HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-18, Page 8PAGE IIGWL 1.111171, TE WINGHAM ADVANCV-TIMES Thursday.r/ January 18,1934 • ' r • • • ,1,2,;„; ; • • ; ' ,•, e ead al his vertise.lent Cqrefully 11.•,'„44••• •t,,,g;11 le The Sale Everyone S ailing For0 ats and 1 Their• COATS Reg These Coats are 1933 fashionsand re- present the best value obtainable for very e little money you can buy a coat that will save you money on a next season's coat. Price The opportunity is yours, shop early for choice, we reserve no coats. er,znammas r sses D 'tESSES Choice run in all silk, velvet and better oel- anese materials; ,a11 are sold half price, regardless of their former selling price. All are new Fall Styles, up-to-the-minute in every respect. All Dresses Half Price. Half Price Sale CORSET DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SALE 20 PER CENT. OFF This opportunity to save money on foundation garments collies twice yearly. Our large and comprehensive stock of these garments reduced 20% during this Nine -Day period. Celanese and Jersey Dresses Grouped at REGULAR $2.95, SALE PRICE One Price 1.98 Celanese Dresses are well styled, Jersey Dresses are all wool; these dresees are priced to clear We advise Early Buying. SALE OF HOUSE DRESSES Values included Reg. $1.39 to $1.95 'RCN, All Sleeve Lengths, many patterns of Prints in all fast colors, and neatly trimmed in various effects. Sizes 14 - 52. LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Flared cuffs with various appliqued designs, fine quality 49c suede material in various colors. Regular 65e Pair z. Tv:4 0,, g,t,",,z1Air....ww.„1,4,4:44,,,4f0 • SPECIAL SALE OF LUCKY SEVENS Twice yearly we offer this outstanding hose as a sale 9c special. Sizes 83,- to 104in three weights; serv- ice chiffon and sheerette; season colors. Pair 03511153111111EMIXEM SAMPLE NECKWEAR Passing on a fortunate buy to our customers. Sample neck- wear, such as collars and cuffs, also separate collars, in sat- in, pique, plain silk crepes, most all half 59 price. Sets and pieces C and 69c CLEARING SILK NECKSCARFS Regular prices of fashionable neck -scarfs $1.50 and $1.95, all clearing regardless of regular price 79c and 98c at e‘e.ch• FANCY KNIT WOOL PULLOVERS Many dainty styles in this price offering regular values to $2.25, various combination color effects and trims. 14r1 Sale Special, Each. 1112111111Mak IIIIMISIMERMagaggn SPECIAL SALE OF MODESS These 'well-known sanitary napkins, on sale at a new low • price, each box contains twelve napkins49c Two Boxes for winsw. Agensualsfisselosiminessai WINTER WEIGH'T BLOOMERS Good weight cotton Bloomers with brushed hiller surface, for comfort and warmth. Colors, cream, peach and tea rose; elastic at waist and knee. Sizes, small, medium and 0)111 large. Reg. to 59c. LADIES' WOOLTEX VESTS Made frOn soft material with neat silk stripes, sheped top with draw tape, cream color. Regular 75c Each 59c SALE OF WOOL HOSE Splendid hose for those requiring warm hose, two qualities, silk and wool or all wool; regular _values to $1.50. 65c On Sale, Special, Pair WOMEN'S RAYON HOSE These satisfactory hose are dull -finished and take the place of silk for household use; sell regular at 39c and 43c; on panel heels, with full-fashioned seam. Pair Asa I; • 1••• ,O .`"•••"40 ,••• 5fec. ...1A4traintliQ',1-4.1ri;41Migen, FIRST QUALITY SILK HOSE Full-fashioned silk hose in newest colors, Sizes 59 Ke to 14 Pair Te541620.7 LADIES' COSTUME SLIPS Correctly tailored Slip, shaped top and fitted, hard-wearing angel skin material; coolrs, whit; pink and peach, on some lace trimmed. Special sale, Each 11.11.1111.4.3.1011.211/A.3011.14..,=1.1 • • WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE GOWNS Medium weight flannelette, neatly patterned at neck-line,. long sleeves, full roomy size Regular $1.351 19 Each •• COSY FLANNELETTE GOWNS These nightgowns are a roomy size, made from good weight soft flannelette, neatly finished yoke top and sleev- 1 *Z01 Reg $1.65. Each • • a' e tj 1111110111111111111111111111101111111War 1 -OUNCE BALLS SPORT WOOL You will find this wool excellent for knitting into pull- overs, afghanseetc., 4 -ply with good staple wool, 9fl c full range of colors. Ball 11101=a1=111110, CHILDREN'S HOSE Seconds of our Trail Blazer qtiality, flee ribe with rib run- ning to the toe, also included a quantity of all wool golf hose with fancy turn. -down top. Regular values of 97c these hose 49c; Priced Low, Pair CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS Children's Sleepers of good weight material, fleece -lined; Sizes to 7 years. Regular 95c per garment. Now 69c muu.rantemenreonneimmosistaresseemorneezsgamearrmmenetatmeameammiearneenimeeno..enemeemstamonnearametioseteetamearaerresancamiamerwer PURE WOOL SPORT HOSE Fite ribbed hose in heather shades, a practical stock. A ing for winter wear. Sizes 6 to 91. Reg. (Mc. Pair 5"J`8s SILK AND WOOL HOSE • - • FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR Size 7 to 91 in this splendid liOSa for sport and school 47 wear; fancy patterned, fine rib, Reg. 75c, Sale °RUFFLED EDGE CURTAIN NET Dainty ruffled edge curtain net, medium weight scritn, create color, ruffles show neat printed designs. 19 inches wide. Yard ALL OVER PATTERNED CURTAIN NET Dainty all over patterns in good quality net, lace 23 trimmed eclgeseln white and ecra colors. 36 le, wide FINE EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES You will note the fine firie quality cotton also the neat embroidered patters, choice Of scalloped or hemstitched 89c hems. 42 inch pillow case; R. $1,25. TO OUR OUT OF: TOWN CUSTOMERS Oe Orders of $1,00 or More, we will ship free of charge to your home, iVioney 'refund ifriot Satisfactory. Inelude idnC with your order. •• '•'." • • Save Man flys -•• : •••',•• ,•. •••,„•••' •-r.' • n. 1 th t ore at The Walker St wo,(fA.r•ir,w,',•,';',-""9,,', „;',it,',.•;4'..,•,,,,*;!"14.01, „ 'e, •', ' 1 77 re. o ey On Household Requirements S9 1:9 iece oods Towels, Etc. 36 -Inch FACTORY COTTON Splendid weight, close weave and free from dark -colored specks. Reg. 5c 19c. On Sale, Yard FACTORY COTTON 10c Yd. Good weight, clean quality, satisfactory for many household require- ments. 35 in. wide, Yard 10c BLEACHED COTTON Full bleached white cotton for under- wear and other uses; soft finiph 13c 34 in. wide, Special, Yard LARGE SIZE Flannelette Blankets $ 1.98 Pr. Size 70 x-, 84 Whipped Singly Regular weight and .size with pink and blue borders, second. grade, but will stand hard laundering, and wear. Pair Whipped separately. I 98 • 41111•110111011 OUR STOCK OF FANCY WOOL THROWS AND BLANKETS REDUC- ED DURING SALE, LESS 20% Throws are pure wool in solid colors, also two- tone colors, included also regular bed blankets, pqre white with- colored border, pure wool. All priced —' Less 20%. •o SPECIAL SALE OFFERING OF 36 -INCH CRETONNES AND CHINTZ Suitable patterns for draperies, quilts and other 1ask. decorative uses, reg. 29c quality. Yard -47 411.[1.1Z 50.111.231...6.11MII.I1 ..1.15,•• FAST COLOR PRINTS For DRESSES, Etc. Full 36 inches width, better wearing quality, large array of designs, tub -fast quality, our 23c quality. One Sale 1 •Aet Yard Iii,VONVARKA • ;aft% i•elt 14' REPLENISH YOUR TOWEL SUPPLY REG. 65c AND 75c EACH 47c Softbsorbant towels with colored borders, hard wearing Turkish weave. Size 22 by 41 inches. ' EVERYDAY. TOWEL You wilt find these practical for general use, various color- ed stripe 1: ni clean cream background, thick absorb- M, • ant quality, size 20 by 40 inches. Pair .. . . ...... TURKISH. HAND TOWELS Turkish weave towels, all white, with colored stripe borders, good sized general purpose towel. Size 18 by 36 in. I e. Each • BATH TOWELS Pure" white with neat colored borders in blue, rose, green and. gold, very good weight and absorbent quality; •25C size 18 by 36 inehes. Reg. 29c. Each • JANUARY SALE OF CONGOLEUM RUGS You will buy these satisfactory ruge .cheaper during this sale; prices are advancing, so, now is the time to fill in your floor covering needs. These rugs are well known for their hard, clean surface; they give the most wear for the least money. Size 6 by 9 feet, Reg. $5.50, Sale Price . , $4.7.3 Size 71/ by 9 feet, Reg. $6.85, Sale Price $5.75 2 Sige 9 by 9 feet, Reg. $8.25, Sale Price .. $6.98 Size 9 by 10I/2 feet, Reg. $9.60, Sale Price $7.95 Size 9 by 12 feet, Reg. $11.00, Sale Price $9.65 Size 9 by 13% feet, Reg. 12.35, Sale price $10.35 Size 9 -by 15 feet, Reg. $13.75, Sale Price $11.59 ; • '; t " . • ' ; • 36 -INCH FLANNELETTE • Splendid weight for this low price off- ering; get your sliaree you will find it excellent for gl requirements. 1 Color, white. Reg,. 1.9c. Yard I %.0 • FLANNELETTE Good weight that makes;into satisfactory garments, well napped 30 in. •el wide. Special Sale, Yard ...... STRIPED FLANNELETTE Splendid range of colored, stripe, good weight for wear. 30 inches a wide. Special, Yard ietene 5 SPECIAL SALE OF COMFORTERS Reg. Price to $7.50 These comforters priced to clear, small quantity left over from regular selling. Reg. to $7.50 ' 3 95 On Sale 'WM HEAVY QUALITY SILK CREPE' Season's newest colors in this all -silk crepe, splendid drap- ing quality for these new styled dresses; colors, navy, light blue, nigger brown, sand, green, wine, brick and oth- egh ers. 38 inches wide. Reg. $1.29. Yard .... ........ UV, 4, QUILTING BATTS Full one -pound fluffy cotton batts, that easily fold 4317,, out to full quilt size; color, white. Each .. .... . ... ,Le• 410 I I vistinsm, QUALITY HEMSTITCHED CASES, FINE QUALITY Pure white weighty fine woven cotton that will give excellent wear, two widths, 40 and 42 inch, 3,3 deep hemstitched hems. Each • CIRCULAR PILLOW CAS11% Fine even weave pillow tubing, also good weight,. 42s -inch width, a real saving at this price. Regular 39e. 4.; Yard ' ' • PILLOW CASES Plain!he.mtned cotton pillow cases, two vvidelis, 40) and 42,. inch, full white bleach and good weight. Reg,ular 3 29c; Etch 2 TERRY FACE -CLOTHS FUR size Turkish knit face -cloths, replenish your stock clur- ing4 sale tet: LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING !Five linen towelling, surprizmgly good quality for such a low price, has colored borders suitable for tea or 1 0 C roller towels. 15 inches wide. Yard / CLEARING ALL REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE At this time of the year we clean out all our rem- nants of cottons, silks, prints, flannelettes, linen, etc. On Sale at Half their regluar price. MEN'S SILVER FLEECE UNDERWEAR SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EACH 79c Regular 95,p • This style of fleece lined underwear is well known for its wearing quality, it soft fleeced inner surface give abund- ance of warmth; a satisfactory style of underwear for out- door worker, and offered at this low price is a bargain. COMBINATIONS AS ABOVE 1.59' Regular 1.95. These combinations are same qualitI as above; cut on generous roomy lines, tight ankle and close -fitting cuff. MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS, REG. 98c 79c Military 8tyle good weight Plannol Shirts; col- ors, sand and grey mixtures; hard wearing materials, Size's MEN'S VARSITY KNIT SWEATER COAT Regular $2.65, Each $ 1,98 Realize the saving on these wool Sweater Cats. Choice of colors, maroon; with black and white, scarlet with black trim, sand with brown and blue trim, royal blue with white trim and other color combinations. BOYS' WOOL PULLOVERS Popiilar V-neck style, all wool yarns, good weight, hard wearing quality, wide choice of colors. Regular Gel $1.25. Each .. „, .. ... „ ...... . . • BOYS' LINED MITTS Leather Milts, warmly lined with knitted close-fit,..09,, ting cuffs. Pair ......... . . , . ... . . . . . ................ . •,1140 •1•1?•'• • ' • her.' — „etre 114:1'.,IS.IiellIee,ele.ele ,.;'.11.1;•;;A:e „ .„ '4IIitAteieee. e• •