HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-02-15, Page 1!$ t ear With Which is Amalgamated The Go 'Single Copies Five. Cents. ie Vxdette and Wroxeter News. WINCHAM, ONTARIO, TI-IURSDAY, FEBRiUARY 15th, 1934 LOCAL RINK WIN'S TROPHY 14 Rinks Took Part in Local 'Spiel. On Monday the Curling Club held a Bonspiel in the Carling rink and Arena. Fourteen rinks took part, Kin- cardine 2, Lucknow 1, Wroxeter 1, Belmore 1, and9 local rinks. The trophy event was won by a lo - ;cal rink: J. Reavie, Mr. Wismer, E. Nash and Jack Mason, skip. Second place • in the trophy, event went to Spero's rink, of Kincardine, who lost in the finals 11-6, R. McLaughlin, W. -Cottrill, Earl Avery, W. Spero, skip, -formed the Kincardine rink. The Association event went to':lo- cal rinks. The'score in the finals was 9-6: First place, H. Peterson, L. Lott, W. T. Booth, E. Small, skip; second dace, 1;1 Chettleburgh,• Herb. Mitch- ell, J. Carr Jr., Art Wilson, skip, In the Consolation event, 'a Wing - tam rink defeated Belmore 12-10 in -the finals.Wingham, R. Spittal, . J. Evans, H. Diamond, J. Murray, ship. Belmore, W. Inglis, W. Renwick, G. Johnston, G. Inglis, skip. GUILD HEAR. W. O. M. PAYS ABOUT POETRY OFFICIAL VISIT Mrs. A. R. DiVal Gave Pleasing, Members of Easter Star Hear Splen- Lnnstructi"ve Lecture. did Address. The Westminster Guild, of St. An- There was a large attendance of drew's Church ,held its weekly meet- members present at a meeting of the ing in the Council Chamber on Mon- Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the day evening, with a•large number pre Eastern Star, on Tuesday evening, sent: when the Worthy Grand Matron of The President,' Mr. Jack McKibben the Order for Ontario, Mrs. Sara was in the chair and, after the usual 'Robertson, Toronto, visited the local opening exercises, called upon the chapter on her official visit This is Junior girls who sang a chorus entit- the first official visit of a Worthy led "The Rose and the, Song. This Grand Matron to Huron Chapter for was followed by a violin solo by Nor- ten years: een Benedict, / In her address, the Worthy Grand of the evenit Matron dwelt upon the fact that each The guest speaker g g P h was Mrs. A. R. DuVal, who delight member should Jive up to the teach - ed her audience with an excellent ad ings of the order by the usefulness dress on. "Poetry." that each individual could be . to oth- She spoke first of the structure and ers. She stressed the point that a lit- forms of poetry illustrating each with tle less of self and more thoughtful- one of her own poems, every one of ness and kindness to others would. which was delightful bring greater happiness and success The similarity between music and during these times of stress and help poetry was shown quite clearly, Verse the return of brighter days. • appeals to the ear by its melodious During the visits to the various combinations of sounds and also by chapters throughout the province en the regular recurrence of similar thusiasm ran high and an optimistic sounds in rhyn'ine. feeling for the future can be felt ev- Every poem, if it be worthy of the erywhere. name, should convey a messags to the She pointed out that the Eastern reader. Mrs. DuVat's poems do car- Star was the largest women's organi- ry home a truth each time and show zation in the world where men were a great love of nature in her every admitted to membership and the or - mood. Most of then are in lyric style, der has chapters throughout the very contemplative, and full ,of the whole world. During her visits choicest res.ults of the poet's medita throttghout Ontario she was greatly tions. impressed by the interest shown by inc following are two examples of the members of the order. . 1 Buy Groceries at King's Big Prunes 2 lbs. 35c, Clover Hon- ey 44c; Fresh Walnuts 49c; Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c, Baker's Cocoa, ib. :25c; Orange, Pekoe Tea 69c; Icing ;Sugar, 3 lbs. 25c; Shake, Salt 10c; Blue Rose Rice 3 lbs. 25c; New Tap- •soca 2 lbs: 25c; Large size Toilet Pa- per, 3 for 25c; Cheese Wafers 18c; Fresh Cokkies 19c; Molasses 10c; . ieinz Beans, Ext>ca Size 19c; Infants Delight Soap 4 for 25c; Bathbrick :Powder 10c. King Bros. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Dinsley is visiting in Owen Sound. Mr. C. Murray is sPending a week in Toronto. Mr. D. Silver was a Toronto visitor .last week -end. Mrs. Wm. Field was in Toronto"ov- er the weekend. Miss Olive Homuth spent the week- end in Toronto. Miss Vesta Fox ..end in Toronto. Miss Anna Forgie spent the week- end in Toronto, Mr. George Smith spent the week- end in Hamilton. Mrs. W. L. Craig is spending a few allays in Toronto. Miss N. Walters was in Toronto :for the week -end. Mrs.. W. H. Willis was a week -end %visitor in Toronto. Mrs, Adam Johnson 'vvee'k-end in Toronto, Mr. R. S. Hetherington spent week -end in Toronto, Mrs, John Kerr was a Toronto vis- itor over the week -end, . . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford spent 'the week -end in Toronto :Mrs_ Chas. Lloyd and son, were in. 'Toronto for the week--nd.. Shoe Bargains—See Greer's Shoe. 'Window -1t will pay you. Mrs. W. VanWyck spent the week- end in Oshawa with her sister, Mrs. Arde visited over the week- end with her daughter in Toronto, Women's $4.00 Shoes for $1:69, at Greer's Shoe Store.—See Window. Mrs. R. S. McGee is visiting with ler sister, Mrs, K. Howard, in Tor- 'onto. Miss Annie Simpson, of Jasper, Al- berta, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Musgrove.' OnlyCress Corn Salve is sold with money -back guarantee, At MVMcKib lion's Drug 'Store. Miss Fanny Patterson of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison, over the week -end, Mrs. G. H. Ross and little daughter. Mary, spent the week -end visiting Mrs. Ross' sister, Mrs,. Sainsbury. Mrs. John Fowler, 8luevale Road,` is spending a fere days withher son at 165 Humber Crest Blvd., Toronto, Mrs. Sara Robertson, of Toronto, 1AT tl Grand Matron of the Order spent the week - spent. the the her art: A banquet was held following the DISOWNS "GHOST" Arthur W. Cutten, Guelph' native, and' now prominent in Chicago and New York financial circles, is caught by the camera when he denied in a Chicago court that he had employed John B. Matiff to do publicity work and "ghost" magazine articles •.for him. W INOIIAM HOSPITAL i .tlESENTA TION TO HISTORY RECORDED)' MISS B. REYNOLDS Hon. J. M. Robb, M.D., Reviews `Onra United Church Choir Honor Miss, B. tarso 23ospitals in Book. Reynolds at Annual Meeting. Last week we received from . the The members of the Wingham Un - Ontario Minister of Health an inter- ited Church Choir held their annual esting book of 289 pages which re-' meeting at the home of Mr, T. Kew views the history of the Hospitals of on Friday evening. The former offic- Ontario, ers were re-elected as follows: Presi- The Wingham General Hospital dent, Elmer Wilkinson; Secretary, was acquired in 1907. Originally it was the large brick residence, the home of the late W. A. ,Webster. It was remodelled to give a, -bed, capac- ity of twenty-five, and in 1918 a new Nurses' Wing was added. The late Dr. J, P. Kennedy might be called the founder of the Hospi- Travelling Companian was found, a tal and associated with him were the gift to Miss B. Reynolds, who had late Dr. John Wilson; late Dr. A. J. recently resigned as organist. Inside Irwin, late Wm. Fessant, late Richard.the case was the following address: Vanstone, late J. A. MacLean and late Wingham, 9th Feb,, 1934 Richard Clegg Dear Miss` Reynolds: c The present Board. of the Hospital It was with deep regret that one is Mr. A. H. Musgrove, Hon. Pres.; . month ago, we heard of your resigna- Chairman, Mr. T. C. King; Secy -tion as Organist of our Chun ch. Treas. H. B. Elliott; Directors,:Dr. The spirit of "Camaradie which A. W Irwin, Dr. R. C: Redmond, J. has been fostered between yourself W. McKibbon, S. Bennett,; J. A. Mills, and the. choir has been of a kind'sel- C P. Smith. idom known in similar organizations. Isard's AnniversarySale The Superintendent is Miss M. E. ,Your patient willingness and unself ' andBos' Wear, still o- Adams; Reg N., and the staff con- dish loyalty has at all times helped and Of Men's y g areat prises Nurse N. Walters and six Mies- strengthened us in our work from ing on. Buy now while prices j es in training. ,week to week. In co-operation; co The hospital is well equipped for ordination, you have given all that surgical cases and last year in July an could` be desired in your work as Or - X -ray was installed` and up tie the end ganist. a parting, o fthe year had been used in 32 cases. I We have now cometo . That this institution serves a very and in the spirit of the immortal' Pines useful purpose in our community, is ,"You'll tak' the high road and'I'll' tale' wellr ecognized. Last year the hospi- ;the low road," we go our separate tan' had 186 patients of which forty ways. were maternity cases. Nevertheless, although absent from the organ and our other work, we Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Or - kindliest that there will always be the kindliest remembrances.• angel, Lemons, Grapefruit, Head Lt - Other S. Copeland' Again President and 'lute 1 Other Officers Re.tElected. Sp minion Stores, Ltd. Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year DEPUTATION SAW HIOIIW.AYS MIi1ISTER Expect Work to Be Done on High- way No, 4 This Year. On Friday afternoon a deputation from Wingham, Teeswater, Blyth and Clinton, had a conference with. Hon, L. Macaulay, Minister of Highways, in his office re work to be done on Highway No. 4, from Clinton to the Vesta, Fox; Treasurer, J. McMichael; Durham Soad. They requested that Librarian, James Mitchell. this road be.kept open in the winter• Following the business of the even- and that the work of bringing the ing games and contests were enjoyed road up to government standard be and a dainty lunch served. One of the done this.year if possible, most interesting games was a treasure That the deputation received a good hunt and during the hunt a beautiful hearing is evidenced by'the fact that snow plows. have already cleared the road. It is also expected that work will be done this year to bring this highway up to Government standard. The deputation was comprised of: Mayor J. W. Hanna, Reeve F. L. Da- vidson, Reeve Ross, of ' Teeswater, Reeve McNall of Blyth, Warden El- liott, of. Clinton, George Spotton, M. P., C. A.• Robertson,M.L.A., W. J.. Greer, T. 3. McLean and E. S. Cope- land GOFORTH AUXILIARY the lowest. Attend Meeting in Hamilton Capt. Marshall and Lieut. Grey of the Salvation Army attended a meet- ing of the Salvation Army Council in Hamilton last Thursday. Frosted Window meeting, in honor of •the Worthy I CHAMBER OF Fairy fingers, dainty, deft, Grand Matron. d dlft Etched my window an they e — Mrs. 'Robertson, on leaving here, r gamin face,proceeds to Stratford, St, Marys and ANNUAL MEETING Frosted flowers, CCOMMERCE HOLD Stars and scrolls, enchanting lace, St. Thomas, where she will officially ni Bite visit the chapters in those places. Curving feather, see c Fronds of fern, .brocaded vine, Fluted fan and scalloped shell, Silvered leaves, a tiny bell, • Scraps of paisley printed white,. f captured light • Have your skates sharpened, a Greer's and enjoy skating. CHURCH BOILER BREAKS DOWN ,The boiler atAndrew's Presby- terian Chords has been giving trouble for some time and:thewere ready to instal a new one, but before this could be done. the old boiler gave completely out Friday, and it was necessary to hold the church services in the Council Chamber. "kTl?e new boiler is ,now being' installed, but it is not yet lnowrc if it will be ready for next Sunday. If it is not, services will be held'in the Council Chamber. Oc head,Fresh Celery Hearts, 1 It is very fitting at this time to ex- inach, Etc. See our windows. Do- press our appreciation for these attri Do - butts which were peculiarly .yours, land in doing so, we ask you to, accept this travelling companion, and trust 'you will have many happy days in its HAD TROUBLE company. The annual meeting f the Chain- ber of Commerce •was held in the SNOW PLOUGHS Council Chendber on 7. tesday even- ing; with the President, E. S. Cope - Magic gems o cap. urec . .. On behalf of the Choir, Fairy fingers sketched for me, lana in the,;chair. Following the adop- tion dop- r Lovely things in filigree: Yours as alarays tion of the inimites of the last annual On Saturday a snow plough start-' H. Christie, Choirmaster. Tl b '1 St P b meeting, the'Treasurer. Geo. Smith, ed out from. Clinton to clear the J The Little Blue Flower , gave his. report. In the general ac- Highway of snow, but it slid off the yesterday this very sod count the receipts for 1933 were $481.- road near Blyth and did. not get any New Dresses - New Sweaters Just ti e. tet day s x ,Board 96 anct the expenditures $392:09, leav- further. A tractor plow -,from Dur - In our Ladies' Show Rnorcn. Come Was. but a grassy mead,. P upon each slender blade ing a balance on hand of $89;87. The ham also headed for this highway and in and see them. King Bros. Today P A. flow's lifts up` its head. X -Ray account has a balance on hand came by Listowel and Bluevale. It g Easter, All Fools, Same Day Hospital last Wednesday, is malting of $10.57 and still owe $436.10. The could not cross the bridge at paidBlue- on the X -Ray :so far is vale as the bridge was not wide en Easter Sunday this year falls on a splendid recovery. amount Y)( $1445.00, $040 by the Women's .Aux- ough so it tried to cress the ice and April lst, which i, also .All Fools' iliat')r to the General Hospital and went through: It was able to proceed Day.This has happened only four CELEBRATE GOLD - $1045.00 by the Chamber of Commer- on il's way' later and early Sunday ce. The Christmas Tree had receipts last year of $389,07 which included a balance of $93 from 1932. The ex- penditures were $303.05, leaving a balance of $85.02 on hand: J. H. Crawford and A. M. Bishop were ap- pointed auditors. • • Mr. Smith also gave a report for the Membership Committee. The number of members in 1933 was X50. 'The following officers were re-el- ected: President—E. S. Copeland. lst Vice Pres,—T. J. McLean. 2nd Vice Pres.—G. L. Baker, Secretary—W. T. Booth. Treast rer—George Smith. The following were elected Council- lors for the various wards and will in conjunction with the executive select the balance of the councillors (four to a -ward) and name the committees. ,At the ..request of Mayor Hanna a letter was received from the Town Clerk re collection of old clothing. He felt that there is- considerable av- ailable and with co-operation of the Women's Institute this clothing could be used to good advantage in the town. This matter was referred to the Relief Committee. of the Town Coun- cil. Mr. E., S. Copeland and W. J. Greer 'gave a report from the deputa- tion that interviewed Hon, L. Ma- caullay, `Mitistcr of Highways, re having Highway No, 4 from Clinton to the Durham Road kept open dur- ing ur- in _, the winter season, and the road brought up to provincial standard, Al- ready. lows are, operating and snow P it `iso felt that the work of bringing tanddrdwill becar- the rand tip to s �< will rigid out this year, Also paving w be done as soon as the C'outnty can afford the undertakitns, its they pay The Goforth Auxiliary of the St. Andrew's Church. met at` the home of Mrs. W. W. Artnstrong on Thursday evening with a large number present despite the extremely cold weather. After the opening hymn, Mrs. ' A. Posliff led in prayer. The Scripture read was taken by Mrs. T. Currie. Mrs. H. McGee, President of the W M. S., gave an instructive talk on the constitution of the Society, its aims and work. After the usual busi- ness and minutes the meeting was clo- sed with all repeating the Mizpah benediction. A social time was spent while the members worked on the quilts they are making, after which all enjoyed a cup of tea. Many Thanks To the Bluevale Women's Institute for their kind Valentine remembrance received at this .office. Improving Nicely ' we are pleased to report that Miss Agnes MacLean, who underwent. an operation in the Wingharn General And 1 bad Bever heard its naive, Nor dreamt that grasses' grew Which fashioned soup a fairy thing Of petals curvets and blue. Yet here where only cattle graze, He scattered with His hand The seed' which spread' its loveliness O'er common pasture Land. Miss Tena Reid favored the Guild with a piano `solo "Spring Song" by Mendelsohn, and later.accompanied Mrs. C..Kingan when she sang a de- lightful groups of songs "The Rose and the Bird," "Marie" and "The Chesnut Tree," by Robert Schuman. The closing' hymn was then sung and Rev, K. MacLean pronounced the Benediction, Women's Institute, Feb. 22nd.. - A meeting of the Women's Insti- tute lied in the Council Cham- ber on Thursday, Feb. 22nd,' at 3 pert. Dr. H. W. Colborne will be the guest speaker. A. Y. P. A. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the basement of St. Paul's Angli- can Church on Monday, Feb. 12th, when the A. Y. P. A. held a Valen- tine Social. The basement and the tables were prettily decorated with hearts <and red and white streamers, and other trim mings-suitable for the Valentine sea - sten. The meeting commenced with com- munity singing, in which everyone heartily participated. This was folow- ed by a few lively games in w�uch ev- eryone joined. The evening came' to a close with the serving of a very dainty and refreshing repast. Suffered Stroke Mrs. Joe Wcllwood, who has been living with her daughter, Mrs. John Falconer,• suffered a stroke on Wed- nesday last week, affecting her dein and leg. Look, ]Mothers! Clearing boys' Khaki Combinations, thething to 'protect the boys' Just . clothes over the week -ends. For both Town and Country use. Regular $2.65 Tow Garments, $1.98. King Bros. Holy Name Society Social H y The Holy Name Society held a or'iY of Eastern Star of Ontario, visited Euchre and :Dance in the Sacred Win g ham un t Parish Hall on Monday even- Huron Chapter No. 89, g hTcat lulu in town There 'was a good attendance. Tuesday evening d w ing . Orville 'LIa was the guest of Mrs, :'l l irlc. Thursday, Friday, Satur- Spccials, Ti �'� ssco's ams 29c ,32 oz, jar Satur- day: Gla J ', I�e11r7, Soups,2 need. tins 25e; . Heinz Ketchup 17c large bott.; Clover Leaf 't n, Five Coltoe Salmon Pic large , . $2.85 98 lb. bag; Five Roses :Clout � 24 -lb,, bag; Domino. Rosen Flour 75c 1 Package Tea 45c lb. " .ichnienlo Red Corn Flakes 9c lb'.; Quaker Co Coffee 3 heat, 2 pkg. � boxes 25e; Shredded Wheat, 2e, Dottiinion Stores, Ltd, an t ThePrizes were won by Mr. Clifford Machan and Miss Leddy,' Hospital Bridge and Euchre On Tuesday afternoon the Woman's Auxiliary to the General Hospital held a Ileidge and Euchre in the Council Chamber.' There • were ten the play. The bridgetaixlca enjoyed. b<is won by Misr Mc(allum and ir ze w the euchre prints by Mrs, i\• Ilings- tort. Afternoon teat ,was sc;,rVed itis lowing the, play. Tried Music xam.D `�• Miss Tena Reid was in Stratford on Fridaywhere she tried a Conserv- atory atory of Music Examination in New Grade History. RECORD WEATHER.' THE> LAST WEEK ‘iweek is 'be- lievedlast to be a record for this district with early Friday, morning having the lowest temperature, Forty-four be-, low zero was reported here on T+riday morning while some places nearby re- port even lower temperatures, Lecke now 53 below, Gerrie 52 below, Wal- kerton 51 below. Early Thursday morning it was 35 below here and the continued cold. kept the plumbers busy, thawing; pipes from early"morning until late at night. In fact they had ektra help. and then could not cope with the work, X 'There has never been any official clsart of the weather kept here, batt e believe that the coldest it .ever was before here in th:e history of the. ells ,settlers. was 33' below zero; and this wee ee in .March 18117, when for thsrc^e days this very lass° temperature prevailed,. morning passed through Wingham on its way to connect with the other. plow OBITUARY times in the past 100"' Tears and will occur again only • twice in the 20th century. 4, i Teeswater Here Tfiiesd'ay' Next IWinglhain and' Teeswater tied for group honors, ancr will play home and David Brocklebank home games to decide the winner. The funeral of David Brocklebank, The first game• will be played here of Arthur, was held from the Arthur Tuesday night:, itOnte out and sup- United Church Friday afternoon. The port the locals>,. late Mr. Brocklebank was in his 80th Arrivals of Sexing' Goods at Isard's year. On January 31st he.suffered a stroke from which he never rallied. Comprising slipmenis of New Born near Melton, he taught school Spring 1-)eesses, Cottons, Prints, in Eq gs uestin Township before rnov- Sheetings, Broad'eioths, Hosiery,' plain ing to Arthur about 50 years ago, and prinet;cl' Sl?tuivat Cloth which is the where he established one of the large new fabric and is tub -fast and sun - est hardware businesses in Wellington fast. County. He was closely identified with every phase of Arthur's religious Doctcsr•• to. Locate Here business life, For some t r. J;. R Lockhart; of T+:dnnurdston, municipal dad his N 3, has Welded to locate in Wing - brother -in-law, he was in partnership with, i ,I.,, d brother-in-law, the late W. 5. How- ha:m. H. is at present in town at the sin in the milling business here.: Al- home• of his mother-in-law, Mrs. J. o in Wing-. l 1Iiott nt,tctc:eta St., and will short- though he had never resided. t � J � his office, the location of ham he was well-known in this diyw ly openn location t wliit,li Iris not yet been d ,� t rte , He is survived by two sons, Edgar, in' England, and Milne, of Toronto, Lady Bowlers Bridge semi-monthly Lady Bowlers' con Stanley, was killed overseas. 'l'l�I¢: One son, ,, Monday evening • •,lit nda on1 v .I � Interment was made in Greenhill' Ce laridt;;e was heldg metery, Arthur. _Dr. G. W: I'llowson at the home of Mrs, H. C. MacLean. and Mr; Frank' Howson n n were in Ar Despite the stormy evening there was E a good attendance, ibit•s. F, • 0.: Pres - flair for the funeral. ton and ` Mrs. G. , T., i3Bakerwere the EN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY` A very unusual even/ took place when Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison celebrated in a quiet way their Gold- en Wedding Anniversary. On Mon- day, February 12th, at nine a.m. in the Sacred Heart Church, Wingham;,they renewed their marriage vows of' fifty years ago, and T3igh Mass was. sung by Rev. Father Paquette. Iles choir rendered beautifully La Hache''s:'Mass'. for the occasion. Afte;wards, at their bone,; a tasty dinner was served to the immediate friends. A toast was proposed' by Fa- they Paquette and respon'd'ed to by Mr. George Wilson. The•cdlining room was decorated in mauve• and yellow,. while the table was centred with the bride's cake and fifty oan-ITes in mat- ching colors, The ptet'li,t� was decor- ated with daffodils and' chrysanthe- I�vnnncrs of the evening. LOCAL OFFICERmne .Fire IN WAR P'ICTUIF, hfy Witlt the therniotttetct• tc4,tstering • \tlt,tlter picture of' <c local matt has well below zero on Thursday evening, turned up ina Canadian Official War about 7 o'clock, the fire siren tailed ' c 1?luito�.;raptn, this time the scene ene is on the firemen to duty, The chiinney of Road and shows.t. the Rush Millinery Parlor had caught the i,etngyArras S. Copeland, n 1 of town, and Tait, Incire. This chimney passes up through h ; 0 Toronto, f T t helping a wounded sol- the apartment above the store, where ' s ter Hong tine road to a reit g umS. grown:The bride and grown: of fifty years received :natty messages of congratu- lations, besides several' beautiful gifts etul remembrances: 'Mr. and Mrs: Morrison were mar- ried iii Teeswater in 1884 by Rev. Fa- ther Corcoran. They settled first. on the farm then owned by Mrs. John- son, the next farm east of where they now reside, hiving there two years they moved to \lfawanosh, residing there till they moved to the 6th of Turnteerry in 1917. , 1 than were: born eight children, four daughters and four 'sons. The eldest i1rl. Margaret, died fifteen years .a ;"o; (Mac) Mrs. John M<iacMil- lan, Lucknow; (Anne) Mrs. J. 1". hy- ons (Catharine) Chicago; o; (Caarine) Mrs. Cletus T:cttingc:r, WiAngus, Aloysius, Grand d r std- Clayton Fryfogle lives, and. when no- mValleyAngus, 500th and Finest, at u r• - need by stint, was burning through a home. 2 c eat y in the ,• ., „• own work, es. to Mater was poured , r tires TO published , of isle Coats Theye.'avat• pact stroke t er Or'/o of the cost.. slots. The picture WAS published • bbwrd?; Mrs, TvCorrisot7 is stili: in good Telegram. i pipe stole above a cloth ctnp k M to write a let- � l tl'TorontoR l+ s i c:cl cd It was also Gleed ,n tlns hole which health and drain het esti e to CaCln member �� t t i. the: arttnettt pita the fact that she suffered a u to Telegram have given tsteventcrl damage to o °zp , p Reads Cons,nitteeforH- Ittrcrtn Co t y, .the 'Te t,g they fiveears ago,, Mr. 11+1:orrisottix the terrible Viand when the firemen 'arrived t y sonne fi y Comity, and � people some idea of , the "Warden of�Heron C Y, the p 1 C • cl the,:. tt�lnin falsest health for the Peet and to the re- went tip ort the roof ams potted altho e g Warden of 'Druce:, urging that struggle of 1914-1018,i•. �, " its netive. thei o f an extitr wisher down the year, i;, edit quite .o t �'ltt Back ct Pleats n g Y `i c,n to the, 'urnerl soldiers have brought 1, isrh vav No. 4 from. Clinton t I r' many more f D • t 7 n chitmne which sir pcci the 'firs, NO �\e tvi:sh theist t arty �,brought c1� r ,rir: • of companionships that can y l Durham .I.�c�a<1 be up in Pro,, n eine s 1 ! life end good health, „• n 't ,e done. married g •, � suffering, I�er,ti tlai .i, �t wee s n •r only be ohi,titrcd through ,tf ;, • v9n,c,a1 , to ilei d, .w a:A�.ntil . 4 .i N'. ..n a:u J �`*N bl r...• ,.. .. r- �...,.