HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-02-01, Page 4FOU =0 0=9 0 1-1 cents a word per insertion, with a nunimnm.'charge of 25c. 0 O V 7 c� ---- olrso to o> ► �►�ole:ro_ < 0= 02 ARE YOU THE MAN? -Can place ham, Ontario, on or before the nine ;reliable man under 50, with car, in teenth day of February A.D. 1934, full profitable local Watkins route dis particulars of rtheir••claims in writing. tributing necessities to established Immediately after the said nineteenth Customers. Can earn $25,00 weekly day of February, 1934, the assets of at start. Write quickly, 3. R. Wat- the said testator will be distributed,, kips Company, 940 Inspector St., amongst the parties 'entitled thereto, Montreal, Que., Dept. 0-W-2. having regard only to the claims of which the Administratrix shall then AOR SALE -Gentleman's Fur -lined have notice, Overcoat in first-class condition, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, Apply Advance -Times. this twenty-ninth day of January, A. D 1934'` . . J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, On- tario, Solicitor for the ,Administratrix. FOR SALE -2 -storey house, 7 rooms 1 small wood shed, stone cellar, all ' electric wired, 910 acreof land for garden, privately situated•'. on River. Maitland; barn 30 ft. long, 3 stalls,, cement floors, electric wired, cem- ent . foundation, small pig pen; one good young Cow; 1 horse wagon; top buggy, cutter; 1, horse plow; harrows, scuffler, garden seed drill; 5 acres pasture near barn; 28 dou- ble walled Bee Hives, well painted; 14 live hives , with super -drawn combs for extracting; 1 house for storing combs; cement Hen House, 30 feet, long; work bench, vise, tools, few other articles. Reason for selling, ill health. Edwin Lewis, Wingham, B. Line. FOR SALE -Two sets of Drums and Traps. One Junior Set and one Professional. -Apply NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having' claims against. the estate of 'Prances E. Griffin late of the Town •of 'Wingham, in the County ,;gf,liurron, Widow, ,deceased,. who died, oil or about "the fourteenth day of October, A.D., x.933, arecnoti- fied to send'to J. H. Cawfo`rd,• Wing - ham, Ontario, :on or: before the nine- teenth day. ,of February, A.D.1934; full particulars 'of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said nineteenth day of February, 1934, the of the said testatrix will he dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, Having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall Professional. -Apply Advance- then have notice. DATED at ,Wingham,, Ontario, this FOR SALE -Medium sized frame tenty-ninth day of January, A.D. house, good repair, and all `modern 1934.w conveniences with fairly large gar- J. H CRAWFORD, Wingham, On den in connection. Situate on. Ed- tarso, Solicitor for the Executor. ward Street in the.Town of Wing- MORTGAGE. SALE barn and being the• property of the [ Of Valuable Town Property late Thomas Hardie. For terms andconditions of Sale apply to R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families in. North Huron County. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and in- crease rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN -125-S, Montreal ,Canada. WANTED -Soft elm logs, No. 1 grade, free from limbs, knots, all twelve feet long. Delivered at Man- ning's Mill, Belgrave. Will be mea- sured and paid for in the Spring $18,00 per M. James Stevenson, 42-11; Brussels. TENDERS will be received for the purchase of the stock -in -trade of Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and store fix- tures, part of the assets of Jack M. McKay, Wingham, Ontario, Bankrupt. 'The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted and tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, Feb- ruary 3rd., 1934. For further particulars apply to either of the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, this 27th day of January, A.D. 1934. C. G. MIDDLETON, Trustee, Goderich, Ontario, or j. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, On- tario, his solicitor herein. IN MEMORIAM CORNELIUS-In loving memory of my dear husband, James Cornelius, who passed away, two years ago January 29th., 1932. We are sad within our memory Lonely are our hearts today, For the one we Ioved so dearly, Has forever been called away. We think of him in silence, No eye may see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are fast asleep. Sadly missed by Wife, Son and his Wife. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear husband and, father ,Russell G. Tervit, who passed away February 2nd., 1933. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss hien, But trust in God to meet again. Sadly missed by Wife and Little Daughter. CARD OF THANKS Mr, Gordon Hastie and family wish to express their thanks for the many beautiful floral tributes from their friends, also St. Andrew's Church, Sunday School and choir, the Music Class of Ethel and Henfryn, Ban Righ Hall, Queen's University and the many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Margaret Coutts and family wish to thank theirneighbors and friends for their kindness and sym- pathy in their recent sad bereavement. CARD OP THANKS E. ,Mr. Jas, Nichol and family wish to extend their sincere thanks and. a.. preciation to all their friends artd ,x nerhbbrs, fol' the many kindnesses and synipathy shown during their re- cent bereavement. • , REDITORS TICE TO�r a. �N+DT C Alt perSons having, claims a arnat he estate of, Jahn , Douglas late of 4,lse Township of Turnberr'y• Yn the. C* u•nty ,of Huron, ,arn1ez",: deceased,. :. . fro died: on or':;;about the thirteenth' ' r' tiotiw. 1 .• De 9�a e c mit r� A. 'of idea ,. r l' sy ffed to send to Jr H Crawford,Whig Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage whichwill be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on ,Saturday, February 10th, A.D. 1934, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of J W. Bushfield, Solicitor, Wingham, Ontario, subject to a re- served bid, the following property:'. "All and singular that certain par- cel or t4act of land and- premises sit- uate lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario,. and being composed of Lots numbers Four (4) and Five (5) in George McKay -'s Sur- vey in the said Town of Wingham, containing two -third's of an acre of land more or less." Upon the said premises there is said to be situate, a two storey white brick house with all modern conveniences together with barn in good condition. TERMS:` 10 per cent. of the purch- ase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter. ': ' For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 23rd day of January, A.D. 1934. Thos. Fells, J. W. Bushfield, Auctioneer. .-,Wingham, Ont. Solicitor,for the Mortgagee. COUNTY COUNCIL . WANT GOVERNMENT TO TAKE, OVER THE BLUE WATER H'WAY No Action Taken to Have Former Clerk Give' Up Books. Miller Proctor Re -Appointed to the , Wingliam High School Board. Following the election of Reeve El, liott, of Clinton, as Warden, the County Council last Tuesday settled down to the business of the session. A resolution from Wentworth County Council regarding amend- ments to the High School, Continu- ation and Vocational. School Act re- garding making necessary amend- ments to provide that costs of educa- tion now chargeable to, and payable by local municipalities frorti which students attend instead of counties, was referred to education committee. A resolution by Essex County to amend the Municipal Act and Local Improvenment Act to :prevent the use of public credit in financing pri- vate of real estate ventures and to af- ford dominant owners of property zy more effectivemeans s of protecting themselves improve- ment n=s r against local g z p ove- e m tit assessments, which under exist- ing legislations often deprive them of their property without having been. consenting parties and that; a better means be provided than at present ex- ists for ratepayers to inform themsel ves generally as to the economic and engineering soundness of projects on which tclh they are called 'to vote, was re- ferred to legislative committee. Count i County jail Report.:. Ae ort from r p m J. B. Reynolds, gov ernor of the goal, read: There were 136 'prisoners during the past year Liquor' Control Act, 41; theft, 15; va- grant, 14; traffic act, 10; insane, '3'; breaking and entering, 8; assault 7; f. gaudr ;tcons ir; ie p y,chicken theft, 4; 3r forgery', 2; perjury, 3r H P4e1 A., eq 2; Inland Revenue' 2; default '.6 " p pearance, 2' h ;'v'n• . AVir'ii ' na''danger, T VI GHAM DV.�+N'CE TIMES ous to safety, 1; digging put fur -bear- ing s per Dr. Allowance that retained Hash done Registrar egist tor G 87 in the 5 of Hooke, Striking Inspectors' Wed ng. Commit- tee ding S M. Ball Arc r,•ling; aslant ton; cNab wi:sory ngwa Pens cNal ads - J. ,S and g been scho n 193 vith 0 hill to rth not clzoo ols, are 25 Tease , and 17,89 in e ainta of ucces vith and t h e till. ful of ngine as fo ructi $1,346.15, $69 ,G03,. 0; su ess d $9 ,idle 9:38, 530.9 card ed. horpe ointe strict tier, a' m SW d to ha dited atif a of�C ing aahianals, 1; Children's tection Action, 1.,, The cost of daily ration r pris- oner was 10.14- cents.' A letter was read' from Janmie- or7, on the Mothers' Allow Board in which °he suggested tha Hol- man, the former clerk, be ned on the local board as chairma a con- sidered his work well The communication was tabled. The' report of Regis Neeb showed total numbers of r rations as 2,202 and fees $4,748.25 J. M. Govenlock, Inspe of the House of Refuge, reported mates. Scott-McNall - That t triking committee be composed Reeves Munnings, ;Cardiff, Balian- Lyne and Eckhert. The ' report of the Com- mittee and the School Ins rs' re- ports occupied most of nesday morning deliberations. The report• of the Striki was as follpws: " Executive Peter Scott,B. C. Munnings, Melick, Demerling, A. J. Goldthorpe; Legislative Sanders, Mawhlnney, Turner, McNall,W. W. Crozier; Finance - .J. Eckert; Davidson, 'Matheson, J. Ballantyne, Gamble; Education - W. Archibald, J. Leiper, Hanley, L. Johnston,Jones; Property Robt. Turne Davidson; Sanders, McNabb, Demer House of Refuge Gamble, Ballantyne, J. Leiper, Archibald, Johns Child- ren's Shelter - Elliott, .M b, Pet- er Scott; Agricultural Ad - L. E. Cardiff, 'Melick, Hemingway, Ma- theson, Gamble; Old Age ions R. Bowman, Sweitzer, McNall, Eck- ert, Munnings; Warden's Committee Ballantyne, Sanders, Haacke,L. E. Cardiff, Leiper; Good Roads I. J. Wright, W. Haacke, Wm. Stewart. Inspectors J. M. Field E. C. Beacom gave' lengthy reportsof their inspectorates. Operatin expenses and teachers salaries have reduc- ed to.a minimum in most cases. The number of transfers from schools* has been increased greatly. I 3 there were 263 as compared 237 in 1932. Attendance showed marked im- provement over the previousyear. Mr. Beacom urged trustees ''t offer in ducernents to pupils to attendregu- larly and reminded the Council that the Govt. pay $1 per c for av- erage attendance. In answerReeve Bowman he said the,fou year in Continuation schools was work- ing so satisfactorily ins is with only two teachers. May Close Schools. In West Huron there 101 tea- chers in rural districts andin ur- ban centres with more menentering the profession and an increase in. the number holding first classcertificat- es. Due to cutting of grantsby the Department the legislativecoun- ty grants this year were$ 3.25 as compared with $23,872.351932. Mention was made by bothinspectors of the new law that schoolswith less than eight pupils will be closed, may affect some schools in 'the county in the near future. A large number of Fifth Classes have been maintained in the county. Last year 595 the en- trance candidates were successful, a great. improvement over previous years. Three High Schoolentrance centres were done away for ec- onomic reasons. Four SchoolFairs were held in West Huron one in East. A joint meeting of teachers o£ East and West Huron was:held in. Goderich and was one ofmost successful in years. All townships have paid their grants in f It was recommended that success teachers, be granted a year's leave absence where they have tb take a second year at Normal. Report of the County Engineer giv- en by Roy Patterson, was follows: Expenditures -Road const on $4,- 078.70, 4, 078.70, bridge construction maintenance and repairs ,058,44,' machinery and repairs $12 40; ur- ban municipalities $2,467:6 superin- tendence $3,762,93, countybridges ,$113.01, total. $93,430.23, . l: educt- able receipts $2,323.94; total1,106.- 29, Government subsidy should be $45;503.14. Maintenance items - Weeds $3,- 010.22, ditching $367.08, grading 417.40, dragging $10,356.30,culverts $397.57, bridges $454.54, resurfacing $37,948.39, taring $9,37 snow roads $1,117.27, drains $2, 1, cal- cium chloride $1,662.50, g fences $417.24; total $69,058.44. Coroner Appoint The following ,�tnotions were pre- sented: A. Haacke-A,Goldthorpe, that J a Dr. 3. B. Whitely be appointed cot- ones for Goderich and district. Car- ried. C. Ma hinne -Iobt. Tur, that B. w Y C. Munnings be appointed ember of the Goderich Hospital Board for the year 1934. Carried. W. " R. Archibald -Win. Sweitzer, that the clerk be instructe ascer- tain. what it'' would .cost tohave the a' coati .o aunty ati 'as' t th •, n y t► ally ly.a,chartered accowit nd:Yel port at the June session ouneti. Thursday, February'' rt 193 Carried, D, 1, Bowman W. R, Archibald, that the 'thanks of the County Council be tendered the school inspectors, Dr, Field and E, C Beacom, for their ex- cellent reports, and that the reports be printed in the minutes of this ses- sion of Council. Carried, B. C, Munnings - F, Davidson, that we grant $800 tp Clinton. General Hospital, the Wingham Hospital, the Scott Memorial Hospital, and to Al- exandra Marine and General Hospital, Executive. A, Melick R. 5, Bowman, that the motion regarding Mr. Gibbs be tabled and Mr, Ballantyne find the cost of finishing the audit up to Jari, 1, 1934. Carried. J. W. Gamble. L. E. Cardiff, that. the thanks of the County Council be tendered to His Honor Judge Costello for appearing before the Council and administering the declaration of office to the new warden. 'Carried. Wednesday Afternoon Session' E. H. Erskine, the new county • trea- surer, said he would not make any recommendations as he was not yet familiar with the finances of the coun- ty. He informed ;council• that he has: drawn up a list of the lands liable to sale for taxes for 1934, and had sent a copy to each municipality.• He ask- ed the reeves to have local auditors check these lists, and if not correct to notifythe treasurer at once so that it can be •corrected. The financial statement of the treasurer showed the total receipts of $357,480.88; disbursements, '$370,71'7.- 97; $370,717:97; carryover of 'bank loan at Jan. 1, 1933, $50,000; bank loans' during 1933, $148,000; 'bank loans repaid, $147,000; carryover at Jan. 1, 1934, $51,000; note repaid $6,000; carryover, $45;000; county highways carryover at Jan. 1, 1933, $80,000; bank loans for 1933, $99,000; total, $179;000; notes repaid to bank, $125,000; carryover at Jan. 1, $54,000; esimated subsidy from the Government, $45,000; balance, $9,000. January 2, 1934, repaid to bank $9,000 which practically balances county highways account. • Provincial highways: Cash received on rates to Dec. 31, $41,604,53; Jan. 2, 1934,, cash from Ashfield Township $2,666.66; debenture paid $12,950.46; Dept. of Highways, (1932), $13,951.- 63; notes. repaid in. bank $17,236.74; cash in bank, $132.36. A discussion followed the treasur- er's report on the propriety of issu- ing debentures to take care of out- standing loans. • A motion, sponsored by Reeves. Ec- kert and Sweitzer, ;that the Council offer Mr. Gibbs $100 including his ex- penses for auditing the books from Aug. 16 to Dec. 31, 1933, was amend- ed on motion of Reeves Bowman and Munnings that the offer to Mr. Gibbs be $100 to complete the aduit to Jan. 1 and allow $25 for expenses. H. T. Edwards, Superintendent of the Children's Shelter, reported there were eleven children in the Shelter, nine of whom are :at ,school. There were ; only :twelve cases in the juven- ile court for the County for the year 1933. None were sent to the Indust- rial School. The Crippled Children's Work is well carried on by the Lions Clubs. Seven children were adopted last year and eleven the year before. Ian McLeod, Agricultural 'Repre- sentative's report, was read by Reeve Cardiff, in which a detailed statement was given of office finances and the work being done. Fifteen meetings have been arranged to be held throughout the County. Mr. Barr, of Blyth, came before the Council representing a woman, in Blyth, who had applied for Mother's Allowance' on Nov. 28: Her applica of oluoaioy uzosj xoaq 4uas se:4t uoi; County officials for- correction and was never returned. Being ineligible now for the Mother's Allowance and as the goverment cannot pay her back claims, her only resource was to ap- peal to the County Council for a don- ation. This was referred to the Ex- ecutive Committee. Motion Presented. G. McNall - W. D. Sanders that Mr. Cardiff represent this, council as. a member of the advisory committee meeting with the Ontario Agricultural advisory council at Toronto, J. Eckert - W, J.,Jones,,that the ag- ricultural representative, Mr: Mc- Leod's report, be printed in the Jan- uary minutes, Carried. 5, Eckert - J. W. Gamble, that we instruct our solicitor to have the pap- ers, books, etc., and everything that belongs in the Clerk's office returned to it immediately. Carried. P. Scott G. W. McNall, that we instruct our solicitor to examine the by-laws by which G. W. Holman con- tinues as secretary of the Mother's Allowance and Old Age Pensions and. report at as early a date as possible, Tabled. •. Cardiff Oat -able 1e that `J. r this County Councils; tel fa *br of the new c rtfie bunter;: 'Order' mr�r s i nstituted by our new e1,erk: and we°'highly.re- coMmend that they, lie castled out. - Carried. Carried. j ' ki1r dtll'jrrar SeStion lrer rs `�t5frt so to 3 ?T'iailcitt ' •tire :adv C s. g Ki r, R„ C. Hays Jr., Huron County -council on Thursday decided to take no fur- ther action to have George W, Hol- man, former clerk, return county re- cords, allegedly taken to his home from the county btuldings, The •sol icitor said he would need' specific'""lea ` formation before any legal action could be taken and it was. felt Council was treading dangerous ground, Much comment centred around an- other motion by Reeves Gamble and Cardiff, that students' driving permits from 7 o'clock" to 9 a,m, and from 4 to 6 o'clock p.m,, be issued to those competent to drive when certified by the Principal thatathey are duly qual- ified students, It' was contended by some who opposed the idea that at the present time young people are skipping around the side roads to ev- ade the traffic officers rather than obey the law. They should be taught to obey, not.. evade. "That this County Council send a resolution to the Ontario Government asking to have the Highway Traffic Act amended that car owners be not responsible for accidents to passeng- ers to whom they happen to give a ride, is another resolution before the Council. Council by a vote of 18 to 11 de- cided to pay half the rental of phones in the private homes of the County officers, namely: Inspector of the County Home; the County Engineer, County Clerk and Treasurer. Discuss Special Audit. Virtually the whole morning was taken , up ` with a discussion on the special audit and the question of ob- tainipg an itemized statement of his account•'of $3,200 from F. P. Gibbs. Warden Ballantyne reported that aud- itor Gibbs had declined council's of- fer, made Wednesday, of $100 includ- ing expenses, to complete audit. Regarding a discussion of the pay sheets and of the -Warden's committee of last year, ex -Warden Ballantyne declared that he could•give an account of every cent he had received on com- mittees. "Mr. Beattie," he said, "and I were the first to reduce expenses, I think, in 1929. I've gotten nothing but criticism since I started it, and I think I've done a good job." In reply to a question on Tuesday, Clerk Roberts said. that on looking up the bylaw that Mr. Holman had been appointed to the Mother's Al- lowance Board, was made in Toronto on recommendation of the County Council. The Ontario branch of the Canad- ian Legion, Clinton Post, in a letter expressed appreciation of the appoint- ment of two returned soldiers. T. G. Hemphill, Wroxeter, wrote concerning the condition, of the roads. Sent to the Good Roads Committee. • Motions R. Turner and R. J. Bowman: That, the road commission be authorized to make application to the provincial. government for assistance under the unemployment relief measure; the projects to be included in the appli- cation to be those deemed most suit- able by the Good Roads Commission. G. McNall and R. J. Bowman: That bylaw No. 19 ,of the year 1929 ap- pointing the Old Age Pension Com- mission be repealed, and a new bylaw be prepared appointing the Old Age Pension Commission for 1934. -Car- ried. L. E. Cardiff and J. W. Gamble: That this County Council ask the warden's committee to communicate with Mr. Kent and get his price as Chartered Accountant to finish the 1933 County Audit and if this man is not available, try elsewhere.-Im- rnediate action. M. Matheson and R Johnston: That owing to failure of council to receive applications for the auditor's position that responsibility be left to the Warden's Committee to locate and communicate with chartered account- ants and arrive at favorable arrange- ments and bring in a report of same to council to pass on at this session. -Carried. Friday's Session The members of Huron County Council after a lively discussion car- ried by° a recorded vote of 15 to 14 a resolution recommendedby the Good Roads Committee that the Gov - o ernnlent be petitioned d to take over : the Blue'Water Highway as a e ni pro- vincial undertaking, The reeves from the central and east portions of Hur- on voted solidly against it, maintain- ing that the Governinent should �a. g pay 100 per cent. of the cost. They argu- ed - ed that, with the paved roads, bridg- es, etc., twenty per cent. of which the municipality pays,:would amount to more than under existing condi- tions. Ranresentativesof other par - tions of the county served by the highway in,. uestiot argued that now is the time to capitalize on the huge reliefProgram, The vote on the cause stood 14 to 14 when the last name, Reeve Jones, of Hensall, 'was called, and was bro- ken when Mr. Jones decided infavor of fife repommendation •• bf 'the coni- 4 : rnr teea , l: A •�getierat'reduaction iii grdnts ' did _N e t , ti +or as .•recom rend notme t �vt,�r i` v m ear Store CELEBRATES ITS 20th ANNIVERSARY WITH A Big Clean-Up-SaIe OF A LARGE STOCK OF Men's andBoys* Overcoats Suits, Pants,Sweaters,.Under- wear, Pullovers Leather Coats Hats, Caps .s and Furnishings s g SALE BEGINS THIS THURSDAY, FEB 1st AND CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY,FEB 10 Nine . Days of Sellingof Winter Goods at Prices which will appeal to your sense of Economy. Our stock is unusually large and must be reduced. With prices advancing on all lines of Woollen Goods makes this, an opportune time to lay in a good sup- ply of Men's and Boys' Wear at a Saving of 20 to 40 Per Cent. . . . . . . . . . . "SHOP EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE" H. E. ISARD & CO, poommonismoor ed by the Executive Committee, and, veling expenses, telephoning, etc.,. were restored to the 1933 figures as follows: Salvation Army, $100; Insti- tute for the Blind $100; Hensal Spring Fair $25; Clinton Spring Fair, $80; North and South Huron Plowmen's Association, $80 each; each fall fair $100; Seaforth Spring Fair, $80. Grants to hospitals were deferred ow- ing to no receipts of financial reports from the various hospitals, excepting one (Goderich). The sure of $10 was voted for flowers around the Court House, the motion for $25 failing to carry. . By a recorded .vote of 29 to 0 the Council reduced the salary of Coun- ty Engineer Patterson from $2600 to $2300. Mr. Patterson, addressed the' council regarding the cut at the af- ternoon session. A motion'was passed to pay R. c.: Hays $290,45 for work in connection with the Special Audit which Ted to the prosecutions, in addition to '$300 retaining fee. Mr. Hays addressing Council explained that the retaining fee was: given him for his advice at all times to County officers and reev- es and did not cover what is consid- ered extraordinary work. lie express- ed his willingness to hold himself in readiness to serve any members of council in their relation to county matters. Ross Johnston of Zurich, was ap- pointed Corn Borer Inspector at 30 cents per hour, he to furnish his own transportation. • It was also decided to retain Miss Monteith in the Treasurer's office un- til the books are audited which F. P. Gibbs was appointed to do. This aud- it will be from .July to December of 1933. The much discussed itemized re- port from F. P. Gibbs, C.A,, was sub- mitted to the Council which was a statement of the work executed and the following financial statement at- tached: Principal 40 3-4 days at reduced rate of $20 a day, $815; Senior As- sistant, 88 clays at $12 a day, $1,056.; Intermediate Assistant, 86 1-4 days at $6.00, $690,; Junior Assistant, 32 1-4 days at $5., $161.25; Stenographer, 15 1-4 days at :$3.15, $53.42. Total $2,- 775.67, from which deduct $25.67. Fee charged, $2,750; expenses, hotel, tra- $548.56; account rendered and paid,, $3,298,56. Reeve Johnston inquired if there was any relief he could get for six children whose father had married a year and a half ago, and had since died, the step -mother going hack to the West. The children were left with, an uncle who was not in a positiom to 'keep them. Reeve McNabb 'advis- ed that a housekeeper be got and let her get the Mothers' Allowance as- foster -mother, but Reeve Isaac 5... Wright advised that if the Act were - looked up it requires that no one but an aunt, grandmother or relation, with; the consent of the Inspector can be - classed as foster mother. Recommends Appointment ;Council endorsed the motion of" Reeves Eckert and Hemingway to re -- commend to the Mother's Allowance - Board, Toronto, that John Roberts,,.. Clerk of Huron County,'be appointed. local secretary of Huron County Mo- ther's Allowance Board at their earli- est convenience as it was considered::_ they. should have papers, etc., protect- ed in their vault, as Hurd1Y County, pays fifty per cent. of the Allowanc- es. • The Property Committee was in-- strueted to purchase necessary equip- ment for the Clerk's office andthae. the office be redecorated and made irt, a more presentable condition. The -following appointments were made to the various School Boards: J. J. Robertson to Goderich C. I.; Canon Appleyard, Seaforth C. I,; Dr- J. L. Evans, Clinton C. I.; Millar Proctor, Wingham H. S,; George Lawson, Exeter H. S. Statutory by-law covering the busi- ness of the session were passed. They included the salaries of the officials;. the appointment of Reeves R. J. Bow- man, Sweitzer, McNall and Mannings to the Old Age Pensions Commission,. and the appointment of Reeves Wil- mot, Haake, Wright . and Stewart, to the Good Roads Commission and to the Criminal Audit Board; auditors for 1934; the County Solicitor and giving power to the Warden and the treasurer to borrow rnoney. Council adjourned to meet on Tues- day, June 5th, at 2 p.m. "CENT A MILE" Round Trip BARGAIN FARES SAT., FEBBRUARY 10th, From �I N GHAM TO TORONTO, , Guel h Stratford Xitchener, iPalmerston Owen, P , e ! Sound,' Goderich, Sarnia, Kincardine, Listowel, Soatha4npton, Elora, Warton Durham,London, Kingston,, Oshawa, Port Fiope, Cbbour• g, Trenton, Belleville, Napanee, Brockville, 'Coirnwallr Hamilton, and Niagara Palls. , Also xs Fri.,); Feb.l • eb.1.6 ,Oerit:a Mile" Excursion ta'Ottawa Fares. i , trazisrt lrtnrts- train sei^Vrce trtfbrmattotr, trcicets from •all. ,a agentsADIAN NATIO, Int" r, Y.� y,. Y rr