form
May Modify Disarmament Plan
Geneva—Whether the World Dis-
armament Conference, moribund since
Germany's withdrawal last year, will
meet again, is a matter of speculation
in Geneva, with the Steering Commit
tee officially, called into session on
April 10.
Three possibilities were said to ex-
First. The Steering Committee may
decide to abandon calling the confer-
ence into session.
Second. _It may decide to delay the
conference to allow further conversa-
tions between Governments.
Third. It may judicially convoke a
new conference, the object of which
would be limitation of arms and not
their reduction.
(Piece of Meteor Believed Found
Calgary—A fragment of rock, brun-
ed orange in color with black spots,
has been located on a farm near Hus-
sar; Alta:, and its finder believes it
may be a piece of the meteor which
flashed across Alberta skies on the
night of Sunday, March 18. 'Reports
from Hussar, sixty-three miles east
of Calgary, across which the flaming
meteor flashed, told of the find on
the farm of Woodrow Elliott. The
rock fragment weighs about two lbs.,
and is about two inches in diameter.
It was driven about half an inch in
the ground. Elliott ,who has just re-
vealed his find, made the discovery
on March 19. The farmer is 'positive
it was not there before the meteor's
brilliant flight:
London Trial Ground
For Milk Control Act.
London=Hon.'T. L. Kennedy, Min-
ister of Agriculture, who several:
months ago threatened to wield "the
big stick" to effect a settelement. in
London's muddled milk controversy,
will send his department's new Milk
Control Board here early in April to
test its (nettle. In a letter to Albert
Hughes President of the London and
District Milk Producers' Association,
the • Minister' of Agriculture says he
will make London the 'testing ground'
for the new Ontario Milk Control
Act, passed recently in the Ontario
Nazis Get Control Over
Steel . Helmets
Berlin—Nazi control over German
steel helmet organization was tight-
ened by an agreement between Cap-
tain Ernst Roehm, commander of the
Nazi storm troops, and Franz Seldte,
steel helmet leader.
Under the agreement, the organiza-
tion takes on a new name, "The Na-
tional Socialist :German Front Fight-
ers' Bund Staulhehn."
Although the steel helmets became
Hitlerites about a year ago, full co-
ordination with the Nazi .storm troops
is achieved under the new agreement.
Noted Banker and. Art Patron Dead
New York—Otto H. Kahn, whose
operations in the field of finance
wielded a powerful influence on the
early twentieth century, died sudden-
ly Thursday. He was 67 year old.
The banker -patron of art and music
slumped in his chair and fell to the
floor of .his private office in the firm.
of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, of which
he had been a dominating partner sin-
ce leaving his native Germany for the
United States years ago. A blood clot
on the heart caused death.
$250,000,000 Voted to Balance
U. S. Cattle Industry
Washington—A $250,000,000 fund
to be used to "balance" the United
States cattle industry through reduc-
tion of herds and by marketing agree-
ments, eradicate diseased dairy cows,
and purchase dairy and beef products
for distribution to the needy, was au-
thorized by Congress as the Senate
completed action on the Jones -Con-
nally basic commodity bill. Without
a record vote, it approved the confer-
ence report on the measure. The
I -louse haying taken similar action se-
veral days ago, the bill now goes to
the White House,
Roosevelt Given' Tariff Powers
Washington—Rallying again to the
Presidential standard they deserted
to override the veterans' veto, Demo-
crats pushed the Administration's re-
ciprocal tariff bill through the House
of Representatives over stubborn Re-
publican opposition.
The measure was sent to the Sen-
ate with two Administration -sanction-
ed amendment, limiting to three
years the authority of the President
to negotiate trade agreements, and
precluding any foreign debt -reduction
under its provisions.
Roosevelt Again Outvoted
Washington—Overriding the objec-
tions of President Roosevelt, the Un-
ited States Senate joined the House
of Representatives, in voting to enact
more liberal veterans' . and Federal
pay legislation than Mr. Roosevelt
was willing, to accept.
By 63 to 27, just a little more than
the two-thirds margin necessary to
overthrow the recommendations ' of
the President, the Senate wound up
a long day of debate by putting the
legislation on the statute books.
Courts to Decide School Issue
Rights of Separate School Boards
to a greater share in school taxes
will be decided by the highest courts,
since "the Government have had dif-
ficulty ,in finding a basis on which a
larger share of school taxes may be
paid which would not take into ac-
count the , question of legal rights."
Just before the 'Legislature session
closed Premier Henry made the im-
' portant announcement that a series
of.questions on the subject would be
submitted for judicial ruling.
Provinces Overcharged
Dominion on Relief Accounts
Ottawa—Test audits in every rpro-
vince under relief legislation disclos-
ed the Dominion Government had:
been overcharged for its share of un-
employment costs, it was shown today
when reports from the Auditor -Gen-
eral were made public. The dates of
the reports vary, but it was under-
stood most of the claims ,have been
Settled in . the meantime' by the Do-
nion and Provinces.
Rumania Shaken by 'Quake
Bucharest; Rumania—At least twen-
ty-five •persons were hurt and eight
houses were Wrecked by two prolong-
ed earthquake shocks that were felt
throughout Rumania. Many were hurt
at Galati, where several houses also
were damaged: One building fell in
a Bucharest suburb and 'several oth-
ers nearby were badly cracked.
In Bucharest.terrified crowds Pour-
ed into the streets from public build-
ings and homes. The shocks were
said to be the worst experienced with-
in recent (memory,
Aged Blind Widow Burned to Death
Port Rowan—In a fire that broke
out in her home and spread to con-
sume three residences, Mrs, Robert
Mtiir, aged blind widow at Walsing-
ham Centre, a few miles north of here
was burned to death. The fire was
only noticed by a passing neighbor
when it had gained great headway in
the Muir home and efforts to enter
the house were frustrated by clouds
of smoke and flame. Charred remains.
of the aged victim ;were found in the
smouldering ruins.,
$100,000 Fire at Kitchener
Kitchener—Fire destroyed the Met-
ropolitan Stores building here, with a
onto and the Woolworth Store, ad -
loss: of $100,000. The Bank of Tor -
joining buildings, suffered from water
and smoke damage, and three fire-
man weresent to hospital with burns
to face and hands. Flames were be-
lieved to have originated in the base-
ment. The fire made rapid headway.
The main floor fell into the basement,
and the second floor suffered from
smoke and water damage.
Fishermen Are Rescued
From Floating Ice
Leningrad, U.S.S.R,—The icebreak-
er Truvor Friday rescued 196 fisher-
men and 65 horses from an ice pack
in the Finnish Gulf. The pack, about
1.1-2 miles square, broke away from
the mainland and carried 250 men to-
ward the open sea. Two icebreakers
rescued 54 of the fishermen. While
this work was being. effected a dense
fog draped the Gulf and rescue part-
ies were unable to locate the drifting
Many U.S. Workers
Get Wages Raised
New York -The United States Steel
Corporation and the General Electric
Company announced that they will
raise wages of approximately 175,000
Workers throughout virtually the
entire steel industry are assured of
10 per cent. wage increases. Bethle-
hem, National and other large pro-
ducers posted similar rises this week.
C.C.F. Executive ,Under Criticism
More squalls threaten the troubled'
sea of the Ontario C:C.F. party as a
result of a tempestuous session of the
Ontario Labor Conference.
Biclerings, hecklings and invective '
flew frequently throughout the after
noon and evening, and the targets in-
cluded Angus McInnis, ALP. for Van-
couver South, who had a rough pas-
sage' as personal emissary to the
meeting of his leader and father-in-
law, J. S. Woodsworth, the father of
the C.C.F.
Presenting a,. draft of .a proposed
new constitution for the Ontario C.
C. F. party, drawn rup by the Nation-
al Executive, Mr. I facInnis drew
down on his head the heated criticism
of the meeting, in which even the
Chairman, Arthur Mould, of London,
participated with gusto,
Hamilton Child Had
Miraculous Escape
Hamilton ---But for the timely in-
tervention of an unidentified pedes-
trian, who waded • into water up to his
waist, 2 -year-old Margaret Scott, dau-
ghter of Walter and Mrs. Scott, 517
Queensdale Avenue, might have been
swept toher death over the falls neat
Wentworth Street. The little girl,
while playing beside the- city ditch,
lost her balance, and was carried away
by the rushing waters. Screaming
with fright, the baby disappeared
through a 30 -inch culvert, while her
older sister, helpless to do anything,
called for assistance at the top of her
lungs. Little Margaret meanwhile had
been borne through the culvert, fifty
feet in length, and emerged from the
opposite end, Dripping with water up
to his waist, her rescuer handed the
little one over to friends, who had ar-
rived by this time, and then slipped
quietly away,
Insull in, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey — Announcement
that the Turkish Government believes
it can legally turn Samuel Insull over
to United States authorities brought
to a climax his long battle against
extradition to the United States;
Insull himself, weary and sick from
court fights in Greece and a subse-
quent dash toward the Black Sea, was
reported to have attempted suicide by
trying to jump into the Bosphorus.
He was restrained, however, and plac-
ed under a heavy guard.
of the
Hurled From Car as Door Flies Open
Goderich—When Harold Brophey,
undertakers' assistant, riding along-
side the driver in a swiftly -moving
automobile, reached for the crank to
lower the window, he instead seized
the door handle. The door opened
against the wind and catapulted Bro-
phey out out of the car to the pave-
ment. The injured man was removed
to Alexandria Hospital, suffering from
severe abrasions and bruises, as well
as head injuries. That he was not
killed is considered miraculous.
Culross T.wp. Boy Fatally Wounded
Teeswater—Ivan Steele, third son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Steele, of the
eighth concession of Culross Town -
On account of automobile ship-
hip-n nts being exceptionallyl
cavy, the
r N.11,
port o -f Saint John,, is enjoying.
i ' claimed to be oneof the S a t f re best.
s in it histor• 3 as far. : _ a -
seasbn i its y,as tt
i rt, The ph
totnobil� exports S go. photo-
graphs ski scenes at Sairit
s 1 ABOVEshow s
John as the thrives under its new
business boom, 1) Interior of the
NavyIsland 'shed, hundreds
f 'cases of • automobiles and tires
r'awaiting shi rient overseas. (2)
cal coastal trade scene at the historic
old Market Slip,
where United Em-
pire Loyalists landed 150 years ago.
In foreground .tees b d coastinb vessels with
cargoes of gasoline, oil and foodstuffs,
'The M. S, D. J, Purdy and 5,S. Gyp -
stun King are seen at RIGHT and in
backgr'otirid respectively, (8) S.S.
Rhesus of the Elder -Dempster Line,
shortly before sailing for South Af-
rica with a cargo of Cairadiair auto-
mobiles, The vessel is docked at Navy
Island quay. (4) Interior' of one of
the new transit sheds,showing
diver -
city of commodities, nearly all of Can -
actino origin, awaiting' shipment and
indicative of growing demand,
-The.Long ,Lire L mpas *?
Iptli�" in
...d oua►ranteed
A&spa Carty of Sir Lemrpa
it Ms House
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Block..
Phone 156.
ship, Bruce County, was killed at his
home some time Tuesday night last
week by a rifle discharging when he
slipped on ice. The bullet entered his
side and death apparently followed
Mr. Steele, who was 27 years of
age, had left the "house about 7.30
o'clock with his rifle, his intention be-
ing to shoot a weasel which was
known to be around the barn. 'When
he did not return some time after -
j wards a search was commenced .by
!members of the family. The lifeless
!body was found about 10 o'clock by
the father, who had joined in the
I hunt.
Injured in Fall
Goderich—\Valking in the semi-
darkness of a garage, Harry Muir,
well-known citizen, stepped blindly
into an open pit and plunged head-
long five feet to the concrete floor
below. He sustained no broken bon-
es, but painful laceration to his knees,
hands, face and head, as well as a
severe shaking up. A doctor was call-
ed, and the injured man removed to
his home.
Discuss Finances of
Bruce County Hospital
Walkerton—A. L. McPherson, in-
spector of hospitals of the Provincial
Health Department, Toronto, was in
town this week at the invitation of
the Bruce County Hospital Board
and conferred with the trustees in re-
spect to difficulties which the board
is experiencing in common with such
institutions all over the Province re-
lative to finances. The purpose of the
inspector's visit was to suggest ways
to the local board of how they might
overcome the difficulties in further
Colborne and Ashfield Farmers Will
Discuss Spring Seeding Needs
That 50 per cent. of the fanners of.
Colborne and Ashfield townships, Hu-
ron County, have no seed grain or
money to purchase it to proceed with
spring work, is the statement made
locally by those in a position to know.
:Both these townships border the
shore of Lake Huron, have much light
land and were particularly hard hit by
last year's drought.
A meeting has been called for Car-
low, five miles from Goderieh, in or-
der- that needy farmers may be enab-
led to take advantage of legislation
passed at the present session of the
legislature. Under this legislation a
municipality may guarantee payment
of seed grain for any farmer, and in
case of a loss, the ggovernment under-
takes to assume two-thirds and the
municipality one-third.
A Monster Egg
;Lfr, Saris Hanna brought to The
News office, where it, is on display
this .c' cek; ,t huge duck egg;, from the
x1i•ziz erf 49 r, lien T .eys, l tate ey. "stir-
in :this ,besides a white 'and yoke, was
another egg without:a yolk, about the.
size of a hen's egl Seafarth News.
Falls Off !Zink Balcony,
13adly Injured
Between the second 'third periods
of the Grand Valley-.l•,darriston Junior
game at the 'Palace Rink here, Witt,
Bosworth, an employee at the, Royal
Inst here, fell backwards oft` the rail-
ing of the rink balcony on which he
was sitting with his back to the ice,
Sitting as he was, he had no chance
to save himself and fell to the ice 14
feet below. He evidently tried to
'right himself on the way down as he
fell glancing to the ice, his head hit -
,ting the ice. He was carried uncon-
}scious to the curlers' room where a
doctor ordered his removal to the ho-
tel.—Harriston Review.
Read Entire Bible 70 Times
Occasionally reports are printed
concerning the number of tunes peo-
ple have read the Bible, Such an item
appeared in these columns several
weeks ago. When it was published
we had no idea that a local man, Mr.
1 Harry Smith, greatly- exceeded the re-
cord quoted. He has read the entire
Bible more than seventy tines, and
has also written out the New Testa-
ment from the first verse of St. Mat-
thew to the last verse of Revelation..
—Milverton Sun.
Strange Phenomenon in Egremont
Mr. Daviel Gillies of Egremont in
forms us that a strange phenomenoa
was witnessed by several residents of
Concession 10 in that township dur-
ing an electrical storm. After a severe
thunderclap a dense cloud of brown-
fish smoke rolled and billowed around
I a vacant house at Lot 17 of the 9th
concession for a few seconds, when
it lifted and graduarly dispersed. A
window in Mr. Tebby's house at Lot
16 was shattered by the shock o
thunder. Investigation failed to show
just where the bolt struck the earth.
—Mount Forest Confederate,
Wild Geese Visit Exeter
The heavy 'snow storm of Monday
night brought down a flock of wild
geese in a field belonging to Mr. H.
C. Rivers on the east side of the
town. The geese were seep by Mr. Ed
Lindenfield about eight o'clock Tues-.
day morning and he estimated that
there were between forty and fifty in
the flock. One of the geese circled
the town the sante morning,—Exeter
Prolific Ewes
Farmers report a very prolific birth
rate this year in their sheep flocks.
Triplets are a Common, occurrence in
nearly every flock and Henry Sclururr
reports that one of his ewes gave
birth recently to four lambs: But it
remains for a Normanby farmer to:
break all records. He had three ewes
that gave birth to eleven lambs, two
having triplets and the third leaving
five, all of which are doing well, al-
though three are being rcared'on the
bottle. -;--Mildmay Gazette,.
Ox Earned Good Wages
Cons tablcr N. H. Stiegler, says (lie
lfildniay Gazette, while motoring, to
(Kincardine on Tuesday, witnessed an
iuterestiug sight a short distance:west
of Black. Horse. When our townS-
marr reached that piiint, he discovered
throe car, stuck last in a lone snow
1t looktA as though they would
be coinpellcd' to remain there for .the,
day when help of an unexpcctett•nat-
urc arrived, An .aged farmer, named
Abbott, got out his big black ox,
weighing about 1600 lbs., equipped
with a..horse's harness, with the collar
upside down, and it was not lung tin
til all the motor ears were safe and
sound on the far side of the snow*
bank, and able to continue—their jour- ,
trey. The big bovine pulled tins mot-
ors through without any dif iculty.--.
Walkerton Hcrtild-Times.