HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-11-02, Page 8THE WIN
Thursday, November 2, 1933
'o Shop On Dollar
Our • Established Reputation for , Quality Goods is still on the Top as firm as ever -- Come Along and Make ,. Comparisons
40 Men's.
Blues, Greys,
Browns, the sea-
son's pick, your
choice on Dollar
Days less 20%.
Young Men's
Suits $15.95
You know good
values. Come in
• and get a couple.
39c Pigskin
Work Gloves
29c Pair
35 Boys' Suits at $9.85
Every one a Prince Garment.
Regular values of $12.75 to $18
in the lot. All have extra Pants
Dollar Days $9.85.
12 Only Large Boys'
School Suits $5.00
Sale of Fall Top Coats
Fashion. Craft garments. A joy
to wear. Dollar Days all less 20%.
Boys' Navy Overcoats
to size 35 for $9.89
Boys' Extra Grade
Wonderful qualities. Save 20%
on Dollar Days.
Men's Heavy Doeskin
Windbreakers $1.69
Dollar Day Shirt Sale 1.00
Forsyth, Stewart, Picadilly in
collar attached and 'matching col-
lar styles. Dollar Day Bargain
Each $1.00.
Men's Colored
Red, Blue, Khaki, 3 for ............29c
Boys' Tweed Bloomers.
at $1.59
Just the thing 'for school.
Leather Coats, Wind
breakers, Mackinaws
Men's and Boys' sizes, all are
specially priced.
Slickers and Rain Coats
The right thing to keep you dry,
Dollar, Days at a Quarter Off.
Man's Coon Coat
One Only at a Big Bargain. Be
sure to see it.
Yarns ! Yarns!
Fine Knitting and the heavier
yarns. Buy them now at the old
low price.
Bargains in Leather Coats
Men's Two Purpose
Rain Coats $7.89
Keep you dry, keep you warm
75 - 85c Holeproof Socks .-.... _49c
2 pairs for 95c
50 Men's Tweed Caps $1.
Your choice of value, regular to
Mer''s Fall Weight
Bargain per Suit .98c.
Men's Warm Wool
Shirts, Drawers".......; $1.39
Men's Tweed Pants $1.49
Sizes to 34 waist.
Youth's Khaki Breeches
Men's 'Bedford Cord Heavy Wool
Breeches .,... _. .:...$5.85
Men's All Wool Sweaters
at $1.59
Just right for under Coat use.
Men's Felt Hat Sale
Dollar Days Only, less 20%.
New Elastic Braces 39c, 50c, 69c
New Wool Pullovers
$1.69, $2.25, $2.45, $2.75.
Turtle Neck or Zipper Fronts.
Men's Merino Undershirts, Bargain
Each 69c
Heavy Stripe Shirtings
Buy them now, per yard 29c
54 Inch Linen Breakfast
Cloths .59c
52x68 Linen Breakfast Cloths, 5
pieces....... .......... ... _........ $1.98
25 Women's Blouses
Fine Broadcloths, White and
Sand, Bargain $1.00.
20 Pairs White Wool
Full double bed size, Pink or
Blue Borders, Dollar Day Bar-
gain $5.97.
Brown's Shamrock Table
Dollar Days Only, Less. 25%.
Table Sets, Separate Cloths, Odd
Heavy Stripe Oxford
Shirting 19c
Dollar Days, 6 yards $1.00
Wabasso Factory Cottons
Bargain, 8 yards $1.00
50c Heavy Turkish Towelings 35c
50c Gray Wool. Flannel ........._.......39c
$1.00 Red Table Linen 49c
H'vy Cotton Lounge Covering 17c
200 yds. Brocaded Rayon, Dollar
Days, Only 29c
20 Wornens' and
Misses' Coats
All Fur trimmed with good
linings and interlinings. Buy
• them on. Dollar Days $9.00.
4 Y.d. Wide Linoleums
All perfects, no seconds.
Heavy Inlaid Linoleums
Per square yard $L14
Chintz Covered Cushions
19c Each
Use them for cushion :forms.
2 Yd. Wide Bath Room
Dollar Days $1.98
All Cotton Filled Comfort-
ers Less 20%.
All Reduced For Twin Dollar Days.
100 Remnants
Many materials, various lengths
every piece half price.
65c Turkish Towelings
Dollar Days Only, yd. .._...... _..35c
Women's Leather Gloves
Clearing broken sizes of high
grade gloves, Picarry Hog, Grey
Suede, Capeskin, regularly priced
to $4.50. Dollar Days,... Bargain
Buy Knitted Suits on
Dollar Days
Our high grade suits, these
two days only less 10%.
Silk Coat Linings
Clearing per yard $1.00
Girls' and Misses' Wool
New styles, just right for Fall
wear. Dollar Days Only $1.00
White Table Oilcloth
Wide width, per yard 39c
Barrymore - Wilton
Floor Mats, Runners, all sizes
less 20%.
Kayser Suede Fabikic
Gloves ,
$1.00 to $1.50 values 69c and 98c
Frilled Curtainings
While they last, per yard 19c
Genuine Wool Rug Fringes, 2
yards ; 25c
Lovely Fox Scarfs
Amber, Silver, Natural Red,
20% off our already low prices.
Hundred Good Bath Towels, a
Bargain, 4 for $1.00
500 yds. New Broadcloth and
Chambrays; per yard 1.9c
Oyster Linens Sale
Extra fine count, beautifully soft
yarns and 45 inches wide,... Half
Price Dollar Day $1.00 yd.
A Pair of lovely White Lambs Wool Blankets in double bed size
A free ticket given with every dollar purchase. The more you need
to buy the greater your chance to win these "Good Blankets". ...It
will pay you to shop at King's on Dollar Days.
85c Pure Silk Stockings
69c Pair
Fine Garter Welt and Cradle
foot, 2 pairs $L35.
Little Tot Rubber Pants
If you wish, 2 fairs 29c
All Wool 4JPly Yarns lOc.
3 for 25c.
New Corduroy Velvets $1.
Just right for girls smart school
Scotch Tartan Dress
Goods $1.65
Patterns you're bound to like.
25 All Leather Purses 1.00
Many worth 3 and 4 times this
Watson's Fleece Lined
Sleepers $1.00
Children's sizes 1 to 6 years.
50 Ladies' Dress Belts
Various colored Leathers` 15c I
Children's Fine Pullovers and
Sweaters $1.29 and $1.49
Small Children's Knit Suits "
$1.19, $1.50, $1.95
Women's WooliSilk Stockings,
Buy several pairs 44c, 69c
75c Lingerie Crepes E 45c
Newgoods just in.
Coat $79.00
Fine Skins
10 Girls'
Your choice
Each $2.49
75c Plain Colored Voiles for fan-
cy work, Bargain 39c
Browns Linen Face Towels, 2
All Wool Dress Flannels, 54 in.
1 wide Dollar a yard
All Congoleum Rugs
Dollar Days Less 20%,.
Madeira Litten Sale
Beautiful qualities, Cloths,
Runners, Serviettes %3 and 1
Wabasso Pillow Cases
Fresh shipment just to hand.
Buy them for now or Christ-
Extra Weight Factory
Dollar Day Bargain, 8 yds. $1.00
Wabasso Lily White
Extra width, firm round threads
per yard 69c and 77c.
All Wool Factory Yarns
Dollar Day• Bargain, lb.. ........59c
$1.45 Genuine Celanese
Drapery 99c
For beautiful Bedroom hangings
50 inches wide, Bargain, per. yard
50 Yds. Green Silk Poplin
For linings, Dresses, Coverings,
Dollar Days, 2' yards $1.00.
New Patterns - . Pajama
Cloths 24c, 29c, 39c
All Sizes Linoleum Rugs
Dollar Days less 20%.
Wabasso Pillow Cottons
Dollar Days 39c, 3 yards $1.00
Unbleached Sheeting
Extra width, free from specks,
yard 44c.
Soap Shrunk Navy Botany
Extra values $1.69, $1.89
Plain Shade Casement
Blue, Rose, Tan, Brown, Half
Price, per yard 49c.
Men's God Work Shirts $1
Extra values from regular that
usually sell at $1.25 and $1.50, Dol-
lar Days, each $1.00.
Man's Fur Lined Coat
A real beauty with top grade
Muskrat liming and Extra fine
Otter Collar, Half Price $129.00.
Cotton B•la'nket'Sale
A regular $3.50 line of high grade
fancy cotton Blankets of double
bed size in various bedroom colors
Bargain per pair $2.89.
Wabasso Factory Cotton
Bargain per pair $2.19
Clearing Good Corsets
Gossard, Nemo -Flex, Broken
sizes, 69c, $1.98, $2.98.
White Nursey Flannelette
Dollar Days Special, 7 yds. 97c.
40 Inch Factory Cotton
6 Yards $1.00
Ladies' Pajama Patterns
New Fall Colors 29c
Tapestry Furniture
Now is the time to use them. 1.69
Yard Wide Comforter
Dollar Day Special 19c, 25c
Women's Charmelaine
Genuine French, Black with pen-
cil stripe, Dollar Days Bargain at
Watson's Silk Lingerie
Vests, Bloomers; Panties, high
quality, Bargain 59c.
Sale of Fine Table.
All our good sets of Browns
famous Shamrock Linens, Dol-
lar Days only, your choice at a
Quarter Off.
Extra Values
Bedroom Curtains, new patterns
just in, pair 69c.
Lamp Glasses, medium 10c
Pure Clover Honey 39c
Reg. 35c Stove or Shoe Brush-
es for 19c
Large Bottle Queen Olives 24c
60c Black Tea 39c
Aylmer Tomato Juice, 4' tins 29c
Castile Soap, 9 cakes 25c
Choice Dates, 2 lbs. 19c
Seeess Raisins, 2 lbs., 25c
Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 tins 35c
Toilet Paper, 3 large rolls 23c
Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tins 23c
Large Bottle Vanilla 15c
Choice Blue Rose Rice,`3 lbs 25c
Cut Glass Goblets free with Ba-
king Powder 25c
McLarens Jelly Powder, 4 for 23c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c
Large Jar Orange Marmalade 29c
5 -String Corn Broom 39c
Piles of other Quality Merchandise throughout the storeand not
here mentioned at Big Bargains for Dollar Days..
Mr. and. Mrs, Rufus Purdon and
Mary and Joe, and Mr. Donaldson of
McDonald's Corners, Lanark County,
are spending a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon and
with other relatives here and in Ash-
Mr. and Mrs. John Phair, Mr. F.
Phair and children of Ancaster, and
Mrs. Geo. Thornton of Bluevale, vis-
ited on Thursday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
The Mission Band of the United
The Rexall Drug .Store
For Boys and Girls Free
ree Fifteen .1.
Beautiful Prizes
Two Doll Carriages - Ten Lovely Dolls
Three Coaster 'Wagons
These Prizes Valued from $1.50' to $15.00 Each.
Given Away Free at Your Rexall Drug Store.
Any person may enter, their favorite Boy or Girl without any Fee.
No child over 12'years of age may.. be entered.
'Contest Commences November 1st.
Entries. May Be Made r inie
liVingitanil Ont.
hot e SS
�� y u a a4lwW h �a
Church are holding a Hallowe'en So-
cial on Friday evening in the church
basement. : Everyone welcome. A
good time for all.
We are sorry to hear that Miss
Pearl Jones is seriously ill with
pleural -pneumonia, Mr. Tom Morri-
son and his friend from Toronto
spent Sunday at the home of his par -
nets, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison.
Mr. Oscar Casemore of Lucknow,
spent Sunday .with Mr. Ernest Case -
Mr. and Mrs. Herb McQuillan and
Mr. John McQuillan of Lucknow,
spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ab. McQuillan.
Mrs. Jerry Brayford of Toronto,
spent last week with her mother, Mrs.
MacGregor. '
Mr. and Mrs. George Lott and son,
Harry and his friend, all of Toronto,
called' at the home of the foriner's
sister, Mrs, David Farrier and at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Cox, of
Auburn, spent - Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Cox.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan, who has
spent the past month with Mrs. C.
Taylor of Fordyce, is home again.
Mr. Wesley Leggatt purchased a
new wind Min And had it erected last
week, ;c
Communion Service was held in the
United Church on Sunday.
Mr. ;and Mrs. MacLaughlin of De-
troit, spent the week -end with jter
rrtotlter� Mrs,rs. 'Jos. C trine
Mrs,, john ' Kilpatrick and baby,
Keith, of Crewel visited ono day last
week with her Attn., • Mrs.. Cecil
Wheelei. of Morris, while Mr. Kilpat-
rick and Mr. Wheeler attended the
ploughing match at ;trusses.
Mr. and Mrs., Jas. Purdon of St.
Helens, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wni. Purdon.
Mrs. John Gillespie has been ser-
iously ill during, the past week and
Nurse ,Florence Purdon' was taking
care of her.
' Miss Olive Farrier ' of Stratford
Normal School, spent the week -end at
her home here.
Miss Marjorie Stuart, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs, J. Ure Stuart of Elr
miry spent a few days last week with
Miss Olive Terriff, and Mr. and Mrs.
v[ac Ross, Malcolm" and Miss Terriff
accompanied her to her home'on Sun-
The W. M. S. of the United church
are holding a Missionary Tea at the
home of Mrs, McBrien on Wednes-
day. •
The W.M.S. of Chalmer's Church
are holding their thank -offering meet-
ing on Wednesday. Mrs, A. E, Lloyd
of Wingham, will be the special
speaker for the day,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sanborn and
Miss Lorinda and Warren spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum San:
burn of Turnberry. ,
Miss Marjorie Stuart of Elmira,
and Miss Olive Terriff visited; on Fri-
day with Miss Mary Weir.
The regular meeting of the W o-
men's Institute will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10th, in the Institute Hall.
kev, j, Pollock Will address the meet-
ing. All the ladies, of th;comrnuttity
are . fnvitdt to attvtici w.ri.
Born --en Saturday, Oct. 2$tb, in
Stratford Hospital, to Mr,, and Mrs.
Orval Graham (nee Irene McDowell
ofelgrave), a daughter.
Mr, and Mrs, Henry McGee and
Gordon visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Sam Meittrney,.
Willis' Shoe Store at Wingham
The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts
Offers Real Bargains
On. November 3rd. and 4th.
100 Pr. W�men's Fine
Shoes in several styles
$.85 per pair
All Sizes in the Lot.
And in addition we will give
Phone 1B
ha rn