HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-11, Page 4PPM
cents a word per insertion, with a 3" zm charge of 25c. Expenditures
•i tit
Expenses 1333 ,n,
were„epeet in the 14>_ethis dlat'gli,urelx'
of the London Conference 'A score
,or more of years were enjoyed in the,
•f iwor] , mostly located in Huron Conn-'
ty, viz: Corrie, 'Brussels, Bluevale,
1Du:nganrron and Seafo'rth: in Perth
'21; ,5' TEMENT OF
The following isa detailed list o
Contributions” and 'Expenses of the
Christmas Tree and Santa Claus
bund: •
Balance 1932 ..
* Contributions 1933
to o>c o c►a ► ors anmo
the following prices for Grade A
Milk Fed Chickens: Dressed 6 lbs.
each 18e per lb.; Dressed 5 lbs. each
17e per lb.; lower grades , tuarket
prices. Delivered on or before San.
17, 1934: Fairbairn Rfarketing Sys-
tem, Orangeville, Ontario.
OR SALE—One Baby Cutter, with
folding hood. Good condition. Ap-
ply Advance -Pieties,
LOST One tire chain, either in
Wingham or between Binevale and
Wingham. Finder please leave at
Advance -Times.
MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route
of 800 families in North Huron
County. Reliable hustler should
start earning $25 weekly and •in-
crease rapidly. Write immediately-
mmediatelyRawleigh Ca., Dept. CN -125-S,
Montreal, Canada,
TENDERS in writing willbe receiv-
nd by the undersigned for 10 cords
of dry wood,1.4 in. body wood, .ma-
ple and beech, also 20. cords green
wood, same as above, up 'until Sat-
urday, January 27th, 1934. Wood
to be delivered by the 15th day of
February. -
Harry Towne,
Sec'y S. S. No. 11, Turnberry,
Box 391, Wingham,
TENDERS will be received by the.
undersigned up to 4 p.m. on Satur-
day, January 20th, 1934, for the
supply and delivery at the Wing -
ham High, School, of 15 cords of
good body wood, beech and maple,
20 inches long. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
W. A, Galbraith,
Sec. High School Board.
WILL THE PARTY who wrote to
W. J. Thompson, Auburn, Ontario,
kindly communicate direct with
hint, All information will be confi-
ERIES out of town when you can
get better value locally. Batteries
stored and recharged. Campbell
Garage, ;Victoria St.
one a'clocic, in' the afternoon in the
office of R. `S.' 'Hetherington,Wing-
lit Ontario. •TO VO''E. thereat, proofs of claims
and proxies ;'ntnst be filed with me
prior .thereto.,
Those having claims against the es-
tate• musk; file the same with the Cus-
todian or, theTrustee when appoint-
ed before ;distribution is made, oth-
erwise tlree.proeeeds of the estate will
be distributed amongst the parties en-
titled thereto, ;without regard to such
clazxri,s ;
DATED "at'Godericli this sixth day
of Januate', 19$4, •
C. G I IDDLETQN, Custodian,
Court: House, Goderich.
All persona' having claims against
the tate off. Aleacander Simpson, late
of the 'Town of Wingham, in the
Cottn,ty, .'of Huron, Gentleman, de-
ceased„ y.ho, died,on or about the 106
day of No1>enber, 1933,are hereby
notified tis?; send on or before the 23rd
day of...an uarv, 1934, to Isabel Simp-
son of: -the Town of Wingham, Ex-
ecutrix' bl' the Deceased, or to the
undersigtted Solicitor, their names
and addresses, full particulars of their
Clair s .nil, these nature of their secur-
ities tf ertie held by them, verified
by statutory declaration. Immediate-
ly after such last mentioned date the
assets '6f -'the said deceased will be
distributed amongst ' the persons en-
titled thereto having regard only tc
the claims properly filed,
DATED at Wingham, Ont., the 9th
days of January, A.D. 1934.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor herein.
Balance Jan, 5th, 1984
1932 Balance $93.99, H. Campbell
$5.00, E. C. Williams $1.00, G. Smith
$2,00;,. J. O. Habkirk $1.00, J. W.
Bushfield $2.00, J. W. Hanna $2.00,
R. S. Hetherington $1.00, A. Cosens
$1.00, H. Garlick $3.00, G. L. Baker
$1,00, F. L. Davidson $1,00, E. S.
Copeland $2.00, A. Lockeridge $1.00,
W, W. Armstrong $2.00, Wingham
Utilities $10.00, D. H. Fells $1.00, T.
A. Currie $1.00, W. A. Galbraith $2.00,
Wingham Lodge AIF. & A.M. $5.00,
5. A. Currie $2.00, J. A. Wilson $L00,
Mrs. H. A. Davis $1.50, F. R. How-
son $1,,00, A. L. Posliff $1.00, W. H.
Willis $1.00, Thos, Field $1.00, A. J.
Walker $1.00, M. E. Adams $1.00, H.
C. MacLean $2.00, West. Fdry. Em-
ployees $13.25, West, Fdry. Co. $5.00,
Fry & Blackhall Employees $5.50, I.
Walker $L00, C. H. MacAvoy $1.00,
A. M. Peebles $2.00, E. Gilchrist $1.-
00, P. R. Biggs $1.50, H. S. Chittick
$1,00, Geo. Allen $1.00, Wm. Stokes
$1.00; M. MacLean $1.00, Mrs. Geo.
Spotton $1.00, Geo. T. Robertson $1.-
00, W. 5. Greer $1.00, H. E. Isard
$2.00, Rev. Fr. Paquette $1.00, Rev.
K. MacLean $1.00, S. Bennett $1.00,
Reavie Service Station $1.00, F. Wat-
son $1.00, H. C. Helwig $1.00, A. H.
Musgrove $1.00, Miss M. E. Fisher
$1.00, Mrs. Geo. Hanna .50, Proceeds
Charity BalI $3L06, R. S. Hethering-
ton ,"$1.00, C. J. Farquharson $1.00,
Women's Institute $2.00, Mundys $4.-
00, Mrs. R. C. Redmond $2.00, W. A.
Miller & Co. $L00, E. R. Harrison
$1.00, A. J. Nortrop $1.00 Social Club
iCounty at Listowel and in 'Middlesex
County at Kintore, Ailsa Craig,
jThorndale, Talbotville, St. Thomas
(and London, Since 1919 1 have sus-
jtained a "retired" relation, but have
'carried on as a supply in .Methodist,
sbyterian and Baptist churches,
conducting 70 preaching services an-
nually; attended many funerals and
launched quite a few happy couples
through the golden gate of matrimony
upon the pacific ocean of felicity. For
the ability to do this 1; ant profoundly
grateful to the Giver of all good.
"The increase of years has admon-
ished me to desist from the activities
of former times. Others may increase,
but I must decrease, and this is prob-
ably the last annual message I shall
pen. The ancients used to say there
was great virtue in the setting sun,
and all moderns know that` there is a
great deal of virtue in X-rays.
"As 1 have reviewed these experi-
ences in my annual sketches from
year to year,.I find no food for my
vanity but -every =reason for gratitude
to the great head of the church and
the church itself for their kindness.
and forbearance. He has been grac-
ious b'eyond 'expression, and my fel-
low -laborers very considerate in the
many honors they, have conferred'tp
on me from tifne to time.
As the evening shadows lengthen
I am able to view the future with
small concern, content to leave it in
the keeping of Hint who has marvel-
ously guided me so far.
"Perhaps some of our aged friends
May find their attitude toward the fu-
ture expressed in. the following quo-
"And though I walk with yon no more
The world will move just as before.
'Tis meet it should be so ;
Let each his house in order set
That he may leave without regret
Whenever called to go."
COUNCIL APPOINTS $8.00, Sale of tickets for Jasmine Set,
J. W. MCKibbon $30.50, Jack Mason
Dl . G. H. ROSS �SI.Qo, G. L. Brackenbnry $1.00,Ii .
1McGregor $1.00, M. E. Carson $1.00, BOY ON SOUTH
(Continued from page 1.) jM. M. C. McDonald $L00, P. J. Bige
Wingham to draw, sign and make all low $1.00, C. Lloyd & Son, Ltd. $6.00,' 'SQA, EXPEOTTION
or any Bills of Exchange, Promissory iWm. Sturdy .50, Chris. Tofting .50,
Sole Canadian Member of Arneri-
..Notes, • Cheques and Orders for the 'J- A, Fraser .50, E. -Wild ,50, G. Led- I
payment of money; to pay re_ liet .50, H. Merkiey .25, G. Skinn .25,
CARD OF THANKS ceive all moneys, and togive aa quiIE. Seddon
dons. 0, Lediet rnd _25, P. Dr. Charles' McLean Fraser,
tance for the same; to assign and to.25,W. Sed iPro-
> "� jfesso; of Zoology at the University
Mrs. John W 4 ig htman and family, transfer to the Bank all or any Stocks, I don .50, W. Monk .50, S. Campbell of British. Columbia sailed
Belgrave, wish to thank their many Bonds and other securities;00 T. Graham .50, W. `H. Gurneyfor Los
from time _ :�
friends and neighbors for their kind- Angeles fora Ilya -months` cruise in
mess and sympathy during the illness to .time to borrow money from the ,$1-00, W. Gurney .25, G. McLean .25, Southern ,waters as Canadian re re-
.and death of their husband and father, Canadian Bank of Commerce either 31. Forbes .25, F. G. Mellor .25 rep
re sentative of an American Marine bi-
the late John Wightman. by overdrawing the account of the un- T. Spielogel .25, J. Nicholson .50, R. ological research expedition.
dersigned or otherwise; and general- IDouglas 25`, R. Manuel .25, H. An- Scientists in the
CARD OP THANKS ly for and in the name and on behalf gets .25, J. Templeman 25, A. Sturdy party will study
of the said town to transact with they seand life off the 1rica. Coast of Central
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lediet argil faro- F 25 H. Hitchings .25, Bill .20, George and North America_
ily wish to thank their neighbors and maid Bank any business they may ;Williams $3.00, H. W. Colborne $2.00, The research experts who will make
ninny friends for their kindness and
,think fit, R. C. Redmond 32.00, A. W. Irwin the cruise are understood to be a dis-
can Party to Galapagos.
the extended during the recent Also that the Mayor and Treasurer IS1,U0; W I. Huston ,26Geo Olver t' 1 d I
sad bereavement. , i - $1.00 T. H. Gibson $1.00, f
or any one of them, be and is hereby ; � G. H. Ross Universities. The inclusion of D
The meeting of the Herron County
Council will be held in the County
Council Chambers, Court House, God- I e
erich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon
of January 23rd, 1934.
All acc. unts, notices of deputations
or applications and other important
busines requiring, attention at this
meeting of the Council should be in
the hands of the Clerk not later than
the Monday previous to the meeting
o t e unci
Dated at Goderich this 4th day of
Janaary 1934.
J. M ROBERTS, County= Clerk.
tin to selection from American
51.00, W. Campbell $1.00, W. C. Ad- r'
authorizer on behalf of the said TownFraser as sole Canadian representa-
to negotiate with, deposit with, or gas $1.00, W. T. Booth$1.00, Sacred
�mit; is regarded as a Gignif%c t
Concert $30.25,W. B. McCool - an re-
transfer to the said Dank(but for fi$1.00,
t;ognition of his work in marine fauna,
n only) • , ar ^ OHe has been a Canadian delegate at
or any bills of Exchange, Promissory Play $82.32, D. Silver $1.00, J. R.Spit- a number of international gatherings,
incltt'ding meetings of the Pacific Sci-
ence Congress at Honolulu, Java and
Dr. Charles M. Fraser was born on
credit of the said accou t 1 1 all tJ H Crawford $100 "Go Slow y.
M "
Sealed tenders will he received by
the undersigned for the purchase of
the assets of Jack 3i. McKay, Wing -
ham, Ontario, Bankrupt, which are of-
fered in the following blocks:
1, Stock -in -trade, consisting of La-
dies' Ready -to -Wear and Store Fix- ibo
2. Real Estate consisting of brick
store, on the West side of Josephine
Street in the Town of Wingham.
3, House and Lot on the North -
'west darner ofJohn and
a d Franes
Streets, ;Wingham, Ontario.
The highest or any tender not ne
essarily accepted and tenders close
at Y. o'clock Noon,
a.nu ry 18th, > A.
. 1984.
For stock. Sheet or further partic-
tilers apply to either of the undersign-
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, title
Math Ila.* of January. A,D. 1934.
C. G. ri'IDDL.ETON,'Vaal,
Cotter House.
G0DERTCII, Ohtarin,
W. TI SIJ`P'1RI.O. Esq..
Box 119; \1'INGH AM -Orr
cit r
Soli ttr ,
H I.' i1r1,
T . , ,; 4J' - 1 "I l�R of the banruptcy
F"r:y�riaship' of Turnberry in the
rrrxtn'ty of . trran, Farmer, debtor,
k •yy•,��y
G EN that
sI e sairel ;Jtyhn Augustine Moir
an'authorized, as: i n atera ' pan the
third dayof January, .+384 `
J Y, � , and that
the first nneetiugg of erdditors ;'„will be
y ton lhto Ia�the illy -second
' iy of January ,' ri24, a the Mitt' of
otes, Cheques or Orders for tate pay- :tai $1.00, T. C. King y52.00, J. Mcllii-
ment of money and other negotiable chael $1.00, T. J. McLean $1.00.
aper, and for the said purpose to en- Expenditures
orse the same or any of thein on ' Excise stamps .84, J; J. Mo.ntgont-
behalf of the said Town; also from ere-, Trees $5.50; G. L. Baker, Express the first line of Morris,son of 14 r
x^1.30; Dr. R. L. Stewart f
time to time to arrange, settle,Dal_ $5.00; C. and Mrs. James Fraser. He attended
ance and certify all books and ac_ Bondi, oranges $22.00, W. A. Miller fro 10 School and got his third class
Bank; and to receive all paid cheques Watson $32.00, Ade-ance-Times $6.92; He taught school in A 7------ sh three
is between the saidTon-n and the & Co, $14.76; J. H. Christie $7.00, F. certificate under Dr. R. L. Stewart.
and vouchers, and to sign the Bank's U. F. 0., $44.54; Geo. Olver $6.00; miles from Whitechurch and took his
' rich
High School. He studied at Toronto.
University, receiving B.A. and M.A.
degrees. He then took up Marine Re-
search -work and spent several sum-
mers at Cape Canso in Nova Scotia
and on' the coast of, Georgia. After
teaching at Nelson, B,C,, for some
years he took, his P H.D. degree,
spending two: years in Iowa L�niver
Foran of settlement of balance Red Front Grocery
release," - es $12.50; Mitchell's Meat Market $5:
A number of uncertified accottnts 50; E. S. Graham $5.00; E. C. Wil -
were presented for payment and, on Hams $20,00; A. J. Nortrop $9.75;: T.
motion oa Cairns. Elliott and Bicho Field & Co. $7.25; H. E. Isard & Co.
are to be paid when.properly - ' $6.25; King Bros. $600; J. Mason $4:
00• Wingham Utilities Corn.,: $8.70;
led and recommended for payment by ,
the Finance Committee.
s and _ 50, Dam St first class certi£tea te frown Gode
Walker Stores $6.88; Mundys $27.50
The renewal for the Treasurer's P. R. Biggs $7.00; Rae & Thompson
a. urer s .75; H. B. Elliott 2.55 •
$ R. H. Saint
nd was laid. on the table and exans-
ined by'the Council. The bond was $2`00; People's Florist $2.00.
approved and ordered filed with the
Crown Attorney, as required by the
Municipal Act, on motion of Couns.
Crawford and Baker;
Ci'aun. Baker reported , ;that -coal
would soon be required. Council ag-
reed that the Property Committee ar-
range to secure a supply at once. The. Rev. D. Rogers of St, Thomas
Reeve Davidson reported on the celebrated on Jan, 5th his 59th mini -
progress being made in cleaning u versary of his ministry. He writes as
the park. He also brought up the nta follows:
ter of direct relief, and after discus- "On Tuesday morning, Jan. 5, 1875,
cion,, the handling of relief was left I left my home near ,Bowmanviile,
in charge of the Executive Cantina- with horse and cutter to drive to my.
tee in coniunctien with the Town first circuit, Arthur, Ontario, a :