HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-11-30, Page 8PAGE ET HT THE MIA GAM ADVANCE -T MES Show Starts at 8 O'clock P.M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 30th, Dec. 1, 2 LIONEL BARRYMORE In — "SWEEPINGS" A Dramatic Story Big Enough for Ear ryxnore. -,-. Also Also Two -Reel Comedy "Hip Zip Hooray". and FOX NEWS. NOT LONG TO CHRISTO AS USUAL YOU WILL REQUIRE SOME GIFT FOR'SOMEONE. Might we suggest that, before you decide, you visit our store and inspect our stock. We have every confidence in the quality of our goods, and we know that our prices compare favorably with city prices: Our, store and person- al service is at your disposal. Williams' The Jeweller For anything in the Jeweller- and Gift Line. Nothing in our line too large or small . for us to handle. WHITECHURCH Mrs. D. Gillies left last Wednesday to spend two weeks with her daught- ers, Mts. Hank Kruger and Mrs. Roy Cringle of Detroit. Mr. Duncan Kennedy made a bus- iness trip to Toronto last Wednes- day. Don't forget the bazaar held un- der the auspices of the W. M. S. of the United Church in the Institute Hall on Friday, Dec. 1. Miss Merle Wilson, R.N., returned from her case in Wingham Hospital last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Pardon and son, Archie, spent last Thursday with her parents, vIr. and Mrs. Archie An- derson, of St. Helens. Mrs. John Kilpatrick, of Crewe,. spent a day last week with her par- ents, Mr, and ivvIrs. Wm. Robinson. There has ` been a lot of rabbit hunters in the country during the past week and most of them have been very fortunate. The Young People of Chalmer's TORONT N Saturday, Deco 16th $z.45 Return From Wingham Children, usual half fare. Tickets good in coaches only. No baggage checked. Attractions—Mendelssohn Choir Concert, "THE MESSIAH" National Hockey League, `LEAFS" vs. "CANADIENS". Excursion tickets good going all trains Saturday, Dec, 16, good to re- turn all trains Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Obtain tickets and in- formation from Wingham, Ont. Town and Depot Ticket Agent, Phone 50 CANADIAN NATIONAL T238 Christmas hopping NOW while stocks are at their best, selections are at their best, and before the usual Christmas Rush begins, is the tingle to buy. There never was a time when it was more oppor- tune to buy REASONABLE, SENSIBLE AND. USEFUL GIFTS And there is no class of merchandise that can be more applicable to "these times" than Footwear. FOOTWEAR in leather, rubber, felt or other iaterials ate "always a ,necessity", therefore, you !anilot, give anything' that would be .more approp- riate. ()re tor e. ' itr1 Oil Thursday',: Nov. "30th, 1933 Clttticli are lioldinp a social evening. in the basement ;of the church on Tuesday evening, The young people of ,leeswater .Presbyterian Church have been invited to be present and will put on the program for the ev- ccting, Mr: Daniel Martin went to the ;sta- tion in Wingharn last Tuesday morn- ing to bring home a big deer that had been shipped to him by his son-in-law Mr. Emerson Austin from near North Bay. Mrs, Sutherland spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Sarah Garbutt, of Kinloss. Miss Ruby. Reid of Ashfield, has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Farrier, during the past week. At the regular weekly Young Peo- ple's meeting in the United Church here on Thursday 'evening, lantern slides will be shown portraying the Missionary work among the French Canadians. All areinvited to be, pre- sent. resent. Mr: John 1VIcMillanshipped a car- Ioad of lambs on. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and son, Billie, of Leamington, are spend- ing a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. ,Pardon and with other relatives. Did anyone notice the strange phenomenon on Saturday morning, of the wind rolling large snow -balls ac- ross the. fields? A' south east wind was blowing and the snow was .soft and if some of the snow blew down from free or fence, the wind caught it and, behold, away it would roll,. ga- thering volume as it went. During a hill of the wind, they would' stop, and as the wind became stronger again; away they would go, causing great amusement for young and old alike. The fields. .took on such a strange ap- pearance, as • though the pixies had been at work, or as though unseen little hands had been at play roiling snow for snow -men. Miss. Jean Logan, teacher in S. S. No. 14, W. Wawanosh, spent the Week -end with her parents, in Tees - water. Miss Annie Kennedy spent Wed- nesday last with Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mr. Duncan Kennedy received word last week of the serious illness of his brother, Billie, who lives near Van- couver, who has been in Killawack Hospital for some time, following an operation in September. Mrs. John Brown, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mac Ross for a few weeks, left on Saturday for her home in Creighton. Mines. The children of the Sunday School of the United Churchfi are practising on Saturdays now for their Christmas program, which is to be held on Fri- day, Dec, 15. BLUEVALE Splendid Meeting Of, United Church W. M. '3. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the scl'iooiroom of the United Church on Tuesday, Novem- ber 21st, Mrs. R. Shaw presiding. Hymn 285 was sung and after several had led in prayer the President read the Scripture lesson Luke 2; 40-52. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and Hymn 288 was sung. Mrs. M Smith gave a spl,end'id`report of the Sectional meeting held at Whitechurch, and a vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Smith. Three January Prices In November Now is the time to buy Men's and Boys' Over- coats at Cut Rate Prices MEN'S $7,95 TO $19.50 BOYS' $2,98 TO $7.95 Hob C Iwill' lig Co. Just To Remind You It's High Time to do Christmas Shopping Come and Shop at our Gift Counters Packed with things interest- ing and useful from, Women's Kimonas and Lingerie; Men's Bath Robes and ,Shirts, Wool Bgiftslankets,; . Bed Coverlets and Lounge Rugs to gay little nov- �elties. that make the smartest , Imported Kid Gloves Most suitable for gifts. Of soft, pliable,. kid, their beautiful finish and moderate price •com- bine to make them just the thing for a woman's gift. Slip On and Dome St les. $1.85 - $2.65 - $y2,75 - $3.25 Kayser Silk Stockinigs The best regular $1.00 value in town. All the best colors. Tailored Raysilk Bedspreads. Give a dressed -up air to the bedroom for Christmas. Double bed size in Gold, Green, Rose, Blue and Ivory. $2.49 and. $3.19 Ayers Wool Coverlets Nothing like them for accept- able gifts. Every woman adores them and this. season's colorings are almost beyond description. $4.39, $4.85, $5.50 to $10.00 Wilton Floor Mats $3.89 Fine close quality in Blu'e,. Brown and Wood Shades to match your furnishings. Fring- ed and 'infringed. Bargain at $3.89. Shamrock Linens Double Damask Cloth with matching Napkins, or Cloths and Naps separate. Ivy, Mum, Rose and Conventional patterns. $3.95, $6.85, •$13.75 to $25.00 Hosiery arid` Lingerie Orient,. Holeproof and the famous Kayser, makes. : Colors, styles and weights for your 'ev- ery occasion. • 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 "Kayser—The best dollar value in Town." Irish Linen Hand'chiefs The borders are printed in colors or hand embroidered and make the daintiest gifts. 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c Fine Sweaters Now is the weather for them and present styles are so be- coming — Misses', Matron's and Junior Pullovers •and Coats. $L49, $2.50 to ;$5.95 Colorful Smart Dresses New Styles, New Materials - Just received. To see them is to want to buy them. $9.85, $10.75; $16.50 Dressing Gowns for Christmas Always a popular: gift and one the recipient always delights in receiving. Coolie, Quilted and Japanese effects. $2.50, $3.25, $5.75 to $12.50 Warm Woollen Stockings Each season the demand, for comfortable stockings seems to increase. Come and see our Christmas values. 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.19 For the Men Folks. Give a Dressing, Gown or Smoking Jacket - A colorful Lounge or Auto Robe A Kv- noch Wool Muffler„ or a Silk one - Warm Gloves and Sweat ers - Arrow or Forsyth Shirts. The fittest Box Cloth Spats, and of course, Nec'i's Ties, Braces and Handkerchiefs are always most acceptable gifts. ", Come and shop at our Christ- mas Counters where- there is plenty of choice, KING BROS. aMmimoasommasuoMmaiMoi verso of .Hymn 291 were sung then Mrs. E. Johnston briefly introduced the new Study Book, "Living Issues in Chine -and gave a synopsis of the lst. chapter. Mrs. G Gannett will take the 2nd, chapter of the Study Book at the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Shaw. The election of officers will take place at this meeting and a. good at- tendance is requested. The Roll was called and Mrs, Curtis gave a reading rni Christian Stewardship and Pinan- cr. The last verses of Hymn 291 were sung and the meeting closed by .re- peating the 'Lord's .;Prayer in unison, Relatives and friends in the village attending the funeral of the late Mt. 12. 11, Sc attY ' C, lt. Garniss' and Miss Margaret Garniss, Brussels, M.r, Thomas Dickson and son Charles, Miss Ethel 'Beattie, Miss: Florence Beattie "and Miss Elizabeth Neilans Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. b1. Miller, Belgreve. Miss Christine Isbister and Mr. and Mrs. E. 13. Jenkins Winghani', and Mrs, Will Hall, i3russets.' Entertained To Turkey Dinner The Proprietors of the Bluevale Creamery entertained the staff to a turkey dinner on Wednesday evening at the Queen's Hotel Wingharn, The Creamery has been operated by the present proprietor for three, years and an anniversary cake decorated with three candles formed a part 'of the table decorations. After all had 'enjoyed the beautiful dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Thomson invited the gues- ts to their home where the remaind- er of the evening was enjoyed, Mr. and, Mrs. Lenard Gates and two children Philis and Wilmot of Cherrywood are spending a short. holiday ivith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. Miss Dorothy Aitken spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Alice Aitken. Mrs, Grace Snell left for Listowel where she intends spending the wint- er with her daughter, Mrs. CIias. H. Coultes; Charles Bosman has •purch- ased the farm on. the 2nd con, of Morris from Lewis Jewett; Mrs; Lot- tie Turvey is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosnian; Miss Murriel Thornton, of ' Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Thornton; Mrs. Alex MacEwan has returned home after visiting with ,re- latives and friends in Toronto and St. George. ELGRAVE The Legislation meeting of I3e1- grave WVonien's Institute was held qn Tuesday, Nov. 21st, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Armstrong. A very worthwhile paper was given by Miss G, Armstrong, entitled "What a Wo- man Should Know About Banking." Mrs. James Michie was in Charge of the Cdrrent Events. A Demonstra- tion of Icing a Cake, was given by Miss Jennie Wightman. Miss R Cun- ningham entertained with violin sel- ections. .Lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served' by Miss M. Armstrong and committee. The De- cember meeting has been cancelled. The January meeting will be held at the home of Ivfrs. J. A. Geddes and' will be on Historical Research. Word has just cone to Band' that Mr. Aubrey Oldham, President of London Conference Young People's Union- will' attend': the Young, Peopi'e's Rally to be held at Belgrave United' Church on Thursday of this week. Miss Marj'orie Jannison, Piesid'ent of Huron County Y. P. Union will' also. be present for the evening. ii Farmer's CIub First 1Kfieeting• Tlie l3elgrave Farmer's Club• held their first meeting of the season at the home of 112r. C R, Cbndtes on Thursday evening, when there: was a fair attendance present. Games. were enjoyed in the first part of the even- ing and alien the meeting was called' to order by the president, Stewart Procter, and several items' of business' were dealt with. Stewart Pi-mcter- was appointed delegate to the Convent- ion in Toronto in December and Cyrus Scott appointed as alternate. delegate: Pt was decided not to hold a meet- ing. in December and to hold the an- nual meeting January 8th, at the hone of C. R. Coultes. Mrs, Alex Cloakey and Stewart have gone to Wingham where they wilt spend the winter. C. R. Coultes: shippeda carload of hogs on Monday also :a car of cattle and lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Marmon Mitchell of Rothsay spent a day. with her broth- er Asil Coultes. C. N. R. NET REVENUE DOWN Montreal—Net earnings of $2,542,- 586 are shown in the monthly report of gross revenues and ,operating ex- penses for the Canadian National. Railways all-inclusive system kr the mont of October this year. This was a decrease of $1$0,140 as compared with the net earnings for October 1982 but an increase of $483,728 over the net earnings for September 1933. Gross revenues in the month of Oc- tober this year were $14,662,314, a decline of $868,667 from the figures for October 1982: Operating expens- es, which id October this Year . were $12,119,728 showed a decrease of $716,527 from the operating expenses of the corresponding tnoiitlt of last year, For the period from an1tary 1st to October 81st, 1988, the net revenue. was '$3,449,958, a decrease of $i,844, 597 as compared, with the same 'per•' iod of 1982. Gross earnings for the 1938 period were $122,878,594, a de- cline of $18,271,846 arid operating ex- penses $119,428,636, a decline of $11,- 421,249. Sensational Suit Sale Two Pant Suits $14.75 A chance to purthase'at low- er than city prices. Our Cloth- ing Department havepurchas- ed 25 Suits, all fine Worsteds, dark blue stripe and dark grey stripes: Sizes 36 to 40. Two - button. Models. Hanna & Co. Ltd. CUT-- RATE PRICE'S Items that are in keeping with our slogan "We Keep Down the Up -Keep", not a list of 'unwanted Specials, but Every Day Needs for the home. Bulk Tea, black or mixed 29c ib. Crown. Tea, blk or mixed 33c lb. World Blend c.ut price 39c lb.; Qlenrose Peko Bud Tea, 43c lb. Lily Baking Powder, ab- 0c solutely free of alum, lb,, Lipton - Red Rose Tea lb. 22c Magic Coffee, cut price 25c ib. Kolona Coffee, cut price 23c lb. Sun Dryd Coffee the best 39c lb. Bulk Cocoa, 10c lb. ; Z for 19c Clark's Pork & Beans,, e� �! c Family, 2 for • aG�m• Extracts, asst'd flavors 2 ofr 13c Extracts, 8 oz. Vanilla 15c C. & B. Marmalade, 8 o'- 21c clock brand, 16 oz. jar C. & Catsup, 14 oz.. for 15c Heinz Catsup, 14 oz. for, 15c Fresh Soda Biscuits' ...._.... 12c 2 Ib: for _............ ._..,. , 23c. Salt Petre, Special 10c ib. Fresh Fruits for yo Glace Pineapple, colors, 55c lb.. Lexias Raisins with seed 11c lb. Best Seedless Raisins 2 Ib. 25c Seedless Raisins, Special Ile lb. Large Raisins; (fresh) 2 1b. 25c. White Sultana Raisins 21c lb. Shredded' Cocoanut 17c lb. Sulphur, pure,: for 5c lb. Imperial Soap 10 bars 23c Gold or Pearl Soap 10 bars 32c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes 1 Q c & pkg. Princess Flakes 1 White Beans 4 lbs.'for 10c Blue Rose Rice (fancy) 6c ib. Broken Rice 2 ib. for 9c. Mild Canadian Cheese 2 lb. 25c Rolled Oata 6 ib: for 23c Oxydol or Chipso; large, 19c 2 pkg. for 37c Raw Sugar .:; .. _... 2 lbs. for 25c Crark'a indiv„ Pork. & Beaus 5c Clark's Pork & Beans 3 for 19c Clark's Pork &Beans, el Squats, 3 for ,' Pure Clover Honey 5' lb..:. :41c Best Potatoes, bag for 99c Cherry Pie Filler for 15c lb. Classic Cleaner, pkg ... 4c Sweet Spanish Onions ...... 5c Ib. ur Christmas Baking Recleaned Currants for 15c lb. Shelled Walnuts , ('crean): 47c lb. Shelled Aimonds, best ... 53c lb. New Figs 2 "Ibs. for 19c Lemon and Orange Pee/ 21c lb. Citron Peel, best, ......,..,..... 31c ib. Phone 17. We Keep Down the Upkeep. We (Why Pay More Elsewhere?) Deliver l{ez limmu tiu iannumassimtis®ma■■■■■■■■■■ ■.THE TRIPLE V BIBLE CLASS or e■ir PRESENTS ■ ■ J oarY ■ ■ •• ■ In the Basement of the .: IN N 1111• Win•gharn United Church C IN■ ■ Friday, ■: ■ ■ • •a III■. ■IN ■• ■ 1111■ IN mTHE CAST BILLY ABBEY . , .... . ... Ernie Bolt ' ■ ■ ■ MRS. ABBEY: (MARY) ....... Hazel Nilson a • MRS. 'BERDON (Mary's Mother) , . Velma Orvis i ■ SALLY ... , .. ................. Mary Orvis W ill HARRY (Sally's Sweetheart) .. JohnPreston ■ ■ BERT CHILDS (One of Billy's Friends) H. Wild ■ in KATIE, THE MAID Muriel Campbell, el, ■ 1 DANNY GRUBB (The Iceman) . , . Bert Mitchell ■ pil MURPHY (The Cop) ■ p) Herb. Fuller ; • ■ MRS. EERDON'S :GRANDC ■ HILDREiV ■ Edythe Field, Ross Howson A Farce Mystery In 3 Acts ■ ■ • A wen -worked -out yarn. you are sure, to vo,itiemker. 41MI 0.11111 1111110 IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMNINO A mission .,Adults c Children w ■ • ■ ■