HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-12-14, Page 4GE ;l+.Oi,33,Z ,. WE HAVE NUMEROUS USEFUL AND NECES- SARY GIFTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN PRICED MODERATELY RIGHT UP TO DATE Men's Travelling .Sets With Zipper Fastener at $5.00, $6,00 and' $7.50. Men's Shaving Sets At 90c up tQ $2.75. For The Ladies We have "Gardenia" and 'Jas- mine Toilets", you only pay for the goods in the box. The love- ly Christmas wrapping is yours "Free". "Yardleys Lavender" In, sets suitable for ladies or men. .A very popular line. For The Me' i We have Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes, etc., beautiful Christmas Wrapping at regular prices. Chocolates "Moirs" and `Betty Anne" in Christmas Wrapping at 39c, 50c $1.00, $2.00, $2.50 a box. E1iil1:°m VAr *i111t1}it11hiltlTDlRlllallpHllllllAIIIMI 11111- 0 i 114) Sheaffer's Pens, Pencils and Sets Pens $2.75 and up. Sets $3.95 and up. For The Ladies Our Manicure Rolls and Folds at $2.50 to $6.00 would) make a much prized Gift. We also have a" line of Toilet Sets, Brush, Comb and Mirror from $3.50. A Special $2,00 Christmas Package of a Book, (20 different authors) and a Box of Candy, a Gift Suitable for Mother, Father, Sweetheart or Friend. Travellers Samples In many lines at genuine sa- vings. Many Other Lines Rolls Razors, Mouth Organs, Ebony Military Brushes, China in Tea 'Sets at Half Price, Cups and Saucers $1.25 value for 79c. You Will Save Money By dropping in and looking over our stock. Beautiful Calendars We have a limited supply- of Beautiful Calendars which we will be pleased to give to our friends and customers. Calf and receive yours. P.S. — To all our Friends and Customers we sincerely wish a Very Happy Chritrnas Season. J. Walton McKibbon, CARLOAD OF Recleaned Ground Screenings to arrive Monday, Dec. 18th, Call us for special cash price off car. A. C. Adams. CUSTOM SAWING—Will be pre- pared to do all kinds of Custom. Sawing at Alanning's Chopping Mill Belgrave, James Stevenson, 42-11, Brussels; FOR SALE -Two Pekingese pups-- good ups-good stock. G. Rintoul. FOR SALE -1? Yorkshire Pigs, 8 weeks old, also one good Thor- . oughbred Shorthorn Bull, 4 years old, dark red, to exchange, or will pay premium over market price for good Shorthorn Bull of this age; also 9 Oxford Down Ewes. Apply Geo.' McEwen, R. R. 1, Bluevale; 2nd concession of Turnberry. LOST—Black T lack Fur Mitt on R. R. No. 3, Winghain. Finder please leave at Post Office. LOST—Dog, Beagle Hound, tan with white markings. Name "Jack." W. Moore, Catherine St. NOTICE—Leave your order for yoru Xmas Turkey .at Hoynuth & Ben- nett's Service Station — Norman Walker, PULLETS FOR SALE -50 white rock. Apply Mrs. Walter Jeffrey, Phone 618r8, R.R. No. 4, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs..Robt. Purdon. Mr. George Wightman and Ivan of Westfield, visited on Saturday with his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon and Jean of. St. Helens, also Mr. and Mrs. W. Dawson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer on Tuesday last. Quite a number of ladies attended the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute which was held in the Hall on Friday last. The President, Mrs. Grain, was in charge of the meeting. After the opening exercises, the roll- call was answered by gifts which were sent to the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. The ladies have invited the Lucknow Anglican Young People to put on their play "Peggy's Double" on Wednesday, December 27. It was decided to remember the old and the sick in the community with a Christ- mas box. of fruit. The following pro- gram was given, community singing, Mrs. Victor Emerson gave two very interesting readings, Mrs. Robt. Ross and Miss Anna May Carrick sang "Star of the East", Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan read a very interesting and instructive paper on the Origin of Christmas and the meaning in ,Christ- mas words and phrases, as applied through the ages; Mrs. J. D. Beecroft RADIO FOR SALE—De Forest gave a piano solo and the meeting Crosley electric, good. condition. Apply Advance -Times. SPECIAL SALE at less than Manu- facturer's cost of Ferneries, Fern Stands, Tables, Magazine Baskets, Book Stands, Towel Racks, Bath- room Cabinets, etc. Brown Bros. Co., Ltd. CARD OF THANNS Mrs. Adam Johnston and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy ''luring their recent bereavement.. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain enter- tained a nnfriendsz i tuber of and r ergh- hors at their home on Tuesday ev- ening last. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St. Helens, spent Wednesday with was closed by singing the National Anthem. Mr. Robt Johnston, of Blyth, .spent a few days last week at the 'home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Chas. Wight - man. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston of Cedar Valley, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Far- rier; and. Miss Winnifred and 'Mr, G. Farrier of Ripley, alsospent the. week -end at home. Mr. Aldin Purdon blew in from North Bay on Saturday, ahead of the storm with a largetruckload of Xnas, trees on his way to Chatham. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Reed of Au- burn spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Currie. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last at the home of Miss RITY In The Wingham r curies RIDAY DEC. . A L GOOD MUSIC. GOOD TIME FOR ALL vei'yhody 'Welcome. Under the auspices of the Wingham Chan bels of t ratnercek« Proceeds in aid of the Chrisrnas. Santa, Claus Vuudi Adlltniisai 50c 'per persox re+ Muriel Watt and there was a good number of ladies present. After the roll call Miss Watt favored the ladies with a piano solo, and Mrs. J. D. Bee- croft read a chapter from the study book. .The following officers for the W. M. S. were then elected for next year: Pres., Mrs. Victor Emerson; lst vice Pres., Miss C. Laidlaw; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs. J. Tiffin; Rec. Sec,, Mrs. Lott; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. D. Beecroft; Treas., Mrs. F. Henry; Mission Band Presidents, Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, Mrs. Bert Reed; Missionary Monthly. Sec., Miss Lettie Fox; Strangers' Sec„ Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. Wightman. On Thursday night the Y. P. S. of the United Church elected the fol- lowing officers for the ensuing year: Pres., Miss Muriel Watt, vice Pres., Irs. J. G.Gillespie; and the follow- ing oll v-ing convenors: Christian Fellowship, May Wightman; Missionary, Claren- ce McClenaghan; Citizenship, J. D. Beecroft; Literary, Carman Farrier; Musical, Garnet Farrier; Secretary, Melvin McClenaghan; Treas., Miss Susan Carrick. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held oh Tues- day at. the home of Mrs. J. G, Gilles- pie. The S. S. children of both churches are busy on Saturdays practicing for their Christmas concerts. The Unit- ed Church aft holding their concert on, Friday, 15th, and Chalmer's S. S. are holding their concert on Dec. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and children were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mit- chell, of Wingham, on Thursday, when their daughter, Miss Laura Mit- chell, was married to Mr. Robt. Gal- braith, both of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs: Robt. Purdon and Ar- chie, spent a day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ander- son, .of St. Helens. Miss Florence Purdon, R.N., spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. G. Tiffin. Miss Newton, 'of. Luckno w,p spent the week -end. with Misses Agnes and Catharine Patterson. Mr. and Mrs, Buschlen and daugh- ters, of Toronto, spent last week -end with her brother, Mr. F. McK, Pat- erson. They report that Miss Helen has almost completely recovered -- which which is very good news indeed. Mr. Pete I(ennedy spent a few days :last week at the Winter Fair, Guelph, and visited with relatives there. There will be a cribbage tourna- ment in the Institute Hall on Wed- nesday of this week under the aus- pices of the local cribbage fans. Mr. and Mrs. David l<ennedy re- ceived word from their son, William, iIt Killiwack Hospital, 13. C., and his condition i5 not improving and not very much hope is now heldout for bis recovery; Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Tichbourne, of Godcrich, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. David, I.ennedy, Miss Bertha Mackay of Stratford, I also Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mackay and children of Wittgl last', spent Sun - 1 day with their parents, Mr. aid Mrs, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Hector 'Mackay, Af , and Mrs. Fred, Clarke of 'A i.- herstburg, spent a dew days this Week with her parents;- 111r, and Mrs. Robt. Carrick, Mrs. .Jerry Casemore has been im- proving this past week and the nurse. who was in attendance; has gone now, Mr. Donald .Finlayson and Mal- colm, of Lochalsh, visited with his aunt, Mrs. Jas,.MacGregor, on Sun- day. BLYTH Miss Helen Kirkby of Brussels, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Robert Watt. The Carolina ` Jubilee Singers put on one of their very fine entertainments on Saturday evening under the aus- pices of the Choir of Queen St. Un- ited -Church. At the morning service they centrihuted two of their splendid spirtival numbers. Large congrega- tions greeted these talented music- ians. Our townsman Mr. A. H. Erskine has received the appointment of Treasurer forrthe County of Huron. We think the members of the Coun- ty Council made a wise choice in their selection of a Treasurer. Congratula- tions, Reeve McNall attended the County Council meeting at Goderich last, week. For the first time our Citizens are having. a Community Christmas Tree on Dec. 22nd. All arrangernents are made for a splendid community con- cert to be given and Santa Claus will have a full stock of Christmas pres- ents for all the kiddies. - The Oxford. Group are coming to town on Saturday evening when a mass meeting will be held in St. An- drew's Church. All the pulpits will be manned on Sunday by members of the team.. Nominations for the various offic- es of the village will be held in Mem- orial Hall Tuesday, Dec. 26th, and in the event of a poll the election will be held ori January 2nd, 1934. ONNY ROOK The Sunday School will ho:id their annual Christmas Tree and Concert in the school on Friday evening, De- cember 22nd. , s.,,, ra ,r^ c,,t>v .r•. , s e A `+ IRA AK FOR HER SOJOURNS $450 to 9.00 What would make a more ae ceptable Xmas Gift fdr your Lady Friend ,than a Mirapack. Every dress carried . on a separ- ate hanger, or maybe she would like a snappy week -end Bag. Club Bags and Suit Cases make splendid gifts for men. See our well assorted stock. CLOSE PRICES ON ALL LEATHER GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS Harry aranemmagessomowl Furniturea ne3 ' ' v 'Funeral Service L. N. Hunkin Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Day Phone 117. Night Phone 109 Fry stestmettimmumengsamsgsznime nemesOtotimemisierm We collect accounts, motes, wag. es,. anywhere. ' W 'silt astonts you with results, 'Write us today for particulars. 'lr rTtD CRtDrr 1417 N of CANADA„ Braacltes Evetywhere. .: l�:C>, Ebit g2, Oweti Sound. Thursday, Dec, 14th, 1933 THE ISARD STORES Practical Christmas Gifts in our Women's Wear Store Blankets, a Range of Colors in fine all wool Satin Bound Blankets, reg. $4.50,' Sale $2.95 Special in All Wool Blankets, large size, reg. $8.50, Xmas Bargain $6.75 Cushions, Bright Colors in Frilled Cushions 98c Quilts, a choice of colors in Fancy pattern Bed Spreads, full size .. $2.50 Drapes, in new figured plush and damask, see our specials at 98c, $1.25, $1.39, $1,50 Stamped Pure Linen Sets in very pretty designs, 5 piece luncheon Sets, Bargain 79c Linen Scarves, special at 39c Linen Centre -Pieces at 25c Stamped Cotton Goods, in Aprons, Laundry Bags, Luncheon Sets, Bridge Covers All at Cut Prices Hosiery for Gifts. We have a com- plete range of Supersilk Hose. See the Whisper Stocking, Genuine silk crepe, real value at $1.50; other pop- ular lines at ..... 69c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 Wonderful Value in Silk and Wool also all wool... 50c, 59c, 69c, 79c, 89c Gloves, complete range of French Kid and English Cape Gloves. See our Christmas Specials at 1.25 $1.95 Lingerie in Silks and Crepes, show- ing Boxed Sets in Women's Misses' and Children's; Women's Vests and Bloomers98c; Best colors in child- ren's Vests and Bloomers . , , 50c Sweaters and Pullovers, real value at r $1.95 to $2.95 Here's a nice gift, Matched Wool Sets, Tam and Scarf, Bargain at $1.25 Children's Knitted Wool Suits in Sand, Blue, Green and Red. Special at $1.95 - $2.50 Women's Kimonas in a nice range of colors and patterns, Bargain at $2.69, $2.95, $3.25, $3.75 Silk Crepe Blouse, smart models at $1.95 $2.95 Dresses, latest models in Silk Crep- es and Satins. Christmas Bargains at $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.50 Christmas Bargain for the Babies -- Wool Coats, fancy Bonnets, Boot- ees, Mitts, Blankets and Robes, all, at Special Prices. Handkerchiefs in great variety, put up in fancy boxes, Linens and''' fine Lawns, bargains at . . . ▪ .... 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c MEN'S WEAR S'T' IE Christmas Gift Apparel for Men aid Boy's Ties—Silk Ties in most recent de- signs and colors, nicely boxed... 39c, 50c, 59c, 75c, $1.00 Shirts—Finest Broadcloth Shirts of best wearing quality, colorfast, with separate collars and collar attached, see our special at ..... 98; $1.25, $1.55, $1.95, $2.50 Pyjamas in a variety of fabrics, fall cut and in various colors, Bar- gains at ....... : $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Scarfs in fancy patterns an color- ing in silk and fine quality wool, 89c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 Socks — Showing a large range in plain and fancy wools, see them at .. ...... , 25c, 35c, 49; -75c Gloves, complete stock of fine qual- ity Kid, at , , , $1.00, 1.39, 1.50, 1.95 Braces in fancy boxes 50; 75c, $1.00 Sweaters and Pullovers, made of best wool yarns in plain and fan- cy patterns, bargains at . ▪ , .. 89c, $1,19, 1.39, 1.95,. 2.95 Leather Coats and Windbreakers, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Hats and Caps. H. E. ISARD CO. Phone 68 The Women's Institute met . last Wednesday afternoon at the home cif Mrs. Hugh Ring. In the absence of the President, the meeting was tak- en by the lst vice Pres., Miss Mc- Allister. The paper which was pre- pared by Mrs, Will Moss, was read. MiLoretta1 by ss 'i $,. nahan, the roll call was responded to by "suggestions for Xmas Gifts," A recitation was given by little Gwendolyn Finnigan. There was also community singing.. the m tysng g. At close of the meeting lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses. The regular meeting ofthe Y. P. S, wa.s held last Friday evening and was led by Miss Marjorie Campbell, the topic was given by Miss Margaret Jefferson; Misses Marjorie Campbell And Elaine Bamford gave the report of the Young People's Convention at Auburn; the Scripture lesson was read by Jean Robinson; at the close of the meeting the following officers were elected for the corning year: Pres., John A. Thompson; Sec.-Treas., Mor ley Johnston; Convenor of Fellow- ship Com., Arnold Craig; Citizenship, Elaine Bamford; Missionary, Marjor- ie Campbell; Social and Literacy,' Verna Chamney and Gordon Naylor, The Y. P. will hold a social evening on Dec, 2Gth and will takethe form of or mof progressive croltrriole. A youngster, very much out of officer, "and why bring an ambulan- ce'" ° "Because," explained the youngster when he had recovered his breath, "mother's found the lady that stole our door mat." • breath, rushed into a police station and gasped to an officer: "You're —wanted—down—in—our—street . and bring an ambulance!" "What's the trouble" demanded the TEMPLEMANS Ch, ristina's. Specia Any Dress 1 AA ( Except Velvet ) And Mens Suits 0 Dry .cleaned and Tailor Pressed. This is. not a "price chiselling" effort ma our part, but a sincere Christmas Offer. Cleaningdone merely for ;a price is neither satisfactory, sanitary or safe. WE ASL AND DELIVER EMPLEML. O Y CL ANERS Aq VE PHONE.X03