HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-12-21, Page 13Thursday, Dec. 21st, 1933 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES SCHOOL REPORT LLPPERS THE. For every member of the Family, Slippers or a pair of our lovely Goloshes make :an. ideal Gift. , , We haire a wide variety and a complete assort- ment of sizes, priced low for. quick sale.. MERRY, • MERRY, MEiRY CHRISTMAS To all our Friends and Patrons we extend Greetings. GREER'S The Good Shoe Store,. Wingham, Ont. BELGRAVE Mrs. Jas. Wightman and daughter,. Phyllis, spent the week -end in Strat- ford with relatives. Badly Scalded Lloyd, the small- son of Mr. and Mrs. John' Anderson, met with an un- fortunate accident the other night• when he upset a cupful of hot tea from table. The contents w'hich spill- ed down his face and arm, burned him quite badly .and will cause the wee man considerable pain fot.„a time but we trust he will 'continue to im- prove steadily. Mrs. Corbett and children spent the week -end in Stratford. "Wisdom comes to no •one by chan- ce."—Seneca. S.S. No. 1.1,, East Wawanosh The following is the report of S. S. No, 11, East Wawanosh for the months of November and Deeember. Honors 75%, Pass 60%, V Class—Henry Pattison 66, Jr, IV--biek Irwin 82; Willa Reid f31.2; Helen Thompson 77.4; Allan Smith 45.3, Sr. III—June Irwin 72,2, jr, III—Martha Smith 55.1. II—Dorothy •Pattison 77,4. Primer ---Gwendolyn Irwin, Ruby Smith; both good. No, on roll 10, Jessie E. Finlayson, Teachr C.N.R. Earnings The gross revenues of the all -in - elusive Canadian National RailwaYs System for the week ending Dedern- ber 7i'h, 1933, were $2,998,864, as com- pared with $2,892,563 for the corres- ponding period of 1932, a decrease of $106,301. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs, A. Field and son of Wingham, visitedwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge on Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Addison Fraser visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Godkin of Zetland. . Mr. arid Mrs. R. J.1McClellan visit- ed with friends in Gray on Sunday., Mr, Charlie South has been laid up with rheumatism for a couple of weeks. We are pleased to say he is able to be out again. Mr. Frank Stamper spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr. William Sonch. ' Mrs. (Rev.) A. V. Robb has been on the sick list and 'under the doc- tor's care, Browntowe always gives a 50c en- tertainment for 25c so be on hand on Friday evening at 8 p.m.. Don't miss the play entitled "That's What They All Say." Williams: "I've had another addi- tion to my family since I saw you last." Nortorvf "You don't say so: I ani surprised. Boy or girl?" Williams.: "Son-in-law." V2.11nVrae4RWM-WatPro"4-: *.1.N. i , ••• CLUBHOUSE PLAIN - 6 6 -oz. Jar 17c McLAREN'S STUFFED 11 -oz. Jar 0 / ir. 4. c vgaigNikkavaki",w.!i FINEST Malaga Table Raisins 1-1b. Pkg. 21 (1''etki?llap Rocks and Spools, Jellies, Peppermints, lb. Chocolates, Etc., Etc. AND Jelly Beans, Humbugs, Gum Drops, Satin Mixed, Etc., Etc, lb. Christ' las L tt CE e 4(1! You'll• find 11,11 Savings you make at ...."Dominion" art Nal Presents, not only at Christmas, bL Al the year round. NEW CROP, SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES 25c 35c 45c doze rries N n3 19 C ce FIRM, CRISP HEADS. 0 1111111411,11..iii, '• 14110i • • OUR OWN ° Christmas ° CAKE Plain or Almond Iced 4' lb. 39 c Puddings Each 619 Approx.1,A lbs. OLIVES .1\leva. Crop Mixed lb. DOMINION STORES TEAS To Round Out the Feait DOMINO lb. seic Red Package - a 7. RICHMELLO Ib. A1C 33lue Label a a - 447 RICHMELLO UI Yellow Label a a - • C 'DOMINION STORES COFFEES BRAZILS Ib 1046 ALMONDS . ib. 23 wALNuTs lb, 4420 FILBERTS . lb. 190 PEANUTS - lb. 1O "SHELLED NUTS' WALNUT Halves lb.g00 WALNUT Pieces lb. 40 ALMONDS .Il 49C COCOANUT lb. 21 $10.10.4100.0 Are :1-"rsl] Ground in the Store "RICHMELLO" 1b 39 "DOMINO" ib. 330 "Early Morning" ib, 270 Australian Seedless RAISINS - 2 lbs. 27d Domino Seedlesi RAISINS - Pkg. 1St Lemon and Orange PEEL - - lb. 210 Whole Glace CHERRIES . 39,0 Recleaned CURRANTS lb. 170 Seeded RAISINS - Pkg. 15i4 iA New Season's TABLE 1 FIGS lb, 9 Shirriff's Table JELLIES 12 -oz. Jar 250 Z.T.") Crosse & 131aekwell's Brannon Pickle jar ald Hi -Grade Bot HORSERADISH - 106 McLaren'S Jelly POWDERS 4 Pkgs. 250 Bird's Custard POWDER Pkg, Dominion PEAS No. 2 Tin ASd Aylmer No. 1 TM ASPARAGUS 19e Vr1006410t a, • r•••' • • NtrAVrXMW.M.,-0--V--,' MOP - „e'• • ..., • '•• `'”•Se .44,••••' Gift Bargains For Last Minute Xmas Shoppers ts.tio,10*, LUSTROUS RAYON BED SPREADS All over floral designs, large size 80 by 100, an acceptable gift, colors, rose, 'blue, gold, mauve and Ivory, 2 98 Regular $3.95. LUCKY SEVEN ,HOSE FOR GIFTS Pair 98c We box these excellent hose, what better gift than •a pair of these hard wearing hose, in 3 qualities, Service Chif- fon and.Sherette n Qc pair boxed...... UV! GIFT BAZAAR • Znd FLOOR LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS Gifts in China Large size, heav3/ quality double damask linen size 2 Linens, Etpa e yards by 21h yards n at tt erns, regular c. $6.95, Each 4.95 Neat stripes and good weight flan- asz, nelette, cut on roomy lines ""‘-P'' Men's Pyjamas Good weight striped flannelette, V neck style, neat stripe, .and well fin- 1.59 ished, regular $1.75 'Boys' Pyjamas Choice of styles, good quality plain silk like coverings, in blue, gold, rose and green well filled forms, regular $1.29, rk 0 Each COSY GIFT LINGERIE This style of underwear will prove highly satisfactory both in wear dainty appliqued as illustrated. and warrnth, winter weight, and Vest and Bloomer 1 50 Set' Bath Towel Set A4 Consist of Towels'and Face Cloths, neatly wrapped in celophane, ribbon tied, ishq,„, . Regular $1.15, each .--14.1%. Printed Lengths -, A practical gift, a length for an Apron or Atrractive new Bath Tow- els, 22x44 inches, specially selected for gift purposes. Smart conventional and large floral designs; Blue, Rose, Gold Green and corn bination. colorings 49 C Boxed each CHILDREN'S PYJAMAS Mickey Mouse and other interesting designs set them off, some little girl would be pleased to receive a gift such as these, fine quality rayon, hi choice of colors. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Regular $L50. 29 LACE TRIMME6 GOWNS 'Dainty Rayon Night Gowns, trimmed with lace, various col- ors. A most desirable Gift, regular $1.95. Each 1 e39 BUILD'NG BLOCKS Many hours can be spent with these constructive buil- ding blocks, regular mn 75c, Set ................. 01../ZIC TEDDY BEAS Well made teddy heap that stand plenty of hard usage, size 14 inches high, MO Creg. 75c, each WRITING PAPER Good quality boxed writing paper, envelopes and paper to match. Reg. '2 9 c 43 Reg. 29 75c. c 50c. BULL FIGHTER Wind up this toy and you get a good idea of a man fight- ing a bull, an amusing toy. Regular 59c. Each 39c TRACTORg This toy will stand plenty of abuse, strong wind up spring climbs over obstruct- P7 M tions, reg. 95c, each... XMAS CAR -DS Xmas Cards in wide assort- ment, all include ,envelope to match. Each MEN'S SWEATER COATS A desirable and practice gift, Vest and Varsity knit style, pure wool, in various color combinations, Bloomers or Panties and I3rassiere, fine deep roll collars, two pockets, regular $2.45. Each 1.98quality run resist rayon, reg.n . $1.49, Set 1. 5c Fine quality cotton in these embroidered pillow slips, choice of various patterns, hemstitched or scalloped hems, reg, On ... $1.25, Pair OUV. GIFT LINGERIE SETS MORRIS COUNCIL Afinutes of Council meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Friday Dec. 15, 1933. Members were all present, the Reeve presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A By-law empowering the Council to levy and collect taxes was read and passed. It was decided to hold the nomin- ation meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1933. The following are the Deputy Re- turning Officer, and clerks appointed at the different Polling Subdivisions; No. 1, R. Wallace, Lloyd Scott; No. 2, Frank Kelly, Bertram Kelly; No. 3, Earl Anderson, Ernest Noble; No, 5, Lyle Hopper, Itewart Procter; No. 6, Harvey Robertson, Carl Johnston. The following accounts were paid: Mrs, Geo, Kelly, refund dog tax $1.00; Corporation of Blyth, rent of Hall and court dues $20.00; Charles A. 25 8 -in. the $1,63; W. S. Archibald, Sell- er's drain $30.00; J. A. Brown, refund dog tax $2.00;- L. E. Cardiff, sheep killed $4.00; Nelson Higgins, stamps and stationery. $8,08; Financial State- ment ,;r1.00; Truant Officer $12,00, Salary $140,00; Creare and McDonald shingles, lumber and supplies $78,55; A. MatEiven, salary $202.50,, postage $25.00; t. E. Cardiff, Reeve $100,00; 'Financial statment $2.00; Jelin Brown, Edward' Bryans, Prank Dun- can, Finlay McCallum, Councillors, each $65.00; Dr. Harry La.ckner, op- eration $50.00., D. T. T. McRae, as- sistance at operation $12.50; Dr. Wal- ter A. Oakes, operation $27.50; Ivan McArter, caretaker $15.00; Printing contract Post, $95.00; Mrs. Corbett, board forN. Wise $7.00. A. MacEwen, Clerk. The "Big 0” Pack Is Honest Ontario's Specialty Brand Apples Please British Buyers. A reduction of the supplies arriv- ing in the British markets has caused a slight firmer tendency in the, prices received for Ontario apples selling there. Ontario No. 1 Baldwins have risen from 16 to 18 shillings a barrel. The future trend of prices depends largely on whether there is any re- sumption of abnormally heavy ship- ments or not, Andrew. Fulton, overseas fruit re- presentative reports that, while green domestic grades have shown on im- provement, there is a feeling that good Baldwins and Greenings may make 20 shillings a barrel before Christmas, if supplies continue mod- erato. Cooking apples generally are still difficult to sell any demand there is being mainly for well -colored des. serf apples. Even in a depressed market, Mr. Fulton finds many proofs that cen- tral packing and the marketing of • Ontario apples under a specialized Bristol and London, Mr, Fulton finds brand are materially helping Ontario that the "Big 0" brand apples have apple shippers. Consignments of the sold at an average of 2 shillings a "Big 0" brand, for example, were barrel higher than ordinary marks, practically the first to be sold in the Several buyers have told him recently leading markets lately, while tniseell- that they find that the "Big 0" pack aneous shipments were only disposed is honest. In this and other ways, of with great difficulty. the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa- After studying auctions and prices tion is building up a good reputation at Glasgow, Liverpool, Southampton, [for centrally -packed Ontario apples. kid • '.e;1-1t,P-W410,-AW!.64V-Rks,n To OurCustomers And Friends WE WISH A v ery Merry Christmas Mikeieskimielleknomailwireemliot Willis Shoe. Stior "The. Loading Shoe Stote" bOtte :129 Winghants Ont.