HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-03-08, Page 3Thptrsday, March Sth, 1934 QRANGE PE KOC L 26i "Fresh from the Gardens% World Wide Newt` hi Brief form`' Earthquake in! Chile • Santiago, Chile -A. strong l .earth- quake rocked the region from Con- ception south to Valdivia. An area ranging about 100 miles along the southern coast was shaken by a sev- ere earthquake, isolating citiesand towns and causing considerable clam - age in Valdivia, Temuco and. Puerto Montt.` Landslides were reported at i':eurto Montt, but there i'ere no casualties/ No estimates of the damage through. out the ;South has yet been: made by the Government, peiuiiung the receipt. of further information. In Valdivia, the'. damagewas oyicially estimated at about 1,00O;O00 pesos (approximately $96,'S00)- Passenger Insurance Rates 'May Rise Passenger -liability- insurance rates .are going' to jump becuse a regularly worked racket, is 'costing insurance companies plenty, the Ontario legis- lature was warned. by 'Charles : A. RoberSton, Liberal enemiier from S. Huron, when he spoke of his bill. seeleing 'to'-•correcta .situation that threatens. to weigh heavily on On- tario motorists. Speaking as a private member, Highways Minister Macaulay lent his suplport to the measure, which would relieve drivers of civil -court respon- sibility for injury or death of passe- gcrsin their care. Other lawyer- members of the House raised 'alarm- ed; hands at what they feared •wwas"a change in basic legal principle, and ultimately the bill ' was sent to the Committee on Legal : Bills, where,'1 Hon. Charles McCrea promised, it would receive ,more than usual con -1 e -sideration. J Hon. D. Sutherland Nominated In South Oxford • Mount Elgin --Conservatives of S. Oxford, unanimously chose Hon. D. Sutherland, a former member for the riding, to represent them at the Ap- ril 16 Federal by-elections. The seat became vacant through the death .of Thomas M.. Cayley. Soon after the delegates gathered, . some 200 being OFF COLOUR? ISLIVER? i3O �■ uu W YOUR ' Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel Your liver% a very email organ, but it eer- tainit can put your digestive and eliminative organs out of kilter, by refusing to pour out ita daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels You won't completely correct such a condition by tit ing sake, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage. When they've moved your bowels they're through—and you need gainer stunelan`t. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring back the sunshine into your life. They're purely vege- table. Safe"Sure. Mie for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25a at ail druggists. 48 present, Mr. ,Sutherland was named by Dr. R. E. Weston of Tillsonburg and seconded by Dr. E. W. Coles,of Norwich. A burst of applause ratif- ied the nomination., In; acknowledging the choice of the delegates Mr. Suth- erland ,spoke warmly,' recalling that he first represented the riding thirty- three years ago, Ask- Free: Hand Over Monetary Policies Continue, Washington — %'residdnt Roosevelt through his Secretary of the Treasur- :ary, asked the United States Congress to let him retain a free hand over monetary policies for at least another year. Frankly "speaking for the Admin- istrati,on," Secretary Henry Morgan - than, told a House of Representatives banking subconnnitte that he tvasn''t ready to accept the pending bill for .establishment of a Federal monetary authority with sole controlover cur- rency' and gold and silver reserves. Former Chinese New Emperor of Manchukuo FIsinitiing, lIancbuluo—A new dyn- asty , was born under the protecting guns of more than 50,000 soldiers when Henry Pu-Yi became Kang Teh, Emperor of "The 'Great Manchu Em- pire." • A. bullet proof limousine carried him to and from the Imperial palace. Barbed Wire stockades kept back the throngs. Everywhere were the 'sol- diers-Manchulccuoan aiid Japanese. The ceremonies, o a, botih secular and religious, Lasted less than half an. hatir, though for the spectators there were added the rigors of long wait- ing in the severe cold. History prob- ably record the enthronement of the young sovereign as 'the briefest, most perfunctory, eand most machine -like ever held. Near War is Chinese 'Op -inion. Nankin, China—Tie National Gov- •ermnent's Foreign Office issued a withering denunciation of Henry Pu- Vi's (enthronement as Einperor of Manchukuo. Conderntaing the newly - made Emperor, who sat on "China's dragon throne as a boy, Foreign Min- ister Wang Ching-wei declared that "Pn-Yi's assumption of the Imperial title is' but another of his acts of high treason against .China," Ontario Pilot Awarded Trophy Ottawa -In recognition of sixteen years of war and: peace time flying, Pilot Walter E. Gilbert of Fort Mc- Murray, Alta., has been awarded the Trans -Canada Trophy for 1933. ' The an noupcernent was made by. Hon. D. M. Sutherland, Minister of National EXPERT'S ECONOMIC. I3AROIVMETER The diagram fihown here is not the. sbelton of a steareship, which it might appear; at first glance, to resemble, On the contrary, it is an Econornetet' a machine designed by Witei' i Trent, U.S. inventor, which lie declar- es, gauges the nation's economic bal- ance and shows where it is in need of ,adjustment; Does that sound sine- ,. pit? THE 'WING -HAM ADVANCJ;-TIMES Defense and trustee of the trophy, which is the result of a gift froth the late J. 'D, McKee, arid is awarded an- nually for distinguished service in av- iation. Gilbert is now one .of 'Canad- ian Airways' Northland pilots and he operates 'out of Forte McMurray in Northern Alberta. May Accede to Hitler Demand Paris—Premier Gaston Dotlnaergue is considering acceptance of Chancel- lor Hitler's demand for a moderate re-arniameiit of Germany under an agreement entitling France to retain its present strong army it was learn- ed today. This would"give, France a definite arms superiority unless the world changes its mind and decides to disarm: The French, limit is understood 'to include a new defence force program. snapped by Doumergue's "little wear - cabinet" composed of (Marshal Henri' Penne, General Albert Denain and• Francois Pietri, ministers of : war, air and, navy, respectively. Will Canada Adopt N.R.A. Cade (Ottawa -`-The Dominion, Govern- ment, is considering the adoption of industrial codes in Canada similar in some respects to the NRA of the bn ited States, in the opinion of parlia nventa.ry observers,' ' Corridor gossip is to the effect that the Stevens 'Committee, which is in- vestigating mass buying by depar't- nrent and chain stores, wage and labor conditions, and the distributing sys- tem generally, is laying the founda- tion for legislation tocorrect the ab- uses complained, of by manufacturers,, workingmen, farmers and small 'etail merchants throughout the Dominion. Sea Serpent at France Cherbourg, France—Scientists were .seeking to identify a mysterious mar- ine animal, which was washed ashore on the-Querqueivflle rocks near here, and which bears a resemblance to published descriptions of, the so-call- ed Loch .Ness monster in Scotland. The Querqueville . creature was des- cribed as being 25 feet long and 44 feet in diameter, with. 'a thin neck and a head like a camel. No Harmsworth Race This Year Detroit -There will be no contes for the Harmsworth trophy this year Hubert Scott -.Paine, British challeng er last year, callecl the Yachtsmen' Association of America offices her recently that he hadbeen "unable to get forward with a new• boat,". and consequently found it impossible to challenge for another race with: th veteran Gar Wood. Scott -Paine in his cablegram refer red to the recent ,withdrawal of a Ca- t e NAMES- I -ITS, NAPPER Lieut. John J. O'Connel, scion of a politically powerfulfamily, • who in Court at Albany pointed an acusing finger at Manney Strewl and said he was one of his kidnappers. months' and eight : months. In taking this step to finance the period intervening before a • general loan offering will be made later in the year, the Government seeks to ,take advantage of the present situa- tion, which finds ` banks, insurance companies and other financial institu tions wish comparatively large sums of 'liuid/assets available for the best type of short-term- investment. , • Roosevelt Plans New Tariff Policy Washington- President Roosevelt asked the United States Congress to grant hint authority toput into effect d new tariff policy, ': by which he would eedeavor oto re-establish the foreign trade of United States through reciprocal rate reduction agreements with other powers. :. The _Executive message, and the im- mediate introduction by Democratic leaders of legislation: to ,give him the power, brought the firstmajor cleav- age between the two parties since Mr. e Roosevelt entered the White House, and stirred predictions of a long _ struggle over the historic issue. • radian .challenge, which made it ne- cessary for him .to forward ,his entre immediately or forego .competition for .another year. Opposes ?lianges sn IB N.A. Act :Quebec -A warning against med. :ening with ithe Te.ri'•.tisb North America Act was voiced in ;the (Quebec Legis- lative Assembly by Premier L. A. Taschereau, ,in ico ifintiing discussion of the motion by S,nenee Vatetiiin.(Lib- oral, :St.Jann,es) for :reacililustmcerit,of the present scale ,of Dorninio:n Gov- erarmean;t sni'bsiniies to I'ago Innes. The motion was :adopted by a gate •o'f 64 to 8, and ;a icornin;tte.e named to ap- proach the 'Govern-Genuea-allein-Cain eil on the emitter Describing •the act as "the Charter of Canada," the Tim- elier said the Fathers of Confedera- tion, in drawingit up, had provided for every contingency anticipated :at the time. Japs and Russians Protest Flight Tokio-Indentical protests of aero- plane flights in forbidden territory, made 'in Moscow and Tokio, started a new Russo-Japanese controversy'. The Japanese Government charged that Soviet planes had flown over Korea and Manchuria, and demanded guarantees that such flights would cease. At, the same time, the Russians. protested to the Foreign Office, thru Japanese planes bad been sighted in Soviet territory. I{irk Given 3•'a Years Creighton (Curly) lurk, Toroutci, aged 2'1, was found guilty of the man- slaughter :,of William Sim, the father of his fiancee, Betty Sini, by an As- size Court jury, which deliberated for six hours Friday night.' The jury add- ed a strong recommendation of .mer- cy, When defence > counsel told Mr. Justice Kelly, the presiding Judge, that his client was suffering from a chest condition, and asked him to hear accused's,plrysicia'ti regarding the condition, his Lordship decided to postpone sentence until 11.30 Satur- day morning when he was sentenced to 3t years: Short Term Loans Ottawa --Adopting the system of slior't-terra'financing popular with the British Government, the Departreeot of Finance will tomorrow call for tenders for an issue of15,000y 000 in treasury bills of two maturities, three Chinese Buy Canadian Railway Ties Ottawa—The Chinese telinistry of Railways has awarded a contract to a. firm in Beitisli Columbia for 130,- 000 creosoted railway tips, or the euivalent • of about 4,500,000 feet of timber valued at well over $100i000, the Trade and Commerce Department announced., The ties are to be used by the Chi- nese Government in the completion of the Canton-Hankow railroad, and it is stated that similar contracts will be placed in Canada over a period of years as the railroad proceeds to com- pletion. 11101! NEWS E of the DISTRICT To Serve Time Rather Than Pay Fine After listening to considerable evi- dence, the 'accUsed`defending himself, Magistrate J. :A. Makinsrn police 'court found S. J, Horner of'Listowvel. guilty of a charge of reckless driving. After agreeing to make restitution of $6 for the damage to the other car involved he was assessed the mini. mate penalty of ;$10 and costs or 20 clays in jail,. Horner told police lie would serve the' tittle. The charge resulted from an acci- dent on No. 8 Highwy on February 1, about three miles east of Mitchell. Squirrels Thriving Despite Mitchell's Cold Weather The five black squirrels which make their• home with hfr. and Mrs. Polla- kowsky, are fat and as sleek as seals and this goes to show that these lit- tle animals are Well fed. The bread has to be baked hard or they will riot eat it, fleet 'they Have also developed a taste for pie and cake. Little holies have been made for them and before Mi, Pollalcowsly goes ; clown to the barber shop iri the morning the squir- rels are down on the' verandah Wait-' ing for their breakfast and when he - arrives hotte at eleven o'clock and again at five c ck,they rey arae waiting for kiln, in order that they May eat. Between' meals the squirrels spend their time in their Houses and when these little shinty black fellows .hurtle 11pfor the night, their door is 'filled Up tightly with pieces of paper and leaves, and by doing this thc,y keep as snug and warm as a "bug in rug." The other day while one of the squirrels was ep in a tree having a bit of fun, the twig an which it was standing broke 621 and in its descent of thirty=five: feet it "landed" in -a bank of snow and narrowly missed the steps. Evidently the squirrel was not injured for it got up and walked away as though nothing had bappen- ed.—lvlitchcll Advocate,' Bone in Throat Removed by Cough Mrs. Lloyd Porter of the 9th Con- cession of Grey coughed recently: That does no sound very interesting. when just left like that, because it is not unusual for people to cough. But' in this case a very extraordinary hap- pening occurred. Mrs. Porter cough- ed up a fish bone she swallowed a year ago last June.: The bone was three -quaff tern of an inch long .:and one-quarter of an inch wide.—Brus- sels Post. Goderich Unemployed Hold Meeting A meeting of unemployed men of Goderich was held in McKay Hall, recently, chiefly in protest, according to several of those present, at the quality and quantity of supplies issued by the civic welfare board, Another "pet peeve" voiced by the men was the police supervision at the local lvoodpile-"as if we were criminals," one span remarked as hereferred to the "chain gang" a name applied by another man present. The men were reluctant to discuss their plans.—God- erich Signal. Gashed Foot .With? Axe Leonard Zettel, aged 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Zettel of near For- mosa, while working for Mr, David Frook at Cargill cutting wood, miss- ed the stick and gashed his right foot with the axe in a manner that re- quired the amputation of the second toe by Dr. Joyce at the Bruce Coun- ty Hospital oun-ty.Hospital at Walkerton.—Walkerton Herald -Times. Receives Eye Injury Mr. Leo Hagan, an employee at the. Huron Expositor, suffered painful burns to his right eye and face when molten metal, with which he was cast- ing stereos, splashed on him. He was removed to Dr, W. C. Sproat's office Where his injuries were attended • to. Although the burns are very painful, it "is not expected that they will prove serious.—Seafortle Huron Expositor. Fell Under Car from Toboggan In the company of his brother, Donald, and Jack Rutledge, the lad was proceeding to the gully east of the town. One of the boys was pull- ing the toboggan and the other 'two were riding, on it In some manner young Woods feu off directly in the path of an approaching car, driven by a Mr. Thompson, of Toronto. The driver of the car had no opportunity to avoid the accident. The injured boy will be in the hos- pital for some time where he is pro- gressing as favorably as' could be ex- pected.—. Seaforth Huron Expositor. Listowel, Home Defended By.Use of Rolling Pin .Listowel -That well-known domes- tic weapon of the comic strips, the rolling pin, was employed by Russell Farrell to protect his home from •in traders, according to Listowel police, who recently arrested David Kemp, the reported victim of the rolling.pin; Sam Hamilton and Ellison Guinter, all on charges of breaking and enter- ing- Ferrell's Home, .An axe applied vigorously to the front door of the house was the mode of entry, according tothe cone- plaint. The door was completely smashed. Police were told Kemp had been at the 'Farrell house earlier in the clay and announced his intention of returning. It was on the return visit that the altercation arose..Kenp is nursing a bruised scaip. Purchased Business Mr. Robert Trench took over. the Downs & Habkirk undertaking busi nese, and will continue itt the stand occttpied by them. Mr: Leslie Clarke, who hes been. with Mr. -Jackiin fay the past year or twice has charge of. Ir. Trench's establishment. -•- Tees - Water Neww's. Married Sixty -Five Years Mr, and Mrs; John Diebel will on Saturday next celebrate the sixty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. They are now 'the oldest't•esidetits,• ofthis village, ceMinge here when Mildtnay was actually not known as a village. Both are in fair health, ,although Mr. Diebel has now been blind for the. past ten years. Not many people are privileged to celebrate their 65th Wed- ding aniiversary.—Mildtay Gazette: Celebrates 91st Eirthda r • Hearty eon rattl tions are extend- eded to ,Mr., Wm,; , Clayton, who on Neepa C'dPton of Six Lamps ,h lbs Mouse Winggham Utilities Commission Wednesday celebrated his 91st birth -'in return. Oat feeds analysed in the clay. Mr. Clayton is enjoying fairly good health and the sincere wish of the entire community is that he will be blessed with good health to enjoy manyadditional birthdays.—Listowel Standard. Musical Festival a Teeswater.. The citizens of Teeswater. and .sur- rounding community will be privileg- ed' to have the County Musical Festi- val held here in May of this year. At a recent meeting of the committee in charge the syllabus of tees pieces *as arranged and may be had from the Dept. of Agriculture, Walkerton, Ac- cording to the revised Syllabus, small organizations will receive special con- sideration. Competition is arranged: for choirs from towns or villages, ru- ral .church choir, ‘Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute Choral Society, Continuation and High School Glee Clubs, Village School Choruses, and Rural School Chorus; besides many other interest- ing ,and worth -while classes.— Tees- water lasses.-Tees- water News. A' Prolific Ewe With .stock prices on the up -grade, Mr. Wm. Statters, 10th concession of Kinloss, has a Leister ewe that evi- dently is trying to Make up for the lean years, and on February 20th, pre= sented its owner with four lambs. Two of these are an average size,. while the other two are slightly small er, but all, are smart and doing well. Since then Mr. Statters has had an- other sheep present him with triplets. —Lucknow Sentinel. Buy Feeds on Guarantee Do not find yourself with a "gold- brick" feed, money spent and no value laboratories of the Dominion Experi- mental Farms have had a range of from 4 to 14 per cent. of protein and from 10 to 30 per cerie of fibre, meat meals of from 40 to 65 per cent. pro- tein and pliosplroric acid from 10 and 20' per cent. Therefore do not ` buy yourfeeds blindly but study the guar- anteed analyses, as, printed on bags or other containers so that you know of what values thefeeds are for your specific purpose, and also as compar- ed with other feeds of the same class. The new regulations are by nb means popular. • Several members of the committee are said to be revoltL ing.-Local Paper. do ..yu Eked WE CAN SUPPLY ANY STYLE r BEFORE PLACING YOURORDER PHONE. US FOR PRICES Look For The Maple Leaf The Sl n A Quality Books" Ease Pain, Headache on Few Minutes J'PEG, 1'M FRANTIC,THIS WORK MUST BE DONE - AND IVIE A SPLITTING. HEADACHE OOPl'T WORRY. GET Some ASPIRIN TABLETS AND YOUR HEADACHE WELL Be GONE BEFORE YOU KNOW 1T... • 2. LATER LOOK WHAT IV'E DONE, PEG.., ASPIRIN SURE STOPPED :THAT AWFUL HEADACHE IN A JIFFY.;, NEVER FELT BETTER I KNEW IT WOULD 1 ASPIRIN IS 'THE CLUICKEST SAFE RELIEFFROM PARD KnioV.rN ForQaaicBt "tend Say ASPIRIN --When 7t'ru Buy Now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches, rheumatism, neuri tis, neuralgia . the fastest safe relief, it is said, yetdtscorrred. Those results: are due to a scien- tifle discovery by which an Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or dis- integrate, in the amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold" of pain a few minutes after taking. The illustation of the glass, here,. tells the story. An Aspirin Tablet starts to disintegrate ahnost instant- ly you swallow it, AM thus is ready to go to work almost instantly. 4VIter1buou y y,, though , be on guardaiiist substitutes. To be sure you get ASPIIIIN'S quick relief, be sure the name Bayer in the form of a 01-055 is oil every tablet of Aspirin. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water. Note that es FO'1` E it touches bet tom, it has started to f disintegrate. What it Claes inthis glass it does in your stomach, Hence its fast action. NYAot 0 1 0ANAOA Does Not Ik,trtn the Ilea