HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-03-29, Page 3Thursday, March 29th, 1934
Buy Finest Quality
'Flesh From the Gardens"
line to prove their outlets were both
necessary and for the conyenienee of
the public,
For the first time in the history of
Canada, it was stated in legislative
circles,: the bill would place restric-
tions on the ;sale of gasoline.
Plan New Control for Wheat
London—Drastic' measures for the
quantitative control of •world wheat
movements and a minimum price bar-
rier, were drawn up by a Commission
of experts for submission to the In-
ternational , Wheat Conference in
Rome, starting' April 5. The coupling
of these projects in an effort to raise
and stabilize wheat; would cause an
.6., _ even more complete transformation of
conditions in world grain markets
' than was visualized delegates
World Wide News hi Brief �' � first began to explore the controvers-
al price proposal last November,
AMM1110012.01.81100M.S•11.1.1111.•00.101.00110.41.-- .0 ma,.
Ontario C.C.F..to Reorganize ized :it as more of a"nuisance .
�, I public� Lovers' Quarrel'- Ends in Death
Ottawa—The • Co -Operative Coin- than a public service, Windsor—Miss Marguerite Bottrill,
monwealth Federation will.be organ -1 aged 27, is dead and, Gus Gresko ag-
azed on an entirely new basis in On-
tario; .itwas announced, by J. S.
Woodsworth; head of the movement.
For this purpose a. convention will be
held on; Arpil• 14. This action is the
sequel of the deadlock which occurred
when the President suspended the
Ontario Provincial Council, and the
National Council took control of the
situation in this Province.
1000 Dead, 150,000 Homeless
in Japanese Fire
Tokio-At least 1,000. persons were
known to, have been killed in 'a fire
which deoured three-fourths of the
City of ,Hahodate, largest community
in Japan north of Tokio.
Twenty -fide thousand buildings are
destroyed, and 150,000persons were
made horheless, according to figures
in a Message received by the Minister
of •Communications 'from the Hako-
date wireless, station on the outskirts
of the ruirfed city. Hakodate is a port
city of 200,000' population.
The 'storm that fanned the I-Iako-
date fire swept across the Japanese
' Empire . from Formosa to Wokaido.
Many seaports reported small craft
wrecked or missing, .and the death
toll from drowning may reach 100, it t
was indicated. t
Faces Manslaughter Charge led 30, .died in hospital as the result of
Kitchener—James Gettas, Kitchener 'a layers' quarrel here last Thursday
restaurant• proprietor, was committed -night. The shooting occurred in the
for trial on a charge of manslaughter rooming -house of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
arising out of the death of Highway Kelena. The girl, it was said, accus-
Traffic Officer Russell Lemon last ed the man of spying on her. Mr. and
March 11. 'Lemon, according to au- Mrs. Kelena told police the quarre
thorities, was •hurled fifteen feet to lasted for about two hours before th
his death when he was struck by a {fatal shots were fired. Gresko sho
passing car on the Preston Road., A 'the girl and then turned the revolve
charge of leaving .the scene of an ac- !on himself.
cident was also laid against the res-
taurant proprietor, but was referred Toronto Apartment Burned
pending the outcome of the' trial on l Toronto—Flames swept through th
the man slaughter count. It was slat- Lakeview Mansions, an eight -storey
ed for the Assize Court 'sitting next apartment house in the west end. o
September.I Toronto, as nearly . 100 occupants
some partially clad, groped through
France Wants Old Entente .Renewed the smoke-filled corridors to safety.
Paris—A re vival of the old entente One woman, with her infant in
cordiale, which brought Great Britain arrns, was carried down the fire -es -
into the Great War, is sought by cape by firemen. Others smashed the
France in a secret communication to`Iwindows and jumped to life nets held
London elaborating on an arms. note, by the rescue squads. One woman
The latter document, shade public trapped in an -upper rooiv, refused to
itself referred guardedly to this ;leap to .a net and extension ladders
French desire, in discussing the ne- were raised to her .window. Firemen
cessity of safeguarding against viola- scaled up to her rescue. All occupants
tions of any arms convention. escaped.
"If established violations endanger.:
he security of a State, common ac- De Valera Moves to Abolish Senate
Miriam Jordan, blonde screen ac-
tress, was granted a divorce from Jo-
seph Davis, London socialite, at Los
Angeles. She testified her husband
quit his position two months after.
their marriage in London in 1926, ma. -
king it necessary for her to support
a drawn-out controversy which had
threatened a .strike involving 250,000
men in the motor plants,and menac-
ed the Administration's recovery pro-
20 Tons of Glass Used to Make
Telescopic "Eye"
e Corning, N.Y.—Twenty tons of
molten glass to form the world's lar
gest telescopic "eye" were poured in-
, to. a form before a distinguished aud-
ience of scientists and thousands of
laymen who taxed the hospitality of
this famous little city of glass mak-
ers. The last ladle of brilliantly glow-
low-ing:glass was spread in the brick
form, which will stand for ten months
while the composition hardens. Then
hours were required to transfer the
liquid glass from the furnace where it
has been heating, since Feb. 15, to the
mold house in a brick igloo.
President Endorses. Unemployment
Insurance Tax F
Pr i e
s ,.l
es d nt -Roo e •� ''
� � formally en-
pending unemployment legis- r
latint, by expressing the hope that
- the. Wagner -Lewis Bill "will be pass-
ed by t e Congress at tails session, t
He approved the measure, estimated B
by United States Secretary of Labor n
Frances Perkins to yield $1,000,000,- f
090 yearly through e tax on employ -_s
•ers 'payrollg, in' a letter to Chairman e
Roughton of the. House of Represen- .a
tatives Ways and Means Committee. D
ion by the powers should be used for 1 Dublin, Irish Free State—President
he benefit of the' threatened nation," `Eaon ,De Valera, incensed at the Tr-
im note• said. ish Free State's rejerection of a bill
to prevent the wearing of political
orecasts Issue of Script uniforms, suddenly introduced a bill
Montreal--City-guaranteed script to in: the Dail, or Lower TIoiise, ta ab-
elief-drawers loomed .as a possibility olish the Senate.
a statement from Alderman J:
Maurice Gabias, M,P.P., Chairman of New 'York T'aximen Run Amok
he Executive Committee,that if the,1 New York-Thr•ce thousand strik-
ank of Montreal and the Banque Ca-.ing taxi drivers ran wild today in
adienne Nationale persist in their re downtown New York, ` overwhelmed
usal to advance further relief monies, 10 mounted police, dragged men- and
itch a measure would have to be tak- 1women riders from taxi cabs, beat dri-
ll, The' Alderman's statement :came ,Vers into unconsciousness and wreck-
fter he Was notified by L. F. Philia, 'ed cabs, •
irector of Civic Finance, there was i A turbulent crowd of 1,000striking
my enough money left to finance re- taxi arivers cut, through congested
ef for a short time. '`lower Broadway, stripping and beat..
ing 25 non: -strikers, wrecking .40 cabs
Nova Scotia to Control and paralyzing traffic.
Sale of -Gas
Halifax—The, Government of Nova Strike of Auto Workers Ended
cotia has come to the conclusion that Washington—President Roosevelt
to sale of .gasoline is a public neces- announced A settlement of the auto-
ty and should be regulated by the mobile labor dispute Sunday night,
ublic Utilities. Board, Hon, A. S. with a declaration granting, absolute
MacMillan, Minister of. Highways,freedom of collective bargaining for
Id the Legislature as he introduced labor.
bill requiring 'all vendors of gaso.- ` The settlement brought an end to
CondenmsRadio Commission
Ottawa -The Radio Committee of
the House of Commons heard a 're-
' quest from 12. W. Ashcroft, resident
of the Dominion Boardcasters' Assoc-
iation, for the abolition of the Radio
Commission, coupled with' 'a sugges-
tion than the $1,000,000 annually ap-
propriated for the Commission's oper-
ations be diverted for the relief of the
unemployed. Mr. Ashcroft frankly to
critical of the Commission, character- a
]elle Lichtrn tn, the Toronto, Ont„,
girl who, in 3nalcing a high dive at the
C,N.E;, in .1932, received injuries that
resulted in paralysis, is to be operat-
ed upon in ,New York by Dr. Adolf
Loreny Viennese surgeon, in
ate er-
t restore
to Icer tate use of
her limbs, ivtrs• Joshua Smith and
other ":Vo.eonto friends are now rals-
inga. fund to ensure her the best of
medical care during the three months
of her convalescence. Miss Liebman,
who is 19, risked her life in . the div-
act whale seeking to earn some
much-needed money for her family:
She is seen- in the illustration toge-
ther •e-
t'her with Dr, Lorenz,
Elections in May?'
With. the Ontario Legislature's fit l
Legislature's ria.
session entering upon its concluding
neck, pol,ti.cal eyes peered ahead to-
ward election d'ay. While it has been
generally accepted that the electors
would name their new Legislature" in
June, reports were cu •rent last week
that the Henry Government, consid-
ering, according to its own lights, that
it has passed a highlysuccess ses-
_ .,fol .e.
sion, would dissolve the Legislature
immediately after prorogation and em-
bark on a whirlwind compaign to be
climaxed by a aid -flay election.
[.Fights Deportation
Halifax—Catherine Carr has been
ordered to leave Canada, but the girl
who crossed the Atlantic in a freight-
er's lifeboat, is not going back to the
Old Country without a fight.
She was understood to have filed
an appeal against the decision of an
Immigration tribunal 'ordering her
sent back to her home in Ireland just
as soon as she has recovered from the
effects of her rigorous crossing.
of the
Cat Stuck To Its Tail,
Which Stuck O; The Ice.
After being listed amongst the mis-
sing for several days, a Wallenstein
fancily had their Persian cat rettu•ned
to then.: Pussy sat to long oh sodic
ice until it melted, then froze, with
the result that its tail and the ice were
inseparable, until a kind neighbor dis-
is- I,
cotered,its condition and freed it by
digging'.up :the ice a little, The cat
lost no time in• getting home, and
doubtless spent the day. beside the
fire;: warming up a little, ---Fergus
News Record:
No Definite Action. Taken
• Thirty ty Carrick'farmers attended a
'meeting in 'the town hall, Mildmay,
to discuss the feasibility of cstablish-
itttg a new farmers' mutual Eire i.nsur-:'
ince company, with headquarters at
Mildmay, Several of those who spoke.
were of, the opinion that several of.
the companies operating in this local -
jt -y could be ntanat,ed'tiltore carefully t.
tint ccnnomIcaily, but few were pr•c
pared to undertake thy, organization
of a, new company.--Mildmaycompany.--Mildmay Gazette.
Ewe Sets Good Exeiit
You have already heard about the
ewe belonging to Wm, Statters, which
gave birth to four lambs which lived
> v
and 'thrived. This r
ambitious i
ewe appears) to have set a good ex- f
ample for her mates, for since per-
forming tltc tluadmill et feat,
other ewes have each given birth
to a
trio of lambs. Thus from five ewes,
Mr. Statters has been presented with
sixteen lambs, thirteen of which are
living and doing well,--Lucknow
A Close Call
Janet, young daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. ,Hamm had a very close
call from drowning. It seems she and
some of the other children had been
playing on the ice over the creek, near
the bridge, which was only partly
frozen over, as on the south side there.
is still running water. In sliding she
went to close to the edge but was
able to catch hold of the ice until
she was .rescued by George Kelly
who happened to come along at the
opportune_ time.—Blyth Standard,
Captured' Injured Doe
One morning last week Henry
Schmidt of the 10th concession of
Carrick .discovered a young doe near
his chopping mill, lying in an appar-
ently helpless condition. He carried
the animal to his stable and cared for
it, but it refused to rise or eat. An
examination 'revealed a badly fract-
ured hind leg. It is likely that the doe
had; •been chased by dogs and was
caught in a wire fence. Mr. Rolston,
of • Owen Sound, the game warden for
this district, was communicated with,
and permission to put the animal out
of its misery was obtained.—Mildmay
Missed Only Seven Days
In Fifty Years' Teaching
Last week the Banner reported that
Mr. Clarence Long, a teacher in
Guelph, had only missed eight days
on account of illness . in his forty-
seven years in the teaching profes-
This record, The Banner learns,
has been beaten by a veteran teacher
in this district. Miss M.S t
J Benson;.
retired teacher, now residing in New-
ton, says she can go one better. She
taught fifty years and missed only
seven days through illness. Listowel
Forest Oddfeliows Lodge
Celebrates. Gast Birthday
The. sixty-first anniversary y o£ the
forest Royal Oak- Lodge, No. 108,
of the Independent Order of Oddfel-
lows was held last week iii its lodge
rooms. 'Noble Grand George Down.
1 25 year jewels ls to four
members : Ralph Bend of Toronto,
Albert Williams of Forest, Gerald
of Forest, and O. W. Dejcrsey
of .I Diof
nt Edward. Twenty-five tables
of euchre and a social pre-
ceded the presentation. Mrs, Frank
Flater of Forest was the evening sol-
Injured Going To Church
The days of persecution for relig-
ious faith are over but there seems
to be a distant hazard in going to
church in Clinton. At least, ,two lad-
ies found it so last Sunday morning
when Mrs. W. Higgins fell on some
ice and fractured an ankle and Mrs.
Edmenston did the sante to her wrist.
A few evenings previously Mrs. Tre-
wartha, wife of Mayor Trewartha,
slipped on 'an icy walk as she was
hurrying from a meeting of the W.
M. S. to another gathering in the
church and sustained a fracture to the
small bone in her ankle. And a few
Sundays ago Miss Elizabeth Ford fell
on her way to church and .fractured a
hone in her hip and is stilf in a plast-
er cast in .the Hospital. The strange
part of the story is that all these
ladies attend the same church—Clin-
ton News Record.
Knee -Cap Broken,
Crawls For Mile
WALKERTON,— Crawling along
the road for nearly 'a mile with a knee-
cap broken, attempting to make his
way to his employer's house was the
experience of Norman Burns;- who..
works for 1Vnt Wehenkel, three miles
north of town, Mr. burns slipped on
the ice while walking along the road
and badly fractured the knee -cap, Un-
able .to walk he dragged himself as
well as: possible to the house of Mr,
Wehenkels and in so doing tore lig-
aments. He was brought to the Conn-
ty Hospital where ..the fracture was
sewn and it will be several immths
beforr he will be able. to walk,
Finger Is Amputated
After Shot Gun Mishap
Stewart 'lows!, 5 ,son of Mr, and
1l:•;. lohn Howe, who live about four
nnk, north of aPaisley, was the vice
int of an acctdmttt With It shot un
tv h{ch resulted. it trim g•
losin' the is
and finger of his right hand.'
The mishap `Deemed when., Mr.
Howe Was putting down tate'. firearm.
-.le was broughttothe- Bruce County-
I.Iospital. The inside of tate index.
finger was torts, in addition to the
clarnagc done to the next finger, but
t was only necessary to remove one
inger-Walkerton Telescope.
Bc rho
of Rate. I2editced
A two mill reduction in the tax
•ate for school j rposes was effected
d esi' ned
Hy ro 5t
•ad guaranteed
&oOit Carton of .i'tr Lamps
AM ,lie House
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Block. Phone 156.
Look /fir
MAla La4./
by the Finance- Committee of the
school board according to the report
presented by the committee to the
board at the regular meeting held in
the council -chamber. The report of
the finance committee showed that
the . budget called for an expenditure
of $18,191.11 at the high school and
an ,expenditure of $10,813.02 at the
public schools, --_Kincardine Review
Police Dog Attaches
10 Year Old Lad
While walking Q
the past Queen's
Hotel barn on his way home from
school, Owen 1'ack, the 10 -year-old
son of ' Er. Wm. Vack, was suddznly
!attacked by what is claimed to have
'been a large female police derg, which
.s said to have had a couple of
in the stable, and which after sinking
.ts teeth into the fleshy part near the
; rear of the "chld's hip, inflicting a
nasty wound over an inch long, is re-
puted to have still furthur attempted
to attack the screaming lad, Who for
protection leaped behind a fence post
and then scrambled up onto the fence
out of it, reach, while a courageous
companion, Haroid Zuber, detracted
the canine's attention and later drove
it off with some chunks of ice and
stones that were nearby.—Walkerton
Herald Tithes.
Want; Harbor' Improved
Mayor C. C. Lee with councillors
Huckins and Sproul and Mr. S. D.
Croft President cf the Chamber of
Commerce, went to Ottawa to inter
view 'the authorities with reference.
to the possibility of having the North
breakwater exxtended inward to meet
the end of the river breakwater. ,
This was projected some yers ago
and has always been admitted as a
necessity, but was never done. The
southern ;breakwater, too, in the orig-
inal plans was designed to carry in to
the shore, under the lighthouse. This
would make an enclosed harbor of
vastly greater extent than that now
I enjoyed by lake traffic.—Godcrich
Water Rises 25 Feet At Goderich
Rumbling and crashing its . way
{• from the u river stretch above Salt
Mord bridge the Maitland River broke
1•loose and piled millions of tons of
ice in jagged disarry at its mouth.
Citizens were awed by the tremen-
does force of nature as the' backed ug
'avatars finally lifting- the :n•eatest ac -
1 ..
•unr t •s .z•
c tt.atwr of ice. in history am its
} r c s
•jfrast bound anchorage churned its
l'vay to what it seemed to think Was
freedom. it was not freedom however.
!Months ago heavy winds from the
!north had piled up lake ice and froz-
en spray at the mouth of the Mait-
land in long wind rows 'fifteen feet
I high. These had settled in a solid
Mass across the opening and the river
I deposits, piled on the crest of a water
i head almost as high, found them ars
impenetrable barrier, Quickly the
!whole basin formed by the high bank
on the north and the concrete break-
water guarding the Harbor on. the
south filled with tree and debris laden
bergs. Water roared through the lit -
Ile canal under the railway bridge,
1 rising higher streamed across the
'breakwater into the Harbor.. The water
!rose 25 feetin a short time
[little damage was done as it 'turned'
cold at once,—Goderich Star,
Vera—"You wouldn't advise me to
marry a liar, would you'"
Victoria—"Vcs dear, 1 would—un- ,
less y ou avant to be an old maid"
in, He cae
Few '3s, in .Nis
'<mowN ... :„
For Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN
Now comes amazingly quick relief r
from headaches, rheumatism, neuri-
tist neuralgia , tato fustest sr/e relief,
it is sod, yet cliscnveted,
Those results are due to a scien-
tific discovery by which on Aspirin
Tablet begins to dissolve, or dis-
integrate, in the ;(amazing spate of
two seconds after touching moisture.
And hence to start "taking hold" of
pant a few minutes after taking.
The illustration of the glass, .here,
tells the story, An Aspirin "Tablet
starts to disintegrate zt ;gate almo.,n
t instant-
ly yon swallow it. And thus Is ready
to go to tont almost instantly.
When you buy, though,be on
guard against substitutes.To be stere
you get .ASPIl31N'S quick tette,
mire the name Bayer to the: form of
a Dross is on every tablet t1 Aspirin.
When .:You Butt
Drop an Aspirin
Tablet in a glass of
welter. Note that BE-
FORE it touches bot I
tom, it has started to
What it does its this
glass it does in your
stomach. nonce its
fast action..
Wine rN c tNAr7A
°es Not . isms the "''kart;