HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-25, Page 8:PACT 4IG:HP • 74,17": n n1 :,` w r.0 m,6l, THE WINGHAM,ADVANCCE-TIMES Thursday, January 255, 1934 SHOW STARTS AT 8 P.M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 25, 26, 27th SPECIAL ATTRACTION THIS WEEK 50 Gorgeous Girlsl..6 Song Hits! Stars by the score— Leo Carrillo -Mary Brian —Roger Pryor—Herbert Rawlinson — Lillian Miles• Bobby Watson—William Frawley_Alexander Gray- 4, Eaton Boys—Bernice Claire —Doris Carson—Jake Denny —Frank & Milt Britton Band. A William Rowland -Monte Brice Production. Directed by Karl Freund. Presented by Carl Laemmle. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE! Also A SLIM SUMMERVILLE Comedy And A FOX NEWS. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. WHITECHURCH cattle. Lantern slides on Trinidad will be shown in the United Church here on Thursday eveningat the Young Peo- ple's meeting.. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting. Mivfr. Pete McLeod has several teams and drivers employed working in Mr. T, H. Moore's bush and drawing wood to Wingham. • An interesting game of hockey was. played on Lucknow rink on Satur- day night, when the laths of S. S. •No. 10, played with the boys of the Luck - now•, Public School, The score was 2-0 in favor of Lucknow. The Young People of the United Church heltl a 'successful social even- ing in the church 'basement on Fri- day evening last. A good program%was given of musical numbers and read- ings, and the regular topic by Carman Farrier, then all played community games. Lunch was served and a social half-hour was spent. The regular monthly meeting of the \VV. IvL S. of • Chalmer's. Church was held on Wednesday last, in con- junction With the Day of Prayer. The President, Mrs. F. Coulter, was in charge of the meeting. After the and- Ezra NI.r Wellwood d and o Mrs. W family spent Wednesday in Wing - ham at the hone of Mr.' and Mrs. John Falconer, with his parents, Mr, an Mrs. Jos. Wellwood. Mr. Well - wood on Wednesday celebrated his 91st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt and a sleigh load of young people, spent 'Wednesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller . of St. Helens. • Miss Isabel I%ennedy of Culross is visiting in Ashfield with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hogan. \Iisss Jean Currie spent last week, with her sister, Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Miss Currie leaves on Thursday for Ottawa, where . she has a position as stenographer with Mr. Gco, Spotton, M.P. Mr,:and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of Lucknow, also Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scott, of Kinloss, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Conn. Mr. Duncan Kennedy unloaded a car containing 1500 bus. of oats at the station here on Saturday and• Mr. John McMillan shipped a carload of ening exercises, the 'following pro - grain was given. The Bible readings were in charge of Mrs. David Ken- nedy, and Mrs. Geo. Garton, The to ,laic, Seven Seas of Service' was tak en from the Study Book by Mrs, H. Codhin and Mrs. Duncan. Kennedy. Rev, j. Pollock gave an address on. the subject "Blessed are the Peace- makers." Mrs. Mowbray gave a reading from the Missionary Month- ly in memory of Miss Mildred E. Soutar, R.N., who died in Jobat, In- dia, an Nov, 19,^1933. Iv.[iss Soutar was in the same missionary field as Mr, Angus Mackay and hence, this was interesting to all. The prayers were in charge of the President, Miss Annie Laidlaw, Mrs,' W. J. Coulter and Rev. J. Pollock, The meeting was closed by the use of . hymn 280, Breathe on me, Breath of God, and all repeated the Lord's Prayer in uni- son, 12r, and Mrs, Mac Ross entertained. a number of their neighbors and friends on Thursday evening. All re- port a good time, Miss Eileen Broomer has been in Toronto for the past two weeks with her sister, Miss Velina Broomer, who is very ill there. We hope to hear better reports of her condition. Don't forget the Scotch Concert to be held in the Institute Hall on Fri- day, Jan. 26th. The program will be a contest between the single,and mar- ried folks. Dancing' after the meet- ing. All are invited to come and en- joy an evening's fun. Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston. of Ce- dar Valley. ' Miss Ruth Moore, who has spent the past two weeks with heraunt, Mrs. Jas. Moore, of Lucknow, isr ragain at her home. here. The 4th Con. of Kinloss folks spent a pleasant evening last Wednesday at the home of -Mr. Wrn. Taylor. This week they meet on Wednesday at the home of 1v1i. and Mrs, Will Conn. The Young People of Chalmer's Church are holding a social evening this Monday evening in the Institute Hall. A good program' has been pre- pared and all are welcome to. attend. The wind and snow Of the week -end seems to havestopped the cars on the back roads. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized an Wednesday, January 17th, in Guelph, at ,the Church of Our Lady, when `_Miss Dorothy Wells, daughter of . Mr, and Mrs. Wells, of Guelph, was united in marriage with Mr. Dan McKenzie, of Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs Angus McKenzie, of Culross. ammarrommirr minguingerammillInl Erna Jettick Shoes For Women The Most Perfect Fitting Shoe 1V[ade an>the North ' • American Continent. The above statement is not an exaggeration, it is the con- census of opinion amongst the thousands of women who wear them, at the same time realizing there are exceptions to every rule. In fact, there are many women in and around; the Town of Wingham who will wear no other kind than ENNA JETTICK. And to these and others who like "PERFECT FITTING SHOES" we have this announcement to make: "For some time we have been selling certain lines of Enna Jettick Shoes for a very low price, namely $4.95 per pair, and, at this price we lose on every pair sold, believe it or not, there- fore beginning with 1Vfonday, February 12th (two weeks from Monday next) the prices of Entxa Jettick Shoes will be $6.00 and $7:00 per pair and considering the perfect fitting qualities combined with the mamcit/tttn of :wear, keeping their shape, etc, Enna Jettiek Shoes. are "superior value" at the regular prices to which we roust re- turn. However, in the meantime, •arid until Monday, February 12th Eniia Jettick Shoes will be just $4i9S‘' :per Pair »tilt for Enna Jettick Shoes for' Women. • a ::finI i i bans Ont. , 1 dol Phh rte 129 OPENINIMMEMONMINIMMINNIMPII JANUA A Month of Sales At King's And this meansa month of extra values for you who need good merchandise for either present or future use. LOOK AT THESE GOOD VALUES! $1.50 Orient Fine Service Silk Stockings at per pair ... $1.00 Our Special line of Penman's Cashmere hose for women 50c Our super quality of Cashmere Hose for women at 89c Beautiful Wool Bed Coverlets at $4.85 English Down 'Proof Sateens at 60c King's Prize Comforter Batts •2 lb. size 59c Brown's Shamrock Linen To. - ening, 4 yards $1'.00 Wabasso Lily White Sheet-. ,ngs at 77c 200 Yards Cotton Spools, 4 for 25c Men's Odd'Trousers at $149 • and: $2.50 Boys' Tweed Knicker Pants et $1,79 Men's All Wool Sweaters $1.59 and $2.49 Arrow starched Collars 2 for 25c Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Leather Coats and- Mackinaws sdMackinaws All Less 20% One only Pair Men's Genuine Coon -skin Mitts, 1/2 price $5.00 Clearing all lines of Men's Lea- ther Mitts .at... .._.,., Cut Prices Men's navy Botany Serge Pants reg. to $8.95, Week -End Clear- ance $5.98 Boys Navy School Pants $1.98 Big Bargain in Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Windbreakers. King Bros. DOle11TYBROOK The Young People's ` Society will meet on. Friday evening of this week ltcharge of Miss Marjorie Campbell. bell. A series of interesting lantern slides on India will be shown. The W. M. S. met- on ` Thursday, Jan. 11th, at the home' of Mrs. J. C. Robinson. The ''President, Mrs. A. Campbell, : opened the mneeting in the usual manner. The minutes of last The bride was given away by her meeting were read and approved, and grandfather, Mr. Deitriclt, of Guelph, the Treasurer's report was given. The and Rev. Dr. Riley performed the ter- emony After the wedding dinner, at the home of the bride's' parents, . the happy couple, left on a motor trip to. Ingersol, London, Detroit and other southern centres. Mr. and Mrs; Mc- Kenzie and Mr. Alec MacDonald of Culross, attended the Wedding, and Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie are' -holding a reception on Wednesday evening in their home in honor of the happy Couple. Many of the groom's friends in Culross will wish thein a long and prosperous wedded life. Mrs. Ed. Robinson, of Minneapolis, has been called home on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Nicol of Bluevale, and who passed away .on Monday. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M;S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last in the Sun- day School -root', with the President, Mrs. Victor Emerson, in the chair. Mrs. J. Tiffin and Mrs. J. Falconer were appointed to be leaders 'to ga- ther the - birthday money. This soc- iety will be in charge of the Day of Prayer service to be held on Feb. 16, and have extended an invitation to the W. M. S. of Chalmer's Church to be present and assist with the program. Mrs. Henry react the Chapter front the study book describing the differences in home life in Canada and in China, and giving an interesting story of the problems that young Chinese people face after education in other coun- tries. Mrs. Lott 'sang •a solo, followed. by prayer by Mrs. Thos. Moore and Mrs. F. Henry. It was decided to study the Temperance slips at the W. M. S. Teas, The roll call was answer- ed by the fees for this year. The President' closed the meeting' with prayer.' This society sent $150 away as their missionary allocation. Mrs. Thos. Henderson is stillvery poorly. We hope to hear of her im- provement. Miss Lottie Davidson, of Regina,. sister of `Mrs. Henry 'Godktn, and of Mr. Fred Davidson of WWliiteehurch, has been very ill in Regina, and un- derwent an operation in the Hospi- tal„there on Saturday, Her condition was reported as being "fair." Mr. Roy Adair has been trucking Fred Davidson's rnaplc logsfrontnt Mr. Fr c. bush to Mr, Weiler, of Formosa. Ile: "Didn't I see you taking" a tramp through the woods yesterday?" She: "A tramp? That was my fa- they!" l Red Front Grocery — CUT RATE PRICES. Wingham's Popular -Priced Gro- cery Store - When You Buy Here You Save Money. Clover -Kist Creatnery Butter (made especially for us) 28c lb. Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c Fresh Dates 2 lbs. for 19c Soda Biscuits, 13c lb.;, 2 for 24c Black or Mixed Tea 50c for 32c Shelled Walnuts (halves) 42c ib.. Uncolored Cheese, Spec. llc lb. Colored June. Cheese 14c lb. 2 lb. for 27c Chipso or Oxydol, big pkg19c Small pkg....... 9c or 2 for 17c Catsup, Heinz or C. and B. Brand, 14 oz. net,cut price 15c Chef Catsup 12 o, 2 for 24c Breakfast Cocoa, bulk 10c lb. Sani Flush, Special 23c Red Rose Tea, black or mixed I lb, pkg, Special 24c Classic Cleaner 4c tin Scripture lesson was read by Marjorie Campbell after which Mrs. Wrn, Rob- inson and Mrs, 5, M. Cunningham led in prayer, two Heralds reported, on Central India asci ];Ione Missions. A solo "Building for Eternity" was sung by Mrs. Robt. Chamney, Mrs, J i1- erson Sr, read a very interesting let- ter from one of our missionaries 'in China, At the close of the meeting hutch was served, assistant: hostesses being Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Nor- man Thompson. Miss Marjorie Campbell was a re- cent visitor with friends around Dun- gannon. , The Women's' Institute will hold their annual""At home" at the home of Mrs. Jas. Snowden on the &Vening of Wednesday, Feb. 7th, MORRIS Mr, M. J. Smith is on' the Tway to recovery, we are glad to report. We are sorry 'to say that Mrs, Jas. VanCanp is not gaining in health as her many friends would like to see. Mr. and Mrs,, A. D, Smith, also Mr. John Wickstead spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thorn- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Souch, also Miss Anna Dobie spent Sunday with'. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. _ Miss Fry, of Wingham, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Mar- garet Tnrvey, on 2nd line. The. Young People of the commun- ity should strive to attend the Young People's Society in Bluevale every Friday night at 8 p.m; Mr. Jno. Mustard is unloading a car of feed Monday and Tuesday of this week. BLUEVALE IThe pulpit in the. Presbyterian Church was occupied on Sunday by C: R. Ashdown, B.A., Ph.D., Blyth. The following Sunday, Mr. Norman MacMmllan.a graduating studentudent of Knox College, Toronto, will preach. Bride Honored Relatives and friends gathered at the home of ;Mr. and Mrs. David •Jew- itt on Thursday evening in honor. of their daughter, Cora, who was recent- ly married to Mr. Clendone Yoe. Mr. Jas. Breckenridge was ,elected chair- man, and announced a short program of vocal and instrumental music, read- ings, etc. The bride and groom were presented with a miscellaneous show- er, to which Mr. Yoe made a fitting reply. Refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing. George. Thompson of the " Bluevale Creamery, has a gang of men at work putting in the season's supply of ice. It is a good thickness and of splendid quality. Messrs. Johnston and Pea- cock have the contract for' drawing. Mrs. Mary Robertson is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. John Geddes at Belgrave. Mrs. Robert Shaw spent this week with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Nicholson itt Morris. WK KEEIP' DOWN THE UP- KEEP. Phone 17. We Deliver. I AtimI Registered Blue Bird Diamonds First Class Watch Repairing C. N. R. Watch Inspector. VILLIAM'S THE JEWELER. immemmosimmillasslumwmairmansamommonaammai Our Made -to -Measure Dept. is Now Featuring Best Known Samples and Val- ues for Suits and Top -Coats. To Your Individual Measure. We have gone into this with the idea of giv- ing the Best Values in this county, Our Prices Are Right and Every Garment is Guaranteed to fit and give satisfaction. Come in and see our New. Styles and Samp- les. . amp -les.. We are specializing in One and Two -Pant Suits. tn!il. & Co. Ltd. Thompson's on Jan. 3fst. After the business part the following address was read to Mrs. James McGee, who celebrated her eighty-sixth birthday the previous day. The W. M. S. was especially invited to Mrs. Leask Mc - Gee's home in honor of her birthday, also being her request. East Wawanosh,' Jan. 16, 1934 Dear Mrs. McGee: It is impossible for us to put into words the joy it gives us to meet with you in this, your Birthday Anniver- sary Season, or to express the thank- fulness we feel for the inspiration of your life, not only in our society, but also in our individual lives. Those of us who remember the hospitality of your home, the unswerving Christian faith that guided your life and your solicitude for young lives drifting out into life's unchartered sea. ` Now the beautiful patient calmness of the ev- entide of your life presents to us an ideal -to be followed, a goal to press toward. It brings home to us the joy- BELMORE The Young people of the Presby- terian Church, held their meeting on Friday evening. A skating party was planned for Friday evening, when McIntosh and I3elmore young people were invited; to Mildmay. Attractions elswhere' made the attendance small, Our hockey boys were defeated in Gorrie Friday evening. A Bonspeil was held in the rink. here Friday arid Saturday. Ripley players accompanied Mr. 'McKenzie. Those quite ill with flu are: Mrs. bVni, Curle and Mrs. James Lawrence: Minnie Jeffray visited Susan and Marie Johnston, Mrs, Jas. Dickinson and Mrs. Austin the past week. We all agree with Timothy that ev- erything is a hunt -bug nowadays. He isn't the only roan who goes to sleep. reading the Globe. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Gilbert Beecroft and Mr, Geo. Taylor are attending the Winter School in Stratford this week, Miss Aileen Broomer is visiting her sister, Miss Velma Broomer in Tor- onto. ?Mr. Harry Deacon had a wood- drawing bee last .Friday and he is put- ing on a dance Tuesday night at the home of Mr. George Cottltes. Mr. and Mrs, Sam. McBurney at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Ri- chard Porter, of Goderich. Presentation and Address' The first meeting of the New Year of' 'Brick W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Leask McGee last Tues- day afternoon, January 16th, with the President, Mrs. Stewart McBurney in the chair. The Scripture reading, hymn 383, was read alternately, The President requested all members to bring their Bibles with themsto the rest of the tndetingS, This 'vas foil lowed by prayer by Mrs, Jaines M o' Gee.' The 1117 was taken by Miss Beatrice 13ef, . loft. It was decided to have a quif.Jng "bee at Mrs. Prank fulness of the possibility of a" life that is worth while. We join in thanking you for the heritage that you have helped to hand down to us, and in the hope that again and again we may be privileged to meet with you on these occasions. We bring you these few Literary Gems feeling that some of the maxims contained therein are those which you in the heyday of your youth guided your life to so happy a destiny. Hoping that a review of them inay bring to your memory, scenes in which you will feast afresh of the Goodness `of God. Signed on. behalf of the' Brick Church W. M. S. Mrs. McBurney, President; Mrs. Snell, Sec.-Treas. "Father," said little Frank as he turned the pages of his history book "how did. the cliff dwellers keep .war•m in the winter time?" "Why, I guess they used themoun- tain o rican- tain ranges. Nowdon't ask any more foolish questions." N 1 First Authorized Sale of Genuine o-_,/46„... 4SHOE.S fbr S Days Only . SHOES FOR -'645 10► This sale is authorized once a year only throughout Canada and all M. W. Locke ale at this time (not merely' Shoes are ons broken lots). The object end sYzes or of ) this sale is to introduce M. W. Locke Shoes to those who are not now wearing these famous shoes and to afford an opportunity,. to those who are now wearing M. W. Locke shoes to secure same at a substantial -,saving. The only shoes designed and approved by DR. M. 0 . LOCKE of WILLIAMSB URG, Ont., Canada UES., SAT., MON.,. JAN. h y Greer's Shoe Store WINGHAM "The Good Shoe Store" ONTARIO: