HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-01-04, Page 810.
i� Liar i;
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 4, 5:and 6
"Private etectiveNo
A Detective Mystery Story.,
Two Reel Comedy — "WHAT PRICE TAXI"
Mr, Gordon Rowe and Mi•, 'Harold
Sperling, of Meaford spent New
Year's with the Tatter's family here.
Mr. Sarling has improved nicely since
his recent operation,
Mrs. Chas. Gillespie spent last week
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Borth-
wick of St. Catharines.
Mr, and Mrs. Al. Bowling of Ham-
Ilton, Miss Pauline Reed of Mount
Forest and Miss Evelyn Reed of
Lucknow, spent last week with their
patents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Reed.
Miss Genevieve Watt of Long
Branch, is spending this month at the
home of Mr. Wm. Barbour.
Miss Ida McQuoid and Mr. George.
McQuoid spent New Year's with Mrs,
(Dr) Patterson, of Lucknow.
Mi, Eli, Jacqueshas been very ill
during the past week and is suffering
from a bad heart attack.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Mackay and ,
of Win ran , Miss Agnes Mackay,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon and fam-
ily were .guestsat the home of Mr:
and Mrs. Rob. Mowbray on New
Year's evening:
Knight - Fisher
A very quiet wedding was solemniz-
ed at high noon at the manse, White-
church, on Saturday, December 30,
when 'Rev: J. Pollock united in mar-
raige, Miss Anetta Fisher, only dau-
ghter of Mr. W. J. Fisher of Kinloss
and the late Mrs. Fisher, to Leonard
Albert Knight of Stratford, son of Mr.
Knight of Linwood and the late stirs`,
Knight. The bride looked charming
in a crepe dress of hyacinth bine and
carried a bouquet of valley lilies and.
sweetheart roses. They were attended
1 v Miss :Dorothy Knight, sister of
tee groom, and Mr. George Kennedy,.
rusin of the bride. The bride wore
a blue coat trimmed with gray fur and
blue accessories.
After the wedding a dinner was
served to immediate relatives at the
bride's home. The happy couple will
reside in Stratford where the groom
has a .position. The bride's many
friends in this community extend to
them best wishes for a long and hap-
py wedded life:
Mr. antl:Mrs. David Kennedy and.
family and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Tech.-
bourne of Goderich, were New Year's
;guests with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. George Garton and
family spent New Year's with Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. McGee.
Miss . Olive Farrier returned to
Stratford Normal School on Wednes-
day. Mr. -and Mrs. Alec. Mowbray and
other relatives:, spent Christmas with
Mr, and. Mrs. Wesley Leggatt.
The young folk of the community
spent a pleasant evening in the Insti--
tute Half on Wednesday evening last.
Atter a short program of varied num-
bers and much humor, all enjoyed
dancing until closing time..
Mr. Eddie Moore : and Mr.` John
Wraith spent a'week recently with
friends.in Toronto.
Master Ivan" Wightman of West-
field, spent last week here with his
grandparents, Mrs. Chas. Wightman
and IvEr. George Wightman spent New
Year's here also.
Mrs. Jack Henderson mid Eileen
and Ivan, . of Paramount, spent, the
week -end with her mother, Mrs. Jas.
Many in this community'sympath-
ize with Mr. and Mrs., John Menzies
and son Alec of E. Wawanosh, whose
barn was brned down on Friday mor-
ning. It; was discovered to be in
flames when the fancily wakened in -
the early: morning. Several horses
were bruited and a great number of
cattle, They were making an early
start as they were shipping cattle, but
the origin of the fire cannot be as-
Miss Agnes Wilson, nurse -in -train-
ing in Stratford Hospital, spent Xmas
Day with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Wilson.`
Many will be interested to know
� P Jrano
This month we are giving Big Reductions in all
Winter Clothing, Underwear; Odd Trousers, Caps,
etc. Save on Winter Merchandise at
Hanna and Co Ltd.
Sale Commences on
F • I AY JAN , 5th
Regular $14.00: Coats, On Sale ,
Regular $1.6,00 Coats, On Sale'
Regular $25.00 Coats, On Sale ...
Regular $40.00` Coats, On Sale .. , .... $33.75
... , $13.75
Regular $9.00 Coats, On Sale
Regular $7.50 Coats, On Sale
Regular $6.00 Coats, On Sale .
.. $6.95
... « ..$5.25
, $3.95
2 Pant. Suits
Ra>r $1.00 Suits, Ora .Sale
Regular $25.00 Suits, Oen Sale
Regular $35,00 Suits, On Sale
...... .$26.75
Thursday, January 4th, 1934
that Mr, Archie Radford, of Blyth, a
former' resident of.Whitechurch, has
sold his store to Mr, Kernich, Mr.
Radhu I sltflcred from a slight stroke
Mrs. Davidson and son Jim, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, on
Mr. Mcilville Beecroft lefton Tues-
day to attend the College of Edu-
cation in Toronto for the next term,
Mr. and iVXrs, Ezra Wellwood and
fancily spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs, John Falconer and with his par-
ents there,
Mr: Wesley Lott, of Brussels, spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Walter Lottt.
Mrs. Jas. E. Robinson and Frances
of Wingham, spent a few days last
week at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
3. D. Beecroft.
Miss Bertha Mackay of Stratford,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and«,Mrs. Hector Mackay.
Bluevale School Trustees' Re-elected'
The annual meeting of the rate-
payers of U, S, S. No. 4. Turnberry.
(Bluevale School) was held in the
school house on Wednesday Dec. 27,
Owing to the extremely stormy wea-
ther the attendance was not as large
as usual; Q
Jaynes Kerney filled the position of
chairman. R. H. McKinnnon gave the
trustees and inspector's reports, show-
ing the workof the teacher and pu-
pils to be satisfactory and the school
grounds and buildings to be in good
shape, \,
The teacher Miss Alice Aitkin is
re-engaged, duties to commence Jan.
Mr. Barnard has the contract of
supplying the wood, 15 cords, 16 inch
wood at $2.45 per cord.
The trustees: Russel Jermyn, Ed-
ward Barnard, and Stanely Gallaher.
newly elected filling the place of
William Nicholson who retired. Secy
treasurer R. H, McKinnon.
Miss Rirby'G, Duff R N, dietetion
at the Woman's College Hospital
Toronto, is spending the New Year
holiday with her sisters Miss Duff and
Mrs, Alice Aitkin..
Mrs. Roberston and Miss Fraser
entertained a family party on New
Years Da -r•. 2fr. and Mrs; Robt. Shaw,
Mr. and Mrs, Milton 'Fraser, Bob and
and Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Nicholson. '
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke of Wing -
ham were New Year visitors with
Miss, Duff and Mrs. Alice Aitkin.
Mrs. Laura Kirton and son Eldon
spent the holiday with 12r, and Mrs,
Joseph Curtis.
Friends of Mrs. NV. L. Spier wll be
pleased to know that she is making-
akingfavorable progress after her operation
for appendicetis a week ago.
The annual banquet under the aus-
pices of the Young Peoples' Society
of the United Church was held in the
school room on Friday evening, over
thirty sat down to the tables anal en-
joyed a real social treat.
Miss. E. Graham of Kincardine who
has been caring for Mrs. Robt. Mus-
grove for several months has return-
ed to her 'home, the position here s
beng filled by Mrs. Nellie Scott.
Thd regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held on
Thursday afternoon Jan. llth, at the
home of Miss Olive Scott, the pro-
gramme is in charge of a committee
of young ladies. Misses Donna Sein-
th, Hazel Mundell, Elizabeth Robert-
tson .and Dorothy Greenway.
Ladies of thecommunity are always
welcome at the meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Elliott and clan-`
ghter of St. Catherhtes, spent Christ-
mas at tate home of Mr. and Mrs,.
Raymond Elliott.
Mr. Chas. Messer of Toronto, spent
Xmas with his sister Mrs, Raymond
Anglican Sunday School Concert
The Christmas Entertainment held
by the members of the Anglican Sun-
day School was given in the Foresters
Hall on Tuesday evening Dec. 26 but
was not very largely attended owing
to the stormy weather. Mel. Bradburn
acted as chairman owing to the ab-
sence of Rev. Pocock,
The programme consisted of reci-
tations, ducts, solos, choruses and
other numbers by the children,'A
short play was also well 'given,
The singing of the National An -
nein brought a pleasant evening to
a close.
Miss Certie Armstrong
brother Henry and Mrs. Armstrong
in Windsor,
Miss Mildred Stobie of ,Wilton
Grove tvas a visitor- with Miss Velma
Mr, W Messer and children Vet'-
non and Lois of Palmerston were
holiday visitors with: Mr, and Mrs.
'V• H, Armstrong
Mr. and Mr•s. Btrrlo of Port Mc-
Nichol are visitors '~with the ladies'
parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas,` Anderson
5th. line of Morris.
s'with her.
Anton hof Sales
At King's
Clearing Many Winter Lines
at a Big Saving to the customer:
On Sale This Week
All our Women's Fine Coats;
All our Men's Overcoats..
Look! Ladies!
30 Fine Coats Half Price
27 Coats Less a Third
38 Coats Less 20%
Every one of .them richly fur-
trimmed, with fine Wolf, Musk-
rat, French Beaver, Electric
Seal or Opossum Becoming
Styles for the ,Matron, Miss, and
the Short Figures; andin the
Season'Best Colors.
Come, Thursday to Saturday
this week, or whenever you can
make it convenient. Of course,.
early shopping for best choice,
is always advisable.
Look! Men!
Big Suit Sale during January.
As an "Extra Special" Fashion -
Craft and Cambridge Clothes
makers are giving Extra Trous-
ers "Free" with every suit sold
during January. This is a sav-
ing of practically 20% on these
High Class Suits. • Come and
chooseyours while the patterns
are unbroken. The savings to
be had now will look good to
you in the very near future.
Big Discount on All Men's and
Boys' Overcoats.
Re ..
� red lu
Registered e
a Diamonds
First Class Watch
C. N. R. Watch
Miss Beatrice Wade of Sturgeon
Falls spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs, C. H. Wade.
Miss Colina Clark of Port Dalhou,e
spent the Christmas vacation with her
mother Mrs. Clark at the home of her
sister Mrs. Marvin : McDowell,
C. R. Coultes spent Tuesday in
Maitland Johnston, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Johnston is undergoing
treatment in the \Vinghani General
The annual school meetings were
rather spar•sley attended owing to the
very cold stormy weather. At the
meeting held in the Belgr'ave school
Mr. Harry IV);cCleneghan was re-el-
ected for a new term of three years,
The annual meeting of. the Bee-'
gree Farmers Club will be held at the.
home of Mr. C. R. Coultes on 'Tues-
day wetting, Jan.' 9. The delegates
report` of the meeting held in Decem-
ber at Toronto will be given at this
A cordialeinvitation is extended to all
who are interested in the farmers
question. Please bring sandwiches.
Bluevale School
Report of I',luevale School for the
Autumn 'term. 75% is honor stand-
ing. 60% is satisfactory, Number en-
rolled 33, Total enrolment for year
Sr. IV -Betty Kaufmann 88, Arnold
7.illow 76, Daisy Holntes' 7d, . Eliza-
beth Mothers 69, Willie 'X-Xa1( 68, Er-
rrie T alconer 67, Marjorie Hall 68,
Jr: IV—Douglas l dntonds,.78,
Sr, III—Malian X<aufnrann 15, Joe
Nicholson 74, Clarence hlollenbeck
78, jack Lillow 61.
Jr, III—jack ' ibtott•:bray '76,, Warrt
Cameron 66, Alba Slriell 63, Luther
Kerr 62, bouglas If,err 674
Se ;orcdw—George `fltotrrsnn 80, l -lel-
en Thomson 78, Russel Hallenbeck
76, Spence McKineon 75, Donald
Cameron 66,, Bob Fraser 63, Bernard
Li11oe A7.
Iitzst- Florence Shiell 88, Ma}'igrie
Kerr 87, Betty Stacey 81, Betty
corker 80, 80, 'Alvin Stacey 55.
Primer—Excellent, Jean Stewart;
Good, Alan Barnard, Norma Hall,
Flody Ho.11enbeck.
A, Aitken, Teacher,
S, S. No, 8, E. Wawanosh
Edna Vincent `77%a, Ferne McCal-
lum 68%.
Form. IV-1V.Cerle Anderson 78%,
Lloyd Cook 52%. Junior, Maitland.
Johnston 67%, Roy Bennett 66%,
Velma Cook 58%.
Form III—Jr„ Jean McCallum 79,
Ira Cook 64, Russell Jamieson .61,
StewartmJamieson. 54.
Form HI—Isabel Scott 92, Shirley
Chamney 80, Clifford Bennet 78, Julia
Anderson 75, Dorothy Jamieson 67.
Form. I—Donald Cook 55.
Primer Class—Mable Bennett, Ken-
neth Gunningham and Nora Scott
Those marked * have missed one
N. J. Iiabkirk, Teacher.
U.S.S. No. 3, E. Wawanosh &:Morris
75% is honor standing; 60% is sat-
isfactory. The marks submitted be-
low indicate percentages of the total_,
Fifth Class—Loretta Kelly 80.
Senior Fourth -Edna Baird "84,
Jeannette Benninger 80, Sarto Healy
71, Edwin Fear 70.,
Junior Fourth—Marion Nethery 83,
Kathleen McGill 80, Cameron Walsh
Junior Third—Augustus Healy 70,
Alma Benninger 67, Albert Kelly 66,
Everett Grasby 62.
Senior' Second—Gerard Phelan 78,
Walter Caba 69. •
First—Clifford Kelly 85, Helen Mc-
Gill 83, Jean Nethery 81, Leona Ben-
ninger 78, Iona Johnston 76, Jimmie
Pierce 61.
Printer r —
George 'Nesbitt, Nesbitt; good;
Doris Pierce, good; Alex. Nethery,
good; •Slyvester ,Benninger, fair,
D. E. Aitken, Teacher,`
S. S. No. 9, Turnberry
The following is the report of
School Section No. 9, Turnberry, for
the fall term. Honors 75%, Pass 60%.
Jr. IV—Marguerite Henning: 68.
Sr. III-Peveral Breen 65.
Jr, III -Irene Taylor 63, Kathleen
Elsley 59, Ellis Elsley 58.
Second—Frances Powell 61.5, Ed-
ward ' Powell 61.2.
First—Mary Powell 75.
Primer 'A—Alice Howes '75, Clar-
ence Henning 70.
Primer B—John Howes 73.
Number on roll -ll.
Alberta M. Shiell, Teacher.
S, S. No., 6., Turnberry
*—indicates absence from an exam.
Honors 75%, Pass 60%.
V—Lloyd Wilson 75.
Sr. TV -Bruce MacLean 79.
Sr. III—Vivian MacLean 75, Mary`
King* 71, Joseph Moir 69, Russel
Wingham's Popular, Sanitary Corner Grocery Store. You
may come a little further but you save a little more. Use our°
Phone 17. We Deliver, no matter how small an order.
SPECIALS Good till Wednesday, January l.Qth,
Sweet Cooking Onions 10 lb 10c
Spanish • Onions 2 lb. for 5c
Heinz Bulk Pickles 24c pint
Cider Vinegar (pure) 34c gal.
Table Salt, .Iodine or free run-
ning 2 boxes for 15c
Chipso or Oxyclbl, large size
pkg. Special .,.... 19c; 2 for 37c.
Clark's !Pork & Beans 3 for 19c
Prepared Mustard, Crosse &
Blackwell's 3 for 19c
Sparko Cleaner tin 6c
Chef Catsup 12 oz. bottle ,net
Special - ,,.,:.. 2 bottles 24c
Irish Cobbler Potatoes 99c bag
Heinz Catsup ,,. 14 oz. bottle 15c
Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes and 1
pkg Princess Flakes for >,.'19c
Tea Special, Bik. or Mixed'',
reg. 50c and 60c line for 32c
Red Rose Tea, lb. pkg 24c
Gold or Pearl Soap 10 bars 32c
Sane Flush, Special 23c tin
Breakfast Cocoa, Special 10c 1b,
McLaren's Olives, stuffed 14
oz, size'28c, plain for 24e bot.
Best Mixed Nuts, Special 14c lb.
Best Mincemeat 2 lbs. 25c
Cattle Salts .......,....:.. _.._...., 5c lb. Sulphur and Salt Petre .:.. 10c ib.
We Keep Down the. Upkeep.We
Holmes 67, Willie, McCormicl( 62,
Mary Tervitt** 54. ,<
Sr. II—Jean McKague Sp, Edwin
Chandler 63;
I—Perrie Holmes 85, James Moir
Pr,—Billie King 94.
Verna McLaughlin, Teacher.
Too Late for Last Week)
Those taking Christmas dinner with
friends: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mun-
dell and family at Peter Hakney's,.
Jack Herd of Wingham; with his par-
ents; s Rev. and
SOr witho
friends; Mrs. Newans and Norman,
with Mrs. Casemore; Eleanor Jeffray
at Wm. Curie's; Mr. and Mrs: Jack
Reid and Elva at McNeil's; Minnie
Jeffray with Mrs. Lawrence Sr.; at R.
J. Douglas'; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pur -
don, Mr. and Mrs. Dick ' Culliton,
Shirley and Audrey of gllenannan, Mr.
and Mrs, Hugh Douglas, Etheline and
Lloyd, Mr. Fred Tuck, Misses Dor-
othy and Hazel Douglas, of West
Moncton, Miss Hakney, at George
Miss Eunice Hakney, of Toronto,
was home for the New Year.'
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society was held
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Misses Jeffray. There were eleven
in attendance. Meeting opened by
singing "Unto the Hills" followed by
prayer in unison, minutes by Mrs. W.
Mundell,;also Xmas reading. Roll call
verse on Xmas. Collection. Hymn
178 was sung in memoriam. ' Prayer
by Mrs. :Peter Hakney. Coffee and
lunch were served by the "hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hakney and
Eunice, also Norman Newans, took
New Year's dinner at Wm. Curle's.
Mrs. Casemore, Etoile and Madeline
with Eleanor and Minnie Jeffray.
Miss Etoile Casemore spent Sunday
with Miss Margaret Mundell,
The election held on New Year's
for Reeve Mr. George .McNall defeat-
ed his opponent, Mr. J. Heffron
majority153. J
Dr, and Mrs. E. C. Toll spent the
holiday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Toll, E. Wawanosh.
Miss Lois Robinson, also Mr. Reg. --
Ardent returned to their school 'at
Crowland, Welland County, had*ing•
spent the holidays at their respective
homes here; Harold Wightrnanto his
school at Manitoulin Island.
Mr. Armand Kerninck, Kitchner,
has purchased the grocery business of
Mr, A. Radofrd, the latter' giving up
his business on account of ill health:
Huilett election, Mr. James Leiper
defeated Mr. M. Armstrong for the
Miss Lillian Knox, died in Toronto
Hospital, Funeral service at the home
of her brother, Mr. Thomas Kerr on
Wednesday.' Interment at Burns'
Church Cemetery, Hullett.
. It was with sincere regret that our
citizens learned of the deaht of Mrs.
Edward Launcly on Thursday at her
home on Hamilton St, aged 55 years.
Deceased had been ill for . a few
weeks with. pneumonia. Her husband
four daughters and two sons survive.
Rev, L. V. Pocock conducted the ser-
vice on Saturday, paying tribute to
her loyal devotion to the organiza-.
tions of her church. Interment in Un
ion Cemetery:-
0 011=10
T e DoIIar Brid11
By Mary Imlay Taylor
"TIME DOLLAR BRIDE" is made altogether absorbing as Mary
Imlay Taylor tells it, pouring into its chapters such an abundance
A . Charming Love ' Story Chuok Full of
Ezperien+ce, Adventure and Interest
"Nancy Gordon trades herself in marriage for fifteen thousand dol-
lars —• the price of her family honor and the freedom of her bro-
ther, toddy, who stole from the bank in which he worked. Nancy,
desperately in love with young Page Roemer, nevertheless agrees
to elope with Dr. Richard Morgan on the condition that he keep
the marriage a secret. Dr. Morgan is loved by Helena Haddon, a
sophisticated young married woman, but he adores Nancy and
hopes to win her after marriage. Nancy refuses to see Page the
night before her elopement, and steals, broken-hearted,out of her
house early the `next morning to: keep her rendezvous ith her fut.
ure husband. At the station while they wait for the train, they are
seen by Helena Haddon's husband. .
/t Ia a WonderlulStory