HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-11, Page 1• With Which is Amalgamated The Carrie Vidette and Wroxeter New gin& Copiee Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY llth, 1934 Subscriptione $2.00 Per Yea/ S. S. NQ. 9 PUPILS FORM SOCIETY The pipits of S.S. No, 9, East Wa- wanosh have formed a Literary Soc- iety which they call the Jolly Time Literary Society. The Literary meets ings are held the first Wednesday of the month, and a eocial meeting the third friday each month. • rhe name Aof their journal is "The'Live Wire." The following are Officers: Ilresident—Lawrende Taylor, lst vice Pres,--ElMer Ireland. Sec.-Treas.—Harry Deacon. • Editor for January--I,ottise Ireland. Prophet—Geo,Carter. Program Convenor—Jack Taylor. , 'Press Reporter—Wm. Elliott. , OBITUARY Mies Helen. Graham • Following an'illniess of three weeks,! Helen Grahana passed away on Satur- day, January .6th, at the family resi- • dence, John St., in her 85th year. IVIiss Graham was born in Roxboroshire, " Scotland, and 65 years ago came to Canade. with her parents and. settled in Lower Wingham, where. she resid- ed until 10 years ago, wherAhe MOV- -ed onto John St., to live with her melees. Up until the time of her re- -cent illness Miss Graham enjoyed :good health and took muchinterest in all that was going on, Surviving her are fottr nephews and three neices, James Graham,, Thomas Graham, of town, Malcohn Graham of sk 7orest, and Frank Graham of Wind- sor; Elizabeth, Mary and Beatrice Grahain all at home. The funeral,was held from the fam- ily residende, John. St., on Monday .afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Kenneth MacLean, of St. An- drew's Presbyterian, Church, of which she -was a member., The, pallbearers were: Wm. Adams, George Wilson, :Andrew Currie, Benson Cruickshank, John Tervitt and 'George Orvis. In- terment took place in`Wingharn Cem- etery-. 'Mr. John Wightmau The death occurred at his home near Belgrave on Thursday January 4th, of Mr. John Wightman, in his ,67th year. During the past few mon- ths MI. Wightman had been in pow' health and early in December stiffer; ed another seizure and passed away early on fan, 4th. Deceased was horn , in Camden Township, County Lennox ,Ss Addington, and when a young man came withlis parents to Huron Conn- , ty, where he has since resided. In 1893 he married Miss Isobel Nethery, who with a family of five children, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Bluevale; Jas. C., 33elgrave, and Mary, Jennie and Ed- gar, at home; also three grandchild - Ten, are left to mourn the loss of a devoted husband. and fa\.ther. One son, Robert, predeceased him several years •ago. A brother, Wm. Wightman, Bel - grave, and a sister, Mrs. Thos. Doug- all, Elgin, Man.; are also left to mourn the loss of their brother. The funeral which was largely attended,' •was held on Saturday afternoon from his late residence, and was conducted 'by his pastor, Rev, A. M. Grant, and • interment was made in Brandon Cem- etery, Belgrave, COUNCIL APPOINTS DR. G. H. ROSS TO THE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Committees Are Selected for the • Year. i An adjourned meeting of the Town Council was held Wednesday evening, January 3rd. All members were present except Coun. Wilkinson, who was absent through illness, His Worship Mayor Hanna occupied the chair. His •Worship expressed his regret at Coun, Wilkinson's absence through illness and hoped that he would have a speedy recoyery. •The thinutes of the Inaugaural meeting were read and approved. A letter • was read, from the City Council of Oshawa in regard •to the hospital treatment of indigents. This letter was filed as , Council were of the opinion that this matter did not affect our town, being meant espec- ially for larger Centres. Personnel of Committees: The report of the Striking Commit- tee was presented, by Reeve David- Son,and, on motion of Court. Baker and, Reeve Davidson, was adopted as follows: • Executive—Mayor Hanna, Reeve Davidson and Coun. Baker. Finance—Couns. Elliott, Crawford and Bishop. Streets—Couns. Baker, Geddes and Reeve Davidson. Property—Couns, Geddes, Crawford and Wilkinson. Fire—Couns. Wilkinson, ",Geddes and Bishop. Cemetery—Reeve Davidson, Couns. Wilkinson and Elliott. The first named in each case at a meeting. of the committees following the Council rneetin,g was appointed Chairman. Ott motion of Reeve Davidson and Conn. Geddes by-law No. 1053 was . passed appointing the town officers for the year 1934, as follows: W. A. Galbraith, Clerk and Treasurer; Geo. Allen, Chief of Police; T. W. Platt, 1 Nightwatchman; Dr. R. L. Stewart, Medical Officer of Health; W. Stokes, Scavenger; R. Deyell, Caretaker • of Cemetery; J. W. Bushfield, Town Solicitor; David., McGill, Assessor; Robt, G. Mitchell, Pound -Keeper; J. Dennison and Edgar Pattison, FenCe- Viewers (Mr. Pattison appointed to replace John Anderson, deceased). Dr. G. H. Ross Was appointed as member of the High School Board fot a term of 3 years. He takes the place on the board of F. R. Howson, who has served for .a. term. of eight years. The Council 'were of the opin- ion that this appointment should be passed around after a member has served for some tirne. G. L. Brackenbury was re -appoint- ed to the Public Library Board for a three-year term. .. Wm. G. Gray was re -appointed as member of the Board of I-Tealth. A by-law was passed on motion of Cowls. Elliott and Bishop, to provide for the borrowing of the sum of 40,- 000 from the Bank of Commerce, to meet current expenditures ttetil the 1934 taxes are paid. The following motion by, Reeve F. Davidson and Conn. Elliott, carried: "That the Mayor, 5, NV. Hanna, and the Tre'asurer, W. A. Galbraith, are hereby authorized for and in the name of the Corporation of the Town of • (Continued on page 4). Do not miss the Pig Auction Sale at Burk's on Friday and Saturday, from 3 to 6. T. Fell's, Auctioneer. - Progressing Nicely ' • Friends of John .P. McKibbon will • tbe pleased to know that he is recov- • ering nicely from an operation which was performed last Thursday. ST. PAUL'S W. A. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of tee en's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Cluirch was held on the 4th inst., at the home df the President, Mrs. Geo. Alice, With a large number present. • The following officers were elected •for the ensuing year: President--IVIrs. Geo. Allen. lst vice Pres.—Mrs. E, Hayes. • 2nd vice Pres.—Mrs. R. Mitchell, Secretary—Mrs. Adam johnston, Treasurer—Mrs. E. Nash. Rep. to Annual—Mrs, Allen and Mr, HaYes; Stthstitutes, Mrs. Murray Johnston and Mrs. Booth. Press leportets—Mrs, W. Dodd and Mrs. E. Fuller. Buying Com. --Mrs. A. Wilson Mrs, M. Johnston and Mrs. W. Booth Visitieg COI:it—Mrs, Haugh, Ales Naeh, IVIre, 1. Johnson and Mrs. F Sturdy, After'the busitees had been, dis perseed with a social tuar hour was spent by the ladies and a dainty lunch :Served by the hostess., Operated on for Appendicitis Miss Lorraine Haller underwent an operation for appendicitis on Wednes- day of last week.')(It is with pleasure we report she is doing nicely, Horticultural Annual Meeting The llth annual meeting of the Wingham Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Motiday, Jan. 15th, 1934, at 8 pan, to receive the yearly reports arid to elect officers for the year 1934, All moll- bers aro expected to attend, T. Fells President. Old Boys' At Home at Toronto The Huron Old Boys' Asdociation of Toronto are holding their 84th An- nual At Horne at the Arcadian Court, Robert Simpson, Co., Ltd., Toronto on Friday eveuing, Feb. 2nd, at 8 o'clock, Euchre, Bridge, dancing (old time and new) are on the programme and as usual this should be a*real social success, MAYORHANNA PLAYS HOST On Wednesday evening last week Mayor Hanna wag hoet to members of the Council and a number of guests eib an oyster supper held in Williams' Restaurant Beeides the members of the present Council, the guests were: Rev. Kenneth MacLean, ex -Mayor T. Fells and W. H. Willis, ex -Reeve 5, W. 1VIcKihbon; W. H. Gurney and A. 5. Walker, of the Utilities Commis-, sion; Chief Allen, ex-CouncillOr •Gil- mour, Herbert Campbell, W. A. Gal- braith and W. W. Armstrong. „ Mayor Hanna, in welcoming his guests, stated that he considered a gathering of this nature was for the good of the community and would tend to bring about a better under- standing. He expressed his appreeia- tibn of the honor the electors have bestowed on him and remarked that just fort Y years ago his father had been Mayor of the town. He compli- mented. ex -Reeve 1VIcKibbon cm the valuable setvices he rendered the town during his ten years as Reeve. He expressed the wish that there might be a better understanding and a closer fellowship 'among all. Short speeches were given by sev- eral of the guests and they were un- animous in wishing the Mayor and Council a successful year. WEDDINGS BABY DIES FROM SCALDS Climbing Up Rocker, Upsets Kettle • A tragic and very sad accident oc- curred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Elliott, Glenannan, Mon- day, when their year and a half old baby, John William, upset a boiling kettle of water and was so severely scalded thee he passed away. About 2.80 pen. on Monday the child climbed up on a rocking chair near the stove and the top of the chair caught a kettle of boiling water upset- ting it, The boiling water ran down his neck and back causing very .severe scalds which resulted in the baby's death about 12 noon on Tuesday. Drs. Colborne and Redmond worked over the child for hours to no avail. Besides the sorrowing parents there are two small children; Doreen Jane in her third year, and Jean Grace, five mOnths old. The funeral will be held at the family tesidence, Glenannan, Lot 11, Con. 12, Tttrnberry, at 2 p.m. on Thursday, ••January llth. Rev. • Mr. Turnbull, Minister of the Belmore United Church will conduct the ser- vice., Interment will take .place in the Wingham Cemetery. • This very pleasant and profitable Nicol - Walters 4'A quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse of the Presbyterian Church on Jan. 9th, when AnnieiOlive, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, Wingham, was united in marriage to James Ellwood Nicol, son of James Nicol, of Pasadena, Cal- ifornia.'CRev. Kenneth MacLean, Pas- tor of the church, officiated, The bride was gowned in black sat- in trimmed with velvet, with access- ories to match. ImmediatelY after the ceremony they left on a short honey- moon, after which they will reside in Wingham. Upper-Phippen , A quiet but pretty wedding was soleninized, at the home of Rev. E. C. Smith, Paetor of Wingham 'Baptist Church, at 3 o'elock on Thursday af- ternoon, Dec. 28th, when Viola Geor- gina, elelest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton • Phippen, of Wingliam, was united in marriege to Roy Thomas I UPper, youngest eon of Mrs. and the! late David Upper, of Listowel. Rev. E. C. Smith officiated. The bride was becomingly gowned in a 'wine crepe dress with matchines trimmings. Miss Thelma Phippen was her sister's bridesmaid and wore. a Monet blue crepe dress with matching accessor- ies. Mr. Roy Smith, of Listowel, was groomsinan. Following the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous supper was served to the immediate family.Mr. and Mrs. Upper will, re- side in Listowel, , Yeo Jewitt The Parsonage at Blue -vale was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, January 6th, at 1 o'clock when Cora May, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jewitt of Bluevale, was united in marriage to George Clendon Yeo, son Of Mr. and Mrs. George Yeo, B. line, Turnberry. Rev. A. M. Robb was the officiating clergyman, The bride look- ed charming in a blue gown of crepe silk, wearing accessories to match. Mr, and Mrs. C. Johnston supported the bride and groom. Following the ceremony a lunch was served to immediate friends at the Sterne 'of the bride's parents. The happy couple then left on a motor evening was brought to a close by the singing of "God. Save the King" with ex -Mayor Willis officiating at the piano. Received Appointment \Weil McLean has received the ap;. pointment as foreman on Road Con- struction with the Department of North Development..and will leave on Saturday for Minden, Haliburton Co., south of Algonquin Park. Received Chinese Calendar • elaIrs. Geo. Boulden, Edward St., has received from Ernest Bloetrifield, a beautiful Chinese calende.r from Shanghai, Chine, The picture on the calendar portrays the beauty of the Chinesexirls and is a work of To Take Mediterranean Cruise ' Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Redmond are again this year taking a: winter holi- day, ,They will leave 'about January 26th, going to New York and from there by C.P.R, S .S. Empress of Aus- tralia on a .IVIediterraneap Cruise., They will return to',,Winghain early in April. • Icy Roads Cause Accidents The icy roads of last week caused many accidents throughout Ontario. In this district very few accidents wete reported but a party returning. from a dance at 13elgra.ve • Friday ev- ening had an exciting experience. The car skidded on the slippery road and turned over, but the occupants of the car escaped' injurvas did the.car. EASTERN STAR INStALI,- OFFICERS „ Presentation of Jewels and .Gifts At the regular meeting of Huron Chapter No. 89 0. E. S. on. Tuesday, evening the officers for 1934 were in- stalled, the ceremony being conduct- ed by Sis. Gertrude Miller, assisted by Sis, Fox as Marshall. The follow- ing officers were installed: Worthy Matron—Mrs. Hobkirk. Worthy Patron—Mr. Roy McGee. Assoc. Matron—Mrs, J. H. McKay, Assoc. Patron—Ma Thos. Gilmour. Secretary—Mrs. E, 5, Nash. Treasurer—Miss Mary Pattison, -Conchactress—Mrs. E, Harrison. s Assoc, Cond.—Mise 13, Joynt. Chaplain—Mrs. Thos. Gilmour. Marshall ---Mrs. F. Sturdy. Organist—Mrs. Dan Geddes. Adah—Mrs, Benedict, Ruth -e -Mrs. Jas. Gilmour. Esther --Mrs, Fuller. Martha—Mrs. lvlearay Johnson, Electa—Mrs, Thos. Currie. Warden—Mrs. Roy McGee, Sentinel—Mr. T. Y. Smith, The retiring Worthy Matron, Mrs. D. Rae and retiring Worthy Patron, Dr, Stewart, were presented with jevv- els by the chaptet. The organist, Mrs. Geddes, was preeented with a gift by the chapter in appreciation of her ani' - vies, The Wbrthy Matron, Mre. 0. Ha,bkitk, presented her initalling, off- icers with gifts of appreciation and also presented all her, officers with mac s. At the close of the Chapter Itinch was served and a social hour enjoy- ed by all, trip, Underwent GPeration Mr, 0. Ludwig underwent an op- eration in the local hospital last week. We are pleased to report that he. is making a satisfactory recovery. Agricultural Society Annual Meeting In the Council Chamber, Wingham, at 2.p.m., on Friday, Jan. 19th, to el- ect officers and transact other bttsi- ness. All members please be present, BAND WILL PLAY' FOR SKATING Arrangements have been made to have the 13and play for sleeting at the Arena on Wednesday evenings com- mencing with Jan. 17th. Many have been asking if the Bend would eppear at the Arena this year, and, rto doubt, this announcement will be received with delight. Many of the old-time skaters have stated they would don the blades once again this year, Get your steel run- ners out and make Wednesday teen- ings a big night at the Arena., ',nee MAY, VISIT CANADA Alexander A. Troyanovsky, first Soviet anabassador to the United Stat- es, who -upon his arrival at New York expressed himself in favor of an in- formal visit to Canada, as the first Step toward normal trade relations between the Dominion and Russia. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Alfred Carr spent the week- end in Detroit. Mr. Phil.sDyer, of London, was a visitor in town over the week -end. Big Auction Sale at Burk's Friday and Saturday. Everything will be sold. .Misses Janisa and 'Ann Homuth of Windsor are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr. Mrs. G. L. Baker and Mrs. A. J. Walker were week -end visitors with friends in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. McMi- chael, Wingham Jct. • el. Mrs. Clair Adams is in Toronto at- tending the Annual Meeting of the Hairdressers' Association. Mrs. John E. Fells and Oliver Fells spent the week -end in Detroit, the guests of Mr. D. C. Scott. Mrs. A. M. F'ralick returned on Thursday from a viist with her son, Mr. George E. Tees, St. 'Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. j. M. R. Spittall will leave on Thursday for a three weeks' vacation in Toronto and Mount For- est. . Mrs. Edith Wood who has been vis- iting with her neice, Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, returned to Toronto on Monday. 'Mrs. 5, 0. Habkirk was called to Seaforth last week on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. John Ben- nett, At time of writing, however, we are pleased to report she is making eome improvement. Euchre'and Dence Much Enjoyed On TuesdaS- evening the first of a series of six Euchres was held in the Parish Hall of the Sacred Heart Church. There was e pea attendan- ce. Euchre was enjoyed during the early part of the evening which was followed by lunch and dancing. The ptizee \etre won by Mrs. Soli and Mr, Joe Gibbons. ' BOT FLY AND WAR- BLE FLY CONTROL Internal and External parasites of live stuck are responsible for a tre- mendous ameseut of loss each year to the farmers 'of Ontario: Two of the wort offenders are the Bot flies at- tacking horses and the Warble or Heel flies which are responsible for the running at "gadding" of cattle during the summer months. As farmers are becoming more in- terested in the control of these pests the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture at Clinton has arranged for a ser- ies of meetings on this subject. All farmers in the districts where these meetings are being held ere cordially invited to attend, The time, place and date of these meeeings are as follows: Loidesboro, Community Hall, on Monday, Jan, 156, 2, pen, Winghern, Town Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 16th,' 2 p.m. Brussels, Town Hall, Wednesday, jae. 17th, 2 p.,111. Ethel, Township Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 8 pew orrie, Township Han, Thursday, 18th, 2 p.m. Vordwich, Church Hall, Thursday, jan, l'fith, 8 p.m. UNITED CliUR'CI-1 W. M. S. HOLD SPLENDID MEETING Encouraging Reports for 1933 Givers, The first meeting, of the New Year of the Woman's Missionary Society of Wingliam United Church was held in the school room on Tuesday, Mrs. Willis presiding over the first part of the meeting. The Seripture lesson was given by Miss Terner, while prayer was offered by Mrs. Wm, -Field, and Miss Bolt. Very splendid 'eports of the work done during 1933 were pre- sented by the different officers. The society has 69 annual and 25 life mem- bers, and reports the loss of three valued members by death during the year. Excellent work \vas done by the visiting committee who called on the, sick, shut-ins, and newcomers, mak- ing, a total of 319 calls, 52 of which were to patients in the Hospital. Sev- eral bales of quilts and clothing were sent to New Ontario and to the Wes- tern relief, neuch of the work being clone at the special teas which were held in each ward. The Missionary Monthly-, the W.M.S. paper, goes into 52 homes and is proving a source of inspiration to all who read it. The Treasurer's report was most encouraging, $746 having been receiv- ed during the year, of this $250 was given systematically in monthly en- velopes, and $140 by special effort in the different words. The Mission Band Leader, Mrs. W. Wellwood, reported 55 members and $56 raised. Mrs. Adams, who has charge of the Baby Band told of 24 members, including 2 new life mem- bers, and a contribution of $7.50. The C.G.I.T. Group, under the leadership of Miss McGregor, reported 22 mem- bers and $10 given to Missions, Following the reports, the new Pre- sident, Mrs. F. R. Howson, took over the meeting and gave a short"talk on the work of the Auxiliary, saying that one aim is to develop our own lives spiritually so that we are stronger and better wansen for belonging to the W.M.S. Mrs. Geddes presented the chapter of the study book "Can China Support Her Millions?", after which Mrs. Williams rendered an ap- propriate solo. Some plans were made and programme arranged for the com- ing year. The meeting was then clos- ed by the President. CITY MISSION The Evangelistic Services at the City Mission over the week -end were enjoyed by large congregations. The music and singing were ,such as should not be missed by anyone. A Cribbage Tournament, Jan. 15th Will be held in the Armouries on Monday evening at 8.15 o'clock. All cribbage players invited. A. good time is assured. Fowl for prizes. Special Prices for Cash, Jan. 13th Fresh Side Pork in piece 14c lb.; Shoulder Roast of Fresh Pork 13 to 15c lb.; Whole Shoulder of Fresh Pork 12c lb.; All cuts from young Pork. Thos. Field & Co. Penny Bank Report The Penny Bank report just receiv- ed for Sept, and Oct. 1933, shows 51% of the pupils- in our Public School us- ing the bank. The amount on deposit was 2225.58, as compared with $1,- 904.05 of a year ago. On 10 B.P. Thursday night, Jan. 11th, the Tri- ple V Bible Class will be on the air with its first mid -week broadcast. The program of good music and clean humour inaugurating a series of half- hour broadcasts will be heard through Your Home Station 1013.P. Listen in each Thursday front 7.30 to 8 o'clock for a !edict presentation which is markedly different On Jan. 18th a 1 - act 'piny written by Mr. Harold Wilds snember of the class, will be beard. Goforth Mission Band The monthly !fleeting of the Go- forth Mission Band of St. Andrew's Church was Held at the Manse Thurs- day evening, Jan. 4th, with a good attendance present. After prayer of- fered by Mrs. Hammond, Mrs, Dun- ning read the Scripture leesoe. Mies Fairy Fells read a paper telling of the 'Mission Work in the West, after which Mrs. Drake led in prayer. Mr, MacLean spoke to the Band encour- aging them in their work for the 'com- ing year, After closing, the meeting with prayer it pleasant social hour wae spent, HAVE DISPLAY AT FURNITURE SHOW Fry & Blackhell have again this year a display of chesterfields at tile Kitchener Furniture Show vviticit op- ened on Monday and will last for two weeks. Furniture buyers from ell over Can • - ada attended this shour which is con- sidere.d one of the finest displays of its kind in Canada. ' The prospects that the local firm will receive many orders at this show are very bright, as they have elready booked many orders for chesterfield. suites. • Messrs. E. S. Copeland and Har- court Mundy are in charge of the dis- play. OBITUARY Mrs. Margaret McBurney The funeral of Margaret Guest, wi- dow of the late Hugh McBurney, was held from her late residence, Carling Terrace, Friday afternoon. The de- . ceased had been in poor health for a month prior to her death, but up to that time enjoyed fair health despite her advanced age of 83 years. She was born in London, Ont., and as a Ichild moved with her parents to Luck - now where she spent her early life. Deceased had been married three times, her first husband, Andrew Smith, passed away about forty years ago; her second husband, John Stein, about twenty-three years ago, and her late husband, five years ago. She leaves to mourn her, one daughter, Mrs. D. Lediet, of town. Interment was made in Wingham Cemetery. Mrs. Michael. Robertson There passed away at the home of • her daughter, Mrs. Percy Powers, Main Street, Rockwood, on Saturday, January 6th, Marian Murdoch, widow of the late Michael Robertson, after • ten days' illness from pleurisy follow- ed by pneumonia. - She was leorn at Bowmanville on April 30th, 1859, daughter of the late Alexander and Marian Murdoch. • When she was quite young the tam- ly moved to Ashfield, Huron Coun- ty. In 1890 she was married to Mi- chael Robertson, and resided in Wingham continuously until 1928 ex- cept for seven years' residence spent • at Marnock. • • She leaves to mourn their loss, • three daughters, Mrs. Percy Powers, • Rockwood; Mrs. Orval E. Taylor, of Belgrave, and Mrs. J. R. Boland, of Seattle, Wash.; also ten grandchild- ren and two great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Robt. IVIainprize, of Sylvania., Sask. She was predeceased by her husbend, Aug. 5th, 1904. A short service was conducted in Rockwood Monday morning by Rev. W. 3. Taylor, assisted by Rev. J. Lit- tle. The cortege left Rockwood on the 9.04 a.m. train Monday for Wing - ham. On arrival a service was held front R. A. Currie's 'Undertaking Par • - lours at 3.30 p.m. Rev. Kenneth Mac- Lean of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, officiated, assisted by Rev, A. M. Grant, of Belgrave. Interment in Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers were: John A. Murdoch, Wm. Fish- er of Lucknow, Fred W. Cook, Joseph Dunbar, Charles Coultes and. Orval E. Taylor, all of Belgrave. Hospital Euchr,a and Dance Everyone is invited to the Council Chamber on Thursday evening, Jan- uary llth to attend a Euchre -Bridge party with a dance afterwards in aid of the Wingham General Hospital. Euchre and Bridge will commence a.t 8 o'clock sharp. Lunch* served at 10.- 30. New and old time dancing at 11 o'clock. Admission 26e. Come and have a good time and help the tioss , TEN MEN LEAVE FOR GOVT. CAMP X In arrangement with the Govern- ment the Council have sent ten Wing - ham men to a Government Camp at Burleigh Falls, Ont., about 20 miles north of Peterborough. Just what work these. men will be engaged in le not definitely known but It is expect- ed it will be building roads. •-e The boys left On the noon C. r, train, Tueesday, eee The list of those wile went arta Harold Finlay, Cecil Jacobs, Artlie. tr. Sicikes, Harry Baldwin, Albert Cathpbell, Stanley Heederson, Fred Finlay, "Larry Campbell, Areold Dee- 1118, C111Y1011. reennis, ,