HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-11-30, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News:
'Single Copies Five Cents
Subseriptems '$2.00 Per Year
'Lower Town Rounds Out Six -Team
The Town League reached its full
..ea Iota of six teams- with the entry of
Lower Town to :the league last week,
"The Suburbanites hope to ice a good
team: Fully sixty players comprise
the personnel of the six teams which
.await the barrier on the first season
of - the new league. League officials'
:are planning the ceremonies for open-
' ing night 'which won't be long now;
we hope. The 'Wingham Arena Cup
for which the ;teams will battle is on
display in Hamilton's Jewelery Store:
One of the strongest= teams (num-
eerically, at least) awaiting the open-
ing gun is the green and white shirt
ed crew led by Elwell Webster. The
Welders' mentor has no less than
-thirteen players in the £olcl and none
of thein are superstitious, The .elong-
ated Reg, Douglas is expected to look
after the twine bungalow a la Chabot,
Four bounce 'em artists' will fight it
out for regular defence berths includ-
ing Ross Harriston, Jack "Peskey"
Beninger and the two rotund gents,
"Porky" Mitchell and "Colonel" Rae-
Cruicicshanks, a rangy centre will
likely be flanked by Gurney and Mel-
ler on one front line, with the resei-v-
` •es being recruited among, Andy Scott,
}) "t'Spike" Templeman, Jack Sturdy,
Stan,. Campbell and Macklin -Groves,
This looks like .a rough tough team
of the old maroon style in the days
of Hooley Smith, ,Nets Stewart and maintaining• their low admission price
Babe Seibert- These boys are already. of "twenty-five cents with only ten
betting into shape between snow- cents extra forreserved seats and two
storms and prairie ice: We hope to well-known manufacturers, Fischman
"have the schedule ready for next Spring Co,, Ltd., of Kitchener, and
'week. L. A Young Ind., Ltd., of Windsor,
have donated a spring filled mattress
Fruit and Vegetables and a "StayoungT' spring respectively
Phone. 207 for Fresh Fruit and Ve-- to :$e used as prizes on lucky ;admis-
getables-Prices • right, Prompt De- sign tickets, In addition, the draw -
livery. Bondi's Fruit Market ing for the Fox Fur donated to the
s' Fund by the Allen-DuVal Fax Farm
AppendiSc Operation will be made on the first night:
Ted Slatter underwent an operation
for appendicitis on Monday forenoon
in the. Winghan General Hospital;
Mr, Slatter worked for Mr, John Fal -
'colter. We are pleased to report he
is doing well.
Will the Chamber of Commerce en- AND COUNCILORS On Wednesday evening
large its organization to include a Y b of last
Dramatic Club Committee? It isa 'A 3• Weer Received Acclamation 'eels' the management of the Blue
As Utilities, Commission. vale Creamery entertained their staff
question one frequently hears these with their wives and friends numb
days: And why? The cast of "A Bold er-
Although no fireworks tookrag about twenty-four in all, to a
Front which is comprised of thirty- place turlee inn
six of our youngat the nomination meeting in the andY dinner and an evening of fun
people, have had so. Town 'Hall on Monday night frolic.
much genuine pleasure in the pre are Y g the
p din-
meetingproved veryin Dinner was served in the main ation of the play that they.are already interesting as in room f
talkingof the hope each member of the Council gave a g o the Queen's,Hotel, Wing-
eachthat opportunity very good report of the workham, from eight to nine o'clock, un -
will be given to carry on their organ- p accom- der the "very efficient mana ement of
ization. pushed during the year• Following g
A select few privileged to be fires=
the close of the nominations Mr, Geo,. Mr. and Mrs. Macklam,
1 Spotton was elected chairman. After all had done justice to turkey
ent at a full rehersal this week were and mince pies they were entertained
amazed atthe 'splendid showing made
The following is a ;list of these
nominated, with the' mover and sec at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T.
and said that the play was so funnyThomson, The '
onder: evenings fun was in
that even members of the cast who chargeof
For Mayor Mrs. Geo.. T. Thomson and
had been preparing it for weeks louMiss E. Johnson,
G. L. Baker,s J n, and was carried out
ghed till the "tears rolled down their G by Fred Davidson and '.
cheeks: A
Geo. Spotton. in splendid style, and all report a
Apparently an'unusual treat very enjoyable evening
is in store for our people;on the ev W, H. Willis, by' Fred :Davidson a
easings of the 7th and 8th of Decent and Jas: Gilmour.
her, whentheH. 'B, Elliott, by C. R. Wilkinson Christmas Tree and Concert
play is being produced and Fred Davidson.
in our Town, Hall.On the evening of the 21st Decem-
Wingliam is to be congratulated on J` W. Hanna, by D. Falconer and ber at S. S. No, 5, Turnberry,
having so many citizens who are an- Ed. Williams.
J. W. IVlcKibbon, by Jas. Gilmour Special Cash Prices., Dec: 2nd
xious and willing to give their time
and talent in aid of community enter- and W. J• Greer. Sirloin Steak 17c lb.; Porterhouse
prises, for this play isin aid of the For Reeve Steak or Roast 17c lb.; Round Steak
Hospital X -Ray Fund and if those J. W. McKibbon, by C. R. Willem- 15c lb.; Rolled Roast of Beef 14c lb.;
son and H. B. Elliott, Pork Sausages, 2 lbs, for 25c. Thos.
who are interested in the production
of "A Bold Front would like a Fred Davidson, by G. L Baker and Field Co." ,
per- Jas. Gilmour.
manent organization all our citizens Toronto Huron Old Boys to Meet.
should offer them every encourage- C. R. Wilkinson, by J. W. McKib-
The Huron Old Boys' Association
bon and Geo. Spotton.
mein. Toronto, will hold their annual
It is expected that capacity houses
H :B ,Elliott; by W H. Gurney and
will lend their support to the cause W. J. Greer. meeting in the City Dairy Recreation
Commissioner Hall, Spading Crescent, on Tuesday
for the Chamber of Commerce is evening, Dec. 5th. At this meeting
A. J. Walker, by H. B. Elliott and the officers forb
J. W. McKibbon.' (Acclamation), the `,ensuing year will
be elected. Following the lateness
Councillors session euchre and bridge, followed
Jas. Gilmour, by C. R. Wilkinson by an hour of dancing,
and H. B. Elliott, •
H. B. Elliott, by Jas. Gilmour and Famous Cow Dead
J. W. 1VlcKibbon• The 23 -year-old cow owned by Mr,
C. R. Wilkinson, by H. B. Elliott Wm, McConnell, near Dungannon,
and Fred Davidson. which recently made herself famous,
Fred L. Davidson, by C. R Wilkin and was reported in this column, by
son and H. 13. Elliott. presenting her owner with her twen-
Dan Geddes, by G. L. Baker and A. tieth calf a short time ago,' is dead.
J. 'Walker, Being unable to eat anything except
J. W. Hanna, by Fred Davidson and chop and apples because of her lack
J. W. 1VlcKibbon, of teeth, her digestive system be -
James Moffat, by Geo. Spotton and came deranged and she passed out.
W. J. Greer. She gave suffiicent milk to feed her
A, M. Bishop, by G. L. Baker and calf until two days previous to her
D. McDonald. death. Mr. McConnell is in receipt of
J, H. Crawford, by W. VanWyck a letter from a Toronto lady, a com-
and E. R. Harrison. plete stranger, who had seen the re
'Phos. Bowers, by J. W. Hanna and port of this marvelous cow in one of
T. R. Garrett. the daily papers. In the letter she
W, W. Armstrong, by A. J. Walk- asked him to be kind to the faithful
er and D. McDonald. old cow and even made the sugges-
G. L. Baker, by A. J. Walker and tion that in order to extend her. al -
W. H. Gurney. ready long life he might procure. a
3. W. McKibbon, by A. M. Bishop set of artificial teeth for her so that
and J. W. Hanna. she might be exhibited next year
Public School Board when Toronto Centennial is celebrate
Ward 1. R. H. Lloyd, by J. M. Gra- ed.
hair and Alfred Lockridge. (Accl.)• `
Ward 2, • N. L. Fry, by E. R. Har-
rison and E S, Copeland. (Acct.) progress oracle in,the town this was
Ward 3. J. 0, Habkirk, by Alfred largely true, but all towns through-
Lockridge and J. M. Graham. W out the world were in the same can
VanWyck, by W. H. Haney and J. dition. He explained that the depres-
M. Graham, sion was now four years old and that
Ward 4. R. A. Currie 15y N. L. with the failure of one of 'the factor -
Fry and C. Coope, ies Here 160 hands had been thrown
out of work which caused a loss in
Coun: G. L. Baker, who was nom-
inated for Mayor, was the first speak- population of 200' people. Other face Headquarters.for Coleman's Fresh
er, He has been Chairman of the tortes also had to reduce their staffs, and Sugar -Cured Meats.
Property Committee for the past two Townships practically all showed in-
creased populations but this year the See our window
years, He explained that, as his cont,: townswillhave an inereaso' in 'o that will save you
mittee has but $1000 to spend, very Pu-
P anent Ins ected
little was done outside of the routine ,lotion, P )•
work, They liad however ie aired He said he was opposed to paying Front Grocery,
and painted the band stand at the relief rent and it would be: a very A Presentation
park, and a few other repairs rriade, dangerous precedent, Speaking of the"
He .had hoped to redecorate the local factories lie said they were in
P better shape than two years ago and
Council Chamber, but due to the re-
duction in the tax rate of two mills there was evidence of an upward
it was impossible to do this 'work. He movement.
did not state whether he would stand Speaking of the tax race he remind-
not. ed the audience that in his two years
In. giving his speech H. B, Elliott in office the tax rate had been re-
seal he had tried to work in harmony ducecl by 4 milts and that there had
with the Council. . The tax rate had been a net reduction in debenture
been reduced two mills in 1933 also debt.. of $18,500. He compared the
in 1932. He thought this was a very unpaid taates here with other towzis
Mr, `'.i J. McLean and fancily at-
good record as cornparect with other and considered it most favorable, Th tended h
out t.zihr
the funeral of IIv.tr, McLean's
. t c r taxe '.are 1.931 329 1
towns, Be spoke of the :financial r s $ , 93
2 . brother-in-law, Mr. J. J. Sullivan, at
standing` of the town and said the fine $3,128. So fare this year $26,000 oti
Preston an Sunday, Dec, '26, Mr, Stil-
ances •were in excellent; shape, He 1.933 taxes have been paid. There ie ; liven van .who was Deputy'Customs Of-
rlid not state whether he would again an item, in the financial report lay-'
„ ricer' for the past ten year's, was a:
run for office or not, inept' into. Court $872, He explained titan whom ever` citizen aclrniras
this to his aduicnce, Y .
J. W. liana- the next speaker, said was shown by the large concourse of
lie had been a member of the Prop- He quoted an :item from the. Ad-
crty Committee. He said the last six vance-Times evhiclr claimed' that in
or seven years had been lost tithe, the matter of toxoid treatment our
That more work must be got for the town was behind the tinges. He tools at',th.. Anglican Church. Mr tl
g St irvan
The Happy Gleaners' Mission Band
Zucknow Bank Manager Transferred of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
C. L.:Oberle, manager of the .Bank held their annual concert in the Sun -
orf Montreal; Tyucknage has received day' School room of the Church on
notification from the . Head Office ed Friday evening. There was a large
report for duty as manager• of the member of the parents. and adults of
Kingsville sbranch. Mr- and Mrs.. Ob- the church present, andthey were de-
erle' moved to- Lucknow two yeaxs lighted with the program which the
:ago ,from Mildmay when the former children presented.
-was transferred as manager' from the Rev Kenneth MacLean was chair -
Mildmay branch to the Lucknow man and after leading in prayer in-
litanch: Since going there Mr. Ob-trodueed the.following :program
•erle has been active as' an executive Piano Duet, by Betty and George
on various organizations such as Lloyd. Recitation ",Little Workers"
'hockey, bowling and baseball, by seven little girls. Solo, by Eddie
Carter. Missionary Exercise, by ,12
boys and 2 girls. Violin Solo, Nor-
een Benedict. .Chorus,, Our Chinese
Cousins. Reading, June, : Buchanan,
Duet, Gordon Jones and Harry Pos-
Thousands of women are always liff. Recitation, by Mary Drumbolis.
tired, .irritable, suffering from, poor Pageant, Love's Candles, : Piano Solo,
sleep and appetite—headaches) They by Margaret Homuth, Dialogue, The
-need more irate Get Peptona—the Flag that Flies Highest. Recitation
scientific iron and malt conipouncl, It by Noreen Benedict,
enriches the blood—rebuilds nerve
tissue and muscle -increases the ap King's
petite and aids digestion. Peptone is The Woollen Mill and Linen Store
sold only at RexaIl Drug Stores, Get Just received our Christmas shi i -
a bottle„ today at Mcliiibbori's Retail
meat of. Ayer> ship
a Wool Coverlets, Bed
Drug Store, Blankets and Knitting :Yarns. They
are all opened out on display and we
LOCAL AND PERSONAL ask'that you come arid see thein now
while colors are complete. King Bros,
Mr. W. W. Armstrong was a week- •
end visitor in Toronto. Backed Car into Harbour
Please vote for me in the Doll Com Karl Laws, Goderich, grain trim-
mer,test at MCI ibbon's'bi•ug Store, Tres- while panting his car at day-
ine Bondi. • light pn .Sunday morning, backed it
C into the harbor, and it immediately
ress Corn Salve -made especially
for (hose difficult oaguaranteed.
ses- sank, He was able to clear himself
At McKibbon's Drug Store; the safety; chain along-
side the wharf, 13ut for the incident
Mrs, ,Yohtt. Ellis of<=Plyth and Mrs.
having been witnessed some distance
Calloway,' of Chicago, are visiting' away by Superintendent Murison of
with their sister, Miss R. Coventry. the Goderich Elevator, arid some: of
Mr.' and
Mrs, E R. Harrison and his men itr ui"
to probable that r
s q the
Mrs, cram returned w•ir
ed on icywould
waters Have resulted in
having'spe'nt a few days in Toronto. Laws, who was.' partly submerged,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Eietmen and fern.- havingto resin tush his hold on the.
q t
ily of London, were week -end guests chairs.
of Mrs, Bieinan's mother, Mr's. W.
At Currie.
Mr. Adam Johnston, 'Victoria Ste
Who has been ill for the past couple
of weeks, is showing some slight lin-
"Pain gone iri 15 Minutes" using
Rtnnataps for Rheumatism, Backache,
Sciatica, McKibbon's Drug g Store,
The regular meeting of the Wo-
e meta's
o-emetr.'s Aure.ilia.r•y to the General Hos-
pi'ta1 will be held in. the Coattail
Chamber on Monday , 'afteruoo,i Dec.
4th :at 3.45"
When the children reported for
school on Tuesday morning they were
agreeably sttt•:prised to find that they
did not have to attend classes. The
water connection in the furnace had
come loose and it was impossible tib
heat the school due to water on the
hascm i t
floorClasses were held tt ' arr
the Afternoon, however, No damage
stilted ti zt t om tr
this afttd. flood.
John W. Hanna and W. H. Willis To the Editor av all thine Taxes Reduced "5 Per
Candidates for Mayor. Wing 1 ypersham a , Cent in Three
-- Deer Sur:—
Eight Seek Election as. Councilors : It looks loike wea . '-. ,
rvud b4 .afther .Lite Township o£ Goderich, Huron
havin an elickshun this year, 'Wance: County, had good news for the rate-
On.Monday, December 4th the cit- ear ivirytwo -
years we tlrtoy to hev .a payers on Friday when they<rath re
izens of Wingham will vote to select gineral clane up, so to ehpake, loike at the township � e d
their 1934 Mayor and Council: Mayor the fellah who tuk a ttoldhall at Holmes Wilmot bath, an changed They were ' by Reeve Wilmot;
W H. Willis is seeking re=election his shirt, iviry six months, whether Haacke and hi four s u henchmen, that
and will be opposed by Councilor Ino, he naided to do it arr not.'` in the.past three
W. Hanna, ! undhershtand. the risint ee years since the pre
W. council sent reeve assumed office, the 'tax
Receives Acclamation claims to hev rejoiced the tax rate be rate had been reduced from 4 2-10
Court, Fred L, Davidson was elect- foor mills durin the pasht.two' years, mills to 2 mills, a reduction of 55
ed Reeve by acclamation, so there be rayson av malcin the town min per cent, The ratepayers in 1930 cone �vurrulc fer. iviry ting they got
will be no, contest for - this office.an tributed $41,000' and in 1933 they paid
givin free board an lodgins to thim into the treasury $29,700. Less than
8 Stand for Council (6 tobe elected) transhients, Avs
coax. ethat-.wus only $300 is outstanding in taxes, all owed
The electors will 1iave eight per- wan way that moneywas saved.
sur -
sons from which to select six coup- v d. An -by not $19 eats, and there is a otirer way wus by payin off debintur- plus.of $x96:
cilors, The following are those who es wid money that had be
are in the field: W. W. Armstrong, laid by Moreover,' the township is delft
g, fer that purpose in pasht years, an free. There were no legal feesaid
G. L. Baker, A. M. Bishop, J. H. another way was by refusin hilp to in 1933 and onl p
Crawford, H. B. Elliott, Dan Geddes, any fellah who cud kape his childer reli Y $117 was spent on.
Gilmour, C. R Wilkinson, from?ef• The prmati council was rem
shtarvin be -train foive arr six_turned by acclamation.
As noted in the write-up of the dollars a wake, an not payin anny meeting A. 3, Walker y
riot, Shure, 'tis a shmart lot av byes
was elected a member to the Utilitiesrye hey in the Council` at theUnderwent Operation
Commission by acclamation, toime, so we hev, an it nu On Saturday t� d be a pity y Alrss Mildred Griffith
School Boards Members Re -Elected to change thim, fer we root ht it of Wroxeter was operated on
All members of last g en for ap-
year s Public worse wars. Not • ivirybody cud av pendicitis in the Hospital here, She
School Board were re-elected by
ac- thought av alt thim shames, at all, at is making a satisfactory recovery.
clamation. It was thought that in all, so they audden't. But wait till U. C
Ward three there night be a contest I am afther tellin ye the besht skame Badminton Club Social
between J. O. Habkirk and Walter av all, an nobody but a janius cud Ave"" pleas t evewas enjoy-,
VanWyck but Mr. VanWyck with- hev got it to rvurrulz. 1 inane be kaip- r
drew, The members are: Ward 1, R. in the assistmints up, in ardher to.
H. Lloyd, Ward 2 N. L. Fry, Ward hilp kape the tax rate down, 'Twas
3, J. O. Habkirk, Ward 4, R. A. Cur- a wondherful oidea intoirely, so it
rie. wus, an the Council shud hev. leath
Where to Vote er medals pinned to theer coats fer
Polls .open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.tinkin av it. Och! Shure! 'Tis a quare
Ward" 1. Polling Sub -Division No. wurruld we do be livin in, so it is.
1—at Robertson's Garage. Av coarse iviry wan av the lads
Ward 2. Polling Sub -Division No, who do be runnin has some pet oidea
2 --at Davidson's Implement Shop. av his own,
Ward 3. Polling Sub -Division No. Mishter Willis wants to kape on
3—at the' Town Hall. Tejucin the tax rate, whoile Mishter
Ward 4. Polling Sub -Division No. McKibbon is in the "Go Slow Mary"
C, Tem.pleman's Store. crowd, loike the Thripple V class
Ward 4. Polling Sub -Division No. play'
5 -at Frank Watson's Store. Mishter Wilkinson wants betther
protickshun agin foire, Mishter Dav-
idson wants to kape the sewers 'lane,
Mishter Hanna wants to fade thine
transhients betther, Mishter Gilmour
ELECT OFFICERS wants to turn thim loose on a poile
av cordwood to airn theer board an
kape, Mishter Baker wants to kape
the town property in good ordher if
we only had the money to stipend.
'Tis loike the headloine the taicher
used to wroite at the top av the page
in our copy books the winther I wint
to skool.
"Manny min av manny mainds,
manny birruds av diffrunt koinds".
Thim wus thrue wurruds thin, an they
do be thrue shtill.
Mr. Shpotton acted as chairman at
the nominashun maytin an filled the:
position completely.
Yours till afther the elickshun,
Timothy Hay.
.Ata meeting of Bluevale L. O. L.
No. '766 on Monday night the follow-
ing officers were elected for the en-
suing year:
W. M.—W. J. Peacock.
D. M.•—G, F. Hetherington.
Chaplain—Melville Mathers.
Rec. Sec.. -R, J. Forrest.
Fin. Sec—C, E. Johnston,
Treas.--G, 0., Thornton,
Marshall—Conrad Goll,
lst Lecfi •-•-Whitney Stewart.
2nd Lect,—Harry Goll,
Committee—Wm. Thornton, Wm.
McGee, John Wickstead, Fred Sell-
ing, John Smith.
Aduitors--H• L. Stewart and Whit-
ney Stewart.
Tyler—Gordon Hall,
Sentinel ---Wilson Thornton,
display for prices
money. (Govern -
Phone 17. Red
'Miss Laura. Mitchell who has re-
signed her position at the Bell Tele-
phone Office, was the guest of honor
at a party given by the girls of the
13e11 Telephone Staff on Monday ev-
ening, at'the home of Miss Celesta
Carr. A most enjoyable time was
spent and Miss Mitchell was. present.
P ,
'ed with a beautiful floor lam
Attended Funeral hi Preston
ed an Friday by the members of the
United Church Badminton Club when
a social evening was held, Besides
playing Badminton ecrrnpetitions of
ping pong, throwing the darts and
other games were much enjoyed. Fol-
lowing this evening of games the Lad-
ies of the club served lunch.
West Wawanosh to Have Election
Contrary to predictions there will
be an election in West Wawanosh
Township this year, the fight for the
Reeveship being between Reeve W.
J. Stewart and Thomas Webster,.
Those who are candidates for the
council vacancies are: Cairns Aitchee
son, John McQuinin, Albert Bamrnie,
Patrick Walsh, Wm. Rutherford,
Brown Smith, David Hamilton.
Buy Groceries at King's
8 oz. bottle Vanilla 15c; 16 oz. tin
cocoa 25c; Choice Dates, '2 lbs. 19c;
Princess Soap Flakes 15c; Choice
Clover Honey 39c; Choice Coffee, 16.
oz. tin 39c; Macaroni, 4 lbs. 25c; fresh
Bordeau Walnuts 49c lb.; 5 -String.
Corn Broom 39c; Castile Soap, 9
cakes for 25c; McLaren's Jelly Pow-
ders 4 for 23c; Seedless Raisins, 2
lbs. 25c; Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tins
23c; 60c Black Tea 39c The Kellogg's
Corn Flakes 3 for 25c; Small Christ-
mas Cheese, each 69c.
Francis B. Scott
There passed away at his home in.
Won Draw Bluevale an Wednesday afternoon,
Winner of Sturdy's Draw an Sat -
Nov. 22nd, an old and greatly res -
day, Nov. 25th, Emerson Wright, of cis tB. Scott, int his 87the th yeonar.
Morris. alt year,
He was born in the township of
Pure Maple Syrup McKillop, near Seaforth, where he
Direct from Quebec, special 26c a spent his childhood and young roan-
pint (13 [b., 3 oz. to the gallon). Red hood ,arid where he learned his trade
Front Grocery, as a blacksmith. He moved to 131ue-
vale almost 64 years ago, and with
Bazaar Saturday, Dec. 9th the exception of one year spent with
The ladies of St. Palti s Anglican a C.P.R. construction company near
Church are holding their annual 13a- Schrieber, he had conducted a black-
zaar and Sale of Fancy Goods and smith business here unci] four years
Home-made Baking in the Council ago when he retired from active
Chamber on Saturday afternoon, Dec, work. He always enjoyed good health
9th. Afternoon Tea will also be serve and was able to be around the house'
eel. and take a short walk out until a
week before his death, this being the
Tea and Sale first time in his life that he had been
The ladies' Aid of St. .Andr;ew's confined T d to his bed through illness.
Presbyterian Church will hold a Tea He always believed �,eo
5 chewed' it to be .a peT�soty,.
and Sale of Homemade Baking and duty to their country, to use their
other articles in the basement of the franchise and never missed an -poor-
Church on Saturday afternoon, Dec, tunity tooll his vote at
2nd. There'will p any election.
a l be a table of rniscel- He was a Presbyterian in religion and
laneous articles, all suitable for Xmas served for manya s
yea' on the Boatel
gifts. . Sale will commence at 8 p.nt. of Mat—legman. His
wife, Margaret
sharp. Teaseated from 3 to 5 r clock, Isbister, preeleceased hitt threeye
Everybody ivchconte, ago. He is survived by two daught-
ers, Mrs, R. V. Garniss and Miss ref.
Olive Scott and oticort
s , Malcolm, of
Bluevale, also one gratidda,ughter,
Mrs. Neil 13, McEachern, of Mount
The funeral was held an Saturda
afternoon, a short private service at
his late residence, followed by a ser-
vice in :Knott Presbyterian Church
conducted by thepastor, Rev,
Patterson, During the service the
Solo "Does Jesus 'Care" was be ttti.
fully rendered by Mrs, eT.eon Kattfe
tnatq, Intertetent was made in Phi&
vale eeineter y. The hall -bearers were
Jantesichrrl, John Itirtort, Andre.'
Troltrres, 'Win. Yoe, .Jaime ills i;,artly
and :William : 'Thornton,
citizens who attended the funeral. A. EXERCISE YOUR
l%ivate service was held at his home
FRANCHISE MONDAY 'loch a public service was held
The right to vote is a privilege e and
unemployed, that there had been no issue with the. Editor on this point r
., " " had served overseas .in the Great Wal• a drily and Was won 'b our forefa -
y th
building, in fact, little work of any and told. what has been done ni,this enlisting in 1915. He was - member On
. ,, a b r crs -ilei math suffering. Mon -
kind. .Tale said everybody must try to regard by the Board of Health, of Preston Pot ar
• '' Post, Canadian Legion, day,Der„ 4th,there is to be < e -
do something to help others, If l,e Relief work, he said was a difficultan ltc
r ,. about' fifty members of the Legion batt here, There are t o candidates
ran for Mayor he would let the pea- feature of Council work. He had triedhavingw d t
attending in a hotly, they for the office tlf. M
pie knew 1 s , , , ,, ayor and eight
t law he ., , tpod. ,and that lie to disperse this relief without .going char eof the funeral proceedings. 1x p tttg's, 112r, tratrtes will:appear on the ballast for,
only rides.one Noise, to extreme either al geeing too much , • n a
g g Su:llivart. leaves to tris passing, C"attnr`rlor of which sil will be ,elect
Mayor W. E. Willis gave a very or too little. The cost of this has,•
arr.. wire (formerly T.i1fy 1Vi'ct.can), ed"
thor"rrugh restinie of his stewardshi, been on. dollar P Per individual
n Per l li 1 andtwo cots Harvey an David, - `
eons, d vrd lie
r Y 'nut business res
Tie rnentiattert l 1 s r sof the town is yt!ttrs,
the fact that it 'was we,el., There are now five families
sides his i':rthcr and mother, three sis- express our• interest tri mi: "ri
n Y muita . ptrl a£
two yeas•"a"since he tools office, Tri on relief. i.
tete and tk�U btotltcrs. Interment ie fairs 1
, � ar s by voting, :T�o':not neglect your:
4 (Ccintitnted' nt7 Page hive)': Pieston Cemetery, frariclaisc,
lite matter :�of there hcing very, little.