HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-10-19, Page 4w.•
c lits a word per it,sertio,a, with 'a minimum charge of 25c.
Chamber on Coort days 'tis young
lawvya.ia ye will see,both fer the 'di-.
orrice en the o ince, as ye inoight sa'Y.
The principle w the Hole% and Pub -
lick Schools are both yours; i'nirt arr
n to be f
dI e want r
1Y wan, av ye
teeth faulted out 'tis a. slatrong young
xnan who will do the jawb fer ye, an
if ye Lily schare up enough money to
pay Yee weather rates tris a .young
man that will be afther ±akin it from
ye, We heve young min inanagin .the
nfacktories, the shtores, the bakeries,
an the butcher shops, an a lot av byes
on. the Publick School Boord. We
lrev young min in the .banks an in
itlIti'IMfAY Cider Mill operating the Noospayper awfice, an if;ye want
daily h the manufacture of cider, a c , up av laywhin are dawn town an
Apple 'butter snaking evet'y day e'
cent Saturday. Cider making 2c per git wake an toired throyin to put
1;•urleen, Apple butter 6c per gallon. some sinsible .oideas into :the heads
butter for sale. Herr- av tliir s
lrttbbarn ould Grits, his a
gots Co., Mildmay. young roan will .loikely bring it to
ye, unles ye happen to be in duck, an
a purty young girrul 'vid a clane ap-
ron on, brings it,
Yis, Shure, 'tisa young man's ,town.
itrtoirely we do : be livin in at the
prisint toi'n
e, an av
coorse they d o
be tinkin they kin run it bettlaer than
PRIVATE SALE—Of Household of -1 us ould feliahs used to run it, ,au
feets at the bonne of the late Mrs. webby they cud, if they cud foind
C . N. Grin, tonne.: x\v coorse ye know that the
SPECIAL—Geed 6 -Relent House on1 Dunt, gineraslruzi kapes party bizzy
Frances St,, with water and electric • wid golf, an bowling, an saft ball, an
tights, also good stable. An etcep- 'auto roidin, in the summer sayson„
thenal buy at $650.00. .Apply to T. an wid curlin, an hockey, an shnow
Fells, shooin in the eviuther toiuze., so =be,
by it wudden't be sinsibie .arr. rayson e
able to ixpickt thin to run the town
bizzyness jist in theer shpare toime,
so to shpake.
Hopin fer the besht,
Timothy Hay.
P.S. I fergot to minshun wan ting.
that if ye nade loife insurance 'tis a
CARD OF THANKS young man who " will be afther ye,
whether ye nade it arr not.
We wish to express our grateful T. g
appreciatiou to our naauy friends and
neighbour for their kindly se nrpathy
and experssions of sympathy during FALL FAIR CON -
'our recent sad bereavement.
Jas. Grigg and Family.
TR ti A•I.•1 -10 inch Grain Binder,
trice reasonable. oz able." Apply .Almond Jam-
ieson, R., R. le Belgravtee Phone 630-
SAI, li Two hundred -acre farm.
n ter the Bluevale Read, short dis-
tance from town; 40 acres
of bush.
One of the best farms in the town-
ship, For sale cheap to close an
esteto Apply
T. ?
ST on Wed., Oct. 11, at Wing-
s Fair, Ladies' Gold Wrist Wat-
rill, black band. Weed as' keep-
sake, Finder please phone Blyth
32r3, or write Bot 14, Auburn. Re-
MAN WANTED—to handle high
grade line of TeasCoffees, Spices,
Extracts, Toilet Preparations ations dir-
eet to established users. Openings
in Harlan. and Bruce Counties for
men with ar. White T. HWard
Company, John South, Hamilton.
THE FA 01;'S FUR CO, Toronto -
Wingltarn. We specialize in order
made coats. Choicest quality skins
used and best trimming's. Ailowan-
te made on old fur garments, ace
cordite: to value. Repairing, re-
modelling and relining. Best work-
manship, Winghain Phone, 204.
CARD OF THANKS Ln Aid of X -Ray Fund
Mrs. Tohn Anderson and family Receipts
wish :se thank their friends and nei- • Tickets sold by
hbours for their kinkiness auf ex
��Campbell n
cis• 8.75
pressi<wns twf syardpatHay during their
stent sad bereavement. £oy escouts 2 r5
1 at McKibbon's Drug Store ._.. 26.70
Sundry Donations 6.50
Mrs, Reba. T lay and fan iiy wish;
to thank their friends and neiglibers'
e y Total Re•.ceiptp 119.45'
for. their kindness anti ynspaehy dor-
ing their recentatria . bereavement al - m
' Disbursements
So .o thank a. 1•e kindly leaned; dTt
their car. G 'derich Players _- _ $ 90.00
Fall Fair Board Concession - 17.50
NOTICER.. H. Saint, rt draw
The foil wing ar endn'e.rats are now Telephone Calls oa
effective in eonnectior with l,itil& 'Sy- Advertising
law No, 951 lei the Tewt a of Wing -1 Denatioon to By e eouts Assoc,
harm. and thee have been duly apprc-'V i. r services rendered 2
eel by the 14'snistee of agriculture as ...EO
required i by The iOrtarie Mlilk and
Crean Act. Total disbursements M_:___.$ 56.99
1, Small animals shall be kept out
of stables and n ie `lac uses.
2 Ad milk shall, be chilled to 50
elgree as salon as Ie:?_sible and to be T 't l Ilectiilt.e i :x
kept at or below that temperature un- (Si ,edj ,J, , , 31. Spittal,
til rem -eyed kr delivery, Treasurer
3. All mill: offered kr sale .t:nfl be q '
delivered in Yi'a , fioltnt. with tight Fart Fair Concert Conaa,titee,
fitting cap.,. Since the iustailatio'n of the X -Ray
Persons violating an of the above e-utpment iu the i,,Vnghana General..
provisions will be liable to the penal- ii. spital only two months ago it has
ties set tent in The Milk 11w-11" Num- l already pro-Cdto be of inestimable
bey 9ai1 of theme Ttnn-ts ,C,'' Wae,in,mz, altae ;n Pee/sting lite cloctc rs t.0diad
inglaam, Ont. fro e caseee aeiz tit e, and therebe gav-
,.. _. _ axag relief to sum rang patients as well
ry. Time
T'.lu E: YOUNG. MEN ARE a$ t dthe utmost speed
rtance iia man_
RUNNING THINGS eases of eicknees and in fact delay
lnight easily. scene tittle mega: the dir-
!,erence between life and death of
wour'r.e:f or your loved cues. Ace
ace 0* ',sieves' and sickness play no raw orite-
ea that ,and who can tell but what You might
/de taken place in the pasta few i have 'Catai need se this X -Ray euluip-
wrr a7 I kax e w. ndheein if they de lmerat emorrove Why ni1:give your
1ik' n'2"i 'd •7noyen int n'1' tines, ars; eappert to this worthy* project SOW.
Vt. H1'Crnl„I wv ni saw; tre .. u d tibias- ',,Centributions, ne raattler haw small,
s. T4ho"le Vdieehene a townin' win be gratefnai;y received see, the
iii a i ze ie ''sift 'en ehe Irene ; . la3airaber of Ceretner ee which are
ehtrate tcday. ,sponsering The tae hase of the gra-
Tis t.,, tein1e fer the $'outs ruin, , cl,atae,
ee o ° ke, an 1 suet i s e. ns c.i id . t anatic,rs may he fien'2°t direct tul the
tidies war l 77, a her to ei't back an,;Clearaber of Corneae:ate, the i[r4ti$iate
teet ie beas.'Slain the besht then lin'Times et 3u'1' of cw 7t?y.+,3 1'J+'33aI:Z`...
dee n n. iii fer 'triiresile c`e. I
t t< ' ,,-1: xv tial",, ,spur t{l 'fall PRESENTATION
di. ,.'k', ' i the S'.:,7,13.•l'i fart IV the ern-
?3 t. a erber; ef the eol'eg'eya'.tien af.
i4 e, *r c:i^tee si n rt yi:,w g fellalw the Sacred Heart parish bade. feet.
Se e..-, rxi, i `i .il 1` ..ye ,'as.:.ti ^v riitlle well to Itl5e. Roth and her family,
1 ,1 , o ,R^ ' l l' .'.� al .e.in genial 1707!4:1 . hove been esteemed life-ieng
to -net. :thee: is no 'Nay in eternber: '`.0 the parish. en
11 ,4 Lair"b to .+L uvt r:.r,,.' r- acre the ea d e eniue, at the home of Mrs,
se .,n1 Zt•3 ' - Tarn McLean. an Jawn '!M s;ayare
1 ?ash. ,all ,, v s,a tawe_i3f '. t;,y
e ?aaMrt:d' ,,rs, Ms,Glnnan';..h<^;uxe was t
tG x"41w:.va,�."�t.". thryw,% ate. t t its ks,' D a`ks old: and y
wynfir' to bili 3 rtg,
-,..',. I. "":i: a wf i b .:tth ,' l r ri tul' s$,. Roth. atad feud ll
"Iles sa. lIsgeatthings,
1i A„P ttrki their Maes li re gild ltt • their
Net proceeds 6')46'
I Editor av all shin
'\ ingham payers.
am I tink ar aL °&lye ekar
d ww 'yV: -7
we lovable way, made 'the
one of the parish,
hollowwinl a social<tame of cards,
tt,lae. Roth was presented with a'set
of oceasional chairs and Teresa was
the recipient of a beautiful silver
spoon Mfrs. McGlynn made the pre-
sentation on behalf of the parish and
Mrs R. Sproa'l read the address.
Mfrs. Roth was visibly touched and
delightfully surprised, as she accepted
the farewell present and beautiful il-
lumined address, In a few well-chos-
en words she thanked the members
of the parish from. the bottom of her
heart and promised she would never
forget them, She said, in London she
would not be very far away, and hop-
ed sincerely she would be visited`fre-
quently by her Winghaur friends.
Father Paquette expressed his re-
g sat the departure of Mrs, Roth
and her family, saying it was a double
loss in losing Mfrs. Roth and Teresa
has always y
i Y
s begirt a member of
the choir and of late the organist.
Mrs, Roth's character may well be
discerned by the fact that , she has'
two daughters in the convent.
The test of the address follows:
Dear Mrs. Roth and Family:
The Pastor, and we, the members
of the Sacred Heart Parish, Wing -
ham; have assembled here to express
in a tangible way our esteem and ap-
preciation of your friendship.
Duringthe t e many years of our ac-
quaintance your genial manner, ad-
mirable disposition, and high ideals
have r
you ou in our affection;.
You have always given unselfishly of
your time and ability in our. interests.
Personal contact with you and your
family has been and always will be
an inspiration of indelible character
on each and every one of us. We
avail ourselves of this opportunity to
express our gratitude for your ben-
evolence and as a slight token, we
ask you to accept these chairs, not
for their intrinsic value, but as a re-
membrance of Wingham, as we are
toonfident your many .and sterling
qualities shall widen your circle of
We are proud to call ' you, . worthy
May health and strength and good
fuel: you attend,
And joy and pleasure be thy happy
And make thy home a blessed spot.
Signed on behalf of the parish,
Renu. Fr. Paquette,
Mrs. P. McGlynn,
Mrs. R. Sproat,
Mrs. P. Gibbons.
Mrs. Roth and family left for their
new hone in London en Monday.
Harry Fry
Furniture and
Funeral Service
L. N. Hun)* Mgr.
Day Phone 117. Night Phone 109
Mr,and �Ir
s.lg Simpson i
J"o r S ps Bord-
en of London on Tuesday celebrated
their . golden wedding anniversary.
Their tww o sons nsanddaughters
two to s
o da a
were present for the occasion. A fam-
ily re -union dinner was held in the
Fifty years ago, Claire Orr, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Orr, of
Wroxeter, became the bride of John
Simpson Borden. After their roar-
riage Mr. and Mrs. Borden first liv-
ed in Kincardine, then, : moved to
Wingham where they lived for ten
years. Twenty-eight years ago `they
moved to L o d n
The members of the family are:
Thomas Orr Borden, of Chicago; Jno.
W. Borden, of London, Miss Violet
Borden of Detroit, and Miss May
Borden, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden are both
members -
of New St. James Presby-
terian Church.
Mrs. Borden was 71 years of age
in September and M'r. Borden will be
81 in March. -
The ladies who sold tags, tickets
on the Fox Fur and 'Fall Fair Con-
cert at the Fall Fair grounds on Fair
Day did a great deal toward swelling
the X -Ray Fund. Mrs. Herb, Camp-
bell, as supervisor of the tag day ef-
forts, reports the results as follows:
Sale of tickets on Fox Fur $ 40.50
Sale of Fall Fair Concert
Donations -..-, .,.....,_.. 7.79
Thursday, October 19, 1933"
Annual Oatherirrg HelS
' U andC.OATS
with Cainpus Complexes
I f
d At Brussels
The Sixth Annual Sabbath School ■
Convention of the Maitland Presby- '1111
tery of the Presbyterian Church was ■
held. last Tuesday in the Melville
Church Brussels with. a good r•.epr.e- `
sentation . from different congregat-
ions within the bounds. Rev, J. L, ,■
Burgess, of Kinloss, presiding, two ■:
valuable and interesting sessions were
held, afternoon and evening, ■
In the afternoon period, Mr. Bur-
sges was assisted in the devotional 1
excerises by Rev. A. Leggett of
Molesworth. Rev, J. K. MacGillivray
of Ashfield, led in the discussion of /
the "Bible Class,,� dwelling' on the ■
different teaching methods, the value ■
of organization and the principal
jectives to be kept in mind through- h- ■
c4rtt, Mrs. Wesley Huston, ' Lucknow, . •
made a fine contribution to the con- /
vention with her paper on "The ■
Primary Department," speaking of it II
as the hope of the school, stressing •
the value of the graded lessons, and 1
the many attractions here for any
lover . of child life. Miss Murdeau M
MacLeod of Kinloss, dealt with the, ,
question of "Child Evangelism,'' ■
speaking of the influence of the home •
and the school in bringing the child III
to a fuller knowledge of God. ■
Rev. Wm. Patterson, of Biuevale, MI
presented x a graphic and arresting..
way "The Boy Problem," pointing
out the rights of the boy, and remind- se
ing his aduience that all leaders of ■
boys had to keep constantly in -mind
the fact that they were young once
themselves, He further reminded his IN
hearers that every earnest friend of ■
youth by the use of tact, a natural ■,
sympathetic interest and a' genuine •
love, colud notfail to impress: upon •
a boy's life certain characteristics, ■
that would remain with him all the
years. A round table conference, deal- ■
ing with questions, arising out of the ■
different addresses, was ably conduct- ■
ed by Rev. Dr. G. P. Duncan, Strat- ■
The evening session opened with a
song service led by Rev, John Pol-
lock, of Whitechurch. Rev. W. Moore
conducted devotional exercises and an
S fi5 inspirational address on "Sunday
School Teachers, Their Aims and
Ideals," was given by Dr. Duncan. In
a very thoughtful and able manner
he considered with his audience the
main things to. be kept in mind
throughout, impressing on the teach -
The Chamber of Commerce are in- ers present that once they were firm -
Total -.. .w-.$ '57.04
Expenses .99
Net result $ 56.05
deed grateful to the' ladies who sold
lv possessed of the idea that they had
tickets and tags. a work to perform, a work of th'e
highest importance, that would never
be done without them, theirs would
be the unconquerable spirit.
Special musical numbers were giv-
en during the day, including a solo by
Miss Janet Craig, Whitechurch, and
a duet by the Misses Vera Porter nad
Laura Grainger, Ethel, Mrs. W. C.
King presided at the organ through-
the sessions.
.. OIiS.
Rev. J. L. Burgess, Kinloss, the
convener of the Presbytery's commit-
tee, was assisted in the direction of
Ontario, was granted leave to ,appeal this succe cflu convention by Rec• J.
On the grounds that sentences of
Elections or
g ' Germany
for Nov.12
12 ria nt s
definite e
and�i_x months
� hs
indeterminate to ran concurrently;
imposed on . Gordon Young, former
Connty of, Huron treasurer, conn -ret
ed by Magistrate C A. Reid at God-
r of three chargeses involving
of countys moneys, were "wholly in-
adequate," NV. B. Common, K.C.
pearing for the Attorney -General of
On Saturday Germany abruptly !I
ended disenssiions with the Steering
Committee of the Disarniarnent Con-
at Geneva by declaring, in
effect, that since it was evident the,
other powers had no intention of act-
ing justly she y toward ' Gt:rmany. ,.lye eras:
reed to withdraw ,m
both bth the
Conference and the League of Nat-. the sentence by' '_air. justice E, `` r' MacGillivray, Asiirreld, and Elders
ions. Miiddieton at. Osnflode PialI_ M-oun I John McDonald and Dr. A, J. Simp-
Following this announcement con- on trial recently, son'
�, S, pleaded guilty to
ee ed to Geneva bythe German For- charges of the"of
tt 53'E00 while ern-
, a Office, Chancellor Hitler broad- ; played as county treasurer from 1923'
cast a speech to the nation—which ine .to 1933, of destroying and mutilating
cid'ental y was carried to oilier conn- books and. conspiracy to defraud. The 1
tries by an international' hook-up—an department contends the sentences
aeeount of the alleged reasons which should have provided for a penitent-
l'3ad led. the Berlin Cabinet to is. mo- rare- .term of imprisonment.
stientous decision. x Hot, -at
± z w2lca OF
also +obtained from the Pres- :. .. .r w ; T,H_ L.PI 4Arti:.e.d 14EDIC.ew.L
atlenf,, yon Hindenburg, dissolution ofaiiailian Associaaa a arno a r=e
tetsra a, ayes: conspenel es
tlae Reichstag; and authority for,hold- aai c irvAna
Lig. a general election on Nov.12, Last 'Opportunity tyr to Visit ..a.-..
World $ Far' at Such BALANCED
yriaet3 the German people -willIre ask- , ,,. ,:, ,
ted to notify the world, in a .plebiscite Low Cost f ti these days _ s of 'oniwrersat economic
sof 'their united approval of the Hit ' stress, we hear a great deal about
ler to policy. ced budgets, and most of las
Iia his address Hili r streaanc�astyChi
haw a had. audgetsl experience in the
Pied the Gen,�„aaa war guilt, spa ges dullbcult task of establishing a balan
. that his peeuie were surrounded ice between income and ex.
AND RETURNexpenditure. bitter and jealous enemies., pro- There are:also other forms- of balan-
tes cd dans uua_t'erabte desire for peace i ce which are important to us. We
and for friend hip with Frrance, call- balance our bodies when we stand.
't'dii o• the•other nations to dr,
�arS�ul,' � � and wva%k even v n ,IaotagIa we may not
and declared that Germany asked on- Srinall Stara%aarge Eattain the. degree of dexterity off" a
ly eejua'lity until scab disarmament sq tight -rave sor
er. We should. balance
liad been effected. Germany, he said,:
From WINGs�IA our diet, 'because balanced meals
evoa"a+ no l'•iu er bear the bUrailiaann cling 43 1't BER . 7t12. ',make for physical health, just as bar-
ev being regarded as a _eeond-class,, Rei7t.-5J g froom �CEca�grsaao u to f, 3e anted budgets make for economic
power, ;. strong tri.
At Geneva Sir John Simon seem-'FonkeeerezeeEen from any ,Canadian Ynu sh uId+belong to that group of
iatarked the situation, pr::ating ,one Pacific Agent, or G. L. Baker, people who are neither too careless
that cit -yeas the partial rearmament rff Phone 4±. alta tInoo car,:fral abo;ttt their diet or
? L y,atia?aa Haar no para of the w,c,rk ! r, otbeu #firings ira life Jus,`; as the
,TMf a c.araference ;en disarmament. ' . P� Ct spe:dtnratt and the miser are tindesir-
Government cerement en the new; 'able becise they hare carried their
a: oastiWon its Engine is withheld in a3. , habits ef spending and thrift to pec-'
t,: nines, but the Earo,#ean cress; urem s, sr, the gourmand
do net .:sn.eal its '�. � .. and , g and the
t- g revitZ,, and i nA D-iet}, .' S+ _, '. Fre't✓ed faddist Ilia'+'•e distorted the'n r'- it,ae Minister MacDonald returned rl r , COLLEC
. .
' �Y
ffi S.Vf0.1PC�9 'YID CM GZ ' -.� healthy .�lt3r-,
c a i. ..till''
appetite lag,
+•�a yea
t' Lend ,n -en Sunday rem R,- Adan^
f , a w_,ra3a�r" �.•" ��, � � �.es;;+,i their health in sty doing.
T"r�'ra many people tail: of ' c
� ., .' .' ... + a , ,..:.. � .., calorie-,.
The Disarmament
re eer + ,.
. �a3 .erif 1. <1e,te• -uW�,. ,,,.lay r -.eP _..._., - ,. :wDt3ia:ur_� and rnijaerals without know -
ens opens today'. wrili be adjourned for a i . •� .
�.: allow � '�� iL"`, ,F >�Jb"x�`,es,.:�- I ��' what hese words.; mean. Vo
~weer., in orde.r to all ww the de:tetptes an Ise W , b er
to eo afer with their Governments, d w learn what they yeun-
"a'' � astGar..xsbl. +etttis_�
_, . ;.; ; '�, ,: � ri�ts� Wtnr 'htrday o'else ntvt n=e them to mystify yc3itt-
t a seek for may 'pteseible way o~a�+ e f, f r 3cutlaas a >a d ',s s agbber. Mtich more
the resetat-impasse. A sass meed T l B mor xat as 'it nor. yell t
titdal' at Getae heated Leta 'acrd CAl~aDs. B o learn Iaoww
� er to app1»i= what xs lasre!iran so that goat
aCtpst %erniatay " obs't.su brag +t s� « Th '. toren d, ! 7 .y - r a fid trteasure of Ileal t
sr,liiki t9ela# Ter is n'ctbusg m _tarious about
The �
$ 14.75 a
had. young men distinctly in •'mind while selecting these ■
new fall fabrics, the patterns and the models. They come from i
the famous Name -maker shops of master= designers and tailors. /.
•■ There are Suits and Coatshere that fairly breathe quality mer-
• chandise. The new browns have the call .: in . a variety of /•
■ tones, one of _ which is bound -to be the shades you can wear. t
• These same "Suits and Coats will no doubt sell at much higher
prices later in the season , .. All sizes, young men and men. • '
H. E. ISARD & Co, 1 IN
iiim MI1.Ia••uIIIIM.MIu•RIII1•Iu'IRHlt;
the balanced diet. It is called "hal- will be answered personally by letter:_
anted" because it provides all, those
elements which the body must secure
from foods in order to maintain its
health and strength. You can do this
without giving thought to calories,
vitamins or minerals provided you
make sure that each day, you include
in your diet milk and milk products,
green vegetables and fresh fruits, in
to meat, fish and eggs, s, po-
tatoes and cereals. '
We stress the milk, green vegetab-
les and fresh fruits because these are
the protective foods which balance
the diet, and because they are the
foods which are most often left out
of the diet. There is nothing wrong
with meat, potatoes, bread andtea,
but used without protective foods,
they do not make up a Balanced diet.
a e sure that you use milk, green
vegetables and fresh fruits every day
and so have a balanced diet, because
that makes the intake equal the out-
utpu.t and the balance is health.
Questions concerning Health, ad
dressed: to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Reid and family visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley of Sea -
forth -on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman vis-
ited at Mr. Beacom's, Londesboro, on
Sunday. Miss Edith Beacomicame
homewith w th them. ,
The W.M.S. of Brick 'United have
been invited by the W, M. S. of
Bel -
grave, tovisit them
at1 ei
t, r
on Friday, Oct. 20th.
Quite a nember from here attended:
the sectional meeting of the northern
part of Huron Presbytery at White-
church ; on Tuesday. Mrs. Leslie
Wightman was one of the speakers.
"How long does the train stop.
here?" the old lady asked of the
"Stop here?" answered the func-
tionary. "Olt, four minutes, From'
two to. two totwo-two!' •
'1 wonder," mused the old lady, "if
that man thinks he is the whistle?"
Attend to it NOW before It becomes neces-
sary to keep the fire ` :
s �o>!Ir`�,g, and have it ready for
the winter's use. Phone 58 for prompt service.