HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-18, Page 4,
Thursday, January 18,
.0—..tr,..t=03=filittle son, Billie, art! left to mourn llgiManoffsroremeti011101111111111110a02010 !in, St. Andrew's. These meetings evere
1' well -attended, the thernes were very
ittepirational and helpful.
0 • " N 1.1 A
Mr. George Garton Jr,. left ' last
'week wail eten, Wm. Garton with a
'track -load of turnips for aeamiegton.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Troop and babe
f Teeewater, are helping Air. 'John
'Keneetly, of Culross, this winter,
ee; Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Knight, o.
'Stretford epent the week -end here 'tt I
0 e- ' ' ' - , '' ,
--------.....—___-- - .
- ' ; the home of her father, 11r. W. J. ;
Fitsher and. on Saturday were invited
11- cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
to the lie-ame of Mr. and Mrs. Roble;
. ;
, ;Ilowbray where the members of ;
a ;Chelnier's Church had met to present 1
°I'°1C===(°1=4"=:=1C)r."''' her. with a miscellaneous shower.1
reliable man under 50, with car, in 1 !mitts 'Merle Wilson played the wed- '
profitable local Watkine route die- ; COUN'TY COUNCIL lidin'g March and all marched to the
tribuling- neceesities to (established', . — ldinine-room where the happy couple 1
customers. Can earn $25.00 weekly 1 The meetinp.; of the Huron County 1were completely surprised and great '
kins Company, 940 Inspector St.,1Council Chambers, C.eint House, God.. intendment. ensued With the opening ,
at start Weite ;quickly, J. R, Wet- ; Council will he held in the County'
Both, Mr, and Mrs 1
Montreal. Que., Dept. 0-W-2. l erich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon ; of 'fi.:te 'Mites'
---------------------- i of January 23rd, 1.934. . 'Krtignt spotte, taanking the dcmors
All accounts, notices of deputations ;for their kind interest and meting ,
expected to arrive Jan. 26th. al. Or laraplicatione. and other
buemess requiring attention at tnis • ., , ..e.
imP'N'ta.lat ;them to their home in Stratford,
L__I Meeting of the Council should be in ,whenever they e vested the city. The
Ross Phone 611-22, Whitechurch, •
FOR SreLE-60 Choice 13rood cow.% I the" hands Lif the Clerk not later than company danced a while, lunch was
ithe Monday previous to the meeting :served and a happy time spent.
FOR sALE_Gentieinan,s Fur4ined January, 11,634 o erich this 4th day ;
i Mn and "Mrs. George Fisher and
Black Bros., Bluevale.
---- ------------- 1°1 aleteCdc7c:41.-d ' •
Overcoat in. first-class condition, J. 1.-1, ROBERTS, Comae' Clerk. !spent Tuesd-ay iast ;rah his father '
c)f ‘babe of T oblo west of London
Appty Advearce-Tintee. ihere. ' 1
FOR SAIeE—Hot Point Electric . The annual meeting of the -United
Stove, ...four-, plates, also Electric i Church is being held on Tuesday, Jan.
Co. the estate el Alexander Simpson, late ; Mr- and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw
Water Heater. Apply Hub Clothing All Persons having claims aeninst .
oi the Town of Winghatie in the ',spent :elonday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Walter We/eh, Wingheae town plot. ceased, who died on or about the 10th 1
Gentleman, de- 'D. Ross of Huron Twp.
FOR SALE—Ceellie Pups. Apply to County of Huron,
day of November, 1983, are hereby I l'ir- and Mrs. Oliver McBrien and
FOR SALE—An Imperial E Incubat- notified to send on or before the 23rd :Doris, of Auburn, spent Sunday at i
or, 260 capacity, complete. Also an day of January, 1934, to Isabel Simp- the home of her. sieter, Mrs. Jas. Laid -1
Acme Brooder, coal burning, 500 son of the TOWIl of Wingham, Ex- 'law. 1
\ranee -Times. undersigned Solicitor, their names 1 Cen account of the absence of Rey. i
capacity, self regulator. Apply Ad- ecutrix of the Deceased, or to the ;
and addresses, full particulars of their lit Pollock in Ottawa, Mr. Weir of 1
Th4RM FOR SALE OR RENT -1.00 ; claims and the nature of their secur-!Knox Colle,ge, Toronto, took the ser- li
ities, if any, held by them, verified ivices
Fitzpetrick, R. R. 5, Winebant by statutory declaration. Immediate- I The re
the three charges. •
ly after such last mentioned date thel
, ,., , •
ahe regular monthly meeting of the 1,
acres; good buildings. Apply Wm,
MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route assets o the said deceased Will be
f ' '‘:\ omen s Institute was held on Fri -1
of 800 families in North Huron i distributed amongst the persons en- day last with the Vice Pres., Mrs. R.
i filled thereto haying
start earning $25 weekly and in_ the claims 'properly filed.
D.kTED at in am, Ont., rne 9th ! P
regard 'I'd?' tr- leRoss in charge of the meeting. After
the o ening exercises a number of it -1
County. Reliable hustler should i
Rawleigh Co, Dept. C NT -125-C, days of January, A,D. 1984. 4eln.q. of business were taken care of.
crease rapidly, Write 'immediately
Montreal, Canada. R S. I-TETHERINGTON,
Wingharn, Ontario, ',They made arrangements for comma -
Solicitor herein. ltees to have charge of a Scotch -night
MONEY TO LOAN—I have about — on Friday, Jan. 26th, when the pro -
$12,000 of clients' funds far invest- WHITECHURCH !gram will be in the form of a contest,
ed farm property. ,No loan nil e th•e single ladies vs. the married la•d-
made for more than 50t1. of the A number of friends and neighbors '11:" ; -'t1 eight numbers on each side,
mein in first mortgages on improv -
\Mime of the property. Applications 1spent a pleasant evening an evednee_ lthe meeting to comence at 8.15 share
should be 'forwarded to J. H C
- ' raw-1day last at the home of le, and airs. :and lunch to be served, followed by
ford, Wine:tiara. 1Tohn Waddell.
t !dancing. On Feb 2nd they are hold-
-__ ;Ma and Mrs. joint Falconer spent the
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fakoner and !lug
Irerrarn -will be in charge of the men.
their At Home when the pro -
A Month oi Sale
Mrs. Wm. 'Underwood •and family, -week-end Blneyaie with Mr. and The next regualr meeting will be held
- th m .k member of men from. here went
The followiag program -was then
at of Howick, wish to thank their ritany1,edne. inn Falcone, •in. the evening and a debate is being
•friends azed neighbors for their kind- i tprepared for that night.
'nese. and sympathy Alone to e
•during the illness and death of a lov-
ine 1-Ineband and Father,
Mr. and Mrs. Wra. J. Elliott and
family 'wish exprees their sincere
thanks to their neighbors and many
friends for the kind deeds and expres-
ion lionda.y last to Ashfield to hunt
irabbits. Four car -load of men went
ifrom Winghaan also, and in the round
up they ..hot over sixty rabbits.
The regular monthly meeting of
Langside W. M. S. was held at the
lhome of Mrs. John Richard.son on
IThureday last. This society raised
sions of sympathy extended to ere. [their allocation
At King's
This week there's a big
Saving on Women's Silk
Dresses. Look at these:
20 Dresses at .... . . ..... ....... $4,89
16 Dresses at _ ..... . . 53.38
12 Fine Wool Dresses ' $8.49
A few Wool Crepe Skirts $2.89
Save To -Day on Towels
$1.25' Brown's finest Hucka-
back 88; 69c Fine Linen Face
Towels 2 for $1.00; Roller Tow-
elling, washed ready for use,
Special, 4 yards for $1.00.
lareeen: community singing"Home,
:sweet Home", Miss Catharine Mow -
tray gave an interesting reading, Mrs.
; kb McQuillan gave a paper on the
itopic "malting the most en what we ,
ihave in tiers of depression' which igen; Sec.-Treas., Miss Louie Herrang- i
Iton: Directors, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs.
tall enjoyed. The Misses Anna May
Wool Blanket Bargain
20 pairs only, full double bed
size, whipped singly. Per Pair
Spring Prints
Lovely new patterns all
yard wide, 19c and 22c.
25 only All Linen Lunch Sets.
January Bargain, per set 69c.
mourn him, his wife ,emi, adepted, son,
two sisters, Miss 'flannel Hogan, of
Goderich, and Mrs. Steve, Aiartin, of
Kinesbridee, Two brothers, atrick
EAST WAWANOSII Henry Hugan of Hanover, and Phil-
lip Hogan, 11 eon.„ two brothers pre-
deceased him, John and Peter. We
The first meeting of the Council for extend put sYmPati'Y to the bereaved,
bers thereof being, P. W. Scott, Reeve
and Messrs, Youngblut, Reid, Robert of
and iticBurney, Councillors, who
lyere all present. Having each sub-
ecribed to the necessary declaration
' present at the solicitation of the I St' Helens, spent Sunday afternoon
•of office, Rev,, Mr. Grant, who wae
Reeve offered a suitable prayer for with Mrs. Sam Sherwood„10th eon.
the occasion, asking that Divine guid-
ance be given the Council in their de- ,
liberations in all matters coming ite-
m The Reeve in an appropriate ad- 'last week with Dungannon mends.
'fore them in the year just entered up- '
Idress gave a general outline of mat- Mr. and Mrs. John Blake of Wing-
. • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Alton.
Mr. Glen Cameren returned horn
from Northern Ontario last week.
934 was held ou Jan. 8th, the mem- jc'hast°riel 12th .e0r1" has
pleurisy at present, We hope to hear
of him up soon.
Mr. Gordon .johnseorie, ie assisting
his uncle, Mr. Bob, Madenis, near
Teeswater, for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt. near
Mrs:Gilbert Vint spent a few days
ere, which would in all line aloe ,
Come before the Council for consid-
eration during the present year, and
. _
attked for the co-operation ot all the
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane of Ripley
members in the conducting of inunici-
visited recently at Mr. Ja,mes Hack-
, pal business. Short addresses were al- ett's.
SO given by the other inembers of the ,
We are sorry to report the .serimis 1
Council, illness of Mr. Wm. Sherwood. Wel
Minutes of last meeting in 1923 hope for an early recovery.
Com" Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson -els-
were then read and approved.
ited recently at Mr, Ernest Blak,e's.
from the Ont. Good Roads Assoc.,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills and dau-
'asking the Council to becrerne mem-
1 "hers of that body, and requesting a
;delegate be sent to annual meeting o
Clearance of Silks at 99c :same received and filed.
Stock tatring brings out many ' . - .
. The followme appointments Were
short lengths of various fabrics . e
dress silks. Lengths of one to •Thompson, member Board of Health,
ues of $1.49, $2.25 and $2.50, for itary InsPectors• John T. Scott, weed
Slips, Children's Dresses, Lin- - - ' '
ings, Cushions, Etc. January lInspector; Geo. R. Irwin, School At.
Sale, Per Yard 99c. l Officer, R. H. McGee; j. F. licCal-
1 lum, Geo. Walker and McGregor
:bell and F. Thompson, were chosee
Women's Coats
Dowell,Assessor, salary C.70 00 Sin
January reduced prices mean 11 - ' ' -
licopies of the Municipal World were
a big saving on the put -chase of
a stylish Coat and you have still !ordered for the Council and Clerk. A
about three months to wear it. ;by-law authorizing the borrowing ot
Buy these lovely Coats now at ; - finance the '
,sufficient money to finance the towe-
a discount of 20 to 50%.
and here is a real bargain in Ithen made for the present year: R. H.
three yards in our regular val- A. McGowan and H. T. Perdue, sani-
,Shiell, sheep valuers; W. •H. Camp-
Sellina All Our
ghter spent Sunday. at Mr. Spence
Irwin's. * 1
Sweaters and Pullovers, in
Mrs. John Emerson, of Kinleugh, 1
- all sizes, on Sale '
Great Reduction
Sale Now
Going On
Big Stock, Lower
Prices, Better "Value
"Special: A Range of Women's
and Misses' Coats, plain. and
fur -trimmed. Sizes 14 to 42.
Special, $8,50
Dresses in Silk Crepes and
Satines, Smart 1VIedels, reduced
$3.95 $4,95,$5.75
5 doz. Hose Dresses, made of
small patterns print, .colorfast,
value up to $1.35,
Sale 98c
Children's Cameline Coats
with Tarns to match. Size -s 3, 4,
5, 6 years, reg. up to $6.00,
Sale $4.50
:ship along this coming. sea -Son, etas
is visiting with her parents, Mr. ant
Mrs. Ralph Nixon.
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Hunter and
family visited reecntly at Mr. Jno.
Miss Agnes Gibbs spent Sunday
with Miss Janie Alton.
The once brigbt and happy home of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elliott of the
Brick yard, was suddenly turned, into
a home of grief on Monday afternoon
of last week ;when their little son was
so severely scalded, that he died from
January • Bargains in Men's ;passed. Ithe effects Tuesday about noon. The
Good Overcoats, Tiger Under- • The followiner accounts were paid: ifuneral was held from the family res -
The following
and Sweater Coats.
;Geo, W. Snell, a_ssisting on 'the lidence Thursday afternoon, burial in
Remember it pays to Shoo at Vittie Drain $8.40; Jas. H. Currie, Wimgham cemetery. Rev. Thompson
King's for your January Wants. .preparing financial statement $15.00; of Behnore -United Church conducted
The Advance -Times Office, Financial the service, taleing his text from Mal-
- ,achi 3.17 (And they shall be rnine„
rOS e .
Is-upplies $1525; A. Porterfield, salary, twhen I make up my jewels.)
and fees as Div. Registrar, ling- a comforting message to the par-
.„,usimmemelegeempei;$200,00; A. Porterfield, Nomination lents.
and election expenses $64.00; Refunds it Hyznns chosen were: INThen He
. _
e Ito parties on the McVittie Drain ex- 1Cometh and Safe in the Arms of
suled as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Itension $109.05. !Jesus. Those that fulfilled the sacred
McCallum, Mrs. Taylor; President, 1 Council adjourned to meet again on iollice of carrying the little casket
Russel Shaw; ist vice Pres., Mrs. R. ;Tuesday, Feb. 6th. iwere: Jimmie Stokes, Billy Abraham,
Shaw; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs. Wm. Le -1
. A. Porterfield, Clerk, iAllan Haskinsand Robert Curl.
i Rev. and Mrs. Thompson entettain-
ed the Elders of the United Church
at the Manse Friday afternoon.
'Municipal World, subscriptions and isaith the Lord of hosts in that day
and Susan Carrick then 'sang
"Take ;Chellow, Mrs. Sibthorpe, Mrs. Percy
** c,. anning, Mrs. Tasher, Mrs. Philp,
" • of thanks was tendered the retiring
f 28 00 for last year. ; thou eravest , G tt A -vote
.back the heart
in the recent sad and tragic death ea
their little baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scott of Kin -
Gillespie read a humorous reading and ,Wm. Lyon, Norman erre
President, also the secretary for use
of her home to hold the meetings.
Mrs. lietcalf who has been confin-
left thumb during the past week: This community is sorrv to hear ed to her home with the flu, is able to
of kindnees and expressions ot eyea- The Y. - - S. o
P - f the 'United Church
- k that Mr. John Joynt of Lucknow, is- get around again.
death of their beloved Aline basement of the church this Frida-3-1
iall been called home.
Jso low at present. His la ' .- have
pathy to them during the illness and are holdine a social evening in the•
he Graham family wish express
their neighbors and friends their
sincere appreciation of the many acts
lose, s•pent Wednesday with her par -
'Mrs. Gibson Gillespie sang
eras, Mr. and lire. Will Conn.
Mother of the Hill" and the meeting
Mr. Carman Farrier has been sine iwas closed by the sing.hm of the Na_
ring intensely with a felon on his itional Anthem.
litich sympathy is eeten e •
and Mrs. William Elliott and family 1 With the opening of the New Year
in the loss of their little son, Tack, 1a record crowd attended the Institute
who was severely scalded on Mon- -meeting held at Mrs. Wm. King's
day last and passed away on Tuesday. 'Wednesday afternoon, almost 50 be -
Mrs. Thomas Weir is spending a irag present. Miss Ruth and Sadie
Edwards ;cided increases in material costs dur-
few days with friends in Wingharn. iStokes Leslie and Lillian
;ward trend of prices generally, C. E.
ling the past few months and the up -
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Breckenridge, of l supplying the music:
at ' The meeting opened with the open- 'ward
general sales mana.gere
The annual meeting f the Wo- near Bluevale, visited last Friday 1 by
men's Institute yeas held Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Wrilliam ing ode, prayer in unison. Minutes
General Motors Products of Canada,
Memorial Hall. Special features of Breckenridge.\fulerey, readings hy members Of
Cl- 'nice's: Church are holding one in i who have been working for Mr. W.
TIFFIN—In levine memory et Jfiarm 1 .1 , I _• ' returned to Lucknow. ,Dr. Milne, a selection 1:ctr the R,ythni
glater of Mr. mid Mrs. Eivreer Tif- gooct time- . have taken their place with 11r. Fish- Mille Touch and Take, in charge of i Mr. and Mrs. Roy i-atrangs and ',song, "Love's Old Sweet Song. Con. ,
egieena eeny end eeenh. loved daze Al a.re we,conte
to tome and have a lin and Mrs.
tbn , Ernwine of Holt -rood. Band under the leadership of Miss E. .1:thew. .
Hail on Monday evening. jan. 22. , T. Fieher, have
fin, who went away an 19tle 1930. Mr. end Mrs. Thte. Ga.unt epene. er: Mrs. Richmond. was well patronized- •famuly, also . a 11-e Reuben Ap- ;test by Lillian Edwards. The funds i Prices on the new line of cars are:
- ;Standard liaster Coach ,$892; Two -
IT' '`Iltr t'earts l'er 'tin PrY r"" `Thur. -Zee at the hame oi 'qr. and i Mr Mays Pollock of Toronto spent Lunch was served by the group in ;Teeny and family, spent Friday eve -n- ;were •greatly enlarged. by L e pa ,
IN MEMORLkli retie epent Tnesilay last at the home i The W.C.T.U. ladies have decided 1 The week of prayer was observed Mr. and Mrs. Reuben o -. held at the Manse when groups three liaster Coupe (rumble seat) $919;
Less 20 20 Per Cent.
Supersilk full fashioned Hose
in Chiffon and Seevice weight,
Sale 69c, 89c, 98c
Girls' Wool Sets, Tarn and
Scarf; reg. $1.50,
Sale $1.25
Blankets, all wool, full size,
Reg. $8.00,
Sale $6.75
Grey Blankets, large size, part
wool, fine quality, reg. $3.50
Bargain at $2.50
Flannelette full yard wide, good
Hose, in leading shades, all
Sale 15c
Sale 59c
New Prints, just arrived, light
and dark colorings, neat pat-
terns, Special at
15c and 19c
Large 2 lb. bunch of luffy
Sale 49c
H. E. hard & Co.
Oshawa, Ont—Notwithstanding de-
evening and the Young People of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and babe,
lLiniited, announces prices for the new
at -*,the group. Roll call, "tongue -twist -
the proaram were the health talk by Mr, Clark Elliott, of Toronto
some just found out they 11934 knee -action Chevrolet, which will
tended the funeral of Lie little ne- ers," -when
',be only slightly higher than the 193
cee't say everything yet. Community
Teen-, ai ;ere can never eanee her ;Mrs. Green, of Teeswater. Mrs. Green ThursdaY bet at his home here. Icharge. mg at the home of Ma and Mrs. 0. of the quilt by Mr- thand, also from I,Passenger Standard Master Coupe,
Front her Peaceful haPPY sleeP. ;is mot re' avCain7 aS as her InanY Mret Russel Genet sPent a few daYe The Fire Brigade are holding a ;Stokes. Alex. Casernore from turkey raffle. t,$861; Special Master Roadster, $909;
Mr. and errs. a Parone and Mr. and Mrs. David Currie. ',the Blyth Strinsr, Orchestra. eiamily Tiisted recently at the home of *group. The February meeting will be Trunk $387; Four -Passenger Standard
ance on Friday evening, -Music by Mr. arid -Airs. Thonias Wallace and Lunch was seiee b „ of the 1Fiee-Pass. Special Master Coupe with
r - know We vain to weep,
Mother, Dad'es, Sioie a•n e deeirelie of ;seeing her• ilast n -eek at the home of her parents, id
Rob" - ' •
• t her e e -, Mrs- Irvin HenrY, ot ;to hold their raeetings on the fourth .333, all the churches, Thet first was Mrs. Fraser Haugh is visiting a few ;will put cm their erogranune-
Passenger Special Master Coupe
dear Mother, Ruth Baptiet, who ; • 'ThursdaY of each month. The held in St Andrew's and was in days with her parents, lir. and Mrs. The Crokinole Club held their first (rumble seat) $982; Four -passenger
ecial Master Convertible (rumble
taesed away jam 20,1g. 1933.. 1,1 Mrs. Rety eltora, ;of Lacan, spe-at ini-
g this month will be held _meet -he charge of the 'eiroung People; Tues- James Stokes. meeting at Mrs. Newest& Friday ev- SP
Gone front us her smiling face. the week -end with her mother,*home of Malcolm Ross Ja da " T • 'tv A I' 'tl rid Mr- Frage-- Haugh visite teriirae- Jimraie Dkkinson wee the tyin- seat-) $1049; Five -passenger Standard:
Those happy. cheerhal waye. Fore Mrs. R. j. Ross spent a few days Rev. Geo. Oliver in charee; oe Wed- ;Saturday with nfr. and Airs. Selah ;ner, receiving a box of candy. Master Sedan $965; Five -passenger
cial Master Coach $961,
God knewe b :11136 we mires hers ivisititee et the home of her daughter, • of ea orth. G. W. Buell gave the address; Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and 'Jake \Villas, graVel road, a few days
1o' 1 -ter
APT1ST--in 'awing memory ot ou ',Belfast.
y evening in run ner wan, a .
in happy baste:me days. Miss Eleanor Jeffrey visited Mrs, Special Niaeter Sedan $1034; and Spe-
Mrs. Jas. Barbour of For yce es • last week with her mother, Mrs. Haig riesday in Old St. Andrew's, and Rev. Breckenridge of Grey.
I •
He counts the leetee We shed, iMes. Ben. licCletiaghan. day everaing in Queen St. Cherch with !Kathleen, of Gerrie, spent 'Sunday 'week. These prices are all retail at fac-
And. whiapet•re she oralY sleeps., Mr. and Cecil. Falconer and A
The heart that W4011 So many friends _ •
Rev. NIT. Mills in charge; on Friday iwith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mr. McIntyre has the old choppier; tory, Oshawa; freight to destination
Your loved one is not dead."
laildren epent Sunday with Mr. and .
VT Rey. L. V. Pocock presided !,
tad Sons-in-law. •'Mrs. Lester Falconee, ot Cuirass. .irs. John McGee and'ailciren a
'SadI3- missed he* Sega Danghters.
Mr. George Ross. eldeet son of Mr. 'visiting with her parents, lir. an
and Mrs. Robt. Ross eetegned to The ;Mrs. W. Haney at Wingharn. No Cold Is t2 'Fixture with
Whig:ham Business College last week ; Mr. and Mr. Harry Johnston spent . * ,Campbell, on Monday, Jan. 86, a son.
order to finish his course. ithe week -end with friends at Watei
A car -load of western Mir?. arrived ,down and rororate.
Born—To lir. and. Mrs. Floyd
0 11,2"hoOta it ..1.1aY n:
This to ce-tifer that 1 the
acknewlirlge that there is
tenth, whatever in any statereente
have ;made eencerning ee.-\Vrarti-
i of the Anglican Church, with ee- ;
Buckley s 'Mixture 1—Congratulations.
the statio•ri here last wee's for lir. The Men's Club c,f Queen St,, Cait- 4 your tough pt cola raze be, BUCKLEY'S ting Mr. Walter Alton, 10th con.
geed to the enectrtage of any ttleadS " and Mr. Denten Ken- ;,ed Church will held teeir regunei l'ArKe-rueee,9,1","fie,„`„7:Inee'ts 1 Mrs. Joe Freeman grad little Loin
thee II relaeed the statements, pox leeeourn, spent last week. -with her i!
I het'13:v satue anti regret 'enedy exaectirc one thee week, eneetin r Wednesday. \fr. M 'Bray ! 3°u 41 4;1"
how ha,d and dnen.snatnd Frank. Ritchie, of Zion, is as-
mill running at top speed. and licenseeextra.
tho • The "ea, reeitute are holding !lianager etf the Bank of Commerce. •• eeetne ten it tot tbe Stss doe.
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Will Gardner,
A Its liglanalog-faat action amazes oven -batty
is aturte in the hall on Monday in or- give erndress Morin,"
If rote tie attg metebei of /our fel:rats.. fias :bear gene.
.n writing will be reeeiv-
-eft-reigned -for 10 c -.ale
111 wood,•14 it. beady veered. ma-
, Neale reee 20 cards green e . a
to, , same eie above, tip entil Cat- 1at '''' uPnle P -e- .
;.(lay evenine lin Weilinettera Powell ,
ley, jannarv 'el:7th, 1034. Weted Ce'zii Falun-a-It
Ito dolbrcrid by the 1.5tb day of l lir. and liee. Fred Tbompeen and 'wee appointed Secretary-Teeaeure'r te
Itheirgrezelsere. Donald Malreelin, (.74 take the. piace of ...n. H. Er-ski/he.
;To to. enent last we with her ti- - The annual meeting, of the Beet',
rs. J*.e.-, Tiffin and ther reiatirt ,t Firsticultural Society was held liten ,
berlee tor their play. ; Rev. lea Ane r ee d ; 4 cough. ce14. BUCk1CY'S ' •
" • i'41'2' .10 - atel be Refuso substitutes. Burk- AIrtla Hunter returned t Tiva
2111 ou pul r a 34'41.111 Faiceraer and ;pit in St. Andrew's Presbyterian tee's is seer eyereebnee ;;ertort after a, couple of Weeks' holi-
hilde-en, of ,vied on Sat- 'Church at '1.,Vingliani on Sunday.
•days with her parents, Mr. and Nirs. !'
and NrTe i-T.cht,01 Teuetee Board helcl on lion ;Will limiter. "
lire. John Eratnee.s Kin-
lcurzle is spending a • days with
paeents. Mr. arid Mrs. Relent Nie-
, ledi con.
7 ar
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,,tiay evening at the ho the Sec- .1
is t Miss Lottise , 'too,
Th IC Dunea
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1 5 spen
v . F. Argent
i to Wok after the
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111 at resetit. 'We
hope ±cr
widen passing of
sr Lanes, 11 tom, Ti
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'clge etfletY le
Wm. Rogan,
ked :ten
(Wingham's Busy, Popular and Modern Grocery)
A few of our traany specials throughout our store. Yes! they
are all everyday needs for your hente.
Sliced Pineeppk, large tin,
Cut 1Price 100, 2 tinsfor 19c
Meek Tea, tut price 31c lb.
Mixed Tea, 50c, for 32c lb.
Red Rose Tea, mixed or black,
Cut Price, te. lb 24c
Sweet Pickles, Heinz tin, bulk
pint for lie
jelly Powder, assorteefflav-ots
4 pkgs
New Orartgcs,ipe—cial ......... doz.
wettoo'z vancy Biscuits, the
best grades for ... 23e lb.
Uncolored Cheese, spec. 11c lb.
Catsup, quart tize . .. . .. 14c
Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle 25c forlee
Hemiphill's Wheat Berries 23c
oxydol, small, Se 2 for 1/c
Baker's Cocoa, cust price 25e lb.
Silver Lake SalmonOc tin
Pork & Bemis, $ title for 19c
Saul Mush, cut iniee . . .. . -.nee 230
Spark* Cleaner, cut price, Gc
Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. ..... 23e
Chef Cettap 2 bettlee for 24t
hone We Keep Down the thlkeep, We
7 YOU. Get Mote Here Per Vali' r