HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-04-05, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Single Copies Five Cents
Important Work Women Are Doing
Stressed by Speaker.
The ladies of the Women's Insti-
tute'held their regular monthly meet-
ing in the town hall Thursday with a•
splendid attendance, The ` hostesses
for the day were, Mrs: Thos. Bower,.
Mrs. Chas. Carter and Mrs: J. J. Mof-
A recitation was given by Miss
Frances Robinson and an Irish read-
ing by Mrs. W. Williamson. Mrs. T.
Bower • gave a very interesting paper
an the history of Ireland.
The guest speaker for the . after
moon was Rev. L. H. Currie, of the
United Church, who spoke on the
subject, Women's Place in the World.
During his discourse he spoke on
Temperance, pointing out how very
instrumental the women had been and
are today in this great cause, also re-
ferring- to -the Crippled Children's
Clinic, where the women were per-
forming a great work,
Breaking out in the furnace room
of the Diana Sweets restaurant, Lis-
towel, operated by James .Athas, fire
early Sunday caused approximately
$35,000 damage to several business
Places in the block in which the res-
taurant was located. It was several
flours before the combined Listowel
and Palmerston fire brigades had the
:blaze under control.
The contents and fixtures in the
restaurant are a total loss, with dam-
age estimated at $15,000. The Atlan-
tic and Pacific store was damaged to
-the extent of $1,000, a good share of
the contents having been removed be-
fore the fire reached it. J. M. Smith,
:butcher and grocer, suffered heavy
loss through water, while the stock
sof the Seirite Store is virtually a total
loss, from the sane cause. A beauty
shop over the Seirite store and oper-
ated by Mrs. Lucille Jones was ruin-
ed. • '
Firemen were handicapped by
'blinding smoke and five of them had
to be carried out of the building, They
did not, however, sniffer any serious
I an instructed by the Town Coun-
'cil to notify all owners or harbourers
bf dogs that the license• fee for all
,clogs must be paid on or before May
1st. All who have not procured their
;log license by the above date will be
prosecuted without further notice.
Geo. Allen, Chief Constable.
£Chicken Has Four Legs
A freak which is attracting much
attention in the O. A. C. poultry de-
partment, Guelph, is a barred rock
pullet with four legs. The bird, nor
many:developed, has the extra pair of
legs behind the two normal ones.
They are almost as long as the more
easeful pair bet do not interfere in
any way with the pullet's progress,
J. C. Makins, K.C., Judge of the High
Court of Justice
Appointment of three judges in On-
tario was announced from Ottawa last
week, J. C. Makins, KC, ° of Strat-
ford, Ont., was appointed Judge of
the High Court of Justice, Ontario.
James Cardwell Makins, LC., was
born in Perth. County, in 1872, the son
of William and Ann (Cardwell) Mak-.
xns. He was ; educated at the Strat-
ford Collegiate Institute and Osgoode
Hall being called to the bar in 1899
and began practice in Stratford where
he has since resided. He is regarded.
highly in the legal profession, being
held as r
an authority on� various phas-
es of his profession including drain-
age laws.
Mr. Makinse
s rved in the .:.Great
War, going Doverseasv
g g ut1915asama-
jor with the 71st Battalion. The fol-
lowing g year he
was appoint
colonel of the battalion and < id later was
attached to Imperial Forces
in the
I3r-atnshott Area,
Mi Makins is a 'member
of the
Anglican church and,the
gMasonic Or-
der, xn 1900 he married Miss Netts
MeNab, They have one .daughter,
Youth of 18 Charged with Murder of
His Grandfather, :Phillip Stroh.
Held • on a charge of 'murder; 18 -
year -:old Earl Leffler is in jail at Wal-
kertonwhile provincial police are in-
vestigating the• slaying of his grind-`
father, Phillip Stroh, 68 -year-old Car-
rick Township farmer; about 10 miles
from Walkerton. •
An argument over a lock on a fence
gate is believed by police to have re -
stilted in a fatal altercation between
the Wealthy farmer and his grandson.
The widow told. police in broken
sentences what had happened prior to.
the 'finding of the mutilated body.
The family had gone to church in
the morning; she said, and all had
been present for noon dinner. Later
in the afternoon, the Widow said, the
grandson and her husband went to
the barn to do chores, Young Leffler
returned to supper, but the greed -
father did not. When she asked the
youth where his grandfather was he
replied he had seen him crossing a
field towards the home of a neighbor,
she said.
It was unusual for the middle-aged
farmer to wander away from home
during the afternoon she said, but the
family did not become alarmed until
word was brought that the body had
been found.
The youth was arrested late Sunday
night following the finding of his
grandfather's body on the county road
half a mile from the Stroh farm and
appeared before Magistrate Walker at
a court Monday. He was remanded
until April 7.
Provincial Constable McClevis was
called to the Stroh farm about 11.30
Sunday night when William and Frey
Baetz found the grandfather's body
with the head badly battered, the fore-
head had been crushed in and there
were punctures on each side. Search-
ing the premises the officer discover-
! ed a blood -spattered axe in the barn
and blood on the floor of the build-
ing. Later, he found Stroh's cutter in
the yard with blood -stains on the seat.
The police theory is that Stroh was
slain, in the barn, with the axe, and
his body carried to the road in the
cutter where it was abandoned.
The arrest of the grandson follow-
ed immediately.
Farm Sold
The. Wallace farm on the 1st line
of Grey was sold by T. Fells to Rich-
ard Jacklin, 'of Grey Township,
Half Holiday for Dentists
From the 1st of April to November
30th the local dental offices will be
closed on. Wednesday afternoons each
week. Dr. G. H. Ross, Dr. A. W. Ir-
win, Dr. G. W. Howson.
Cut Head,,in Fall
County Treasurer •Allan Nelson re-
ceived a nasty scalp wound at the
back of his head, which required med-
ical attention, when he fell on the icy
sidewalk and landed heavil{', on his
head.—Walkerton Herald -Times:
Baptist Church
Easter Service John St.
The Easter Sunday morning con-
gregation in the John Street Baptist
Church was augmented by the mem-
bers of the Young Worshippers' Lea-
gue, which has been organized recent-
ly. The Pastor, Rev. E. C Smith, took
as his subject "Sunrise." Mrs. C.
Kingan brought a beautiful 'Easter
message in song '`Leave it with Him."
Of Interest to Teachers
The following announcements evere
received from the Minister of Edu-
cation in regards to the second year
Normal Course, commencing in Sep-
tember 1934 and <' 1935: (1) Interim.
Certificates issued in July ,1930 to
teachers will be extended one year.
If they wish to continue teaching af-
ter that date, they will be required
to return for the Second ,Year Nor-
mal School Course in September 1935.
(2) Teachers who completed the First
Year Normal School Course in 1,929
and whose Interim t
rzt t Certificates were
extended to July 1934, will be obliged
to return to Normal School in order
to take their Second. Year Course itt
1984 relinquish h their
September or q sh
positions, This course will be given
at 'ea'ch of •the Normal Schools. Forms.
of application may aybe obtained from
the Deputy Minister of Education af-
ter July 1st.
"The Life of Our Lord" by Charles.
Dickens, Starts in This Issue.
Young children will get no finer
conception of the New ' Testament
than by- reading "The Life of Our.
Lord" by that great Master of Eng
lish writers, Charles Dickens, which
commences in this issue of the Ad-
vance-Times. 'It is a recital of inci-
dents in the life of Christ vi ritten
down to the understanding of Dick -
en's own shall children. There is no
other story of the Testament to equal
For years this story has been a se-
cret in the Dickens ..family and the
announcement that it was to be pub-'
lished.caused a sensation over the
world. It is •a simply but beautifully
written story and every child in this
district should read or hear it. Pre-
serve this wonderful story of Christ
by making a scrap -book of it. It will
appear each week for fourteen weeks
on page Seven of this paper.
Mr. H. T. Thomson purchased the
Massey -Harris Building, , corner of
Josephine and. Victoria St., formerly
used by the Federal Rubber Co., from
Mr. J. A. Robinson last week.
It is the purpose of Mr. Thomson,
to purchase cream at delivery price,
buy poultry and grade eggs. Mr. Les.
Cunningham, formerly manager of
the local branch of the Wellington
Produce, Co., will have charge of this
Mr .Thomson expects to be open
for business on Thursday.
Moving to Chatham
Mrs, W, Ingham and family are
moving this week to Chatham to be
with Mrs Ingham who has been in
Catham for some time.
Spring CoatSale
Clearing Spring Coats for Women
and Misses' of the short figures.
Tweeds and. Dress Coats at $6.00.—
King Bros. -
A Dance
In -the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave,
Friday, April 6th, to a seven -piece
Whitechurch Orchestra. Come early
and avoid the crowd. Admission 25c.
Lunch served,
Attending Teachers' Convention
Mr. G. L: Brackenbury, Principal of
the High School, is attending the an-
nual convention of Ontario Educa-
tional Association in Toronto this
Easter Dance Well Attended
The Easter Dance held in the Ar-
mouries on Monday night under the
auspices of the Badminton Club was
well attended. Many who were home
for the holidays attended. The, hall
was beautifully decorated and the
chinese ,lanterns hung from the gird-
ers, presented a charming effect. Jack
Carr and his Band furnished the mu-
sic. : Midway through the dance the
social committee served lunch.
Many Attend Cafeteria Supper
Despite the heavy rain on Tues -
,day the attendance at the' Cafeteria
supper held in the United Church
Sunday School room, by the Evening
Auxiliary, was' well attended, This
manner of holding a supper was a
new idea here and met with the ap-
proval of all present, A program was
carried on during the meal, piano
solos were rendered by Mrs. W. A.
Galbraith, Mrs. F. A. Parker and Miss
Tena Reid. Gordon Davidson pleas-
ingly entertained with his piano ac
Gordian and a solo by. Lloyd Hunlcin
was much enjoyed,
Annual Dance to be Held in Goderich
—Dinner in Wingham.
The officers of :the Herron Regi-
ment held thein annual meeting in
Goderich last week, Lieut. R. He-
S. H
therington and Lieut. Bigelow of the
local company were present.'
It wasdecided
cel to hold theannual
regimental ball' in Goderich thisY
It likely the ball will take place this
spring itt about a month's time,
I. r. 7
ire annual Regimental Dinner rt ill
be held in Wingham some time this
fall, the 'date to be set later,
Large Audience Thoroughly Enjoyed
This Musical Treat
The choir of St. '„Paul's Anglican
Church presented the Cantata "From
Death onto Life" by R. M. Stuets,
to a 'large and appreciative' audience
in the Church on Wednesday even-
ing last week.
The Cantata was made up of two
parts, The first, Christ's Passion and
Death, consisted of an organ intro-
ductory, bass solo and chorus "He
was despised and rejected", Mr. J. R.
M. Spittal taking the solo part; so-
prano duet "He was oppressed and
afflicted" by Misses Lillian Fuller and
Elaine Radford; solo and chorus "Be-
hold all things that are written", the
solo part by Mr. L. Buckman; duet,
trio and quartette "It is the voice of
Jesus", Messrs. C. Templeman and
VV. Campbell, Misses C. Phair and
Doris Fells; chorus, "And when they
had come to a place called Calvary",
solo part by 'Mrs. (Rev.) Hayes;
chorus, "The Grave itself a Garden
The second part, The Resurrection.
Introductory, organ selection; chorus
"Break forth into joy," baritone and
bass solos by Joe Ellacott and A. J.
Nortrop; "The Sepulchre made sure",
wornens' chorus, women's quartette,
Mrs. E. Armitage, Miss Doris Fells,
Mrs. (Rev.) Hayes, Miss Cora Phair;
tenor solo, Mr.' L. Buckman "And
when the Sabbath was past." chorus,
"Angels, roll the rock away"; quar-
tette, Messrs, C. Templeman, A. J.
Nortrop, W. Campbell, L. Buckman,
'"Why Seek Ye the Living among the
Dead?" chorus, "And they departed
quickly", solo taken by Mr. C. Tem-
pleman sand Miss C. Phair. Chorus,
"He is Risen."
Local Pastor Receives Call.
Rev. L. H. Currie on Tuesday of
last week received a call to Welling-
ton St. United Church, London. 13e -
fore taking any action he notified the
Church Board and a special congre-
gational meeting is being held this
Miss Elsie Spiers
The death of Miss Elsie Spiers,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Spiers occurred in hospital at
Kingston on Sunday, April lst. The
remains were brought to the home of
her brother-in-law, Grey Township,
near Brussels, on Monday, from where
the funeral was held on Tuesday af-
ternoon, April 3rd. Interment took
place in Brussels Cemetery. Rev. Mr.
Williams' of Cranbrook Presbyterian
Church officiated at a private service
at the home and at the graveside. She
is survived by three sisters and five
Mrs. Andrew McKee
Following a lengthy illness, the last
tent weeks of which she was confin-
ed to her bed, the death of Elizabeth
MacDonald, beloved wife of the late
Andrew McKee of Forthwith, occurr-
ed at the home of her son-in-law, T.
H. Gibson, Josephine St., on. Tuesday,
April 3rd, itt her 85th year. The late
Mrs, McKee was born in Perthshire,
Scotland, and at the age of two came
to Canada 'with her parents, who set-
tled near Molesworth. Sixty-two years
ago she was united :in marriage to
Andrew McKee, of Molesworth. They
lived for some time at Molesworth,
moving to Fordwich thirty years ago.
The late .Mr. McKee passed away at
Forthwith' 15 years ago. Following
the death of her husband she spent
a short time in the West, but for the
East twelve years has made her home
with her daughter, Mrs. T. H. Gib-
son, of town. She was a member of
the United Church,
Site leaves to mourn their loss, four
daughters, Mrs. J. D. Young, Glen-
boro, Man.; Mrs. Joseph Davidson,
Fordwich; Mrs, T..11. 'Gibson and
Miss Margaret McKee, of town, also
three sisters and two brothers, Mrs.
Margaret Hanintond and ivtrs, Jennie.
Petrie, Portland, Oregon; Mrs, Annie
ilttcVicer; Smith Valley, Nevada; John
MacDonald, Russell, Man.; and Thos.
MacDonald, of Molesworth,
'A private service will be held at
the r'esid'ence of her son-in-law, T.
He Gibson, Josephine St., '4Vinghattt,.
on Thursday afternoon, April 5th, at
2 p,en, and will be conducted by the
Rev. L. H. Currie, Pastor of the 'Un-
ited Church, Internment will :take
place in Molesworth Cemetery,
Huron -Bruce and South Huron Con-
servatives to Have Nominations Soon
With the Legislature completing its
session on Tuesday and the election
to take place the end of May or the
first week in June the political hiot has
commenced to boil.
It is expected that the Conserva-
tives of Huron -Bruce will hold 'their.
nomination meeting the third. week in
April and in South Huron the elate
for their nominations is expected to
be announced this week.
The Liberals of Huron -Bruce have
already endorsed C. A. Robertson, M.
L.A., as their choice. The campaign
this time will be a whirlwind cam-
paign due to the short time at the
disposal of the candidates.
SPOKE 15,000
Mr. George E. Logan, brother of
Mrs. VV.. Dawson, Shuter St., Mrs.
Logan 'and their daughter, Miss Ida,
of London, Ont., are taking a trip.
around the world on the Empress of
Britain. Between Hong Kong and
Shanghai, on the high seas, 15,000
miles from London, Mr. Logan car-
ried on a telephone conversation with
his son, Harold, in London. The con-
versation was wafted half -way around
the world over the ocean by wireless
and across the continent by wire and
the conversation was as clear as if
between houses on a local call.
Tuck -Douglas
On March the 31st in London the
marriage of Miss Hazel D.elilia, eld-
est daughter of Mr., and Mrs. R. J.
Douglas, Belmorc, to Mr. Frederick
Wm. Tuck, youngest son of the late
Mr. and Mrs, B. Tuck, of Clifford.
The bride was gawped in white
georgette with accessories to match,
and for travelling the bride chose a
hunter's red silk velvet gown with
grey accessories.
After the wedding the bride and
groom left for a short honeyruoon to
Windsor and Detroit.
The bride and groom will reside on
the groom's farm at 'Vest \.Longton,
Sacred Motion Picture Film
The sacred nubtiott picture film
"From the Manger to the Cross" will
be presented in the basement of St.
Paul's Anglican Church under the aus-
pices of the A.Y.U.A, on Friday ev-
APRIL 14th
Residents of Various Streets Must Pe-
tition Council if They Wish
Dustlayer Used,
A regular meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held Monday ev-
ening, all members present, His Wor-
ship Mayor Hanna in the Chair, •
Minutes of last meeting- were read
and approved.
A letter was read .from Mr. J. A.
Ellis' in which he stated that it was
quite probable the time would be exp
tended for completion of Relief.
Works under agreement.
A letter was read froin Mr. R.
Cruickshank,: Clerk Turnberry Twp.,
in which he stated that the Turnber-
ry Council thanked the Wingham
Council for the invitation to .use the
Town • Hall lit Wingham for their
meetings, but it was felt that the pre-
sent arrangements at Bluevale were
more central.
A letter was read from Mr. J. A.
Ellis in which he refused to sanction
payment of cost of operations. A
schedule was attached indicating med-
ical services which might' be paid for.
A letter was read from the Canad-
ian Performing Right Society explain-
ing the objects of the society and in-
viting the Council to make applica-
tion for a license to cover all enter-
tainments held in the Town Hall.
Council decided to fyle letter in the
A letter was read from Dr. Geo.
W. Howson asking for free use of
Town Hall for Veterans' Concert on
April 17th and 18th. Council instruct-
ed that rental be paid and the matter
of a rebate might be considered at
next meeting.
A letter and material from the On-
tario Department of Lands and For-
ests was presented outlining the
scheme for placing families on farms.
This was filed.
A petition was presented from Mr.
I. 'Weiss of Teeswater and signed by
Robin E. Campbell and others asking
the Council to reconsider the ped-
dler's license fee of $100 and reduce
it to $50.00 Council examined the pe-
tition and names of signers were read.
Cour. Baker reported for the Street
Committee that streets were being
cleaned up and Relief Labor was be-
ing used as far as possible. He
brought up the matter of putting Cal-
cium Chloride on the streets again
this year and stated that a number of
complaints had been received in the
lfovc:cl by Corin. Baker, seconded
ening, April 6th, at 8 o'clock. Every- by Coun. Bishop, that residents living
body welcome. on the, various streets of Wingham be
e ui•. �cl t gree a titian with the
Receive D,D. Degrees ` q ' ` v petition 4
Klerk don or before xlpril 25th, 1924,
Two outstanding graduats of Huron if they desire calcium chloride placed
College, the Ven. Archdeacon W. J• Ion this street Haiti sununer.—Carried.
Doherty, secretary-treastirer of the
Huron Synocl and Rev. Louis Wood
of South Carolina are to be given the
honorary degree of doctor of divinity
by the university of 'Western Ontar-
io. Rev. Louis Wood was in charge
of the Anglican Church parish here
about 40 years ago.
Canadian Hockey Teant.s Lose
Both the Toronto Maple Leafs and
the Montreal Maroons passed. out of
the hockey picture. Detroit Red
'Wings defeated the Maple Leafs three
games out of five. Detroit won two
games in Toronto 2-1 and 6-3. Tor-
onto bested Detroit in the first two
games in the automobile city, 3-1 and
5-1. Detroit won the third and decid-
ing game in Detroit by 1-0 and cap-
tured the N.H.L. championship. They
will now meet the Chicago Black
Hawks, who defeated Montreal by a
total score in two games of 6-2, for
the Stanley Cup.
Butterfly Caught on Friday
`4 -It seemed an awful. effort for spring
to get tinder way this year,' but signs
A' spring have been definitely found.
George Holler left in this office a cab-
bage ba terfl �Y caught which he ht at his
8 g
home on Leopold St., on Friday. This
surely is a record,
Robins are now quite plentiful in
his district and these red -breasted
birds generally know the weather•,
well 'ahead of we poor mortals,
On Saturday the sap shifted to rini
freely and continued. all Sunday and
't record ruts, with: so much 'frost in
Ire ground, is predicted,
The Finance Committee reported a
number of accounts properly 'certified
and recommended payment,
Moved by Coun.. Elliott, seconded
by Cuun. Bishop, that the report of
the Finance Committee be adopted as
react --Carried,
Reeve Davidson reported that some
trees had been removed and one com-
plaint had been received. He stated
that only defective trees were being
cut down.
Come Geddes reported for the Pro-
perty Ccintinittee that his Committee
had purchased 21.6 cords of wood for
relief at a cast of $495.00. A good
simply was still on hand. The meals
given out to transients this year were
as follows: January 212 meals, . Feb-
ruary, 184 meals; March, 269 meals,.
or a total of 665 meals at a cost of
$146.45. The Council Chamber had
been redecorated and the work was
almost complete. The matter ofse-
curing new blinds was brought u.p and
Council agreed that this be left with
the Property Committee.
Corin. Wilkinson reported for the
Fire Committee that two fires had
occurred since last meeting, One was
outside the 'town limits but the Fire-
men had -attended' and were able to
reach, it:from the nearest hydrant,. He
stated that when the weather became
finer he would, 'rave the hose tested.
Reeve Dtt.vidson reported that the
was Committee considering
the matter of removal of two large
posts at the 'Cemetery' gates. . The
matter was discussed by Council and
it was finally agreed that the posts
be left until sufficient funds were on
hand to erect sante in a new position.
A by-law to Amend the Peddler's
and Hawkers' by-law by raising the
(Continued on Page Five)
Subscriptions $2,Q0 Per Yeats'
"The Tide" is a Play, Full of I[unic9
and Pathos.
For the past month the members'
of Wingham Post, Canadian Legion,,
have beenracticire r faithfully and.p to
are ttoly all set, ready to present for
public approval the play "The Tide."
This play is something new and very
different to anything ever staged in
this district and is crammed full of
fun and pathos. ,
The play centres around two broth-
ers, one aged 8 and the other aged 20
who lost their parents in 1908. The
older brother raises his young broth-
er adn finally the world is plunged
into warand the two brothers enlist.
The play at this stage centres around
the tragedy of war and also the
cheerful but peculiar way the boys
carried on during the war. The billet
scene behind the line is a scream and
a re -union for 1928 is planned.
The war over the brothers are.
again: united under very peculiar cir-
In 1928 a re -union is held. ,Thisis.
the final scene of the show and all
the old songs of rear` days are again
recalled. Whata meeting this is.
MAY 30th OR JUNE 6th
New Beer Regulations to be in Force
by July lst, it is Believed.
According to the Toionto Tele-
gram Premier Henry will announce
shortly that the elections will take
place either May 30th or , June 6th.
The announcement is expected in
about two weeks' time.
The Telegram also states that beer
and wine ander the amended Liquor
Control Act, will be on sale in hotels
and restaurants by July lst, tto Mat-
hatter who wins the provincial election. -
Huron County is ender the Canada
Temperance Act, and according to
this law, liquor, wines and beer can
not be sold in this county legally stn-
til this act is repealed by a three -fifth
majority vote of the people.
Residents of the town are hereby
notified that no dust layer (calcium
chloride) will be placed .:upon the
streets of the Town of Wingham. this
year unless a properly -signed petition
is presented to the Clerk cm or before
April 255tht 1934,
Porms of petition may be secured
on application at the Cleric's office.
W. A. Galbraith, Town 'Clerk.
1 iddge Tournament at t orierkh
Arrangements have been eiompleted
for a Goderich tournament as part of
the Western Ontario contract bridge
championship for teams of four, to,
be heli. in the hotel Bedford on Fri-
day, April 18th. Teams representative
of every recognized club in the chise
trice are expected to be on hand to
compete for the cups which are dein-
ated by W. E. Spencer and which are
held for one month after a tourna-
ment win.
$5,000,000 ROAD CON-
Part of Highway. No. 4 to be Paved
Hoe. i,eopcilcl Macaulay, Minister
of Highways, has announced a high-
way construction program which will
cost $5,000,000 and give employment
to 25,000 men daring this summer.
Included in this program is a strip
of. pavement 10 feet 'vide fr•oiu Cline
ton toward Wingham for 8 guiles.
Grading; on the bluewater • Highway
south of Goderich and Sarnia, 'is also
on the program.
A new highway will be built from
Toronto to Allendale. The:new pro-
gram effect practically every' part of
the province:
:I"lie type:of road on Highway No.
4 will be t1re reglnatiran higlittay
width with a ten -foot strip cif pave-
ment along one side. This hind of
road has been used in the United
States with satisfaction where traffie.
is not very heavy.
In the "at trda r papers the Gaver e
S t ti� 1n
nten:t,advertised for contracts for ting
extensive program of nock, and it is
enpieetecl that all to irlt advertised Weill
be eoitipitted this =nuttier;