HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-11, Page 8SHOW STARTS AT 8 F.M. hursday, Friday,Saturday January 11, 12, 13 "Soldiers OThe King" A Gay and Giddy Burlesque Featuring CICELY COURTNEIDGE And, EDWARD EVERET HORTON Also---- Pitts and Todd Comedy "Alum and Eve" And Fox News. AUCTIIN SALE AT BURK'S HUNDREDS OF DRESSES AND COATS WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON Friday, Satur, Jan. 12, 13 FROM 3 TO 6 AND FROM 8 TO 10 ON SAT'Y. THOS. FELLS, AUCTIONEER. immommemsammunagwymemsaimmasessin WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore spent Friday with his aunt, Mrs. David Gir- Robinson and Miss Eupheniia Cham- ney, spent Friday with Mrs. ,William Beecroft, who -was celebrating her seventieth birthday. vin, of Dungannon, who is suffering Mrs, Thos. Henderson has been from e gangerene in her foot, very ill lately. We hope to hear bet- Mr. Jas., Ross of Hokyrood, spent a ter reports of her health, few days last week witie his sister, Mr. David Kennedy received .word Miss Catharine Ross and with Mr. from his son, William, in Chilliwack . and Mrs, R. J. Ross, Hospital, that he had taken ' a turn Miss Euphen'ria Chainney spent the for the better and was recoverin week -end with Mrs. Wm. Beecroft steadily. Many of his old friends here and other Wawanosh 'friends, - will be pleased to hear of his im- Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. A. provement. Montana, Fox are holding W.M.S. Teas at their. Mr. Athol Purdon and'Mr. homes on Wedn,,Chas. H .Jan, i0. Henderson are bolding "'dance in the Mr. Bert Cullirnore left on Satur- feed store adjoiningA. E. Purl on' day on. the excursion to visit with re- hardware store, on. Wednesday i s T latives in Detroit. y night, Several new men in tltis'district will Rev.; J.,Poilock will be in Ottawa be attending Council meeting io -- t;ris week and an Sunday next will day. as on preach in Erskine Church there, erent branches, were taken b timbers. A. short address was by, the pastor, Rev. William l:? son on the subject "Blessed ar Peace '-:lakors" Matt. ii: 9, str the curse' of war and the. hlessj peace Mise Thynne closed the Ing with the Benediction. Communion Service was obs Sunday morning in the United CI the Pastor, Rev, A. V. Rabb, ace the pulpit.. Woman's Association Meet The Woman's Association of United Church held its first me of the year on Thursday afterno the home of Mrs. George Ma with a good attendance. The dent, Mrs.' Sperling Johnston, o ied- the chair; after Scripture rea prayer' and the regular business roll was answered by the ladies gi "their favorite hymn." Twenty bers were received to start the Year, Mrs. Morrison closed the ing with prayer, after which ref r, were served by the hostess silted by `Mrs. L. H. Bosman,, Preaehee Farewell Sermon Al largenumber members of 8 an and herents of Knox Presbyterian Ch and friends from neighboring chu es assembled on Sunday morning• hear the Rev. William Patter preach his farewell sermon. Mr. terson delivered a most fitting in age for the occasion, basing his marks on the parable of the fig. t Luke 13: 9. An impressive part the service was the ordaining of Walter S. Davidson and Mr. D. Falconer into the Eldership of Church. Following the ordination vice the solo "One Sweetly Sole Thought" was rendered by Mrs; L Kaufmann. Mr. Patterson expects' leave this week for his new field labor' at Otta-va. The Blue Banner Mission Band the Presbyterian Church, !net on S urday afternoon at the home of t leader, Mrs. D. J. Falconer.,Miss Mowbray read an interesting less story "Follow the Leader."' The Ba received quilt blocks to work, duri the winter months. Fell and Fractured Ribs While Mr. and Mrs.' Peter S. M Ewen of 2nd con:, Turnberry, we returning home from 'a visit wi their neighbor, Mrs. T. Shearer, M McEwen had the misfortune to sl on the ice and fell, breaking some ri and receiving a bad 'shaking up. H is getting around with great 'difficult Mr. John Harbottle, from Chinon Montana, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. olmes and other relatives here, Mrs. L. H. Bosman is visiting in pronto. 'raft WINGHAM A.DVANC. y the '!)gen Atter- e the essing ngf nieet- erved lurch upied s the eting on at thers, 1'resi- ccup- ding, , the ving znem- New meet-' resh as- ad- !Arch s- a d !Arch rch- to son ],'at- ess re- ree, of J. the ser- mn eon to of of at - he A. on nd ng c - re tie r. ip bs Y Mr. and Wm. Robinson spent a few BLUEVALE days this week at the home of their Knox Church Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. po daughter, Mrs. John Kilpatrick, of The Ladies' .Aid and W. M. S. of Crewe. Knox Presbyterian Church rnet in the th The regular -monthly meeting of schoolroom onat Thursday afternoon: the Women's Institute will be held in The President, Mrs, Alex. Mowbray, the Hall on Fridayafternoon. The .occupied the chair and conducted the gli roll -call is to be answered by New business of the Ladies' Aid. The wi Year Resolutions. The topic "Mak- treasurer, Mrs. E. Nichol, gave the Du ing the best of what we have' in times financial statement show i g v na very. of depression" is being taken by Mrs. ' encoui'a iu an g g fount of work accoinp- ily Ab. McQuillan. All the women in the fished during the year, and: a nice sum lint community are cordially invited to of money realized, The Society is gr attend, planning'a Scotch evening for the an - The three -month-old baby of htr. niversary of Burns' Birthday, Jan. 25. and Mrs. Alec Lever of" E. Wawanosh --"nosh The IV, M. S meeting was opened by has been very iII and Nurse Terrif€ the vice president, Mrs, D. J. Falcon - has been in attendance. er, and after conducting a few items Mrs. Will Naylor of Lucknow, is of business, introduced Miss Barbara visiting for a few days this week with Thynne, as leader of the.program nes Mr, anal I4Irs..13. S. Naylor, specially prepared for the first meet- .ri i A number of young- people spent g P !� p t a ing of the year on the subject .of ber pleasant evening on New Year's at i "Peace" taken from Romans 15: 13. the home goi k,. A, Miss Florence Fowler spent last -week with ' relatives in Seaforth, James McHardy is spending a few days in Port Colborne with his sister, Mrs. James Aitcheson, who is in very or health at present, Mr. and Mrs. John' Hall are visiting Cir daughter,' Mrs. James Masters, Parkhill, Mrs. Archie Messer and little data= ter, Margaret, were recent visitors th Mist •and• Mr. D. McAllister_ a ngannon. Mr. and Mrs, J:; J. Elliott and fain attended the funeral of Mrs. "El father, Mr. Wightinan, at Bel are,- on Saturday. JANUA �± A Month of Sales 0 At King's Clearing Bargains ort Many Lines of Wanted" Merchandise. For Women $150.00 Natural. Muskrat 'Coat $79.00 to $12.50 Wool Faille Dresses $8.49. $1,50 Orient. Ser- vice Weight Stockings $1.00. Hudson Seal Coat $189.00. New Patterns Spring Prints 19c yd, Lined Chamois' Suede Gloves 59c. A few Women's Wool Serge Dresses.$2,89' 14 Misses' and Half Size Fur Tri inured Coats a as 6. $ 00 '�1�':,rMrrv,ian>'�n+e For Men Bargain Prices on All Over- coats. • 20% Off •Men's Good Leather Coats. Extra Holeproof Sox 49c. $1.00 Holeproof Sox 75c. All our Fine Mufflers at Sale F.rices. 35 MEN'S STANDARD ' SUITS ON SALE Fine Wo!tIeTs,' Grey and • Navy Serges in sizes 38 to 46. This week less 20%. At Quick Clearing Prices Men's Dressing Gowns, Win- ter Caps, Horsehide Mitts and Pullovers: . Men's Work Clothes All Check .Flannel Shirts $1,49. $1.39 Silver Fleece Un- derwear $1.00. Youth's Khaki Breeches $2.14. Odd Trousers $1.49 to $2.50.. Men's Capeskin Gloves 89c. - You'll be pleased with our January Bargains. Come and see them.' AzonnatalcrausUalinieszamodatila Nangligelmemo SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Ed:.'Palmer called on the latter's parents Mr. and Vlrs: John Bush in Wroxeter last Sunday. The ladies of the . W. M. S. spent 1 e profitable time last Friday at the home' of Mrs, John Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent one day recently with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gowdy of the B Line Howick, Mr. Norman Harris who recently went to Toronto Hospitable for treat- inent on his throat died there recently. The•friends have the sympathy of the y t neighborhood. Mrs. Win. Weir is recovering from - a severe attach of shingles. and Mrs, A, D, Smith, Carman Heth- erington and John. Wickstead. Mr, Frank Stamper and son, Wen- dell spent Sunday atrthe home of W. J. and Mrs..Souch, Mrs. Mary Owens, 13elgrave, spcut' a few days with her nephew, M. Jas. Van Camp. Miss Lyle McCracken spent Sunday with her parents at Molesworth, Miss Dorothy Golicy of Wingham, spent the week -end with Conrad and Mrs, Goll. Mr. and Mrs: Will Johnston, Wing - ham, spent Sunday at the home of Geo: Wheeler. BELGRAVE A large number of -friends and re- latives gathered together Saturday to Phy their last respects to one of the Iolder residents of our community in the; person of the late John Wight-man..One Of his greatest interests 'rested in the school and he held the !office of school trustee for many 'years and took a very active interest (in the Belgrave School Fair,. and held ;the office of Secretary -Treasurer un- !til ill health caused him to give up this position. The bereaved farnily have the sympathy of all in their sor- t row. Mrs, Orval Taylor spent the pas week at.the home of her, sister, Mrs Powers, at Rockwood', where her mo- ther, Mrs. Roberstori, was seriously ill with pneumonia. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Robertson passed away early Saturday morning, Miss Beryl Cunningham has resum- ed' her studies at Stratford Normal School, ' Women's Institute, Jan. 16. The Historical Research meeting of Belgrave Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, Jan,' 16th at the home of Mrs.J.A. Geddes,' Motto, Cast `thy act, thy word, into the ev- er living, ever working universe, it is the seed 'grain that cannot die; Mrs. J, Taylor. Roll call, An exhibition of antiques. Current Events, Miss Cela Coultes. Address, The History of Belgrave, Mr..Peter W. Scott. . Music, Miss Velma Wheeler. Lunch Com,, 1v1rs. H. Wheeler, Mrs. C,' Wade, Mrs, J. Wightman. ST. HELENS Mrs. Richard' Martin of Huron Tp., and Mrs, Date Martin, of Whitechurch were recent visitors with `their father, Mr. Win. Woods. There was a splendid attendance at the meeting of the. Women's Institute held at Mrs. John Miller's on Thurs- day afternoon.. The President, Mrs. John Miller, occupied the chair' and the roll call was' i'esporided to by sug- gestions for Hot Slipper Dishes. A fine paper on the subject "Good Health, ,Physical and Mental" was' given by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. Mrs, McKenzie Webb read an' interesting article on "Essentials to Happiness", Music by Miss. Florence McQuillan and Miss Margaret Miller and 'a solo . by Miss Greta Webb were all enjoy -- ed. It was decided to hold a social evening in the Community Hall, on Friday next, January 12th. Miss Laurine Martin has returned home after a visit at the I f h e tome o er Mrs. C. D. Enright`' Elizabeth M. Pocock, dearly belov- ed wife e of i Ct axles D. Enright, and mother of Fred. and Muriel, passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toron- to, Dec. 21st, 1933, after a short ill- s of pneumonia. The late Mrs. En - it was born and raised in Turn ry, and, lived in Bluevale before ng to Toronto, 25 years ago. Ile- s her husband and.2 children, she leaves her mother, Mrs, Andrew rnes, Bluevale. She was a item - of Westmoreland United Church, the funeral service was conduct - y the Pastor, Rev, L. I. Hunter, m her late residence, 950 Shaw St., onto, Dec. 23rd, 1933. Interment made in Prospect Cemetery, Tor- , Ont. Young People Elect Officers home of Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas'Hymns and Scripture readings were Gaunt, Alin accordance with,the topic,and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Robinson o nsoit arts! (prayer of ° thanksgiving and prayers Fiances, of Wingliani, Mr. and Mrs. for otir country, the church and the Wm. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, s h s, l�Irssionary Society, in all their diff- i>j CUT - RATE PRICES Wingham's Modern, Sanitary Grocery Store. Come and see a store full.of price ticketed Specials, Every one .a genuine mon- ey -saver. bur Specials -Good till Wednesday Evening, January' 17th. P. & G. 'Soap, 5 bars for ' 18c Gold and Pearl Soap, 5 bars 11 6c Spanish Onions, 4 lb. for 10c 14o. 1 }Iard Cooking Onions 10 lbs. 19c Potatoes (last chance) 99e bag 'test Mincemeat, 2 lb, 25c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes and one pkg. Princes Vlakes for 1:9c Black ar Mixed Tea 5i0c for 32e Chef Pork & Beans, 3 for 19e NOW Dales, 2 lb. for 10c Uncolored Cheese` 12c; 2 lb.. 23c Pure Cider Vinegar 34c gal. Box Salt, plain. or Iodine 2 Red Rose Tea Ib. pkg. ,.. 24c Banquet 1Peas, No. 2, 2 for 27c Silverlake 'Salmon, large tin 9c Chef Catsup, 12 oz net, 2 for 24c park Cleaner, reg. 13e. for t c Sari! Flush' 29c for �.,... 23c Breakfast Cocoa, Bulk, lb. 10c llalxer's Cocos., 1 1b. tit" ..,,., 25c Washing Soda 2 lb. for ,..,....,. 8c $ So lb.; Salt tette . 10c Stil h p ur .„ 1.0e side also Hol ber and ed b from Tor -vas onto MORRIS Thursday, January 11, 1934 roasemossammosoisionommi Clearance Sale CONTINUES FOR BALANCE OF' THIS MONTH. Overcoats and Men's ori � Suits Our Special Coat Sale Our Special Suit This W Sale Week This Week Includes Our Entire Stock Includes Pur Entire Stock Reg. $14.00 Coats, Sale $10.50 Reg. $35.75 Suits, Sale :,.•$11.75 Reg. 20 .00 g $ Coats, Sale $,1.5:75 Reg..$.30.00 'Suits Sale Reg, $27.50 Coats, Sale $1.8.50818.50 $25,00 Suits,'Sale ..:...$18.50 Shirt Sale, Left -Over Stock, Forsyth Shirts Reg. $1.55, On Sale $1.00 Reg. $1.95,. On Sale $L65 Reg. $2.50, On. Sale .,........., $1.95 Sale Xmas Mufflers and Silk Neckwear Scarfs: Reg. 81.50, On Sale :. ...,..$t.15 Reg. $2.00, On Sale $1:39 Reg. $3.00, On Sale $7195 Silk Ties:- • Reg. $1.50, On Sale ,•„„_,;$X,;10 Reg. $1.00, On Sale ...... -,»......70c Reg: 50c,, On Sale 35c Underwear Men's Combinations, Fine Fleece, Woof and Catton.', Reg. $1.35, on sale ..a5e Stanfield's Fleece" Shirts, and Drawers, each. 47c Stanfield's Rib Wool, Blue and Red Label $1.75 Sweater Sale for Men And Boys This group includes Every , Sweater. Boys', Reg. $1,25, Sale .... •85c Men's, Reg. 81.75, Sale $1.1:, Men's, Reg. $3.50, Sale'$2.49 Many Other Lines On„Sale During January Sales: Hanna & Co. Ltd study book will be'given by Mrs. G. Naylor. Miss Verna Charnney is spending a few days in Goderich at the"home of her brother, Herman. , I SINCLAIR" OUSTED 1 AS HOUSE LEADER Dr.George A. McQuibban Succeeds Him. With seven out of nine members of the Liberal • caucus voting agaknst him William E. N..Sinelair, K,C., M.P.P., for the last decade Leader, then Leg- islature Leader of the Ontario Lib- eral Party, was shorn of his leader- ship mantle on Saturday, and Dr. Geo. A. McQuibban, Liberal Whip, was chosen to succeed him. Two of the ten participants in . the caucus did not vote, William New - than, M.P.P,, Victoria North, who was Chairman, and Dr. -McQuibban. Dr. Simpson, Simcoe Centre, acted as Secretary. The caucus which declared the de- position of the veteran Sinclair was held in the King Edward Hotel, at- tended by ten of the fifteen Liberal meiii.bers of the Legislature and last- ed from 2 until 5 o'clock int the after - grandfather, Mr,. Wm. Woods. noon. The resolution appointing Dr. ! McQuibban to be Hbuse Leader this i election session was carried by 9 to 1; Mr. Sinclair being the only partici- pant to cast a negative vote. Lack of co-operation with Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P,, his successor in' the Ontario Liberal leadership, was the charge levelled against Mr. Sinclair, 'and apparently sustained despite what /was declared to be a vigorous denial on the part of Mr. Sinclair. Denying lack of co-operation with Mr. (Hepburn, Mr, Sinclair declared that his duty had been to lead the party in the House. He had never hindered Mr.' Hepburn, nor said"any- thing unkindly of him, he.declared' in the private precincts of the caucus room, and had pressed Liberal polic- ies in the House to the best of his energies ,and abilities. Mr. Sinclair, it was stated, display- ed po anger 'as he answered his critics in caucus -critics who in former daps,: it was said, were prepared to support P him -and announced his intention to continue with the Liberal party, and contest, as usual, his riding of South Ontario, in which `he is regarded as unbeatable. He will also sit with the Liberal group in the Legislature. A special feature of the Y., P. S. w///®l�®/O■/e////i//�/r meeting i ��m ■ Mrs. Charles Campbell is spending g n the United Church Sunday 1111 evening a fewwa .the ts impressive. w da s rtg er . tiz h vice 'r y her daughter, s r t r Mrs, ■ connection with the installation of of- ■ Mrs. A. Green, of Wingham was fi.eers for 1934/ This was conducted ' ■ Frank: Edgar, of Wingham. Opportune bargains a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Day last week, Mrs.' M. Campbell, Belgrave, spent a few' days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Victor' Haines and family were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Burke on Sun.. day. s, Mr. and Mree,W, j. Johnston spent (Sunday at the home of Thos.`5tewart, A Birthday Party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. O. Thorn- ton on Sunday in Honor of their son, Wilson. Thos who attended were Mr, "I'lre Y. P. S. of Bluevale UnitecIIgnilionosaggiagoammememsgams Church held their first meeting of the ''eev Year on Friday evening, Janu- ary 5th. Pres. C. E. Johnston was in charge. After the opening exercises Rev. A, V. Robb was asked to take the clrtir and the following officers were elected for 1934. Pres., W. J. Peacock;; lst vies 'Pres., Miss Alberta Shiell; 2nd vice Pres., . Miss 1Jonna. Snaith; .3rd vice Pres., C. Heathering- ton; 4th vice Pres., J, Wkekstcad; Sec,, C. E. Johnston; Treas,, Miss !;mina Johnston;•:.Orangist, Miss Cora Je v itt; Assist, ' Oragnist, Miss Donna Smith; visiting corn,, Mrs, S. Gallah- er, Miss 13. 'Morton, Mrs, S. G. John- ston, Mrs. C, F. Jonston, The hent tn,eeting will be held on Friday evening, Jan. 12. Miss Alherta Smell will give a paper on Missions and Mrs, Stanley Gallaher will give an address. All the young pectplc are uivited to be present and enjoy these 1.`nidiy ev- eting progratnsi Registered Blue Bird Diamonds First Class Watch Repairing C. N. R. Watch Inspector. W'I' -IAM ,.:... THE JEWELER by Rev. T. C. Wilkinson. HERE'AND THERE AROUND LUCKNOW We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson who were bereaved of their little 3 -months -old baby girl. The remains of the: little baby were laid to rest in South Kin - lois cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Smith of Hanover vis- ited over the week -end with Mr. and ; Mrs. C Thomson. d Mr. U. T. Gardner of Zion, visited ■ on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark' Gardner. ■ Orange Dance, Lucknow Orange gl Hall, To -night, The Orangemen of Lucknow L.O.L. 428 will attend District Lodge at Rio - lough en. Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m., San. 9th. Mrs. W. M. Champion returned home from I3russels where she• visit- ed with her sister, who was, badly PHONE 76. WE DELIVER. PHONE 76. The season that every housewife uses a lot of Canned Goads. is here. Our stock is most complete in this line, and priced to save you money. Below you will find a few of our many out- standing buys. , Salmon,■ Angler Fink Tall■ Choice Black Tea Tin 1Oc Corn Flaltes llA'32c lb., ■ ( Brands) simmilminammummommissimminimmemramaims3 for 25c ■ ■ TOMATOES■ ■ The Bargain you have waited on. ■ Lar e 21 2 : , ■ �' .:Size .. .. .... 3 for 25c I Chef Pork & .Beavis, 16 nz. tin ■ Choice Red Salmon 4 for 25c� ■ Tall Tin 21c • ■ ■ Handy Ammonia 5ck iiVanilla, 8 oz. bottle, Reg. 25c p g' • for 150 III NIiligiMMWMMIMINIUMSOMMEMNinrapiniMNIMMNININEMIRIMIll ■ CORN iiA Real Bny , .■ Large Tin for lOc ■ bburned but is now 011 the way to a Catsup, Quart Bottle for ].5c low d but is ■ Sunrise Strawberry Jam,' 40 oz. bottle, Reg.46c ■ ■ Jelly Powdersfor ,...•35c "■„ Mrs. Sills returned Isom Toronto ■ 5c III where she visited with her daughter, 1Cr, Wellington Nixon of Donny- brook visited on Saturday' with Mr. and Mrs. Mex. /lessens. ■ PI1"7�1EAPPLE ■ ■ A Limited ■ Q�uantlt onxl , iIIIN Y Y .. Large Tin 10c ■ 11 SINONNWINNOMMINIMMINININSIMMIIMMOIMMIIIIMINIUM.111111.01111. DONNYBROOK ■ ■ ■ The Young People's S0clety will NI meet on Friday evening of this week, $ the topic wilt be given by Miss Jean ■ Robinson,' The W. 'M. S. will meet on Thut•s- .■ day' afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Robinson, the chat ter' in the rlr*I We would also like to remind you , that we have not ad- ■ vended our, 'l'ea Prices yet, so advise laying in your supplyatis present low prices, ■ `.Creleaven's Cereal Hemphill's Wheat Betties ■ BIG■ G's.GROCERY, ■ t Eth, 1. l� ead. Ethel $read. .� •