HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-10-26, Page 1aaeara
The ent
School on
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local talent
when the
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Shoe -Re
and prices
'Greer's Shc
Cent Sal
Do your
• McKibbon'
Friday, Sal
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Open -Mee
The Wo
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look for C
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last week.
only a few
-and, despit
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The fume
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James Rob
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The fune
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He was
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Mrs. Joe
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two sisters
Chas. Tun?.
Turve3r, of
tis, Milvert
of Grey' To
pepliews, R
, ,
and 'Ward
• a •!`: • • !:
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Sabseriptions $2.00 Per Year
Very Encouraging Reports Received
• A beautiful new Essex Terraplane
Sedan olimed. by .Mr. Gates of Ham-
ilton, was stolen in that city on Wed-
nesday afternoon last 'week. Thu,rs-
. ,
day morning it was discovered in the
w p north of Bluevale near the
B. line. The car was aPParentlY be-
ing driven at a terrific pace arid the
driver could not negotiate the turn at
the corner and went .into the ditch,
hit a telephone pole, breaking it off
and •stopped in the soft earth. The
car was badly damaged, the 'left side
of the body being crushed. '',':.:
. County Constable Wm. McMichael
brought the car to Wingharn under
its. own power and got in touch with
the authorities in Hamilton, and Mr.
Buckley, car salesman in Hamilton,
came to Wingham and drove the car
back. The persons who stole the car
so far havenot been apprehend'ed.
Thank -Offering Meeting Well At-
The '-noon-day Pastime of .hooting
squirrels on Monday had a sad end-
ing for Arthur McEwen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. McEwen, Arthur, who
was employed by jack Weir on the
' • • '
4t ofTurnberry, went hunting sou-
rels after he had his dinner. He .chas-
ed a squirrel into the wall of an old
building and to frighten the squirrel
out took hold. of the barrel of the
muzzle -loading shot gun he was us-
ing and pounded the wall, The gun
discharged and he received the full
charge in the leg in the fleshypart
of the thigh. Dr. H. W. Colborne was
called a•nd had'him taken to the 1-10s-
Pital where an operation was perform-
ed to remove the shot and pieces of
clothing that were embedded in his
leg. It will be a month before he will
be able to carry on as usual.
Weather Ideal and c, omPetitinn Keen
Sunday morning,
wenins i\i.ssetlryDa ,
ham United Church, wit,
iety had. charge of the 'si
W. H. Willis, President
M. S., „presided and gave
count of the work of th
Missionary Society at In
the foreign fields. Mrs.
led the devotions. The sp
er was Mrs.' (Rev,) Mo
burn, who was raised :in
laboured there as a medil
ary for many years. She :
inthians, Chap. 15 and ha:
on the word "Love" h
, s o,
we had enough lOve for-;
b.ors we could not see th
Without rendering assis
spoke of the great need
assistance'in China, where
vince of Szechwan, airiont
people there are only tw
1-Iospitals. China is stru
new forces on one hand i
diHems on the other, an
upon the Christian world
The choir furnished sp
Mrs. Jack McKay and
Christie gave a requested
up thy Cross," and Mr. J.
rendered a solo "Inside 1
Gate." The young ladies
- Auxiliary acteds i
ening ary a
:rtainent held at Currie&
Friday evening, was a sig-
.. Mr. Stanley Elliott, Prin-
Catharines Public School,
Lt of a promise made some
rrived with a troupe of en_
:hat were a credit to any
t g the troupe were three
lists at the Lincoln Coun-
Festival, and these, toge-
chorus of children,
t stiP-
sical programme that left
desired. While Miss Web-
onist, and tiny miss Swan
nd dancer, were a: joy to
y audience which gathered
Lis rare treat.
2. Redmond ,was present,
give a sketch of his West
but, owing to the lateness
ir, confined himself to a
sketch. The. opening .artel
nbers were furnished by
and not since the days
S. 0., 'S. staged their an-
ih 'concerts have the peo-',welcome
section had the privilege
; to so many real artists
ling •
The Central Division •' of the Pres-
hYterian W•M•S• 'of the . Maitland
. .
Presbyterial was held in Chelmer's
Church, Whitechurch,
on Friday, October 20th, Mrs. W. j,
Henderson of Winghana 1st vice-
president of the Presbyterial, presicl-
ng , .
i• '
Devotional exercises Were in
charge of Mrs. (Rev.) MacLean, of
Wingham, and Mrs. Guthrie Reid of
Teeswater. Following this a season
of prayer was announced; Mrs. David
Kennedy, Whitecharch„, leading in
prayer for "Our Church"Mrs. 'Link-
later, Teeswater, for parents and
children; Mrs, Carr, Wingham, for
the Jews, the lonely, the stranger and
the New. Canadian; Mrs. F. coulter,
•for missions and missionaries, and
Mrs. G. Wilson, Winghaan, in a pray -The.
er of -thanksgiving. •
Mrs. Emerson, on behalf lief the
Whitechurch Auxiliary, 'extended a
to the delegates, to which
Ales. Henderson' responded.
: Reports Of athe meetings. of the
Eastern and Western Divisions at
, .the
.Cranbrook and Kit:dough were read.
Mrs. Linklater,- Teeswater, . supply
secretary, gave a most encouraging
„report. Splendid bales had been Te-
. . .
caved from each society. , Miss Scott,
Bluevale, literature secretary, report -
d an increased intereselv the mem-
e . -
bers in missionary literat.ure. The
secretary of each organization gave a
' - organization gave
brief report of ,,,ahe avark „ accomplish-
ed during the year and all report S
showed splendid work being done.
An excellent and very interesting re-
Port of the Summer ,School at • the
David Perrie Memorial Camp, Kan -
tail, was given by the Presbyterian
delegate, Miss Margaret MacKenzie.
The offering received was dedicated
in prayer by Mrs. J., Richardson, of
Laingside. .
Mrs. J. McGee, Ms. McBurney and
Misses J. Robertson and M. M.cBurn-
ey from the, Calvin Auxiliary, contri-
, ,The
belted, a quartette number -which was
rnuch appreciated -
• .
Mrs. McWhinney, Presbyterial
President, was the guest speaker for
the afternoon. She expressed her de-
light with the reports given and gave
a splendid review oiathe work being
done by: the W.M.S. of Canada. The
meeting was brought to a close with
prayer by Mrs. McWhinney.
Ideal weathet conditions favored
Huron County Plowmen's Association'
at their 10th annual plowing , match,
held Friday on the 'farm of W. P.
McCutcheon, sixth line of Morris,
The land was in excellent condi -
tion. The Spectators rams into thous-
ands and there were 39 team contest-
ants and nine tractors, There was
not 'a hitch in. the program' under the
management of Secretary L. E. Car-
cliff and President Williai•ri. Speir. The
judging was done by Clark Young,.
of Milliken, assisted by lan McLeod,
district representative. •
The results were: • .
High cut,, Bert Hemingway, Brus-
sels; J. McMillan,.. Staffa; William
Collings, Mitchell.
Jointer plows in sod, open, N. G.
McLeod, Galt; J. Deans, Paris; R. J.
Scott, Cromarty; 'William Mitchell,
lows in sod, open to Iur-
on County, jack Willetts, Wingham;
Bennett Mitchell, Listowel; Percy
'Passmore, Exeter; Walter Woods,
Winglaam . .
Boys, 16 and under 19 years, in
sod, Wilbert McFadden, Millbank;
Gordon Eydt Millbank; Gordon
, . ,
Scott, Cromarty; Harold Pridham,
' Bciys under 16 in stubble, Kenneth
Brown; West Morikton; Bruce Jef-
fre3r, Teeswater; Jim Adams, VAT;'03C,
eter; Ross Cunningham, Ethel.
Single riding plows, in. sod, J. Hall,
Ayr; George Martin, Brussels; Wil-
lia.m Miller, Brussels; Robert IVIcMur-
ray, Brussels. :
Two -furrow tractors Gordon Mc-
, : ,
Gavin, Walton; Orval Wa.ssman, Mit
chell; T. P. O'Malley, Teeswater; J.
(- e , •had
Smith, Brussels.
Three -furrow' i
tractor, Pau. Arm-
strong, St. Marys; William. Heming-
way, Brussels; Thomas 1VIiller Jr.,
Brussels; Harry McCutcheon, Brus-
sela .
Goodison. Huron County tro-
-- .
phy for tractor class, Gordon licGav-
„ _ ,
m, :Walton. .
Eaton Company Special for jointer
plows, Jack Willetts, Wiagham.
Canada Flour Mills Special for high
rt Hemingway BruSsels
cut plows, Be , .
Canada Flour Mills Special for
jointer plows, open, N ,G. McLeod,
On Tuesday afternoon the ,Wom-
en's Missionary Society of St. And-
reve s Presbyterian Church - held a
very successful thank -offering meet-
ing in the auditorium of the ,church,
Despite the inelement weather there,
was a large attendance and. a splendid
nfiering received, Mrs. A. E. Ham-
mond gave. the dedicatory prayer and
Miss M. Anderson, Mrs. Jennie Cur-
rie and Mrs. • Kenneth 1VlacLeaa lead
in -a, season of prayer. Miss M. Mac-
Donald rendered a solo most accept-
ably. - •
The guest speaker was Mrs. '(Rev,)
Leggett .of Molesworth, who gave an
interesting and instructive address on
Thankfulness, basing her remarks on
the 116th Psalin. ' . ...
meeting Vas brought to .a.
close with prayer. by Mrs. Tenrit Sr.,
after which, the social committee ser-
ved lunchin the Sunday School and
a social hour was enjoyed.
, . . ,
' '
The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit -Jointer
ed Church held their inonthl .
y meeting
on Tuesday evening, October 17th, at
the home of lairs, J. 0. Habkirk. The
. -
. . . , Mrs, Jack .
meeting was in cnarge or aers. Jack
. ,
McKay. .'
After the opening hymn the Scrip -
. • .. , •
ture reading and exposition was gar-
en by Mrs. , (Dr.) Irwin; Miss Tena
' • • '
then gave a very pleasing piano
, Mrs. as. e e-
intrumental• M Ch Lloyd,d I
gate to the . district meeting of the
W. M. S. which was held at White -
on October 17th, brought to
. .
the meeting a splendid report.
Of special interest at the meeting
, .
was the information . given by Miss
Beatrice Joynt, relative to the work
done by the Strangers' Secretaries,
hstationed t w o are aCanadian cen-
tres into which immigrants come.
who are
These incoming strangers w
sometimes uncertain about their des -.warning
tination are directed and safeguarded,
.and if ll, .cared for by these women
of the church.
Following , this interesting talk,
business were scusse an
b • .matters di d d
. • • •
he meeting closed by repeating in
unison the Mizpah benediction.
dainty lunch was served and a
friendly time spent in chat.
Th•e storm that stetick Wingham
Saturday night did 'little damage but
at Goderich a high northwest wind
waters o ace Huron into
lashedof I-1
' • . did much
a fury and on land it did much dam-
age. Streets an roads. o town an
S df d
are strewn with ranc es, an
country'th b h d
t , . - . -
tumerous trees were uroken off or
limb was
A huge limb was blownread
from a tree in. Courthouse Park, fall-
ing lengthwiSe over a pedestrians'
vvalk, but fortunately no one was near
at the time. - .•
Rain fell in torrents for two hours,
. •
and the.electrical storm which accorn-
. ,
panted it was very sharp. At 10 p.m.
— •
Hydro servicean was not re-
failed d
sumed Until 4 a.m. Hydro service at
i ur-
Clinton and. Seaforth also failed 'd
ing the a.
. •
' .
Laugh with Eddie Cantor in "The
Kid from Spain" at Lyeettm Theatre
week.: ' •
airing -- for neat work
that will please you, try
)e Store. ,
Potato Special, Irish Cobblers
Potatoes are going to be higher.
Stock' 100 bags $1 15 bag.
in now.. . a.
Red Front Grocery.
..... s • •
t.ao ed Saturday Evening :
The United Farmers' Co -Operative
- 1 will be
Creamer will be closed Saturday ev-
enings . during the fall and .winter
months. . •
Badminton Players Attention
. A f the Badminton Club
meeting o „ ,
11 be held in the Armouries on Fri-
day night; .Oct. 27th (this week) for
the pur,pose of re -organizing for the
coming season. All who are interest-
ed in Badminton are asked to be pre-
"The Kid from Spain" .
„ , .
Here is a lavishly produced highly
, ,
amusing .picture with Eddie Cantor
at his hest. You will find this yarn
f td their'
o two . polite crooks who wen
way into the home- of a wealth Pa
isian widow, very amusing and de-
lightful. See Eddie as a bull -fighter
— it's just one big laugh after an-'
other. At the Lyceum Theatre this
week. ‘ • .
: Thurs, Fri., Sat. . ,
drug store shopping , at
1. Drug , Store Thursday,
:urday this week at the
lc Sale. See Page Two
lement. ,
ing Women's Institute
men's 'Institute of Wing-
ladies and gentlemen
for a social even-
trsday, Oct. 26th at 8 o'-
e Council Chamber. Pro-
music, readings„ also, an
Rev. Wm. Patterson, of
is subject "A Wider Out-
nada." Lunch Will be ser-
body, welcome. :
' Ladies' So -Lite Gayteef.
es in black or brown, at C
Snow Is Surprise
On Tuesday morning z
body was suprised at the
pearance that they behelc
The recent snow storm Le
been a warning that
h a.ve snow, but regardla
the fall of snow N
surprise. It may be that
er will now clear and be
while. Here's hoping.
- : • •
Cribbage Tourney Well )
The exponents of the
had a most enjoyable tot
the Armoatries on Fridi
The number of players
than previous tournamen
and as theplay res.- ke
ea e
pected the tournaments in
be even more largely aft,
boards were played ark
score was 1191 by G. NI
P. Harris just one palm
second place. Third priz
by T. Y. Smith with 1170
. • .
Smoke Stack Blew. Down. ,
' Although.the wind did a lot of dam-
age Saturday night in. Western On-
tario, very little was reported in
town. The smoke stack of MacLean's
sawmill; however, waa, blown down.
Will ,Preach on Temperance - ,
• • -A
United Church "The World Tem-
perance Sunday" Oct.'29, at 11 a.m,'
the Minister will speak on "The New
Approach to the Temperance Ques-
tion." This service will be broadcast
. Station s.
over WinghamS • 10BP (1-1200).
Night Classes,
If a sufficietit number enrol night
school will be conducted at the Wing-
hain Business College. Individual in-
struction in all Business College and
most High ' School subjects. Inquire
of K. G. Goheen, B.A., at Mr. Rob-
ert,Currie's Sr., or at home of George
Spotton. ,
Engagment Announced
The engagement is announced of
Mary Catherine Elizabeth, younger
daughter of Mr., David H. Alton, and
the late Mrs, Alton, Lucknow, to Mr,
Wilfred Winston Sherwin, younger
son of Me. . and. Mrs. Walter Sher-
win, Orono, Ont. The marriage to
take place early in November.
A Hot Chicken Su pper
W.11 1) 'cl ' the Presbyterian.
Will e serve in .2
Church, Bluevale„. Friday, Oct. 7th,
firdm 6 to:8 o'clock. A programme of
-. „ . . ,
violin music vocal selections and e,o-
, . , .
cation will be presented by talent
and 'Atka
from Listowel, Wingham - ..
now. This promises to be a real treatheld
- don't miss ,it. Admission 25 and 15c.
• , .
Died in California . ' ' • • ,
It F. Lloyd died at •hie'licirne,
wa. et,
C l'f 'first'
Oakland, at ornia, on Thursday,
Octobe • 12th. He was the eldest son
. i, , .
of the late Charles Lloyd, Witigham,
;a —.
Irie left wingharn as a young man,
later settling in Oakland, Calfornia,
where he engaged in the 'lumber 'bus-
iness for many years. He is a broth-
er f ,e, A. E. Lloyd, of ._
. . ..
Local Troops and Scouts
at Goderich
The local company of •the Huron
Regiment were in Goderich Thursday
of last week, and with the other corn-
patties formed a Guard' of Honour for
Load Bessborough, Governor-Generalu
and Lady Bessborough, on their of-
ficial visit to that town, The local
troop of BoY. Scouts were also pres-
ent and took part in' the d,emonstraa
tion. In the afternoon the Horan
Regiment had their animal inepeetion,
Made a ,verY
ci•editable” showing. They have been,
training for some time, ad the effic-
they! catiied
lent- manner with which',
out their d.rill must have been grat-
ifyitig to the, officers of the .company
aeophilus Finnen .
of the .pioneer men of this
passed on with the death
iilus Finnen, Wingham
on Wednesday afternoon
Mr. Finnen had been ill
days prior tea:ills death,
e his advanced years, up
me was .- enjoying good
a n Ireland in in ,1857 he
nada. with his parents at
five years and settled in
D. nosh and contintted,to re-:
district ever nce. Forty-
go he married Sarah Cam-
rnberrY. Besides his wid-
urvived by two daughters,
Frankum, of Woodbridge
.. Cas'emore at hoine, also
rs and one sister: Peter of
Mansie Charles, William,
.d . Mrs. George Crawford,
!rt Plains, Man. •
ral was., held front. his late
Wingham Town Plot, on
n -noon, •the service being
by the Rev. L, H. Currie:
took place in Wingham
The.pallbearers were: An-
ougall,' Geo. Cruickshank,
nson, S. Cleghorn, J. Jam-
M. Foxton. . .
Work Shoes — Real Bargain $1.98,
$2•49 and $2.98 at Greer's Shoe Store.
Saturday Meat Specials
Thbse prices are for cash, Saturday,
Oct. 28th, 1933. Rolled Roast of
.Good Beef 14c; Shoulder Roast 10
to 12c lb.; Round Steak 15c. See our
window for prices on other cuts of
meat. 'Thos. Field & Co. ' '
• • ht
eeting Thursday Ni
Hockey M . g
On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
• • ,
a meeting will be held i n Williams •
Restaurant in the interests of hockey.
Possibilities of having a hockey team
this winter, also a town lea.gue, will
be discussed, and it is hoped that all
interested in this sport will attend,
Successful Sale of Baking
• Ladies' Aid of St Andrew's
The . .
Presbyterian Church held a tea and.
sale of baking on Saturday afternoon.
There was a bountiful display of bak-
d the.
ing which found a ready sale an le
ladies were very pleased with the re-
It of their efforts
su s , •
Win First at Plowing Match
At 'the South Huron Plowing Match
,near Exeter last Thursday two
men from this district made a very
credita e s owing. or on c av-
bl 11.' ' GordonG G
• , • •
in, Wagon, took first place for trac-
t • d 12 ' h furrow, and W.
or in .so , -mc
' the
Brussels, .catnefin
tractor in soda10-inch furrow event.
Listowel Woman Badly Bur,ned
Severely burned when her clothes
,caught fire while she was lighting the
fire in the kitchen of her home about
5 o'clock IVIonday, Mrs. Elizabeth
Hartman, Listowel widow, living al-
one,' was ,removed to the Listowel
Memorial Hospital in !a critical con-
dition. The aged woman's plight was
discovered , by a passerby after she
had fled to the street, her clothes
ablaze.• , '
• ' .
, Decrease hi Bank Interest .
'a.Within the next six months—Per-
has sooner—a further cut hi the in-
terest rate to savings depositors in
Canada is probable, according to re-
liable information 'given the Milan,-
Cial Post. -Stith a, nutyWOtt14-"he'arle;'
'half per ,tenta •and Wotild brIng 'tile,
rate to lendera down to two per cent.
The traditional rate of three per cent
was slashed to two and orte-half per
cent last Atay, it will be remembered.
Qualified as Captain , •
.4. H. H. Towne of Town, Lieutenant
of B. Company, Huron Regiment,
qualified for the rank of Captain at
a supplementary sehool of infantry
and. machine guns held in London re-
Preached Anniversary Services
Re -v. Kenneth MacLean was in
Harston on Sunday and preached
. . .
the Anniversary Services in the Pres-
byterian Church there. Rev. Mr. Wil-
liams of Haniston, had charge of the
services at St. Andrew's Church here..
Sang Well at Walkerton •
On Sunday. evening the congrega-
of Knox Church had the pleas-
ure of hearing Mr. Weir Elliott of
Wi h NI Ell. tt who. has 't
ng am.. a r. to ,.w o as ,,a,Tut e
a reputation . as a soloist, sang he
Angelic Song" and "The Lord and
His Temple." His renditions were
much appreciated by the congrega-
• WalkertonH ld-
ton present. — era
Thnes. -
. Best Pure Maple Syrup, Imperial.
Gallon (13 lb., 3 oz.) $2.13; 132 ounce
tin $1.23; 72 oz. tin 97c. Taste sam-
ple before you buy. Red Front Gro-
eery. • . • .
: . ,
' ....-•
Purchased House , •
...a air. J. J. Evans who has been a
resident of town for the pa:st year,
has purchased • Mrs. J. Ritchie's house
on Centre St. - .
. ' : . - . • '
Sprained His Ankle' , ,
On Tuesday last week Sylvester
Martin who drives a team for the
MacLean Lumber arid Coal Co., had
finished his day's work and was about
to stable his teanaand, on getting off
the wagon had the misfortune to
spran his ankle. He has since been
unable to . work. ...•
- • :
Anniversary Services •
Anniversary- Services will be held
at -Eadies' Presbyterian Church,
Turnberry, next Sunday, Ott. 29th,. at
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. S. Kerr,
St. 'Paul s, Ont., formerly a, 8 t u d e n t
a E ,. ,
in charge of Bluevale aa adies con-
gregation will be the speaker at both
. , ,
services. All are cordially invited.
. . .
Griffin Auction Sale '
' The auction sale of the household
effects of the late Mrs. C. N. Griffin
• , .
was, held on Saturday afternoon,
"'here was a good attendance at thePerry,
sale and the bidding. was quite, spirit-
ed. The sale started about 1.30 :but,
- ,
due to. the large number of article's
for sale, it was after six-o'clockbe-
fore the last of the good was dispoSa
ed of. The house was put for sale,
but, we understand, it was riot sold.
Mrs. William J. Can
The death of Mary Fra
beloved wife of William ,
occurred at her home, L
Cession 10, .Turnberry, Sal
lung, Oct. 21st, in her
About one and a half yea
Campbell had an attack
and since that time had •
good health but her patim
titude during this period '
was a splendid example. L
• •
faith. Although not well
a e o e a ou an as
bltb•bt d
showed signs of improved
when she was stricken wi
attack of pain on Saturda3
r• d •
ie her away, it. was a
to her many friends and
She was born on the farn
passed away and was the
late John Hutton, i
away two months ago, an
ton, who is now in her 88
1901 she was married to 1
reft husband. She was 'a
the Wingham United C
was a valued member: c
man's Association.
Besides her husband an
er, she is survived by tw
three daughteas, Mary 1
Hunter, , jean Barclay, al
Annie, M., Camilla, Ont., a
. ,
A very representative' gathering
of delegates from the churches of
town was held in the Council Chain-
ber on Monday night last, the object
of meeting being to arrange. for send-
ing foodstuffs consisting of fruits, ve-
getables, etc., to those in dire need
out West.
The Anglican, Baptist, Presbyter-
tan Roman Catholic and . United
• ,tion
Churches -Were represented, and Lhese
-, •
headed by Wingham Town Lammed
to send one and perhaps two
. Tuesdayo • Wednesdaynext
cars on. i -
at the lateSt. "
,Canvassers were appointed fcii the
different wards o the town an these
will 11 the 'rri. di t 1-
ca on le citizens 1 inc, a e y
and the names of all those who .will
donate will be taken by the canvass-
ers and later in the •woek these don-
ations will be called for and ritizena
. 't d t straineffort to
are invi e oevery
help our brothers, in sore need. in
, West. .
many o our ana tan
districts f C . 4'
The Townships of Turnberry, East
Wawanosh, Howick and Morris, are
joining up with Wingham and the cit-
izens of these Townships are asked
to kindly bring in their donations .on
Friday or 'Sattirday of this week and
not later than Monday of next week.
F'ruit that will require packing is to
be left . at the Town Hall, Council
Chamber, and that which does not re-
-quire repacking, at the C.N.R. freight
We the ndersigned hereby invite
the citizen S of the tOwn and town-
ships to enter. heartily into this very
worthy undertalcingiby :giving hunted-
late ail liberal•eonsideration to this
call which is extremely' urgent, aed
our contribution shall ,be forwarded
with the least posSible delay, :
W. H, Willis, Mayor of Wingham.
Isaac Wright, Reeve of Turnberry.
Peter!Seett, Reeve of E. Wawartosh..
la; Cardiff, Aeeve of Morris. ,
1,' Gamble Reeve of Ilowick.
William Sellars
ral of the late William Set-
)ncession Morris, on ,Sun-
)on, was very largely at-
wing the high esteem and''
. • ' . • .
Let. his many friends and
tad for him. ' The service
:ted by the Rev. A. V.
)astor, at his late hoine.
born in Morris Township
o, son of the late Mr. and
Sellars; pioneers in that
and had been a resident of
ynship all his life. Pot' the
years he suffered from a
t condition) and about tWo
his condition became ser-
: gradually became weaker
ssed away on Friday.
• besides his widow, for.-
e Bone, Morris, is one son
(orris, and Mrs. William
me. He is also survived by
and three brothers: :Mrs,
ey, Toronto, Mrs.' Geo, &
S, foe' atirY, Mor-
of Wroxelier, a,nd Telford
washiP. , .,,
t took place ,in , Bruss,els
The p-allbeareirs were ava,!ers
oy, 'Charles, Harold, rt'anle.ti
Sellars.atid Roy Turv,ey,..
• ,
• --
Churchill - Hamilton
. '
A pretty autumn' wedding was sol-
e '7 d Saturday, Otcober 21st:'
rnni_e on ,
at high noon at the home of Mrs.
Olive E. liamilton,when she was un-
ited in marriage to Jarnes Frederick
Churchill, both of Bluevale.
„ The ceremony. was performed by
Rev. Mr. Robb of the Bluevale Unit-
ed Church. '• . ,
' ill e bride entered the drawing-
room on the arm of her -brother-in-
law, Alfred Hamilton. The bride was
becomingly dressed in a gown of egg-
shell crepe with lace trimmirigs. She
tarried a boticittet of pink carnations
and maiden hair fern. Her two little
nieces made pretty flower girls, and
were the ally attendants:
After the aigning of the register
about forty gnests sat down to a wed-
ding dinner after which the happy
•thitiple left by mestor for GtielPh, Tor-
onto and other pointS, the bride tra-
veiling in blue crepe dress and ac-
cessories to match, •
Ori their return thei'Will reside Jiii
the groorifs farm near' Bluevait.. "
who attends High Schoo
is also survived by four b
one sister, George of Bra]
of Cleveland, Ohio, Rev.
Park, Ont., Harold of W
Annie, Chappel, New Ot
sister, Mrs, George Camr
ceased her 11 Years ago.
The funeral was held fie
ily residence, Lot 17, Col
berry, art Tuesday aftertic
vice being cOadtmted by
Currie. Intertheat was n
Wingham Cemetery. Tl
ers were: ThOmaa Waltz
Murchison, Ivan Hap;
Haugh, Robin CalnPbell a
_ ,
The mutual meeting of the Wing-
ham Curling Club, Limited, was held
Mondayaevening in the Curlers' Club
rooms. 'There was a good attendance
arid the follpwing, officers were te-el-
ected: ,
Presideitt—W. G. Gray.
Sec,-Treas.—T. II. Gibson.' •
Bbard of -Directors—J. D. Rae, J.
Care Sr.,. H. Diment and J, A.,,Wikjaand,atheaacealacompatiy
son. ' . , „ ;
Another meeting, of the „sharehold-
will be held in about two vveeks
ne where busiaess Of importane:e
1 be alisettssed,
22nd, was
in Wing,
n the Soc-
rvice. Mre, e
of the W.
a brief ac -
o Woinare's
me and in. '
P. „Gowans
'ecial speak-
rtimer, Au- ,
China anct
al mission- ,
ead I. Col,- ‘••
ed her talk
ing that if
our neigh -
em in need,
tance. She
of medical
in the Pro -
40 million
o Women's
gling with
rid old tra-
11 calling
for assist-
cial music,. •
Mise jean
duet "Take. e
he. Eastent
of the EV,'
new styl-
reer's Shoe :
ost every -
wintry ap-
on rising.
f the West
we might
ss of this
s a great
the Weath-
fine for a
15-2, 15-4
rnament in
Y evening.
was larger
ts this fall
n it is ex -
future will
ended. Ten
the high
a.ckay, with,
behind for
e was won
ser Hutton,
. Campbell
t 17, Con-
urday mor -
57th year,
rs ago Mrs.
of the flu
not enjoyed
ice and fore
f ill health
f Christian
, she waS
of late she
health and
th a severe
which car -
great shock
where shg„
daughter' of
ho passed
Mrs. Hut -
rd year. In
er now be -
member of
hurch, and
f the Wo -
her moth -
o sons and
Sell, James
1 at hoine,
nd John L.,
I ‚here; she
rothers and
tdon, David
John, lino
indsor, and
tail o . One
bell, prede-
in the fam-h
. 10, Turna
on, the ser -
Rev. L. 11,
lade in the
c pallbear-
ce, Wilfred
la Fraser
nd Ma.lcoritt
. , .