HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-11-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT:" w LLCEUM Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 9, 10, 11 SPECIAL - --- Leave All Care Behind Know the joy of the open 'tad! Join these happy-go-lucky enter- tainers on the happy high- way that leads. to adventure and romance! The Magnificent Gau nont- Britisb Pictuurixation of j. .8. Priestley's Beloved Novel TU C MPA 10 Stars! 50 Players! Cast of 1000! "Just the kind of entertain- ment the world needs to -day. It will do you good to see it. °° Toronto Telegram., MUSIC! MIRTH! JOY! I[\ Owing to the length of this picture there will be no short subjects. Show starts at 8 o'clock each night. Admission Adults 35c, Children 20c. ._;�ra!,�rt�r.+t^N'�.�J.,C;..Pe. ,35!i,r,r�7n5;iGL��'�•.:. avriv ;fiat, a ipaarl g.r4 iry:i47d.9�,"n1i:YG,�51lt>.�!; �A`li 014 WE DELIVER - PHONE 167 WOOD FOR SALE ........... ............. .._........... ..:-.-...... ...._ Pure Pork Sausage Dates, 4 lbs for Rase Lite (Baking Powder) 1 lb. tins ...,.,., Sugar, 10 lbs for Diamon Bread Flour, "Hunt's of London's guaranteed, 98's ...:, .................. .... $2.25 Cord Delivered 2 lbs. 25c 25c ,...... -.... ...,...--...-...... 73c Best", every bag ,.,,,,.... ....,.., ,,.. ,.$2.1.5 Wheat, Oats, Buckwheat, Oat Chop and Mixed Chop for Sale. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS -TRY US. FLOUR AND GROCERIES EXCHANGED FOR GRAIN DRIED APPLES AND POULTRY WANTED TRADE OR CASH. i Johnny, at a tea party, was eating more than anythe of others. When they were all finished, the hostess went up to him and asked if he would like anything else. "No, thank you," was the sorrow- fulps, u chew reply, I can but I cant3 sAvallow." AIMEE Are the very best of footwear for WET WEATHER but they have one very serious fault in that they invariably "slip at the heels" and as a consequence the good wife is being constantly called upon to "darn the heels of the socks." In this connection we wish to invite the attention of those who wear this class of boot to the fact that HEELERS ARE A REAL PANACEA FOR THIS TROUBLE. In fact you will have no more trouble it this respect if you accept our invitation to try' them out and if not satisfactory •we will cheerfully refund the amount paid We make these at our place of business and have an impression they cannot be purchased else- where. • The price 35 cents per pair Will save their 'price several times over. Now' is the time to look up your RUBBERS or GALOSH- ES that may need repairing, This class of footwear can be repaired very satisfactorily, and the cost is very reasonable. New soles can be put on and the uppers patched, and we guarantee absolute sat- isfaction. 1 V Ai THE WIN GHAM ADVANCE UELORAVE Social The members of thb Anglican Young People's ..Association, enter tanned their members andfriends to a Hallowe'en Social Thursday even- ing in the Forester's Hall when crowd gathered. A large number came in costume and caused considerable guessing as to their .identity. Several games were enjoyed and lunch was served, after which a • very pleasant evening was brought to a close. United Church Young People's Annual Entertainment A Hallowe'en social was held in the basement of Knox United Church on Wednesday night when the mem- bers of the Young People's Society held their annual entertainment.. The majority came masked and 'a very interesting time followed, After the parade a splendid program was given when readings, solos, instru- mental numbers, quartette and a paper was read which gave a sup- posed outline of Belgrave and its res- idents in 1960, were much enjoyed. After the program a splendid lunch of sandwich and pie was ,'served. Westfield Church Fowl Supper. A number from here attended the Fowl Supper and entertainment held in Westfield Church on Friday' night. A splendid supper was served in the basement. The program given in 'the church consisted of Violin selections by Mr. Raymond Redmond; songs by Harry McGee of Auburn, readings by Miss M. Inglis, Orchestra from Belgrave, duet by Miss A. Richmond` and Miss Jean Laidlaw, along with numbers from their own church. Rev, Mortimer acted as Chairman, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brandon spent a few days with friends at St. Marys' and Stratford. Mrs. Alex Manning spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto. Mrs and Mrs. R. Yuill and Berna spent tlae week -end with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart visited with friends near Walton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. . A. Brandon spent a couple of days with friends at Zur- ich and St. Marys. Mrs. John Coultes spent some days with relatives at Guelph. : Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Reid and family. of Varna 'spent Saturday with NIr. and Mrs. C. R: Coultes. Miss Alice Shackelton of Ashfield spent the week -end with friends here, • BLUEVALE United Church Y.P.S. Social Though given in. November, the recent social of the .Young People's Society of the United Church had the flavor of Hallowe'en. The school- room was prettily decorated in black and orange and ghosts and witches made sudden .appearances in the crowd of young people dressed in colourful costume. After a parade of the Masqueraders, prizes for the best costumes were presented by Florence Shiell and Betty Falconer. The prize winners were: - Miss Graham, Miss Donna Smith, Dorothy, Fraser, Jean Stewart, Ross Smith, Will Peacock, Bob Fraser and Alan Barnard. A .program of games and contests was greatly en- joyed, after which a lunch of sand- wiches and pumpkin pie provided a fitting ending to a good evenings fun. Woman's Association Of The United- Church The Woman's Association of the United Church held the regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. C Hether- ington on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance, The, President Mrs. .Sparling Johnston presided and after the devotional period conduct- ed matters of 'business for the month. At the clase of the meeting delicious refreshments were served by the 'host- ess assisted by. Mrs. McGee. Dr. Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Shaw of Toronto spent Sunday .with his par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Shaw,. Miss Lillian Garniss visited with her brother R.F. and Mrs. Garniss before leaving for .Detroit: The following were in the Petty Jury in Goderich last week -Stanley Gallaher, Dan Falconer, . Jon Elliott and John L. McEwen. Mr, and Mrs, R, H. McKinnon and two children, Isobel and Spence and George Towler motored to Tor- onto on Saturday and spent the day ,with. Miss Isobel Fowler, Mrs, Thomas Coultes who has been under the doctors care for some tinle has su'ffieently recovered that she is able togo to Toronto where she will. spend the winter ;with her daughter Miss Mahle Coultes. Mrs, Alice Aitkin and Miss Dorothy Aitkin were week -end visitors in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs John M, 'Geddes of Belk rave and Mr. and Mrs, R. S. llelgrave arid Mr and Mrs R. S. Thursday, November 9, 193 It Pays To Shop At Kings. Special Buying Attractions for the Ladies this Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Broken sizes and Groups left from Wingham's Twin Dollar Days Stylish . Cloth Coats richly trimmed with beautiful Furs. New Silk and Satin Dresses, Frostolaine Knitted Suits. Smart Millinery. Quality Fur Coats, Beautiful Silver, Amber and Red Fox Scarfs. All at the saving prices we had them marked for last weeks Big Dollar Days, Extra Special A, Group of 15 Odd Coats $7.00 A Group of 18 Odd Coats $11.00 Women's and Misses' sizes. Check These Items 4 yd. wide Linoleum $2,98 Barrymore Wilton Mats $3.89 Ray. Silk Bedspreads • $2.49 Bedroom Curtains .,..... 69c $2.50 Window Draperies $1.69 Table. Oilcloth Sets 29c Yd. wide Comforter Chintz 19c All Linen Dice Towels 29c 10 yds. Linen Toweling ,....$1.00 Women's. WooliSilk Hose 44c Girls' Good Sweaters $1.29 3 pkgs. Modess 69c $3.50 Transparent Velvet $1.98 35c Pajama Cloths 29c $1.69 Silk Dress Crepes $1.29' Full Fashioned Wool Hose...69c From Our Men's Section A fine showing of Overcoats, Top Coats, Good Suits, Under- wear, Sweaters, Leather Coats, Forsyth Shirts, Boys' Suits and Overcoats, ;Pullovers, Gloves,. Mitts and Neckwear. Men's Socks Special 100 Pairs Men's IIoleproof Socks. Regular $1.00 lines at 75c Regular 75c lines at 49c Buy several pairs of these fine socks and show your good judgment, Men's Fine Shirts $1.00 Men's Wool Underwear $1.39 Boys' Tweed Knickers $1.49 Men's Tweed Pants $1.49 Pigskin Chore Gloves ....39c New Silk Ties, 2 for • $1.00 Men's Good Windbreakers 1.69 Plenty of other real bargains throughout the store. KING BROS. with Mrs. Mary Robertson . and Miss Martha Fraser. Professor A. Johnston of Victoria College Toronto, Mrs. Johnston and son James were recent visitors with Mr. Johnston's brothers Robert and Arthur Shaw. Miss Cora Gannett of Wingham was a Sunday visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Gannett. ASHFIELD Mrs. Sam Sherwood spent Saturday afternoon with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hutchison, near Whitechurch.: Mr, Purdon, . of Goderich, .spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. ` T. A. Cameron and Mr. Cameron. Messrs. Glenn and Ralph Cameron and Jirn Alton, motored to Toronto on Friday, returning Saturday even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and Jean, also Mrs. A. Nelson, near Cour ey's Corners, spent Sunday with Miss DIAMONDS If you are interested in, Diamonds, our stock of stock of these wonderful gems is well worth your inspection. Our High Class Rings at the Lowest 'Prices in. years;,are of outstand- ing value, Watch Our Windows. WILLIAMS' The Jeweller. Mary Farrish, , Langside. Messrs. ICoith and 'Glenn 'Cameron and Chris. Cook motored to Powas- son on Monday to work in the camps uta• north, , • We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Jake Hunter came through her op- eration for appendicitis on Saturday morning in Goderich Hospital. Mrs.; John Campbell, near Belfast, is staying 'with her grandchildren while their another, Mrs. Hunter, is in the hospital. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S, No.11, East Wawanosli, for the :months of September and October, Those marked * have missed one ex- amination, Pass '60%, Honors 75%. V Class -Henry Pattison 69,3%, Jr. 'IV -Dick Irwin 86,2%; Helen Thompson 81.6%; Willa Reid 78.7%; Allan Smith 43.4%, Sr. III -June Irwin 69.6%. Jr..III-'Martha Smith 47.5%, II -Dorothy Pattison 62%. Sr. Pr, -Gwendolyn Irwin and Ruby 'Smith, Good. Number on the roll, 10; average attendance 9.2. Jessie E. Finlayson, Teacher. Customer (suspiciously) : "How is this hash made, waiter?" Waiter: "Made, sir? Why, hash ac- cumulates." Grocer: "Would you like some wax beans?" Sweet June Bride: "Go away with your imitations. I want, real ones." Thursday Friday, and Saturday Specials Hanna & Co. Limited express their appreciation to the pub- lic for making Twin Dollar Days one of the best in our history, and as we have many new lines, of Winter Merchandise' which we placed in stock this week at no advance in price, we are offering Special Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Clothing Winter Coats,, Black, Browns and Grey Silvertones .b tube and Belted models, Special Price $12.95 Men's and Young Men's Suits in dark Oxford Greysi Blue *' stripes and Black stripes, two pair of pants, Special.. $18.50 1.1111101.1•OMMIIIMMONIMINI• ••••//00101/0/0 I Specials Penman's All Ribbed Wool Underwear $1.00 Merino Shirts and Drawers, No. 71; each 69c Carhartt's Heavy Smocks and Overalls $1.69 Men's Heavy Worsted Sweater Coats, fancy $2.69, Young Men's and Girls' Turtle Neck Sweaters, Blue, Maroon and White $1.69 Boxed Xmas Neckwear, lovely Ties. 25c 39c $1.00 Gloves, Shirts, Hosiery and Hats at Special Prices, for these days, White Brocaded Silk Scarfs, long, Special purchase Young Men's Spats, leather bound, on sale Hanna 8z Co. Ltd NINE DAY. SALE c NINE DAT SALE WINGHAM'S NEW, BUSY, MODERN, SANITARY GROCERY. A WHIRLWIND NINE -DAY CUT-RATE PRICE SALE. Not a Sale of unwanted' specials you see in advertisements, but Everyday Needy Supplies for your home - not inferior lines, but qualities that are up to the standard. : t:: CORN STARCH BAKER'S COCOA 1 1b. pkg. (Breakfast) 1 lb. for 25c 2 for lb. for 1$c lb, for 10c BULK COCOA p'� r l ®C lbo ,; 2 lbs. for 9c SEEDLESS RAISINS Fresh. Sale Price 1 'AJ� c Lb. LEXIAS RAISINS SODA BISCUITS With seed and for Bulk, fresh and crisp flavor. Lb. 1®C 10c lb., 2 lbs. for UNWRAPPED- SOAP A real Laundry, Soap 23 G 10 for ges SOAP BARGAIN CANNED TOMATOES P. & G., Gold and 32 c Standard quality. - 25 c Pearl. 10 for Special, 3 for . ,.. .911101111111‘. 41111111•1111111•11.11111111111110.111111M Gel -e Powder, assorted flavors, sale, 4'pkgs. 17c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 for 25c Eddy's Silent Matches 3 boxes for 24c Horne's Extract Flavoring, assorted flavors, ; c 10c bottle for `+ Baking Powder 1b. tins, Lily for 17c our own 23c Pure White Clover Honey and Guaranteed (Mc- Kee's), 2 • ib. tin 23c; 5 Ib. pail 41c; 10 1b. pail 79c Brunswick Sardines 6 for, 25c Silver Lake Salmon ` 3 large tins 25c Baking Soda, Best for lb. 5c Horne's Sun-Dryd Coffee 39c and 20c WASHING SODA CHEF PORK & BEANS CHEESE SPECIAL Sale Price 1 ib. tins Q Uncolored, medium 413•21„ 3. c, 2.lbs. for �+ 3 for if /60 12c ib.; 2 lbs ..... MARMALADE FARMERS, ATTENTION! ; TABLE SALT Pure Sulphur 5c1 Ca7C Crosse & Blackwell's 22c Epsom Cattle Salts 5c iblb.. 2 Ib. pkg., Iodized -or 1 8 O'Clock Brand Nitrate of Potash 10c lb. plain; 2 for Old' Tyme Pure Maple Syrup 132 oz. tin .,. $1.48 Highland Maple Syrup; ., .. 136 oz. tin $1.65; 72 oz. 85c; Imperial Gallon (13 lb., 3 oz.) $2.13 Crosse & Blackwell's Mustard (prepar.) 9 oz 10c Oxydol (large)and Chipso, 19c, or 2 plugs. for 37c Black Pepper 40c for 29c ib. Discho Pineapple, standard quality, sliced 1,0c 2 for 19c. Cross & Blackwell's Pork & Beans reg. 2 for '19c, 3 for 25c. Clark's Pork & Beans, me& size .,........ .. 3 for 25c Clark's 'Pork & Beans, small' size 4 for 25c Why Pay More Elsewhere? WE KEEP DOWN THE UP -KEEP PHONE 17. -WE DELIVER ANY SIZE ORDER: Buy Where You Can Save. The Rexali Drug Store DOLLAND WAGON CONTEST FreeFor Boys and Girls ��•a "Fifteen ••• red Beautiful Prizes Two Doll Carriages - Ten Lovely Dolts " Three Coaster Wagons These Prizes Valued from $1.50 to $15.00 Each. Givers Away Free at Your Rexall Drug Store. Any person may enter their favorite Boy or Girl without any Fee. No child over 12 years of, age may be entered. Contest Commences November`lst. ntries MayBe e Made Any Time McKIBBON'S DRUG STOIN, Phone 53 "'thigh Oat