HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-11-02, Page 4GrE EOU THE WIN I -IAM ADV ANCE-TI HIES 0 Conclusion; ltt view of We state of affairs shown to have been existent l can append no ccrtifieate. tThe 'new :bhoks Will need to 'be ed - lusted as new• filets conte to light and I would. suggest that the offices" of Clerk and Deputy -Treasurer be seg orate d No system is successful when collusion la possible and the danger involved of having Oil orificial act- ing in a dual capacity should not be countenanced. I weuld particule•r1y express my appreciation of the, great assistance rendered by the Warden, Mr. James Ballantyne,'the County:Solicitor, lvlr. R. C. Hays and to the Bank of Com- merce officials • in this investigation which, because of the condition of the books and records, the obstructive tactics employed by the Treasurer and the Clerk and particularly to the destruction of valuable records has been reudered 'extremely difficult." Q 11 c:ezt:ts a word per, insertion, with a minimu.tn •charge, of 25c, 0)= cuci ft)Gr Nom: Zi )=0_ oC107 \ GOOD COTTAGE, all town con- fe veuiences, on ;Edward St., gond gar- c, ale. To be sold at special price far lx Tuck sale, Apply T. Fells. aa. ATTEND the AUCTION SALE of: W Buick Coupe, Battery operated in Radio, Solid Walnut lied, Writing e Desk, Furniture, Oil Stove, Rugs, e Carpet, Tables, Chairs, Washing Machine, Lawn Mower, Oil Burn- ti er for furnace, Tools, Dishes, Etc., h at residence of Mrs. John Ritchie, e Centre St, on Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1988, at 2 pan T. R, Bennett, Atte- a' tioneer. FOR SALE—Good House on Fran- s a cera St, Apply to, Thos. Fells. FOR SALE ---Beatty- Electric Coppet. c tub Washer (Gyrator washing ac- t tion) $69.00. Apply W. Clarke, the ,e Plumber. t FOUND --•t1 pair of' dark-ri'ninted d Glasses, near Town Hall: Advance- ' Times. e MRS, R. Tervit witehl be very grate- a hit to all who vote for her little i daughter,. Donna, at the Doll Con- test at McAvoy's Drug Store, ONE GOOD FARM, 1?;i mites from Winghain, good barn, good brick house, farm well watered by two windmills, One of the best grain farm, in the County of Huron. $2500 down, balance can be arrang- ed. Apply T. Fells. . CARD OF THANKS Mr. James Gibson and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses and expres- xpres-sions of sympathy during their recent sions sad bereavexuent, CARD OF T HANKS Mr, Ver: J. Campbell and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness and expres- to i refer nt tl duringter - vn a z s signs of _ k0 y sad bereavement, also to express their appreciation of the kindly help and sympathy during the long illness of the deceased. COUNTY COUNCIL RECEIVE SPECIAL AUDITORS' REPORT Statement of Shortages Discovered Total $11,845 .29. I Reccoluends the Office of Clerk and' Deputy -Treasurer Be Separated. The rep.oa t of Frank 1'. Gibbs, !Chartered Aeeeuntant, c't Stratford, who has . been investigating, the is counts of the Comely" +'f Huryn, was \t d l th xrxe'"naberT rr bins against his employ yrs, alae tritnty of Huron, 1 consider this per- ps the most outrageous procedure f the whole case: He has been un illini or unable to produce vouchers such shape that they can be audit - d. Under' authority. given to the Varden and Myself and approved by is Warden's Committee, instructions arse been 'given . that the bookkeep- r shall obtain from'hire, together rith an order airhoriaing the .issue of al cheque, the ..invoices . and other ouchers relative thereto and that she flail filo these stapled together with a notation of the number of the hegaae issued therefor. We have' fee- ler insisted that orders 'shall be is - ed. •he - stat- ued. for all payments whether i story, by-law or for ordinary inci- entals. The orders and cheques are 11 being countersigned:by the Ward n so that he shall know every item thiilt is paid out. These instructions also contain a provision that all mon- received. are to be handed' to the bookkeeper for deposit' without any deduction therefrom and that the re- ceipt shall be made out by her. A Iarge number of people are pr- dering supplies and 'materials and no cute therefore is able to state at any three what the liabilities of the County Blount to. I feel that an order book. system shoidd be installed and that these order books should be issued to only a few people Who will send a duplicate to the bookkeeper when the order is issued, keeping the friplicate in their own book which they will nark off when the; goods are receiv ed. Ait alternative would be to ap- ,r this �' Purchasing Agent but ,tat a Pt Pa a g might not be possible: The Clerk not- withstanding the instructions of the Warden's Committee that .I should dr- has been to new system, 1 a tI tn, to, dering Receipt Books, etc. of the old style and this I take as a further in- stance of his obstructive tactics. I cannot suggest that any docu- ments ocu tnents be given to the present Clerk as his office is in such a confused condition that even the By-laws can- not be produced when required. O inquiry one is referred to the By -lays book containing atopy of the By Laws but this is of no value without being properly and legally completed COUNTY ORATORICAL CONTEST HELD Spelling Match and Story Telling Contest Prove Interesting;. WILLIAMS' WRIST OR POCKET WATCHES outstanding values are now being shown. Call in and see our splendid linea First Class Repairing done on the premises. Williams, Jewellery Store Thesixth s �.t t annual Huron County y School Fairs public speaking contest, third annual spelling and first annual story telling contest, was held in the Clinton Collegiate on Saturday af- ternoon. The~ -contest was held un- der the auspices of the:Ontario De- partment of Agriculture and the re- presentative, Ian McLeod, was in charge. Owing to the reduction in the number of school' fairs this year there were but six contestants eli- gible and of these only five were pre-' sent. The js ofthei judge's speaking and story telling contests were: Dr. Field, School Inspector, East Huron, and Mr. Stonehouse,, Principal of Vic - torte Street School, Goderich. The first speaker was .Dick Irwin of S. S. No. 11, East: Wawanosh. His sub- ject was "Books I have Read." Doris Hicks, S. S. No, 10, Stephen, was the next speaker. She spoke on "Why I` am Proud that I am a Canadian." Phyllis Blake, S. S. No. 9, Ashfield, spoke on, "bVhy We Should Protect our Forests."Speaker No. 4 was Alma Anderson, No. 8, Ashfield. Her sbject was Canada's Future,"and the last speaker was Jean Vittie, No. 4, Howick. Her subject was "The Story of Abagail Becker." The story telling contest was next. The con- con- testants ' were juveniles of about 7 years of age. They were.: Lyal Lan- nan, Curries Corners; Doris Galbraith On of Fordwich; Shirley Honore, Grand Bend; Helen Musford, Carlow; and Jirn Coulter, I3elgrave. Their story subject was "Pets" each one having a different species. The self confi- dence and entire lackof shyness on the part of these little story tellers This was remarkable. The spelling match was conducted When by Dr. Field. The participants, eight d in number were as follows: Vera La senby, No. 13 \Vest \ 'awanosh; Ken- neth 7 Finlayson, No. 4, Ashfield; Ruth a Durst, Carlow, No. 7; Kathleen 4�Ic- T(endrick; Viola Young, No. 8, Ash- field; June Durant, No, 8, Howick; r Helen Wolper, No. 8. Stephen; Nor- ris Webb, No. 12, Stephen. ` While the judges were deliberating Mr. MacLeod took the opportunity of presenting the winners in the spell- ing match with their prizes; First $5; '' second $3; third $2; fourth $1 and all others 50c. He also called upon C. d A. Robertson, M.L.A., North Huron, t` fe+r an address. He congratulated the tt " cltiidren on their creditable perforin - antes and stated he had never miss- ed one of these contest and hoped he, s might always be able to attend in the future. W. G. Medd sent regrets that '. ' business affairs prevented laiin from being present. The'judges'having re- turned, Dr, Field announced' the'win- ners in the speaking contet. He stat- ed that without any collaboration on This may be regarded as found anon- order e not considered necessary* their part in allotting points their ev Icse the e:xtieuses of the investin- in mar** rases and in 1982 Mr. Hol-; citeticc ttas unanimous in' each case, Such pay sheets as 1 have seen fo d the various eonimittee5 contain ann ong therm some large payments, Thi, is apparently due to custom referring Iback tsassibly to the old days when the Council travelled ' by ;horse aft j]' huggy.. I feel there is no need' to dis. e�nteal , c-vtn .. aa7e x aC % ass rite tt:talis of flits sinel' Sl t: ix of the County i.ouncil will new have e q the hands of each inexnber of each these reports, Como ittee to see that the proper fees It is imeos •float: to }publish. thio re- !only are anthoriaed. port in full or even in any great pro- i I think I have made it quite. clear portion as it is made up i 18 pages , that m audit has been made of tht of typewriting and '3`2 other pages.''iitloiq<es.and vouchers because of.tll- containind. baltme`e s lets. stat wait. �condition in which they are await and of the sari, us aarraeaunts, statement of 1 doubt whether: they have been .ex deficits, etr, `ainitteih for years. Numerous double A great deal of this 'rep 'rt h is been 1*ayinents seem to have been inadc published from time to time as ev- and in fact some of the suppliers have eats took place during the audit. The •; t omplaixied that when they receive statement of shortages alisL.�verett hy 4a diene they did not know what i the audit totals $11 84,1.x29, made up i encs were included. The new system as' follows; 1929 Sl 989th • 1 2O 5`2.` i should take care of this. 690.ti0; 1951. $2.8893.08; 1932 43,557.44; a The rustorn prior to 1933 of th 1933 $900.53. ; Warden si niug orders in blank ha We quote from this'report t -e ani- y this year been: stopped by the refusal nu.uts recovered front the Stending of Warden Ballantyne to sign any - -Company as followst' -One tiling', however, should be pointed'out, and that is the amount recovered from the Bonding Company of $7750.00. thing kr which he has not proper information. As l have pointed out before, the condition bad grown so lax that a RAT) k�"��1L,, COLLECTORS = r NO COLLECTION • N0 C140.6[,I ISI -� `'\ ., We collect accounts, notes, wag- es, anywhere. We will astonish you with results. Write us today for particulars. UNITED CREDIT MEN OF CANADA. Branches Everywhere. T.O. Box 22. Owen Sound. FORMER RESIDENT HIGHLY HONORED FAMOUS ENGLISH TRAIN ON VIEW EN ROUTE HOME The famous Royal 'Scot, express train of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, will soon return to Canada en route to Britain and will visit various towns and cities where opportunity will be given for Canad- ians to inspect this famous flyer as it runs over the lines of the Canadian National Railways froth Chicago to Montreal, Arriving at Montreal the train will be dismantled, loaded on a steamship and returned to Britain. After its visit to Western Canada and Western United States points, the Royal Scot will proceed to Chi- cago, where it has attracted great at- tention as an exhibit at the Century of Progress Exhibition, over Grand Trunk Western lines to Port Huron where it will be handed over to Can- adian National Railways, .'Stops; on the Grand Trunk Western will be made at Battle Creek, Lansing, De- troit, Flint and Port Huron. The fa- mous train will reach London, Ont., on Tuesday, Nov 7th, and will be on exhibition on Nov. 8th. Receives Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons Highest Bid Stands When your bid is accepted at an auction sale you must pay the price even if you decide it is too high, Judge J. Wilson ruled in division court at Windsor. Mrs. F. F. Ames bid $27 for a rug when she said she intended to bid but $20 and she refus- ed to pay $7. The court decided she had to, and she did, — Forest Free Presse - - • Dr. E. W. Linklater, Noranda, Otte. who received his public school and high school education here, has been practicing his profession in the ab- ove-named town since 1925, has been highly honored having had conferred on him- the Fellowship of the Amer- ican College of Surgeons at a recent meeting of the 23rd Clinical Congress at •Chicago. r isMr. andthe son Dr. Linklater . Afrs. W. S. Linklater, former resi- dents, who now reside at Waterford, Norfolk County. His many friends here will be hap- py to know that he bas secured such wonderful recognition in his profes- sion. tion beaus e the County did not know` saian drew $30.00 and Mr. loan Sot3.- , The winners in order were Tim An - it has been robbed. It must also be 00 for unauthorised expenses. derson, Dick Irwin, Phyllis Blake.'• rc.= atrded as tuore or less of an "ex, Mr. Young openly admitted that ate Mr, Stone house announced the win - gratia" payment or payment by, grace was no 'bookkeeper yet he was an Hers in the story telling: Lyal Lan - since the provisioons •contained in the auditor before he was appointed Doris Galbraith, Shirley Manore. Exarployers' Statement and iornti.ne ,Treasurer. In the absence of ,a gen 1,George Spotton, M.P., North iinr- +itt of •the,1l(nd, had not been livedi ral ledger and of books properly t ' tan ' xnii to. The Frulplaiycrr'Statefrrettr`woe ;kept be rxtcceetled in taking the am- silver tro- , iny�o resentedthe beautiful the winner of first prize in the sikgma by G. W.l Holtman as Clerk, ounts already stated and according to and by J. Hayes as 'Norden f though i his sworn statement that he never ` p'�blia 'siieakin He gave an approp- ate . 'a.s r. Hayes. I �:irrn informed, disputes I gave a rt reitst unless Pts was asked, no + �aanttali: on the est, the benefits of the .c'liooi inportarLe of the iris s gn:I:a re.) figure ran be placed on the artu lairs and other points incidental to The a:ld ita}: part of the report is i shortage. ainr sande»r the heading Comments!'rhino ,hara Neeenmates* rumours:the oecasioa. Mr. MacLeod zlistribut- L'a:'.t13a2. ;alra'r :as this :should prevalent - as ia'a In?.or las. who are Slip- I'd t1tL' prizes to the other winners. li to ola p ra e:a e 'tam, to oar readers. INN. p{used to. have peel t"li''"''ey and alma al"::ain quote from the report. a receipt therefor. 1 an only regret Comments and Suggestions that these 1tcc`.plc aid not comae to ane "The .hew st stem a.L accounting is 'i au l; produce c their evidence. being iunstalleZ and tin:new l)oeldk p- In cenneetien with the Criminal 4+x� whom the Warden and ftacls were Audit seme, s e.,rel should be TORd insnacre feel b. the \\"oareleta s Commit-; by the Anlitors :d the are 'turlts pass n r i,rn':n; ;"y is etveridly tate 'rstend- ata ct., payane?nt so that the Count;y" ia'eealied in s etions. ' Auditors would :know what accounts ,.ttaitie7xl of•thle Treasur-.teal been passal by the :Bcard. It t" .n thetaer tr, t Cli.,rk pte•'.5e*.titer Tx. 114'-La.w stat !lasstet hi'ti'.C''i!' the 'habit ot the coun- lrat nattakt- sudt droi f i37 '•Y`+ it 11 tr l°!a?tarc:ent to pass these attCe'ntnt ire.'. autoit' :'.Xlkaaly '_ie tD'e.Tut'a and sc, these has.schen no tray .!of tell I`r t a,nnrru. la dte fae;t a tlppear- lug .wile^.tlt� r rite ware • fits 17ars beer ;tare before. •faar fw e aatatli"ttwn with regtfiarlYpasse . "her. nm. ,anlytitti* 7at1xes detttetna :qei 1p> c, wttiiA l hart rif ilte Contecta? we DONNYBROOK There will be a supper and concert. in Donnybrookn aro.l CBrt l T x Itr_day evening, Nov. 2xid, um:lee tate auspices of the a splendid praogram ;. will' be given consisting of readings, vcpral and instruiitrntal.music: Everry- liody welec,rne. Miss Olive Jefferson has returned Woddstoti . E Miss Young a, k - if :gutrst with her. frit' t , 'e fet ret. Jail Terms or Pay Poll Tax Magistrate Reid, of Goderich, held court in Memorial Hall, Blyth, on Thursday morning for delinquent poll tax payer. Norman Hamm, Edward Taman and George Cowan were the delinquents. They were given until Monday to pay their poll tax of $5 or spend. seven days as a guest of Thursday, November 2, 1933 YOUR FURNACE IS CALLING FOR REPAIRS Attend to it NOW before it becomes neces- sary sarto keep the fires going, and have it ready for the winter's use. Phone 58 for prompt service. MACHAN BROS. Mr. Reynolds at Goderich. Both .Sides of the Story Heard at C.C.F. Meeting Residents of West Luther who ga- thered in the Township Hall Thurs- dayevening last in response to not- ice that R. J. Scott, Belgrave, Presi- dent of the U.F.O., would speak in. the interest of the C.C.F. movement, but also the apportunity to hear two sides of the story. Dr. J. K. Blair, M.P., was among those present and was given an invitation to speak. This the Doctor accepted. President Scott first delivered his address. Dr. Blair followed and Mr. Scott was allowed a few minutes for reply. In this way, the audience was treated rather to a debate than the old form of one-sided were pleased that they were afforded political `meeting and this was un - not only the chance to hear outlined doubtedly to its liking.—Arthur En - the policy of the new political party, terprise-News. GODERICH BOY COLLAPSES AND DIES Shortly after he had finished foot- ball practice Friday at Goderich, Her- bert Palmer, 17 -year-old collegiate student, collapsed on Colborne St and died beforemedical aid could be obtained. He had just ridden his bi- cycle, with a fellow stduent on the handlebars, from -Agricultural Park, where football practice was held: "You know, I shouldn't do this, I have heart trouble," he gasped, and then collapsed. He was carried into a nearby home li and Dr. W. F. Galiow'vas called, but the youth had died. He bad been re- ceiving treatment for heart trouble mor some time and had been warned against participating in strenuous ex- ercise, it is understood. Herbert Palmer was an only child and great syrnpathy .is felt for Ms mother, a war widow, who resides on Britannia Road. He was born in God- erkh . and was popular with his schoolmates.' DIED SPITTAL--I, .?.- Hospital, cn. 3. the infant i Mr. and ,.r R M.. Spite 'li .rn _ .:d :,, Octe.ber 27th, 1933. BIRTHS i. the Win harp General SMITH—In Wing ham on Monday, October 16,1 to Mr.; and Mrs. Robert Smith, E Vawanosb, a daughter. BONE—In the \Vingharn General Hospital, 41311 Tuesday, October 24,1 to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bone, of a' Brussels, a son. 9: GRAHAM—In the Stratford General:, Hospital, on Saturday, October 28,i to Mr. and Mrs, Orval Graham, a daughter. i1! "eTitiwre are ty5`ik Sides to every tines ion," preelairned the wise man. 'Tea," said the fool, "and there ar+ i k. xyo side to a sheet 3ni:et ar sticky fly taper, but it .makes a differentce, t ase fay which Side he chooses" Dillson --t'l I'sea wit la your family because t'lneya'nite ti used ear and you wan one., ata» "Yee, but tat xs l': Special Discount On Subscriptions To The Advance -Times ON -- WINGsHAM'S THIN I. DAYS Iriday and Saturday, November 3rd, 4th ADiscount of 10 Per Cent. I be allowed on all Subscriptions to The Advanc Times